Homework Assigned For Homeroom: 8-5 (224)
June 10, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
In-class assessment on Wednesday. Student whom do not finish will be given Friday's class to complete.
June 7, 2024
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Today was our last class before Reports are due. Please submit any work by Wednesday. June 12th
June 2, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Math assessment Thursday July 6th
May 29, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter test on WWII this Friday. Study materials are in Google Classroom. Finish your booklets for extra marks. Booklets will only be given extra marks if SUBMITTED (meaning press submit when you're done).
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter test on WWII this Friday. Study materials are in Google Classroom. Finish your booklets for extra marks. Booklets will only be given extra marks if SUBMITTED (meaning press submit when you're done).
May 28, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz Friday
May 21, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Finish journal on racism from GCR. Select a few of the prompts to complete. Answer should be 3/4 page approx.
May 17, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Math test Wednesday May 22nd. Will covers section 5.7 - 5.10
May 15, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz later next week
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Students should keep working on their Chapter 8 booklet. Test on WWII will take place Friday, May 31st.
May 2, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter 7 is complete. Please make sure your Land Based Industry worksheet and Chapter 7 Choice Board Assignment are completed. The deadline is tomorrow.
May 1, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter 7 Choice Board Project due Friday, May 3. Submit in Google Classroom.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter 7 Choice Board Project due Friday, May 3. Submit in Google Classroom.
April 30, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Quiz on Monday- content of 'The Outsiders'
April 29, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Sales Tax In-Class Assignment This week (Wed/Thurs) - Notes allowed.
April 25, 2024
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Pass in police report- chp 4
April 22, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Land Based Resources Worksheet due today. Scanned PDF of the textbook available in Google Classroom.
April 19, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Math test Friday April 26th
April 10, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter 6 test tomorrow. Study materials are in Google Classroom.
April 9, 2024
Passion Project
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students are now looking at cluing up their projects and thinking about how they will present / demonstrate what they have learned and how they have spend their time during terms 2 and 3.
March 27, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter 6 test Thursday, April 11. Review material is in Google Classroom.
March 26, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Bios & jot notes due Thursday.
March 25, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Fav poem presentations of paragraph & visual should now be completed. Two periods were provided the week before last. Submit on GCR- visual & paragraph.

Finishing bios tmr- adding citations
March 19, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Assessment has been moved to Tuesday March 26th.
March 14, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Assessment Wednesday March 20th.
March 13, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Submit the draft of your bio. Email me if you need help or want feedback.

Should have completed 1/2 the work on fav poem asignment.
March 12, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Please submit draft by tmr- research essay. If you want to sit with me to review- please sign the sheet asap. Will be at a lunch time.

Starting poetry today- will need to bring in tinfoil and a piece of carboard (base) for Monday's sculpture.
March 6, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students are working on bios and should be on paragraph 4 -5 of rough drafts by now.
March 4, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Currently- finishing up Narnia.
Students are also working on bio essays and should be on paragraph 3. That will be the focus this week.
March 1, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Assembly During Class time today

Terms 2 & 3 Passion Project Mid Way Check-in are due today

These must be completed for homework BEFORE Monday as marks for next reporting period are being submitted next week and I will need time to grade and update PowerSchool.
February 22, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Class was provided for jot notes- bullet form for biography topic. Two sources minimum. Include url address. Regular doc is fine- use phrases and key wds vs. sentences
Why the person is famous:
Early life
Mid life
Late life or where the person is now... re/career etc
Please submit by Monday.
February 21, 2024
Passion Project
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students have been assigned a Mid-Term Project Check In Google form to complete before next class.
February 13, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Unit test on Thursday. Book report was due today.
February 7, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Book report on 13th
Unit test on 15th
February 5, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Book report due Feb 13
Test- later next week
February 1, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Today students continued work on their chosen passion projects.

Students were reminded to ensure they have their working documents uploaded and that their required journal was detailed and up to date.
January 30, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Read novel every evening and in class on Friday. Will be passing out book report soon.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Read novel every evening and in class on Friday. Will be passing out book report soon.
January 26, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Assessment on LG6 Friday February 2nd.
January 15, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students completed a journal entry on Lebron James and his challenges. It should be 1/2-3/4 page. Time was provided in class-please complete and submit by Wednesday.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter 4 booklets are due Wednesday. Tomorrow is the last day to work on it in class.
January 12, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Complete Film Study worksheet on Coach Carter for Monday.
January 11, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Bring your novel tmr or borrow one of mine! Lrc is open at lunch.
January 9, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Correction Math 8-5 quiz will be held on Thursday Jan 11th.
January 8, 2024
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Assessment on LG5 (first two sections )Friday Jan 12th.
January 4, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Today students created a 3 min audio presentation using flipgrid. It was on the topic of 'The Hunger Games'- novel or movie? Discuss using specific reasons. It you did not submit, please do so by Tuesday.
Starting Reading Friday next week.
December 14, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
A reminder that your Chapter 3 quiz will take place tomorrow. You may use your Chapter 3 booklet to help support your answers. Please remember to come prepared for class.
December 12, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
We will be having a content quiz on The Hunger Games on Friday, December 15th. Please review the study guide, chapter quotations and notes on Google Classroom. If you have missed any classes, the audiobook is available on YouTube.
December 11, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
A reminder that our Chapter 3 quiz has been moved to Friday, Dec. 15th. You will be allowed to use your Chapter 3 booklet for this quiz. Please study the quizlet below to help review for your quiz.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
A reminder that our Chapter 3 quiz has been moved to Friday, Dec. 15th. You will be allowed to use your Chapter 3 booklet for this quiz. Please study the quizlet below to help review for your quiz.
December 8, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Math re-test will be combined with the next upcoming assessment on Thursday Dec 14th
December 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Check Google Classroom for the notes:

If you were not in class today, please listen to the attached YouTube link of Chapter 21 of The Hunger Games. We'll be moving on to Chapter 22 and 23 tomorrow. I've attached our notes for Chapter 20 & 21 on Google Classroom.

Chapter 21

December 6, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Our chapter 3 quiz is MONDAY, Dec. 18th! Review is in Google Classroom.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Our chapter 3 quiz is MONDAY, Dec. 18th! Review is in Google Classroom.
December 4, 2023
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Complete handout on Commitment
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Alt Curriculum - Passion Project Term 2

Students have their Term2/3 Passion Project proposals due Dec 13th. See Google Classroom for details
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
There is a practice quizlet in your Google Classroom to help study for our Chapter 3 quiz on Monday, Dec. 20th. Students will be allowed to use their Chapter 3 booklet which we've been working on in class.
December 1, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Test this Tuesday Dec 5th.
November 28, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Currently reading the Hunger Games. Starting 14 tmr if you are behind- you can check out the youtube audio.
November 23, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Assessment on LG4 upcoming Tuesday Dec 5th
November 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Story was due in last week. Six Word Stories should be submitted.
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
All work for term 1 should now be submitted. PowerSchool has been updated to reflect work that was past due as of Monday, Nov 14th. If your child has since submitted their work please keep an eye on PowerSchool for updated grades.

Please note, as per email sent out on Monday, in order for me to have time to correct and grade work in time for report cards ALL WORK must be submitted by Friday Nov 17th
November 9, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Chapter two booklet due tomorrow! PDF copy of Chapter 2 is posted in the Google Classroom.
November 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Please submit your story by Friday. If you need help, please book a time with me asap. We are moving on to the novel.
November 6, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Assessment Friday, November 10th.

Apparently this post was not submitted last week.

HW - Booklet practice 1.7 problems.
November 2, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students should be on the rough draft of story. Catch up if behind.
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students are now working on compiling the Passion Project work into a presentation which is due November 10th.

Details and rubrics can be found in our Google Classroom
November 1, 2023
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students are now working on compiling the Passion Project work into a presentation which is due November 10th.
October 24, 2023
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students should now have submitted the following

1) Musical Profile #1
2) Passion Project Proposal

All students should now be working on their chosen passion projects and updating their Google Classroom Passion Project journal after each class.

October 23, 2023
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students should now have submitted the following

1) Musical Profile #1
2) Passion Project Proposal

All students should now be working on their chosen passion projects and updating their Google Classroom Passion Project journal after each class.
October 19, 2023
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students should now have submitted the following

1) Musical Profile #1
2) Passion Project Proposal

All students should now be working on their chosen passion projects and updating their Google Classroom Passion Project journal after each class.
October 17, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Test tmr- see GCR
October 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Reminder to bring book report notes for book talk Monday. Please ensure you have completed the book. Assignment is on GCR if you lost it- see template.

Unit test- short story Wednesday. Unseen story- multiple choice and constructed response- long answer like we have been practicing. Focus on theme- conflict.
Bring leads if you are still doing ^ word story.
October 13, 2023
Assigned By: Stephen Bouzane
Assessment on LG2 on Wednesday Oct 18th and Order of operations rewrite on Thursday Oct 19th.
October 12, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
A reminder that all family heirloom/NL statue projects are past due. Please share/submit to Ms. Comerford asap.
October 10, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Book report- notes due on 16th to share with class.

Ensure you complete the Brother Leon theme paragraph from class. Ask if you need help.
Will be a unit test around 20th TBA.
October 5, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
Prep sheets and websites are due tomorrow. Everyone will have one more conference with me to make sure you've included as much detail as possible. Therefore, presentations won't start until that process is done.
October 4, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last reading Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last reading Friday this week.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
The family heirloom/NL monument projects are due this week. Students should have their prep sheets complete and need to finish their websites. All information is in their Google Classroom.
October 3, 2023
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Passion Project Proposals are to be submitted before our next class (originally due today).

Assignment and details in our Google Classroom
September 27, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Continue to read your novel regularly. Bring it for the next two Fridays for reading. Feel free to start another book if finished. Book report will be assigned over the next few days.
Currently working on short story unit- looking at winning short films this week.
September 21, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Reading Friday!
September 18, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Sarah Comerford
A reminder that Chromebooks are required for all classes moving forward. Student Personal Timeline assignments are due.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students completed a journal over the last 2 classes (in-role on short story).Then it was presented as a poem.

Also, read novel regularly!
