Homework Assigned For Homeroom: 7-5(119)
June 7, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
In Class Assignment upcoming on Wednesday June 12th. Please ensure your student has their Chromebook charged and with them on Wednesday.
June 5, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Open book exit Card on Learning Goals 10.2 - 11.1 tomorrow. Please bring Chromebooks.

Optional review material is posted to Google Classroom.
June 3, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Notice: We will be having an open book entrance card assignment on Thursday June 6th.
May 31, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Yesterday was the last day to work on the Minecraft exploration activity and corresponding slideshow.
Incomplete assignments must be completed for homework.
May 30, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Complete case study on Canadian Population (025)due Monday
May 27, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
We will be having a short, open book entrance card at the beginning of tomorrow's class.
Students will use the Observation Table from question 7 on Page 5 of their workbooks to determine the identity of an unknown mineral.
Studying will NOT be necessary.
May 21, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Today was the last class to complete the Examining Rocks Book Creator Assignment.
No more class time will be given. Any incomplete assignments are to be finished for homework.
May 17, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Today we collected rocks from outside and examined them using the digital microscopes. These will be used for a Book Creator assignment.
We will have 1 more class to work on the Book Creator assignment, anything not complete after then will be for homework.
This will be included in the Powerschool grade for Learning Goal 10.1
May 16, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Learning Goal 9 grades will be going on PowerSchool tomorrow. Please ensure that the following assignments have completed and turned in:
Learning Goal 9 Workbook
Ed Puzzle Assignment
Unit 3 Review
Unit 3 Quiz
If you / your student have not turned in one or more of these assignments, please bring them to me in Room 108A as soon as possible.
May 6, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
The Ed Puzzle assignment will take place during class tomorrow.
Students may use the 'Separation Method Summary' at the end of the Learning Goal 9 Workbook that completed during class as a help sheet. If this was not completed in class it must be completed for homework.
Please have Chromebooks charged and ready for class tomorrow.
May 5, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Any 'Methods of Separation Summary' sheets in the workbook that were not completed in class are to be completed for homework.
This will be a help sheet for the Ed Puzzle assignment on Tuesday May 7th. It must be completed ahead of time to be used during the assignment.
May 3, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Today we practiced placing harmonic and melodic intervals on the musical staff.

We also started a slideshow on Interval Quality which can be found in the Google Classroom.

Any student absent today should review the posted material under 'Intervals' in the Google Classroom.
May 2, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Today we worked through the Separation Methods Summary sheets at the back of the Learning Goal 9 Workbooks.
These will be used at the help sheets during our Ed Puzzle assignment.
Any tables not completed are to be completed for homework.
April 29, 2024
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton
Students who have missing assignments from Learning Goal 8 must complete them for homework and submit as soon as possible. If you are unsure what your student is missing, please send an email to carolinesutton@nlesd.ca
Please Note: students will be having an EdPuzzle assignment in class on May 7th. They will apply their class knowledge to a video demonstration.
Please note: on May 13th students will be having a Unit 3 test. This will be on Learning Goals 7, 8, and 9. This is closed book and studying will be necessary to prepare.
April 25, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Quiz on Chapter 7 May 2nd
Assigned By: Caroline Sutton

April 15, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
UKULELE ASSESSMENT #1 scheduled for April 17th, Day 5, will cover the following material:
- parts of the ukulele
- steps for tuning the ukulele
- string names and numbers
- how to hold the ukulele properly

All supporting documentation has been provided in our Google Classroom
April 8, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
UKULELE ASSESSMENT #1 scheduled for April 17th, Day 5, will cover the following material:
- parts of the ukulele
- steps for tuning the ukulele
- string names and numbers
- how to hold the ukulele properly

All supporting documentation has been provided in our Google Classroom
March 27, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Today students practiced tuning their own Ukulele's and learned how to properly hold the instrument. The following topics will be covered on an assessment after Easter and details for each can be found in our Google Classroom

1. Parts of the Ukulele
2. String Names and Numbers
3. How to Tune the Ukulele
4. How to Hold the Ukulele
March 25, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned By: Donna Mills
All podcasts should now be submitted.
March 20, 2024
Assigned By: Jenn Hanley
Students are responsible for knowing:
1) Parts of the Ukulele
2) String names and numbers
3) How to tune a Ukulele (6 steps provided in google doc)

Assessment will be after Easter and review of required knowledge can be done during each class prior to assessment
March 5, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Students should have BNA digital assignment complete for Friday March 8th
January 24, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Remember we will be having a short OPEN BOOK quiz tomorrow on CH4.

You may use ONLY your booklets to help you, It will be on chromebooks so please bring them Charged.

January 19, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Quiz on Ch4 Thursday Jan 25th
January 12, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Budget assignment for Ch3 Due
January 10, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Please submit booklets for CH3(008) and 2 budget sheets(010) for next class. HFH case study should already be submitted (009)
January 8, 2024
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
HFH Case study Past Due.
Ch3 Booklets should be submitted
Ch3 Budget Project due Friday
January 4, 2024
Assigned By: Sarah George
Worked in booklet (jan 4) in google classroom. Learned how to form sentences with contractions - de la, de, des / a la , au, aux
January 3, 2024
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students will need a pencil and/or chromebook with a stylus for all classes. Students can complete their notes digitally or on paper.

January 5th (Friday) is our Learning Goal 4.1 retake!
December 15, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Case studies due today, Friday Dec 15th.
December 14, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Case study due tomorrow
December 13, 2023
Assigned By: Deidre Lambert
Here is everything you should have passed in so far! Please make every effort to get anything submitted before the Christmas break so your grade is not affected!

UNIT 1: Ecosystems
1. Lab safety booklet
2. Lab Safety Poster
3. Lab #1: Trip to the Schoolyard
4. LG 1 review
5. LG 1 workbook
6. LG 2 assessment
7. Habitat vs. Niche exit card
8. Field trip exit card
9. LG 2 & 3 workbook
10. The Lion King Assignment

UNIT 2: Heat
1. Boiling Hot-Freezing Cold activity
2. Thermoscope activity
3. LG 4 review
4. LG 4 workbook
5. LG 5 Exit Card #1
6. States of Matter Foldable
7. States of Matter EDPuzzle
December 12, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Habitat for Humanity Case study due Friday
December 11, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We have a two-part assessment coming up.

Part One is happening on Friday, December 15th and no calculators are permitted.

Part Two is happening on Monday, December 17th, and calculators are permitted.
December 4, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We will be starting Learning Goal 4 in tomorrow's class.
You should bring a charged chromebook and stylus to every class.
I will have paper copies of notes available for students who do not have/do not want to use online notes.
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Foldables for Ch 2 are due
November 30, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Foldables due today
November 28, 2023
Social Studies
Assigned By: Myles Warford
Foldable to be completed at home for next class. Thursday Nov 30th
November 27, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We are finishing up Learning Goal 3 this week. Students should have the Assignment on Google Classroom completed.
The activities do not have to be submitted BUT are very helpful for extra practice/review.
We will have an exit card on THURSDAY.
November 14, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students have the opportunity to complete a retake on subtracting integers TOMORROW, November 15th.
Assigned By: Sarah George
Verb game - Aimer
Worksheet in Google classroom - Aimer
November 10, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Created a foldable on the verb 'aimer'

Have a great long weekend!
Assigned By: Sarah George
Created a foldable on the verb 'aimer'

Have a great long weekend!
November 8, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Learning Goal 2 Retake happening on November 15th.

We are continuing with multiplying and dividing decimals in today's class.
November 6, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Learning Goal 2 (Integer) Retakes are moved to Wednesday, November 15th.
November 1, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Completed the activity for class one for Mosaique. This should be finished and submitted in google classroom now.
'Livret 1 (premiere classe)'
Assigned By: Sarah George
Started learning goal 3. We learned about adding and subtracting decimals today. We will continue with this tomorrow.
Notes are posted in Google Classroom.
October 31, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We have just started Learning Goal 3, which covers decimals. Students should complete Activity 1 and Activity 2 as posted on Google Classroom.

Retakes for Learning Goal 2 (integers) will happen next Thursday, November 8th.
October 25, 2023
Assigned By: Deidre Lambert
Work that should be submitted so far this year includes:
1. Lab Safety Work Book
2. Lab Safety Poster
3. Lab #1: Trip to the Schoolyard
4. LG 1 Review
5. LG 1 Workbook
6. LG 2 Assessment
7. Field Trip Exit Card
8. Habitat vs. Niche Exit Card

Also note, our Unit 1 quiz will be November 3. Notes are not permitted for this quiz, studying is required. Will be done using Google Forms on Chromebook.
October 24, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
The second class working on Lexique.
Catch up class tomorrow. Please bring your chromebook!
October 23, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Started the Lexique activity in Google Classroom - no homework. We will be continuing with this tomorrow.
October 19, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Reading & Speaking evaluation.
October 16, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Dans mon sac a dos practice.
- Assessment on Thursday. Know vocab from les articles scolaires.
October 12, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Continued with les articles scolaires booklet.

Writing and Speaking evaluation (Dans mon sac a dos), Thursday, October 19.
October 6, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
You will have an Exit Card covering adding integers next Thursday, October 12th.
You will have an Exit Card covering subtracting integers the following Wednesday, October 18th.
Your Learning Goal 2 test will be on Friday, October 20th. This will cover adding and subtracting integers, as well as word problems.
Just a note - an Exit Card is a short assessment with just a couple of questions to check understanding.
October 4, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Gale Kelly
Today we spent 20 minutes today doing a question on the story 'Winners and Losers'. This question is to be finished for homework this evening. 'Write a paragraph talking about how you can personally connect with the story.' Everything you need for this is on Google Classroom.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students looking to complete the rewrite should submit a worksheet by tomorrow's class.
Rewrite for Learning Goal 1 is this Friday, October 6th.
October 3, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Started learning 'around the school' vocabulary. Practiced with worksheets.
Learned the verb 'Etre'
September 27, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Gale Kelly
Today we reviewed the TAG Checklist and began writing an independent long answer question: Write a detailed paragraph discussing two characteristics Lydia possesses in the story 'Fire and Death' written by Yvonne Galitis. We will continue this tomorrow.
September 26, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Gale Kelly
Today we learned how to write a constructed response answer in TAG format. We wrote a paragraph together as a class. The notes are posted in GC.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students were given a period today to catch up on any outstanding work. We are now finished Learning Goal 1.

We will start Learning Goal 2 during tomorrow's class. Notes will be posted to Google Classroom.
September 25, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Practiced common phrases, numbers, letters. Reading and Listening Quiz on Thursday, September 28th.
September 22, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned By: Gale Kelly
Due to confusion in the extended homeroom, students stayed with their Homeroom teacher and worked on their Tech project. Because they missed their Reading Friday period, we will have Reading Monday instead.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Students have a quiz covering their Divisibility Rules on Monday, September 25th.

Students are encouraged to look at the practice quiz posted to Google Classroom.

Students can also write any helpful information on a single cue card to bring in on Monday.

Classroom: zqdhmph
Assigned By: Sarah George
Review sheets given out for Reading and Listening Quiz next Thursday (Common phrases/alphabet/numbers).

Worked on saying our numbers in French. Worked in our class booklet.
September 21, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
Reading and Listening Quiz (Common sayings/alphabet/numbers)- Next Thursday, September 28th.

Continued working through our booklet, learning phonetic letter sounds.
September 20, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Learning Goal 1 quiz is moved to Monday, September 25th.

The quiz will cover divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. Students should be able to recognize whether or not a number meets divisibility criteria, and be able to sort numbers into a diagram of their choosing.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Gale Kelly
Today we finished the constructed response question for 'The Nest' assessment. We began 'Fire and Death'.
September 19, 2023
Assigned By: Sarah George
In today's class we worked on our poster project. Each student was assigned a French phrase/word and asked to create a poster. Students who did not complete their poster during class time are asked to complete thier poster for homework. Rubric can be found in the Google Classroom. Please join the classroom if you haven't already! Code: trrjzji
Language Arts
Assigned By: Gale Kelly
Today we worked on 'The Nest' assessment. 15 minutes of class time will be used tomorrow to complete the constructed response section of assessment. We will then begin 'Fire and Death'.
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
Math quiz based on Learning Goal 1 (divisibility rules) tentatively set for Thursday, September 21st.
September 15, 2023
Assigned By: Deidre Lambert
1. Lab safety booklets Due Monday Sept 18th.
2. Lab Safety Poster due Friday Sept. 22.
September 14, 2023
Assigned By: Jackie Ghaney
We have reviewed divisibility rules for 2, 4, 5, 8, and 10. We will be learning the rules for 3, 6, and 9 in upcoming classes.

There will be an assessment covering ALL Divisibility Rules next Thursday, September 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned By: Gale Kelly
Today we read 'Telephone Romance' and completed/discussed Page 1 questions. REMINDER: Tomorrow is READING FRIDAY.
NOTE: The slideshow sent out yesterday regarding Grade 7 Curriculum has been posted in your Google Classroom. Please show your adults!
Assigned By: Deidre Lambert
Lab Safety Booklet: Due September 15th
Lab Safety Poster: Due September 22nd
Assigned By: Sarah George
Learned some common phrases in French. Picked a phrase for the poster project. We will start the poster project in Tuesdays class.
