Homework Assigned For Homeroom: 9-7 (109B)
September 13, 2023
Assigned By: Andrea Losinski
Students were assigned an activity booklet on the Google Classroom on Ecumencial & Interfaith.
September 11, 2023
Assigned By: Andrea Losinski
Please join our Google Classroom: z3vi4b6.
June 16, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
June 15, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
We will do a recovery for today's test on Monday.
June 14, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Test moved to tomorrow.
June 13, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Circle Geometry Test tomorrow. Use the in-class assessment we took up today to help you to study and improve. Full solutions are now posted in our Google classroom. More practice questions can be found on page 418-419 of the textbook.
June 12, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Study for circle geometry test on Wednesday. Tomorrow we will take up the solutions to today's in class assignment to also help you to prepare.
June 9, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the review questions on pages 19-22 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open book assignment on circle geometry on Monday and then the unit test on Wednesday.
If you would like more practice questions, pages 418-419 of your textbook also reviews these skills.
June 8, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 15-18 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open book assignment on circle geometry scheduled for Monday, June 12th. The unit test on circle geometry will then be on Wednesday, June 14th.
June 7, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 397-398 #3, 4, 5, 6, 7 if they were not completed during class time.
Open book assignment on circle geometry scheduled for Monday, June 12th. The unit test on circle geometry will then be on Wednesday, June 14th.
June 6, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 11-14 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open book assignment on circle geometry scheduled for Monday, June 12th. The unit test on circle geometry will then be on Wednesday, June 14th.
June 5, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 10 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
June 2, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 7-10 of your math booklet if they were not completed in class.
June 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
May 30, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed reading the novel Aller Retour
- students started questions on chapters 15-17
- novel test Monday, June 5th
- review classes the rest of the week. I have posted the review to Google Classroom in advance of the review classes
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
We will be writing the Provincial Math Assessment (PRMA) on Thursday during our regular math class. This assessment gives the school board a snap shot of how well Grade 9 students in the province are doing in math and to then help drive school improvement planning. This does not affect your grade or go on your report card. There are 22 multiple choice questions and 3 long answer. It covers many of the topics we have learned throughout the year. So no need to stress, have fun with it and see how much you remember.
*** Please bring a calculator if you have one as several of mine have gone missing.
May 26, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- corrected questions on chapters 13 & 14
- read chapter 15 today
- went over vocab on chapters 15-17
- worked on expressions in Partie B
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
May 25, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Act 3 quiz moved to next Thursday.
Act 4/5 quiz on June 6th.
Major Project (Romeo and Juliet) due June 6th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 2-4 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 24, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish writing or copying and pasting the definitions and pictures for pages 2-3 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 23, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Today we continued working on our Mandala project. They should be finished and the write up done by Thursday.
May 19, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework. Enjoy the long weekend. Now that I'm back and feeling better, things will be back to normal next week.
May 17, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students should have the following complete for Romeo and Juliet:

Study Guide (Acts 1 and 2)
Bookmarks (Acts 1 and 2)
Text Message Assignment
Prologue Activity

We have just introduced the major assignment. This will be due June 1st.

Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 12 of Aller Retour
-Assigned the following activities: Partie B, Q.5-8 & Partie C, Q.5-8
May 16, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- corrected all questions on chapters 9 & 10
- read chapter 11
- students should have completed part b expressions 1-4 and part c questions 1-4
May 15, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We will be completing our unit review this week to get ready for Wednesday's unit test.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 29-31 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 12, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 26-28 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 11, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Upload 5 photos showing examples of symmetry in our community into our Google classroom.
May 10, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
May 9, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed chapters 7 & 8 of Aller Retour
- questions on these chapters should be done
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 24-25 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 8, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 21-23 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
May 5, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
May 4, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 342-343 #8, 12, 19 if they were not completed during class time.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 tomorrow. Solutions for 7.1 to 7.4 as well as the unit review questions at the back of the booklet are posted in our Google classroom.
May 3, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 4 of Aller Retour
-Partie B: Questions 7-10
-Partie C: Questions 6-9
- do the vocab for chapters 5 & 6
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the unit review questions on pages 32-35 #1-9 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 scheduled for Friday, May 5th. Solutions for 7.1 to 7.4 now posted in our Google classroom.
May 2, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Read chapter 3 of Aller Retour
- went over vocab together
- students were assigned questions1-6 in partie B and 1-5 in partie c
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 18-20 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 scheduled for Friday, May 5th. Solutions for 7.1 to 7.4 now posted in our Google classroom.
May 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 15-17 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 7.1 to 7.4 scheduled for Friday, May 5th.
April 28, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 341 #4, 6 if they were not completed during class time.
April 27, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Student's quiz has been corrected.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Student's quiz has been corrected.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 10-14 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 26, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- we are currently doing the novel study 'Aller Retour'
- read chapters 1 & 2 and completed vocab, expressions and short answer questions in booklet
- bring Chromebooks to class tomorrow
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We have started our Unit Study of Romeo and Juliet. I have sent home a tentative copy of the unit plan, and it is available on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are completing their second electricity quiz this week. They are required to bring calculators for evaluations and are not permitted to use their phones as calculators.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 8-9 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class. Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 329 #6, 8, 11 if they were not completed during class time.
April 25, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 6-8, stop after calculating Example 4 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 24, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 3-5 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 21, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework. Today we played the tax collector game to focus on mathematical logic skills.
April 20, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 1-2 of your new digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
April 19, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework. Today we reviewed some content from unit 6 and extended it to a university level problem with 3 variables for fun.
April 18, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We will finish speeches tomorrow.

Listening Quiz on Thursday, April 20th.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students finished the second electricity chapter and are completing the chapter review. Study materials are available on Google Classroom.
Students will have a quiz next Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Those students who still need to write recoveries should take the next couple of nights to prepare and be ready to write them on Thursday and Friday. Remember that practice review questions are posted in our Google classroom.
April 17, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we had a brief introduction to Romeo and Juliet. We will finish the speeches and continue with Romeo and Juliet for the remainder of this week.

Listening Quiz on Thursday, April 20th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
April 6, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Those students who still have recoveries to complete should spend a little time over the course of the break to review and prepare.
Enjoy the Easter Break :)
April 5, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
April 4, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Persuasive Speeches are due TODAY.

Presentations will start tomorrow.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recoveries continue tomorrow if needed.
Extra practice pages have been posted in our Google classroom and can be completed using your Chromebook and Kami if you are unable to print them off.
April 3, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recoveries continue tomorrow.
Extra practice pages have been posted in our Google classroom and can be completed using your Chromebook and Kami if you are unable to print them off.
March 31, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Recoveries scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.
Extra practice pages have been posted in our Google classroom and can be completed using your Chromebook and Kami if you are unable to print them off.
March 30, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Today's assessment will be marked tonight so that you can make your decision about how you would like to proceed with recoveries tomorrow.
Recoveries scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
March 29, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 20-22 and 26 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class. If you would like some extra practice to get ready for tomorrow, complete the questions on page 29 and 30, skip the ones with fractions. Solutions will be posted in our Google classroom this evening.
Open-book in-class assignment on 6.6 and 6.7 tomorrow.
Recoveries scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
March 28, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 18-19 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Open-book in-class assignment on 6.6 and 6.7 scheduled for Thursday.
Recoveries have been scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
March 27, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Reminder: Independent Novel Assignments are due March 31st. These should be completed independently at home. All project requirements are posted on Google Classroom.

Students will continue working through their persuasive essays in class. These will be clued up early next week.
March 23, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework. Enjoy the long weekend.
March 22, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Recoveries have been scheduled for Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
March 21, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Quiz on 6.1 and 6.2 tomorrow.
Finish any remaining questions on the review sheet that was handed out in class today. A blank review sheet is posted in our Google classroom along with solutions for 6.1 and 6.2. A few more practice questions will also be posted for those who really want to feel prepared for this quiz and start to improve their marks.
March 20, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- listened to and followed along in novel to chapter 5. Completed listening and written activities
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 9-10 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 6.1 and 6.2 scheduled for Wednesday.
March 17, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students are reminded to bring their Chromebooks to every ELA class to continue work on Persuasive Essays.

All BookWidgets activities are due Monday, March 20th.

Independent Novel Assignment is due March 31st.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish all the questions up to page 7 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on 6.1 and 6.2 scheduled for Wednesday, March 22.
March 15, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We are starting the second electricity chapter this week. We started with drawing circuits and will move on to resistance and Ohm's law.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
March 14, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Read chapitre 2 of Tour du Monde
- Completed written comprehension activities for chapter 2
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 5-7 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
March 13, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Essay test tomorrow, period 3. Extra time available period 5 if needed.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read through the first chapter of Tour du Monde and worked on questions in the booklet
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 3-4 of your digital math booklet if they were not completed in class.
March 9, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
March 8, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Essay Test on March 14th
Practice Essay Test can be submitted any time before March 13th to receive feedback.
All Non-Fiction Unit activities (Activities 1-7) will be due March 20th.
Activity 9 (Poster) was completed in class - please ensure you complete the group evaluation form.
Activity 10 (Practice Test) is optional.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued to practice the conditional tense (all material posted in Google Classroom)
please see Google Classroom for information posted on a speaking competition and writing contest. These are great opportunities for enrichment.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
March 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students have an essay test on March 14th.

Activities 1-8 on Google Classroom due March 20th.

Book Project due March 31st.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
March 6, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Essay Test on March 14th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework
March 3, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish any remaining unit review questions from pages 53-60 of your photocopied math booklet.
Solutions for the unit 5 booklet are posted in our Google classroom to help you to check your answers and prepare for the test.
Unit 5 Test on Monday.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- started presentations today
- will continue Monday
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- started presentations today
- will continue Monday
March 2, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Presentation prepared by district about benefits of French Immersion
-Students will begin to present their projects on natural disasters tomorrow
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Continue working on the unit review questions from pages 53-60 of your photocopied math booklet, we will have time to keep working on them in class tomorrow as well.
Solutions for the unit 5 booklet are now posted in our Google classroom to help you to check your answers and prepare for the test.
Unit 5 Test scheduled for Monday.
March 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish any remaining questions from pages 45-52 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 5 Test scheduled for Monday, March 6.
February 28, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish questions 4, 5, 6, 10, 17 on pages 46-52 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 5 Test scheduled for Monday, March 6.
February 27, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students should have their Chromebooks with them for every ELA class.

Test has been moved to March 14th.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We starting and completing electric current this week.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 39-42 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 24, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
February 23, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 32-36 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 21, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 30-31 and 37 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Use the digital math games posted today to review your mental math skills with multiplication and division.
February 20, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
The Gonzaga High School administration team will be holding an in-person session for parents
on Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM. During this meeting, they will go through the
Level 1 course selection presentation/process for 2023-2024 and allow time at the end for
anyone who would like to ask questions.
The Gonzaga administration will also speak with the current Grade 9 students at MacDonald
Drive Junior High School on Thursday, February 23rd, 2023.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We have completed Activities 1, 2, and 4 for our Non-Fiction unit thus far.

We are also reading our independent novels every Monday and Friday.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Starting the electricity unit this week with static electricity.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
February 17, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Independent Novel Studies starting Monday - students should have something to read for this class.

Students should bring Chromebooks to every ELA class.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
In-class assignment on Monday. You may use your notes and you will need your Chromebook.
Notes and solutions are posted in the Google classroom to help with studying.
February 16, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions up to page 29 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment moved to Monday, February 20th, practice in-class assignment tomorrow. You may use your notes and you will need your Chromebooks both days.
Notes and solutions now posted in Google classroom to help with studying.
February 13, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Please bring Chromebooks to all future ELA classes.

All Short Story Unit work is due February 20th at the absolute latest.

Umbrella and Paragraph practice due TODAY.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 23-27 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment scheduled for Thursday, February 16th, practice in-class assignment will be on Wednesday. You may use your notes and you will need your Chromebooks both days.
February 10, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued with listening practice activities
- reading evaluation Monday
-will continue listening practises next week with listening evaluation next Friday
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
You are welcome to continue practicing your math skills using the digital games posted in our Google classroom that we used during class today.
February 9, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-unseen reading test Monday, Feb.13
- started practice listening and viewing today. Articles completed today are on google classroom
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 17-22 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 8, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed final practice reading in text and booklet les inondations
- reading test Monday, Feb. 12th (unseen article but questions will be the exact same as in practice readings)
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 11-16 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 7, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 6-7 and pages 9-10 as well as page 14 #1 and page 15 # 6 of your new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 6, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began working on the short film 'Umbrella.' This will be due on Thursday.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we will finish physical and chemical changes and complete our unit review. Students should expect a quiz early next week. Study material posted to Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 1-5 and page 8 of your new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
February 3, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students have been working on the passe compose and imparfait (verb tenses they will have to use in their written production for the unit)
- started reading comprehension practise today with an evaluation late next week
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Practice Paragraphs are due MONDAY, February 6th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
February 2, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
February 1, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 201-203 #1, 5, 10, 13, 17 if they were not completed during class time.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations tomorrow. Digital copies of the unit 4 booklet and solutions to the unit review are posted in our Google Classroom to help you study if needed.
January 31, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations on Thursday.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students have been working on the Passe compose with avoir and etre
- Mr. Fitzpatrick introduced the imparfait today and students worked on conjugating activities
- presentation posted in Google Classroom
January 30, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We will be working through and finishing with Short Stories this week. All required work is available on Google Drive.

Students are reminded to please bring their Chromebooks to ELA class regularly.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We are finishing up naming ionic and covalent bonds and will then move on to physical and chemical changes.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 46-50 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd.
January 27, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 44-45 and 50-51 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd.
January 26, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 188-189 #3, 4, 5, 6 if they were not completed during class time.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations moved to Thursday, February 2nd.
January 25, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Bell Let's Talk presentation
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
January 24, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 35-43 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class the past two days.
Unit 4 Test on Linear Relations scheduled for Tuesday, January 31st.
January 23, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued work on our Short Story unit. No homework.
January 20, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
January 19, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Read articles Des catastrophes bien canadiennes on pages 34-27 yesterday
- worked on 2 pages of activities on this reading today
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Part 2 of the in-class assignment is tomorrow. You may still use your notes to support you in completing this task.
January 18, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Part 2 of the in-class assignment is tomorrow. You may still use your notes to support you in completing this task.
January 17, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
In-class Assignment tomorrow on section 4.3. You may use your notes to support you in completing this task.
January 16, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- we have started the next unit on le Texte explicatif. The theme of the unit is les catastrophes naturelles.
- we have looked at characteristiques of different textes
- students worked on reading on sixth sense capabilities of animals
- we will be working on reading text for the next week with a reading evaluation after many practise ones
- booklet posted to google classroom
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began presentations for our independent novel assignment. All students should have this assignment submitted. If the assignment is not in by tomorrow there will be late marks taken off.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We are continuing review, doing a Bohr-Rutherford activity, and students have their quiz on Thursday.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 30-34 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class Assignment scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday this week on section 4.3. You may use your notes to support you in completing this task.
January 13, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 27-29 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
January 12, 2023
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 19-27 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class yesterday or today.
January 11, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued work on our Independent Novel Assignment. Students will have ONE more class, then the remainder of the assignment should be completed at home. This assignment is due January 16th.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Completing second chemistry chapter. Quiz will be the middle of next week.
January 9, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began working on our Independent Novel Assignments. Students will have one more class to work on this and the remainder should be completed at home.

The assignment is due January 16th.
Presentations will begin the same day.

Short Story Terms due (Google Classroom)
Lamb to the Slaughter due (Google Classroom or on paper)
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework.
January 6, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students completed test on Nous Reviendrons en Acadie
- if any student was absent, parents must send Madame Quann an email to arrange a time to do a make up
- presentations will continue Monday
- applications are now available for French Summer Programs. Please see Google Classroom and note application deadline is Feb. 17
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
January 5, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- started presentations
- novel test tomorrow
- will continue presentations Monday
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we are finishing up chemical families and starting Bohr-Rutherford diagrams. Students should expect a quiz the end of next week or the week after. Answer key and Quizlet can be found on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 160-161 #11, 12, 15, 16 if they were not completed during class time.
Quiz on sections 4.1 and 4.2 tomorrow.
January 4, 2023
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reviewed for novel assessment this Friday
- review material and answer keys have been posted to Google Classroom
- presentations will begin tomorrow
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 170-171 #4, 5, 7, 9, 10 if they were not completed during class time.
Quiz on sections 4.1 and 4.2 on Friday.
January 3, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we reviewed Short Story terms. We will continue with our short story unit over the next several classes. Students should bring their novels and their chromebooks (if possible).

We will be working on our Independent Novel Assignment later this week/early next week. It is due January 16th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 16-18 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Quiz on sections 4.1 and 4.2 scheduled for Friday, January 6th. This covers things we learned about before the break on graphing linear relations and writing equations to describe a pattern. We will continue to review these concepts and skills over the next couple of days to help prepare.
December 20, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
If you're participating in Secret Santa, please bring in your contribution tomorrow!

We have no new homework. Please do not lose your library books! Leave them in my classroom if you need to.

Happy Holidays! :)
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
December 19, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
December 16, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Students should have their Process Piece submitted. This is now late.

Rewrites for Giver Essay test happening Monday, P. 2.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 10-13 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
December 15, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 6-9 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
December 14, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished our work with with The Lottery short story. Students are reminded to take jot notes for their Independent Novel Assignments - we will finish these in January.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 1-5 of your new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued working on projects on Nous reviendrons en Acadie today
- reading quiz postponed until the Friday after Christmas break
December 13, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
December 12, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Comparative Essays (Process Pieces) are now past due. Please submit ASAP.

If students wish to rewrite the essay test, they should let me know by Wednesday.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit Recovery Tests Part 2 is tomorrow.
You should continue to review your photocopied booklets and the feedback you received on your completed assessments from Unit 1, 2 and/or 3 depending on which grades you are hoping to improve. Completed booklets with answers for all three units are also posted in our Google classroom to help you with studying.
Solutions for the review package of questions that you have been working on will be posted in our Google classroom as well.
December 9, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit Recovery Tests are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.
You should review your photocopied booklets and the feedback you received on your completed assessments from Unit 1, 2 and/or 3 depending on which grades you are hoping to improve. Completed booklets with answers for all three units are also posted in our Google classroom to help you with studying.
Solutions for the review package of questions that you have been working on will be posted in our Google classroom as well.
December 8, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students who have missed their unit test should be prepared to write tomorrow during period 2.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 11 of nous reviendrons
- will complete tomorrow and finish questions
- Test Friday, Dec. 16
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit Recovery Tests are scheduled for Monday, December 12th and Tuesday, December 13th.
You should review your photocopied booklets and the feedback you received on your completed assessments from Unit 1, 2 and/or 3 depending which grades you are hoping to improve. Completed booklets with answers for all three units are also posted in our Google classroom to help you with studying.
December 7, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Process Piece were due Monday December 5th - unless students have already asked for an extension, these are now late.

Please bring your novel and chromebook to every ELA class - we will be reading and working on our Short Story unit starting in Wednesday's class.

Re-Writes for the Essay Test (The Giver) will happen Thursday, December 8th during period 2. Please let me know if you missed the test and/or want to rewrite the test by the end of Wednesday.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit Recovery Tests are scheduled for Monday, December 12th and Tuesday, December 13th.
You should review your photocopied booklets and the feedback you received on your completed assessments from Unit 1, 2 and/or 3 depending which grades you are hoping to improve. Completed booklets with answers for all three units are also posted in our Google classroom to help you with studying.
December 6, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers tomorrow.
Make sure that you complete the extra order of operations questions on page 42-43 of your photocopied booklet to help you to prepare.
Remember that the solutions booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to help with studying and comparing your answers.

*Also remember Unit Recovery Tests are scheduled for Monday, December 12th and Tuesday, December 13th.*
December 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
December Updates:

Process Piece is due TODAY, Monday December 5th - if you need an extension, you must let me know today.

Please bring your novel and chromebook to every ELA class - we will be reading and working on our Short Story unit starting in Wednesday's class.

Re-Writes for the Essay Test (The Giver) will happen Tuesday, December 6th during period 2. Please let me know if you missed the test and/or want to rewrite the test.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
** Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers moved to Wednesday, December 7th. **
This will allow more time for those who need it to complete the second part of the assignment and to have some class time for the practice review. Remember to bring your Chromebook if you still need it for the assignment.
Remember that the solutions booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to help with studying and comparing your answers.
December 2, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
** Bring Chromebook Monday **
Part 2 of in-class assignment on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions on Monday.
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.
Complete any missed pages in your math booklet if you've been absent lately.
Getting a head start on the unit review on page 40 to 45 should help you with the assignment and test as you may only have a bit of class time on Monday to work on it.
*** Solutions booklet with answers now posted in our Google classroom to help with studying and comparing your answers. ***
December 1, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-read pages chapters 8-9 of novel
- questions on chapters 7-9 were assigned
- tentative test date Dec. 14
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 36-38 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions scheduled for tomorrow and Monday.
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.
*** Solutions booklet with answers now posted in our Google classroom to help with studying. ***
November 30, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
The Giver process piece is due MONDAY.
Students should hit 'turn in' once finished their rough drafts - that will give me time to edit and return their work before moving on to the final copy.

Please bring your chromebooks and novels to every ELA class!
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 34-35 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
In-class assignment on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions scheduled for Friday, December 1st and Monday, December 5th.
Unit assessment on order of operations with rational numbers scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Please, please, please sell as many TechQuest lottery tickets as possible!
November 28, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are asked to have their revision completed for next class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Once you finish your rough draft, please 'turn in' the assignment on Google Classroom! This will give me time to make any edits or suggestions before you move on to your final draft.

Please bring your chromebooks for Wednesday and Thursday's class!
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Please help support MDJH's TechQuest! We are holding a fundraiser to help improve our technological infrastructure in the building - this will help us support all of our students in the best way possible.

Please visit our website for more informtation: https://sites.google.com/nlesd.ca/mdjhtechquest2022/home?pli=1
November 24, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students need to bring their Chromebooks and their Novels to ELA for the next several classes.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 27-29 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 23, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 23-25 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 22, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Please bring your Chromebooks and your Novels to tomorrow's ELA class!
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 5 and completed questions
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 20-22 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are finishing up the first chapter in the Chemistry unit this week. We will have a our first chapter quiz on Friday, December 2nd. Review will start this week and study materials are available on Google Classroom.
November 21, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Please, please, please bring your Chromebook to ELA class tomorrow! We are starting out process piece (comparative essay between the movie and the novel for The Giver) and while it can be completed on paper, you will have a much easier time completing it on your Chromebooks. :)
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on pages 17-19 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 17, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 12 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 16, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 8 and 9 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 15, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-read chapter 3 and completed questions in novel Nous reviendrons
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish questions 2 and 3 on pages 6 and 7 of the new photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
November 14, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- catch up class on novel (reread chapters 1-2 and reviewed answers to questions)
- answers will be posted to google classroom after chapter 5 for the fist few chapters
November 10, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students have completed their Space unit test. This week we started Chemistry and discussed Physical and Chemical properties and completed a Lab.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Test on Powers and Exponent Laws on Monday. Review your notes and solutions. Remember that the photocopied booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to also help with studying if needed.
November 9, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Multiple Choice Test on The Giver happening November 16th.

Essay Test on The Giver happening November 17th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Test on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws has been moved to Monday to avoid conflicting with our Remembrance Day Assembly.
Our photocopied booklet with answers is posted in our Google classroom to help with studying.
November 8, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began watching The Giver film. We have a few things coming up in November:

November 10th - finish the film and compare/contrast to the novel.

November 14th/15th: Review major concepts from the novel study.

November 16th: Multiple Choice portion of our Unit Test.

November 17th: Essay portion of our Unit Test.

November 18th: Classes will be visiting the library to check out independent novels.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the review questions on page 30 and 31 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Test on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws scheduled for Thursday.
Photocopied booklet solutions posted in Google classroom for help with studying.
**I am available for extra help tomorrow at lunch for those who would like it before the test.**
November 7, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
The Giver Unit Test moved to next week!
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students will be given a permission form next class for a field trip to the Geo Center.
Please complete the permission form along with the funds and send back at your earliest convenience.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the review questions on page 28 and 29 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Make sure your foldable project on Exponent Laws is finished for tomorrow.
Test on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws scheduled for Thursday, November 10th.
November 4, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Student's quiz is next Monday.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 85 #16 and 19 if they were not completed during class time.
Foldable project on Exponent Laws due Tuesday.
Assessment on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws moved to Thursday, November 10th.
November 3, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 84 #4, 5, 6, 8 if they were not completed during class time.
Foldable project on Exponent Laws due Tuesday, November 8th.
Assessment on Unit 2: Powers and Exponent Laws scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th.
November 2, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
November 1, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued reading The Giver.

Novel test will be November 8th and November 9th (next Tuesday and Wednesday).
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-listening evaluation on Acadien unit originally scheduled for last Friday is tomorrow
- there are sample listening activities in google classroom
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Space Unit test moved to Monday, November 7. Study materials available on Google Classroom.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Picture Retakes happening on November 7th.

School Clothing orders available now through our website!
October 31, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Our novel test will occur over two classes: November 8th and November 9th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
The final deadline for clothing orders is November 4. Orders will be placed and paid for online. Clothing will be sent to the school directly from the clothing company in packages labelled for each person.

October 28, 2022
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Halloween is Monday!
October 27, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reading practice Evangeline
- listening assessment moved to Monday
-students should review the chanson/ poem Evangeline on Google Classroom as this will be the focus on the evaluation
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 26, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- listening practice on Les acadiens
- listened to and analysed la chanson Evangeline
- listening assessment Friday on chanson Evangeline. The song and lyrics are posted in Google Classroom
October 25, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we are starting our review of the space unit. Students should expect a quiz in the middle of next week.
Study materials can be found on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 19 and 20 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
All students should have questions completed for Chapters 1-16. I will be checking in tomorrow's class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
School clothing orders coming soon! Keep an eye on our website.

Coats for Kids is ongoing until Friday - please send it any warm clothes that you no longer need.

Halloween is next Monday! Students and staff are encouraged to dress up - be appropriate and no masks or weapons.
October 24, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read Chapter 15 and 16 of The Giver. Students completed questions in class.

Listening quiz on Wednesday.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Acadie booklets should be completed and passed in
-started focusing on listening- practice listening on les Acadiens de IPE today
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 18 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
School clothing orders coming soon! Keep an eye on our website.

Coats for Kids is ongoing until Friday - please send it any warm clothes that you no longer need.

Halloween is next Monday! Students and staff are encouraged to dress up - be appropriate and no masks or weapons.
October 21, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Finish the questions on page 13 and 14 of your photocopied math booklet if they were not completed in class.
October 20, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students have read and completed chapter questions up to and including Chapter 14.

There will be a listening quiz on Wednesday, October 26th.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Jamarama day tomorrow! Wear your PJs and bring a donation!
October 19, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 18, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
doing unit on Acadie: we corrected section on sports and completed education section.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 17, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
In unit on Acadie, we corrected section on sports and completed education section.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 14, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 46-47 #15, 16b, 16c, 19a if they were not completed during class time. If you can answer these, the assessment will not be difficult for you.
In-class assignment scheduled for Monday, October 17th. Students will be allowed to use their notes for examples and formulas. Extra help available Monday at lunch with Mr. Luchford.
October 13, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
In-class assignment scheduled for Friday, October 14th has been moved to Monday, October 17th. Students will be allowed to use their notes for examples and formulas. Extra help available tomorrow at lunch with Mr. Luchford.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed listening assessment today
October 12, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued reading The Giver. We have completed up to and including Chapter 10.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 40 #3a, 3c, 5a if they were not completed during class time.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Jamarama on October 21st.

Icecream orders every Friday!
October 11, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed presentations today
- listening assessment Thursday
- 3 marks posted in Powerschool
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we are starting out study on the sun and planets in our solar system.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
In-class assignment scheduled for Friday, October 14th. Students will be allowed to use their notes for examples and formulas.
October 7, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
October 6, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- began presentations today
- reading assessment Friday
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 40-41 #3e,and 5b if they were not completed during class time.
October 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued reading The Giver, Chapter 7.

Listening Quiz is moved to next week.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Thanksgiving food drive is happening all week! Send in any donations. :)

Tomorrow we are collecting monetary donations for Hurricane Fiona relief. If you have any spare change, please send it along!
October 4, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- did practice reading in preparation for assessment Friday
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We completed a short Thanksgiving activity today in class. Listening quiz on Friday (October 13th).
October 3, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Using the digital textbook in our Google Classroom, finish page 30-31 #4, 8, 10 if they were not completed during class time.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed reading practice on La paille ... (students should complete at home if not completed in class)
- did a reading practice on Le Journee du chandail orange
- reading assessment Friday
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students first science quiz is scheduled for Friday, October 7. All review and study materials have been posted to Google Classroom.
September 29, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are asked to complete and submit their Martian worksheet for next class.
September 28, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we are finishing the Martian and associated work.
If the worksheet was not completed in class, it is homework.
We will be moving on to the space philosophers and astronomers.
We finish up with observation tools then start review.
Students should expect a quiz late next week.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Orange Shirt day discussion and videos. No homework.

This is a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday September 29th, is picture day! Bring your best smiles!

We also have a food drive happening next week.
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday September 29th, is picture day! Bring your best smiles!

We also have a food drive happening next week.
September 27, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Practise reading activity 'La paille qui fait deborder la vase'
September 26, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read and completed questions for Chapter 3 of The Giver.

Students are reminded to submit their journal entries in tomorrow's class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-complete all work in booklets up to le passe compose if not completed in class
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No homework.
September 23, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
No Homework. Enjoy the weekend.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished chapter questions for Chapter 1 and 2 of The Giver. We also began our journal entry based on Chapter 2. If students did not complete this journal in class, it should be completed at home.
September 22, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Assessment on sections 1.1 and 1.2 will take place tomorrow, Friday, September 23.
Our Google Classroom is up and running. Students were sent an invite to join directly to their student email accounts. Clicking on the link will allow them to join or they can just open their Google Classroom main page and our math course should now appear as an option to select.
Students can complete any remaining practice review questions from today (page 18-19 # 6, 7, 11, 13) using the digital textbook posted in our Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued reading The Giver. We have completed Chapters 1 and 2 - tomorrow we will be working on the journal entry for Chapter 2.
September 21, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Assessment on sections 1.1 and 1.2 scheduled for Friday, September 23. Our review of these skills and topics will continue in class tomorrow.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- we are working through the review booklets
- we have been working on les adjectifs, homophones, la negation et le present (these sections of the booklet should be completed by all)
an email was sent home to all parents on Tuesday regarding curriculum, assessment and google classroom codes. Any parent who did not receive an email from me should email for this information
September 20, 2022
Assigned By: Antony Luchford
Assessment on sections 1.1 and 1.2 scheduled for Friday, September 23.
Students are reminded to consistently bring their math booklets and calculators to class every day.
September 15, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we introduced our novel study - 'The Giver.' Students are completing an activity in class.

Portfolio choice boards are due tomorrow.
September 14, 2022
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- started presentation of La Classe de mot
- completed indirect and direct objects, pronoms
- copy of presentation and booklet posted in google classroom
- students were given code to join today
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today was the last day to work on our choice board portfolio activity. The choice board is due Friday.
September 12, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began our first portfolio assignment - a choice board. We will have 2-3 classes to complete this - due Friday, September 16th.
September 7, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Here is your Sciences Google Classroom code: p474k5g
June 20, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! Tomorrow is the last day for the Unit 9 booklet to be submitted. Please be sure that you have the booklet completed and submitted to me for a grade on Unit 9. All notes that have been given in class are posted to Google Classroom.
June 17, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today students continued working through the Unit 9 booklet. This booklet must be submitted by Tuesday, June 21st.
June 16, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today we continued to work through the last unit in Math, Unit 9. Students are expected to complete the booklet of notes and submit this no later than Tuesday, June 21st as their grade for this Unit. We will be working through the booklet together in class and completed notes will be posted to Google Classroom each day.
June 15, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today we started the last unit in Math, Unit 9. Students are expected to complete the booklet of notes and submit this no later than Tuesday, June 21st as their grade for this Unit. We will be working through the booklet together in class and completed notes will be posted to Google Classroom each day.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Final evaluations are this week. Students may use their booklet notes when completing the quiz.
June 13, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Poetry Quiz tomorrow. Practice worksheets available on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 6 of tour du monde and completed activity 9
June 10, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! The Unit 7 & 8 Recovery Tests will be on Monday and Tuesday (June 13th & 14th). Students have been provided a number of review sheets for each unit and all answer keys have been posted to Google Classroom. The answer key to the Unit 8 Test that was handed back today is also posted.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
Did chapter 5 of Le tour du monde en 80 jours and completed activities 7 & 8
June 9, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- listened to reading of chapter 4 of Le tour du monde en 80 jours
- completed activities 5 & 6 in booklet
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! Recovery Tests for Units 7 & 8 will be on Monday and Tuesday (June 13th-14th). Students have been given review sheets in class for both units and the solutions to these review sheets have been posted to Google Classroom. Students should be practicing at home in preparation for the recovery tests.
June 7, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
Please bring Chromebooks tomorrow for Coding Session. Please ensure you charge your Chromebook overnight.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Poetry Quiz on June 14th.
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Students will begin reviewing for recoveries tests on Units 7 & 8 tomorrow. These recovery tests will be written on Monday, June 13th and Tuesday, June 14th.
June 6, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Poetry Quiz on June 14th.
June 3, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder: There will be a Unit 8 Test on Tuesday, June 7th. Students have been given review sheets in class and should be practicing at home in preparation for the test. The solutions to these review sheets have been posted to Google Classroom.
June 1, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- listening assessment today
- we have a guest coming in to our class next Wednesday, June 8th to do a coding session with our class. Students are asked to ensure their Chromebooks are properly charged and to bring them to class next Wednesday to participate in this session
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- started last unit le tour du monde en 80 jours
students will need to bring charged chromebooks in Wednesday, June 8th for a coding session. We have a guest coming in to do this coding session in French.
May 31, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 1) we will have an open book in-class assignment on Unit 8. Students should be completing the review sheets that were handed out in class yesterday and today as well as the review at the end of the notes booklet in preparation. Solutions have been posted to Google Classroom.

Also make note that there will be a Unit Test on this same unit on Tuesday, June 7th. Followed by recovery tests on Units 7 and 8 on June 13th and 14th.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- did another listening practise activity
- listening evaluation tomorrow
May 30, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Poetry Terms Quiz tomorrow. Roughly 10 fill in the blanks (word bank provided.)
May 27, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Note: The In-Class Assignment has been moved to Wednesday, June 1st and the Unit Test will be on Tuesday, June 7th.

All completed notes and solutions to practice sheets will be posted under Classwork throughout the week. Students should be completing any assigned worksheets at home in preparation for the upcoming assessments.
May 26, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Continuing work with the Poetry unit.

Poetry Quiz (terms) May 31st.
May 24, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! There will be an In-Class Assignment on Tuesday, May 31st on Unit 8 and a Unit Test on Friday June 3rd.

Students were given a practice sheet during class today on Section 8.1 and should be completing this sheet for homework. Solutions to the practice has been posted to Google Classroom.

All completed notes and solutions to practice sheets will be posted under Classwork throughout the week.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- listening practice today
- students listened to song/poem in booklet and filled in missing words
- will present calligrams tomorrow and continue listening practices with evaluation next Tuesday
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
*Poetry Quiz moved to May 31st*
May 19, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Poetry quiz next Wednesday, May 25th.
May 18, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week, were are reviewing the electricity unit and students should be prepared for a unit test Thursday, May 26.
All study materials available on Google Classroom.
May 17, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- This was the 4th class students had to work on their calligram projects. Most have handed them in so will present in class on Tuesday.
- Students not finished due to absence will be expected to work on this on their own
- this project is posted in Google Classroom along with examples
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- This was the 4th class students had to work on their calligram projects. Most have handed them in so will present in class on Tuesday.
- Students not finished due to absence will be expected to work on this on their own
- this project is posted in Google Classroom along with examples
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Students have been working on completing their Mandala project during class since last Wednesday. Those who have not completed their Mandala and writeup are expected to do at home and hand them in by Tuesday, May 24th. We will be starting Unit 8 tomorrow in class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began presentations of our projects. Students should be prepared to present during tomorrow's class if they did not do so today.
May 16, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- calligramme projects were distributed and explained. We looked at examples and students were given over half the class to brainstorm ideas and start jot notes for their project
- students will work on these in class all week with the expectation they be completed by the end of Thursday's class
- we will present next week
- plan, instruction sheet and samples have been posted to google classroom
May 11, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Romeo and Juliet Final Projects are due Monday. Presentations will begin Monday's class.
May 10, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued with analysis of poems today
- completed analysis of Dejeuner du matin found in the booklet
- open book evaluation Friday (poem analysis) following examples completed in class
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we are starting the last electricity chapter. We will be exploring the formula for power and conservation of energy this week.
May 6, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reviewed poetry terms looking at examples
- started reading in texts (Edith Bouget)page 130 in text and completed corresponding questions in booklet
May 5, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-worked on rime riche and rime pauvre
- completed activity in carnet
May 3, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-started poetry unit
-new booklets given out and reviewed vocab
- new booklet posted in google Classroom
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Today in class we started Section 7.5 on Reflections and Line Symmetry. All notes completed in class have been updated on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished reading Romeo and Juliet. We will be working on our project over the next several classes.
May 2, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students have a quiz Thursday of this week. Study material available on Google Classroom.
April 29, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Reminder! The Quiz on Section 7.4 ONLY with be on Monday, May 2nd. Review sheet solutions and a Kahoot Review have been posted to Google Classroom. Students should be reviewing these over the weekend in preparation for the quiz on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began another film study of Romeo and Juliet. We will be using this films as points of reference in our analysis of the play. Reminder of our Acts 1-3 quiz happening on Monday, May 2nd.
April 27, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
Students are presenting their projects on Aller Retour.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Quiz on Acts 1-3 will happen Monday, May 2nd.
April 26, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
There will be a quiz on Acts 1-3 on Thursday, April 28th.
April 25, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
There will be a quiz on Unit 7 Section 7.4 ONLY on Monday, May 2nd. We started Section 7.4 (Similar Triangles) in class today and notes have been updated under Complete Class Notes Unit 7 on Google Classroom.
April 13, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued watching the movie for Romeo and Juliet. Students were given a paper copy of a worksheet to complete for tomorrow's class. They can also complete the digital copy if they'd prefer.
April 12, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students are working on their end-of-unit projects. They will have 3 classes before the break to work on this and will finish the Monday we come back. Presentations will begin Tuesday, April 26. Students will not need to work on this at home unless they were absent and missed the 4 classes designated to work on this project.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began watching the Romeo and Juliet film. Students should have questions completed for up to and including Act 3.
April 11, 2022
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Completed first 2 pages of Ch 11 - Fin de la guerre froide. Booklet and notes in G Classroom
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are asked to finished page 31 in their booklets for next class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we wrote our listening assessment for Romeo and Juliet.

Students should have all questions for Acts 1, 2, and 3 completed by Thursday's class. Answers are posted to Google Classroom for any students who missed time.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students should submit their Carnival forms and payment ($20) ASAP!
April 8, 2022
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We began a film study of 'Wonder.' No homework.
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
A reminder that there will be a quiz covering Sections 7.1-7.3 on Tuesday, April 12. Students having been reviewing in class and the review sheet has been posted to Google Classroom.
April 7, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we were comparing Voltage, Current and Resistance. Finishing this week and continuing next week, we will be comparing Voltage, Current and Resistance in series and parallel circuits.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students are working on preparing answers to questions on conflict, theme and characters for the novel.
- time was given today to review vocab and kahoots in google classroom
- test is Monday
April 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Acts 1-3 Quiz Monday, April 11th on Romeo and Juliet.

We have completed the comprehension and close reading questions (working on these in class, but also available on Google Classroom) up to and including Act Two, Scene Six.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Acts 1-3 Quiz Monday, April 11th on Romeo and Juliet.

We have completed the comprehension and close reading questions (working on these in class, but also available on Google Classroom) up to and including Act Two, Scene Six.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Please try and submit carnival money by next Monday, April 11th!
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Please try and submit carnival money by next Monday, April 11th!
April 4, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
There will be a Quiz on Tuesday, April 12th on Sections 7.1-7.3.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed questions in the booklet
- answer key to booklet is posted in Google Classroom
-posted chapter summaries in google classroom
April 1, 2022
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Chapter 8 Assignment due today at 3 PM
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed the questions for Act 2 scenes 3 and 4. Answer key for Act 1 has been uploaded for students who are missing time.

There will be a listening quiz mid next week.
March 31, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued with our reading of Romeo and Juliet. No homework.
March 30, 2022
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Started drawing electric circuit schematics this week, and will continue on with resistance and Ohm's law moving forward.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 14 of Aller Retour
-completed and corrected questions
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. An answer key will be posted shortly.
March 28, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued reading Romeo and Juliet.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Working on Ch 8 project - due on Friday of this week
March 27, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
Recovery Assessments for Units 4, 5 & 6 will begin tomorrow with multiple choice followed by constructed responses on Tuesday.
March 25, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 11
- students worked on expressions for chapter 11 & 12 and started questions on ch.11
- answers posted in google classroom
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Working on Ch 8 project - submission Date is April 1st
March 24, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We are continuing with Romeo and Juliet.

Please note that the Independent Novel Assignment is now past due.
Please note than the Persuasive Essay assignment is now past due.
March 23, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapters 9 & 10 in today's class
- will work on questions on these chapters in class tomorrow
- answers to questions completed this week will be posted to Google Classroom Friday
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Student should be working on their Cold War projects
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students have a quiz Friday. All materials for study can be found on Google Classroom.
March 22, 2022
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Reminder of Quiz tomorrow - March 23. Revision is in the Google Classroom. 30 MC Questions.
March 21, 2022
Assigned By: Kerri Bungay
We started review for the recoveries on Friday, March 18th and will continue review through this week. The multiple choice section will be on Monday March 28th and the constructed response section will be written on Tuesday, March 29th.

The recovery tests will cover Units 4, 5 and 6. Students have to do at least one of these units. If any assessment has been missed, students will have to write the recovery for that unit.

Students should be reviewing in the evenings to ensure they have success with these assessments. It is a great opportunity for students to improve their grade.
March 17, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we introduced Romeo and Juliet.

Persuasive Essay Assignments are due Monday, March 21st.

Novel Assignments are now past due.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are finishing up the first electricity chapter and will have a quiz next Friday, March 25th.
Study materials available on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- watched Jungle Cruise in french with french subtitles
- tomorrow marks the end of our french week activities and students are encouraged to complete and submit their bingo card of activities tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Finished Ch 8. Booklets due. Quiz March 23. Beginning Cold War Project.
March 16, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 7
- went over vocab on chapters 7 & 8
- assigned 1-6 in Part B questions
- assigned questions 1-4 on ch 7
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today was our last class to work on the Persuasive Essay assignment.

This assignment is due Monday, March 21st. Students have had three full classes to complete this.

Note: Independent Novel Assignments are now PAST DUE.
March 15, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- finished chapters 5 & 6
- students worked on questions
- booklet now posted in google classroom along with quizlets on chapters 1-4 and 5-8 for practise
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued with our Persuasive essays. Tomorrow will be the last class (in school) to complete these - if they are not finished, they should be completed at home. They are due Friday, March 18th.

Please note Independent Novel Assignments are now past due.
March 14, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reviewed chapters 1-4
- reread chapter 4
- corrected all questions for these chapters
- started reading chapter 5
- students are encouraged to do activities on the French bingo for la Semaine de la Francophonie and to play French wordle
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Finishing Up Ch 8 - will begin Quiz review and Chapter Project this week.

Quiz March 23
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Moving on to electric current this week.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued work with our Persuasive Essay Assignment.

*If you finish your rough draft, please hit 'TURN IN' so I can review/edit before we start APA.*

Independent Novel Assignments were due TODAY.
March 9, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students read chapter 4
- worked on questions on chapters 3 & 4
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We've started static electricity and will be moving on to electric current towards the end of this week, early next.
March 8, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today was a catchup day.
Independent Novel Assignments are now due Monday, March 14th.
March 3, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapters 1 & 2 of Aller Retour
- will work on questions in class
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued practice for tomorrow's Essay Test. I have also posted a sample constructed response on Google Classroom.

**If students want to type their constructed response, they must bring their school chromebook from home.**
March 2, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued review for our Essay Test. The Essay Test will take place on Friday, March 4th.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed presentations (any student sick can send in audio or video or present upon their return)
- All marks updated in Powerschool
- organized portfolios
-students worked on first section of prereading activities
March 1, 2022
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued with our communication unit. We are watching Encanto to examine how communication styles can affect relationships.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued presentations today
- anyone absent can submit an audio recording of their presentation to have counted in term 2 reports
- will complete tomorrow
February 28, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- started presentations today of catastrophes naturelles
- any student absent and who will be absent for this week are encouraged to do an audio of their presentation and email or add to their slide presentation
February 23, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we started Essay 3 on p.33.

Essay Test is on March 4th.
Independent Novel Assignment due March 11th.
February 21, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- last class for students (class 4) having Chromebooks to work on projects
- listening evaluation tomorrow
- students will start presenting their projects Wednesday
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Essay test tentatively scheduled for March 4th.

Independent novel assignments due March 11th. Details on Google Classroom.
February 17, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students chemistry unit test has been pushed to next Thursday, February 24. All materials are available on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- worked on projects
- reminder of listening assessment Tuesday
February 16, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed Essay 2.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-introduced the end of unit projects
- students began to work on them
- students will have 3 classes with Chromebooks to complete this project.
- listening assessment moved to Tuesday. Presentations will begin Tuesday if time after listening assessment or Wednesday
February 15, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students have a chemistry unit test next Tuesday, February 22. All materials are available on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- listening assessment moved to Tuesday, Feb. 22
- Chromebooks are booked the next 3 classes for students to work on final projects for this unit.
February 11, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reading practice today similar to one that will be on reading assessment
- practise readings posted to google classroom
-reading assessment on Tuesday
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today was Reading Friday. Students are encouraged to read their independent novels at home as well as in person.

Reminder: All Religion marks have been put into PowerSchool. If there is a zero, students can still submit work to be graded up to 11:59 tonight (unless other arrangements have been made).
February 10, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued viewing tv reports of natural disasters and discussed
- listening assessment Tuesday
- links to videos posted in classroom for more practice at home.
February 9, 2022
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we started our Communication topic. No homework.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- practise listening
- the next few classes will be spent watching weather reports
-listening evaluation Tuesday
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We completed a 'creating molecules' lab today.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued with our essay unit. No homework.
February 7, 2022
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Continuing with Canadas' role in the world - The Cold War...Students received / began working on Ch 8 Question Booklets
February 4, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we worked on our Independent Novels. No homework.

Students should also be reading these novels at home.
February 2, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- did practice reading 'les ouragans'
- went over answers
- reading quiz Monday
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we started our Essay Unit. We will be working through this unit throughout the month of February, and there will be a test at the end of the unit.

Students should also be reading their Independent Novels at home. They should also have their novels with them every Friday.

Please note that Religion marks are now being uploaded to PowerSchool. If a student has missing work, a mark of zero will be inputted as a placeholder. Once the work is submitted, I will adjust the grade accordingly. Please note the last date to submit missing work for Religion (Semester 1) is February 11th.
February 1, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reading Une planete en changement (pages 8-9 of text)
- went through reading and questions together as this was the first (posted as a guide for future readings in google classroom)
- we will continue with reading practises this week with a reading assessment on Monday Feb. 8th
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we caught up on a lab and discussed the difference between ionic and covalent bonds.
January 31, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-reviewed prereading/previewing strategies
-viewing & listening comprehension on Flooding in France (completed comprehension activities in the booklet)
January 28, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Focus on listening comprehension today (watched videos and discussed videos showing causes of some natural disasters)
- did previewing activity for viewing/listening activity Monday
January 27, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
PhotoStory Assignment (on Google Classroom) due today.

Viewing Activity (two days in class) due for next class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- les catastrophes canadiennes
- complete table in booklet comparing 2
January 26, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students worked on writing summaries of 'les catastrophes bien canadiennes' (pages 34-37 in text)
Language Arts
Assigned By: Craig Squires
We are watching the movie, 'Stranger Than Fiction'. We started it prior to Xmas but did not finish it. We started from scratch again. On Friday we will give a quiz on the movie in Google Forms. For those at home this week you can check to see if it is on any of the streaming channels. If not, try renting it. Check Google Classroom on Thursday or Friday for the quiz. Also complete the other work assigned last week: 'Photo Story' / 'William's Windmill' / 'What is Courage?'
January 25, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued with our Short Story unit. Students were given any blank work that is considered missing/late for completion at home.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students were given any blank work that is considered missing/late for completion at home.

Please note that Semester 1 is ending next week. We will be starting Health January 31st. Students are encouraged to bring warm clothes, as we will get outside as much as possible for Health class!
January 21, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed and answer key posted for reading Sichuan 2008
- students are reminded to return their novels 'Nous reviendrons en Acadie' Tuesday
- Bon weekend
January 17, 2022
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are asked to complete their quiz revision for next class.
Your quiz will either be:
- Friday - Online and open notes
- Monday - in-class and closed notes

The answer key for Chapter 2 is posted.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- breakout rooms to brainstorm vocab on les catastrophes naturels
- students played Stop Disasters game for development of vocab and understanding of factors influencing intensity of disasters and damages
January 14, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued practice of the imperfect tense or imparfait (any student who did not do well on the checkpoint should review material posted in Google Classroom and try it again)
- will begin unit next class
January 7, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reviewed passe compose with avoir
- introduced passe compose with etre (google slide presentation, videos and notes in Google classroom)
- assigned B & C of worksheet
Physical Education
Assigned By: Scott Mercer
Google Classroom Code

January 5, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- introduced Passe Compose with avoir (slide presentation posted in Google Classroom)
- watched video on formation of passe compose with avoir
- assigned practise sheet
January 4, 2022
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reviewed google meet and google classroom guidelines and expectations
- explained the organization of materials posted to google classroom
- Stop Disasters Game
December 20, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Be sure that you are in our google classroom: ixvk7rg

Happy Holidays! Be safe, and enjoy the break!
December 17, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Independent Novel Assignments are due Tuesday. Students should complete these at home. All details are on Google Classroom.
December 16, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued with presentations
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we spent time working on the independent novel studies. Students need to complete these at home. All details have been posted to Google Classroom.
December 15, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued presentations today
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued working on Short Stories.

Students should be working on their independent novel studies at home. Due December 21st (on Google Classroom).
December 14, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- presentations began today
- will continue tomorrow
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We finished 4.2 today and began 4.3. There will be a quiz on 4.1-4.3 on Monday, December 20.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We finished 4.2 today and began 4.3. There will be a quiz on 4.1-4.3 on Monday, December 20.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Discussing Pacific War and Atomic bombs
December 10, 2021
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued work on our Soul project.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued with our independent novel studies. The project for independent novels has been posted on Google Classroom and should be completed at home.
December 8, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Finished War in Europe and began Pacific War....
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Finish the 4.1 practice in the booklet that was started today.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students worked on projects which are due Monday. Many are finished or nearly finished.
December 7, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- students worked on projects in LRC
December 6, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed questions for The Moose and The Sparrow. We also started a journal prompt.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- they wrote their comprehension test today on the novel
- students will work on their projects in all their classes this week
-they are due Monday
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we started our project based on the movie 'Soul.'
December 3, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Finishing up Tommy Prince assignment
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Reading Friday! No homework.
December 2, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished our short story 'The Lottery.' Students need to bring their books to class tomorrow!
December 1, 2021
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued watching 'Soul.' We will begin the related activity next Religion class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reviewed for novel test Monday, Dec.6th
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed all questions relating to 'The Lottery.' If students did not complete these in class, they should be completed at home.
November 30, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Recovery on units 1-3 is now on Friday. Students have to pick at least one unit. Students were given practice sheets to review.

The baking for our bake sale is happening on Saturday, Dec 4 from 9-4 (latest). If you can help be sure to let your teacher know!
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- finished reading novel
- test Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
In Class assignment on Tommy Prince
November 29, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued working on the short story The Lottery. Students should completed questions 2-6 at home if they were not completed in class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 11 today
- questions 6-10 assigned
- Novel test Monday, Dec. 6
November 26, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Examining the second phase of WW2 including the Pacific Battles and Canada's defeat in Hong Kong.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Reminder that the Recovery for Units 1-3 is on Wednesday, December 1. You must complete AT LEAST ONE UNIT. I will give you review sheets on Monday.

Our Baking activity will take place next Saturday, December 4th from 9-4. Sign up if you are able to help!
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 10
- assgined questions 1-5
- test scheduled for Monday, Dec. 6th
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Reading Friday! Students are encouraged to spend some time reading their independent novels over the weekend.
November 24, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapters 8 & 9
- will go over questions tomorrow
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we reviewed physical, chemical, qualitative and quantitative properties along with particle theory.
Students will have a quiz on this material on Tuesday, December 7th. All review materials (Quizlets) and answer keys can be found on Google Classroom.
November 23, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed listening assessment on chapters 1-6
- read chapter 7 aloud
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
A reminder that the Quiz for BEDMAS with fractions is tomorrow.

The answers to the practice questions are in the google classroom.

The recovery for units 1-3 will be written next Wednesday, December 1. Students have to choose at least one unit to work on to improve their overall grade.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students went to the library to pick out an independent novel. Students should bring this novel to every English class going forward - especially Fridays!
November 18, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We worked on our Process Pieces in class today - these are due today. The latest I can accept for grading is Sunday afternoon.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Finishing up Attack on Pearl Harbour / WW2.
November 16, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
ICA on Unit 3 - Rational Numbers on Thursday, November 18.

Quiz on BEDMAS on Wednesday, November November 24.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 6 of novel
- students worked on questions 1-9
- listening assessment Thursday on chapters 1-6. Students should review the novel
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed jotnotes on similarities/difference between the book and the movie for The Giver. If students did not complete these in class, they should complete them at home.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We recently started the chemistry unit. So far we discussed physical and chemical properties. We will be starting atomic theory this coming week or next.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We continued watching The Giver (cross-curricular with ELA).
November 15, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Continuing WW2 study. Going through slideshow, discussion...Working on questions Page 8.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- corrected questions 1-11 on chapters 3 & 4
- looked at vocab for chapters 5-6
- read aloud chapter 5
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Tomorrow we will begin our comparative essay for The Giver.
November 12, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 4 aloud
- students worked on questions 6-11
- questions 1-11 on chapters 3 & 4 should be completed for Monday
November 11, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Entrance card tomorrow Friday, November 12, on 3.1-3.3
November 10, 2021
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Catchup period. No homework.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
November 9, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 3 of novel and assigned questions 1-5
November 8, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we wrote our Essay Test for The Giver. Some students will need time next class to finish writing.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- read chapter 2 of novel
- students should have completed all questions in booklet on chapters 1 & 2
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Began WW2 and its influence on the Canadian Identity
November 5, 2021
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We have completed the revision of the Space unit and students have a quiz next Tuesday, November 9th.
Booklet answer key and Quizlet have been posted to Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- started novel
- read chapter 1
- students completed questions on les personnages, les lieux, and questions 1 and 2 in comprehension questions
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed our Content Quiz for The Giver. Essay Test is happening Monday, November 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed our Content Quiz for The Giver. Essay Test is happening Monday, November 8th.
November 4, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We corrected the 3.1 extra practice and began 3.2 today.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- watched video on history of Acadie
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today students had the opportunity to work on a practice essay question. Students are encouraged to complete this question at home - they can show it to me in person tomorrow, or they can email me their answer so that I can offer feedback.

Content Quiz tomorrow, November 5th.
Essay Test Monday, November 8th.
November 3, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- went over all Prereading activity questions
- introduced Passe simple (historical past used in literary works). Students will be expected to recognize this as it is used in the book (did some practice exercises)
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Krista Houlihan
Please ensure your Ch. 5 project is submitted as soon as possible, as this is overdue.

Today we worked on questions using the Google Slide. Please review the Google Slide and Quizlet.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued review for The Giver.

Students are encouraged to complete the practice essay (in their essay guidelines booklet) for Thursday's class - there will be time in class to work on this as well.

Content Quiz Friday, November 5th.
Essay Test Monday, November 8th.
November 2, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- novels Nous reviendrons en Acadie
- students worked on prereading activities 1-3 of carnet
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Content quiz moved to FRIDAY, November 5th.

Essay test moved to MONDAY, November 8th.

Chapter questions and journals 1-3 are due Monday, November 8th.
November 1, 2021
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we started Chapter 2: Social Justice. No homework.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- listening assessment completed today
- novel booklets were given out and students were assigned question 1 & 2 of Activity 1
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began review for The Giver.

Content Quiz Thursday, November 4th.
Essay Test Friday, November 5th.
October 29, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Krista Houlihan
Project was due on Wednesday. Be sure that you have clicked 'mark as done' in Google Classroom.
October 28, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished reading The Giver. Journal entry #3 has been posted to Google Classroom - students will have time in class on Monday to work on this.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Reminder: Test on all of Unit 2 tomorrow.

Students were given several review sheets/practice tests. We have been working on these for several classes. The copies and/or answers are posted in the google classroom.
October 27, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Reminder of Test tomorrow - October, 28th.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued with practice listening
- videos posted in google classroom
- listening assessment moved to Monday (review videos posted in Google Classroom)
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
This week we are looking at stars, how they are forms and roughly how long they will last.
Next, we will be learning about galaxies and theories on the universe. This will take us to the end of chapter 2 and students should start preparing for a 2 chapter unit test for the end of next week (Nov 5th or 6th)
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read chapter 20 in class. Students were given class time to complete the questions.

Content quiz November 4th.
Essay test November 5th.
October 26, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continuing unit on Acadie with listening practice (videos in Google Classroom)
- students are encouraged to listen to and view these videos to prepare for listening assessment Thursday
October 25, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Working on review for Thursday's test. Please sign on to G-Class, if you have not.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Completed and corrected activities 1-4 Activites Langagieres
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Test Friday on all of Unit 2.

Foldable is also due Friday.

We started 2.5 today.
October 21, 2021
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
No homework.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued working on our representing activity. We will finish chapter 16 tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Tomorrow is jamarama day! Students are encouraged to wear PJs to school, and to bring any type of monetary donation (if they can)!
October 20, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- continued unit on Acadie (La Gastronomie). Completed questions
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Finished Booklets - Submitted for a grade - Review is beginning for Test Ch 5. Test will take place Thursday October 28th...Day 1 amended date.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Quiz 1 is complete and we are moving on to chapter two where we are discussing the sun, the planets and their characteristics.
October 19, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We corrected BEDMAS practice sheets. Copies of these practice sheets are posted in google classroom, as well as answer keys.

You will have a study check on BEDMAS on Thursday, Oct 21.

Test is Oct 29 and Foldable will be due the same day. (Foldable will be distributed tomorrow)
October 18, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Working through the Grande Depression - Will be finishing the Notes booklet in the next class. This will be submitted for grading.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Completed sections Les Sports and L'education in Acadia booklets
(students worked on preparing arguments for a debate)
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we began work on our representing activity for The Giver. No homework.
October 15, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Continued webquest activity on Acadie and symboles Acadien using chromebooks
-links posted in google classroom
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Finished chapter questions/catch up periods for questions and journals. No homework.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Mindfulness class. No homework.
October 14, 2021
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Completed up to Question 14 in Notes booklet - Beginning types of entertainment next class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- webquest activity on L'Histoire de l'Acadie
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read chapter 15 for The Giver and completed questions for chapter 15 in class. Questions should be completed at home if they did not get them finished during class time.
October 13, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
Continued study on Acadie correcting Histoiire section
- students worked on monologues of 8 lines - worked on article on when completed sports
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read chapter 14 of The Giver. Chapter questions were assigned - if these were not completed in class, they should be completed at home.
October 12, 2021
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we worked on our fingerprint activity. No homework.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Chesley West
Students should have finished 'L'ere de l'invention' activity.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- organized portfolios ( returned all assessments for unit 1 and put in portfolio)
- started next unit: Novel study Nous Revinedrons en Acadie (starting with mini unit on L'acadie to give context to novel
- did Activity 1 La Situation Geographique
- students started reading L'Histoire and 6 questions in Activity 1 following this section. Will continue tomorrow (this booklet has been posted in google classroom)
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students their first space quiz on Thursday. Answer keys and study material can be found on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we completed journal entry #2. If students did not complete this in class, they should complete this at home. It has been posted to Google Classroom.
October 7, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read chapter 13 of The Giver. Students should complete these questions at home if they didn't finish them in class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Another listening practice
- Evaluation tomorrow
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
ICA tomorrow. Make sure you have your notes and a scientific calculator!!!
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
The answer key for chapter 1 and Quizlet are posted to Google Classroom. The first science quiz is Thursday, October 14th.
October 6, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reading practice: En quete d'un vaccin ...
- reading evaluation Friday
October 5, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reading practice 'Penible verite concernant ...'
- will continue reading practices Wednesday and Thursday
- reading evaluation Friday Oct. 8th
- sac a dos project marks and listening evaluation marks have been entered in Powerschool
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
ICA on Friday on 1.3-1.4.

We completed cylinders today. Another practice sheet was given. Please check google classroom for answers.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished chapter 11 questions, read chapter 12, and assigned chapter 12 questions. If questions were not completed in class, they should be completed at home.

Listening activity will take place in class tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued working on our 'Uniquely You' fingerprint assignment. No homework.
October 4, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- completed sac a dos presentations
- will work on reading comprehension for remainder of week with reading quiz Friday.
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
- Discussed Philosophers of Space
- No homework today
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Complete the surface area questions assigned on Friday and finished today. These are posted in the google classroom along with the answers.

ICA on Friday!!
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we continued reading The Giver. If students did not finish chapter 11 questions, they should be finished at home.

The listening activity will take place in Wednesday's class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Thanksgiving food drive is happening this week! Please bring in any non-perishables for collection. Final day is Friday, October 8th.

Jamarama day is taking place on October 22nd - students can wear their PJs to school, and are asked to donate spare change if they can.

Halloween is coming soon! Students are encouraged to wear a costume October 29th if they want to!
October 1, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We worked on 4 questions for practice on composite surface area today. Complete these and I will answer any questions on Monday. The answer key will be posted in Google Classroom.

In Class Assignment on 1.3-1.4 will be on Friday, October 8. Students can use their books and notes for this. You MUST have a scientific calculator.
September 28, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read chapter 9 of The Giver. Students had time to complete the assigned questions in class - if these questions aren't finished, they should be completed at home.

Listening activity will take place in class on Monday, October 4th.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Completed listening evaluation
- Worked on sac a dos projects- will begin these presentations Friday
September 27, 2021
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Please complete and submit the Martian assignment for next class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Listening evaluation tomorrow
- students shouold review practice listening activities as well as verb tenses reviewed this unit
- worked on good copies of Sac a dos projects. Students will start presenting these on Friday.
September 24, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished reading chapter seven and chapter eight of The Giver. Students were given class time to complete the corresponding questions, but if they did not finish them in class then they should be completed at home.

Have a great weekend!
September 23, 2021
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Today we finished 'The Martian' and there is a an assignment associated with it. It is not for homework.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we finished questions for chapters five and six of The Giver and began reading chapter seven.
September 22, 2021
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Continuing on with the Martian.
Students who have not yet submitted their lab safety quiz or poster are asked to do so by next class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read chapters five and six of The Giver. Students will be given time in tomorrow's class to complete the questions for chapter six.
September 21, 2021
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we started the 'Uniquely You' fingerprint assignment. Students should have at least 10 jot-notes as well as a full paragraph on things that make them individuals - things they like, dislike, morals, values, goals, aspirations, and anything else they would like to include!

We will continue this project the next day we have class.
Assigned By: Colette Quann
-Corrected work on les homophones, la negation
- did practice listening activity focusing on word classes
- listening comprehension Tuesday, Sept. 28th
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students are to complete their open book quiz at home as well as their lab safety poster for next class.

We have started the space unit and are completing 'The Martian' assignment comparing planetary conditions on Earth and Mars.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Today we read chapter four of The Giver.
Students were given time to complete the assigned questions for chapter four in class - if these are not finished, they should be completed at home.
September 20, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- reviewed present tense of regular verbs, avoir and etre (handout separate from booklet)
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Quiz tomorrow on 1.1-1.2
September 17, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Happy Friday, everyone! Here is what we completed so far that will be collected for grades at the end of The Giver unit.
Reminder that everything is available via Google Classroom.

1. Journal Entry #1. Remember that I won't collect all three journal entries until the end of the unit!

2. The Giver chapter questions for chapters 1-3. I will collect all chapter questions at the end of the unit.
September 16, 2021
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
Reminder: Quiz on 1.1-1.2 on Tues, Sept 21.

We finished 1.2 today. We will correct the practice questions in class tomorrow and continue with a review sheet tomorrow and Monday.

All notes are on my webpage and in Google classroom. If you have been absent, you are responsible for catching up on missed work!
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- Corrected work on les adjectifs
- google slide presentation and videos on La Classe de mots (posted in google classroom). Went as far as les adjectifs.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We read chapters 2 and 3 of The Giver. If you did not finish chapter 2 questions in class, please finish them at home.
September 15, 2021
Assigned By: Colette Quann
- corrected all work completed in unit ending at les pronoms possessifs
- will start section on Les adjectifs tomorrow
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
We are finishing up Lab Safety and I have posted the answers on Google Classroom. The Google Classroom code is: 4y6y3k2
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We started reading The Giver. Students should complete questions for Chapter 1 for next class.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We began reviewing notes for Unit 1.
These notes are also posted to Google Classroom.
September 14, 2021
Assigned By: Stephen Sharpe
Students have completed their Lab Safety Booklets and an open book quiz. There will be a lab safety poster to complete and then we will be starting the space unit.
Assigned By: Laura Clemens-Brenton
We started Unit 1 yesterday. We corrected the questions on page 4 and 5 of the booklet today and began section 1.2. We completed up to the end of page 7. Students should review the material completed in class each evening.

There will be a quiz on 1.1-1.2 on Tuesday, Sept 21.

For anyone who has missed class up to this point, all materials can be found on my webpage. Blank notes, answer keys, extra practice, supplemental materials and videos for each topic are all linked on my personal page. When absent from class, you should follow along/review the notes located here.

Assigned By: Colette Quann
- we are working our way through the booklet (On adjectif section)
- no homework assigned
- reminder to join Google Classroom
September 13, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Student Council elections are coming up!
