Homework Assigned For Homeroom: 7-7(217)
June 12, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students are completing the review sheet on Transformations. This includes Translations, Reflections and Rotations. The assessment for this is on Friday, June 14th.
June 11, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students were given back their 10.1 assessment today and we went over it in class. Any student wanting to improve their letter grade can do so tomorrow during class. The assessment on LG10.2:Translations-Reflections and Rotations is on Friday, June 14th. Students were working on a review today in class.
June 10, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the assessment today on LG10.1 will write it when they return to class. The assessment on learning goal 10.2:Translations, Reflections and Rotations is on Friday, June 14th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
All assignments are due no later than Wednesday, June 12 in Francais. Marks will be finalized during the PD day on Thursday.
June 7, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be reviewing for the small assessment on Monday, June 10th. It covers pages 1 - 15 int he booklet. It is on Parallel and perpendicular lines and perpendicular and angle bisectors. We went over to practice sheets today in class. The answers are on google classroom. The assessment on graphing-Transformations will be on Friday, June 14th. It covers that last part of the booklet. Students completed a worksheet on plotting points today in class.
June 6, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete pages 16 - 23 in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. The assessment on pages 1 - 15 is on Monday. This will cover parallel lines and perpendicular and angle bisectors.
June 5, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete the review sheet on parallel, perpendicular and angle bisectors for homework if they did not complete it in lass. There will be an assessment on Monday, June 10th on these outcomes. We will state graphing tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back Zorro reading booklets. Watched intro video on Des communautes unies and discussed important unit concepts.
June 4, 2024
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Students will have their final quiz on Wednesday, June 12! It will be on CH9. If students are absent, they will need to write the quiz the day they return to school.

Students will be creating their own study games as review for this quiz. It is important that students study at home and play the review games to prepare for the quiz.

When the review games are completed, they will be posted on Google Classroom for students to play at home.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and submitted in Google Classroom the Chasse au tresor activity on new unit - Des communautes unies. Read p. 4-9 in book and did exit card.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We completed pages 12 - 14 today in the booklet. Students will have a small assessment on Monday, June 10th on constructing perpendicular and angle bisectors.
June 3, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Student should complete pages 10 - 12 in the booklet for homework if they did not complete them in class. The rewrite on LG#9.2 Probability is on Tuesday June 4th. Students have to hand in the review for the rewrite sheet before they complete the rewrite. The answer keys to both rewrite sheets have been uploaded to google classroom.
May 31, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students were given back the assessment on probability today. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will complete it on Tuesday, June 4th. Students were given a review for rewrite sheet that should be handed in on Monday, June 3rd.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked on Zorro reading booklet. Due Mon, June 3.
May 30, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We completed the section on parallel and perpendicular lines. Please complete pages 5 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students worked on worksheet #1. Students will be given back their LG9.2:Probability assessment tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed ch 9 Zorro listening quiz. Zorro booklets due Mon, June 3.
May 29, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We started LG#10: Geometry today. There is no homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed ch 8 act's - p. 18-20 in Zorro booklet. Did listening quiz on ch 9. Zorro booklet is due on Monday, June 3.
May 28, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz Friday
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the assessment on LG#9.2-Probability will write it when they return to class. We will start our last learning goal, LG#10 - Geometry, tomorrow.
May 27, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
The assessment on LG#9.2:Probability is tomorrow, May 28th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed ch 7 Zorro and completed p. 16-17 in booklet. Did ch 8 - p. 18-20 in booklet. Worked on supplementary activities in booklet - personnages, phrases, feuille d'impressions. Booklet is due June 3.
May 24, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Returned and reviewed ch 5 listening quiz - Zorro. Reviewed p. 14-15 in booklet - ch 6 activities. Read ch 7.
May 23, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did ch 5 listening quiz - Zorro. Did ch 6 and p. 14-15 in booklet.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
The rewrite for LG#9.1-Statastics is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before they write the assessment. Students should complete pages 39 - 42 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The assessment on the new material, LG#9.2-Probability is on Tuesday, May 28th.
May 22, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
The rewrite on learning goal #9.1 - Statistics is Friday. Please hand in the review for rewrite sheet before the assessment. We completed the booklet today for learning goal #9.2 Students can work on the review section (pages 37 - 40) for homework. The assessment on learning goal #9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, May 28th
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Returned and reviewed ch 4 listening quiz - Zorro. Also reviewed written calligramme project marks. Continued work on character pages and vocab sentences in booklet.
May 21, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Pleas complete pages 33 - 34 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back the assessment on LG#9.1 Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, May 24th. The assessment on the new material (Probability) is tentatively set for Tuesday, May 28th.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Currently working on adverbs. Moving onto research project tmr.
May 17, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students were part of the clean-up activity today so we missed math class. Students should make sure they have pages 29 - 32 completed from yesterday's class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Returned and reviewed ch 3 Zorro listening quiz. Did ch 4 listening quiz.
May 16, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 29 - 32 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
May 15, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete pages 23 - 27 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Grammar quiz later next week
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did ch 2 of Zorro and completed/reviewed p. 11-12 in booklet.
Did listening quiz on ch 3.
May 14, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed poetry vocab quiz. Did ch 1-2 in Zorro unit. Completed p. 9-12 in booklet.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the assessment will write it when they return to class.
May 13, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Introduced Zorro unit - gave booklets, notes, and did brainstorming activity. Bring booklet and pencil to each class.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
The assessment on learning goal#9.1 has been moved to Wednesday, May 15tt. Students should be completing the review sheets at home if they are not getting them completed in class.
May 10, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be reviewing over the weekend for the assessment on Tuesday on Statistics (LG#9.1).
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished calligramme poem presentations.
May 9, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG#9.1 - Statistics which is on Tuesday, May 14th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued calligramme presentations.
May 8, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
The rewrite on LG8.2 - 8.3 is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in today (or before they write the assessment tomorrow). If students do not complete this sheet they will write the rewrite when thy do complete the review sheet. The assessment on the new material LG9.1 - Statistics is on Tuesday, May 14th. Students should complete #14 - 19 on the review sheet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Please make sure you are reviewing the application questions (Booklet pages 13 - 16) and several questions on the review sheet.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Started calligramme project presentations today. Collected plan and poem after presentation.
May 7, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be working on the review sheet (called R1 MMMRO) questions 1 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The answer key is attached to the review sheet. Students who are completing the rewrite on Thursday should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before Thursday. The assessment on the new material, LG9.1-Statatistics is on Tuesday, May 14th.
May 6, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 9 - 13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG8.2 - 8.3 is on Thursday. Any student wanting to write the rewrite should complete the review sheet and hand it in before Thursday.
May 3, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Students have had several class periods to work on their calligramme poem projects. Presentations start Mon, May 6. Should have plan and poem in hand.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 21 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given back their assessment on LG #8.2 - 8.3. Any students wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Thursday, May 9th.
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Today students practiced songs for an upcoming playing assessment. Assessment details are available in the Google Classroom.
May 2, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 8, 20 and 21 if you did not get them completed in class.
May 1, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 7, 8 and 17m, 18 in the booklet for homework.
April 30, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We started LG9 today. Students should complete page 6 for homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked on calligramme project. Due May 6.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students should be caught up on reading of novel. One chapter remaining/
April 29, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that did not complete the assessment will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #9 tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did poetry vocab quiz.
Calligramme final project is due Mon, May 6 - Plan and poem. Presentations also start on this day.
April 26, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Your assessment on learning goal 8.2 - 8.3 is on Monday, April 29th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. For extra practice you should complete the new 'Rev#3-Graphing' sheet.
April 25, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should work on any of the review sheets handed out in class. Today we worked on REV1 Word Problems. Students can continue to work on this sheet or work on REV2 Graphing - Equations. The assessment for learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 is on Monday, April 29th.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Starting chp 27 tmr - novel. Listen to the chapters on Youtube if behind. Questions from today's class should be completed. GCR
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed vocab again for quiz Monday.
Explained and started calligramme project.
April 24, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did Google Form practice poetry vocab quiz. Real quiz is Mon, April 29 on paper.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete #1 - 3 on the new review sheet 'Rev1-Word-Pro'. Your assessment on learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 has been moved to Monday April 29th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
April 23, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Vocab quiz is Mon, April 29. Practice quiz is tomorrow. Finished and reviewed poem - Dejeuner du matin, p. 14-16 in booklet. Started poem - Le monde est comme une maison.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete practice questions 1 - 3 on worksheet Word Problem Explanation'. The assessment on learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 is on Friday, April 26th.
April 22, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We reviewed using algebra today. Tomorrow we will review word problems. The assessment on learning goal 8.2 - 8.3 is on Friday, April 26th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back acrostic poem presentation marks. Finished and corrected la rime - p. 12-13 in booklet. Worked on poem - Dejeuner du matin and act's on p. 15-16 in booklet.
Poetry vocab quiz is Monday, April 29. Google form practice quiz is Wed, April 24.
April 19, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We have completed the outcomes for learning goal 8.2-8.3. Students were working on the review pages today at the end of the booklet, pages 37 - 40. These pages should be completed if they were not completed in class. The assessment on this learning goal will be Friday, April 26th.
April 18, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 34 - 35 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back Ecole pour tous presentation projects. Presented acrostic poems in groups. Vocab quiz on April 26. Practice Google Form quiz on April 24.
April 17, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 32 - 33 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
April 16, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 29 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
April 15, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete question #3a on page 229 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The textbook has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
UKULELE ASSESSMENT #1 scheduled for April 23rd will cover the following material:
- parts of the ukulele
- steps for tuning the ukulele
- string names and numbers
- how to hold the ukulele properly

Supporting materials posted in Google Classroom
April 12, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
UKULELE ASSESSMENT #1 scheduled for April 23rd will cover the following material:
- parts of the ukulele
- steps for tuning the ukulele
- string names and numbers
- how to hold the ukulele properly

Supporting materials posted in Google Classroom
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete pages 23 - 24 in the booklet and in the textbook page 229 #1 - 3 for Monday's class. Any student writing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for the rewrite sheet so they can hand it in on Monday.
April 11, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite is on Monday, April 15th for LG 8.1.
April 10, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete questions 3 and 4 on the describing worksheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for rewrite worksheet. This worksheet is to be completed and handed in no later than Monday.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and reviewed p. 3-4 in booklet; p. 130 in text. Started acrostic poem acitivity in GC. Will continue tomorrow and start presentations.
April 9, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete questions #1 -2 on Worksheet for Describing patterns. The rewrite for LG#8.1 is on Monday April 15th. Any student wanting to write the rewrite will pass in their completed review for rewrite sheet before Monday.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Discussed unit evaluations on first page of poetry booklet. Bring booklets to each class. Did song Sympathique - p. 2 in booklet and reviewed. Read article p. 130 in book and started questions on p. 3-4 in booklet. Will continue tomorrow.
April 8, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students were given back the assessment from before the Easter break. We went over it in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on this learning goal will have the opportunity on Monday, April 15th. They will be given a copy of the review for rewrite sheet tomorrow in class. This has to be completed and handed in before Monday in order to complete the rewrite. We started graphing relations today in class. Students should complete pages 13 - 14 in LG #8 booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
March 27, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student not completing LG#8.1 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet)assessment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Today students learned the C and F chord on the Ukulele
March 26, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Today students practiced tuning their own Ukulele's and learned how to properly hold the instrument. The following topics will be covered on an assessment after Easter and details for each can be found in our Google Classroom

1. Parts of the Ukulele
2. String Names and Numbers
3. How to Tune the Ukulele
4. How to Hold the Ukulele
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
All pod casts should be now submitted.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) for homework as the assessment is tomorrow.
March 25, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete review #1 (pages 1 - 12) if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) will be on Wednesday, March 27.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
All podcasts should now be submitted.
March 21, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should have completed the questions from the textbook. I have uploaded both set of questions to google classroom. The textbook has been uploaded as well for any extra practice if needed. Students can work on review sheet #1 that has been uploaded to gallery. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) is on Wednesday March 27th.
March 20, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete page 29 #6 and 8 in the textbook for homework if they did not get them completed in class. If completed students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet). The assessment is on Wednesday March 27th.
March 19, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that is writing the rewrite on LG#7 tomorrow should be completing the review for review sheet. This sheet needs to be handed in before the student can write the rewrite. Students should complete at least the following questions from the textbook if you did not get them completed in class. Page 23 #1, page 27#1, page 28 #2, 3, 4.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Oral presentation projects are due today. All work needs to be submitted in the GC or in person (in the case of a physical project). Students also did self-evaluations on their performance.
March 18, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked on final oral presentation project for Ecole pour tous unit. Presentation are tomorrow (Mar 19) and work is due in the Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 8 - 10 in the booklet if you did not complete them in class. The rewrite on learning goal #7 is on Wednesday, March 20th. Students must complete the review for rewrite worksheet before they can complete the rewrite.
March 15, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Oral presentation project is now due on Tues, Mar 19. Will have one more class to work on it on Monday. Played loup-garou today.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on LG#7 can do so on Wednesday, March 20th. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite as homework. There is no homework for LG#8.
March 14, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page #1 on the worksheet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued final oral project - ecole pour tous unit. All info in GC. Due Mar 18 and present on this day.
March 13, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 3 - 6 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back written PC texts. Continued oral presentation projects on Ecole pour tous unit - in GC. These are due on Monday, Mar 18.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Pod cast #2!!! About 3 mins- submit today!
March 12, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We started learning goal #8 today. There is no homework. Any student returning to class today will have tonight to review for learning goal #7 assessment and they can write it tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued written in-class PC text.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Pod Cast 2 due in tmr!
March 11, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the learning goal #7 assessment from Thursday will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #8 tomorrow.
March 7, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and collected passe compose written texts - completed in class on paper. Final presentation project on Ecole pour tous unit is posted to the GC. Will complete in class.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
An student that did not write the assessment on learning goal #7 today will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #8 tomorrow.
March 6, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students are currently creating a podcast - 3 mins based on research from 2 articles. Class time was given for prep- please submit on Flipgrid by next week.
March 5, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be working on their review sheets as the assessment on learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and collected written texts on the passe compose - done on paper. More practice on this verb tense is in the GC.
March 4, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete review#2: word problems if you did not get it completed in class. You assessment on learning goal #7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued written in-class text using the PC. Will finish tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Currently- finishing up Narnia.
Students are also working on planning of Podcast 2- 2 articles read for research. That will be the focus this week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Collecting 15$ for Narnia play- date may change if weather is poor.
March 1, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #7 which is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Started written text using the passe compose verb tense. Will continue next class - not for homework.
February 29, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete the review sheet handed out in class today for homework if you did not get it completed. The assessment on learning goal #7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
February 28, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We completed the booklet for learning goal#7. We will start reviewing tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We completed the booklet for learning goal#7. We will start reviewing tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did PC entrance card quiz. Corrected p. 18 in PC booklet. Did PC blookets online.
February 27, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued PC booklet. Booklet should be finished today. Can complete PC sheet with crossword as well in GC. Tomorrow there will be an entrance card quiz on p. 10 in booklet - table of irregular verbs.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 21 - 23 in the booklet for homework if you do not get it completed in class.
February 26, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued PC booklet - corrected to p. 11. Explained PC with etre and assigned rest of booklet.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We completed a worksheet today in class. We will start page 22 in the booklet tomorrow. Students should make sure they have pages 1 - 21 completed in the booklet.
February 23, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student who is doing the rewrite on Monday on LG#6: Circumference and Area, should be reviewing on the weekend. Students need to hand in the completed 'Review for Rewrite' worksheet before writing the rewrite. This sheet and the answer key have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued passe compose booklet. Completed to page 11.
February 22, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 18 - 19 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite has been changed until Monday, Feb 26th. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in to be tomorrow, Friday or before you complete the rewrite on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
If you did not submit your #1 podcast on Flip Grid, please do so by Monday. You must join flipgrid first by sending me a request to join. One min on any topic- no research required. Audio only is fine.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued passe compose grammar unit. Did up to page 8 in booklet. Bring a pencil to class. All info in GC.
February 21, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 13 - 15 in the booklet if you did not get them completed for homework. Students should be working on the 'review for rewrite' worksheet if they are completing the rewrite on Friday, Feb. 23rd. The worksheet is due on Thursday or on Friday before the rewrite.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished reading activity for a mark - Les guerres changent des vies, p. 30-31. Started grammar unit on the passe compose. New paper booklet will be used in class. All info found in the GC.
February 20, 2024
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
A reminder about the Ch5 test tomorrow. Please make sure that you take the time tonight to finish your Help Sheets if you did not finish them in class.

If it's included on the study guide, it will be a question on the test.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 184, #2, 4, 5, 8 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite will have the opportunity to write it on Friday, Feb. 23rd. The Review for the Rewrite sheet has to be completed before you can complete the rewrite.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p. 4 of the unit 2 chapter 3 booklet. Started p. 5 and 6.
February 19, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 10 - 11 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back learning goal #6 today and we went over it in class. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, Feb. 23rd.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Returned and reviewed listening quizzes - Les enfants invisibles. Read article p. 30-31 - Les guerres changent des vies. Started reading comp assignment in GC for a mark. /15.
February 16, 2024
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Because of the two snow days, your CH5 quiz has been moved to Wednesday, Feb 19.

You'll have Monday's and Tuesday's classes to create your help sheets. A couple of reminders regarding the Help Sheet:

- Students are allowed to create a Help Sheet that they can use during the test.

- A study guide has been posted under Classwork that shows what topics you should include on your Help Sheet.

- Students have had two classes to create the Help Sheet, but should finish the Help Sheet and review at home if needed.

- Your Help Sheet must be in French.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p.3 of the Unit 2 Chapter 3 booklet.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 3 - 9 in the booklet for homework if you do not get them completed in class.
February 13, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We started learning goal #7 today. There is no homework.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Unit test next class- see GCR. Book reports was due in today.
February 8, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student missing LG$6 assessment from today will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #7 on Tuesday.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did the doc in GC based on article - Les ecoles qui sortent de l'ordinaire (p. 18-21).
February 7, 2024
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Book report due on Feb 13. so finish book first.
PD days Friday- Monday.
Unit test on 14th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Written marks are posted - Education et inegalites. Read doc - p. 18-21 in text - Des ecoles qui sortent de l'ordinaire. Watched TedTalk video - in GC. Started doc in GC.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete review #3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The answer keys for all three review sheets have been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is tomorrow, Feb, 8th.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
CH5 Quiz Monday, Feb 19.

More info to be discussed in class tomorrow.
February 5, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Book report due Feb 13
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be working on review #2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Written project is past due in GC - Education et inegalites.
Watched video in GC - Le retour des ecoles alternatives. Introduced article - p. 18-21.
February 2, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be working on the last couple of pages of worksheet#1. If this worksheet is completed students should be working on Worksheet #2. This sheet has been uploaded to gallery. The answer keys and the worksheets can be found in google classroom. The assessment on LG#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Read p. 26-27 to finish article Education et inegalites. Continued written project in GC - 2 causes and 1 solution. Revise your written work.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Reminder that the in class assignment for Unit 2 Ch 2 is happening on Monday Feb 5. In the event of bad weather it will happen the next day we have class.
Booklets for Unit 2 Ch 2 are also due on Monday Feb 5, this includes all review questions in the booklet.
February 1, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should have questions #1 - 14 completed on worksheet #1 (page 1 - 2). If completed students should be working on page 3.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and presented index card activity in pairs - 4 words important from article - Education au Canada.
January 31, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete questions 1 - 5 on review sheet #1 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The answer key to worksheet #6: Composite diagrams has been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. Please review your formulas in the evenings as you will need to remember them for the assessment.
January 30, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We completed the booklet. Complete questions 1 and 2 on worksheet #6:Composite diagrams for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The partial answer key has been uploaded to google classroom. The formula sheet has also been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on LG#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. Remember!! You cannot use the formula sheet on the assessment. You have to understand when to use what formula depending on what the question is asking.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Read your novel! Remember Reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Read your novel! Remember Reading Friday.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Returned and discussed 2 evaluations - Aller de l'avant presentations and the written acrostic poem. Continued index card pair activity - Education au Canada.
January 29, 2024
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Your makeup test will be rescheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday January 30, at the start of lunch.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on review at the end of the Unit 2 chapter 2 booklet. Booklet including review is due on Monday, Feb 5th.
We will be going to the lab on Wednesday, Jan 29.
Unit 2 chapter 2 in class assignment will be on Monday, Feb 5th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
No homework. Finished French film today.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Because of early dismissal we missed math class. Any student not having worksheet #4 on circles completed should complete it for homework. The answer key has been uploaded to google classroom.
January 26, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
No homework - watched French movie today.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 23 - 24 in the booklet and questions 1 - 16 on worksheet #4, area of circles worksheet if you did not get them completed in class.
January 25, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete worksheet#3: Find the area of Triangles if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on LG6 has been set for Feb. 7th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and reviewed scavenger hunt activity to introde new unit - Ecole pour tous. Started pairs activity with index cards - Education au Canada.
January 24, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We had Bell Let's talk today. So there is no homework.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
The grades for the Ch4 quiz are now updated on PowerSchool. Because it was our first closed-book quiz (no notes allowed during the test), there will be a make up test on Monday, January 29th at the start of lunch for any student who would like to improve their grade.

Attached to the post on Google Classroom, you'll find some tools to help you study:
-Study guide: outlines what you need to know
-Quizlet: digital versions of the flash cards we made in class. Use these to review and memorize the information. There are also built-in games and quizzes to help you review.
-Notes Slideshow: use this if you need further explanation, pictures, or clarification. You do not need to study the entire notes slideshow.
-Blooket: review game
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did Bell Let's Talk presentation and ate pancake breakfast in today's class.
January 23, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished oral presentations - Aller de l'avant. Worked on and completed good copies of acrostic poem posters - Un bon leader, p. 8-9.
January 22, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 1 -2 on worksheet #2 (Find the circumference of a circle and the area of a parallelogram) if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on a foldable about the 3 states of matter. Instructions are in the google classroom for anyone who was absent. Students will have another half a class to complete it.
January 19, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 19 - 21 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked acrostic poem - Un bon leader, p. 8-9 in text. Should have finished good copy poster today.
January 18, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did pair oral presentations today - Aller de l'avant. Work is due in GC.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 12-13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are competing the rewrite on LG5.1:Constructing Circle Graphs should review this evening.
January 17, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Read poem - Des jeunes au coeur d'or, p. 12-13. Started acrostic poem - Un bon leader, p. 8-9. Will continue after oral presentations.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We finished correcting worksheet#1, so this sheet should be completed. We will start the next section tomorrow: Finding Area.
January 16, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete worksheet #1 Questions #1 and 2 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on LG5.1: Circle Graphs will be on Friday for any student who would like to do the rewrite.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Students will be having their first closed-book quiz will be on Monday, January 22. See post on Google Classroom for more info.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished pairs oral presentation project in GC - Aller de l'avant. Presentations start on Thurs, Jan 18.
January 15, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete example #1 on page 10 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students have now selected a novel for Reading Fridays and have three weeks to complete. They should be reading at home regularly this month.
We are currently looking at essays.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Started pair presentation project in GC - Aller de l'avant, p. 10-11. Will continue tomorrow. Presentations start Thurs, Jan 18.
January 12, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We investigated the relationship between circumference and diameter. Any student that missed class should fill in the table on page 5 so it is completed for Monday's class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back Des leaders positifs reading project marks and reviewed. Played boardgame on p. 26-27 in book - proteger les ours polaire. Reviewed p. 16-17 - La voie a suivre - steps for defending a cause.
January 11, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Bring your novel tmr!
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We started LG#6.1 today. Please complete pages 1 - 4 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Finished up unit 2 ch 1 in class project.
Will be starting chapter 2 next class.
January 10, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students completed the assessment on LG 5.1 today. We will start LG#6 tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and reviewed text Un jeune d'action (p. 2-3) and questions in GC.
January 9, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished in-class assignment on paper - Des leaders positifs - based on text article p. 22-23. Started activity in text and Google Classroom - p. 2-3, question sheet online.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should have worksheet #1 and the puzzle worksheet completed. This is a good review for the assessment tomorrow on LG5.1: Constructing Circle Graphs.
January 8, 2024
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back listening quizzes and reviewed - Nelson Mandela. Did reading activity - Des leaders positifs (p. 22-23) on paper. Will finish next class. Young leader projects are due in GC.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete #3 4 on worksheet#1 and page 1 of the puzzle sheet handed out in class today. If you do not have a protractor at home you can complete the tables for #1 - 3 and draw your circle graph when you return to class. The assessment on LG5.1: Creating Circle Graphs is on Wednesday, Jan. 10. There is math help available today after school from 2:15 to 3:15 in the library.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Find a novel for Reading Friday!
Starting the essay unit this week.
January 4, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We have completed the booklet for learning goal 5.1. Students should complete numbers 1 and 2 on worksheet #1 handed out in class today. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on Interpreting Circle Graphs can write it tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed some leader projects - presented their person and why they are a leader. Did a listening assessment on a world leader.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Reading Friday starts next week! Bring a book/novel- a regular chapter book as we will spend about 4 weeks on it. A graphic novel will not work- unless you have specific permission from me. Find one you will enjoy!

Submit the link to the Digital New Year's project you worked on in-class. Don't worry about the first 5 slides - the writing prompt could be omitted due to time limits.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on review at the end of the booklet.
Project is in class on Tuesday January 9. Booklet is due at the same time.
January 3, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete the table on page 10 in the booklet for homework. The rewrite for learning goal#5.1: Interpreting Circle Graphs is on Friday, Jan 5th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked on young leaders written project. Due Fri, Jan 5.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Finished the unit 2 chapter 1 booklet.
Project is on Tuesday January 9. Booklet is due at the same time.
January 2, 2024
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
The rewrite on learning goal 5.1:Interpreting circle graphs will be on Friday, Jan. 5th. We are continuing with booklet #5. Please complete pages 6-8 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you have a compass set and a calculator at home please bring it to class tomorrow.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p.13.
Project for unit 2 ch 1 will take place on Tuesday Jan. 9/24.
Booklets will be due on the same day.
December 18, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Returned and reviewed leadership assignment - 4 traits/dessins. Worked on Christmas activity booklet in GC.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the assessment on learning goal #5.1:Interpreting Graphs will have an opportunity to write it when they return to class.
December 15, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the rewrite today on learning goal 4.2-4.3 can complete it when they return to class. Please have some of the review for rewrite sheet completed and handed in to me before the rewrite. The assessment on learning goal 5.1: Interpreting Circle Graphs is on Monday, Dec. 18th. Students should be working on the worksheets handed out in class or in their classroom folder.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked on young leaders written project. Due after the holidays - not homework.
December 14, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students will get an opportunity to complete the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3. Please bring in the review for the rewrite sheet you have been working on at home so I have it before you complete the rewrite tomorrow. Students should also be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal 5.1 (pages 2 - 5 in the booklet) which is on Monday, Dec. 18th. There are 2 worksheets in gallery that students should be working on in the evening.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Discussed video - Maayan Zin. Read p. 4-5 in textbook. Watched la vie en rose video and completed accompanying doc in GC. Reviewed these. Choose a young leader to portray for mini-project - all info in GC.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p.9 and 10 of the booklet.
No homework.
December 13, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We reviewed the LG 4.2-4.3 assessment. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will complete it on Friday, Dec. 15th. Students were given a worksheet today in class that they should be working on at home and handed in on Friday before they complete the rewrite on Friday. The assessment on Interpreting Graphs is on Monday, Dec. 18th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished mini project on Sois un leader unit - 4 drawings and leadership traits. Identified their style de leadership - p. 14-15 in book. Watched video - Maayan Zin.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p.7 and 8 of the booklet.
No homework.
December 12, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Updated notes from booklet #5: Circle Graphs have been uploaded to google classroom. There will be an assessment on Monday: Dec 18th on the first section Interpreting Graphs (Pages 1 - 5 in the booklet). We will go over the assessment on learning goal#4.2 - 4.3 tomorrow. The rewrite will be on Friday, Dec. 16th.
Students should review the worksheets, reviews sheets, and notes from class in the evenings.
December 11, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student missing the assessment today will write it when they return to class.
December 8, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p. 4 and 5 of the unit 2 chapter 1 booklet.
The rewrite for the Unit 1 test will take place on Tuesday, December 12 at lunch time.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the rewrite will have the opportunity to write it next week. Students should be reviewing for the new assessment on learning goal #4.2 - 4.3 which is Monday, Dec. 11th.
December 7, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student wanting to write the rewrite on Monday for learning goal 4.1 should complete the review sheet and hand it in on Monday before they complete the rewrite. The assessment on Learning goal#4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student wanting to write the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 4.1 should complete the review sheet and hand it in tomorrow before they complete the rewrite. The review sheet and answer key are on google classroom. The assessment on Learning goal#4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday, Dec. 11th.
December 6, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Continue to complete the worksheet from class. Your rewrite on learning goal#4.1 is on Friday. Students were given a review sheet to work on and hand in on Friday before the rewrite. The assessment on learning goal#4.2-4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p. 3 of the unit 2 chapter 1 booklet.
The rewrite for the Unit 1 test will take place on Tuesday, December 12 at lunch time.
December 5, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 30 - 32 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on learning goal#4.1 is on Friday. Students should be reviewing in the evenings. Your assessment on learning goal #4.2-4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 11th.
December 4, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete W2: Find percentages up to #10. Your rewrite on learning goal #4.1 is on Friday, Dec. 8th. The assessment on learning goal #4.2 - 4.3: discount -tax is on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continuing to work on Solo final project in groups. Due Dec 6 - presentations also start then.
December 1, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Review #1:Table:F-D-P and answer key have been uploaded to google classroom. If completed students should complete questions 1 - 10 on review#2: Discount-Sale price. It was uploaded to gallery (or you can download it from google classroom). Your assessment on learning goal#4.2 - 4.3:F-D-Percentages, discounts, sale price, taxes, and final price is on Friday, Dec. 8th.The rewrite for learning goal#4.1:Fractions - Decimals will be on Monday, Dec.11th. We will go over your assessment on Monday when I hand it back.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Had the Unit 1 test today. Any student who hasn't written it yet should be prepared to write it on Monday, Dec.4.
November 30, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 28 - 30 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued Solo final group project today. Due Dec 6 and presentations start on that day.
November 29, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Review class.
Unit 1 test is on Friday, Dec.1
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Introduced Solo novel final project today and gave groupings. Project is in Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 27 - 28 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
November 28, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed p. 15-16 booklet activities - Solo. Played Blooket game to review full novel. Answer key for all activities is now in GC.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Currently reading WINk novel in class this month.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Christmas charity project has started if families want to donate an item or monetary gift for certain seniors of St. Pats.

Door decorating starts Monday! Students will be out on committees for this.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed learning goal#4 assessment today will write it when they return to class. We will start percentages tomorrow.
November 27, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be reviewing for learning goal #4.1 assessment tomorrow. It covers pages 1 - 22 in the booklet.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on unit review.
Unit 1 Test on Friday Dec. 1.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished Solo novel today. Completed p. 15-16 in booklet. Will review tomorrow.
November 23, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete review sheets #2 and #3 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment is on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Students should be reviewing over the long week-end. They should also practice their multiplication chart.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Completed the case study evaluation on Habitat for Humanity.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on end of unit 1 review.
Test on Unit 1 taking place on Friday, Dec. 1
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on end of unit 1 review.
Test on Unit 1 taking place on Friday, Dec. 1
November 22, 2023
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Went through lesson 3 notes and finished questions. All of ch3 booklet should now be completed.

Booklet is due at the beginning of next class.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 2 on review #2 for homework. Your assessment is on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Students should be reviewing their notes and any work handed out in class in the evenings. Students should also be reviewing their multiplication tables as well.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on booklet p. 14.
Test on Unit 1 taking place on Friday, Dec. 1
November 21, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 1 of review sheet #2 in gallery. Your assessment on learning goal#4.1 (pages 1 - 22 in the booklet) will be on Tuesday, Nov 28th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings. And students should also reviewing their multiplication tables.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did second listening evaluation on Solo novel.
November 20, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Read p. 60-65 and completed/reviewed p. 12 in booklet - novel - Le Solo d'Andre. There will be a listening evaluation very soon - review novel to p. 65.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 21 -22 for homework. Your assessment on Learning 4 (4.1) will be next week. Date to be determined. Students should be practicing these concepts in the evening. They should also be practicing their multiplication tables.
November 18, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Reminder to listen to chapter 12 Wink on youtube- Tammee Harden is good!
November 17, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed p 9-11 in booklet - Solo novel. Make sure you understand to the end of p. 59 in novel. Played Trouve-le game in small groups.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 20 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students should be reviewing their notes in the evening.
November 16, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete page 17 question example b) for homework.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Last class to work on the Ch 2 project. Students should make sure it is submitted in google classroom.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Read p. 48-59 in Solo novel. Completed p. 11 in booklet. Will review p. 9-11 in booklet next class.
November 15, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the rewrite will write it when they return to school. Students should have pages 4 - 5 completed on worksheet #2 for homework. Any student that completed the rewrite should have page 4 completed.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed 3 evaluations done on novel Solo. Started p. 9-10 in booklet.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Completed religion timeline activity. Should be completed for homework if it was not finished in class and submitted at the beginning of next religion class.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Completed religion timeline activity.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Second class to work on the ch 2 project. Students will get an extra half a class if needed to complete the work.
November 14, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be reviewing for the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal #3.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did reading comprehension check - p. 35-48 in Solo novel. Collected for a mark.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Ensure your paragraph was submitted. Tks.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Started working on the Ch. 2 project. Work is posted in the google classroom. Will have one more class to complete it.
November 10, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 14 - 15 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal#3 is on Wednesday, Nov 15th. Students should review the assessment on LG#3 handed back today over the next few days so they are ready for the rewrite.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on review today.
Will be starting a project for ch. 2 on Tuesday, Nov. 14.
Answer key for ch 2 (not including review) is updated.
November 9, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should have pages 8 - 9 completed in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. Worksheet #1 should also be completed.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Completed p. 8 in Solo booklet. Several completed a missed listening assessment.
November 8, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Will be starting a project for ch. 2 on Tuesday, Nov. 14.
Answer key for ch 2 (not including review) is updated.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did first listening evaluation today in Solo novel.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete pages 1 - 3 on worksheet #1 uploaded to their gallery for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
November 7, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did reading assessment on Solo novel - p. 9-27. There will also be a listening assessment this week - ensure you review and understand the novel to this point.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students should complete the editing of the paragraph and submit on GCR. Please let me know if there are concerns asap. We are moving on to the novel study.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete pages 6 - 7 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
November 6, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We started learning goal #4 today. Students should have pages 1 - 3 completed in their notes.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did p. 7 in Solo novel booklet and reviewed these. Study p. 9-27 in novel for upcoming reading and listening evaluations. Novel is online.
November 3, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed second chance verb quiz. Discussed character infos from first chapter in Solo d'Andre novel - p. 18-19 in booklet. Read p. 19-27 in novel.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on textbook review questions and then played food chain review blookets.
No homework.
November 2, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Review for assessment on learning goal #3. Review sheets #1, 2, and 3 would be good to review for tomorrow. The review sheets and answer keys can be found in google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Catch up on the sensory chart if you are behind- (or absent). See GCR.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did second chance verb quiz today. Continued novel - Le Solo d'Andre - p. 5-6 in booklet and filled in personnages infos - p. 18-19 from ch 1.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p.7 of the ch 2 and 3 booklet.
No homework.
November 1, 2023
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Today was the last class to work on the ch2 foldable project. It is due Tuesday, November 7
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete work on review sheet #3 for homework. If completed work on review sheet #4.Your assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Finished p. 6 in the ch 2 and 3 booklet.
No homework.
October 31, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should be have completed Review sheet #2, questions #17- 20 in class today. The assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did a Halloween Jeu d'evasion (escape room) activity.
Second chance present verb quiz is Thurs, Nov 2.
Bring charged chromebooks to every class.
October 30, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Reviewed verb quiz. Second chance quiz is on Thursday, Nov 2.
Did p 5-6 in Solo d'Andre booklet. Finish 9 questions for homework. Bring chromebooks to class.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Continue to work on Review sheet #2, numbers 1 - 20. Your assessment on LG #3 is on Friday, Nov 3rd.
October 26, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
You have a few options for homework. You can complete pages 17 - 18 in the booklet for homework or you can continue working on review sheet #1. Your assessment on learning goal#3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Corrected p.3 and completed p.4.
No homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished and reviewed p. 2-4 in Solo novel booklet. Read ch 1 and started p. 5-6 in booklet. Bring chromebooks to every class.
October 25, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete pages 12 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are writing the rewrite tomorrow should be reviewing learning goal#2.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Students finished their station activity. No homework.

A reminder that Sciences Humaines Ch2 booklets are due next class if they haven't already been passed in.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Started the Unit 1 Ch 2 and 3 booklet.
Worked on p.3.
No homework.
October 24, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete #13-20 on worksheet #4:Division for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Homerwork check for last class's homework is on PowerSchool. Not graded, but checked for completion.

Ch3 Booklets should have been finished and passed in by the end of class today.

Any student with questions remaining or questions that need to be fixed should complete them for homework tonight to be submitted next class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did verb listening quiz - present tense - today.
October 23, 2023
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Completed questions for lesson 2. Should be finished for homework if it was not completed in class.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 12 - 13 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#2 is on Thursday, Oct. 26th
October 20, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete the first 8 questions on worksheet #3:Division, for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal 2: Integers will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Class 1/2 for World Religion stations. Will continue next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Finished questions for lesson 1.

Went through Google Slideshow notes for lesson 2. Will complete questions next class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did practice quiz for listening assessment on Tues, Oct 24. Study verb booklet.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
A reminder that we will be attending the Fluvarium in the afternoon on Monday, Oct. 23. Make sure to have permission forms and money submitted.
October 19, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Completed the in class assignment today.
Will be attending the Fluvarium in the afternoon on Monday, Oct. 23.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued working on present tense verbs. Reviewed second sheet with crossword. Quiz is Oct 24 - study first booklet to be familiar with these verbs.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete page 2 on worksheet #2: Multiplication if you did not get it finished in class. The rewrite on learning goal #2 will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
October 18, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued working on the present tense. Did second sheet with crossword. Listening quiz on verbs is Oct 24 - listen to sentence and identify the verb in the infinitive (original form). See verb booklet.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete page one on worksheet #2: Multiplication of decimals for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Please review your multiplication tables in the evening. Knowing the multiplication tables will help us with multiplication and division of decimals.
October 17, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Conitnued working on review.
In class assignment on ch 1 will happen on Thursday Oct 19. Students will need to bring their chromebooks. More info is in the google classroom.
Reminder that we will be going to the fluvarium on Monday Oct. 23 in the afternoon.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back and reviewed foldable marks - written and speaking. Continued the oresent verb tense booklet and reviewed. Listening quiz on these verbs is Oct 24 - students need only recognize the verb in a sentence and write its infinitive.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Test Thursday - see GCR
October 16, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete page 9 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Started present tense verbs - booklet online. Did 3 pages of conjugations in booklet. Will continue tomorrow in class.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Today was the last class to work on the 10 Commandments of MDJH Poster assignment. It is due the beginning of next class.

Due Friday, Oct 20
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Finished ch 1 booklet. Began working on review.
In class assignment on ch 1 will happen on Thursday Oct 19. Students will need to bring their chromebooks.
October 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Reminder to bring book report notes for book talk Monday. Please ensure you have completed the book. Assignment is on GCR if you lost it- see template.

Unit test on Thursday- focus on making a connection. Unseen story.
October 13, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete pages 5 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Remember to bring your chrome book and charger to class from now on.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
No homework this weekend.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p. 7 and 8 in the ch 1 booklet. Answer key is now posted in google classroom.
Reminder that we will be going to the fluvarium on Monday Oct. 16 in the morning. Forms and money should be submitted through Rycor.
There will be an in class assignment on ch 1 on Thursday Oct. 19.
October 12, 2023
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Puzzle project (les 5 types d'autonomisation) was due today.

Watched The Story of Us: Episode 1 as an introduction to our next chapter.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
We started learning goal #3 today. Students are remined to bring their chrome book and charger to class.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p. 7 in the ch 1 booklet.
Reminder that we will be going to the fluvarium on Monday Oct. 16 in the morning. Forms and money should be submitted through Rycor.
There will be an in class assignment on ch 1 on Thursday Oct. 19.
October 11, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that did not write learning goal#2 today will have an opportunity to write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal#3: Decimal Operations tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Presentations of foldable projects started today. Foldables are due after a student presents.
October 10, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Book report- notes due on 16th to share with class.

Remember to submit journal- Halloween entry from last week.

Will be a unit test around the 19th - tba
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Today is last class to work on foldable (pliable) project. Presentations start in class tomorrow, Oct 11 - present only 2 classes.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Your assessment on learning goal#2 is tomorrow, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing the 2 review sheets handed out in class.
October 6, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked on foldable project - Classes de mots. Will have one more class next week. Due Oct 11 and presentations start on that day. All info can be found in GC.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete review sheet#2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
October 5, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should complete the review sheet for homework if it is not yet completed. The assessment for learning goal#2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Continued to work on practice questions. Time given for catch up for anyone who has missed time.
No homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Worked on foldable project for classes de mots. Will have 2 more periods to complete it. Due Oct 11 - presentations also start on this day.
October 4, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students were given review sheet#1 today in class. Students should work on this review sheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal#2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Last Reading Friday coming up. Book Report Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Last Reading Friday coming up. Book Report Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Started foldable project on Classes de mots. Due Oct 11 and presentations start on that day. Bring chromebooks to class if you have one.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Started project on 10 Commandments for Macdonald Drive Junior High. Students will have one more class to work on this. No homework tonight.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on textbook questions as extra practice. Textbook p. 9, questions 1-2; p.12, questions 1-2; p.15, questions 1, 4ab, 5ab, 6, 8abc; p.19, questions 1-2; p.23, questions 4,5,7,8.
No homework.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Two more days for food drive!
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Two more days for food drive!
October 3, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should now have the booklet for learning goal #2 completed. Students should complete #1-22 on worksheet#2 handed out in todays in class. The assessment for learning goal #2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Any student completing the rewrite on learning goal #1: Divisibility Rules should review this evening as the rewrite is tomorrow.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished Classes de mots unit today - pronoms, prepositions, conjonctions. Will start project next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Started project: les 5 types d'autonomisation. Students will have two classes to work on this.

Due Thursday, Oct 12.
September 29, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Students should work on pages 26 - 27 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite on Oct. 4 should be reviewing their notes, worksheets and the review sheets handed out in class.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Completed caring and kindness activities.

Last day for Respect posters is Tuesday, Oct 3.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Completed questions for lesson 2. Should be completed for homework if not finished in class.
September 28, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p.4 of the chapter 1 booklet. Worked on definitions 1-4.
No homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did adverbs and interjections today - Classes de mots. All info is online.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Complete pages 25 - 26 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given a review sheet to help them study for the rewrite on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. This sheet is to be completed at home. I will be available for extra help on Tuesday second half of lunch.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Respect Posters are due Tuesday, Oct 3. Several have been passed in with no name.
September 27, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Did verbs today - Classes de mots. Watched 3 short videos in the Google Slide presentation and completed a skill check exit card at the end of class.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Continue to read your novel regularly. Bring it for the next two Fridays for reading. Feel free to start another book if finished. Book report will be assigned over the next few days.
Currently working on short story unit- looking at winning short films this week.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete pages 21-22 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student writing the rewrite on Oct 4th should be reviewing the notes, worksheets and review sheets handed out in class and their assessment that we went over in class. Help is available at lunch Thursday and Tuesday during second half of lunch in our math classroom 208.
September 26, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
You were given back your learning goal #1 assessment today and we went over it in class. The rewrite on this learning goal will be on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. We will continue with out notes on learning goal#2 tomorrow. We will correct pages 14 - 17 tomorrow in class.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Gave out new booklet for Unit 1 Ch 1. Worked on p.3.
Anyone who did not complete p.3 in class should finish it for homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued Classes de mots unit. Did adjectives and started verbs today.
September 25, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete pages 14-15 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Finished writing sample - Mon ete en 3 images and put in class file. Began Classes de mots grammar unit. Did section on nouns - see sheet and Google Slide in Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Last class to complete safety poster. Anyone who has not completed their poster should finish it for homework and submit it next class.
September 22, 2023
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Students worked on their practice case study: Les petits imigrees anglais. They will have 20 minutes to finish any remaining questions in class tomorrow. If they feel like they have more than 20 minutes worth of work left, they were recommended to complete some for homework tonight.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Continued introductory written text to establish student level. All work done in school and kept in class file - Mon ete en 3 images.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Continued to work on safety poster. Will have all of class Monday Sept. 25 to complete. Due at the end of that period.
September 21, 2023
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Homework check completed for Lesson 1 questions and put on PowerSchool. Homework checks are NOT graded, but are simply used for parent, student, and teacher tracking.

Went through case study on Les Petits Immigrees Anglais and watched the video, but did not complete questions. No homework tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Reading Friday!
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Any student that missed the assessment today on learning goal #1 part 1 ill write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal#2 tomorrow. The booklet is uploaded below.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Join Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Discussed p. 8. Started working on lab safety poster. Will be due Sept. 25.
No homework.
September 20, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please review for your learning goal #1 assessment tomorrow. You should review the notes and any worksheet/review sheets handed out in class. The completed notes and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Started Respect poster and will finish next class. No homework tonight.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Completed Lesson 1 questions. Should be finished for homework if not completed in class.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Gave back marks on oral presentation. Started writing sample - will continue next class.
September 19, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Finished p. 7, started p.8.
No homework.
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Completed booklet in class file - Pour mieux te connaitre. Oral presentations now all complete. Join the Google classroom please.
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete worksheet #3 if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1 is on Thursday, Sept. 21st. Students should be reviewing in the evening. Students can review the booklet and any worksheets handed out in class to aid them in their understanding of learning goal #1.
September 18, 2023
Assigned By: Jodi Sauve
Completed oral presentations today using puzzle piece of partners.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Students completed a drama scene today based on the short story 'The Nest'.

Also, read novel regularly!
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Mapping projects were due today. Questions 1 and 2 of our new booklet should be completed for homework if they were not finished in class.
September 15, 2023
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on p.6 of the lab safety booklet.
No homework.
Science Humaines
Assigned By: Lauren Andrews
Carte du Canada assignment is due on Monday, Sept 18.
September 14, 2023
Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
Please complete Question#1 on worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1 has been tentatively set for Thursday, Sept 18. The completed booklet and worksheet #1 have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned By: Amanda Spurrell
Worked on and corrected p. 3-5 in the lab safety booklet.
No homework.
September 13, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Read novel regularly & bring it on next 4 Fridays. You may start a second book if you finish the first.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned By: Donna Mills
Meet & Greet on Thursday 7-8 PM!
