Homework Assigned For Homeroom: 9-1 (206)
June 10, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we started watching the 1996 film version of 'Romeo & Juliet'. We will continue this movie tomorrow.
June 7, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we had a listening quiz in class.
June 4, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the class started work on creating their own version of the book cover for Romeo & Juliet. They will finish this up tomorrow.
May 28, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished reading Act IV.

The quiz on Acts IV and V will be on Monday, June 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished reading Act IV.

The quiz on Acts IV and V will be on Monday, June 3rd.
May 24, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The quiz on Act III is on Monday. The link to the review Quizlet is in Google Classroom.
May 22, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished reading Act III, scenes 3 and 4 of Romeo & Juliet. We will finish the Act tomorrow. The quiz on this act will be on Monday, May 27th.
May 17, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the class had a quiz on Act II of Romeo & Juliet. We will be reading Act III next week, with a quiz on that act later in the week.
May 16, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished watching the video of Act II of Romeo & Juliet. There will be a quiz on Act II tomorrow in class. There is also a link to a review Quizlet in Google Classroom.
May 15, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished Act II in Romeo & Juliet. The quiz on this act will be on Friday, May 17th. There is a link to a review Quizlet in Google Classroom.
May 10, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished reading to the end of Act II, Scene 2 in 'Romeo & Juliet'.

There will be a quiz on Act I on Tuesday coming. Study materials will be in Google Classroom.
April 25, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we continued watching the video of the stage performance of 'Romeo & Juliet'. We will continue with this tomorrow.
April 22, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we started watching the stage version of 'Romeo & Juliet'. We will be watching this version, then working in the booklet of questions.
March 20, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we continued with the novel presentations and then the Poetry booklet. Students are asked to turn in the booklet when it is finished.
March 18, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we started our novel presentations. Students are reminded to bring in their collages for presentations. Collages not submitted by Thursday will receive a 0 in PowerSchool until the project is handed in and presented.
March 13, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we continued working on the Poetry booklet. We read poems involving metaphor and personification.
March 12, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we started working on Poetry. The students will be working through a booklet which is in Google Classroom.
March 11, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we spent some time of Grammar for Grammar Monday.
March 7, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Due to extenuating circumstances, the novel project will be moved back to Monday, March 18th.
March 1, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Hamilton Musical
- today we continued with the Hamilton musical which we will complete over the next couple of classes.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
No class today due to Spirit Week Activities.

Reminder that the novel projects are due on Monday, March 11th.
February 29, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We are in the process of continuing the presentations for the Persuasive Essays.

The deadline for the novel project (collage) has been moved back one week, to Monday, March 11th.
February 26, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Due to a number of students not having their Persuasive Essay finished, we had one last class to finish up. Presentations will start tomorrow.

Reminder that the novel projects are due next Monday, March 4th.
February 22, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The class continued working on their Persuasive Essays. Tomorrow will be Reading Friday.
February 21, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Hamilton Musical
- today we looked at a brief overview of characters and story (posted in Google Classroom)
- We started the musical which we will complete over the next couple of classes.

Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the class wrote the Essay Test. Tomorrow they will continue working on their persuasive essays (presentations start on Monday), and Friday will be Reading Friday. Reminder that the novel project description (Collage) is in Google Classroom, and it is due on March 4th.
February 19, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the students were asked to continue working on their persuasive essay. The essay is due on Feb. 23, with presentations starting on Feb. 26.

There will be an essay test on Wednesday, Feb. 21.
February 16, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today was a reading period.

The essay test will be on Tuesday, February 20th. There are study materials in Google Classroom.
February 5, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read and contrasted essays from Margaret Wente and Danny Williams. Students are encouraged to select a topic for their persuasive essay.
February 2, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
The following 3 assignments should now be completed and submitted on our Google Classroom. We had a catch up class today

Exploring Music Together
1. Beethoven
2. Holst (Mars)
3. Holst (Jupiter)
February 1, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
The following 3 assignments should now be completed and submitted on our Google Classroom. We completed the third today.

Exploring Music Together
1. Beethoven
2. Holst (Mars)
3. Holst (Jupiter)
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
The following 3 assignments should now be completed and submitted on our Google Classroom. We completed the third today.

Exploring Music Together
1. Beethoven
2. Holst (Mars)
3. Holst (Jupiter)
January 25, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the students worked on a practice essay and answered questions on the essay.

Tomorrow will be Reading Friday. Please bring your novel to class.
January 24, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We did a worksheet on Transition Words, and went over the answers for the worksheet completed yesterday.
January 23, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished the questions on the essay 'Heroes I Admire'.
January 22, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read an essay titled 'Heroes I Admire' and started a worksheet. The assignment is posted in Google Classroom.
January 12, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today was the last day to work in class on the Photo Story project. Students were also asked to complete their Essay Types posters.
January 11, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The class continued work on the 'Types of Essay' poster project.

Students are reminded to select a novel to read for the Independent Novel Project, starting next week.

Tomorrow we will have our last class for the photo essay project.
January 9, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we introduced the Persuasive Essay Unit. Students will have to select a topic upon which they can write a five paragraph persuasive essay. Details are in Google Classroom.

We will also be starting a new Independent Novel Project next week. Students are asked to find a novel that they can read at home and in class on Fridays for the next four to five weeks. Details of the assignment will be posted in Google Classroom next week.
January 8, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today students were asked to complete the brochure/flyer that they started on Thursday. Friday will be the last class for working on the photo stories. Details are in Google Classroom.

We will be having an Independent Novel project starting next week. Students are asked to pick out a novel to read on Fridays. Details of the project will be in Google Classroom.
January 3, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The students worked on a digital escape room based around the novel 'The Giver'.
January 2, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we worked on a goal-setting activity, and the students were then allowed a chance to catch up on outstanding or incomplete work.
December 19, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We continued with the novel cover activity.
December 18, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We started an activity where the class were asked to create their own version of the cover for the novel 'The Giver'. We will finish this tomorrow.
December 15, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished watching the movie of 'The Giver', and the students worked on a comparison worksheet.

If you missed any of the movie, there is a copy in Google Classroom that you can watch.
December 12, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the students wrote the content quiz. Tomorrow we will start watching the movie of 'The Giver' in class.
December 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Now that we have finished the novel, students are asked to finish and turn in their question booklet.

Review materials (Quizlet, chapter summaries) are in Google Classroom. Reminder that the novel quiz will be on Tuesday, Dec. 12.

Tomorrow we will be working on the Photo Story project. Please bring your Chromebooks to class.
December 6, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read chapters 22 and 23, finishing the novel.
December 5, 2023
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Rap Brainstorming Activity - Today was the only class time given for this short activity. Due Dec 8th. A minimum of 2 topics must be completed.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We read chapter 21 in the novel and students were asked to work on their questions.

There will be a quiz on the novel on Tuesday, December 12th.
December 4, 2023
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Any student who missed class today should review the Google Slides presentation titled 'Rap Music Presentation' posted to the google classroom today.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read chapters 19 and 20 in the novel and worked on the questions.

We will have a quiz on the novel early next week.
November 30, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read chapter 18, and worked on questions in the booklet.

Tomorrow we will be working on the Photo story. Please make sure you have your Chromebook, and try to get your photos planned if you have not done so already.
November 29, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Class was cancelled due to early dismissal.
November 28, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read chapter 17 and the students worked on the questions.

Reminder to think about your photos for the photo story. We will be working on it again on Friday.
November 20, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We read chapters 11 & 12 in 'The Giver' and worked on questions in the booklet.

Students are reminded to take the photos for their photo story at home. Details are in the assignment in Google Classroom.
November 15, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The students wrote a listening quiz on chapter 9 of 'The Giver', then worked on the questions in the booklet.
November 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read chapters 7 & 8 in 'The Giver' and answered questions in the booklet.
November 10, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we discussed the Photo Story project, which we will be doing on Fridays. Photos will have to be taken outside of school. Planning sheet is in Google Classroom.
November 9, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We read chapter 6 in 'The Giver', and students were asked to work on the questions from chapters 5 and 6.
November 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read chapters 2 and 3 of 'The Giver', and worked on questions in the booklet.
November 6, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we started reading the novel 'The Giver'. We read chapter one and answered the questions in the student booklet. The booklet, as well as a PDF and audio version of the novel, are all in Google Classroom.
November 3, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the class had a make-up class. We will start reading our novel on Monday.
November 2, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we viewed a slideshow setting up the novel 'The Giver', which we will be starting on Monday. The slideshow has been added to Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Today we discussed the division of rational numbers from pages 80-84 of the notes.

Monday students will start an assessment of learning goals 1.3 and 1.4. On Monday they will be writing an open-book assignment which they will hand in at the end of class. That assignment will be handed back to them on Tuesday with a chance to check their work using the digital pixel art key and correct any answers that are wrong. Assignments will be collected Tuesday at the end of class of me to mark.
November 1, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Students were given today as a work period to catch up on all the notes up to and including page 79.
For extra practice, the following was assigned from the textbook:
page 103 # 16ab, 17ab, 23a, 24a
page 112 # 9abc, 11ace
page 119 # 7ace, 9abc
page 127 # 5ab, 7ab

The assignment on learning goals 1.3 and 1.4 are scheduled for Monday, Nov 6
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we worked on an activity comparing 'utopia' to 'dystopia'.
October 31, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we watched two episodes of 'The Twilight Zone', discussing the elements of irony and differences between when these episodes were filmed.
October 30, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Today we discussed and worked through the examples of multiplying rational numbers from pages 73-76 of the notes. Students should have all of the examples on these pages completed by tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished 'Coraline' and the question booklet.
October 26, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Some students completed the reassessment. Afterward, everyone was asked to work on the subtraction of rational integers. All students should finish pages 66-72 of the notes.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we continued watching 'Coraline'.
October 25, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Today we discussed the subtraction of rational numbers and students were assigned questions from pages 66-72 of the notes. We will continue this topic tomorrow but students should have the effort to complete up to page 69 tonight.

A reminder that the reassessment for Learning Goal 1.2 is tomorrow for those who wish to write it.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we started the movie 'Coraline', and an activity booklet on the movie.
October 24, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the class wrote the short story test.
October 23, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Completed pages 60-62 from notes on adding rational numbers.
October 20, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The class did an on-line review of their terms using Blooket.
October 19, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Students were given an assignment on the movie John Q we watched about morals and ethics. If not completed during class is it now for homework.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the students were asked to read a story in Google Classroom and answer questions on a practice test.
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Reassessment on Learning Goal 1.2 is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 26 if they wish to take it. There is an extra practice posted in Google Classroom to help them review the laws of exponents.

Today students worked on comparing and ordering rational numbers and were asked to complete page 56 of the notes.
October 18, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we worked on two practice questions involving Irony and Point of View.
October 17, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we continued working with the story 'Sentry', and the brainstormed how to answer a question about making a connection.
October 16, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read the short story 'Sentry' and worked on a question about conflict. This is to help get ready for the test on Tuesday, Oct. 24th. There are study materials in Google Classroom for review.
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Test on Learning Goal 1.2 TOMORROW
Today students completed more review for the test.
October 13, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Students worked on a practice test today. The answers to the practice test and the notes have been uploaded to help with students' review over the weekend. There are still some misconceptions about the power rules so we will do another class of review on Monday and delay the test till Tuesday, Oct. 17.
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We continued with the presentations today. We will finish them on Monday. Any presentations not completed by the end of class on Monday will receive a zero until an alternate time for presenting is arranged.
October 11, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we started the independent novel presentations.

Reminder of the test on October 24. Study materials have been added to Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Students are asked to complete up to and including page 44 in the notes.

Test on Learning Goal 1.2 on Monday, Oct. 16
October 10, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The class was given an opportunity to work on their novel projects, with presentations starting tomorrow.
October 4, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today the students connected to the CommonLit website through their Google Classroom, and started working on some stories that have been assigned there.

The test on Short Stories has been set for October 24.
October 3, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
The class continued working on their questions and poster for 'Lather and Nothing Else'.
September 28, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We continued working on the questions for the short story 'Lather and Nothing Else'.

Tomorrow will be Reading Friday. Please bring your novels. The Independent Novel Project information has been posted in Google Classroom. The join code is tjinubq.
September 27, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We read the short story 'Lather and Nothing Else', and started a booklet of questions for this story.
September 26, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we worked on a visual activity involving the short story 'The Interlopers'.

The information on the Independent Novel Project has been posted in Google Classroom.
September 25, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we had a listening quiz on the short story 'Once Upon A Time'
September 21, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read the short story 'The Interlopers' and answered questions based on the story.

All stories and questions are in Google Classroom, if you miss a day.

Tomorrow will be Reading Friday. Please bring your novel to class.
September 20, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we looked for the Dramatic Irony in the song 'Aunt Martha's Sheep', and compared that to 'Lamb to the Slaughter'. Students were also responsible for answering questions and completing a journal entry.
September 19, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we watched a video of 'Lamb to the Slaughter', discussed the similarities and differences between this version and the printed one, and then did an activity on deciding the guilt of Mary, the main character.
September 18, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we read the short story 'Lamb to the Slaughter'. We worked on questions, and will continue with this story tomorrow.
September 15, 2023
Assigned By: Heather Denine
Student are asked to complete the following practice on approximating square roots:
#4, 6, 7, 17 from page 18 of the textbook
#8 and 10 from page 21 of the textbook
September 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we had a novel selection period in the library. Students were asked to check out a novel if they do not already have one for the on-going Independent Novel Project.

Tomorrow will be Reading Friday.
September 12, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we finished the short story 'This Way Nobody Gets the Blame'. A copy if the story and questions have been placed in Google Classroom if you were absent.

Google Classroom join code: tjinubq
September 11, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
Today we went over the characteristics of the Short Story, then started looking at a story called, 'This Way Nobody Gets the Blame'. We will finish this story tomorrow.

Google Classroom join code: tjinubq
September 8, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: David Walsh
We had our first Reading Friday.
June 16, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
June 15, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recovery Test tomorrow.
June 14, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recovery Test on Friday.
June 13, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Circle Geometry Test tomorrow. Use the in-class assessment we took up today to help you to study and improve. Full solutions are now posted in our Google classroom. More practice questions can be found on page 418-419 of the textbook.
June 12, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Study for circle geometry test on Wednesday. Tomorrow we will take up the solutions to today's in class assignment to also help you to prepare.
June 9, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the review questions on pages 19-22 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open book assignment on circle geometry on Monday and then the unit test on Wednesday.
If you would like more practice questions, pages 418-419 of your textbook also reviews these skills.
June 8, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 15-18 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open book assignment on circle geometry scheduled for Monday, June 12th. The unit test on circle geometry will then be on Wednesday, June 14th.
June 7, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 397-398 #3, 4, 5, 6, 7 if they were not completed during class time.
Open book assignment on circle geometry scheduled for Monday, June 12th. The unit test on circle geometry will then be on Wednesday, June 14th.
June 6, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 11-14 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open book assignment on circle geometry scheduled for Monday, June 12th. The unit test on circle geometry will then be on Wednesday, June 14th.
June 5, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 10 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
June 2, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 7-9 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
June 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
May 30, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
We will be writing the Provincial Math Assessment (PRMA) on Thursday during our regular math class. This assessment gives the school board a snap shot of how well Grade 9 students in the province are doing in math and to then help drive school improvement planning. This does not affect your grade or go on your report card. There are 22 multiple choice questions and 3 long answer. It covers many of the topics we have learned throughout the year. So no need to stress, have fun with it and see how much you remember.
*** Please bring a calculator if you have one as several of mine have gone missing.
May 26, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
May 25, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 2-4 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 24, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
May 23, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Today we continued working on our Mandala project. They should be finished and the write up done by Thursday.
May 19, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework. Enjoy the long weekend. Now that I'm back and feeling better, things will be back to normal next week.
May 15, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 29-31 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 12, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 26-28 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 11, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
May 10, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Upload 5 photos showing examples of symmetry in our community into our Google classroom.
May 9, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 24-25 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 8, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 21-23 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 5, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Final class to work on Weather Reporting projects. We will begin presenting in their small groups on Tuesday May 9. Any projects not yet completed should be finished for homework.
May 4, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 342-343 #8, 12, 19 if they were not completed during class time.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 tomorrow. Solutions for 7.1 to 7.4 as well as the unit review questions at the back of the booklet are posted in our Google classroom.
May 3, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the unit review questions on pages 32-35 #1-9 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 scheduled for Friday, May 5th. Solutions for 7.1 to 7.4 now posted in our Google classroom.
May 2, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 18-20 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 scheduled for Friday, May 5th. Solutions for 7.1 to 7.4 now posted in our Google classroom.
May 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 15-17 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 scheduled for Friday, May 5th.
April 28, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 13-14 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class. Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 341 #4, 6 if they were not completed during class time.
April 27, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 10-12 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 26, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 6-9 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 25, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 3-5 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 24, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 1-2 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 21, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
April 20, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Those students who still need to write recoveries should be ready to write them tomorrow. Remember that practice review questions are posted in our Google classroom.
April 19, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Those students who still need to write recoveries should be ready to write them tomorrow and Friday. Remember that practice review questions are posted in our Google classroom.
April 18, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Those students who still need to write recoveries should take the next couple of nights to prepare and be ready to write them on Thursday and Friday. Remember that practice review questions are posted in our Google classroom.
April 17, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Those students who still need to write recoveries should take the next couple of nights to prepare and be ready to write them on Thursday and Friday. Remember that practice review questions are posted in our Google classroom.
April 6, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Those students who still have recoveries to complete should spend a little time over the course of the break to review and prepare.
Enjoy the Easter Break :)
April 5, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
April 4, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recoveries continue tomorrow if needed.
Extra practice pages have been posted in our Google classroom and can be completed using your Chromebook and Kami if you are unable to print them off.
April 3, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recoveries continue tomorrow.
Extra practice pages have been posted in our Google classroom and can be completed using your Chromebook and Kami if you are unable to print them off.
March 31, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recoveries scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.
Extra practice pages have been posted in our Google classroom and can be completed using your Chromebook and Kami if you are unable to print them off.
March 30, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Today's assessment will be marked tonight so that you can make your decision about how you would like to proceed with recoveries tomorrow.
Recoveries scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
March 29, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 20-22 and 26 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class. If you would like some extra practice to get ready for tomorrow, complete the questions on page 29 and 30, skip the ones with fractions. Solutions will be posted in our Google classroom this evening.
Open-book in-class assignment on 6.6 and 6.7 tomorrow.
Recoveries scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
March 28, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 18-19 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open-book in-class assignment on 6.6 and 6.7 scheduled for Thursday.
Recoveries have been scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
March 23, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework. Enjoy the long weekend.
March 22, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Recoveries have been scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Students are reminded to take their Chromebooks to every French class, this is particularly important for the next two classes.
March 21, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Quiz on 6.1 and 6.2 tomorrow.
Finish any remaining questions on the review sheet that was handed out in class today. A blank review sheet is posted in our Google classroom along with solutions for 6.1 and 6.2. A few more practice questions will also be posted for those who really want to feel prepared for this quiz and start to improve their marks.
March 20, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 9-10 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 6.1 and 6.2 scheduled for Wednesday.
March 17, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish all the questions up to page 7 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 6.1 and 6.2 scheduled for Wednesday, March 22.
March 15, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 5-6 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
March 14, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
March 13, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
March 9, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
March 8, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
March 7, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 3-4 of your new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
March 6, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
March 3, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish any remaining unit review questions from pages 53-60 of your photocopied math booklet.
Solutions for the unit 5 booklet are posted in our Google classroom to help you to check your answers and prepare for the test.
Unit 5 Test on Monday.
March 2, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Continue working on the unit review questions from pages 53-60 of your photocopied math booklet, we will have time to keep working on them in class tomorrow as well.
Solutions for the unit 5 booklet are now posted in our Google classroom to help you to check your answers and prepare for the test.
Unit 5 Test scheduled for Monday.
March 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish any remaining questions from pages 45-52 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 5 Test scheduled for Monday, March 6.
February 28, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish questions 4, 5, 6, 10, 17 on pages 46-52 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 5 Test scheduled for Monday, March 6.
February 27, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework. We completed the student survey posted in our Google classroom this period.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Students are reminded to bring their Chromebooks to every French class. We will be using them to complete activities for the next few classes.
February 24, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Students are reminded to bring their Chromebooks to every French class.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 39-42 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 23, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 32-36 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 21, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 30-31 and 37 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Use the digital math games posted today to review your mental math skills with multiplication and division.
February 20, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
February 17, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
In-class assignment on Monday. You may use your notes and you will need your Chromebook.
Notes and solutions are posted in the Google classroom to help with studying.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Students are reminded that they should be bringing their Chromebooks to every French class.
February 16, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions up to page 29 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment moved to Monday, February 20th, practice in-class assignment tomorrow. You may use your notes and you will need your Chromebooks both days.
Notes and solutions now posted in Google classroom to help with studying.
February 13, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 23-24 and page 27 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment scheduled for Thursday, February 16th, practice in-class assignment will be on Wednesday. You may use your notes and you will need your Chromebooks both days.
February 10, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
You are welcome to continue practicing your math skills using the digital games posted in our Google classroom that we used during class today.
February 9, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 17-22 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 8, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 11-16 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Students should be taking their Chromebooks to every French class. Please make sure to take them to class on Friday as we will be using them.
No homework.
February 7, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 6-7 and pages 9-10 as well as page 14 #1 and page 15 # 6 of your new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 6, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 3-5 and page 8 of your new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 3, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
February 2, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Students are reminded that they should be taking their Chromebooks with them to French class.
No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
February 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 201-203 #1, 5, 10, 13, 17 if they were not completed during class time.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations tomorrow. Digital copies of the unit 4 booklet and solutions to the unit review are posted in our Google Classroom to help you study if needed.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
As a concluding activity to Chapter 5, we have been watching and discussing the movie Cinderella Man.

Infographic projects are now due and one-on-one conferencing has started to discuss student understanding of their learning goals.

No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on booklet p. 4 and 5.
Students are reminded that with student wifi up and running that they should be taking their Chromebooks with them to school.
January 31, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 46-50 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations on Thursday.
January 30, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 44-45 and 50-51 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Also, using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, complete page 188-189 #3, 4, 5, 6
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Started Bombes Meteo booklet. Worked on p.1 and 2.
No homework.
January 27, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 39 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd.
January 26, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 40-43 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd.
January 25, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
January 24, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
January 20, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we read through pages 85 and 86 regarding lesiure and sports activities in the 1920's. We also reviewed the 'Have Nots' in this era and drew some cause/effect connections.

With remaining time, students further edited and submitted their infographics (now due) or worked on their worksheets.

No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
January 19, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Part 2 of the in-class assignment is tomorrow. You may still use your notes to support you in completing this task.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Second class working on Mission: Survie final project. One more class to complete it. A copy is also in the google classroom.
Will begin presenting on Jan. 24
January 18, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Part 2 of the in-class assignment is tomorrow. You may still use your notes to support you in completing this task.
January 17, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Started final project. A copy is in the google classroom for anyone who needs it.
Will have at least one more class to work on the project.
Will begin presenting in class on Jan.24
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
In-class Assignment tomorrow on section 4.3. You may use your notes to support you in completing this task.
January 16, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 32-34 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class Assignment scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday this week on section 4.3. You may use your notes to support you in completing this task.
January 13, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Finished up booklet p.22 and corrected. No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 29-31 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
January 12, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 19-27 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class yesterday or today.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we started reading and discussing Unit 3 (Chapter 5) on the 1920's.

Infographic assignments are due on Thursday, Jan. 19 and are found on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Finished correcting booklet p. 21.
Worked independently on booklet p. 22.
No homework.
January 11, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we spent the period working on our Infographics assignments. These projects are due for submission on Thursday, January 18. A reminder that while you have this extra time to complete your assessment, we will be moving onto Chapter 5 next day and will not be booking the Chromebook cart. Please bring your personal chromebook if you wish to continue working on this project during class time.

As well, students received back their daily worksheets from Unit 2. They have the opportunity to review them for completion and (1) if they are completed and (2) it is their own workings and to the best of ability - submit to me by Monday, January 16. A 5% bonus will be awarded to the lowest grade earned to date in Unit 2 (Chapters 2, 3 or 4). This is an optional submission.
January 9, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework.
January 6, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on booklet p. 21.
No homework.
January 5, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 160-161 #11, 12, 15, 16 if they were not completed during class time.
Quiz on sections 4.1 and 4.2 tomorrow.
January 4, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on booklet p. 19.
No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 171 #7, 9, 10 if they were not completed during class time.
Quiz on sections 4.1 and 4.2 on Friday.
January 3, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 170 #4, 5 if they were not completed during class time.
Quiz on sections 4.1 and 4.2 scheduled for Friday, January 6th. This covers things we learned about before the break on graphing linear relations and writing equations to describe a pattern. We will continue to review these concepts and skills over the next couple of days to help prepare.
December 20, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
December 19, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
December 16, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 10-13 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Completed a listening assessment and continued working on Christmas booklets.
December 15, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 6-9 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, students received back their rubrics for their Community Research projects. We reviewed model work and students had the opportunity to review and edit their work if they wish. This should be done by Monday. At that point, I will re-grade resubmitted work. Following this, we continued to watch a curriculum-related film.

Great class. No homework.
December 14, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on booklet p.16 and 23.
Listening assessment on Dec. 16.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 1-5 of your new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
December 13, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Continued to work on Christmas booklets. Any map projects not yet completed should be submitted as soon as possible.
Listening assessment on directions Dec. 16.
December 12, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit Recovery Tests Part 2 is tomorrow.
You should continue to review your photocopied booklets and the feedback you received on your completed assessments from Unit 1, 2 and/or 3 depending on which grades you are hoping to improve. Completed booklets with answers for all three units are also posted in our Google classroom to help you with studying.
Solutions for the review package of questions that you have been working on will be posted in our Google classroom as well.
December 9, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit Recovery Tests are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.
You should review your photocopied booklets and the feedback you received on your completed assessments from Unit 1, 2 and/or 3 depending on which grades you are hoping to improve. Completed booklets with answers for all three units are also posted in our Google classroom to help you with studying.
Solutions for the review package of questions that you have been working on will be posted in our Google classroom as well.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we read pages 68-71 of our text on Immigration and worked through our worksheets. Some students also availed of this as a 'catch-up' period for any missing work.

Have a great weekend! No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on Christmas booklet.
Listening assessment Dec. 16.
December 8, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit Recovery Tests are scheduled for Monday, December 12th and Tuesday, December 13th.
You should review your photocopied booklets and the feedback you received on your completed assessments from Unit 1, 2 and/or 3 depending which grades you are hoping to improve. Completed booklets with answers for all three units are also posted in our Google classroom to help you with studying.
December 6, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers tomorrow.
Make sure that you complete the extra order of operations questions on page 42-43 of your photocopied booklet to help you to prepare.
Remember that the solutions booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to help with studying and comparing your answers.

*Also remember Unit Recovery Tests are scheduled for Monday, December 12th and Tuesday, December 13th.*
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we read pages 65 and 66 of our text (Chapter 4). This discussed the historic immigration policies in Canada. Students then worked on their worksheets. Great class, no homework.
December 5, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Extra class to finish up map project. They should be completed at home and submitted next class if not yet done.
There will be a listening assessment on Dec. 16.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
** Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers moved to Wednesday, December 7th. **
This will allow more time for those who need it to complete the second part of the assignment and to have some class time for the practice review. Remember to bring your Chromebook if you still need it for the assignment.
Remember that the solutions booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to help with studying and comparing your answers.
December 2, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
** Bring Chromebook Monday **
Part 2 of in-class assignment on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions on Monday.
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.
Complete any missed pages in your math booklet if you've been absent lately.
Getting a head start on the unit review on page 40 to 45 should help you with the assignment and test as you may only have a bit of class time on Monday to work on it.
*** Solutions booklet with answers now posted in our Google classroom to help with studying and comparing your answers. ***
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Last class to work on map project.
A copy of the instructions are in google classroom for any one who was absent.
December 1, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today was our final class on Chapter 3. We reviewed regions and hierarchies and students completed their worksheets. We will begin Chapter 4 next week.

No homework; great class!
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 36-38 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions scheduled for tomorrow and Monday.
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.
*** Solutions booklet with answers now posted in our Google classroom to help with studying. ***
November 30, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 30-34 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions scheduled for Friday, December 1st and Monday, December 5th.
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we spent our final class working on our Community Research projects. These are now due. Model responses for the settlement pattern question along with the rubric are available online. Due to a number of students being absent, I will not be grading this work until Monday. This will give all students some additional time (during class time or outside of it) to complete this work. If you do plan to continue working on this during class time (with permission), please bring your personal chromebooks as the class set will not be signed out.

No homework.
November 28, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 25-29 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 24, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on good copy of map project. Will have one more class for anyone who needs it.
No homework.
Reminder that any missing work must be submitted today (tonight through google classroom) or any 0's will remain in powerschool for report cards.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 23, 24 and 27 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 23, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 20-22 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Students continued their work on the Community Research project. Due date: Nov. 30.

No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on finishing up rough copy of map project.
No homework.
Reminder that any missing work must be passed in by Thursday Nov. 24 or any 0's will remain in powerschool for report cards.
November 22, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Great class.

We reviewed the expectations of the community research project (due Nov. 30) and then spent the period researching and working. Some students chose to use a second chance opportunity to re-present their learning goal projects which was great to see!

No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 17-19 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 21, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 14-16 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we reviewed human geography and land pattern settlements. We looked at population data and completed this material on our worksheets. This will be the basis of our next project: A community research project where we will select a community and find (and analyze) data. Chromebook carts have been booked for the next 3 classes for this activity.

Due date for the community research project: Nov. 30.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on booklet p.12.
Started rough copy of map project,
No homework.
Reminder that any missing work must be passed in by Thursday Nov. 24 or any 0's will remain in powerschool for report cards.
November 17, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 12 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 16, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish question 2 on page 6 and 7 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 15, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on booklet p.10
No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
November 14, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on booklet p. 8 and 9.
No homework.
Reminder that 'C'est Moi' projects are past due, if not presented please come see me any day at recess or lunch. Zeros have been entered for any late projects in powerschool.
November 10, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
This period, we read and discussed settlement patterns in Canada (pages 45-47) and then continued our conferencing and discussion of the learning goal projects.

No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Test on Powers and Exponent Laws on Monday. Review your notes and solutions. Remember that the photocopied booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to also help with studying if needed.
November 9, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Test on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws has been moved to Monday to avoid conflicting with our Remembrance Day Assembly.
Our photocopied booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to help with studying.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we read pages 44 and 45 of our textbook and discussed site and situation factors. Following this conversation, students worked on their worksheets; learning goal conferencing continued with students this period. This process will continue into next week and marks will be uploaded as those conversations take place about their understanding and progress in Socials 9.

No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Catch up class to complete Mission: Survie Lexique Project if not yet submitted.
November 8, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the review questions on page 30 and 31 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Test on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws scheduled for Thursday.
Photocopied booklet solutions posted in Google classroom for help with studying.
**I am available for extra help tomorrow at lunch for those who would like it before the test.**
November 7, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the review questions on page 28 and 29 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Make sure your foldable project on Exponent Laws is finished for tomorrow.
Test on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws scheduled for Thursday, November 10th.
November 4, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 85 #16 and 19 if they were not completed during class time.
Foldable project on Exponent Laws due Monday.
Assessment on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws scheduled for Thursday, November 10th.
November 3, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Completed p. 5 of the Mission: Survie booklet. No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 84 #4, 5, 6, 8 if they were not completed during class time.
Foldable project on Exponent Laws due Monday, November 7th.
Assessment on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws scheduled for Thursday, November 10th.
November 2, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 26 and 27 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 1, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Students had the period to continue working towards the completion of Learning Goals. As everyone was working well and not all students were able to complete the assessment in the allotted time, tomorrow's class (period 4) will also be provided for this project.

Great job today.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 31, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
A reminder that the Mission: Survie lexique project is due Nov. 2. An extra copy is in the google classroom if needed.
October 27, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 19 and 20 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
October 26, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding

I apologize from my time away from the homework page. I was away at the Dept. of Education and then staying home with a sick child. So glad to be back!

Today, we started our learning goal projects. Students will receive three additional in-class periods to complete this work to demonstrate their knowledge of the learning goals (our course outcomes).

No homework.
October 25, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Continued to present C'est moi projects if not done last class.
Lexique projects should be passed in as soon as possible as we no longer have any more class time. (There is a copy in the google classroom in case it has been misplaced)
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 16 and 18 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
October 24, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 13 and 14 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Began presenting C'est Moi projects in small groups. Anyone who did not present today should be prepared to present next class.
October 21, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 9 and 10 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
October 20, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Complete remaining questions in photocopied booklet on pages 5-6 if they were not finished in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Completed the listening assessment.
C'est Moi project due Oct. 24.
October 19, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 18, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Completed a practice listening.
Listening assessment is on Oct.20. Students should review the article from the reading assessment in preparation for the listening.
October 17, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
In-class assignment scheduled for tomorrow. Students will be allowed to use their notes for examples and formulas.
October 14, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Reading assessment was done today. No homework.
Listening assessment on Oct. 20.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 46-47 #15, 16b, 16c, 19a if they were not completed during class time. If you can answer these, the assessment will not be difficult for you.
In-class assignment scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th. Students will be allowed to use their notes for examples and formulas. Extra help available Monday at lunch with Mr. Luchford.
October 13, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
In-class assignment scheduled for Friday, October 14th has been moved to Tuesday, October 18th. Students will be allowed to use their notes for examples and formulas. Extra help available tomorrow at lunch with Mr. Luchford.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Great job today. We had a great class discussion on regional factors on climate. Students had choice in the second half of the period; working on either their worksheets or Canadian song assignments.

No homework; due date for the Canadian song assignment is Oct. 17.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Great job today. We had a great class discussion on regional factors on climate. Students had choice in the second half of the period; working on either their worksheets or Canadian song assignments.

No homework; due date for the Canadian song assignment is Oct. 17.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Practice reading today. No homework
Reading assessment Oct.14.
Listening assessment Oct. 20.
October 12, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 40 #3a, 3c, 5a if they were not completed during class time.
October 11, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish question #5 on page 25 of your photocopied math booklet if it was not completed in class.
In-class assignment scheduled for Friday, October 14th. Students will be allowed to use their notes for examples and formulas.
October 7, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 6, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Last class for Lexique project. Should be submitted by Tuesday, Oct. 11 if not yet passed in.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 5, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the 2 questions on page 21 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Students continued their work on their Canadian Song assignments. In the last 10 minutes, Canadian mapping projects were returned and the rubric was reviewed (also found on Google Classroom). This can hopefully be a good learning experience and a reminder to carefully edit and check your own workings. Students (this assessment only!) have been given the option to correct their workings and receive a great mark that reflects their ability on this worksheet.

No homework; if a student chooses to resubmit their map for a grade this will be due during our next class (Monday) and a 'collected' check mark will appear in PowerSchool to note this work, along with the re-grade. This is an optional activity.
October 4, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on the lexique activity for Unit 1. No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 31 #8 and 10 if they were not completed during class time.

Remember to bring in donations for our food drive as well as money tomorrow for the Hurricane Fiona relief efforts.
October 3, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
This week is our school food drive. Please bring in nonperishable food items to donate to our local food bank.

On Wednesday, we are accepting cash donations for the Hurricane Fiona relief efforts. The money our school raises will be going to the Red Cross and our donation will be matched by the federal government.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we started section 2.3 (climate and weather) of our worksheets and reviewed the information on PPT and our texts.

No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Completed review booklet. Part 3 will need to be passed in. No homework.
September 29, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today we went to the computer lab to continue our Canadian song assignment on Google Classroom. Keep in mind our chromebook/lab dates are: Sept. 26, 29; Oct. 5, 12 and 13. When we are not working on this project, we will be in class going through the text and our worksheets. The due date for this project is: Oct. 17.

No homework and have a great weekend.

Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on -ir and -re verb review. No homework.
September 28, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
September 27, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Completed 'Me Voici' activity. Worked on 'Top trois' activity. No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework.
September 26, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today we began a group project (one partner or individual work) analyzing a song with Canadian content. Students will receive 5 in-class periods for this project. The due date is Oct. 17. Excellent start today everyone. Submit those song lyrics!

No homework.
September 23, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Assessment on sections 1.1 and 1.2 will take place Monday, September 26.
Students should complete any remaining practice review questions from today (page 19 # 11 and 13) using the digital textbook posted in our Google Classroom.
September 22, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Assessment on sections 1.1 and 1.2 scheduled for Friday, September 23 has been moved to Monday, September 26.
Our Google Classroom is up and running. Students were sent an invite to join directly to their student email accounts. Clicking on the link will allow them to join or they can just open their Google Classroom main page and our math course should now appear as an option to select.
Students can complete any remaining practice review questions from today (page 11 # 5, 7, 8, 9) using the digital textbook posted in our Google Classroom.
September 21, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Great job today. Really impressed with this group's maturity.

Reminder: Canadian Map projects are due tomorrow (Sept. 22).

No homework.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Assessment on sections 1.1 and 1.2 scheduled for Friday, September 23. Our review of these skills and topics will continue in class tomorrow.
September 20, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Assessment on sections 1.1 and 1.2 scheduled for Friday, September 23.
Students are reminded to consistently bring their math booklets and calculators to class every day.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today, we started our discussion of Chapter 2 in the Social Studies text. We began our formative assessment worksheets.

No homework, but a reminder that Canadian mapping projects are due on Thursday, September 22.
September 16, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Worked on p.12-14 of review booklet. No homework.
September 14, 2022
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Finished review booklet part 1. Gave out part 2 and worked on p.13. A copy is in the google classroom. No homework.
September 13, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
Today we did an introduction to the course and chatted about the many ways one can be 'Canadian' and how we express that.

In the last twenty minutes we began working on a mapping project. This is due to be submitted on September 20.

No homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Johnson
Began review booklet. Worked on p.1-5. A copy is in google classroom. No homework.
September 12, 2022
Social Studies
Assigned By: Mark Goulding
No homework today.

Today, we did a mapping activity; investigating our pre-existing geographical knowledge of Canada and the location of our oceans, provinces and territories. Students attempted this task independently and then with the aid of friends to help collectively complete the map.

Towards the end of the period, we filled in remaining sections and the sheet was passed back to me while we all get our course materials.

A reminder to bring a 2' binder, a pencil and looseleaf/exercise to class each day!

Students should join Google Classroom: pwf5ye6
June 20, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! Tomorrow is the last day for the Unit 9 booklet to be submitted. Please be sure that you have the booklet completed and submitted to me for a grade on Unit 9. All notes that have been given in class are posted to Google Classroom.
June 17, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today students continued working through the Unit 9 booklet. This booklet must be submitted by Tuesday, June 21st.
June 16, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today we continued to work through the last unit in Math, Unit 9. Students are expected to complete the booklet of notes and submit this no later than Tuesday, June 21st as their grade for this Unit. We will be working through the booklet together in class and completed notes will be posted to Google Classroom each day.
June 15, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today we started the last unit in Math, Unit 9. Students are expected to complete the booklet of notes and submit this no later than Tuesday, June 21st as their grade for this Unit. We will be working through the booklet together in class and completed notes will be posted to Google Classroom each day.
June 13, 2022
June 10, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! The Unit 7 & 8 Recovery Tests will be on Monday and Tuesday (June 13th & 14th). Students have been provided a number of review sheets for each unit and all answer keys have been posted to Google Classroom. The answer key to the Unit 8 Test that was handed back today is also posted.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review travel vocab
June 9, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! Recovery Tests for Units 7 & 8 will be on Monday and Tuesday (June 13th-14th). Students have been given review sheets in class for both units and the solutions to these review sheets have been posted to Google Classroom. Students should be practicing at home in preparation for the recovery tests.
June 8, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review travel vocab
June 7, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Students will begin reviewing for recoveries tests on Units 7 & 8 tomorrow. These recovery tests will be written on Monday, June 13th and Tuesday, June 14th.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review travel vocab
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Test on the Reproduction unit - Wednesday, June 15
June 6, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 5 and begin lesson 6 on the Google Classroom
June 3, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder: There will be a Unit 8 Test on Tuesday, June 7th. Students have been given review sheets in class and should be practicing at home in preparation for the test. The solutions to these review sheets have been posted to Google Classroom.
May 31, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 3 on the Google Classroom
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 1) we will have an open book in-class assignment on Unit 8. Students should be completing the review sheets that were handed out in class yesterday and today as well as the review at the end of the notes booklet in preparation. Solutions have been posted to Google Classroom.

Also make note that there will be a Unit Test on this same unit on Tuesday, June 7th. Followed by recovery tests on Units 7 and 8 on June 13th and 14th.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review travel vocab
May 30, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review travel vocab
May 27, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Note: The In-Class Assignment has been moved to Wednesday, June 1st and the Unit Test will be on Tuesday, June 7th.

All completed notes and solutions to practice sheets will be posted under Classwork throughout the week. Students should be completing any assigned worksheets at home in preparation for the upcoming assessments.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
As an introduction to the Reproduction Unit - Lesson 1 on the Google Classroom
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review travel vocab
May 24, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! There will be an In-Class Assignment on Tuesday, May 31st on Unit 8 and a Unit Test on Friday June 3rd.

Students were given a practice sheet during class today on Section 8.1 and should be completing this sheet for homework. Solutions to the practice has been posted to Google Classroom.

All completed notes and solutions to practice sheets will be posted under Classwork throughout the week.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Electricity Unit Test tomorrow - May 25th
May 19, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Corrected review - Lesson 20

Unit test on Wednesday, May 25
Assigned By: Chris Downey
'Cars' worksheets should be submitted.
May 18, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 20 - Review

This review needs to be completed for tomorrow!

Unit test next Wednesday!
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Students have been working on completing their Mandala project during class since last Wednesday. Those who have not completed their Mandala and writeup are expected to do at home and hand them in by Tuesday, May 24th. We will be starting Unit 8 tomorrow in class.
May 16, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 20 - Review for Unit Test

Test will be Wednesday, May 25th
Assigned By: Chris Downey
'Mon voyage' projects should be submitted.
May 13, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project - mon voyage
Projects should be completed and submitted this week!
May 12, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project - mon voyage
Projects should be completed and submitted this week!
May 11, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Today we started Lesson 19 on the Google classroom.

Electricity Unit Test will be on Wednesday, May 25

All notes are on the google classroom. Please note that this Unit Test will cover all three booklets.
May 10, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project - mon voyage
Projects should be completed and submitted this week!
May 6, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project - Mon voyage
Students will have another class to work on the project on Monday.
May 5, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 17 on the Google Classroom
May 4, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 16 on the Google classroom
May 3, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today in class we started Section 7.5 on Reflections and Line Symmetry. All notes completed in class have been updated on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Watch the following video on electric cars!

Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review imparfait notes and travel vocab.
May 2, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review imparfait notes and travel vocab.
April 29, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! The Quiz on Section 7.4 ONLY with be on Monday, May 2nd. Review sheet solutions and a Kahoot Review have been posted to Google Classroom. Students should be reviewing these over the weekend in preparation for the quiz on Monday.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review imparfait notes and travel vocab.
April 28, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Correct lesson 16 on the Google Classroom

Quiz tomorrow!
April 27, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab for 'le voyage'
April 26, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 16 on the Google Classroom. This is the review for the quiz and needs to be completed for next class.

Quiz will be on Friday May 29
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab for 'le voyage'
April 25, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
There will be a quiz on Unit 7 Section 7.4 ONLY on Monday, May 2nd. We started Section 7.4 (Similar Triangles) in class today and notes have been updated under Complete Class Notes Unit 7 on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 15 on the Google Classroom

Electricity Booklet 2 Quiz will be on Friday April 29th
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab for 'le voyage'
April 14, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Enjoy the break! :)
April 13, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Finish and Correct Circuits Extra Practice sheet

Please note that we are near the end of the booklet and there will be a quiz soon (within a week)after our return from Easter break.
April 12, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Correct Lesson 14 and work on Extra practice sheets
April 11, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lessons 13 & 14 on the Google classroom.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (le voyage).
April 8, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
A reminder that there will be a quiz covering Sections 7.1-7.3 on Tuesday, April 12. Students having been reviewing in class and the review sheet has been posted to Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (le voyage).
April 7, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Craig Squires
NOTE: Some students have multiple marks on PowerSchool of 0%. Reason: The reading of student independent novel # 2 commenced in early February. 5-6 weeks given to read the novel (one class a week devoted to reading, if not finished complete reading of novel at home). Assignment followed (check Google Classroom dated Feb. 18th). Students given time to do some of the write up in class. Assignment now overdue by multiple weeks. Marks given for i) Representing and ii) Speaking. We had three presentations on the first day and zero since as many of the 9-4 students have not completed this assignment. For some the novel is not read and others the write up / poster is incomplete. As a result 0% will remain on PowerSchool until the student gets said assignment completed and presented orally in class.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Continue Lesson 12 on the Google classroom
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (le voyage).
April 6, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 12 on the Google classroom
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 12 on the Google classroom
April 4, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 11 on the Google classroom
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
There will be a Quiz on Tuesday, April 12th on Sections 7.1-7.3.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder to return Carnival forms and money.
April 1, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Correct work from Lesson 9 and complete Lesson 10 on the Google Classroom
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Sheets should be completed and handed in.
March 31, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 9 on the Google classroom
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Sheets should be completed and handed in.
March 29, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Completed Lesson 8 on the Google Classroom
March 28, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Sheets should be completed and handed in.
March 27, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Recovery Assessments for Units 4, 5 & 6 will begin tomorrow with multiple choice followed by constructed responses on Tuesday.
March 24, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Sheets should be completed and handed in next class.
March 23, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Video to introduce the next topic!
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Sheets should be completed and handed in next class.
March 22, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Complete Lesson 7 - Quiz
Assigned By: Joyce Kinsella
Continue to work on review sheets for recovery.
Recovery Dates: March 28 - Multiple Choice
March 29 - Long Answer
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class. Be prepared for your speaking part next class if you haven't already done it!
March 21, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
We started review for the recoveries on Friday, March 18th and will continue review through this week. The multiple choice section will be on Monday March 28th and the constructed response section will be written on Tuesday, March 29th.

The recovery tests will cover Units 4, 5 and 6. Students have to do at least one of these units. If any assessment has been missed, students will have to write the recovery for that unit.

Students should be reviewing in the evenings to ensure they have success with these assessments. It is a great opportunity for students to improve their grade.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class. Be prepared for your speaking part next class if you haven't already done it!
March 18, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 6 Review is corrected.

Quiz on Tuesday.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class. Be prepared for your speaking part next class if you haven't already done it!
March 17, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 6 on the Google classroom should be complete.

Quiz is on Tuesday.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class. Be prepared for your speaking part next class if you haven't already done it!
March 16, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class. Be prepared for your speaking part next class if you haven't already done it!
March 15, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Complete Google classroom Lesson 5
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class. Be prepared for your speaking part next class if you haven't already done it!
March 14, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lesson 4 on the google classroom

Booklet 1 Quiz will be Tuesday March 22nd.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class. Be prepared for your speaking part next class if you haven't already done it!
March 10, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review 'structures' vocab!

Vocab quiz (listening) on March 14th.

Project! Complete project sheet (drawing and describing a structure) if you didn't finish it in class.
March 9, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Electricity Lessons 2 & 3 should be completed now
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review 'structures' vocab!

Vocab quiz (listening) on March 14th.
March 8, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review 'structures' vocab!

Vocab quiz (listening) on March 14th.
March 3, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review 'structures' vocab!

Vocab quiz (listening) on March 14th.
March 2, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review 'structures' vocab!
February 28, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Projects should be completed and submitted. Videos and sheets are available in Google Classroom for anyone who missed time in class.
February 25, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Projects should be completed and submitted. Videos and sheets are available in Google Classroom for anyone who missed time in class.
February 24, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Chemistry Unit test tomorrow!

Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Projects should be completed and submitted. Videos and sheets are available in Google Classroom for anyone who missed time in class.
February 23, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Projects should be completed and submitted. Videos and sheets are available in Google Classroom for anyone who missed time in class.
February 18, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Questions 1-10 should be answered on your sheets. The videos are available in Google Classroom for anyone who was absent or who did not complete that work in class.
February 17, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Science Unit test will be on Friday, February 25th. This will cover all of the chemistry unit!

All materials can be found on the google classroom!
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Questions 1-6 and 8 should be answered on your sheets. The videos are available in Google Classroom for anyone who was absent or who did not complete that work in class.
February 16, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Questions 1-6 and 8 should be answered on your sheets. The videos are available in Google Classroom for anyone who was absent or who did not complete that work in class.
February 11, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Quebec Project
Questions 1-6 and 8 should be answered on your sheets. The videos are available in Google Classroom for anyone who was absent or who did not complete that work in class.
February 10, 2022
February 9, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Complete weather forecast document/project. Presentations will continue in our next classes!
February 8, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Complete weather forecast document/project. Presentations will continue in our next classes!
February 7, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Complete weather forecast document/project. Presentations will continue in our next classes!
February 4, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Complete weather forecast document/project. Presentations will continue in our next classes!
February 3, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Complete weather forecast document/project. Presentations will continue in our next classes!

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet. Quiz TOMORROW!
February 1, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Complete weather forecast document/project. Presentations will continue in our next class!

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet. Quiz on Friday!
January 31, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Complete weather forecast document/project. Students will present TOMORROW!

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet. Quiz on Friday!
January 28, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet.
January 27, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet.
January 26, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet.
January 25, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet.
January 24, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Chemistry Booklet 2 Science Quiz will be on Thursday, January 27. Quiz will be done on paper and students will be given a periodic table for the quiz.

Review NEEDS to be completed and submitted ASAP. We will be going through the review during our first class in school.
January 21, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet.
January 20, 2022
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Chemistry Booklet 2 Quiz will be on Wednesday, January 26.

All notes and materials can be found on the Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab and the verb 'aller' in Quizlet.
January 19, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab in Quizlet.
January 18, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. If you did not finish in class today, please complete it by Wednesday. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab in Quizlet.
January 17, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The Tornado Doc/project should be finished and submitted. If you did not finish in class today, please complete it by Wednesday. The Doc and the video are available in Google Classroom.

Review weather vocab in Quizlet.
January 14, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
The first page of the tornado Doc should be completed (all three columns). We will complete the Doc in our next class.

Review weather vocab in Quizlet.
January 13, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review weather vocab in Quizlet.

The first page of the tornado Doc should be completed (all three columns). We will complete the Doc in our next class.
January 12, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review weather vocab in Quizlet.

The first page of the tornado Doc should be completed (all three columns).
January 10, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review weather vocab in Quizlet.
January 6, 2022
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review weather vocab in Quizlet.
December 20, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Stay safe and enjoy the break! :)
December 16, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
20 elements Quiz before Xmas break

Friday or Monday - you pick!
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 15, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 14, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We finished 4.2 today and began 4.3. There will be a quiz on 4.1-4.3 on Monday, December 20.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We finished 4.2 today and began 4.3. There will be a quiz on 4.1-4.3 on Monday, December 20.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 13, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 10, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
9-1 Chemistry Quiz 1 - Tuesday, Dec. 14

All notes are on Google Classroom
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 8, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish the 4.1 practice in the booklet that was started today.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 7, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 6, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 3, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
December 2, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab - Quiz TOMORROW!
December 1, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab - Quiz Friday!
November 30, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Recovery on units 1-3 is now on Friday. Students have to pick at least one unit. Students were given practice sheets to review.

The baking for our bake sale is happening on Saturday, Dec 4 from 9-4 (latest). If you can help be sure to let your teacher know!
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab - Quiz Friday!
November 29, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review Art Vocab
November 26, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Reminder that the Recovery for Units 1-3 is on Thursday, December 2. You must complete AT LEAST ONE UNIT. I will give you review sheets on Monday.

Our Baking activity will take place next Saturday, December 4th from 9-4. Sign up if you are able to help!
November 23, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
A reminder that the Quiz for BEDMAS with fractions is tomorrow.

The answers to the practice questions are in the google classroom.

The recovery for units 1-3 will be written next Wednesday, December 1. Students have to choose at least one unit to work on to improve their overall grade.
November 19, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab. Quiz Wednesday! (Mission: Survie, food vocab, and directions)
November 18, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab. Quiz Wednesday! (Mission: Survie, food vocab, and directions)
November 17, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab. Quiz next week!
November 16, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
ICA on Unit 3 - Rational Numbers on Thursday, November 18.

Quiz on BEDMAS on Wednesday, November November 24.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab. Quiz next week!

Complete 'Conversation au restaurant' project - these will be evaluated this week for a speaking grade!
November 15, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Please remember that completed notes booklets (including the review) need to be passed in on the day of the unit test! They will be marked as an assignment!

Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab. Quiz next week!

Complete 'Conversation au restaurant' project - these will be evaluated this week for a speaking grade!
November 12, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab.

Complete 'Conversation au restaurant' project - these will be evaluated this week for a speaking grade!
November 11, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Entrance card tomorrow, Friday, November 12 on 3.1-3.3
November 10, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab.

Complete 'Conversation au restaurant' project - these will be evaluated this week for a speaking grade!
November 9, 2021
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
Ch 5 1920-30's test Friday, Nov 19, Day 2 Period 1
See Google Classroom for study materials
GC code:p2xox3v
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab.

Complete 'Conversation au restaurant' project - these will be evaluated this week for a speaking grade!
November 8, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Space Unit Test on Monday November 15.

This will cover all material since September. All notes and materials can be found on the google classroom.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab.

Complete 'Conversation au restaurant' project - these will be evaluated this week for a speaking grade!
November 5, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab.

Complete 'Conversation au restaurant' project - these will be evaluated next week for a speaking grade!
November 4, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We completed 3.2 today in the student notes. Students will complete the practice questions tomorrow.
November 3, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review vocab.
October 28, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Reminder: Test on all of Unit 2 tomorrow.

Students were given several review sheets/practice tests. We have been working on these for several classes. The copies and/or answers are posted in the google classroom.
October 26, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Continue listening and reading practice.
Reading comprehension evaluation on Friday.
October 25, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Test Friday on all of Unit 2.

Foldable is also due Friday.

We started 2.5 today.
October 22, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)
Quiz MONDAY (25 October)
Vocab sheet and Quizlet are in Google Classroom.
October 21, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)
Quiz next Monday (25 October)
Vocab sheet and Quizlet are in Google Classroom.
October 20, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)
Quiz next Monday (25 October)
Vocab sheet and Quizlet are in Google Classroom.
October 19, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We corrected the first BEDMAS practice sheet today and worked on another (some students worked on a third). Practice sheets as well as answer keys are posted in the google classroom.

You will have a study check on BEDMAS on Thursday, Oct 21.

Test is Oct 29 and Foldable will be due the same day. (Foldable will be distributed tomorrow)
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)
Quiz next Monday (25 October)
Vocab sheet and Quizlet are in Google Classroom.
October 18, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)
Quiz next Monday (25 October)
Vocab sheet and Quizlet are in Google Classroom.
October 15, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)

Make sure all questions are answered in your booklet. They should be submitted next week if you haven't already passed them in.
October 14, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)

Make sure all questions are answered in your booklet. They should be submitted next week if you haven't already passed them in.
October 13, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)

Make sure all questions are answered in your booklet. They should be submitted next week if you haven't already passed them in.
October 12, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Review new vocab (Mision: Survie)

Make sure all questions are answered in your booklet. They should be submitted next week if you haven't already passed them in.
October 8, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Make sure all questions are answered in your booklet. They should be submitted next week if you haven't already passed them in.
October 7, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
ICA tomorrow. Make sure you have your notes and a scientific calculator!!!
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Quiz on space booklet 1 on Wednesday October 13th

All study materials can be found on the Google classroom
October 5, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
ICA on Friday on 1.3-1.4.

We completed cylinders today. Another practice sheet was given. Please check google classroom for answers.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Make sure all questions are answered in your booklet. I will collect them for a grade in our next class.
October 4, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Complete the surface area questions assigned on Friday and finished today. These are posted in the google classroom along with the answers.

ICA on Friday!!
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Practice interview answers (p.7-8 of your booklets) for our speaking evaluation.

Make sure all questions are answered in your booklet. I will collect them for a grade in our next class.
October 1, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We worked on 4 questions for practice on composite surface area today. Complete these and I will answer any questions on Monday. The answer key will be posted in Google Classroom.

In Class Assignment on 1.3-1.4 will be on Friday, October 8. Students can use their books and notes for this. You MUST have a scientific calculator.
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Practice interview answers (p.7-8 of your booklets) for our speaking evaluation.
September 28, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Practice interview answers (p.7-8 of your booklets) for our speaking evaluation.
September 24, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Practice interview answers (p.7-8 of your booklets) for our speaking evaluation.

Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

September 23, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Practice interview answers (work from today's class, p.7-8 of your booklets) for our speaking evaluation.

Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

September 22, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Practice interview answers (work from today's class, p.7-8 of your booklets) for our speaking evaluation.

Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

September 21, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

September 20, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Quiz tomorrow on 1.1-1.2
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

September 17, 2021
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

September 16, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lab Safety booklet and Lab Safety poster are now due. Please submit ASAP
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Reminder: Quiz on 1.1-1.2 on Tues, Sept 21.

We finished 1.2 today. We will correct the practice questions in class tomorrow and continue with a review sheet tomorrow and Monday.

All notes are on my webpage and in Google classroom. If you have been absent, you are responsible for catching up on missed work!
September 15, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lab safety booklet and poster are now due
Assigned By: Chris Downey
Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

September 14, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Finish lab safety booklet and pass it in.

Lesson 1 on the google classroom
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We started Unit 1 yesterday. We corrected the questions on page 4 and 5 of the booklet today and began section 1.2. We completed up to the end of page 7. Students should review the material completed in class each evening.

There will be a quiz on 1.1-1.2 on Tuesday, Sept 21.

For anyone who has missed class up to this point, all materials can be found on my webpage. Blank notes, answer keys, extra practice, supplemental materials and videos for each topic are all linked on my personal page. When absent from class, you should follow along/review the notes located here.

Assigned By: Chris Downey
Students should join the Google Classroom using the code provided: 37gmbab

June 18, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- French listening comprehension today- 'G-Force'
June 15, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- worked on chromebooks for a year-end project. students are creating brochures for 'un voyage ideal'
June 14, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- activity with avoir and etre verbs
- tomorrow we will start mini-project on chromebooks for travel unit.
June 11, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Biology Unit Test on Friday June 18th.

Booklet review is due Wed. June 16th
June 9, 2021
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
Who's Who and What did they do?
Due this Friday, June 11, Day 6.
Be sure to turn this in by 12PM.
This was assigned 4 weeks ago.

Chapter 8 Test Friday, June 18, Period 4 Day 4
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Unit Test on Wednesday, June 16th.

Test will cover Cells Booklet and 1st booklet from Reproduction.
June 4, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- today we did a virtual tour of Paris and watched a trip advisor video that explained important historic and tourist attractions.
- we then played Bingo using the names of the attractions in Paris

Have a great weekend!
June 3, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- airport vocab activity today
June 2, 2021
Assigned By: David Lawton
Ch 8 Cold War Test
Friday, June 18 Period 4
See Google classroom for study materials
May 28, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- listening comprehension practice today
May 26, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- activity today with French language assistant, Balthazar.
May 25, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- pictionary speaking activity today with airport vocab
May 19, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- practice listening comprehension Stuart Little 2
- students had to draw an airport scene and label the images with the airport vocab they have learned in French.
May 18, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- short vocab listening quiz today
- students then had option to work independently or in pairs to complete a reading activity that was handed in for a mark.
- students who were absent will do both of these evaluations tomorrow.
May 17, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- airport vocab listening quiz tomorrow. Review posted to Google Classroom.
May 14, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- did some practice listening with the vocab today.
- listening quiz will be on Tuesday. Materials to review are on Google Classroom.
May 13, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- today we did a reading together as a class that included the airport vocabulary we have been learning.
- there will be a vocab listening quiz on Tuesday May 18th. Vocab list and quizlet link posted to Google Classroom for review.
May 12, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Electricity Unit Test on Thursday, May 20.
Please note that this Unit Test will cover all three booklets on Electricity. All material for study has been shared on Google Classroom.
May 10, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- matching activity today on the airport vocab, used quizlet as review, and watched a short video in French that used the airport vocabulary we are doing. Vocab list is on Google Classroom.
May 5, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- activity with French language assistant today.
May 4, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- started unit on Airports and Travel today. Airport vocab is posted to Google Classroom.
April 29, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- quiz on the imparfait was today. Those who missed will write next class.
April 28, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- today we reviewed the imparfait in preparation for tomorrow's quiz. It is encouraged to review what is posted in Google Classroom.
April 26, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- activity today with French language assistant who reviewed the imparfait tense with the class.
- there will be a quiz on the imparfait on Thursday.
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
Quiz Thursday, April 29 Period 4 Day 4 Chapter 4
See Google Classroom for booklet answers and terms. REMEMBER to hand in your booklet on quiz day.
April 23, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- today we continued with some practice on the imparfait tense then did some trivia with phrases that included verbs in the imparfait tense.
April 22, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Electricity Booklet 2 Quiz on Wednesday April 28th.

Notes are available on the Google Classroom
April 20, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- Today we started the imparfait tense
April 19, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today students worked on the chromebooks using the well-known site/app - Duolingo.
April 15, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
- activity with French monitor today
April 14, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we played a conversation game that involved students having to respond to common phrases in French.
March 29, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Activity today with French language monitor.
-Reminder to join the Yearbook google classroom and complete the form. Code to join is posted in the French google classroom.
March 23, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today students did a practice listening activity to familiarize themselves with vocab related to this unit.
-There will be a small listening quiz on Friday, based on today's video.
March 22, 2021
March 17, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today students watched a video for some practice listening in French.
-Students should have completed and turned in the Plaques de la Terre reading activity on Google Classroom. Please check that it is completed and turned in.
March 16, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Students should have completed and turned in the Plaques de la Terre reading activity on Google Classroom. Please check that it is completed and turned in.
March 12, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today students completed a reading activity on Plaques de la Terre. This is on Google Classroom and all students should complete this and turn it in.

Enjoy your long weekend!
March 9, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today we did our short listening assessment.
-Balthazar our French monitor did an activity with the students after the quiz.
March 5, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reminder of short listening assessment on weather phrases present/future on Tuesday the 9th. See Google Classroom for details and review.
March 3, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today we went over the differences in the future and present tenses using Weather phrases then we played a Kahoot based on this lesson.
-There will be a short listening quiz on Tuesday, March 9th.
March 2, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today students presented their Weather reports.
-Worked in breakout rooms on an activity where students had to organize phrases.
February 26, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-today our French language assistant joined our Google Meet to do an activity with the students based on Weather.
-reminder that Weather Report assignments are now due in Google Classroom.
February 25, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-today students worked on creating their own weather reports. This is an assignment that must be completed and turned in on google classroom.
February 22, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today students learned about the Future Tense in French. We discussed it as a group, watched a music video to help us understand, and then students completed a google doc worksheet. This should be completed on Google Classroom.
February 19, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today students were put in breakout rooms to do some group work on a matching activity where they had to match images with sentences in French. While they were in the groups, I visited each group to complete their speaking evaluation. Then students were given a link to a website that had games to help them practice the Weather vocab in French.
February 17, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today students were assigned to breakout rooms to work in groups on a vocab activity that they completed with Google Docs.
-Students were asked to review 5 sentences in French as they will read these to me on Friday for a speaking grade.
February 16, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today we did some vocabulary for our new unit on Weather and 2 small worksheets were assigned. We then played a Kahoot as a class to review the vocab.
-Those who missed the reading quiz were asked to complete the Google Form version of the quiz that is under Classwork on Google Classroom.
February 10, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-short passe compose quiz was today.
February 9, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
All students should be finished the review on pages 52-61 of the notes booklet. Unit test on Thursday, Feb 11.
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-We will go ahead with our short quiz tomorrow. See Google Classroom for details.
February 8, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Hope everyone is enjoying their snow day!!

Today's quiz will go ahead on Wednesday. See Google Classroom for what you should review.
February 5, 2021
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Chemistry Unit Test - Thursday February 11th

Students should be working on unit review on pages 52-61 of the booklet.
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today we continued learning how to form sentences in the past tense. We did a lot of practice and students were given a handout to try. On Monday, we will do a very similar activity that will count for a mark. See google classroom for review.
February 3, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reminder that the 'art' projects are due in. Get this in to me ASAP.
February 2, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
-Today we started learning how to form sentences in the past with a PPT and a practice sheet.
-any outstanding assignments must be passed in ASAP.
February 1, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Projects were due today. If not passed in today, they must be passed in tomorrow. This includes the drawing along with the written paragraph.
January 28, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today was our last working class on the final project. This is DUE on Monday.
January 27, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Students have been working on the final project for the unit we are doing for several classes. This involves a drawing and a written piece.
Students will get a writing mark for this as well as a speaking mark because they will read their paragraphs to me.
Deadline for this final project is Monday the 1st.
January 19, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Recovery on Thursday and Friday. Make sure you have told me which units you want to complete before Thursday. If there Is bad weather and school is closed, the recovery will be pushed ahead one day.

Please work on the review sheets provided last week.
January 18, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today students continued working on their final project for this unit which involves a drawing with certain colors, shapes, and lines that represent them and their personality. We have been learning the meanings of each of these elements. This is a cross-curricular activity in French and Art class.
Students are encouraged to bring along some coloring pencils or crayons.
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
New Date
Chapter 5 Test Tuesday, Jan 26, Day 6
Check Google Classroom for review materials
January 12, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we completed our listening quiz.
January 11, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reminder about listening quiz tomorrow.
Please see Google Classroom for a quizlet to help you prepare.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Finish review for next class (pages 22, 36-38 of the notes booklet)

Quiz on Thursday
January 8, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we played some games to review the vocab for the listening quiz on Tuesday the 12th.
A quizlet to review for this is on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Booklet 2 Quiz on Thursday January 14th
January 7, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we reviewed textures and types of art in preparation for the listening quiz on Tuesday. See Google Classroom for a review quizlet.
We also did some work with adjectives.
January 6, 2021
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Listening quiz on textures and types of art on Tuesday, January 12th. There is a quizlet posted to Google Classroom to help prepare.
January 4, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We began 6.6 in the student booklet today - solving inequations/inequalities. The assignment on this section will take place on Monday, January 11. The test on all of unit 6 will occur next Thursday, January 14.

The recovery will take place on Thursday, January 21st and Friday, January 22. It will cover the four units completed so far this year and students must pick at least two of the four units to complete. Students may complete all four units if they wish, but only two are required. Students, with their parents/guardians, should look at their grades in powerschool to determine which unit(s) had assessments with their lowest scores and focus on those units. Students have to let me in advance which units they plan to complete. The recovery will provide a chance for students to improve on their grades in previously completed units.
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Welcome back and Happy New Year!

There will be a short listening quiz next week on types of art and textures. We will continue reviewing in class but I encourage you to review at home as well.
December 17, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
We have been learning some Christmas vocabulary. Students were given a handout with images and vocab to make a connection to 'The Santa Clause' movie that students watched in French to be exposed to various French accents.
December 14, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
ICA on Thursday on everything up to 6.5 in the student booklet.
December 9, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today students completed their reading quiz.
December 8, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we played some games to review for our quiz tomorrow on shapes, lines, and colors.
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we played some games to review for our quiz tomorrow on shapes, lines, and colors.
December 7, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
20 Element Quiz on Friday, Dec. 11

Students need to know the name and symbol for the twenty elements on page 24 of the notes. There is a quizlet on my website and in the classroom!
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reminder of quiz on Wednesday.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We worked on 6.2 today. Finish the last few questions in that section. We will begin 6.3 tomorrow. We will have an ICA on everything up to 6.6 on December 16.
December 4, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reminder of French Quiz on Wednesday, Dec.9th. Details on Google Classroom.
December 3, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we did some review. Reminder that there will be a quiz on Wednesday, Dec. 9th. Details on Google Classroom as well as a copy of the booklet for this unit.
December 2, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reading Quiz on Wednesday, December 9th. Please see Google Classroom for details.
December 1, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We are working on review of unit 6. We corrected the practice questions up to page 7 today.
November 24, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Textbook pages 24-29
Complete notes pages 11-16

Quiz on Wednesday Dec. 2nd covering the first booklet for Chemistry.

All notes and material are on the Google classroom.
November 23, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Your ICA on Unit 3 is on Wednesday. We worked on BEDMAS questions today.

Diner menus were due today.
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we used the chromebooks to search up the vocab words in our booklets for the next unit.
November 20, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Chemistry Quiz 1 - Friday November 27

Quiz will cover all of the first booklet
November 18, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Diner menu Due monday
November 13, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
The Diner Menu assignment for this unit is due on November 23.
November 5, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Continue to review script for tomorrow's read aloud. If you were absent for the writing project- This is due as well.

See google classroom for details.
November 3, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we worked on our unit project which involves creating a dialogue between a waiter and a customer. If absent- please see Google Classroom for a copy of the project.

Please review script that we went over today for Friday. This will be used for the speaking evaluation. See Google Classroom for details.
November 2, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned By: Peter Tarrant
This is a reminder that this Friday will be the first of four READING FRIDAYS that we will be having toward doing a SPEAKING ASSIGNMENT about the novel you choose. Check Google Classroom for more details!!!
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we did an activity related to ordering food at a French restaurant with a French menu. Students learned basic expressions for ordering food.

If you missed your reading quiz- you will be expected to write this next class. See Google Classroom for details.
October 29, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Work on review pg. 32-36 of notes booklet
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
Tuesday, Nov 10, Day 2, Per 3. See Google Classroom for slide notes, a blank booklet for this section and a list of terms and concepts you will need to know for your test. Hand in your completed booklet on test day!!
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today was our reading quiz. If you were absent- you will be expected to write this next class. Please see Google Classroom.
October 28, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reading quiz tomorrow.
Today we completed another practice reading. Please see Google Classroom. Students will be allowed to use today's practice reading for tomorrow's quiz. This is on Google Classroom :)
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
UNIT TEST - Friday, Nov. 6th

Test will cover the entire space unit (everything done since September)

All material can be found on my google classroom or my website.
October 27, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Stars and Galaxies
Read pages 444-450
Complete Notes pages 26 and 27
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reading quiz will be on Thursday.
Continue to review. See Google Classroom for more details.
We will be doing another practice reading in class tomorrow.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Your take home assignment was due today.
Your digital foldable is due Thursday.
Test on all of Unit 2 is Friday.
October 23, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Space Exploration
Read pages 412-420
Complete notes pages 24-25
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Reading quiz on October 29th.
Please see Google Classroom for practice and more details of what is expected.
October 20, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Watched the movie 'The Martian', discussed the movie and completed a listening sheet.

Planets foldable were due last Friday.
October 19, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish the questions at the end of 2.4 in your workbook.

Remember: The digital foldable directions have been posted to google classroom. This is due October 29th.

The take home Assignment has been passed out and can also be found on google classroom if you lose your copy. This is due October 27th. If you don't have it to hand in the day it is due, you will receive a copy to complete during that class which you will hand it at the end of the period.

The test on Unit 2 will be on October 30th.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Peter Tarrant
Will be going through the process for writing our test in After the War in the coming days. Stay tuned to Google Classroom for important announcements and materials.
October 15, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Complete Notes pages 21-23 and discuss

Please note that foldable are now due!
October 14, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish the 2.3 extra practice questions in the booklet
October 13, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Worked on Planet's Foldable. Instructions on website and Google Classroom. This will be marked as an assignment and will be collected next class. FINISH AT HOME IF NOT COMPLETE.
October 9, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Please continue to review vocab list for short quiz on Tuesday.
October 8, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Please continue to review vocab words for the Quiz on Tuesday. Vocab list can be found on Google Classroom.
Google Classroom code: dvjmjc5
October 7, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
On Tuesday, we will be having our quiz on the Vocab that we have been working on in class. The list of vocab is posted to Google Classroom as well as a quizlet link to use for practice. Please review vocab.
Google Classroom code: dvjmjc5
October 6, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Our in-class assignment was today. We will begin Unit 2 tomorrow.

If you are absent from class, you are responsible to catch up on the material that you missed. The notes, videos and extra practice can be found in google classroom and on my personal webpage : https://sites.google.com/nlesd.ca/clemensbrenton/home
October 2, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Remember that your in class assignment is on Tuesday. This is on 1.3-1.4 only.

Answers to Friday's worksheet have been posted in google classroom.

Remember. If you missed any classes, please check the google classroom for answers to worksheets and video links. You are still responsible for missed material.
September 29, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We completed up to surface area of triangular prisms today. Your assignment on all of unit 1 will be on Tuesday, October 6.
September 28, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Finish review - pages 29-32 - for next day
September 25, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Space Quiz 1 - Thursday October 1st
September 23, 2020
Assigned By: Courtney Petten
Today we continued working on ER verbs. No homework assigned.
September 20, 2020
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton

Socials Assignment due: Wednesday, September 30
September 18, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
A reminder that there is a small quiz on Tuesday, September 22 on sections 1.1-1.2
May 22, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
The notes for all of unit 7, including 7.7 have now been posted. Two questions for 7.5-7.7 were posted in google classroom. The work samples for 7.1-7.4 are still there and can still be completed and submitted.

The google forms on units 1-4 are also still posted and available for completion. These have been used in conjunction with previous grades in those units to improve on overall grades.

As I continue to touch base and provide updates to everyone through the texting app, if you have not sent me a cell number to add you to the group, please send one so you can receive the updates as well. Send to lauraclemensbrenton@nlesd.ca
May 5, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Lessons posted and review meet today. There will be a quiz on booklet 3 tomorrow @ 10AM.

Email me if there are any questions.
April 27, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned By: Peter Tarrant
Hi everyone, hope you're keeping well.
This is just to say that I will be posting English work to Google Classroom on Mondays/Tuesdays each week. This is the way I intend to proceed while school is suspended unless I am told otherwise. As you know from District communication, this is NOT work that is COMPULSORY and at any rate it CANNOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT A STUDENT'S OVERALL GRADE. If there are future assignments that can raise marks, it will be indicated on Google Classroom. In the meantime, students who would like feedback on their writing or on their understanding of topics addressed can contact me at any time and I will get back to them. (Parents too, needless to say.) Please stay safe and hang in there!
April 6, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Parents and students should have received an email by now with the google classroom code. This classroom will be used to provide instruction to those who wish to take part during this closure.

If you have not received this email please email me phillipsmith@nlesd.ca
Physical Education
Assigned By: Donald Mackey
Each week I will be posting ideas, lessons and materials on my web page as suggestions for you to participate in being active while staying at home.

Under the tab, Staying Physically Active, you will find activities. This week you will find:
1. Fitness Circuit Cards
2. Core Exercises

Try to complete one or both of these twice during the week or more often if you choose. Think of it as having Physical Education class twice during the seven-day school cycle.
Example: Monday: Fitness Circuit Cards & Wednesday: Core Exercises.

Under the Resources tab you will find:
- Skeletal System (Major Bones of the Body)
- Major Muscles of the Body

These two resources will provide knowledge & understanding of the human body.

The WE-Well being resource may be useful for you during the COVID-19 pandemic. MDJH is a WE School.

Web page link: https://sites.google.com/nlesd.ca/mrmackeyswebsite
March 10, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Students had time to finish up any unfinished work for both health and religion.
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Electricity Quiz 1 - Friday March 13
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
In class assignment on Thursday March 12 on sections 6.5-6.8 in the handouts (corresponds to 6.3 to 6.5 in the textbook). We finished the word problems today.

Remember your money for the cake auction! And remember to participate in Pi Week activities to receive tickets for the prize draw!
March 6, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
You will have your second inclass assignment on the remainder of unit 6 (6.5 onward in the class notes, but corresponds to 6.3 up in the text)

Finish the questions up to the word problems in the 6.6 workbook.
March 4, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Bring money for the cake auction. Every dollar gets a ticket in the prize draw (major prize air pods). Participation in the Pi Week activities also gets tickets.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Bring money for the cake auction. Every dollar gets a ticket in the prize draw (major prize air pods). Participation in the Pi Week activities also gets tickets.

ICA was today. Will continue with 6.5 in the handouts (6.3 in the text) tomorrow.
February 27, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish your 6.4 workbook questions.

Your inclass will be on Monday.
February 26, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish your questions in your workbook in section 6.4. We will correct these Tomorrow. A reminder that your in class assignment is on Monday. This covers sections 6.1-6.2 in the text (6.1-6.4 in your notes)
February 13, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Assignments were due yesterday. I collected them today. The test is still tomorrow, Feb 14 on all of Unit 5.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Assignments were due yesterday. I collected them today. The test is still tomorrow, Feb 14 on all of Unit 5.

If you didn't pass in your assignment, send me pictures of the completed assignment by 6pm. Once the solutions are posted I can't accept the assignment.
February 12, 2020
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Assignments that were due today are expected to be passed in tomorrow.

The test will still take place on Friday, Feb 14. Answers to the assignment will be posted on my website tomorrow.
February 10, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Science Unit Test on Thursday February 20. This test will cover all the material on Chemistry - all 3 booklets!
February 5, 2020
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
Ch. 5 test Thurs. Feb 13 Period 3, Day 6
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton

Take home assignments have been distributed and are due on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2020. This is on sections 4.1-4.4.

We are currently working on 5.4. Students should finish the practice at the end of 5.4 in their handouts for class tomorrow.
January 15, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned By: Craig Squires
Reminder to students to bring their novels to class tomorrow, Thursday, January 16th. You will be reading your novel. This is your second independent novel of the year. Assignment for this novel will be posted on Google Classroom in coming days.
January 10, 2020
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Chemistry Quiz 2 on Tuesday January 14th

Notes on my website.
December 11, 2019
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Monday Dec. 16 - Quiz on the 20 elements.

Sheet to study on my website.
December 9, 2019
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Quiz Wednesday on the following vocab: https://quizlet.com/239546740/flashcards
December 6, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish your slide presentation (assignment posted to google classroom) if it isn't finished. You've had two classes to complete this.

Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Your quiz on 4.1-4.3 will be on TUESDAY, DEC 10
December 2, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
A reminder of your quiz on FRiday on 4.1-4.3
November 29, 2019
Assigned By: Phillip Smith

9-1 Science quiz covering Chemistry booklet 1 will be on Wednesday, Dec. 4
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish the extra practice 4.2 in the class handouts. There will be a quiz next Friday, December 6, on sections 4.1-4.3
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Please add yourself to our google classroom. THe current assignment is there with the rubric. Your presentation should have a minimum of ten slides.
November 27, 2019
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Chemistry Quiz on booklet 1 will be on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish practice 4.1in notes
November 26, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We started unit 4 today.
November 24, 2019
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
Ch 3 quiz on booklet Wednesday Day 2, Period 3. Quiz will consist of true and false, fill ins and multiple choice. about 15 questions.
November 19, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Students are reminded that the take home assignment is due tomorrow. The test will be written on Monday. These assessments are on Unit 3
November 17, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Math Assignment is due Wednesday, Nov 20. Test will be written Monday, November 25.
November 6, 2019
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Space Unit Test has been postponed until tomorrow, Thursday November 7th.
November 5, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Students had time to finish the questions at the end of the 3.1 handout. If these were finished, students also worked on p.101 #'s 6,7,8ac, 10ac,12acegh, 14aceg, 21, 23ac, 24ac, 25
October 31, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Students who have not yet submitted their foldable are asked to due so as these were due yesterday. We will be starting unit 3.
October 29, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
A reminder of your math test on Unit 2 tomorrow. Your foldable is also due tomorrow. The outline/rubric is posted on my webpage.
October 28, 2019
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Space Unit Test, covering all material since beginning of the year, will be on Wednesday, November 6th.

Notes and materials on my website.
October 24, 2019
Social Studies
Assigned By: David Lawton
Chapter 2 Quiz
Thursday Oct 31, Day 6
See my homework page for study topics and notes
October 22, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
A reminder that your test on unit 2 is next Wednesday, October 30th.

Your foldable should be ready to submit the day of the test.

We are currently working on 2.5.
October 18, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish page 76-77 #'s 4, 5, 8 and 13

Work on foldables. These will be due at the end of unit 2, the day of the test.
October 16, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We went through the vaping presentation. Students were given an information sheet that they may want to discuss with parents.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish the extra practice at the end of the 2.4 handout.
October 13, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
A reminder of your in class assignment on sections 2.1-2.3 on Tuesday!
October 3, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Please finish the extra practice at the end of your handouts for 2.1 (pages 5-6).
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Please finish the extra practice at the end of your handouts for 2.1 (pages 5-6).
September 30, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Students are reminded of their quiz on surface area tomorrow. This was announced last week. It will be two questions - one with the blocks and one on composite objects. Students were also assigned #s 15, 16, 19 and 20 as review today.
September 27, 2019
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students have a quiz next Wednesday on the follow material:

Links to practice sheets:


September 23, 2019
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Quiz on booklet 1 will be Friday, Sept. 27. Notes are on my website.
September 20, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We covered surface area of blocks built from cubes and started surface area of composite figures built from rectangular prisms.

Important Dates:
The take home assignment is due Friday, September 27. You were given this on Tuesday.

Math Help is every Monday in the Learning Commons from 2:15-3:15
September 16, 2019
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We began watching John Q.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Your quiz on 1.1 and 1.2 is tomorrow. This was scheduled last week. Please review the worksheets that were completed in class.

The handouts for this unit can be found on my website. All notes, your textbook, extra practice, math videos etc can be found here. I am in the process of updating my site with grade 9 resources.
September 13, 2019
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Vocab quiz Tuesday on the following vocab words:
September 10, 2019
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
There will be a quiz Tuesday on the French Vocab from this quizlet:
January 8, 2010
Assigned By: Phillip Smith
Booklet 2 Chemistry Quiz on Tuesday Jan. 14th.
