Homework Assigned By: Donna Mills
May 28, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Grammar quiz Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Grammar quiz Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Grammar quiz Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Grammar quiz Friday
May 21, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Finish journal on racism from GCR. Select a few of the prompts to complete. Answer should be 3/4 page approx.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Finish journal on racism from GCR. Select a few of the prompts to complete. Answer should be 3/4 page approx.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Currently working on female reproduction/changing body.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Currently working on adverbs. Moving onto research project tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Currently working on adverbs. Moving onto research project tmr.
May 15, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Grammar quiz later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Grammar quiz later next week
April 30, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Quiz on Monday- content of 'The Outsiders'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Quiz on Monday- content of 'The Outsiders'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students should be caught up on reading of novel. One chapter remaining/
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be caught up on reading of novel. One chapter remaining/
April 25, 2024
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Pass in police report- chp 4
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Pass in police report- chp 4
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Starting chp 27 tmr - novel. Listen to the chapters on Youtube if behind. Questions from today's class should be completed. GCR
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Starting chp 27 tmr - novel. Listen to the chapters on Youtube if behind. Questions from today's class should be completed. GCR
March 26, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Bios & jot notes due Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Bios & jot notes due Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
All pod casts should be now submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
All pod casts should be now submitted.
March 25, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Fav poem presentations of paragraph & visual should now be completed. Two periods were provided the week before last. Submit on GCR- visual & paragraph.

Finishing bios tmr- adding citations
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Bios- make any last changes or get in touch with me if you need help by Wednesday latest. Finishing citations tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
All podcasts should now be submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(119)
All podcasts should now be submitted.
March 13, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Submit the draft of your bio. Email me if you need help or want feedback.

Should have completed 1/2 the work on fav poem asignment.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Submit the draft of your bio. Email me if you want feedback or if you would like to sit over lunchtime for help.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Pod cast #2!!! About 3 mins- submit today!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Pod cast #2! Submit today- about 3 mins.
March 12, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Please submit draft by tmr- research essay. If you want to sit with me to review- please sign the sheet asap. Will be at a lunch time.

Starting poetry today- will need to bring in tinfoil and a piece of carboard (base) for Monday's sculpture.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Please submit draft by tmr- research essay. If you want to sit with me to review- please let me know asap.
Starting poetry tmr- will need to bring in tinfoil and a piece of carboard (base) for Monday's sculpture.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Pod Cast 2 due in tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Pod Cast 2 - due in tmr! If you were did not complete Podcast 1, I will give you til Friday- it is only 1 minute with no research.
March 6, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students are currently creating a podcast - 3 mins based on research from 2 articles. Class time was given for prep- please submit on Flipgrid by next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students are currently creating a podcast - 3 mins based on research from 2 articles. Class time was given for prep- please submit on Flipgrid by next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Students are working on bios and should be on paragraph 4 -5 of rough drafts by now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Students are working on bios and should be on paragraph 4 -5 of rough drafts by now.
March 4, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Currently- finishing up Narnia.
Students are also working on bio essays and should be on paragraph 3. That will be the focus this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Currently- finishing up Narnia.
Students are also working on bio essays and should be on paragraph 3. That will be the focus this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Currently- finishing up Narnia.
Students are also working on bio essays and should be on paragraph 3. That will be the focus this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Currently- finishing up Narnia.
Students are also working on planning of Podcast 2- 2 articles read for research. That will be the focus this week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Collecting 15$ for Narnia play- date may change if weather is poor.
February 22, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
If you did not submit your #1 podcast on Flip Grid, please do so by Monday. You must join flipgrid first by sending me a request to join. One min on any topic- no research required. Audio only is fine.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
If you did not submit your #1 podcast on Flip Grid, please do so by Monday. You must join flipgrid first by sending me a request to join. One min on any topic- no research required. Audio only is fine.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Complete slides 3-5 on Inside Out- Assignment. Use full sentences and some detail.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Class was provided for jot notes- bullet form for biography topic. Two sources minimum. Include url address. Regular doc is fine- use phrases and key wds vs. sentences
Why the person is famous:
Early life
Mid life
Late life or where the person is now... re/career etc
Please submit by Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Class was provided for jot notes- bullet form for biography topic. Two sources minimum. Include url address. Regular doc is fine- use phrases and key wds vs. sentences
Why the person is famous:
Early life
Mid life
Late life or where the person is now... re/career etc
Please submit by Monday.
February 13, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Unit test next class- see GCR. Book reports was due in today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Unit test next class- unseen essay. Book report was due today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Unit test on Thursday. See GCR. Book report was due today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Unit test on Thursday. Book report was due today.
February 7, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Read the news article tonight- on GCR- under practice test. Tmr we will be working on it.
Book report due on Feb 13. so finish book first.
PD days Friday- Monday.
Unit test on 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Book report due on Feb 13. so finish book first.
PD days Friday- Monday.
Unit test on 14th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Book report on 13th
Unit test on 15th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Book report on 13th
Unit test on 15th
February 5, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Book report due Feb 13
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Book report due Feb 13
Test Feb 15
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Book report due Feb 13
Test- later next week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Book report due Feb 13
Test - later next week
January 30, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Read your novel! Remember Reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Read your novel! Remember Reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students should be reading their novel in class and reading in evening. Book report assigned soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students should be reading their novel in class and reading in evening. Book report assigned soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Read novel every evening and in class on Friday. Will be passing out book report soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Read novel every evening and in class on Friday. Will be passing out book report soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Read novel in evenings as well. Book report will be assigned tmr. I will give you a due date then.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Read novel in evenings as well. Book report will be assigned tmr. I will give you a due date then.
January 15, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students have now selected a novel for Reading Fridays and have three weeks to complete. They should be reading at home regularly this month.
We are currently looking at essays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students have now selected a novel for DailyReading and have three weeks to complete. They should be reading at home regularly this month.
We are currently looking at essays.

Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
All students should have submitted the chart on the civil rights photo from before Xmas.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Students completed a journal entry on Lebron James and his challenges. It should be 1/2-3/4 page. Time was provided in class-please complete and submit by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Students completed a journal entry on Lebron James and his challenges. It should be 1/2-3/4 page. Time was provided in class-please complete and submit by Wednesday.
January 11, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Bring your book tmr or borrow one of mine.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Bring your novel tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Bring your novel tmr or borrow one of mine! Lrc is open at lunch.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Bring your novel tmr or borrow one of mine. Lrc is open at lunch.
January 8, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-4(211)
Reminder to submit Flipgrid video by tmr. One class was provided last week- 3 minutes.
Starting an essay unit this weekx.
Find a novel for Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Reminder to submit Flipgrid video by tmr. One class was provided last week- 3 minutes.
Starting an essay unit this week.
Find a novel for Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Find a novel for Reading Friday!

Starting the essay unit this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Find a novel for Reading Friday!
Starting the essay unit this week.
January 4, 2024
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Today students created a 3 min audio presentation using flipgrid. It was on the topic of 'The Hunger Games'- novel or movie? Discuss using specific reasons. It you did not submit, please do so by Tuesday.
Starting Reading Friday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Today students created a 3 min audio presentation using flipgrid. It was on the topic of 'The Hunger Games'- novel or movie? Discuss using specific reasons. It you did not submit, please do so by Tuesday.
Starting Reading Friday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Reading Friday starts next week! Bring a book/novel- a regular chapter book as we will spend about 4 weeks on it. A graphic novel will not work- unless you have specific permission from me. Find one you will enjoy!

Submit the link to the Digital New Year's project you worked on in-class. Don't worry about the first 5 slides - the writing prompt could be omitted due to time limits.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Reading Friday starts next week! Bring a book/novel- a regular chapter book as we will spend about 4 weeks on it. A graphic novel will not work.

Also-Submit the link to the Digital New Year's project you worked on in class. Don't worry about last few slides - the last writing prompt could be omitted due to time limits.
December 12, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
We will be having a content quiz on The Hunger Games on Friday, December 15th. Please review the study guide, chapter quotations and notes on Google Classroom. If you have missed any classes, the audiobook is available on YouTube.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
We will be having a content quiz on The Hunger Games on Friday, December 15th. Please review the study guide, chapter quotations and notes on Google Classroom. If you have missed any classes, the audiobook is available on YouTube.
December 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Check Google Classroom for the notes:

For homework, please listen to the attached YouTube link of Chapter 21 of The Hunger Games. We'll discuss Chapter 21 in class tomorrow, make some notes then move on to Chapter 22 and 23. I've attached our notes for Chapter 20 in case anyone needs a reminder of what we read yesterday.

Chapter 21
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Check Google Classroom for the notes:

If you were not in class today, please listen to the attached YouTube link of Chapter 21 of The Hunger Games. We'll be moving on to Chapter 22 and 23 tomorrow. I've attached our notes for Chapter 20 & 21 on Google Classroom.

Chapter 21

November 28, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Starting chapter 12 tmr if you are behind- check out the audio on youtube by chapter.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Currently reading the Hunger Games. Starting 14 tmr if you are behind- you can check out the youtube audio.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Currently reading WINk novel in class this month.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Christmas charity project has started if families want to donate an item or monetary gift for certain seniors of St. Pats.

Door decorating starts Monday! Students will be out on committees for this.
November 18, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Reminder to listen to chapter 12 Wink on youtube- Tammee Harden is good!
November 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Story was due in last week. Six Word Stories should be submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Stories were due in last week-also Six Word Stories.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Ensure your paragraph was submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Ensure your paragraph was submitted. Tks.
November 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Please submit your story by Friday. If you need help, please book a time with me asap. We are moving on to the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Please submit story by Friday. If you want help editing, let me know asap to book a time. We are moving on to the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete the editing of the paragraph and submit on GCR. Please let me know if there are concerns asap. We are moving on to the novel study.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Please submit your paragraph on GCR. Use the checklist for editing. We are moving on to the novel.
November 2, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Catch up on the sensory chart if you are behind- (or absent). See GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Catch up on the sensory chart if you are behind- (or absent). See GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Students should be on the rough draft of story. Catch up if behind.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Students should be on rough draft of story. Catch up if behind.
October 17, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Test tmr- see GCR
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Test tmr- see GCR
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Test Thursday- see GCR
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Test Thursday - see GCR
October 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Reminder to bring book report notes for book talk Monday. Please ensure you have completed the book. Assignment is on GCR if you lost it- see template.

Unit test on Thursday- focus on making a connection. Unseen story.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Reminder to bring book report notes for book talk Monday. Please ensure you have completed the book. Assignment is on GCR if you lost it- see template.
Unit test Thursday- unseen story. Focus on making a connection.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Reminder to bring book report notes for book talk Monday. Please ensure you have completed the book. Assignment is on GCR if you lost it- see template.

Unit test- short story Wednesday. Unseen story- multiple choice and constructed response- long answer like we have been practicing. Focus on theme- conflict.
Bring leads if you are still doing ^ word story.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Reminder to bring book report notes for book talk Monday. Please ensure you have completed the book. Assignment is on GCR if you lost it- see template.

Unit test- short story Wednesday. Unseen story- multiple choice and constructed response- long answer like we have been practicing. Focus on theme- conflict.
Bring leads if you are still working on 6 word story.
October 10, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Book report- notes due on 16th to share with class.

Remember to submit journal- Halloween entry from last week.

Will be a unit test around the 19th - tba
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Book report- notes due on 16th to share with class.

Remember to submit journal- Halloween entry from last week.

Will be a unit test around 19th tba
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Book report- notes due on 16th to share with class.

Ensure you complete the Brother Leon theme paragraph from class. Ask if you need help.
Will be a unit test around 20th TBA.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Book report- notes due on 16th to share with class.
Ensure you complete the Brother Leon theme paragraph from class. Ask if you need help.

-will be a unit test around 20th. TBA
October 4, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Last Reading Friday coming up. Book Report Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Last Reading Friday coming up. Book Report Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last Reading Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last Reading Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last reading Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last reading Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last Reading Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Notes for Book Talk due 16th October. See template on Google CR. Hard copy was provided. Last Reading Friday this week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Two more days for food drive!
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Two more days for food drive!
September 27, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Continue to read your novel regularly. Bring it for the next two Fridays for reading. Feel free to start another book if finished. Book report will be assigned over the next few days.
Currently working on short story unit- looking at winning short films this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Continue to read your novel regularly. Bring it for the next two Fridays for reading. Feel free to start another book if finished. Book report will be assigned over the next few days.
Currently working on short story unit- looking at winning short films this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Continue to read your novel regularly. Bring it for the next two Fridays for reading. Feel free to start another book if finished. Book report will be assigned over the next few days.
Currently working on short story unit- looking at winning short films this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Continue to read your novel regularly. Bring it for the next two Fridays for reading. Feel free to start another book if finished. Book report will be assigned over the next few days.
Currently working on short story unit- looking at winning short films this week.
September 21, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Reading Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Reading Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Reading Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Reading Friday!
September 18, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students completed a journal in class today. If you needed more time, it is on Google Classroom. Please submit by Wednesday. 3/4 page to 1 page on paper or email.
Today, students completed work on its vs it's.

Also, read your novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students completed a drama scene today based on the short story 'The Nest'.

Also, read novel regularly!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5 (224)
Students completed a journal over the last 2 classes (in-role on short story).Then it was presented as a poem.

Also, read novel regularly!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Students completed a journal over the last 2 classes (in-role on short story). Then they presented it as a poem.
Also, read your novel!
September 13, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Read novel regularly & bring it on next 4 Fridays. You may start a second book if you finish the first.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Meet & Greet on Thursday 7-8 PM!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Read novel regularly & bring it on next 4 Fridays. You may start a second book if you finish the first.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5(125)
Read novel regularly & bring it on next 4 Fridays. You may start a second book if you finish the first.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (210)
Read novel regularly & bring it on next 4 Fridays. You may start a second book if you finish the first.
September 12, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Read novel! Bring on Reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5(125)
Read novel! Bring on Reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
Read novel! Bring on Reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Read novel! Bring on Reading Friday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Upcoming Meet and Greet on Thursday evening!
September 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Reading Friday- bring a book if you have one! Otherwise, you can borrow one of mine.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Picture day tomorrow!
May 30, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
People should be finished bio and a reference page. Let me know if you need help asap. Tks. Currently reading a play about racism for drama unit.
PD day tmr.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
PD day tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently working on a group poetry presentation.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Working on a group poetry presentation.
Police reports on novel should be now submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently moving towards finishing up bios/ one more class next week. Poetry work follows. Also, workshop from Brad Friday re/ our film.
May 23, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently working on poetry. Students should have limerick and onomatopoeia 'I Hear....' (Setting & 4 examples) poem submitted.

Also- just completed novel 'PIGBOY'. Starting a creative response to text tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Currently working on poetry. Students should have limerick on paper and onomatopoeia 'I Hear....' (Setting & 4 examples) poem submitted.

Also- completing novel 'PIGBOY' tmr. Starting a creative response to text following the reading.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
We are currently working on biography research paper. Students should be on draft.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Students should be finished up drafts of bios and we are currently working on poetry ('The Identification'- this week).Students are completing a police report on this poem tmr.
May 16, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete paragraph on your fav. food. It was started in class. Describe the food using adjectives and focus on taste/smell/taste. Approx. 7-9 sentences. Tmr we will turn this paragraph into a poem so no need to overthink!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Complete paragraph on your fav. food. It was started in class. Describe the food using adjectives and focus on taste/smell/taste. Approx. 7-9 sentences. Tmr we will turn this paragraph into a poem so no need to overthink!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Currently working on bios- students should be finishing drafts and adding citations. Please let me know if you have questions.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Completed the novel today. Next up is biographical research paper- in-class process essay. Currently, we are working on Artsmarts film also.
May 12, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Complete limerick if absent
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete limerick if absent
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Quiz on Monday- multiple choice only
April 25, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Novel content quiz Monday- multiple choice
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Novel content quiz Monday- multiple choice
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Vaping assignment was due last week. Currently working on smoking information.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Vaping assignment due last week- currently working on smoking chapter.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Covered a chapter of the novel today. Yesterday we had a presentation by Brad Gover for Artsmarts project- writing the film script.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Currently completing the novel The Outsiders. Should be finished this week.
April 21, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Please ensure the vaping google slides are submitted by Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please submit the vaping google slides if you forgot. Tks
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students should have completed the in-class Propaganda poster (or alternate choice- missing scene). We are moving on so if not completed- please finish on own time by Tuesday latest. Tks
March 24, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Book report theme spread due Monday.
Next unit is biography essay- pick a person who has made a positive impact on society. We will work on this next week so bring chromebooks. We will also start 'The Outsiders'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Oral history interview - NOTES only- due Monday. Bring chrome books so we can work on the next step.
Currently working on next novel as well- Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Oral history interview - NOTES only- due Monday. Bring chrome books so we can work on the next step.
Currently working on next novel as well- Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please remember your book report - theme slide was due last week. Currently working on 'The Outsiders' and biography essay in class.
March 22, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to interview your 'adult' parent/uncle/ grandparent etc about life in grade 7. See GCR-Notes are due Monday- essay will be written in class next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Remember to interview your 'adult' parent/uncle/ grandparent etc about life in grade 7. See GCR-Notes are due Monday- essay will be written in class next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Reminder to do theme spread book report on novel. Due Monday. Follow instructions on GCR- theme is expressed as a sentence. Please ensure you have read the book first.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Book report theme slide was due in Monday past. Currently working on a biography essay and starting 'The Outsiders'.
Reminder tmr is 1/2 day due to interviews and Friday is PD Day- no school for students.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Friday is a PD Day.
March 20, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Essay test tmr- unseen essay. Focus on main message and know 4 types of essays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Essay test tmr- unseen essay. Focus on main message and know 4 types of essays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Essay test tmr- unseen essay. Focus on main message and know 4 types of essays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Book report- movie poster was due in today. Please bring in tmr or send electronically. See GCR for instructions.
Also-Interview your adult by Monday and have notes in class so we can begin the essay. Oral history instructions also on GCR. Also, please bring a pencil and exercise to class daily even when you bring your chrome book.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Book report- movie poster was due in today. Please bring in tmr or send electronically. See GCR for instructions.
Also-Interview your adult by Monday and have notes in class so we can begin the essay. Oral history instructions also on GCR. Also, please bring a pencil and exercise to class daily even when you bring your chrome book.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Book report- movie poster was due in today. Please bring in tmr or send electronically. See GCR for instructions.
Also-Interview your adult by Monday and have notes in class so we can begin the essay. Oral history instructions also on GCR. Also, please bring a pencil and exercise to class daily even when you bring your chrome book.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Beginning novel study tmr! Have your oral history questions and interview done by Monday. We will write the essay in class next week- a parent can work for the interview too. See GCR for oral history notes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Beginning novel study tmr! Have your oral history questions and interview done by Monday. We will write the essay in class next week- a parent can work for the interview too. See GCR for oral history notes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Beginning novel study tmr! Have your oral history questions and interview done by Monday. We will write the essay in class next week- a parent can work for the interview too. See GCR for oral history notes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please submit google slide book report on theme that was due today. Theme should be expressed as a sentence. See instructions on GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please submit google slide book report on theme that was due today. Theme should be expressed as a sentence. See instructions on GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please submit google slide book report on theme that was due today. Theme should be expressed as a sentence. See instructions on GCR.
March 16, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Due to snow day- Book report can be extended to Monday and notes from interview questions to Friday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We can extend the deadline for interview questions til next week- Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Brad is scheduled to come tmr so we will reschedule the essay test to Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please remember to complete the book report theme slide based on your novel. Due to the snow storm, you can submit it by Monday.
March 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Reminder-the book report movie posted can be submitted Friday or Monday latest. Please ensure you have completed the book first. See intsructions on GCR.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Some people did not complete the health journal from last month. If this is the case, you will not have a grade for your report card. Please check to see you hit submit. Tks
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please complete novel- then move on to the assigned book report 'Theme Slide' on GCR posted last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please complete novel- then move on to the assigned book report 'Theme Spread' on GCR. Due March 24.
March 11, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Unseen essay test Monday- be able to summarize imp pts and know 4 types of essays. See the samples on GCR as reviewed in class.
Please ensure you have submitted your Lit Circles sheets- due in a while back and I need to submit for report cards.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Finish up your novel as discussed- book report was posted on GCR last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Finish up your novel as discussed- book report was posted on GCR last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Finish up your novel as discussed- book report was posted on GCR last week.

Essay test on Thursday.

Artsmarts begins this week!
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Some people forgot to submit the wellness journal last month so I am unable to give you the mark for health until you do. Please submit right away- 3 questions on Jonathan's Gaming Problem on GCR.
Currently moved on to new topic: vaping.
March 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please finish up novel this week. Book report was distributed and posted on GCR.
We will have an in-class essay assessment next Thursday.Focus on main message.

Artsmarts project begins next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Finish up novel this week. Report has been posted on GCR due 17th.
In-class essay test this Thursday- focus on main message.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Lit circles are clued up so please return novel and ensure your work is submitted.
In-class essay test is scheduled for Monday. Focus on how to summarize an article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
In-class essay test tmr- we will start early during health period. Bring pen and paper to class as well as your chrome book.
March 6, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Continue to bring your chrome books to class.
In-class essay test Wednesday. Know how to write a summary of an article and four types of essays.
Continue to read novel at home- movie poster is posted on GCR. Due March 17th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please complete reading novel at home. Theme spread assignment will be discussed tomorrow.
In-class essay. assessment will be next week.
Artsmarts project with film maker Brad Gover begins on 13th!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Essays continue this week. In-class assessment on unseen essay scheduled for Monday- know how to write a summary and 4 types of essays. See GCR for samples.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Book report was reviewed today- see GCR. Please complete novel as the project is due on 17th.
In-class essay assessment on Thursday.
March 3, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Final Lit circle on Monday. Bring your completed 2 sheets and a snack if you like.
Currently working essay unit- assessment to follow tentative date 13th.Unseen essay/ know how to summarize. See notes in GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Continue to read novel-the book report was posted today and is due in 2 weeks. Movie poster instructions on GCR.

Unseen essay scheduled for Wednesday- know how to summarize an article. Two examples of previous assessments on GCR - we have been working on this skill.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Theme spread book report will be distributed Monday- it will be due in 2 weeks so ensure you finish up novel next week.
There will be an unseen essay following the completion of essay unit- week after next.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please finish up novel next week. Book report will be discussed Monday.
In-class essay assessment on the 9th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder- March 10 is PD day.
March 2, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Bring novel tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Bring your novel tmr! There will be an essay test later next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Bring your novel tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finishing lit circles Monday! Complete novel and task for then. There will be an in-class essay assessment following essay unit. After the 9th or later.
February 27, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Currently working on grammar and the essay unit. There will be a test on March 8- unseen essay. Tentative date.

Students should be reading novel at home. There will be a follow up book report soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Currently working on grammar and the essay unit. There will be a test on March 9- unseen essay. Tentative date.

Students should be reading novel at home. There will be a follow up book report soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently working on grammar and the essay unit. There will be a test on March 8- unseen essay. Tentative date.

Students should be reading novel at home. With Lit circles, students should be completing a task to go with the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently working on grammar and the essay unit. There will be a test on March 9- unseen essay. Tentative date.

Students should be reading novel at home. There will be a follow up book report soon.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Starting a new unit on vaping this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Starting a new unit on vaping this week.
February 21, 2023
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tmr is PINK day if you have any pink to support anti- bullying.
Also- please note the dance is Thursday 7-9 pm. I may have given the wrong date last time. Buy tickers in advance until lunch on Thursday. Drama club will be selling baked goods there.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Finish article questions on the Downs syndrome text.
Continue to read novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read novel for Lit circles. The session will be on Monday due to schedule of ELA.
Currently working on essays otherwise.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Read your novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Read your novel! We completed the 5 paragraph response to the article on Down's syndrome today.
February 14, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to read novel and complete task.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently collecting donations for Syria-Turkey relief.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Read your novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Read your novel at home this month and at school on Fridays!
February 10, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Dance on the 24th- 5 dollars & snacks available.
On February 5, a very strong earthquake hit Syria and Turkey. Thousands of people, including friends and family of MDJH students, have been injured or lost, and many more are left hungry and homeless.

Please donate to the relief effort

Homeroom teachers will be collecting money Monday, February 13 - Friday, February 17.
Any amount helps, no matter how big or small.

Every dollar raised by MDJH will be matched by the Canadian government.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Submit health journal.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
On February 5, a very strong earthquake hit Syria and Turkey. Thousands of people, including friends and family of MDJH students, have been injured or lost, and many more are left hungry and homeless.

Please donate to the relief effort

Homeroom teachers will be collecting money
Monday, February 13 - Friday, February 17
Any amount helps, no matter how big or small.

Every dollar raised by MDJH will be matched by the Canadian governm
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Continue reading novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Continue reading novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Continue reading novel.
February 9, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book club tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Bring your novel tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Bring your novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Bring your novel tmr!
Also- if you did not finish today's question on 'I Have Down's Syndrome', please submit by Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Finish the in-class journal from the other day- 3 points about gaming addiction scenario. Probably about 10-12 sentences total-
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please remember to complete health journal from today- 3 points re/ gaming addiction. Approx. 10-12 sentences total like a standard journal entry.See GCR.
February 7, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Cont reading novel at home. Presentations are completed tmr. Please send a video if you are unable to present for some reason. Tks
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Pl submit class work on GCR- heath journal on Gaming issue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Pl continue to read novel at home and on reading Friday. Story presentations continue. 6 word stories should be submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please continue to read novel at home and on Friday in class. Finished story presentations tmr- please video yourself if unable to present in person. Moving on to essay unit.
February 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Please finish the GCR journal from today re/ Jonathon's gaming problem. There are three points to discuss so include a topic sentence for each. Due Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Con't to read your novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Con't to read your novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Con't to read your novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Con't to read your novel at home.
February 3, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Bring novel Monday- presentations continue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Lit Circles planning started today- novel chapters were assigned for Friday & one task from the worksheet. Consult your group to see which one you are doing- it will rotate over 4 weeks.
Also, presentations continue Monday (story)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Story presentations continue Monday (story).
Read your novel this month - every night as well as reading Fridays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Also, presentations continue next week (story).
Reading is moved to Monday.
February 2, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students have selected a novel for our book club-lit circles, Planning class- starting tmr. Students should read 1/4 the book each week so it will be completed in a month. They will have a weekly activity (lit circles model) along with the reading. Snacks are fine for book club.
Remaining oral presentations (story) continue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Remaining oral presentations (story) continue.

Reading Friday- bring your novel. Students should be reading each night- 4 wks to read novel of choice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Remaining oral presentations (story) continue.

Reading Friday- bring your novel. Students should be reading each night- 4 wks to read novel of choice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Remaining oral presentations (story) continue. Reading Friday-goes to Monday due to schedule... bring your novel. Students should be reading each night- 4 wks to read novel of choice.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
School assembly-Special Google Meet tmr with hockey player Alex Newhook- former MDJH student!
January 26, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
We will start oral presentations of the fairytales on Monday. Please practice over the weekend. Also, you should turn in your final draft on Google Classroom if you have not done so already.
January 25, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete your picture book and submit to GCR. We will be reading them in class on Monday so you can practice!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Complete your picture book and submit to GCR. We will be reading them in class on Monday so you can practice!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Complete your fairy tale and submit to GCR. We will be reading them in class on Monday so you can practice!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Complete your fairy tale story and submit to GCR. We will be reading them in class on Monday so you can practice!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The outing to FrontLine- the reward for ticket sales is scheduled for the Jan. 31. Mr. West will give us a permission form tmr. Thanks for your support!

Also- Ms. Power suggested that students can use a luggage tag (like you find at the Dollar Store) to attach to students chrome book cases.
January 24, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Story presentations start on Monday! Have your story complete and be prepared to read it in class. Submit on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Story presentations start on Monday! Have your story complete and be prepared to read it in class. Submit on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Story presentations start on Monday! Have your story complete and be prepared to read it in class. Submit on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Story presentations start on Monday! Have your story complete and be prepared to read it in class. Submit on Google Classroom.
January 23, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
One remaining class for the fairy tale story.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Fairy tale story due 25th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be almost finished the in-class assignment re/picture story book.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students should be almost completed the in-class story picture book.
January 9, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please bring your Chromebook to class on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so we can work on our digital storytelling project.
January 3, 2023
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please have the news article submitted by Thursday latest.

The book report should be submitted by Monday 9th. Do a rough draft of summary (8-10 sentences) and your opinion (3-4 sentences) before so you can cut and paste to the Google Form on GCR. Please ensure you have read the book and it is in your own words. It may not be taken from the internet.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Your book report should now be submitted on Google Form on GCR. It was due before Christmas.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
January Journal entry on happiness is on Google classroom. It will be due Friday and it should be two paragraphs. Some class time was provided today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
We took notes on the story 'Hunted' today with a focus on mood/point of view/ conflict. Notes will be posted tmr.
December 19, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
We have a dance tomorrow so I will book one more day with computers after Xmas to clue up news reports and/or fill our book report form. Please email me if you want me to look over your news article before submitting.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should have book reports submitted on Google Form now. Please let me know if you have any problems. Tks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students should have book reports submitted on Google Form now. Please let me know if you have any problems. Tks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Students should have book reports submitted on Google Form now. Please let me know if you have any problems. Tks.
December 16, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please complete your news article for Monday, December 19. Turn it in on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
We have a special events afternoon on Tuesday and so we miss class. Therefore, we will take a period after the holidays to complete the online book report. Please finish your novel on preparation. In the meantime, we will clue up the news article this Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Please ensure you submit your in- class book report to the Google Form on GCR as discussed. Two classes were provided.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will clue up book report Monday. Google form is on GCR.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
If you would like to attend an alternate activity on Tuesday afternoon, please sign up on GCR. The dance will be held in the gym after lunch.
December 15, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Bring your novel tmr to complete and/or start book report on Google form.
News article should be clued up and submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Bring your novel to read and/ or start book report. Students should be completed news article. Please let me know if you have concerns.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Descriptive paragraphs should be now submitted on GCR.
Please conclude the book report by Monday. GCR Google Form.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Top ticket sales! Thanks for your support!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Descriptive paragraphs were submitted a few days ago on GCR.
Book report should be completed on the Google form -we spent two periods on it in class. Any problems-let me know.
December 13, 2022
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tks for the ticket sales/ we are in the lead!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Finish up your novel- we have last reading session Friday and you can start on report if complete. It is an in-class report on Monday asking for a summary and your opinion on a Google Form.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Finish up your novel- we have last reading session Friday and you can start on report if complete. It is an in-class report on Monday asking for a summary and your opinion on a Google Form.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
We spent 2 periods on the book report-summary -about 8 sentences-and your opinion. 2 paragraphs which students then pasted into a google form link on GCR. Also a few other bits of information like author, title and a recommendation for another book. Please submit by Friday! Ensure it is your own summary vs a summary found online.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should clue up novel as we will be doing the book report Thursday.
December 12, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
We worked on our book report today. It is a summary and your opinion- 2 paragraphs plus a few details re/ author and setting etc. When completed, please copy and paste to Google Form on GCR by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete your novel by Thursday so we can work on in-class book report.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Students should be reading novel for upcoming book report-Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please complete reading your novel this week.
December 7, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Students should be reading every evening- book report will be in-class around 18 or 19th.
Currently working on 1st draft of news article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Students should be reading every evening- book report will be in-class around 18 or 19th.
Currently working on 1st draft of news article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Please submit your descriptive paragraph on Goggle Classroom. Tomorrow is the deadline- if you need more time or have any concerns, please see me.
Book should be read by Monday for in-class report (summary & opinion)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We are currently working on descriptive paragraphs but today we had a guest speaker re/ safe & caring schools. We will spend a few more classes on this.
Book should be read by Thursday next week for in-class report (summary & opinion).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tech quest fundraiser continues!
December 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be reading novel- in class book report next week. We are also working editing our descriptive paragraphs in class. Most people are almost finished the draft.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Students should be reading novel- in class book report next week- aiming for Monday. We are also working editing our descriptive paragraphs in class. Most people are almost finished the draft.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Students should be reading novel- in class book report is scheduled before Christmas. We are also working our jot notes for news article in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
Read novel- book report before Christmas. In class students are working on draft of a news article.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently we are encouraging students to sell our technology quest tickets-school based fund raiser. This will really help to improve our technology opportunities. Also- Adopt a Senior is our charitable project this week if people would like to donate items for seniors or monetary contributions. Tks
November 29, 2022
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder of ticket sales for TechQuest fundraiser for our school's technology. Tickets were sent home. Also - a reminder about the Adopt-A-Senior Fundraiser.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Continue to read your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Continue to read your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Continue to read your novel at home this month. We are beginning a new in-class process news article this week.
November 23, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will do our play review tmr- while our thoughts are fresh and move our reading to Monday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
PD on Friday and Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please bring a novel to read tmr for Reading Fridays (except Thursday this week due to PD). We are moving on to a new writing assignment next week- news paper article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please bring a novel to read tmr for Reading Fridays (except Thursday this week due to PD). We will have at least 4 reading periods. Your homework this month is to read every night. We are moving on to a new writing assignment next week- news paper article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Bring your novel tmr to read! Also- you should be reading it at home every night. You should be reading it every evening also.
November 9, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading Friday will go to Monday this week. Students should be reading their own novel at home this month. We are on week 2/4. There will be an in-class report at end. We have moved on to short stories.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Reading Friday will go to Monday this week. Students should be reading their own novel at home this month. We are on week 2/4. There will be an in-class report at end. We have moved on to short stories.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Oral presentations continue- test to follow after review next week re- novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Oral presentations continue- test to follow after review next week re- novel.
November 7, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Oral Presentations- IN-Role with created symbol start Wednesday. See Google Classroom- 'Create a Tribute'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Oral Presentations- IN-Role with created symbol start Wednesday. See Google Classroom- 'Create a Tribute'.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
If you did not pass in the Prince of Egypt movie paragraph and picture- please do so ASAP.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Nov 10 deadline for picture orders.
November 25 and 29 are PL Days.
October 31, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please see the Hunger Games assignment on Google Classroom. Due: Wednesday, Nov. 9
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please see the Hunger Games assignment on Google Classroom. Due: Wednesday, Nov. 9
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Written response Wednesday to novel. See GCR
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Written response Wednesday to novel. See GCR.
October 30, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Test on Wednesday- constructed response on novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Test Wednesday on novel- constructed response.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Novel is complete-will be reviewing for quiz later in week. Project to follow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Novel is complete- quiz later in week. Project to follow.
October 25, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently reviewing how to write a constructed response (paragraph etc) to a question for the novel test Wednesday next week.
The content quiz is scheduled for this Thursday- content mainly. Know also: simile/metaphor/personification/5 parts of narrative text pattern as well as characters from novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Currently reviewing how to write a constructed response (paragraph etc) to a question for the novel test Wednesday next week.
The content quiz is scheduled for this Thursday- content mainly. Know also: simile/metaphor/personification/5 parts of narrative text pattern as well as characters from novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please be up to date on novel- two chapters remaining. See GCR for audio if absent. There will be a content quiz and essay following its completion later next week. Students will then follow up with an oral presentation- more to come on that.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please be up to date on novel- just a few chapters remaining. See GCR for audio if absent. There will be a content quiz and essay following its completion later next week. Students will then follow up with an oral presentation- more to come on that.
October 21, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will have a quiz Wednesday- Thursday next week on novel. See GCR for class notes and terms.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Quiz has been moved to Thursday and Friday. See class notes on GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Chp 22 of novel. Audio link on GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Audio link of novel on GCR if you want to review or catch up. Will be a quiz when we complete novel.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to return media consent form please. Tks.
October 20, 2022
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tomorrow is pj day fund raiser!
Friday is ice cream day!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please read chp 21- see link on Goggle Classroom. Youtube 'Readers are Leaders' site has link to novel. There will be a test when it is compelted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Quiz next Wednesday- see Google classroom for notes- study guide. Constructed response on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Quiz next Wednesday- see Google classroom for notes- study guide. Constructed response on Thursday.
October 13, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Content reading check tmr chp 11-15. Link to 15 on GCR. Chapters usually on YouTube also. Character matching for Katniss/ Gale/ Peeta.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Reading check tmr. 11-15. Link to 15 on GCR. See YouTube for audio chapters.
Also character matching sheet for Gale, Peeta and Katniss.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Ice cream Friday! $1
October 12, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please listen to the recording of chapter 15 of The Hunger Games tonight. A link was posted on Google Classroom.
October 6, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to submit answers for novel. Re/ Wink.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Remember to submit answers to 2 questions on Google classroom. Re/ Wink
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Last day for food donations!
Also, Ice Cream Friday- 1$ Please have correct change.
Thanks for donating to the hurricane relief fund yesterday!
October 4, 2022
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Food Drive items appreciated- until 7th.
Ice cream Friday starts -$1 correct change.
Hurricane Fiona donations tomorrow- funds.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
2 questions due Thursday- Google CR

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
2 questions due Thursday- Google CR
September 26, 2022
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Wednesday: wear orange if possible re: Truth & Reconciliation Day on Friday.
Thursday: Picture Day
Friday: no school as indicated
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please ensure you are caught up on novel if absent.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
If absent, please ensure you are reading novel to catch up.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Please ensure you caught up on novel reading if absent.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please ensure your journal from week one was submitted and that you are caught up on novel reading.
September 20, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Please check your email for an invitation to Google Classroom. You will need to accept the invitation in order to join.
September 15, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please finish reading chapter 4 of WINK. Return the novel during homeroom. Tks
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
This Monday schools will be closed to to honor the Queen.

Orange Shirt Day Sept. 28th- in relation to the 30 of September - Truth and Reconciliation Day (School is closed this day).

Picture Day- 29 Sept.
September 13, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Ensure your journal writing was completed in class- Letter.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Ensure you returned the chrome book form agreements ( 2 pages w. signature)- due in now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Journals- classwork should be submitted now. Starting a novel study today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Journals should be completed and submitted- starting novel study today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Journals should be completed and submitted- starting novel study today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Remember to submit the journal letter from class last week. Started novel study today!
September 12, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Class work- ensure the journal letter is completed and submitted.
Please return chrome book and info update forms asap. Tks
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (124)
Class work- ensure the journal letter is completed and submitted Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(110A)
Class work- ensure the journal letter is completed and submitted tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Class work- ensure the journal letter is completed and submitted tmr.
June 15, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to submit your group research projects.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember to submit the group research project.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Remember to submit your essay on PIGBOY and basketball poetry questions from before! Due in now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Remember to submit your PIGBOY essay- due in today.
June 13, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Bring device to complete essay tmr or finish on paper during class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finish essay by Wednesday- BIGBOY
May 31, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please finish the four questions on the 'Dear Basketball' poem & prose if you did not complete during class. See Google Classroom- poetry section- Kobe Bryant & Michael Jordan.
May 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to submit your final essay by Monday. If you need any additional help, let me know tmr.
Also/ cheese pizza tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to submit your final essay by Monday. If you need any additional help, let me know tmr.
Also/ cheese pizza tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember to submit your essay to Google Classroom!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember to submit your essay to Google Classroom!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Remember to submit your essay to Google Classroom by Monday! Those who want help with editing- we can print yours off in class tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Remember to submit your essay to Google Classroom by Monday! Those who want help with editing- we can print yours off in class tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Remember to submit your bio essay on Google Classroom by tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Remember to submit your bio essay on Google Classroom by tmr.
May 4, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Bio essays are now concluded- please submit on Google Classroom by Friday latest.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Bio essays should now be almost completed. Tmr we will cover how to cite sources-posted on GCR.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Students should now be completed the oral history essays. Unless you missed time, please have final copy by Friday. I can help you print at school if that helps.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be almost completed their in-class essays by now. I can help you print it off by Friday. Please catch up if you missed class.
April 26, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to finish your interview of a parent ( or an older person) by tmr. Take notes or record. See oral history on Google Classroom.
Or option b- no interview and write about artsmarts project instead.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember to complete your interview of the older person by tmr. Take notes or record- writing essay in class this week.
April 13, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to submit your flipgrid response!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember to submit your flip grid response!
April 11, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Content quiz tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Content quiz tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Flipgrid- Set me Free due Thursday. 90 second video. See instructions on G.C.R.

We will work on interview questions for oral history tmr- 3 categories- 5 questions each. This project will be due later.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Tmr we will work on the Flip Grid 'Set Me Free' 90 second video. ATH

Upcoming process essay-Today we created 15 questions to interview your older person. Aim to have that completed by Thursday. You can interview a parent if you do not have an older grand parent etc.. in your life. See instructions for 3 topics from the assignment on GCR. Essay will be written later.
April 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Novel was concluded today- please complete if at home this week. Available on YOUTUBE by chapter. Content quiz will be later in the week when tech is available. Next assignment will be a short video- you as a shadow child(Flip grid). Date TBA.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Novel was concluded a few days ago- please complete if at home this week. Available on YOUTUBE by chapter.
Next assignment will be a short video- you as a shadow child(Flip grid). Date TBA.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently reading 'The Outsiders'. Please read to chp. 12 by Friday.

Biography essay- currently an in-class essay mainly. Working on it tmr. People should be on body pararaph- 2 or 3 minimum after today. Keep track of your sources for reference page.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Biography essay- currently an in-class essay mainly. Working on it tmr. People should be on body pararaph- 2 or 3 minimum after today. Keep track of your sources for reference page.

Please stay up to date on 'The Outsiders' if home this week. We will be completing it soon.
March 30, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finish the intro paragraph for Bio by Friday. Currently on chapter seven of The Outsiders.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently finishing chapter six for homework. Please have bio intro completed by Friday. I will book computers to come back to the essay soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Content quiz next week. Google form.
Currently doing conflict. Summary notes posted of Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please finish-chp. 21 & 22 of novel.
March 29, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
We completed the novel today- we will be doing review as well as a basic content quiz date t.b.a.

Book report was passed in last week on 21.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently reading novel 'Among the Hidden'.
Movie Poster was submitted last week on 21.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently reading novel- chapter 6. Students completed a police report on chapter 4 yesterday.
Book reports were due in yesterday.
We will be coming back to bios- people can write the intro paragraph this week on their own time.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Presentation today from School of Pharmacy - smoking hazards.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Presentation today from School of Pharmacy - smoking hazards.
March 24, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Today we continued on with the novel- just a few chapters left. We read 28. You can find an audio on youtube under 'Among the Hidden' search by chapter
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read 12-14 of novel- also available on youtube by novel title and chapter.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Finish outline and jotnotes for bio.
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finish jot notes and outline for bio.
March 23, 2022
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Early dismissal tmr
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
ATH - novel read chp 12-14 (9 pages) for Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Book report due 29th March
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Jot notes and outline for Bio- should be now completed.
March 22, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Reading check tmr- chp 1-3 novel 'The Outsiders'- basic content

Book report due 29th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Reading check tmr- chp 1-3 novel 'The Outsiders'- basic content

Booklet was due yesterday.

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently reading 'Among the Hidden'- read chp 8 tonight.
Book report poster was due yesterday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Currently reading 'Among the Hidden'
Book report poster was due yesterday.
March 15, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Unseen essay tmr/ paragraph on making a connection plus 5 multiple choice.
Book report due 21- movie poster see Google cr
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Lit circle work for Monday.
Read the articles you found today and have basic outline-categories for body eg- early life/ career/ etc 3 or 4 categories by Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Movie poster book report due 21 see Google class. Currently reading Among the Hidden in class this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Find two sources of info for your bio person. Email me if you need help to print. See Google classroom for instructions. Will need to read articles.
Book report due 29.
March 14, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Have two sources of information (e.g./ articles ready) for your biography/person of significance. I can print it for you if you have trouble.

Finish novel/ section before next Lit Circle class next week!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Have two sources of information (e.g./ articles ready) for your biography/person of significance. I can print it for you if you have trouble.

Book report due 29th - see Google Classroom
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Book report due in on March 21- movie poster. Please finish the book first! If you are doing it electronically, post to the assignment place on Google Classroom. If you are doing it by hand, bring the poster to school by 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Essay assessment Wednesday- see practice and guide on Google Classroom.

Book report due in on March 21- movie poster. Please finish the book first! If you are doing it electronically, post to the assignment place on Google Classroom. If you are doing it by hand, bring the poster to school by 21st.
March 6, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Remember to read novel and do lit circle sheet. Whatever sheet you did the last time- just move to the next page in your booklet. As Monday is a PD day, this is scheduled for Tuesday. Snacks permitted as discussed. Work must be completed before class. Booklet is posted on Google classroom if you forgot it home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Quiz on Wednesday- unseen article- 5 multiple choice and make a connection question (paragraph). Ser Google classroom for last week's notes/work.
Continue to read- reading Tuesday due to Monday PD.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading Tuesday due to Monday's PD. Continue to read at home. Artsmarts project is almost clued up. Nonfiction unit continues.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Reading Tuesday due to Monday's PD.
March 2, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Lit Circles will move to Tuesday- due to Monday's PD. Students should finish the section of novel and the sheet in booklet.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Continue to read novel at home. Unit quiz on Wednesday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Continue to read novel at home.
February 22, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Please finish the long answer question on jeopardy article by Friday. Remember to continue work on lit circles.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Please finish the jeopardy long answer by Thursday. Remember to read novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should continue to read novel at home. Currently working on Artsmarts project this month as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Continue to read novel at home as well.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Tmr is pink day!
February 21, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read novel at home and on Mondays in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Read novel this week at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Read novel at home this week and on Mondays in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Read 1/4 novel and do assigned sheet in lit circle booklet by Monday. I will post the booklet in case you forget it- you can use it as a template.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Tmr is twin or multiple day!
February 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Bring a novel for Tuesday or sign one out from LRC at lunch time.
Currently working on essay unit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring a novel for Monday or sign one out of the LRC during Monday's class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Bring a novel for Monday or sign one out of the LRC during Monday's class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students will be starting a novel (their choice- standard fiction) on Monday. We will consider doing Lit. Circles as one option- to be discussed more on Monday. Currently working on essay unit.
January 27, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students completed a letter (in-role) in connection with WW 1 and a short story 'Forget Me Not'. They can complete the final copy at home for our bulletin bd. display by Monday on 1/2 sheet of paper. 8-12 sentences. Cursive writing and special paper-optional.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Students completed a letter (in-role) in connection with WW 1 and a short story 'Forget Me Not'. They can complete the final copy at home for our bulletin bd. display by Monday on 1/2 sheet of paper. 8-12 sentences. Cursive writing and special paper-optional.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students will be sharing their idiom stories over the next few classes.
This week we looked at conflict in short stories.
Any outstanding religion assignments should be submitted asap.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Students will be sharing their idiom stories over the next few classes.
This week we looked at conflict in short stories.
Any outstanding religion assignments should be submitted asap.
January 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder= some people forgot to submit the Hinduism multiple choice- see Google Classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Reminder= some people forgot to submit the Hinduism multiple choice- see Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will be reading your short stories over the next few days.
Please pass in the 'Resisting Hitler' Journals.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
We will be reading your short stories over the next few days.
We will be reading your short stories over the next few days.
Please pass in the 'Resisting Hitler' Journals.
January 23, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder that the journal on 'Resisting Hitler' should be completed by now if you forgot- please complete by Tuesday. Also, people presented the Happiness Quilt Friday if you were absent, please see me for instructions.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
The ' Resisting Hitler' journal was due last week if you forgot- please submit by Tuesday. Also, we presented the Happiness Quilt Friday past- see me if you have questions.
January 20, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
The following classwork should now be submitted:
1.journal entry on 'The Sniper' should be submitted.
2. The Story Quilt
3. Illustrated Story (Process) was due last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
The following classwork should now be submitted:
1.journal entry on 'The Sniper' should be submitted.
2. The Story Quilt
3. Illustrated Story (Process) was due last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Please ensure you have completed The Happiness Quilt- submit on GCR.
Other classwork that should be submitted:
1.The Idiom story was due Friday past
2.The journal entry on 'Resisting Hitler'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please ensure you have completed The Happiness Quilt- submit on GCR.
Other classwork that should be submitted:
1.The Idiom story was due Friday past
2.The journal entry on 'Resisting Hitler'.
January 11, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Submit story by Friday please.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Submit story by Friday please.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Submit story by Friday please.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Submit story by Friday please.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Hinduism- 3 questions & answers multiple choice format by tmr- see GCR
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Hinduism- 3 questions & answers multiple choice format by tmr- see GCR
January 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember if you needed extra time - please finish creating 3 questions/answers on Hinduism. See Google Classroom instructions from today. Due on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember if you needed extra time - please finish creating 3 questions/answers on Hinduism. See Google Classroom instructions from today. Due on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
One last period tmr to complete story DRAFT. If you missed classes before Xmas, please catch up. TKS
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
One last period tmr to complete story DRAFT. If you missed classes before Xmas, please catch up. TKS
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
One last period to complete story DRAFT. If you missed classes before Xmas, please catch up. TKS
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
One last period tmr to complete story DRAFT. If you missed classes before Xmas, please catch up. TKS
January 5, 2022
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to find a picture (your own or from internet) of your fav memory from the holiday break. Add your name to picture. See instructions on Google Classroom Post it in slides on Google Classroom so we can share on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember to find a picture (your own or from internet) of your fav memory from the holiday break. Add your name to picture. See instructions on Google Classroom Post it in slides on Google Classroom so we can share on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Remember to find a picture (your own or from internet) of your fav memory from the holiday break. Add your name to picture. See instructions on Google Classroom Post it in slides on Google Classroom so we can share on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Remember to find a picture (your own or from internet) of your fav memory from the holiday break. Add your name to picture. See instructions on Google Classroom Post it in slides on Google Classroom so we can share on Friday.
December 16, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to hit submit on the book report Google Link.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Remember to hit submit on the book report Google Link.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Remember to hit submit on the book report Google Link.
Ensure the 2 questions on the journal is complete- from the short story we did in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Remember to hit submit on the book report Google Link.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tmr is PJ day!
December 15, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the link on Google classroom to submit Monday's book report.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Complete the link on Google classroom to submit Monday's book report.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Complete the link on Google classroom to submit Monday's book report.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Complete the link on Google classroom to submit Monday's book report.
December 13, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Complete book report by Thursday- see Google Classroom link.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete book report by Thursday- see Google Classroom link.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Complete book report by Thursday- see Google Classroom link.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Complete book report by Thursday- see Google Classroom link.
December 7, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finish up novel this week- Friday is last reading period.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Finish up novel this week- Friday is last reading period.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Finish up novel this week- Friday is last reading period.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finish up novel this week- Friday is last reading period.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 8-10 (207)
Remember to return any tickets for 50-50. Also, accepting donations for seniors project this week if interested in participating. Thank you.
December 6, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be finishing their novels this week. Last ' Reading Friday' coming up. In-class book report is scheduled for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Students should be finishing their novels this week. Last ' Reading Friday' coming up. In-class book report is scheduled for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Students should be finishing their novels this week. Last ' Reading Friday' coming up. In-class book report is scheduled for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students should be finishing their novels this week. Last ' Reading Friday' coming up. In-class book report is scheduled for Monday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students can bring any art supplies that might help with our door decorating contest tmr eg/ glue gun or dark construction paper for sky etc.
Also, please return 50-50 tickets by Wednesday(sold /unsold).
Lastly, we hope to buy a gift for the ' Adopt-A-Senior project. For any students who would like to contribute, see the list of items posted on board or website -monetary donations can also be submitted.
The themes for Christmas theme Days are also on website.
Note- early dismissal Thursday due to Parent interviews. Thank you.
December 1, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
1.Home reading & reading Fridays - 2 left. Students should be completed by December 13 and prepared to write an in-class book report.
2. All students should have submitted the draft of the descriptive paragraph by this point.
3. We are starting the short story unit this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
1.Home reading & reading Fridays - 2 left. Students should be completed by December 13 and prepared to write an in-class book report.
2. All students should have submitted the draft of the descriptive paragraph by this point.
3. We are starting the short story unit this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
1.Home reading & reading Fridays - 2 left. Students should be completed by December 13 and prepared to write an in-class book report.
2. All students should have submitted the draft of the news article by this point.
3. We are starting the short story unit this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
1.Home reading & reading Fridays - 2 left. Students should be completed by December 13 and prepared to write an in-class book report.
2. All students should have submitted the draft of the descriptive paragraph by this point.
3. We are starting the short story unit this week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently collecting 50-50 tickets for school fund raising (technology- outdoor classroom. Unsold tickets may be returned as well.
Also, we are working on a special project for seniors at St.Pat's Mercy home for some individuals. Donations can be monetary or items from list should you like to participate. Please let me know if you have questions.
November 24, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
In-class work: students should have the rough draft of paragraph completed by now unless absent. Also, students should read novel regularly at home and in school on Reading Friday. In two weeks, they will complete an in-class review for our website.
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
In-class work: students should have the rough draft of news article almost completed by now unless absent. Also, students should read novel regularly at home and in school on Reading Friday. In two weeks, they will complete an in-class review for our website.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
In-class work: students should have the rough draft of paragraph completed by now unless absent. Also, students should read novel regularly at home and in school on Reading Friday. In two weeks, they will complete an in-class review for our website.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
In-class work: students have started the rough draft of news article unless absent. Also, students should read novel regularly at home and in school on Reading Friday. In two weeks, they will complete an in-class review for our website.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
50-50 tickets will be distributed tomorrow if you would like to participate. Also, the Adopt -A- Senior charity project continues this year. Council is collecting monetary donations or items from a list. Details to follow.
November 18, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Read your novel and bring tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read your novel and bring tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Read your novel and bring tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Read your novel and bring tmr!
November 17, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should read their novels at home this month as well as in school on Fridays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students should read their novels at home this month as well as in school on Fridays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Students should read their novels at home this month as well as in school on Fridays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Students should read their novels at home this month as well as in school on Fridays.
November 15, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should now have a novel (their choice- I set out some criteria eg/ standard chapter book) to read at home this month and in class for Reading Fridays. We are also working on an in-class process paragraph.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Students should now have a novel (their choice- I set out some criteria eg/ standard chapter book) to read at home this month and in class for Reading Fridays. We are also working on an in-class process paragraph.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students have completed all the assessments for the novel study this month and we will be starting a new process writing assignment soon. Students have also selected a novel for home reading this month (and Reading Fridays in school).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Students have completed all the assessments for the novel study this month and we will be starting a new process writing assignment soon. Students have also selected a novel for home reading this month (and Reading Fridays in school).
November 2, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Written assessment tmr on novel- paragraph/favourite character and conflict- one main conflict. See Google classroom for review.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Written assessment tmr on novel-paragraph on favourite character and conflict- one main conflict. See Google classroom for review.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Create a Tribute sharing session tmr/ see Google Classroom
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Create a Tribute Sharing Session tmr/ see Google classroom.
November 1, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)

Tmt- constructed response in-class essay.
Finish practice essay on Katniss- see Google Classroom for test prep.
Intro: TAG (title, author, genre) + brief summary of text (1-2 sentences) + answer to question

Body: Three paragraphs, each with an example from the novel (for two strengths and one weakness). Examples must be followed by an explanation of HOW it supports the answer to the question.

Example + Explanation

Conclusion: Restate the answer OR give an opinion

Oral presentations rescheduled to Wednesday. Also on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)

Tmr is the in-class essay on character ( Katniss). Finish the practice essay- see test prep Google Classroom. # 1 or 2

Intro: TAG (title, author, genre) + brief summary of text (1-2 sentences) + answer to question

Body: Three paragraphs, each with an example from the novel (for two strengths and one weakness). Examples must be followed by an explanation of HOW it supports the answer to the question.

Example + Explanation

Conclusion: Restate the answer OR give an opinion

Oral presentations rescheduled to Wednesday.

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Torn Away- finish journal entry on character. Who is your fav. character? Why? Discuss this using an example from the novel. 1/2 page max- aim for about 8 sentences typically.
Ensure you understand a main conflict in the story also. Know def. of conflict.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Torn Away- finish journal entry on character. Who is your fav. character? Why? Discuss this using an example from the novel. 1/2 page max- aim for about 8 sentences typically.

Ensure you understand a main conflict in the novel. Know the def. of conflict.
October 26, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Content quiz Thursday- multiple choice - fill in blanks etc. Long answer response will be next week on novel. Know similes/metaphors/ personification eg/ be able to identify the difference.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Novel quiz Thursday- basic content multiple choice. Know similes/ metaphor/ personification as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Hunger Games - basic content quiz Thursday. Starting oral presentations Monday. Written response question next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Novel quiz Thursday- basic content. Oral presentations begin Monday. Long answer response to novel- next week.
October 21, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Finishing up novel this week- quiz Thursday 28.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finishing up novel this week- quiz Thursday 28.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Finishing up novel this week- quiz Thursday 28.

Students should be creating jot notes for the 'Create a Tribute' assignment scheduled for Friday 29th.Seer Google Classroom for Instructions.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finishing up novel this week- quiz Thursday 28. Students should be creating jot notes for the 'Create a Tribute' assignment scheduled for Friday 29th. See Google Classroom for insstructions.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Jamarama Day tmr- wear PJS and donate a loonie or toonie to Janeway Hospital.
October 18, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finishing up novel this week- will be a test scheduled for next week following review.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Finishing up novel this week- will be a test scheduled for next week following review.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Finishing up novel this week- will be a test scheduled for next week following review.
The 'Create a Tribute' presentations will follow so students can be working on that now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finishing up novel this week- will be a test scheduled for next week following review.The 'Create a Tribute' presentations will follow so students can be working on that now.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Pajama-rama fund raiser is Friday.
October 14, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Please finish questions on chapters 21-23 for Monday, October 18. They have been posted on Google Classroom.
October 13, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Read chapter 21
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Torn Away- most people are up to chapter 20 -unless you missed class & may need to catch up.
October 12, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Read chp 19. Also, the assignment will be presented following the novel and the test. You may want to get started on that soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
The Hunger Games assignment will be presented following the novel and the test. You may want to get started on that soon.
October 6, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder re/ food items are appreciated this week!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read chapter 17 in novel.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Please finish the journal on 'If the World Were a Village of 100 people' (Youtube- video) re/ discuss three interesting points. Aim for 1/2 page. Start with title and genre (video/picture book) and author D. Smith is a helpful opening. You can submit it by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
READ Chp 14 Hunger Games
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
READ Chp 15 Hunger Games
October 4, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Collecting food items for drive over the next few days.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Read next chapter- 14 'Torn Away'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Read chapter 12 if not finished 'Hunger Games'.
Creative Writing assignment was given out and will be due once book is complete TBA.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently reading 'The Hunger Games'. The creative assignment will be discussed tmr and will be due once novel is complete.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently reading 'Torn Away' as a class.
September 28, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Picture Day- October 1st Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students were given a copy of the evaluation scheme for any parents that may not have attended Curriculum Night.
Currently reading 'Torn Away' - notes will be added to Google Classroom. Students have completed one journal entry so far.
Today we focused on Truth & Reconciliation literature, followed by a movement activity to the music from 'Secret Path'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
1. On Friday- Students will be given a copy of the evaluation scheme for any parents that may not have attended Curriculum Night.
2. Currently reading 'Torn Away' - notes will be added to Google Classroom. Today students completed a frozen tableaux on the topic of interpersonal conflict in the novel. If absent, students should borrow a copy to catch up on chapters.
3. To date- students should have completed one journal entry from the first week of school- question sheet.
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Students have completed a journal entry of 'If the World Were A Village of 100 People'. I will review it again on Friday for anyone who needs a little more time. Today, we focused on the topic of Truth & Reconciliation- orange shirt meaning.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently starting part 2 of Hunger Games. Notes are added to Google Classroom. Students should have 2 journal entries completed and submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Currently starting Part 2 of Hunger Games. Students should have 2 journals completed by now.
Today students examined Truth and Reconciliation literature- Secret Path and completed a movement activity.
September 23, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Virtual Curriculum Night- Links was sent out in email. Any concerns- let me know donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca

Picture Day: Oct 1

Chromebook forms were returned yesterday if any student needed another form- please let me know.

Sept 28th - wear orange if possible re/ reconciliation
Sept. 29th - PD DAY
Sept 30- Reconciliation Day- holiday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Currently reading Hunger Games- notes posted on classroom
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
Read chapter 10 tonight- Torn Away
Please accept invite to Google Classroom- email
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read chp 10 tonight Torn Away
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Currently reading Hunger Games- notes on Google Classroom
September 22, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Please accept the invitation I sent on your school email for Google Classroom.
September 21, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
1.Picture day advert sent home today. Picture date: October 1

2.Also- please return chromebook forms by tomorrow.
3.An email was sent to parents re/ link to curriculum night- Thursday 23rd at 7 p.m. Tks!

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
Read chapter 5 tonight- Hunger Games
September 15, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
A reminder to return the chrome book request agreements.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
All journal entries from last week should be submitted in a journal exercise. Currently reading novel in class- moving on to chapter 2. Class notes will be posted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (119)
All journal entries from last week should be submitted in a journal exercise. Currently reading novel in class- moving on to chapter 2. Class notes will be posted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6 (109C)
All students should have last week's journal submitted. Currently reading 'The Hunger Games' in class. Will post notes on Google Classroom soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
All students should have last week's journal submitted. Currently reading 'The Hunger Games' in class. Will post notes on Google Classroom soon.
June 15, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Last chance to order fries tmr- Wednesday bring money and fill out form on Mr.Squires Google classroom. Ms . Reid will drop by before 8 am to check for money.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
We will finish the drug assignment on Thursday. Ensure last 2 assignments are completed- due last week.
June 13, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Remember to bring money if ordering Ziggy's fries asap - 16th is deadline.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Practice your lines for play- one week from tmr -tentative date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Practice your lines!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Review your lines for play reading!
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Both Health projects should be submitted by now. Tks
June 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please complete the work on healthy relationships video- Google Classroom. It was due last class. There will be one more class to work on the recent mini-assignment.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Currently working on one -act play.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Currently working on ' A Midsummer's Night Dream'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Currently working on ' A Midsummer's Night Dream'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Currently working on one-act play.
June 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finish the video assignment from last week - due today. There will be one more class for today's assignment.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Short quiz on puberty- multiple choice- Monday.
May 31, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Reminder to bring Ms.Quann the form/funds for your field trip by tmr. Tks.
May 18, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Post a new poem you like and a paragraph explaining your choice- due today and sharing tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Post a new poem you like and write a paragraph about your choice. Date extended to Monday.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Health quiz Friday- multiple choice on puberty. Terms on Google Classroom. Text can be signed out if you like.
May 17, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Find a poem or song you like. Paste it in a document along wioth a paragraoh explainging why you like it- 5-7 sentences to the Google classroom assignment page.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Find a poem or song you like. Paste it in a document along wioth a paragraoh explainging why you like it- 5-7 sentences to the Google classroom assignment page.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Quiz on Friday
May 10, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
June 1 and 2- dates grade 9 shots/vaccinations - for those with permission forms.
April 20, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Viewing analysis on The Outsiders- see notes on Google Classroom esp. symbols
Quiz on Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Basic content quiz on novel Thursday or Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Ensure you passed in journal on ATH
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Ensure you passed in journal on ATH
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
The nurse is returning JUNE 1-2. Some students took home forms this week for signatures- please return by 22nd. Tks
April 16, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Reminder that the nurse will return June 1 and 2nd for grade 9 vaccine. Forms are available if you missed it the last time.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Finish journal by Tuesday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Finish journal by Tuesday
March 29, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Today we did our last class on bios/ citations- reference pg- cover pg. If you did not clue up in class, please submit by Wednesday. Final draft/ references followed by jot notes and outline. Printed copy us ideal if possible but if not- submit on Google classroom. Tks
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Bio - final draft due Wednesday
March 15, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
drafts of bio due Wednesday- final copy comes later next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
drafts of bio due Wednesday- final copy comes later next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Reminder that Ms. Watton is waiting to see your Roots of Empathy picture if you have not submitted it yet.
February 23, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Submit book report by tmr- class time was provided for most of this.
Kindness day tmr- wear pink if you have it!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Submit book report by tmr- class time was provided for most of this.
Kindness day tmr- wear pink if you have it!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Submit book report by tmr- class time was provided for most of this.
Kindness day tmr- wear pink if you have it!
Think about who you could interview by Friday- oral history assignment. We will create questions tmr.Perhaps a parent or grandparent? Aunt etc...
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Submit book report by tmr- class time was provided for most of this.

Kindness day tmr- wear pink if you have it!hink

Think about who you could interview by Friday- oral history assignment. We will create questions tmr. Perhaps a parent or grand parent , or aunt etc...- 3 areas to discuss. We will have some class time for this.
February 9, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Vaccination forms sent home - please return ASAP.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should read novel every night.
Essay quiz on 25 Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Continue to read novel. Essay quiz 25th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Continue to read novel. Essay quiz on 23rd. Thank you for teacher treats.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Continue to read novel. Essay quiz on 23rd.
Thank you for teacher treats.
February 2, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Today students completed a journal - religion /ELA. It asks for students to reflect on the gifts in their lives (listed from movie) and to comment on the gift or what they learned from the gift. If they feel they are missing the gift ( e.g. laughter)- then they add a sentence re/ how to obtain it. Directions are provided. Time was provided in class today- please complete tonight if extra time is required.
Also- reading novel this month- each evening is suggested.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
The chrome book request form was due last week for those wishing to obtain one. Please forward. Tks!
January 18, 2021
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students should be concluding the in-class story/illustration project. We will begin reading the stories in class Wednesday so you should practice at home. If you prefer to add audio- in your own voice, follow the instructions on Google Classroom. That will take more time on your end.

Reading Friday starts this week -bring a book!

Journal entry from last week should be submitted- new ending of Sci -Fi story.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should be concluding the in-class story/illustration project. We will begin reading the stories in class Wednesday so you should practice at home. If you prefer to add audio- in your own voice, follow the instructions on Google Classroom. That will take more time on your end.

Reading Friday starts this week -bring a book!

Journal entry from last week should be submitted- new ending of Sci -Fi story.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
In-class stories finish up this week. Please submit by Friday. If you have trouble with the audio- let me know and we will work it out.

Reading Friday starts this week- bring a novel or sign one out at school.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
We have one more class on Thursday to edit and try audio. Should there be issues with the audio- Ms. Power will help Thursday or Friday. So Friday is the goal to submit.

Reading Friday starts this week- bring a novel or sign one out at school.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 9-9(212)
Chromebook forms are due in soon-if you can not print it from home, let me know. I have tried to print copies several times this week but the quality is poor. I can try again tmr if you are stuck.
Currently collecting for pink shirt day. Tks
January 11, 2021
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please return the form for student chrome book- it was sent out electronically last week. If you need a paper copy, I can print it off for you asap. Tks
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Today students wrote the ending of a Ray Bradbury short story. Please finish at home if you needed more time. As it is a journal entry, aim for 3/4 pg. Tmr- we will read the actual ending.
We will come back to our story assignment this week which is an in-class process story book.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Currently working on an in-class story process assignment.
December 10, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Book report due tmr
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report tmr
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Still collecting for Christmas charity - Adopt A Senior.
Picture codes expected tmr
December 7, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Wanted poster and paragraph due tmr. Students will read the paragraph to class Monday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Wanted poster and paragraph due tmr. Students will read the paragraph to class Monday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Book report due Friday. Novel should be completed by now. Assignment is on Google classroom and hard copy was provided. Sample was also provided. Currently working on short stories.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report due Friday. Novel should be completed by now. Assignment is on Google classroom and hard copy was provided. Sample was also provided. Currently working on short stories.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Pls ensure slide show is submitted for presentation.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Still collecting small donation for senior citizen gift. Tmr is door decoration if you want to bring some materials!
December 4, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Book report and paragraph presentation for Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Book report and paragraph presentation for Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Book report and paragraph presentation for Wednesday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Book report and paragraph presentation for Wednesday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report due Friday next week. Finish novel and ensure the process news article was submitted - due last week. See Google CR under FINAL draft.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report due Friday next week. Finish novel and ensure the process news article was submitted - due last week. See Google CR under FINAL draft.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Book report due Friday next week. Finish novel and ensure the process news article was submitted - due last week. See Google CR under FINAL draft.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Book report due Friday next week. Finish novel and ensure the process news article was submitted - due last week. See Google CR under FINAL draft.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Submit your assignments on rites of passage ASAP. Tks!
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Submit your assignments on rites of passage ASAP. Tks!
December 1, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Book report due Tuesday next week.Last reading Friday coming up to read or work on report.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reminder to submit news article on Google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Remember to submit Rites of Passage slides tomorrow.
November 26, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reading Friday & submit your article on Google c. r.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Bring your novel tmr & submit your article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Bring your novel and submit your paragraph.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Bring your novel tmr and submit your paragraph!
November 24, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Continue to read novel at home every night and at school on Reading Fridays- should be at least 1/2 way by now. Feel free to start another if you have completed your novel in advance. Finishing up paragraphs in class tmr. Please return the Roots of Empathy form as well. Tks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Continue to read your novel at home each evening- 2 more Reading Fridays. We will conclude our in- class paragraphs this week as we move into short stories.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should be reading their novels every evening and bring to class on Fridays. We are concluding our in-class news article this week and moving on to short stories.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students should be reading their novels each night and bringing to school on Fridays. They should be 1/2 through. We are finishing up our news article this week- you may email your draft or submit on Google classroom in the next day or so if you want my suggestions. We will do final copy in class on Thursday. Starting short stories this week.
November 19, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Bring your novel for Reading Friday tmr. You should be reading every evening.
Students are also working on an in-class feature news article this week.
Also- wear Blue for International Child's Day tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Bring your novel for Reading Friday tmr. You should be reading every evening.
Students are also working on an in-class feature news article this week.

Also- wear Blue for International Child's Day tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Bring your novel for Reading Friday tmr. You should be reading every evening.
Students are also working on an in-class descriptive paragraph this week. Also- wear Blue for International Child's Day tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Bring your novel for Reading Friday tmr. You should be reading every evening.
Students are also working on an in-class descriptive paragraph this week.
Also- wear Blue for International Child's Day tmr!
November 12, 2020
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Picture Day tmr! PD Day Monday.
Bring a bucket for your books if you don not have one- avoid heavy backpacks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Bring your novel for reading Fridays!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Bring your novel for reading Fridays!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Bring your novel for reading Fridays!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Bring your novel for reading Fridays!
November 10, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Read novel for homework this month. Bring it this Friday for class reading. Standard chapter book- fiction. LTC has a vast collection.
Starting new writing assignment Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Read novel for homework this month. Bring it this Friday for class reading. Standard chapter book- fiction. LTC has a vast collection.
Starting new writing assignment Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Home reading this month- own novel. Bring novel Friday. Standard chapter book- LRC has lots of books! Starting new writing assignment on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Home reading this month- own novel. Bring novel Friday. Standard chapter book- LRC has lots of books! Starting new writing assignment on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Extension for journal - due Friday. Compare movie to book- which did you prefer and why? 3/4 pg
Home reading this month- read your novel every night and bring to class for next 4 Fridays.
Starting new writing assignment Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Extension for journal - due Friday. Compare movie to book- which did you prefer and why? 3/4 pg
Home reading this month- read your novel every night and bring to class for next 4 Fridays.
Starting new writing assignment Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please remember to submit journal on Thursday- class time was provided yesterday. Home reading this month- read your novel every night and bring on Fridays for reading period (this month).
Starting new process assignment on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please remember to submit journal on Thursday- class time was provided yesterday. Home reading this month- read your novel every night and bring on Fridays for reading period (this month).
Starting new process assignment on Thursday.
November 9, 2020
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Reminder that students are encouraged to keep books in basket/container.
Also picture day on 13th!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Please complete the Hunger Games movie vs novel journal by Thursday. 3/4 of to 1 pg max.
Find a book for Reading Friday- lrc is typically open at recess or lunch.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Continue to read fictional novel at home and on reading Fridays. We will clue up any remaining speakers tmr- summary.
Today we started Roots of Empathy- virtual cross curricular unit with Baby Emily!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Cluing up remaining speakers tmr.
Continue to read novel at home and on Friday in class.
November 5, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Tmr- presentation of final summaries. Bring novel for reading.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Tmr- presentation of final summaries. Bring novel for reading.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Flu shot forms- reminder
November 2, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Reminder: students are reading scene summaries tmr: practice pacing/ volume/ eye contact etc
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Reminder: students are reading scene summaries tmr. Practice volume/ pacing/ eye contact etc
October 27, 2020
October 25, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
In-class essay tmr on Hunger Games
28th start of oral presentations
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
In-class essay tmr.
Oral presentations starts on 28th
October 21, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Content quiz tmr multiple choice and fill in blanks etc- know basics of book: plot/characters with word bank/point of view ( 1st)/ sample quotes from class/climax/genre: dystopian etc...

One more review class for essay question as requested this Friday- in-class essay moved to Monday. Focus on conflict- one main conflict with examples.

Oral presentations begin on 28th 'Create A Tribute'- see Google classroom for instructions. Jot notes should be prepared but students can practice in advance as it is graded on volume/eye contact/tone et....

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Content quiz tmr multiple choice and fill in blanks etc- know basics of book: plot/characters with word bank/point of view ( 1st)/ sample quotes from class/climax/genre: dystopian etc...

One more review class for essay question as requested this Friday- in-class essay moved to Monday. Focus on a main conflict with examples.

Oral presentations begin on 28th 'Create A Tribute'- see Google classroom for instructions. Jot notes should be prepared but students can practice in advance as it is graded on volume/eye contact/tone et....
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
In-class paragraph tmr on 'Torn Away'. We have focused on conflict and character. See google classroom for instructions on how to construct an a paragraph:
1 or 2 sentence summary
definition- refer/restate question
Give a clear example and explain specifically. This is the meat of your answer.
Restate main point in different words.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
In-class paragraph Friday on 'Torn Away'. We have focused on conflict and character. See google classroom for instructions on how to construct an a paragraph:
1 or 2 sentence summary
definition- refer/restate question
Give a clear example and explain specifically. This is the meat of your answer.
Restate main point in different words.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Pajamarama Day on Friday- make a donation to wear pjs
Ice Cream day on Friday.
Please bring a bag or bucket for your belongings so they are not on the floor- at 2:10. Thank you!
October 20, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
quote sheet- who said it?
Quiz on Thursday- followed by essay scheduled for Friday. Focus on conflict and character.

Oral presentations of 'Create a Tribute' on 28th. Follow the 1-6 bullets to create jot notes. See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
quote sheet- who said it?

Quiz on Thursday- followed by essay scheduled for Friday. Focus on conflict and character. Review continues this week.

Oral presentations of 'Create a Tribute' on 28th. Follow the 1-6 bullets to create jot notes. Plus picture & Symbol. See Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
in-class essay on novel- Thursday. In-class review continues- currently covering types of conflict and character. Students are learning how to construct a response - (paragraph).See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
in-class essay on novel- Friday. In-class review continues- currently covering types of conflict and character. Students are learning how to construct a response - (paragraph).See Google Classroom.
October 19, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Content Quiz Tmr on 'Torn Away'- basic content of novel plus be able to recognize terms covered in class e.g.: point of view/symbol/theme/p.o.v (3rd)/flashback/simile/metaphor/personification

Test has been rescheduled to Thursday- 2 questions. Currently reviewing conflict and character in class. See outline for how to write a constructed response on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Content Quiz Tmr on 'Torn Away'- basic content of novel plus be able to recognize terms covered in class e.g.: point of view/symbol/theme/p.o.v (3rd)/flashback/simile/metaphor/personification

Test has been rescheduled to Friday- 2 questions. Currently reviewing conflict and character in class. See outline for how to write a constructed response on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
basic content quiz Thursday on Hunger Games- constructed response question on Friday. Review classes ongoing this week. Tomorrow we will focus on conflict. Class presentations on 'Create a Tribute- oral presentations begin 28th.
See Google classroom
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
basic content quiz Thursday on Hunger Games- constructed response question on Friday. Today's notes focused on conflict. Review classes ongoing this week. Class presentations on 'Create a Tribute- oral presentations begin 28th.
See Google classroom
October 16, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Content Quiz on 22nd as scheduled
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Content Quiz on 22nd as scheduled
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Content Quiz on Tuesday. I will add in an extra review test before the test though.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Content quiz on Tuesday. Test on Wednesday.
October 15, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finish last chapter of novel
October 14, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Content quiz and constructed response (2 paragraphs) is scheduled for 20-21st. See Google Classroom for review notes. We will continue review this week: eg. Symbols, pt of view/theme/ conflict/ narrative txt pattern/ characters etc
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Content quiz and constructed response (2 paragraphs) is scheduled for 20-21st. See Google Classroom for review notes. We will continue review this week: eg. Symbols, pt of view/theme/ conflict/ narrative txt pattern/ characters etc
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Content quiz/ constructed response for novel: 22-23. We will complete novel this week- notes will be on Google Classroom. Assignment follows this- posted on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Hunger Games:Content quiz and constructed response scheduled for 22-23. Notes will be posted on Google classroom. Assignment to follow also posted there.
October 8, 2020
September 29, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Read the next chapter of the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Read the next chapter of the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Read the next chapter of the novel.
September 28, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please complete the class activity from last class for tmr- if you needed extra time.
September 23, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finish the chapter tonight - 'Hunger Games'
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
If you are not finished the 'Who Am I' in-class assignment, please complete by next day.
September 19, 2020
September 17, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
chapter five Hunger Games - read tonight
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Read next chapter from 'Torn Away'
May 27, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reviewed poetry today on Google Meet. Please listen to novella Mick Hart Was Here by Wednesday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Please review Mick Hart Was Here by next week's class...novella. We will discuss then.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Limerick challenge for Friday! Research assignment is posted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Limerick challenge for Friday!
Research assignment is posted.
May 25, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Audio link for novella posted today. Check it out!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Audio link for novella posted today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Limerick instructions posted...challenge for this week!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Limerick instructions and challenge posted for this week.
May 13, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
View quiz on puberty on our Google classroom (Posted on our Language Arts Classroom as it is only for 7-6). Then try Google quiz attached. I will use your score as a recovery assessment if it helps your average.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please check out the recent poetry videos on Google classroom.
May 4, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently posting poetry work on Google c.r. This week is a limerick challenge.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Try out the limerick link and submit your own on Google C.R.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Poetry booklet is still our focus on Google C.R.
New limerick challenge posted for fun.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
The poetry booklet continue to be our focus. Check out the limerick chalkenge posted today.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
New link posted on Health 7 Google classroom for Mental Health week.
April 27, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Should students wish to complete a recovery assignment, please refer to the one posted last week on Google Classroom. It is optional but it should be submitted this week.
New poetry booklet posted on Google Classroom. See instructions on Google c.r. regarding prose vs poetry activity from booklet.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Optional recovery assignment due this week. See Google C.room.
Poetry booklet posted there as well. See instructions there regarding prose vs poetry fun activity in the booklet.Please send me any questions.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Optional recovery assignment due this week.

Poetry booklet posted...suggested poem: The Shark by E.J. Pratt and questions in booklet.

See Google C.Room for more info.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Optional recovery assignment due this week.

Suggested poem and questions in posted booklet is 'The Shark' by E.J. Pratt.
See Google Classroom for more info.
April 17, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
I will be posting an optional assignment on Monday via Google classroom. It is a chance to recover (i.e. not lower your average).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
I am posting an optional recovery assignment Monday via Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
I am posting an optional recovery assignment on Monday (Google Classroom).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
I am posting an optional recovery assignment (via Google Classroom) on Monday.
April 6, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Hi! I have been posting work on Google classroom over the last few weeks. Students can access the novel 'Among the Hidden' on YouTube for audio instead of the book. There is a complete booklet as well for perusal. It is quite lengthy so instead of completing that, I will post an alternative assignment this week. I have also included a grammar booklet. We will not be adding grades to power school but I can give feedback. Please email me if you have questions about Google classroom.donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Please see Google classroom for L.A. work over the last few weeks. The audio for the novel 'Among the Hidden' can be accessed on youtube...it starts with chp 1 if you need to go back. The booklet is for your perusal only(look over) and I will post a writing assignment this week. There is also a grammar booklet there. We will not be adding new marks to power school but can give feedback. Please let me know if you have questions. Donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Code for health google classroom is on my L.A Google site today or you can email me for it. Tks
March 28, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please email me if you can not access my Google classroom. I am putting information there. Tks and take care.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Please let me know if you need the code for Google Classroom. Tks!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Pls let me know if you need the code for Google Classroom. Tks!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Pls let me know if you need the code for Google Classroom. Tks
March 11, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently collecting for Friday Cake Auction...math tech/Wish fund raiser. Thank you for Bath Bomb Sales. Our class won for top sales...ice cream prize!
February 28, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
In-class book report Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
In-class book report Monday!!!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
In-class book report Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Last day Lit Circles...bring completed sheet and finish novel.
February 24, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finish your novel by Friday.
Think of an idea for your turning point essay....a time when you gained a new perspective.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Finish your novel by Friday. Also, think of a topic for your turning point essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finish your journal entry from movie last week. Finish novel by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Ensure your journal is completed. Finish novel and sheet by Friday...on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Twin Day tmr! Fund raiser was extended. Tks.
February 21, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finish novel for the 28th! In-class report- bring your novel and be prepared to write a summary and your opinion.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Finish novel for the 28th! In-class report- bring your novel and be prepared to write a summary and your opinion.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finish novel for the 28th! In-class report- bring your novel and be prepared to write a summary and your opinion.

Finish the in-class journal sheet of the Truman movie by Tuesday.

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Finish your novel for Friday and the last side of the sheet (making a connection- text/self/world).

Finish the in-class journal sheet of the Truman movie by Tuesday.

Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Fundraiser for school technology has been extended- Soapworks. Thanks to those who have returned the forms.

Thank you also for the special teacher appreciated treats last week- so thoughtful!
Education week begins Monday with Kindness theme- Monday is Rainbow Day. Wednesday is Pink Day and we hope to provide all students with a pink cupcake. Let us know if you can help with that!
February 20, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Lit circles tmr- bring the second sheet completed. On Google classroom too- do the side with vocab etc
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Bring novel tme
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Last day for school fund raiser.
February 11, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Test Thursday...unseen story. Focus on theme. Know 5 pts of text pattern
Read novel nightly.Finish by 28th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Test Thursday...focus on theme.Know 5 pts of text pattern.
Keep reading schedule for novel and work sheet...one side by Friday. Sensible snacks permitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Keep reading novel each night.Finish by 28th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Keep reading your novel every night! Finish by 28th.
February 6, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Lit circles tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring your novel tmr! Test on Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Bring your novel tmr! Test on Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Keep reading your novel! Review on Monday.
February 4, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please finish up class work on conflict in the story 'FEAR'.
Test on Feb. 11th
Remember to read your novel every night! Reading Friday coming up - bring your novel! Congratulations to our two spellers Eric and Lochlan going to the spelling bee Friday in the lrc period 3.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
test on Feb 11th.
Spelling bee for school on Friday period 3...spellers only. Congrats - Winners Thomas and Tory.
Continue to read every evening- novel & bring on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Please ensure you are ready for Lit Circles Friday- 1/4 book and one side of sheet A assigned. Also on Google Classroom should you lose it - use the online sheet to follow. Sensible snacks please!
Congrats to top spellers Naomi & Hans. Spelling Bee Friday for these people only.
Test on Feb 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Remember to read every evening- Reading Friday coming up soon.
Story test on Feb. 13th
Congrats to top spellers Sydney & Ryan. School Bee period 3 Friday in LRC for these 2 students only.
January 30, 2020
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading Friday- bring your novel. We will read for part of class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Submit Wilfred Grenfell sheet.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Organizing Lit Circle roles tmr- bring your novel as we can begin reading.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Do 2 questions for 'Priscilla and the Wimps'- from class work today. See Google classroom. Bring novel tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Spelling bee tmr- optional.
Bring your novel for reading Friday.
January 29, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to pass in Wilfred Grenfell sheet.
December 19, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finishing presentations tmr
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Pancake breakfast period 1. Dismissal at 12:30.
December 16, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
In class essay tmr. See class notes on Google classroom.
Bring your jot notes and symbol for imaginary tribute to class on Wednesday. This may run into Thursday. Also on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
In class essay on Wednesday. See Google classroom for notes. Prepare jot notes for in role tribute on Thursday.
December 11, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Content Quiz - Thursday
Essay Test- Monday
Create a Tribute project- Tuesday/ Wednesday (in - role: jot notes only. No essay required here. Bring a symbol or a picture of a symbol as part of your presentation).See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Content Quiz - Friday

Essay Test- Wednesday
Create a Tribute project- Thursday - may go into Friday (in - role: jot notes only. No essay required here. Bring a symbol or a picture of a symbol as part of your presentation).See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Character Sketch on Declan tomorrow.See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Character Sketch on Declan tomorrow.See Google Classroom.
December 10, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Content Quiz- Thursday
In-class essay - Monday

Assignment: Create a Tribute (in-role) - use jot notes from #1 - 6 for Tuesday & bring a symbol/ or a picture of a symbol to share.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-4(211)
Content Quiz - Thursday
In-class essay - Monday

Assignment: Create a Tribute (in-role) - use jot notes from #1 - 6 for Tuesday.
& bring a symbol/ or a picture of a symbol to share.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Declan Character Sketch- in-class on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Declan Character Sketch- in-class on Thursday.
December 8, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Collecting funds for Christmas gift-senior citizen donation. Deadline is 10th.Planning to buy a nightdress if we raise enough by Tuesday. Thanks!
December 5, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Content quiz on novel - Monday. Essay on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Content quiz on novel Monday. Essay on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Quiz on Hunger Games next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Content quiz on Hunger Games next week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Still collecting donations for senior citizen as part of council Xmas project. Any donation is appreciated! Tks!
November 27, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Starting 19 tmr -novel. There will a be a multiple choice/essay at the end of the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Continue on with next chapter tonight.
There will a be a multiple choice/essay at the end of the novel.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We are currently collecting money to support a senior citizen at a nearby home. We were given some names from the organization. We hope to purchase a night dress and slippers.
Reminder 50-50 tickets are ongoing this week.
November 26, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Novel-Starting chapter 17 tmr.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Ensure you have completed the Ten Rules of Friendship in journal.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 120
Currently collecting any small donations for Christmas gift for senior citizen - organized by council. We will be buying a night dress and slippers. Deadline for this is Dec 10th. Thank you in advance.

Any 50/50 tickets should be returned if sold or not required. Prize for top seller.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Starting chapter 14 of novel tomorrow.
November 21, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read chp 13 of 'Torn Away'tonight - the focus of tomorrow's class.

Please ensure you have hit submit on the descriptive paragraph- Google classroom. Please provide a hard copy (printed or by hand for tomorrow). If you do not have a printer at home- you can print during class tomorrow. Add a cover page with title and name as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Read up to chapter 7 of 'Torn Away' tonight.
All descriptive paragraphs should be submitted by now. Please submit a hard copy/cover page as well.Thanks!
October 30, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Haunted House visits tmr for 1$. Wear costume but please no masks/weapons.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
If you have a copy of the HUNGER GAMES book- please bring it!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
If you have a copy of the HUNGER GAMES book- please bring it!
October 22, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Unit test Thursday. Finish Malala practice test. We will review tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Unit test Thursday. Finish Malala practice test. We will review tmr. Please ensure you have submitted your letter.
October 21, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
1.Practice test is on Google classroom. Please read it in advance and we can work on the answers tomorrow. Test is on Thursday.

2.Oral presentations continue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-4(211)
1.Practice test is on Google classroom. Please read it in advance and we can work on the answers tomorrow. Test is on Thursday.

2.Oral presentations continue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student who has not yet completed the book report presentations should be prepared to present tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Any student who has not yet completed the book report presentations should be prepared to present tomorrow.
October 17, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Walk to Breakfast tomorrow. Muffin and fruit breakfast provided and walk. Bad weather-walk inside. Toonie contribution fundraiser for Breakfast program.

Oct 18 - tomorrow is deadline if ordering school pictures.
October 16, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Unit test tmr- see Google Classroom. Practice summary and text connections.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Unit test tmr- see Google Classroom. Practice summary and text connections.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
1. All book reports were due in last week.Be prepared to present book reports.
2.Letters to the P.M.- in-class letter.Drafts should now be submitted.

3.Unit test - next Thursday. Study guide on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
1. All book reports were due in last week.Be prepared to present book reports.
2.Letters to the P.M.- in-class letter.Drafts should now be submitted.

3.Unit test - next Thursday. Study guide on Google Classroom.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
School pictures - order due Oct. 18th if applicable.
October 15, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Test review...finish summary #1 question. We worked on it today but some people needed a few more minutes. 5 to 6 main points from article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Test review...finish summary #1 question. We worked on it today but some people needed a few more minutes. 5 to 6 main points from article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should submit drafts of in- class letters today. Book reports were due in last week and we are beginning the oral presentations tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Students should submit drafts of in- class letters today. Book reports were due in last week and we are beginning the oral presentations tomorrow.
October 8, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Starting oral presentations of book report tmr! Test on 17 th. See Google classroom for both.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Starting oral presentations (book reports) tmr. Practice your reading...criteria is on Google classroom.

Test on 17th..see Google classroom for guide and review.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder food drive!
School close out Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book reports due Thursday. You will be sharing your reports with class next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Book reports due Thursday. You will be sharing with the class next week.
All students should be finished or almost finished rough draft of letters to P.M.
October 7, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book reports (Wanted Posters or Charm bracelets & paragraphs will be shared with classmates beginning Wednesday and running over a few days. Practice reading your paragraphs out loud using the criteria listed on Google Classroom: (eye contact/ volume/ expression etc....).

Also, there is a unit test scheduled for Oct. 17th. Consult Google classroom for a practice test. Try it out (over the next week) and we will review your answers. You can write your answers in your notes.

Lastly, several people have not submitted journals which were due last week. Thank you.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Book reports (Wanted Posters or Charm bracelets & paragraphs) will be shared with classmates beginning Wednesday and running over a few days. Practice reading your paragraphs out loud using the criteria listed on Google Classroom: (eye contact/volume/ expression etc....).

Also, there is a unit test scheduled for Oct. 17th. Consult Google classroom for a practice test. Try it out (over the next week) and we will review your answers. You can write your answers in your notes. Focus on writing a summary and making a connection to the text.

Lastly, several people have not submitted journals which were due last week. Thank you.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Food Drive- so far we have received minimal donations- we still have the next day or so to bring an item. Thanks!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
All students should be working on the first draft of your letter. If you are having any problems with this letter, please let me know a.s.a.p. Tomorrow is the last day for the rough draft before I review your work.

Book reports extension provided -so Plotlines posters due Thursday. All students should be finished novels. Instructions are on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
All students should be working on the first draft of your letter. If you are having any problems with this letter, please let me know a.s.a.p. Tomorrow is the last day for the rough draft before I review your work.

Book reports extension provided -so Plotlines posters due Thursday. All students should be finished novels. Instructions are on Google classroom.
October 3, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Today we worked on the book reports: Wanted posters or charm bracelets. Students will be sharing these on Wednesday. Students are also writing a paragraph to accompany the poster- for instructions for the paragraph/ oral presentation and criteria-see Google classroom. Remember to practice reading your paragraph...volume/ pacing/ eye contact etc...
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Today we worked on the book reports: Wanted posters or charm bracelets. Students will be sharing these on Wednesday. Students are also writing a paragraph to accompany the poster- for instructions for the paragraph/ oral presentation and criteria-see Google classroom. Remember to practice reading your paragraph...volume/ pacing/ eye contact etc...
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students did a 'Selfie' poster today. If they need a few more minutes to complete, remember to return on Monday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Food drive continues!!!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Global issues letter-Students should now have basic jot notes completed and be starting the 1st draft. This is an in-class essay, however, if you are behind, ensure you catch up by reading a bit more about your topic and making basic jot notes. See Google classroom for outline. Also, remember to complete novel!!! Plotline book report on Google classroom. Extended by 2 days...to Thursday so please complete it on time.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Global issues letter-Students should now have basic jot notes completed and be starting the 1st draft. This is an in-class essay, however, if you are behind, ensure you catch up by reading a bit more about your topic and making basic jot notes. See Google classroom for outline. Also, remember to complete novel!!! Plotline book report on Google classroom. Extended by 2 days...to Thursday so please complete it on time.
October 2, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
We are losing Reading Friday so there is an extension to book report- Oct 10th. Please submit on due date. See Google Classroom.
We are currently starting Global issue letter- please have your topic selected.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Reading Thursday tmr- if completed, you may work on Poster/ paragraph to present with the oral report. See Google Classroom. Due to field trip on Tuesday, all Wanted Poster/ or charm bracelets & oral presentations will begin on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading Thursday tmr- if completed, you may work on Poster/ paragraph to present with the oral report. See Google Classroom. Due to field trip on Tuesday, all Wanted Poster/ or charm bracelets & oral presentations will begin on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
We are currently starting Global issue letter to P.M.- please have some jot notes (e.g. 5ws/h) by tmr. Time was provided in class today as well.
Finish your novel- plotline report due in next week. See Google Classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Journal entry on 'Trustworthy' should be completed by tmr. Class time was provided for this- should be in journal exercise and placed in journal bucket.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Food Donations can now be accepted! Thanks in advance!
September 30, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete novel this week. Book Report (Wanted Poster or charm bracelet) is due Oct.8th.

If you needed more time for your journal entry, submit by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Complete novel this week. Book Report (Wanted Poster or charm bracelet) is due Oct.7th.

If you needed more time for your journal entry, submit by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Complete your novel this week. Plotline - book report is due next week.
If you needed more time for your journal entry(Greta Thunberg connection), submit by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Complete your novel this week. Plotline - book report is due next week.
If you needed more time for your journal entry (Greta Thunberg connection), submit by Wednesday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We are currently accepting food items for Food drive. Thank you in advance!
Oct. 4th is a P.D. Day - just a reminder.
September 26, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tmr is reading Friday- bring your novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Tmr is reading Friday- bring your novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Tmr is reading Friday- bring your novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Tmr is reading Friday- bring your novel!
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Curriculum Night!
September 19, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Tomorrow is reading Friday.
Keep reading your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tomorrow is reading Friday.Keep reading your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Tomorrow is reading Friday.Keep reading your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Tomorrow is reading Friday.Keep reading your novel.
September 17, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Continue to read your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Continue to read your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue to read your novel.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Picture day is Thursday!
September 10, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students now have a novel selected for independent reading. There will be four Fridays set aside to read, however, students should be reading every night as well. There will be an assigned book report distributed later next week. It will be due in early October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4 (109B)
Students now have a novel selected for independent reading. There will be four Fridays set aside to read, however, students should be reading every night as well. There will be an assigned book report distributed later next week. It will be due in early October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students now have a novel selected for independent reading. There will be four Fridays set aside to read, however, students should be reading every night as well. There will be an assigned book report distributed later next week. It will be due in early October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-11 (207)
Students now have a novel selected for independent reading. There will be four Fridays set aside to read, however, students should be reading every night as well. There will be an assigned book report distributed later next week. It will be due in early October.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Welcome to homeroom 7-6. Please note my email is on the school website as follows: donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca
Please ensure the info. forms (distributed on the first day of school) are returned.
School pictures are scheduled for Sept. 19th and an advert was distributed recently.
Curriculum Night is Sept. 26th. Information is also provided on the school's electronic memo to parents. Thank you.
June 17, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please email or send a note re/ absent during study hall and following week. Please return locks to teacher. We also need your combo taped to it. Return any text books not used for review. No cafeteria service after tmr. Busses run same hours. See school web page/ Google classroom for more exam details. Good luck with exams!
June 15, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please note that students are required to stay for study hall during exam week unless a note or email is provided. Also cafeteria services end after Tuesday. Bus times stay the same. Students should return locks by this Wednesday and text books on the day of the exam for exam courses. Thank you.
June 12, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please ensure your part of group project is complete. All students should have a}the summary of topic from text book and b} the individual article- jot notes on additional info submitted & placed in the folder. Leaders can ensure the student work is stapled together. If your work is not submitted, I can not grade it. The photo essay (3 slides with visuals and captions per person plus a title slide and reference list should be submitted
by Friday latest. Each students should add his/her URL address to the last reference slide. Class time was provided for work so this work should be completed or near completion. If a single student has not completed the three slides, the group can go ahead and submit by Friday and let me know whose work is missing rather than be held up. Thanks.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Please ensure your part of group project is complete. All students should have a}the summary of topic from text book and b} the individual article- jot notes on additional info submitted & placed in the folder. Leaders can ensure the student work is stapled together. If your work is not submitted, I can not grade it. The photo essay (3 slides with visuals and captions per person plus a title slide and reference list should be submitted
by Friday latest. Each students should add his/her URL address to the last reference slide. Class time was provided for work so this work should be completed or near completion. If a single student has not completed the three slides, the group can go ahead and submit by Friday and let me know whose work is missing rather than be held up. Thanks.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The school bus keeps regular hours during exam week. Cafeteria and breakfast club will not run during exams. Please submit an email or note if you will be leaving the building when you exams are complete as well as for June 25 & 26th. Final assembly is Thursday June 27th. If you will not be picking up your report card, please let me know your updated address for mailing. TKS
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
See Google classroom for story writing tips & exam review. Book report on Kaz should be completed and submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
See Google classroom for story writing tips & exam review. Book report on Kaz should be completed and submitted.
June 11, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to send a note regarding your plans for exams.
June 8, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 225
If a student plans to study at home during exam week instead of attending study hall, please submit a note or email to me as soon as possible. If students do not plan to attend school the following week post exams (Tuesday/ Wednesday), you may also indicate that in your note.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
See review Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Review on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
See Google classroom for review.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
See Google classroom for review.
June 3, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Poetry presentations continue. Practice and be ready with your poem.See Google classroom for exam review.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Practice your poem! Exam documents on Google Class Room.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring your article to class. Exam material on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Bring your article to class. Exam material is on Google Classroom.
May 30, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to bring in an article on your topic for tmr. If you can not print it, try to email me and I can help you.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Remember to bring in an article on your topic for tmr. If you can not print it, try to email me and I can help you.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Practice your poem for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Practice your poem for Monday.
May 28, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Submit the poem or lyrics you are presenting for teacher approval (Google Classroom). Practice! Try your best to memorize the text - now extended to MONDAY. Expression/pacing/ eye contact/volume etc...Be prepared to explain to the class - in four or five sentences why you selected the poem/ what part of the text caught your interest.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Submit the poem or lyrics you are presenting for teacher approval (Google Classroom). Practice! Try your best to memorize the text - now extended to MONDAY. Expression/pacing/ eye contact/volume etc...Be prepared to explain to the class - in four or five sentences why you selected the poem/ what part of the text caught your interest.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Research- Mystery unit: Please find an article for your new topic- outside of the text book. Ideally - each member of the group should have a different article, if possible. Originally, I asked for this article by Thursday- however, Friday will be fine. If you do not have a printer at home- email it and we can print it at school.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Research- Mystery unit: Please find an article for your new topic- outside of the text book. Ideally - each member of the group should have a different article, if possible. Originally, I asked for this article by Thursday- however, Friday will be fine. If you do not have a printer at home- email it and we can print it at school.
May 26, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Poetry presentations begin Friday. Be prepared to explain your choice of poem or song. Submit by Tuesday for approval. Rubric for oral evaluations will be posted on Google Classroom.Practice so you know the text!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Oral presentations begin Friday. Submit your poem/lyrics by Tuesday for approval. 4 stanzas minimum. Practice so you know the text. Rubric will be available on Google classroom. Be prepared to explain why you like the poem.
May 7, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Smoking Quiz tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Submit bios by tomorrow.
May 6, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Quiz on Wednesday. See 2 review sheets.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Bios should now be complete. Submit with a cover pg., reference pg., final draft by Wednesday. Electronic copy or hard copy....either will suffice....Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please submit bios on Google Classroom. Due in today.
May 4, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please submit your essay, cover page, & references on Google Classroom by Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
In-class essays should now be completed. Please submit on Google Classroom. Tks.
April 29, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Smoking quiz tmr...review notes were provided a few weeks ago.
April 16, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Book report due tomorrow - see Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Book report due tomorrow - see Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report due tomorrow - see Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book reports were due in yesterday. Some people have not yet submitted. Late policy is to place 0 as a place holder until submitted.See Google classroom for instructions. Thank you.
April 15, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Reminder to finish novel project due Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reminder novel project is due Wednesday. Students are currently working on bios. Today students read articles on the person selected for research. Also, they started an outline.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Reminder: novel project due Wednesday. Started research/ outlines for biographical essays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder to submit novel assignment due today.
April 11, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
The Outsiders Creative Project is due on the 17th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The Among the Hidden Assignment is due on the 15th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
The Among the Hidden Assignment is due on the 17th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
The Outsiders Creative Project is due on the 17th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
There will be a smoking quiz on April 30th. A review guide was completed today. Class notes can be used for the section on e-cigarettes.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
50-50 tickets are due back tmr. Thanks!
April 8, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
50/50Tickets due back this Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Reminder to work on novel assignment.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder to work on assignment re/ novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reminder to work on novel assignment.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Reminder to work on novel assignment.
April 7, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Quiz tmr multiple choice. Also, continue to work on theme assignments.Next week we will begin biographies.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should now be working on theme assignment. It should be completed on their own time. We will be moving on to biographies.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Assignment is due on 15th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Assignment is due on the 17th.
April 4, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Quiz has been rescheduled to Monday- multiple choice- content.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Quiz tomorrow on novel- multiple choice/content
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
ATH- content quiz tmr- multiple choice
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
ATH- content quiz tmr- multiple choice
April 3, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Multiple Choice quiz on novel Friday- chapter summary review is on Google classroom.
Creative assignment due on April 17th. Select one option.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Multiple Choice quiz on novel Friday- chapter summary review is on Google classroom.

Creative assignment due on April 15th. Select one option.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Assessment for novel will consist of a creative them response- it will be due in a few days before Easter break. Standard content quiz- multiple choice- will also be scheduled soon.
April 1, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2myg-4zkE8 Fifth estate - e cigarettes. Welcome back big tobacco. We will complete this next class. There will be a listening check on the documentary should you like to review the section covered today.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2myg-4zkE8 Documentary on e- cigarettes covered last week. We will finish it next class and then have a listening check. In case you missed Friday- please review over the next week.
March 25, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Finish today's chapter of novel. Pass in poster.
March 19, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Read the next chapter of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read the next chapter of novel.
March 6, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
School fundraiser 50/50 (technology) tickets were distributed yesterday. If you would like to participate, please obtain from your child. Unsold tickets may be returned to office.Thank you.
February 25, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Some students did not complete the Lit Circle work over the 4 sessions. Those particular students have an alternate assignment - BOOK in a Bag due tmr ( using the same novel).

Congratulations to Tanish for representing our school in the Spelling Bee!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
War letters due in tmr!

Ensure you have completed the journal from last week on 'The Outsiders'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Ensure you have completed the journal from last week on 'The Outsiders'.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tomorrow is TWIN-MULTIPLE Day!!! Wednesday is pink day & I have the shirts for the people who ordered. Some students have not submitted the 4$ for Friday.
February 24, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Remember your journal on 'The Outsiders'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Remember your journal on 'The Outsiders'.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 225
P.j day is tmr! 4$ for show.
February 21, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Reminder about letters due tmr. Also please return consent form tmr for survey.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reminder re/ letters due Tuesday. Please return consent form tmr.
February 20, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Final draft War Letters due this Friday. Envelopes not required but letters will be given a representing mark as well
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
War letters due on the 26th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-5(224)
$4 for show!
February 19, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Ensure you have submitted book report on Google classroom.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember 4$ for Spirit Week Show.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
War Letters due Friday. Remember consent form.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
War letters due 26th. One last class on Thursday. Remember consent form.
February 14, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Lit Circles tmr- bring your work. Last class to work on on letters- Tuesday. Be prepared to edit. Final product due Tuesday Feb. 26th. Please # letters 1 to 6 and place in baggie/large envelope (if you have one). One grade will also be given for the effort of making the product look like a letter ( i.e. font 14 at least/ old fashioned paper/ letter formatting etc...). Individual envelopes not required. W W
1 Letters should tell a little story. Ensure to use voice and dialect as appropriate.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students finished up book reports today.
February 13, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Today students worked on the book review assignment. We will have one more period to work on this. The summary should be approx 10 sentences and the commentary...about 5 or so. Please edit as I will post these reviews on our Language Arts website. Don't worry if you need to resubmit it again next class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Keep reading for Lit Circle schedule.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember 4$ for hyponotist show. Special thanks for the kind gestures this week!
February 12, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete novel for tmr's book report. It will be helpful to have it with you if possible.
February 11, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finish novel by Wednesday! Remember4$ for hypnotist please...fun show!
February 9, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Remember Lit Circles on Monday. Students should have at least 3 letters rough draft completed by now.We will spend more time on this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Novels should now be completed and Lit Circle work submitted. Please return book if borrowed. Students should have about 3 letters completed by now. More time allotted to letters this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Please stay on top of Lit Circle reading and work for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be finishing up novel for Wednesday's in-class book report.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
4$ cost for hypnotist show.
February 6, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Narrative Unit test tmr- see Google Classroom for details. Please continue to complete your novel for Friday as scheduled. I will provide the first 10 mins of class to complete the assigned one side of Lit Circle sheet. No food this week as we are cluing up.You should have about three letters- rough draft completed so far. Coming back to that next week. Some letters may be a single paragraph or possibly more- depending on your story line.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
Test tmr- Narrative Unit. See Google classroom for details.Continue to stay on schedule for your Lit Circle novel. War letters continue next week. Please have about rough draft of three completed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Should be completing novel soon. In-class assignment Wednesday next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Please stay on the reading schedule for Lit Circles and work.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please bring 4$ for upcoming hypnotist event.Thanks!
February 5, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Unseen short story test Thursday- review notes on Google Classroom. People should be completing their novels this week. On Friday, time will be provided to complete the final side of sheet. Also, time will be provided to work on War letters- students should have rough drafts of three completed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Unseen short story test Thursday- review notes on Google Classroom. People should be reading their novels every night & filling out one side of the sheet as discussed. Also, time will be provided to work on War letters next week - students should have rough drafts of three completed to stay on top of that assignment.
February 4, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Aim to have two more draft war letters finished by Wednesday. That should make 3. This week's focus is the short story review for test.Continue to read novel as usual.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Aim to have 2 more letters- rough draft only....completed by Wednesday.That will make 3 to date. Reviewing short stoies this week for test. Continue to read novel as usual.
February 1, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Narrative test on the 7th. Please continue to read your novel as discussed. Homework for Wednesday- work of a rough draft of two more war letters. You should have one completed from the day in the LRC.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue with Lit Circle novel and sheet. Narrative test on the 7th- main focus for next week.
Update on process writing- you should have completed at least one letter from last week. For homework: Please aim to have two more written by Wednesday- rough draft only.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Book Circles Monday! Be prepared- info is on Google classroom. One side of the sheet- and 1/4 book. Sensible snacks are optional (no popcorn or 2 liters of pop please).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read the novel by the 13th. Monday will be a reading day. We will be filling in an online book review template (for our school website) on the 13th in class as well as a movie poster.
January 27, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read your novel every night. Should be completed by next weekend. Test on Feb. 1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Students are reading every evening as part of Friday Lit Circles. Test on 1st Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue to read your novel and complete Lit Circle sheet.New sheet tmr. Currently working on process War letters as in- class assignment.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Read novel every evening for Lit Circles and complete one side of sheet for Fridays. New sheet tmr. Currently working on in-class WW 1 letters.
January 23, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read novel. Friday is extra reading time. Narrative Test on Feb. 1. Check Google classroom for notes. Today we discussed conflict.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Prepare for Friday's lit circles. Google classroom has the sheet should you misplace it. It is a requirement....one side each week. Continue reading.Sensible snacks are fine.Also, test on Feb.1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Lit circles start...please read the novel and complete one side of sheet as discussed.Sensible snacks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Students should be reading novel regularly to meet the Lit Circle schedule. Approx. 1/2 way through. Please bring completed sheet this Friday. Spelling bee took place today!
January 17, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Book Circles start tmr. Ensure you have read the 1/4th section of novel & completed one half of sheet as discussed in class. The question section should be open-ended examples to facilitate discussion ( e.g. Why do you think....? ). The highlighted passages should be a paragraph you found interesting and the reason explaining your thoughts. If you are doing the back section- the drawings should reflect effort, detail, and color. Snacks should be sensible please & are optional. Attached is the assigned task - do one side this week and the other side for session 2. If you misplaced this sheet- just copy out the info and do on your own paper for tmr. Hope you are enjoying the book.
Optional spelling bee Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring your novel for reading. Optional spelling bee Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Bring your novel for reading- we will be organizing book circles for later. Book circles officially start next Friday so no need to worry about snacks tomorrow.Optional spelling bee Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Bring your novel for reading- we will be organizing book circles.Optional spelling bee Tuesday.
January 14, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading novel this month...each night - including time on Reading Fridays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Reading novel this month...each night - and associated task. 1/4 the book each week over a month. Snacks should be basic(i.e. not fast food or messy like popcorn). Snacks are the responsibility of students, not parents.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reading novel this month...each night - and associated Lit Circle task.1/4 the book each week over a month. Snacks for Lit Circles, typically Fridays, should be basic(i.e. not fast food or messy like popcorn). Snacks are the responsibility of students, not parents.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Reading novel this month...each night - 1/4 of Lit Circle novel and associated task. Snacks should be basic(i.e. not fast food or messy like popcorn). Snacks are the responsibility of students, not parents.
January 10, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading Friday! Do you have a book? I have some if required.
January 7, 2019
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finish journal entry over the next two days. Please have a journal exercice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Finish journal entry over next two days. Please have a journal exercise. Please bring paper/ exercise and pencil daily.
December 13, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
In-class essay test tme- see Google classroom for outline and notes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
In-class essay test tme- see Google classroom for outline and notes.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder to return fund raising tickets tmr. Tks
December 11, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
In- class essay test Thursday- review Declan and follow structure.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
In- class essay test Thursday- review Declan and follow structure.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Finishing up oral presentations tmr. Please review class notes on Katniss for in-class essay Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finishing up oral presentations tmr. Please review class notes on Katniss for in-class essay Friday.
December 10, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Quiz tmr. I will take some time for review questions and answers before the quiz. See Google classroom. Content only. In- class essay later....Be prepared to complete any remaining oral presentations as of tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Quiz tmr. Content only.See Google classroom. In-class essay later in the week. Be prepared to complete in-class presentations.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Reminder of character sketch on Thursday. Declan Doyle
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Character Sketch on Thursday...Declan Doyle.
December 9, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
In-class essay: character sketch on Declan. Dec. 13
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Dec. 13 in-class essay: character sketch on Declan.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Content quiz on Hunger Games scheduled for 11th. Oral presentations continue. Please be prepared.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Content quiz on Hunger Games scheduled for 11th. Also, any outstanding tribute presentations need to be clued up.
December 4, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Work on practice essay re/ Matthew Character Sketch (intro paragraph/ 1st trait paragraph: explained with examples from novel. Possible traits e.g altruism or patience....or your own choice. We will continue tmr as well.

Book Fair visit- tmr
Content Quiz- Thursday morning
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Work on practice essay re/ Matthew Character Sketch (intro paragraph/ 1st trait paragraph: explained with examples from novel. Possible traits e.g altruism or patience....or your own choice. We will continue tmr as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Be prepared to do oral presentation.Test on 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Be prepared to do oral presentation.Test on 13th.
November 30, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Oral presentation Monday...see Google classroom
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Oral presentation due Monday...see Google classroom.
November 28, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Finish chp 21
Project due Monday.
Multiple choice quiz following completion of novel followed by in-class essay on Dec. 11.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Project due Monday.
Multiple choice quiz following completion of novel followed by in-class essay on Dec. 11.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
WE event tmr! If you are attending, try to wear a bright color shirt without an obvious logo if possible. Also, remember- snacks should be nut-free.
Parent interviews Dec. 6/Dec. 7 P.D. Day.
November 27, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)

Students participating in the WE Day Connect event on Thursday, Nov 29 are asked to wear bright bold colours and to please avoid branded logos on their clothes. Permission slips found on the school website must be submitted in order to attend. Students can also bring snacks. Please respect other students' food allergies.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Tribute assignment due Monday. Will be presented orally as well. Should have at least chp. 20 completed by now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Chp 18 tonight

Tribute assignment due Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read chp. 24
November 26, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Hunger Games Project- due one week from today. Oral presentation- see Google classroom for details.
Finish Chp. 18 tonight.
Test on Dec. 11th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Hunger Games Project- due one week from today. Oral presentation- see Google classroom for details.

Read 19 tonight.

Test on Dec. 11th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Novel - read chp. 21
Test on Dec. 13th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Novel - read chp. 21
Test on Dec. 13th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
WE event Thursday for those who can stay!
Parent interviews - Dec. 6
P.D. Day - Dec. 7
November 25, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read next chp in novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Read next chp in novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Read next chp in novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Read next chp...novel.
November 21, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
chp. 14 in novel
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
chp. 18 in novel tonight
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Read up to chp 14 tonight - novel
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Read chp. 14 tonight - novel.
November 15, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Read novel next chp.
Test scheduled for Dec. 13
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read novel chp.10 & 11
Test scheduled for Dec. 13
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Read novel finish chp.6 & 7
Test scheduled for Dec. 11
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Read novel chp.8
Test scheduled for Dec. 11
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reminder to wear purple.
Please return consent form re/ WE November event $2 suggested contribution to Education in Africa. Two WE events this month.
November 14, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Read chapter six tonight - novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Read novel tonight- chapter 6.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Ensure you are up to date in reading of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Read chapter 6 novel.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Memo distributed re/ WE are silent - supporting education in WE villages Nov 20th period 3. Suggesting 2$ contribution, if possible.
November 13, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finish 6 in 'Torn Away'

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Starting chp. 3 tmr - novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Read chp.3 of novel
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Read chp.5 novel
November 6, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Please edit your letters if you have not had time...for homework and submit on Google classroom by Thursday. Also, a hardcopy is appreciated! My printer works if you are stuck.Add a simple cover page: title in middle, your name/ my name/date in right corner.
November 2, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Two journals should now be complete ( Prince of Egypt - scene and drawing/ Golden Rules for Young People). Place in journals. Class time was provided.
October 24, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should now have classwork completed- two journals. The first one:illustration and summary of favorite scene re/ 'The Prince of Egypt'. Secondly, a journal entry listing 10 Golden Rules Rules to Live By... (from a young person's perspective).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Reminder- Unit test tmr. See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Reminder- Unit test tmr. See Google Classroom.
October 19, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
See Google Classroom re/ test next week.There is a sample for your review. We will work on it Tuesday and Wednesday.

Global poem due Tuesday- some class time was provided.Include a visual/picture/ drawing of yourself as discussed.
We will be coming back to in-class essay post test review.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
See Google Classroom re/ test next week.There is a sample for your review. We will work on it Tuesday and Wednesday.Please read in advance.

Global poem due Tuesday- some class time was provided.Include a visual/picture/ drawing of yourself as discussed.

In-class essays should now be complete. Hit submit on Google classroom or let me know if there are issues.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Oct 22 is a P.D. Day. Oct. 24 - picture retakes. Thanks for the support re/ Walk to Breakfast and Pajamarama Day.
October 17, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Finish the Global Citizen Poem for Monday. Must follow the 6 line template. Include an illustration of yourself i.e (who you are) with it. If you prefer to use a photo of your head as part of the drawing...that will also work.
Test later next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Test later next week.

Currently finishing drafts of letters as the in-class assignment.

We will review answers to the video tomorrow as a class- in case you are missing any answers.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Pajamarama Day Friday- 2$ for those wearing pjs for Janeway.
Walk for the Breakfast Program- breakfast is served and students walk Kenny's Pond. Suggested donation 2$.
Picture retakes 24th.
P.D. Day - 22nd
October 10, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students were given the code for Google Classroom today. There is a study guide and article available therere/ test Monday. Should a hard copy be required, let me know.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Test Monday - Step Up Unit. See Google classroom for details.
October 9, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
As we did not have ELA today, I will collect the book reports tmr. If you plan to submit electronically, my email is donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca. These reports were originally due in last week.
I have placed the instructions on Google classroom. Students logged on Friday past.
Also, any student who was not here on Friday past- we worked in lab on Global letter. Students should have the outlines complete and ready to start the first draft of letter for the next class booked in lab.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Unit test Oct. 15th. I placed a sample of test/guide on Google classroom. I will give out the code tmr.
Presentations continue tmr.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Unit test Oct. 15th. I placed a sample of test/guide on Google classroom. I will give out the code tmr.

Presentations continue tmr.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Pictures went home last week. Funds are due on 17th if ordering. Retakes- hand in the order on that day if this applies to you.
Oct. 22nd- next p.d. day.
October 5, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Today students should have completed outlines in class. Moving on to the 1st draft of letter on Google classroom.
Also- book reports due Tuesday either electronically to donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca or on bristol bd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Also- book reports due Tuesday either electronically to donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca or on bristol bd.
October 4, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Book report due tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Report due tmr!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Report due Tuesday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Report due Tuesday.
October 3, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book report due Friday - poster & paragraph presentation (i.e. oral formal reading).
Unit test(unseen story or essay) scheduled for Monday 15th. Focus on summary and making a connection to text.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Book report due Friday - poster & paragraph presentation(i.e. oral formal presentation).
Unit test(unseen story or essay) scheduled for Monday 15th. Focus on summary and making a connection to text.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report due in on Tuesday 9th.

Students are currently working on an in-class essay/letter to P.M. Trudeau re/ global issue. Should have completed basic topic research & currently working on outline.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Students are currently working on an in-class essay/letter to P.M. Trudeau re/ global issue. Should have completed basic topic research & currently working on outline.
Book report due in on Tuesday 9th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember food drive!
October 1, 2018
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Collecting food items this week for Friday's Thanks Giving donations.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book report paragraph (follow bullets on instructions) & Wanted Poster due Friday. Students will present orally.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Book report paragraph (follow bullets on instructions) & Wanted Poster due Friday. Students will present orally.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report plot line (see instructions) due on the 9th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Book report Plot Line (follow instructions) due on the 9th.
September 25, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Finish journal re Gandhi quote...last week. Complete home reading of novel. Report due on the 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Finish class work...question on making a text connection. Continue to read at home. Report due on 5th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete novel by the end of month. Report is due 5th. Product and paragraph will be presented in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should be almost completed novel. Report due 8th.
September 24, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
If you did not finish the class work today (four questions on 'Two Islands'), please do so for tomorrow. The journal on the Gandhi quote should now be submitted. The book report instructions were distributed today and it is due in on October 8th. Students should be almost completed their novels as we approach the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
The book report instructions were distributed today and it is due in on October 8th. Students should be almost completed their novels as we approach the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The book report instructions were distributed today and it is due in on October 8th. Students should be almost completed their novels as we approach the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
Please finish up your novel this month ( by the weekend) as the report it due in on the 5th of October. Instructions will be distributed tmr.
September 20, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
One week to complete novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
1 week to complete novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
1 week to complete novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-10(208)
One week to clue up novel! Continue reading at home.
September 17, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read novel at home this month and once a week during class time.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue to read novel at home this month and once a week during class time.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to read novel at home this month and once a week during class time.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Curriculum Night starts at 7 p.m., Wednesday evening.
Picture Day is Thursday.
Friday is a P.D. day.
September 13, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring your novel for reading Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Bring your novel tmr! All journals should be submitted by now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Bring novel tmr! Submit the journal on Essential Questions from the other day if you have not done so already.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Power School form re/ password will be distributed tmr. Curriculum Night on 19th. School pics on 20th.
September 11, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Essential Questions
Journal Writing #1 - Journal entry should be about 3/4 page for this particular entry - in total. Select between 2- 4 questions below. Class time was provided but some students may not be quite finished. All entries should be place or written in the journal exercise.

1. What do I need to know about you?
2.What do you need from me more than anything else?
3.What does success in the classroom mean to you?
4.What do teachers sometimes misunderstand about you as a learner?
5.What are you good at that nobody knows?
Also, continue to read your novel at home and in school on Fridays this month.

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Ensure your journal is complete.
Also, continue to read your novel at home and in school on Fridays this month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Ensure the class journal is complete.
Also, continue to read your novel at home and in school on Fridays this month.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Curriculum night - Wed. Sept. 19th
Picture day - Thurs., Sept.20th
September 10, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should now have selected a novel to read this month- at home and during 'Reading Fridays'-(4 classes approx.) There will be a report due given out towards the end of the month.
Students are currently working on journal questions this week. I will be passing out text books this week as well.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please ensure forms are returned a.s.a.p- re/ media consent and power school. Tks!

Curriculum Night is set for Wed. 19th & School Pictures on the 20th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Students should now have selected a novel to read this month- at home and during 'Reading Fridays'-(4 classes approx.) There will be a report due given out towards the end of the month.
Students are currently working on journal questions this week. I will be passing out text books this week as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should now have selected a novel to read this month- at home and during 'Reading Fridays'-(4 classes approx.) There will be a report due given out towards the end of the month.
Students are currently working on journal questions this week. I will be passing out text books this week as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1(206)

September 6, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring your novel for tmr!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to return forms!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Bring a novel if you have one.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Bring a novel if you have one!
September 5, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading Fridays- have a novel to read for Friday. If you need one - the library has a collection available. I will work with Ms. Power to help you sign one out. It should be one you are just starting vs. halfway through....- we will spend about a month doing reading Fridays and students should be reading the novel at home as well. Should we not have class on a Friday- the reading period will go to Monday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Welcome to 7-6! My email is donnamillskilfoil@nlesd.ca - please let me know if you have any questions! looking forward to a wonderful year.
June 19, 2018
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please send an email if your child will be leaving after exams or staying for study hall.
Please return text books.
Exams begin tomorrow - see schedule on website. Bus runs the usual hours. No cafeteria service or breakfast club.
June 4, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
All essays were due today. Please know that a 0% is the place holder for those missing work. Part b- the poster is due Wednesday.

Book report template due Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
All essays were due today. Please know that a 0% is the place holder for those missing work. Part b- the poster is due Wednesday.

Book report template due Friday.See instructions on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Book report template due Friday.See instructions on Google classroom.
June 1, 2018
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Ensure you submit or pass in the questions on the Drug Free Video. Questions are posted on Google Classroom and were due in today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please submit your work for the essay: How to Survive Junior High. Google classroom. I will be checking on Monday as today was our last class.

Also, complete the poster on the same topic for Wednesday.

Book report template is now on Google Classroom- due Friday, June 8th. Please read directions carefully. There are two paragraphs required for long answers and the rest are short answers. Please edit before submitting.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Please submit your work for the essay: 'How to Survive Junior High'. Google classroom. I will be checking on Monday as today was our last class. Also, complete the poster on the same topic for Wednesday. Instructions available on Google Classroom.

Book report template is now on Google Classroom- due Friday, June 8th. Please read directions carefully. There are two paragraphs required for long answers and the rest are short answers. Please edit before submitting.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Speeches continue. Book report due Friday, June 8th. See online template Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Speeches continue Monday.

Students are presenting movie trailers on PigBoy.
May 30, 2018
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Today we did a viewing activity on 'Drug Free World' videos. Please ensure you have the questions completed by the next health class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read your novel as we are finished with Reading Fridays. There will be an online book review to complete by June 8th. I will post the template soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Continue to read your novel as we are finished with Reading Fridays. There will be an online book review to complete by June 8th. I will post the template soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to read your novel as we are finished with Reading Fridays. There will be an online book review to complete by June 8th. I will post the template soon.
Speeches continue this week: Practice!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Speeches continue this week: Practice!
May 28, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Continue to read novel each night. Aim to finish by the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read novel each night. Aim to finish by the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to read novel each night. Aim to finish by the end of the month.
Speeches continue- practice!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Practice speech for class - if yours has been passed back and graded.
May 23, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-3(208)
Health quiz- know how to label reproductive systems. Fill- in-the blanks for class notes provided.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Be prepared to give your speech if it has been returned to you.
Reading Fridays continue. Read every evening at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Be prepared to give your speech if it has been returned to you.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Ensure your outline is completed on Google classroom. Please continue to read every evening and on Fridays at school.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Ensure your outline is complete. Please continue to read every evening and on Fridays at school.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
PJ Day on Friday and donations go towards Children Wish Foundation.
May 22, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Continue reading novel- reading Friday again this week. Aim to complete by the end of the month.
Complete your outline for your essay over the next two days. Google classroom has a partial sample.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read your novel over teh next two weeks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to read your novel each night. Speeches begin Thursday - only for those whose essays have been graded and returned.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(208)
Quiz on Thursday. Be able to label the three charts- 2 female and 1 male reproductive systemsp. 197-199. There will be a word bank for fill-in-the blanks & charts.p.187 - 211. See notes provided last class.
May 14, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Extended deadline on Bio Essay. Tuesday's class is in lab. Submit a hard copy by Wednesday's class. Also submit on Google classroom. Include a cover page, essay,outline, and reference page. 500- 600 words for the actual essay ( not the outline etc...). 5-7 paragraphs.
Bring a novel for reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Extended deadline on Bio Essay. Submit a hard copy by Thursday's class. Also submit on Google classroom. Include a cover page, essay,outline, and reference page. 500- 600 words for the actual essay ( not the outline etc...). 5-7 paragraphs.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students had to finish the 3 questions on Google classroom on 'The Big Fellow' by E.j. Pratt. See notes on Google class. I will be checking that work tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Review today's notes on Google classroom 'The Big Fellow' by E.J. Pratt. Bring a novel to read this week in class. Home reading - own novel for book report.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(208)
One more review class before quiz. Students have the option to sign out a text for review: Changing Body/ reproductive systems/miracle of life.
May 8, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Ensure you finish the class work on poem' The Big Fellow' by E.J. Pratt. Three questions are also on Google Classroom. The literal meaning should be a developed paragraph. All answers should be in full sentences.

Also- Bring your fictional novel of choice for Thursday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
PD Day May 11th.
May 2, 2018
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Documentary tomorrow- Rise Up.Returning to school for lunch is 4th period. Class is 5th period. Students should not expect to go to the concession stands as an option- we did not select that option.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finish the limerick unless you were absent for that class.
Today we reviewed figurative language: similes/ metaphors/ and personification.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Finish the limerick unless you were absent for that class.

Today we reviewed figurative language: similes/ metaphors/ and personification.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Currently finishing outline for bio- ensure you have 2 sources of info.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Currently finishing outline for bio- ensure you have 2 sources of info.
April 30, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Limericks due Friday with a colored image and title. 5 lines- 1,2, & 5 rhyme as does 3 & 4. 1,2, & 5 have about 8-9 counts whereas 3 & 4 have about 5-6.
Reading Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Limericks due Friday with a colored image and title. 5 lines- 1,2, & 5 rhyme as does 3 & 4. 1,2, & 5 have about 8-9 counts whereas 3 & 4 have about 5-6.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Ensure you have 2 sources of info for topic. Currently working on outline.
Journals have been collected- ensure you have not fallen behind.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Ensure you have 2 sources of info for topic. Currently working on outline.
Journals have been collected- ensure you have not fallen behind- 4 entries for L. Arts and one for health.
April 24, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Editing paragraph #2
Select a novel for Reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Editing - paragraph #5
Starting Reading Friday again!
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Editing paragraph #5 on sheet-' Every Day Edits'.

Starting reading Friday (but will switch to Monday due to the 'We Walk' for this week). Search for a book - lrc has lots.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Starting Reading Fridays- select a novel of your choice.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We Walk - this Friday for Equador. Collecting 2$ donation if possible.
April 23, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Select a book for Reading Fridays.
Think about a person for the research essay- a person who made a difference. I will approve topics over the next few days.
Editing practice - assigned work.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Select a book for Reading Fridays.
Think about a person for the research essay- a person who made a difference. I will approve topics over the next few days.
Editing practice - assigned work.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Edit #4 paragraph tonight. For extra practice - try 'Every Day Edits' online.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently working on editing. For extra practice - try 'Every Day Edits' online.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently collecting 2$ for Friday's 'We Walk for Clean Water in Equador'. April 27 - Kenny's Pond.
April 11, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Editing practice this week. Please complete the paragraph assigned.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Book report due Friday - see Google classroom. The first section is the FlipGrid response. Should you have any tech issues, I have signed out the Chrome books for tomorrow. You could also present it orally if you can not access the technology at home
(recorder and camera on phone).You go to the plus sign when you click on the link. Ignore the phrase' residential Schools]. The second section should be 1 pg or so. Imagine you are in Luke's shoes.... and complete questions.I can accpet either Google doc or hard copy for part B. I do not need the notes you used for the video section. If you can not do 5 reasons in 90 seconds - 4 will do. Intended as a guideline.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book report due Friday - see Google classroom. The first section is the FlipGrid response. You could also present it orally if you can not access the technology at home
(recorder and camera on phone).You go to the plus sign when you click on the link. Ignore the phrase' residential Schools]. The second section should be 1 pg or so. Imagine you are in Luke's shoes.... and complete questions.I can accpet either Google doc or hard copy for part B. I do not need the notes you used for the video section. If you can not do 5 reasons in 90 seconds - 4 will do. Intended as a guideline.
March 27, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Tomorrow, we will use one more class on book reports re/ 'The Outsiders'. If it is not completed during class, please submit the novel assignment at home....due Thursday. Details are on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Tomorrow, we will use one more class on book reports re/ 'The Outsiders'. If it is not completed during class, please submit the novel assignment at home....due Thursday. Details are on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students are completing the Turning Points Essay - an in-class narrative. We will spend a final class on it tomorrow. Students should hit the submit button on Google Classroom to indicate its completion.

As well, the novel book report for 'Among the Hidden' was assigned last week. See details on Google Classroom. It is due April 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students are completing the Turning Points Essay - an in-class narrative. We will spend a final class on it tomorrow. Students should hit the submit button on Google Classroom to indicate its completion.

As well, the novel book report for 'Among the Hidden' was assigned last week. See details on Google Classroom. It is due April 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please confirm that your child is (or is not) attending the May 3 documentary ASAP as tickets need to be booked for Cineplex. A permission form was sent out- subsidized cost for bus and movie is 10$.An email is fine indicating your permission should the form be misplaced for this week. TKS!
March 20, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
If you would like more time for today's journal on the play:'Kindness', please see Google Classroom. Four questions are posted. Due Monday. Approx. 1 page in journal.Assignment on 'The Outsiders' coming soon!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
If you would like more time for today's journal on the play:'Kindness', please see Google Classroom. Four questions are posted. Due Thursday. Approx. 1 page in journal. Assignment on 'The Outsiders' coming soon!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently concluding in-class essay: Turning Points. Assignment on novel coming soon!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Currently concluding in-class essay: Turning Points. Assignment on novel coming soon!
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember to return permission form and fee 10$ for documentary in May.
March 13, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete reading your novel by Thursday. There will be an upcoming assignment. As well, students should have selected a topic for Turning Points esssay. Today we started jot notes. This is an in-class essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
The novel is now complete and there will be an upcoming assignment. We are now starting the Turning Points essay and it will be completed during class time.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students completed an in-class journal on the topic: Tell Me What you Know About Mental Health. If you were absent, please complete by Monday in your journal. Either bullets or paragraphs - About 3/4 to 1 page).
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The breakfast program is currently accepting donations: Cornflakes/ cheese strings/ Mini-Wheats Originals!

Also-fees/ permission forms for the May trip to Cineplex- Canadian documentary on Bullying. Subsidized opportunity. Cost includin bus is 10$. See memo.
February 22, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Remember to return both lit circle sheets!

Talk to your parents about a time in your life when you had a turning point i.e.: when you saw something from a new perspective, learned a lesson, or gleamed an insight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
WW1 letters and Lit Circles sheets should now be submitted.
Starting chp 4 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
ABC book reports are due! A word/ phrase/ sentence per letter relating to your novel. Add images or pics and have a cover with your name -book title on it. Students were provided with exemplars.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1(206)
Remember to submit your WW 1 letters and your lit. circle responses (two sheets).
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Remember 3$ for the hypnotist ASAP! Next week is spirit week.
February 8, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Test on Monday
War letters- one more class and due on 21
Lit circles rescheduled to Tuesday- have reading and work sheet- 1 side completed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Lit circles tomorrow
Test on Monday
War letters- two more classes & next week due on 22nd
February 7, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Test on Monday- see Google classroom. Currently working on last year's for practice.

War Letters due in 21st. Two more classes tomorrow and Tuesday next week. Then finish the product at home- six letters telling a story from WW1. Place final copy in a baggie marked with your name. # the letters of back please.

Book circles rescheduled to Tuesday next week and completing on Tuesday 20th- book should be completed with both sides of sheet finished for submission.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Test on Monday- see Google classroom. Currently working on last year's for practice.

War Letters due in 22nd. Two more classes tomorrow and Tuesday next week. Then finish the product at home- six letters telling a story from WW1. Place final copy in a baggie marked with your name. # the letters of back please. Old fashioned paper is not a requirement but should reflect effort.

Book circles this Friday. As next Friday is a holiday- the last day will be and completing on Wednesday 21st - book should be completed with both sides of sheet finished for submission.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book report due in the 21st. Instructions: complete the reading of the novel. Create an alphabet book inspired by your novel. Each letter of the alphabet should have a phrase or sentence connected to characters/ setting/ theme /symbols etc... Add an a small image to each letter as well. Either computer generated or drawn. Consider color! There should also be cover with your name/ title and an illustration. Optional book report- Jack Daw bag see me for instructions.
February 6, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Unit test tomorrow- unseen story see Google classroom.Focus on conflict.
Continue with reading at home. Book report format- alphabet book or Jackdaw bag. Due Friday Feb 20th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Unit test- unseen story see Google Classroom.Focus on conflict.

Continue with Lit circles work for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue Lit circle work for Friday.
Test on Monday - unseen story. Focus on theme and conflict. See Google classroom.

WW1 letters continue next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Test on Monday - unseen story. Focus on theme and conflict. See Google classroom,
Continue Lit circle work for Friday.
WW1 letters continue next week.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
religion is now over- please submit cration work asap!
February 1, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Lit Circles tomorrow! Ensure you are half way through the novel with the other side of sheet completed. Snacks are optional.Test scheduled for Wednesday next week. See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Reading Fridays- snacks are optional. Test scheduled for Wednesday next week. See Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Lit Circles tomorrow! Ensure you are half way through the novel with the other side of sheet completed. Snacks are optional.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Lit Circles tomorrow! Ensure you are half way through the novel with the other side of sheet completed. Snacks are optional.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finish up creation project asap!
January 31, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Test has been rescheduled to Wednesday next week- unseen story.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Test has been rescheduled to Wednesday next week- unseen story.

If you did not complete the question on conflict regarding 'You Are In Bear Country', please do so following the outline we discussed ( Google Classroom).
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Remember to conclude the Creation assignment and submit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue to do Lit Circle work/reading for Friday. Snacks if you planned that...All members of the group must have book read and sheet filled out in order to participate. Please be prepared this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to do Lit Circle work/reading for Friday. Snacks if you planned that...All members of the group must have book read and sheet filled out in order to participate. Please be prepared this week.
January 30, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently working on short stories. Unit test Feb. 5th- see Google classroom.
Please continue to read novel- book report to follow shortly.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently working on short stories. Unit test Feb. 5th- see Google classroom.
Please continue to read novel-book circles and sheet assigned for homework. By Monday- you should be 1/2 way through novel with one full sheet completed for homework.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please continue to read novel-book circles and sheet assigned for homework. By Friday- you should be 1/2 way through novel with one full sheet completed for homework.
Continue to think about your story line for 6 letters process writing. Starting Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Please continue to read novel-book circles and sheet assigned for homework. By Friday- you should be 1/2 way through novel with one full sheet completed for homework.
Continue to think about your story line for 6 letters process writing. Starting tomorrow.
January 28, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Lit. Circles tomorrow. Remember to bring your snack and completed sheet(1 side) tomorrow. Should have the 1/4 th novel completed.
January 25, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Book circles on Monday. Read 1/4 of the novel and the one (assigned) side of your sheet.Snacks as discussed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book circles tomorrow. Read 1/4 of the novel and the one (assigned) side of your sheet. Snacks as discussed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Book circles tomorrow. Read 1/4 of the novel and the one (assigned) side of your sheet.Snacks as discussed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read novel.
January 22, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Book circles/club: continue to read novel - assigned section (1/4 th) & complete one side of the sheet as discussed. Snacks are permitted - but are your responsibility...not your parents. Please no peanuts or large pops.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book circles/club: continue to read novel - assigned section (1/4 th) & complete one side of the sheet as discussed. Snacks are permitted - but are your responsibility...not your parents. Please no peanuts or large pops.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Book circles/club: continue to read novel - assigned section (1/4 th) & complete one side of the sheet as discussed. Snacks are permitted - but are your responsibility...not your parents. Please no peanuts or large pops.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read your novel at home.
January 17, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Complete journal on WWI picture books by Friday.

Bring novels for Friday- planning Book circles/club for next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Complete journal on WWI picture books.

Bring novels for Friday- planning Book circles/club for next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read your novel at home as well as on Reading Fridays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students have selected a novel for Lit. Circles/ Club. This Friday they will do the planning in groups re/ schedule/roles and snacks for the month.
January 16, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Please complete journal entry by Thursday re/ picture book preference WWI
January 15, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Bring your novel to class tomorrow for reading period
January 10, 2018
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start Reading Friday for this month. Bring a novel from home or check the LRC tomorrow. I also have some novels for loan.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We will be starting a reading period once a week for January. Feel free to check out the LRC if you don't have one at home.
December 19, 2017
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Remember to finish journal entry - on ethics & morality in text.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(208)
Remember to complete Grenfell trifold brochure for Thursday.
December 15, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-3(208)
Please finish the trifold brochure on Sir Wilfred Grenfell by the next religion class- Thursday next week - day 4.
December 14, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Be prepared to write a character sketch on Declan. I will provide the standard outline. See sample on Google classroom re/ Matthew.

Intro- TAG/ 1-2 line summary/ physical description/ any relevant background history/ provide 2 character traits ( approx 6-7 sentences total)

Body: Trait 1 - 2 examples & provide explanations
Trait 2 - repeat pattern

Closing: Restate main point. Tell how the character has changed and what his future might be (approx. 3 sentences)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1(206)
Be prepared to write a character sketch on Declan. I will provide the standard outline. See sample on Google classroom re/ Matthew.

Intro- TAG/ 1-2 line summary/ physical description/ any relevant background history/ provide 2 character traits ( approx 6-7 sentences total)

Body: Trait 1 - 2 examples & provide explanations
Trait 2 - repeat pattern

Closing: Restate main point. Tell how the character has changed and what his future might be (approx. 3 sentences)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Be prepared to write an constructed response on the theme of the novel (as discussed in class). See class notes on Google Classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Be prepared to write an constructed response on the theme of the novel (as discussed in class). See class notes on Google Classroom.
December 13, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finish The Following Questions For Tomorrow The 14 Of Dec. 21,24,25,26,28,29,30,33,34,35,36,37,39,40.
December 12, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Multiple choice and identify the speaker quiz tomorrow. Also know the Figurative language examples on Google classroom - simile/metaphor/ personification. Essay section is scheduled for Monday. Currently practicing a character sketch on Matthew Doyle. Be familiar with the traits and examples for Declan as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Multiple choice and identify the speaker quiz tomorrow. Also know the Figurative language examples on Google classroom - simile/metaphor/ personification. Essay section is scheduled for Monday. Currently practicing a character sketch on Matthew Doyle. Be familiar with the traits and examples for Declan as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7(224)
Quiz on Thursday for CMO,CMT. Content only. Constructed response essay later. Be prepared to discuss the theme or character dev. of Ev
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Quiz on Thursday for CMO,CMT. Content only. Constructed response essay later. Be prepared to discuss the theme or character dev. of Ev
December 11, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Quiz on Wednesday- multiple choice and identify the character. Constructed response (long answer) will be during the following class or possibly the next day if required.Focus on character sketch of a main character.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Quiz on Wednesday- multiple choice and identify the character. Constructed response (long answer) will be Thursday (or possible Friday).Focus on character sketch of a main character.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Multiple choice quiz on Thursday - constructed response to follow Friday or Monday.Focus on theme or character of Ev.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Multiple choice quiz on Thursday - constructed response to follow on Monday. Focus on theme/ character of Ev.
December 7, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Test on 13th. Notes on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Finishing up the novel. Test on 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Test on Thursday. Notes on Google classroom.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Test on Thursday. Review notes on Google Classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Still collecting for Senior Charity. $5 suggested donation if possible.
December 5, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Will be finishing the novel this week. Be up to chp. 13 tomorrow. Test Thursday next week. Some chapter questions have been assigned - please submit them next Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Will be finishing the novel this week. Be up to chp. 15 tomorrow. Test Thursday next week. Some chapter questions have been assigned - please submit them next Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Finishing up Torn Away novel. Test is scheduled for Wednesday, 13th.Be up to 23 by tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Finishing up Torn Away novel. Test is scheduled for Wednesday, 13th. Be up to 22 by tomorrow.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Currently collecting for Christmas charity - Gift for a senior. We are collecting 5$ to buy for a particular senior.
November 29, 2017
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Remember to submit video response on Flipgrid for 'Secret Path' by Monday at the latest.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Please ensure you are up to date - read up to chp 17 by tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please ensure you are up to date on novel- read up to chp 19 at least.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue to read novel- have it completed by Wednesday next week and content questions by Thursday (on loose leaf and legible)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to read novel- have it completed by Wednesday next week and content questions by Thursday (on loose leaf and legible)
November 23, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
chp. 16 tonight
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Read up to chp.13
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Read chp. 6 tonight
November 22, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
chapter 4 tonight- novel. Ensure journal is completed and submit
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Starting 6 tomorrow- novel.
Ensure journal is completed and submit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Ensure you are up-to-date with novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Ensure you are up-to-date with novel.
November 21, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
Don't forget your journal!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Novel:Read up to ch. 11 for tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Novel:Read up to ch. 9 for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(208)
Bring markers or leads if you have some.
November 17, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Starting chp. 7 on Monday - Torn Away.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students were assigned a journal entry today on the (3) book covers analysis. Please ensure you finish it over the next few days.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Students were assigned a journal entry today on the (3) book covers analysis. Please ensure you finish it over the next few days.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Currently reading 'Torn Away' By James Heneghan. Some chapters will be assigned for homework over the next 2 weeks.
November 16, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Novel study:Most students are up to chp. 4 as of today. Some read ahead and that is fine.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Please be ready to start chp.3 in the novel - 'Torn Away' by tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(208)
Bring leads or markers for the next in-class assignment if you own some. I have a classroom set otherwise. Wednesday - day 4.
November 14, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
read novel up to chp.3 for tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Letters to Prime Minister should now be complete. Please submit a hard copy - you can do this during class tomorrow if you do not have a printer.
October 25, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Unit test tomorrow - see Google Classroom practice and guide.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Unit test tomorrow - see Google Classroom practice and guide.
October 20, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Picture retakes - Nov. 1
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Oral presentations of book reports - rescheduled for Wednesday and Thursday. be prepared!
Next week we will also start a process descriptive paragraph.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Oral presentations of book reports - begin next week.Be prepared!

Next week we will also start a process descriptive paragraph.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Oral presentations continue next week- be prepared!
Test on unit - Thursday, Oct. 26th. See material on Google Classroom. Let me know if you have an issues around electronic access. THKS
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Oral presentations continue next week- be prepared!
Test on unit - Thursday, Oct. 26th. See material on Google Classroom. Let me know if you have an issues around electronic access. THKS
October 18, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Unit test scheduled for October 26th. Unseen text: Global unit. Study guide and practice will be availailable on Google Classroom. Please let me know if a student is having issues with that.
Oral presentations for book reports begin Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Unit test scheduled for October 26th. Unseen text: Global unit. Study guide and practice will be availailable on Google Classroom. Please let me know if a student is having issues with that.
Oral presentations for book reports begin Friday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Jamarama Day Friday- Walk to Breakfast. Suggested donation for pancake breakfast $2 towards the program.

Intermediate close out tomorrow.

Retakes for school pictures - Nov. 1st
October 16, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any students who need to fix book reports (did summary but missed the remainder of the instructions- please adjust and resubmit tomorrow).
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Close out - 19th Thursday
Tomorrow- school pics forms due.
October 11, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Test tomorrow- Step Up Unit. Focus on writing a summary ( approx. 10-12 sentences) of an article. Also, be prepared to make a connection with the text: (self/world/ text) in a paragraph format. Be sure to explain the type of connection and HOW the examples are connected ( approx. 7-8 sentences0. See Google classroom study guide and practice. Use the text for additional articles from that unit if you would like extra practice. Review selections from this term as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Test Friday- Step Up Unit. Focus on writing a summary (approx. 10-12 sentences) of an article. Also, be prepared to make a connection with the text: (self/world/ text) in a paragraph format. Be sure to explain the type of connection and HOW the examples are connected ( approx. 7-8 sentences). See Google classroom study guide and practice.Use the text for additional articles from that unit if you would like extra practice. Review selections from this term as well: ( e.g. 'Resisting Hitler', 'The Nest', ' Principals and Principles', 'Sprinting for the Line'.
October 10, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Picture forms/funds are due in the 17th October. Retakes are scheduled for Nov. 1 (may have to return the original).

Also Oct. 19th is a close-out for intermediate schools.

Walk to Breakfast Oct. 20th.

P/T interviews - Nov. 30th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
L.A. test on Thursday for Step Up unit. See Google classroom for practice test and guide. I can print a hard copy for any student having issues with technology at home.We are currently reviewing this document in class as well. Focus on summary and text connections- students can do extra practice by summarizing other articles in the unit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
L.A. test on Friday for Step Up unit. See Google classroom for practice test and guide. I can print a hard copy for any student having issues with technology at home. We are currently reviewing this document in class as well. Focus on summary and text connections- students can do extra practice by summarizing other articles in the unit.
October 5, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Test on Thursday next week. A sample test and study guide - available via Google Classroom. Students need the code: ux0pia to join English 7-6. We will be reviewing this sample test next week if you would like to see it in advance.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Test on Friday next week. A sample test and study guide - available via Google Classroom. Students need the code: 6d2ajh to join English 7-7. We will be reviewing this sample test next week if you would like to see it in advance.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Food Drive for Thanks Giving assembly tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students worked on a journal entry today. They responded to two questions about the movie viewed this week in class. Responses should be about 3/4 to 1 pg total. Please finish for homework if not yet completed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Remember to submit the plot line poster tomorrow!
October 2, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Book report due on October 5th. Character 'Wanted' template was provided about two weeks ago. As well, students should also write a paragraph following the instructions provided. It should include: Title-Author-Genre/ brief summary of text - about five sentences. The main point here is to explain the character in the 'Wanted' poster so the summary can be a bit briefer in this case. Name and describe the chosen character. Tell why he or she is so imp. to the story. Conclude by telling why you like or dislike the the character using two examples. In total, the written component should be about 1/2 page (about ten sentences or so). The actual poster should be creative and match the written description. Add some color where applicable. It should reflect effort. It will be presented orally at a later date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Book report due on October 5th. Character 'Wanted' template was provided about two weeks ago. As well, students should also write a paragraph following the instructions provided. It should include: Title-Author-Genre/ brief summary of text - about five sentences. The main point here is to explain the character in the 'Wanted' poster so the summary can be a bit briefer in this case. Name and describe the chosen character. Tell why he or she is so imp. to the story. Conclude by telling why you like or dislike the the character using two examples. In total, the written component should be about 1/2 page (about ten sentences or so). The actual poster should be creative and match the written description. Add some color where applicable. It should reflect effort. It will be presented orally at a later date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Book report due Oct 5th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Book report due on Oct. 6th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We are currently collecting food items for the Thanks Giving Drive. Thanks for the Terry Fox donation!
September 30, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should have novels completed by now. The book report consists of the wanted poster and the written section. See instructions. Class time was provided as well. Students should be prepared to present it orally.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Students should be working on the plotline book report due next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Students should be working on the plotline summary due next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students should have the novel completed by now and be working on the book report. Two sections: wanted poster and written component. This will be presented orally as well. See instructions.
September 26, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Terry Fox walk this Friday. If possible, please try to collect a donation. Suggested 2$ even would help. Some people collect more.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read novel at home. The book report due date has been extended until the 5th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Continue to read novel at home. The book report due date has been extended until the 5th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Continue to read novel at home. The book report due date has been extended until the 5th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to read novel at home. The book report due date has been extended until the 5th.
September 19, 2017
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Finish up ' Who Am I' activity and submit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to read at home. Some class time for reading will be provided Thursday in lieu of Friday's P.D. day.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Continue to read at home. Some class time for reading will be provided Thursday in lieu of Friday's P.D. day.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Continue to read at home. Some class time for reading will be provided Thursday in lieu of Friday's P.D. day.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Picture day is Thursday, Sept. 21!
Curriculum Night on Thursday, Sept. 21!
Friday, Sept. 22nd is a P.D. day.
September 13, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Home reading for this month. Students should be into their fictional novels selected last week. Bring novel for this Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Home reading for this month. Students should be into their fictional novels selected last week. Bring novel for this Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Home reading for this month. Students should be into their fictional novels selected last week. Bring novel for this Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Home reading for this month. Students should be into their fictional novels selected last week. Bring novel for this Friday!
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Picture day Sept. 21
Curriculum Night Sept. 21
PD day scheduled for Sept. 22nd.
September 11, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please continue to read your novel at home this month. It should be a work of fiction.There will be about four reading Fridays. A book report will be handed out next week and due in early October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Please continue to read your fictional novel at home this month. There will be about four reading Fridays. A book report will be handed out next week and due in early October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6(124)
Please continue to read your fictional novel at home this month. There will be about four reading Fridays. A book report will be handed out next week and due in early October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-8(123)
Please continue to read your fictional novel at home this month. There will be about four reading Fridays. A book report will be handed out next week and due in early October.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Picture Day is Sept. 21!
June 7, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should have page 4 and 5 of research booklet completed. Each student should be prepared to talk about his/her topic to the class Thursday/Friday. Exam review- see code provided
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students should have page 4 and 5 of research booklet completed. Each student should be prepared to talk about his/her topic to the class Thursday/Friday. exam review see Google code
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Students should have page 4 and 5 of research booklet completed. Each student should be prepared to talk about his/her topic to the class Thursday/Friday.
Exam review - see Google account code
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Oral presentations concluding tomorrow. Currently working on exam review. See Google account 8-1
May 30, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Study guide was distributed today. Two practice questions for poetry were provided. We will review answers to these questions on Thursday.
Also, oral presentations continue tomorrow. be ready with your bio essay or a monologue.
May 29, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Please write up or type up your in-class essay on the Digital Unit and submit by Wednesday at the latest. The cover page can be basic- title/name/date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please write up or type up your in-class essay on the Digital Unit and submit by Wednesday at the latest. The cover page can be basic- title/name/date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Please write up or type up your in-class essay on the Digital Unit and submit by Wednesday at the latest. The cover page can be basic- title/name/date.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Food drive continues this week!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Oral reports start tomorrow! Bring recent essay or monologue.
May 24, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Jot notes should be completed by now. Currently working on an in-class essay for the Digital Unit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Jot notes should be completed by now. Currently working on an in-class essay for the Digital Unit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Jot notes should be completed by now. Currently working on an in-class essay for the Digital Unit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Journal Entry due tomorrow: Write a letter to Amanda Todd's parents outlining your thoughts (re/ CBC documentary). 1/2 - 3/4 page in journal.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
ongoing food drive this week and next.
Exam schedule is available on web site.
May 17, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Work on jot notes for essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Work on jot notes for essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure you have jot notes finished from class today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Journal entry due tomorrow. Return permission slip for documentary.
May 16, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Response on today's discussion- hand out provided. Due in on Thursday. There are still several individuals without bios submitted. Please return ASAP.
May 15, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Please return permission for Amanda Todd documentary.

Research/bios were due one week ago. Students should have hit the submit button on their Google Classroom documentary last week. These essays will be read in class later next week.
We are currently working on a Digital unit.
May 10, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students were asked to submit the bios Monday past.About 10 classes were provided to research and write the essay. They will be presented over the next few weeks as oral speeches. Please practice at home. We are currently working on a Digital Citizenship Unit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
We are currently working on a Digital Citizenship Unit. Students will complete an in-class unit following its completion. Poetry is ongoing.

Class read - aloud is entitled 'PigBoy'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
We are currently working on a Digital Citizenship Unit. Students will complete an in-class unit following its completion. Poetry is ongoing.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
We are currently working on a Digital Citizenship Unit. Students will complete an in-class unit following its completion. Poetry is ongoing.
May 5, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Please submit late book reports ASAP- due today on 'Watch Me'.

9-10 classes were provided for research essay/bio (posted on Google Classroom). Please submit by Monday. A hard copy would be appreciated. You can print it off at school if you do not have a printer available.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please return permission form for Amanda Todd documentary ASAP.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Please return permission form for Amanda Todd documentary ASAP.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Please return permission form for Amanda Todd documentary ASAP.
May 4, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report is due tomorrow.
We have concluded the classes on the bio - research essay (9-10 total). If you have missed a class, please complete by Monday and submit via Google classroom. As well, a hard copy would be appreciated. If you do not have a printer home, you can print it from class on Monday. Please add your jot notes to the back and add a basic cover page. Don't forget to include your two references as discussed in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Tomorrow I will be handing out permission forms for the Amanda Todd documentary. We are working on the Digital Citizenship unit as well as poetry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Tomorrow I will be handing out permission forms for the Amanda Todd documentary. We are working on the Digital Citizenship unit as well as poetry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Tomorrow I will be handing out permission forms for the Amanda Todd documentary. We are working on the Digital Citizenship unit as well as poetry.
May 3, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report due Friday, May 5th on `Watch Me`.

Please ensure you are up to date on the first draft of essay-bio. Last class is tomorrow to finish draft.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report due Friday, May 5th on `Watch Me`.

Please ensure you are up to date on the first draft of essay-bio. Last class is tomorrow to finish draft.
May 1, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report on `Watch Me` due in on Friday, May 5th. Instructions were handed out last week. There are five choices on the list- either an individual or group project.

Also, students are working on a biographical research essay. Jot notes were completed last week on Google Docs or by hand. Two to three sources are required. If a student missed time or has fallen behind, the jot notes may be completed at home. The actual essay draft should be completed during class time. Most students are currently working on the first draft. We have two more classes to edit and revise.
April 28, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report on 'Watch ME' due in May 5th.
Currently working on biography essays. people should be have the jot notes completed on at least 2 sources. Most people are on the first draft by now. If you are not that far, please catch up. The essay itself should be written during class time.
April 12, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Biography/ Research essay: Students should now have found 2-3 articles on their WW1 individual. The first stage of research is to read the articles. We will begin to make jot notes tomorrow - google classroom.This is an-class essay primarily and students will continue after Easter.
April 5, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Please select a name from your list re/ WW1. Search for 2 sources of information if you have computer access at home. Review the articles. If you do not have access at home, I have computers booked for tomorrow. We can print it off at school as well. Ensure you have picked a person to research.
April 4, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students are to select a significant figure from World War 1 that they will write about in a few days. Students have a list of names that they can choose from. Find two articles on the figure and bring them in two classes from now.
March 27, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
The multiple choice section of the Among the Hidden exam will be tomorrow, with the essay section to follow on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
The Among the Hidden exam will be on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
The multiple choice section of the Outsiders exam will be tomorrow, with the essay section to follow on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
The Among the Hidden exam will be on Wednesday.
March 24, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
The Among the Hidden test is on Wednesday March 29th. Please make sure you are all caught up with the book. We will be reviewing potential test questions in the coming classes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
The Among the Hidden test is on Wednesday March 29th. Please make sure you are all caught up with the book. We will be reviewing potential test questions in the coming classes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
The Among the Hidden test is on Wednesday March 29th. Please make sure you are all caught up with the book. We will be reviewing potential test questions in the coming classes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
The Outsiders test is on Tuesday (28th) and Wednesday (29th). The multiple choice portion will be on Tuesday and the Essay portion will be on Wednesday. Please make sure you are all caught up with the book. We will be reviewing potential test questions in the coming classes.
March 15, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please read up to Chapter 22 in Among the Hidden. The test is coming up soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Please read up to Chapter 22 in Among the Hidden. The test is coming up soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Please read up to Chapter 20 in Among the Hidden. We missed many classes last week and it would be opportune to catch up as the test is coming up soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book Report was due in today and several people have yet to submit it. Please hand it in as soon as possible.
March 14, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should be on Chapter 20 in Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students should be on Chapter 21 in Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
The Book Project is due tomorrow. It should be presented on some kind of Bristol board or in a creative manner as shown multiple times in class. Be sure to include:
1. A statement of the novel's theme
2. An Introduction
3. A Visual
4. A quote(s) related to the novel's theme.
5. A Poem of your own creation about your novel/theme.
March 13, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read up to Chapter 17 in Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read up to Chapter 17 in Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish reading The Outsiders. Book Projects are due THIS WEDNESDAY (March 15th).
March 8, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Make sure to bring in your money for the Hypnotist on Thursday as soon as possible. Tomorrow is also Crazy Hair Day.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should be up to Chapter 11 in Among the Hidden.
If for some reason you have not passed in your Book Project, please hand it in as it is well overdue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students should be up to Chapter 16 in Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Students should be up to Chapter 11 in Among the Hidden.
If for some reason you have not passed in your Book Project, please hand it in as it is well overdue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students should be up to Chapter 10 in the Outsiders. Students should also complete the Outsiders poem activity for homework.
March 6, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please bring in your money if you wish to see the Hypnotist on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please read up to Chapter 11 in 'Among the Hidden'. If you have yet to pass in your Book Project, please do so.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Please read up to Chapter 11 in 'Among the Hidden'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Please read up to Chapter 11 in 'Among the Hidden'. If you have yet to pass in your Book Project, please do so.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Please read up to Chapter 8 in 'The Outsiders'. Book Projects are due on March 15th.
March 3, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Spirit Week is next week. Money for the Hypnotist show on Thursday is due in on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students are to read up to Chapter 8 in 'Among the Hidden' for Monday, March 6th. Many Book Projects are now overdue. Please get your project in as soon as possible.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students are to read up to Chapter 7 in 'Among the Hidden' for Monday, March 6th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book Projects are now overdue. A handful of students still need to pass them in. Students should be on Chapter 8 in 'Among the Hidden.'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book Projects are due on March 15th. Students should be on Chapter 7, Page 110 in 'The Outsiders.'
March 2, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Spirit Week is next week. Money for the Hypnotist show on Thursday is due in on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students are to read up to Chapter 8 in 'Among the Hidden' for Monday, March 6th. Many Book Projects are now overdue. Please get your project in as soon as possible.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students are to read up to Chapter 7 in 'Among the Hidden' for Monday, March 6th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book Projects are due tomorrow. Students should be on Chapter 7 in 'Among the Hidden.'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book Projects are due on March 15th. Students should be on Chapter 7 in 'The Outsiders.'
March 1, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Reminder that next week is Spirit Week.

If any student would like to go to the Hypnotist show on March 9th, please bring your $3.00 before Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book Projects due tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
There was a mistake on the homework posted yesterday. To clear things up, there is no Book Project for this class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book Projects due tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book Projects due on Wednesday March 15th (2 weeks from now).
February 28, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book report due Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book report due this Thursday.
February 27, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
If students would like to see the hypnotist show on March 9th, bring in your $3.00 before that date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book projects due on this Thursday (March 2nd)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
If you have yet to hand in your Literature Circle worksheets, please do so as they are overdue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book projects due on this Thursday (March 2nd)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book projects due on March 15th.
February 23, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book Projects due on Thursday, March 2nd.
Pass in Turning Points 200 years entry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Pass in Turning Points 200 years entry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book Projects due on Thursday, March 2nd.
Pass in Turning Points 200 years entry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book Projects due on Wednesday, March 15th.
February 22, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book Projects due on March 2nd.
200 Year Journal to be finished for homework as they will be corrected.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
200 Year Journal to be finished for homework as they will be corrected.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book Projects due on March 2nd.
200 Year Journal to be finished for homework as they will be corrected.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book Projects due on March 15th.
The Outsiders Journals to be finished for homework as they will be corrected.
February 20, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book reports due on March 15th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book reports due on March 2nd.

200 years Journal Entry should be completed for next class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book reports due on March 2nd.
February 16, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
The book report project has been given out and will due on Thursday, March 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Beginning in-class Turning Points unit in the coming classes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
The book report project has been given out and will due on Thursday, March 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
The book report project has been given out and will due on Wednesday, March 15th.
February 13, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students need to finish reading their books, as we will be handing out the book report assignment soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students should be finished their books and Literature Circle sheets.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Students need to finish reading their books, as we will be handing out the book report assignment soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students need to finish reading their books, as we will be handing out the book report assignment soon.
February 9, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Last day for reading your novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Last day for book circles- finish up your novel and last side of the book circle sheet. Please submit. Snacks if you like.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read your own novel at home. Should be at least 1/2 - 3/4 way through. Tomorrow I will provide the instructions for report.
Today- short story test was returned.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please finish up novel- last reading class tomorrow.
February 2, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Reading Friday is tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Literature Circles will be going ahead tomorrow. Snacks are optional.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Reading Friday is tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Reading Friday is tomorrow.
February 1, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Short Story Test Tomorrow. For extra review if you`d like, practice looking at the conflict in the story 'My Maturity in Flames' on Pg. 181 in the textbook and the Narrative Pattern Diagram on Pg. 94. Continue reading the novel for independent reading on Friday. Students should be 75% of the way through their books.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Short Story Test Tomorrow. For extra review if you`d like, practice looking at the conflict in the story 'My Maturity in Flames' on Pg. 181 in the textbook and the Narrative Pattern Diagram on Pg. 94. Continue reading the novel for Literature Circles on Friday. Students should be 75% of the way through their books.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Short Story Test Tomorrow. practice looking at the conflict in the story 'My Maturity in Flames' on Pg. 181 in the textbook and the Narrative Pattern Diagram on Pg. 94. Continue reading the novel for independent reading on Friday. Students should be 75% of the way through their books.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue reading the novel for independent reading on Friday. Students should be 75% of the way through their books.
January 31, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
The Short Story test will be on Thursday, February 2nd.

Continue reading for independent reading on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
The Short Story test will be on Thursday, February 2nd.

Continue reading for Literature Circles on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
The Short Story test will be on Thursday, February 2nd.

Continue reading for independent reading on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Journal Entry for Two Islands is still overdue.

Continue reading for independent reading on Friday.
January 30, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test on Thursday, February 2nd.

Journal Entry for 'Fear' still due

Students should be 75% of the way through their independent novel by Friday. This Friday is a reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Test on Thursday, February 2nd.

Journal Entry for 'Fear' still due

Students should be 75% of the way through their novel by Friday, which is a literature circle day.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Test on Thursday, February 2nd.

Journal Entry for 'Fear' still due

Students should be 75% of the way through their independent novel by Friday. This Friday is a reading Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Journal entry for Two Islands now overdue. Please hand in ASAP.

The short story test was today.
January 26, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book circles on Monday.
Test on 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Reading time on Monday- bring your novel.
Test on the 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test on 30th.
Journal entry due Wed. past.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Test on 2nd.
January 25, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Last chance to order pink shirts for anti-bullying day ($6). Reminder that there will be no school on Friday due to a PD day.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Bring your books for tomorrow's independent reading class. Reminder that the short story test will be on February 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Two Islands Journal Entry is due ASAP. Add a second paragraph to the theme question for 'Going it Alone' for homework. This question will be good practice for the short story test which will be on January 30th (this Monday).
Continue reading independent novel at home over the next two weeks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Due to the PD day on Friday, Literature Circles will be going ahead on Monday, January 30th. Ensure you have read half the novel by then and the 2nd half of the sheet.Bring snacks if you like! Reminder that the short story test will be on Thursday,February 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Due to the PD day on Friday,independent reading will be going ahead on Monday, January 30th. Please continue to read every evening. Reminder that the short story test will be on Thursday, February 2nd.
January 20, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)
Reminder that Pink Shirts are still available to order. Monday is the final day to order them. $6 a shirt, but students can wear an article of pink clothing they already have for Anti-Bullying Day. Another reminder that the staff will be having a PD day on Friday, January 27th and as a result there will be no classes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue reading your novels. Test on January 30th. Journal entry due on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue reading your novels. Test on February 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Continue reading your novels. Test on February 2nd. Spelling Bee on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Continue reading your novels. Test on February 2nd.
January 19, 2017
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)
Pink Shirts available for order for Anti-Bullying day. $6 by Monday. Students can also wear pink items for Anti-Bullying day.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring novels tomorrow for Reading Friday. Snacks are optional. Independent reading of novels is now replacing Book Circles therefore, the worksheets are no longer required. There will be an assignment at the completion of the novel. Students can keep the same novel as before. The Short Story test is still scheduled for February 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
The Short Story test is still scheduled for February 2nd. Book circles are going ahead tomorrow. Please bring your worksheet with one half completed. Snacks are optional. Please have 1/4th of your book read for tomorrow. The optional Spelling Bee is tomorrow
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
The Short Story test is still scheduled for the end of the month. Journal entry on Two Islands should be finished by Wednesday. Students finished up their newspaper article in class today. The optional Spelling Bee is tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
The Short Story test is still scheduled for February 2nd. Independent reading is going ahead tomorrow, be sure to bring your book. Snacks are optional. People who were out of class today should read the the story Fear on page 187 of the textbook.
January 18, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Optional Spelling Bee tomorrow.

Book Circles- Friday. Complete the 1/4 novel( as agreed upon by your mates) and answer one side of the sheet for book circle roles. The following side will be answered for week 2. When the entire novel is complete, I will collect your work. Students are permitted to bring snack/ drinks for the Book Circles sessions. Groups decided on that plan- individuals or as a group taking turns bringing in a snack to share (should not be complicated or involve your parents). Students can bring their own drinks if they so wish.
Short story test at the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish test connection sheet - by doing at least 2 connections ( 4 blocks) on today's story. Friday is reading Friday- bring your own novel or sign out one of mine. LRC is open at lunch times as well.
Test in early February on story unit.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book Circles- Friday. Complete the 1/4 novel( as agreed upon by your mates) and answer one side of the sheet for book circle roles. The following side will be answered for week 2. When the entire novel is complete, I will collect your work. Students are permitted to bring snack/ drinks for the Book Circles sessions. Groups decided on that plan- individuals or as a group taking turns bringing in a snack to share (should not be complicated or involve your parents). Students can bring their own drinks if they so wish.Short story test at the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Bring your novel for Friday.
Upcoming Spelling Bee is optional.Short story test at the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Pink T-shirts can be ordered over the next few days at a cost of 6$ for Anti-Bullying Day next month. Students may also opt to wear their own item of pink clothing or a T-shirt from previous year.
January 13, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read novel...assigned pages.Book club is Friday....snacks are up to the group to organize. Should not be complicated or expensive.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read novel for book club/lit circles
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Read novel this month.
January 12, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read story ' You Are in bear Country' Email me if you want a list of spelling words for spelling quiz (optional) next week.
Currently working on short story unit - test Feb. 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
In-class assessment on Buddhism (open book)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finishing up news article essay tomorrow (in-class).
Email me if you want a list of spelling words for spelling quiz ( optional).

Short story unit continues - test on 30th (unseen story).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Email me if you want a list of spelling words for spelling quiz ( optional). Currently working on short story unit - test Feb. 2nd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)
Email me if you want a list of spelling words for spelling quiz ( optional).
Currently working on short story unit - test Feb. 2nd.
January 9, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Read story assigned pg.1 'Priscilla & the Wimps' by tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Currently working on short story unit. Starting book club soon!Students select from my selection for lit circles. Further details to come. 4 week period - usually Fridays.
January 4, 2017
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Answer two questions from the Prewriting sheet tonight.(One other should have been completed during the last 10 minutes of class....). We will do have a few minutes tomorrow to complete some more from the list. The information should be written in sentence format (i.e. paragraph) so your partner can find out some interesting details about you for the Feature Article on YOU! Some questions included: What is the bravest thing you have ever done?/ In what ways are you different from your friends?/ What is your greatest accomplishment so far?
December 14, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Test is rescheduled until tomorrow.Focus on Declan for character sketch.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Test is rescheduled until tomorrow. Focus on Declan for character sketch.
December 12, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test on Wednesday: Torn Away.

Review: Be prepared to write a character sketch (essay outlining two traits)on a main character. We have been practicing on Matthew Doyle. Students have an outline to follow the four paragraph structure:

1. intro - t/a/g,one sentence summary/basic facts about character/introduce two traits
2. Trait 1 & 2 examples explained
3. Trait 2 & 2 examples explained
4. Closing thoughts on character

Also, ensure you can recognize a simile/metaphor/personification examples.

Test will also include some basic multiple choice/ fill in blanks on content as well as literary terms referenced in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Test on Wednesday: Torn Away.

Review: Be prepared to write a character sketch (essay outlining two traits)on a main character. We have been practicing on Matthew Doyle. Students have an outline to follow the four paragraph structure:

1. intro - t/a/g,one sentence summary/basic facts about character/introduce two traits
2. Trait 1 & 2 examples explained
3. Trait 2 & 2 examples explained
4. Closing thoughts on character

Also, ensure you can recognize a simile/metaphor/personification examples.

Test will also include some basic multiple choice/ fill in blanks on content as well as literary terms referenced in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Test on Wednesday: Torn Away.

Review: Be prepared to write a character sketch (essay outlining two traits)on a main character. We have been practicing on Matthew Doyle. Students have an outline to follow the four paragraph structure:

1. intro - t/a/g,one sentence summary/basic facts about character/introduce two traits
2. Trait 1 & 2 examples explained
3. Trait 2 & 2 examples explained
4. Closing thoughts on character

Also, ensure you can recognize a simile/metaphor/personification examples.

Test will also include some basic multiple choice/ fill in blanks on content as well as literary terms referenced in class.
December 6, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should try to finish up the first two paragraphs of Character Sketch of Mathew - from Torn Away. Notes were provided yesterday on intro:
Par #1- TAG/ 2 sentences on story/plot/ basic facts about Matthew/ Introduce 2 traits ( e.g.- kind/ patient etc...)
Par #2- select one of Matthew's traits and discuss with examples from story.

Remainder of essay finished tomorrow in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Second part of test- focus on class notes: Theme. Be prepared to write a multi-paragraph response using examples from novel.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
We are still collecting for our senior donations if you are interested in making a small donation.
Also- some students were given a letter from MUN re/ participation in a study. Please return if interested.
December 5, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Finish the last chapter tonight- if you have not already completed it. Test on the 14th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Currently working on a character sketch- Matthew.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
First part of test tomorrow- content only (fill -in- blank/ t-f/ multiple choice).
Constructed response (long answer on Wednesday... based on class notes)
November 30, 2016
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Collecting for Christmas Charity- Adopt - a - Senior. You may wish to bring a small donation so we can purchase a gift for this lady.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Chapter 18 tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish chapter from today- test on Wednesday.
November 29, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should finish up Sir Wilfred Grenfell tri-fold.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
read chp 15. Ensure today's journal is complete ( write about the fears you face....). Test Wednesday, Dec. 7th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Starting chp. 18 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chp. 21 novel
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Reminder re/ fund raiser for school- Jumping Beans coffee/tea.

'Adopt a Senior' Christmas Charity- small donation for a senior to purchase a gift. A.S.A.P. Dec. 2nd deadline if possible.
November 23, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish Sir Wilfred Grenfell Tri-fold by Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
All descriptive paragraphs should be now submitted- in-class process.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read 12 & 13 of novel if you have not already done so.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Starting chp. 13 tomorrow of 'Torn Away'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
There will be a novel test on Dec. 7th.
There are still a few students with outstanding process letters.
November 14, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring markers/ leads for tri- fold on Sir Wilfred Grenfell
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Should have the first few chapters on novel read.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Should have the first few chapters on novel read
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Should have the first few chapters on novel read
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Should have the first few chapters on novel read- up to four.
November 10, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Read chp. 2 and 3 of novel by Monday.
Journal entry should be complete.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read up to chp. 2 of novel by Monday.Journal entry should be complete
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chp. 2 and 3 of novel by Monday.Journal entry should be complete.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
All process letters should be submitted since last week. Also, journal entry on novel cover comparison should be submitted.Currently reading 'Catch Me Once, Catch Me Twice'.
November 1, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Final draft of letters due in tomorrow- originally due in today.
October 31, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students should have submitted rough drafts of letters to me last week. Once I review- they may complete the final draft. Originally due Nov. 1st, students may have an extra day due to tonight's festivities.
October 27, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Unit test tomorrow. Be prepared to discuss the main message of a text and support answer with evidence. Also, be able to make connections ( self/text/ world).
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Walk for Breakfast - dress for a walk in the a.m.. Breakfast will be served throughout the a.m. as well. $2 donation if possible.

Costumes on Monday are for a.m. only.
Pic retakes on Nov. 7th p.m.
October 24, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Dramatic frozen tableauxs and oral presentations ongoing this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Ongoing oral presentations this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Ongoing oral presentations this week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Rought drafts due in today re/ letters from WW 1. I will review. Final copy due Nov. 1.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Wear blue on Thursday (if possible) to support Autism Awareness at MDJH.

Friday is'Walk to Breakfast' in the a.m.

Drama club is Day 5 at lunch for now. It will become an after school session later in the year when rehearsals start.

Halloween costumes on Monday- costumes in the a.m. for judging at lunch.

Picture retakes - Nov. 7th in the p.m. Usually students are asked to return original if applicable.
October 21, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Complete rough drafts of the creative process (letter writing) assignment by Monday 24. Several classes have been provided to draft six imaginary letters (one paragraph each) written by a character during WW 1. The letter writing may go back and forth between two people. The letters should aim to tell a little narrative in some way (i.e. beginning/ middle/ end). The final product will be due in on Nov. 1.
Also, unit test scheduled for Friday, Oct. 28th- unseen essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
oral presentations continue
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
oral presentations continue
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
oral presentations continue
October 19, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Pajamarama day- $2 fundraiser for Janeway. Wear p.j's to support the cause.

School closeout- 21st.
October 11, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Test tomorrow - focus on summary ( paragraph 9-12 sentences approx) and making a text connection ( 6-9 sentences approx.) For extra practice tonight - read the article on pg.22 and complete the summary and text connection in well dev. paragraphs.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test on Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Test tomorrow - focus on summary ( paragraph 9-12 sentences approx) and making a text connection ( 6-9 sentences approx.) For extra practice tonight - read the article on pg.22 and complete the summary and text connection in well dev. paragraphs.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Please submit your book report a.s.a.p. It is now late. If you have any problems with google account, I can give you a paper copy.
October 5, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book report tomorrow!
Study guide sent home today for test next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Book report tomorrow!Study guide sent home today for test next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book report tomorrow!Study guide sent home today for test next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Today students completed an in-class book report. If you did not finish it during class time, please finish it a.s.a.p. and return to me. Thanks!
October 4, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Quiz - unseen text/ essay or story next week on the 12th. Be prepared to summarize and make a connection (paragraph format).
Also - book report due this Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Quiz - unseen text/ essay or story next week on the 12th. Be prepared to summarize and make a connection (paragraph format).
Also- book report due this Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Quiz - unseen text/ essay or story next week on the 13th. Be prepared to summarize and make a connection (paragraph format).
Also - book report due this Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
In-class book report tomorrow. Bring novel and notes if you like.
September 29, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring your novel for tomorrow. It is a chance to start on the book report. It will be due in on October 6.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Bring your novel for tomorrow. It is a chance to start on the book report. It will be due in on October 6.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Bring your novel for tomorrow. It is a chance to start on the book report. It will be due in on October 6.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring your novel for Reading Friday. Students will write an in-class book report on Wednesday. Please ensure you have completed the novel a.s.a.p. Possible topics: summary/ climax/resolution/ conflict/ theme/ strengths/ weaknesses.

Today students wrote a journal entry on the poem ' The Identification'. Should you require more time, please complete tonight and return journal tomorrow.
September 28, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novels should be completed by the end of this month. Final 'Reading Friday' this week. Book report will be distributed next class and completed at home. Due in on the the of October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Novels should be completed by the end of this month. Final 'Reading Friday' this week. Book report will be distributed next class and completed at home. Due in on the the of October
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Novels should be completed by the end of this month. Final 'Reading Friday' this week. Book report will be distributed next class and completed at home. Due in on the the of October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Novels should be completed by the end of this month. Final 'Reading Friday' this week. Currently working on a 'Secrets Unit', specifically a group assignment on the poem 'The Identification. In-class process essay begins next week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
I will be distributing user names and passwords this week for computers and GAFE accounts. Students will be prompted to change password. We are waiting on GAFE accounts for just a few students - more to come on that.
September 14, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students should be reading a novel of their choice at home as well as during Reading Fridays for this month.
Journal entry should now be complete.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should be reading a novel of their choice at home as well as during Reading Fridays for this month.
Journal entry should now be complete.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students should be reading a novel of their choice at home as well as during Reading Fridays for this month.

Currently, students are writing a five paragraph journal entry during class time.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-8(212)
Students should be reading a novel of their choice at home as well as during Reading Fridays for this month.Currently, students are writing a five paragraph journal entry during class time.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
We will be doing a Terry Fox walk - date t.b.a. as a class. A pledge form was sent home a few days ago should you like to contribute.

Curriculum Night is the 21st at 7 p.m.

School pictures are scheduled for Sept.22.
June 8, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Work on practice exam- multiple choice and #15 story.
June 7, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Presenting photo-essays tomorrow. Be prepared to read a paragraph on your topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Presenting photo-essays tomorrow. Be prepared to read a paragraph on your topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Presenting photo-essays tomorrow. Be prepared to read a paragraph on your topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Exam guides were provided today. Currently doing exam review.
May 30, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring materials for photo-essay!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Bring materials for photo-essay!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Bring materials for photo-essay!
May 27, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Have pictures of research topic and materials required for product (paper, markers, glue etc...)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Have pictures and article ready for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Have article and pictures ready for Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure your journal entry for today is complete: Writing similes and metaphors. Place in journal container.
May 25, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure you have your article for tomorrow. Also, please search for 3 plus pics to use for the product by Friday. If you are having trouble with this - let me know ASAP and you can use my printer.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure you have your article as soon as possible. Also, please search for 3 plus pics to use for the product by Monday. If you are having trouble with this - let me know ASAP and you can use my printer.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Ensure you have your article for tomorrow. Also, please search for 3 (at least) pics to use for the product by Friday. If you are having trouble with this - let me know ASAP and you can use my printer.
May 19, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Have an article on your topic by Wed. as well as about 4 pictures for the project.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Two journal entries were due in last week. Listening quiz was given today. Poetry is the next unit.
May 12, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Oral book reports begin tomorrow. Use notes to discuss: Expos/Rising Action/Climax/ Resolution - narrative test pattern. Also the strengths and weaknesses of novel. Questions and answers to follow.

Two journal entries on digital unit should now be complete- class time was provided.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Enusure smoking quiz is complete.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Collecting funds for Fort Mac tomorrow.
May 10, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish your novel! Oral reports start Friday!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Ensure you have submitted quiz on smoking!
May 7, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report oral presentations begin on Friday 13th. Directions distributed last week-students may use jot notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Smoking Quiz should be complete.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Wanted Posters should be complete.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Quiz on smoking was completed in class today.
April 29, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel - students are keeping a reading log to track progress. Please continue to bring novel to class next week. Complete by May 10th. Will be discussing the novel orally in class ( mini-presentation).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Completed a poem by local poet, Mark Callanan. Completed a novel 'Pigboy' this week - no homework today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Completed a poem by local poet, Mark Callanan. Completed a novel 'Pigboy' this week - no homework today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Currently reading novel 'Pigboy' in class. Completed a poem by local poet Mark Callanan today- no homework.
April 27, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
read novel by May 10th. Short reading time tomorrow & Friday.
April 26, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Read novel every night and bring for partial reading period this week. Reading Friday.
All research papers should now be submitted.
April 21, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bios were due Tuesday past. Please submit a hard copy with a cover page, bibliography, jot notes and outline. If the notes are outline are written by hand, that will suffice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Complete journal entry- there/their/they're
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Complete journal entry there/they're/they're
April 14, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
research papers should be submitted by Tuesday. Nine class periods were provided. Finish bibliography following instructions on Word and copy to Google Classroom. If you already have a hand written copy of jot notes/ outline completed - that can be submitted as is.
March 15, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test tomorrow- see study guide
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Test tomorrow - see study guide
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
test tomorrow - see guide
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Pick your person for biography ASAP
March 11, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Complete Journals for novel
Test on 16th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Test on 16th
Complete Journals for novel
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Test on 16th
Complete Journals for novel
March 3, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Starting chp. 27 of novel tomorrow.
Remember to finish 31 and 2 journal entry by Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Starting chp. 20 of novel tomorrow
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Starting chp. 22 of novel tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test has been rescheduled until Monday : 'The Outsiders'.
March 1, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Outsiders test Monday March 7.
February 26, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test on 'The Outsiders' scheduled for Thursday.
February 23, 2016
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please return permission sheets for Friday's trip and afternoon show tomorrow.
Also- all pink cupcakes accepted for pink day tomorrow! Wear PINK!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
starting chp. 16 of novel tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure you are up to date on your novel reading. Currently working on Turning Pt.s novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
starting chp. 19 of novel tomorrow.
February 22, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chp 12 of novel tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Starting chp 17 of novel tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Starting chp.10 tomorrow - novel.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Retro Day tomorrow.Pink day on Wednesday so we need two people to bring in cupcakes (with pink icing or decorations)!
February 17, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Read chp. 11 & 12 tonight.
Ensure you have a Turning Points topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure you have a topic for Turning Points Essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure you have a Turning Points topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Currently reading chapter 9 of 'The Outsiders'.
February 15, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel- Read chp 5 tonight.
Ensure you have a topic for Turning Pts essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
have a topic for your Turning Pts Essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Have a topic for Turning Pts essay.
February 5, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
last day for book circles- bring a snack if you like. Complete the reading and the last task on your sheet. Starting personal essay and new novel next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Movie Poster book report due Monday.

Beginning a novel 'Among the Hidden' as well as a personal essay for Turning Points program next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Beginning a novel 'Among the Hidden' as well as a personal essay for Turning Points program next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Theme Spread Posters were due in today. Currently working on 'The Outsiders' - beginning chap. 5.
February 1, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Upcoming quiz- short story on Thursday.Guide distributed last week.
Book report- movie poster due in on 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Short story test on Feb 4 Thursday. Currently doing review. Guide distributed last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Short story test on Feb 4 Thursday. Currently doing review. Guide distributed last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Should be finishing up own novel as the Theme Spread poster is due in on Friday. Can show more examples tomorrow. Starting 'The Outsiders' tomorrow.
January 28, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Continue reading for Book Circles ( Friday - bring a snack).
Short story test on Feb 4 Thursday. Currently doing review. Guide distributed today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue reading for Book Circles ( Monday - bring a snack).
Short story test on Feb 4 Thursday. Currently doing review. Guide distributed today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue reading own novel - poster due Feb 8th. Some reading time provider tomorrow.
Short story test on Feb 4 Thursday. Currently doing review. Guide distributed today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Should continue to read own novel at home. Theme spread poster due in on 5th of Feb. Some reading time provided tomorrow. Starting 'The Outsiders' Monday.
January 21, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring novel for reading Friday - book report was distributed previously.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring novel for reading Friday - book report was distributed previously.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring novel for reading Friday - book report was distributed previously.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring novel for reading Friday - book report was distributed previously.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Book circles and snacks tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Book circles and snacks tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Don't forget to review notes on Christianity. This quiz must be rescheduled for Monday due to snow day.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Don't forget to review notes on Christianity. This quiz must be rescheduled for Monday due to snow day.
January 18, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Short story test tomorrow.
Continue to read novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Quiz on Christianity - Thursday. Multiple Choice.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Quiz on Christianity - Thursday. Multiple Choice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Lit. Circle reading continues
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Lit. Circle reading continues
January 15, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test on Tuesday. Continue to read novel at home....theme poster due in a few weeks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Remember lit circles/book club on Monday. Bring completed work ....one side of page. Have your reading up to date. Some people may want to bring snacks!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Quiz on Thursday.
January 13, 2016
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Read novel for Lit Circles and complete 1 side of sheet as discussed. Some students have arranged to bring snacks. Lit circles will continue for four Mondays. Students should agree upon the required # of pages for the group in advance of the session.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Read novel for Lit Circles and complete 1 side of sheet as discussed. Some students have arranged to bring snacks. Lit circles will continue for four fridays. Students should agree upon the required # of pages for the group in advance of the session.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students have selected a novel to read this month. Some time has been provided in class. By next week, it should be finished for homework. Please ensure that your novel is the appropriate reading level (i.e. challenging enough and long enough to sustain you for at least a week or two....). The book report (movie poster) will be due on Feb 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students are currently reading a novel for homework. We will have a limited amount of time to read in class (reading Fridays this month). A book report was provided last week (with a focus on theme)- due Feb 5th.
Also, a short story-narrative test is scheduled for Tuesday next week. A study guide will be distributed tomorrow. The test will involve an unseen story. Students completed a practice test today.
December 16, 2015
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Ensure the plot diagram/narrative text pattern of the Nativity Story is complete by Friday.
December 9, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Students missing test today should be prepared to write it next class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Remember to bring a donation for our senior i.e. body wash/unscented body lotion/toiletries. If you would rather bring a small cash donation, a student in the class can buy some supplies over the weekend. Thank you.
December 7, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Novel test on Wednesday. Multiple choice/fill in the blanks and one constructed response question.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel test on Wednesday. Multiple choice/fill in the blanks and one constructed response question.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel test on Wednesday. Multiple choice/fill in the blanks and one constructed response question.
November 24, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Read chp.19
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Ensure the BUDDHA journal entry is submitted by next class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
We have finished the novel and are currently reviewing for the test schedule: Dec.4th. Conflict/character development of Ev/ theme are topics to know.
November 20, 2015
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Finish BUDDHA journal by Day 6.
November 19, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Starting chp. 16 tomorrow- ensure you have read 15.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Starting ch. 16 tomorrow
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Starting chp. 16 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure you have completed both journal entries for novel this week. Please place exercise in journal box. Starting chp. 16 tomorrow of novel so ensure you reading is on track.
November 18, 2015
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish journal- comic strip or drawing/paragraph re/'Legend of Buddha' over the next two days.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Chapter 16 of novel tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Read chp. 12 tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Be ready to start chp 14 tomorrow.
November 17, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish journal- Chp. 12 response. Imagine you are either Ev or Dr. McCallum & write a letter to Duncan. Outline your feelings, emotions, current events, family life etc....anything you would like to tell him. 1/2 - 1pg.Tomorrow we are starting chp. 13.
November 13, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish the chapter of novel-10
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Read the next chapter of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Starting chp. 8 Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure you are up to date on assigned reading - novel.
November 10, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chapter 2 of novel 'Torn Away' by Thursday's class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Read chapter 7 of novel by Thursday. There will be a test on Dec. 4th.
Ensure your journal is up to date - four entries total.
November 5, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Starting chp. 6 of novel on Monday. It is very important to complete assigned chapters at home when assigned.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Complete journal entry 'Anticipation Guide' for 'Torn Away' by Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Complete journal entry 'Anticipation Guide' for 'Torn Away' by Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Complete journal entry 'Anticipation Guide' for 'Torn Away' by Tuesday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
School Picture retakes next week.
November 3, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Read chp. 3 of novel: Catch Me Once,Catch Me Twice.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
PD Close - out Nov. 6.
October 28, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Please finish the journal entry on the novel. Compare the three covers and answer the questions by Friday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Don't forget to return 50-50 tickets if you have them!
October 20, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Unit test tomorrow - (unseen article) review main message and making connections. Follow the tips for writing a constructed response provided in class.Practice test sent out last week-article in text book: 'Ambush'. Answers were reviewed today.
October 19, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Unit test Wednesday-practice test given Friday. Article in text 'Ambush' and 2 questions. Will correct together as a class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Don't forget picture orders were due today!
Also - the current 50-50 draw!
October 16, 2015
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
School pictures - order due Monday, Oct. 19th.
Don't forget school fundraiser - 50-50 draw.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Unit test on Wednesday! - Review guide was distributed today. Unseen article- focus on main message & making a connection (text- self/world/text).Please work on the practice article in text book: 'Ambush' and answer the two questions assigned. We will review these answers in class on Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Students have completed a play reading this week: 'New Canadian Kid' and performed a scene for the class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students have completed a play reading this week: 'New Canadian Kid' and performed a scene for the class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students are working on a play reading this week: 'New Canadian Kid' and will perform a scene next class.
October 10, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Remember the book report due Tuesday- a retelling of one scene and a visual. Include title as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Remember the book report due Tuesday- a retelling of one scene and a visual. Include title as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students completed an in-class book report last week. This week will conclude the process business letter to the Prime Minster. Unit test on 21 st
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Students completed an in-class book report last week. This week will conclude the process business letter to the Prime Minster. Unit test on 21 st
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please return the Student Info. sheet ASAP. It is quite important. We can give you another copy if required/
October 6, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Unit test tomorrow - unseen article. Focus on summary & making a connection.
Book report was rescheduled due to PD day- now due on 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Unit test tomorrow - unseen article. Focus on summary & making a connection. Book report was rescheduled due to PD day. Now due on 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Food items can be accepted this week- donation for food drive.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
In-class book report was postponed until tomorrow. Lab period was lost.
September 28, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Today one period was provided to complete a representing activity on Global Citizenship. If you need extra time, please complete at home over the next two nights. Be sure to add some colour!
Also - continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Today one period was provided to complete a representing activity on Global Citizenship. If you need extra time, please complete at home over the next two nights. Be sure to add some colour!
Also - continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Currently we are working on to how to write a constructed response. This is helpful for the upcoming unit test on October 7th. Students should also know how to summarize an article. Please continue to read novel at home. There will be an extension on the book report due to the change in PD dates.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Currently we are working on to how to write a constructed response.This is helpful for the upcoming unit test on October 7th. Students should also know how to summarize an article. Please continue to read novel at home.
September 24, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Bring novel tomorrow! Report due on Oct.9th.
Unit test on Oct.7th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring novel tomorrow! Report due on Oct.9th.
Unit test on Oct.7th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring novel tomorrow! In-class report on Oct.6th.
Unit test on Oct.21st
Bring leads/markers for Monday's representing activity.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Bring novel tomorrow! In-class report due on Oct.6th.
Unit test on Oct.21st.
Bring leads/markers for Monday's representing activity.
September 23, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home. Friday is another in-class reading session. Book report instructions distributed today- due date Oct. 9
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Continue to read novel at home. Friday is another in-class reading session. Book report instructions distributed last week- due date Oct. 9
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel at home. Friday is another in-class reading session. Book report will be an in-class assignment on Oct. 6th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Continue to read novel at home. Friday is another in-class reading session. Book report will be an in-class assignment on October 6th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
School picture take place tomorrow.
Terry Fox forms were distributed.
Power school forms/passwords were distributed last week also.
September 18, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Continue to read novel at home. Next reading period is Friday. Book report instructions were distributed today - due October 9th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home - book report will be due in on 9th October. It will be distributed on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel at home - book report will be distributed soon.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
You should be reading your novel at home. Next reading period is Friday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Picture day is the 24th of this month.
September 14, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish journal assigned in class by Wednesday:'Five Lessons Parents Should teach Their Children'.
Continue to read each evening.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Finish journal assigned in class by Wednesday:'Five Lessons Parents Should teach Their Children'.
Continue to read each evening.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read novel at home as well as in class on Fridays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Home reading - novel.
September 11, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students will need a novel of their choice for Reading Fridays. Book reports will be due in a month or so. Students will need a novel of their choice for Reading Fridays. Book reports will be due in a month or so.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students will need a novel of their choice for Reading Fridays. Book reports will be due in a month or so. LRC has a fine collection -open daily at lunch.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students will need a novel of their choice for Reading Fridays. Book reports will be due in a month or so. LRC has a great selection.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
Students will need a novel of their choice for Reading Fridays. Book reports will be due in a month or so. LRC has a fine collection.
June 16, 2015
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
A reminder that exams start tomorrow. See webpage for schedule. Please note an error- the PM exams begin at 12:00. Bus service follows regular schedule. Please return permission form if you are leaving after exams. Bring appropriate material for each exam ( e.g. pens for Language Arts). Ensure your locker is cleaned out and hand in your lock.
June 1, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring a pen for tomorrow's demand writing session. Students did a practice run-through today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Bring a pen for tomorrow's demand writing session. Students did a practice run-through today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Bring a pen for tomorrow's demand writing session. Students did a practice run-through today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Bring a pen for tomorrow's demand writing session.
May 26, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish novel this week for homework. In-class report on Friday. You may use your novel. Be prepared to write a summary as part of the report!
Exam guide provided today. June 2nd is written demand section only. It is a regular day though.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Book report due 29th.
Exam guide provided today.June 2nd is written demand section only. It is a regular day though.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book report due 29th. June 2nd is written demand section only. It is a regular day though.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Exam Guide & terms given out today.June 2nd is written demand section only. It is a regular day though.
May 22, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Finish novel for in-class report on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish novel for in-class summary next week.
May 21, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
finish novel this week. In-class assignment on May 28th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Book report distributed yesterday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book report distributed yesterday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Finish novel this week. In-class assignment coming up Monday.
May 20, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Book report due on May 29th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book report due on May 29th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
*In- class book report May 25. Ensure you have completed your novel by then.
Lab booked tomorrow for last day of photo story project.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish your novel this week!
May 19, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel- giving out report tomorrow. Finish up this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Continue to read novel- giving out report tomorrow. Due May 29.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Continue to read novel- giving out report tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read novel- giving out report tomorrow. In-class assignment on May 25th.
May 15, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read novel. There will be an in-class writing assignment on May 25th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Continue to read novel at home.
May 13, 2015
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Short Quiz tomorrow on Tobacco chapter. Use review sheet from class. Also know how a fetus is affected by a mother smoking.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please ensure permission form is returned for Amanda Todd video. We are watching it tomorrow.
Bring novel on Friday.
May 12, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read novel at home. Should be finished within the next two weeks.
Photostory project starts tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Continue to read novel at home. Ensure you have returned permission form for Amanda Todd Fifth Estate documentary.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Continue to read novel at home.
May 11, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish Journal entry about Stacey's Story- When Rumours Escalate. Bring your novel this week!
May 5, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Please return permission form to watch Fifth Estate re/Amanda Todd A.S.A.P.
Read your novel nightly- have about two weeks remaining. Some reading time will be provided Wednesday - Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Ensure you have a permission form re/ Amanda Todd Fifth Estate documentary.

We will have reading Friday this week. Please find an appropriate novel (lots at LRC opened lunch 12:05- you must return any overdue books).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Ensure you have a permission form re/ Amanda Todd Fifth Estate documentary.

We will have reading Friday this week. Please find an appropriate novel (lots at LRC opened lunch 12:05- you must return any overdue books).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Ensure you have a permission form re/ Amanda Todd Fifth Estate documentary.

We will have reading Friday this week. Please find an appropriate novel (lots at LRC opened lunch 12:05- you must return any overdue books).
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please ensure the anti-smoking poster is completed with color & placed in journal.
April 30, 2015
Assigned to Class: 7-2(208)
Short Quiz on Monday - guide competed in class today. Material will come from guide only.
April 28, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Students now have selected a novel. Please have the book in school this week for reading. Students will have about three weeks to read it.
Also, students are reminded to return the permission form for the Digital Citizenship Unit- Fifth Estate Documentary (Amanda Todd).
Finally, students should submit the journal assigned this week on TV clips.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students are reminded to return the Digital Citizenship Unit Permission Form (Fifth Estate Documentary- Amanda Todd).
The NL Poetry & Movement Unit with Lynn Panting continues until Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students are reminded to return the Digital Citizenship Unit Permission Form (Fifth Estate Documentary- Amanda Todd).
The NL Poetry & Movement Unit with Lynn Panting continues until Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Students are reminded to return the Digital Citizenship Unit Permission Form (Fifth Estate Documentary- Amanda Todd).
The NL Poetry & Movement Unit with Lynn Panting continues until Monday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
PD day Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Don't forget to complete the Anti- Smoking Mini-Poster. Add color & place in journal.
April 24, 2015
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please return permission form for digital unit & Amanda Todd documentary.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
All students should bring their novels to school this week. The novel should be fictional. Students will be given approx. three weeks to complete it.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students are currently working on a Newfoundland poetry unit with choreographer Lynn Panting (Cultural Connections Funding).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Students are currently working on a Newfoundland poetry unit with choreographer Lynn Panting (Cultural Connections Funding).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students are currently working on a Newfoundland poetry unit with choreographer Lynn Panting (Cultural Connections Funding).
April 15, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Finish free verse poem on food- in journal.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish free verse poem on food- in journal.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
After school help for research essay on Thursday- for any students not yet completed. This is an in-class essay.
March 30, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Students now have the summary (text book) & jot notes (own article) completed. If you did not have your article today in class, please complete jot notes at home tonight. Also, remember to have pics & supplies ready for tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Students now have the summary (text book) & jot notes (own article) completed. If you did not have your article today in class, please complete jot notes at home tonight. Also, remember to have pics & supplies ready for tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students now have the summary (text book) & jot notes (own article) completed. If you did not have your article today in class, please complete jot notes at home tonight. Also, remember to have pics & supplies ready for tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Students are currently working on in-class rough drafts (bios - research).
March 27, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
On Monday you have to bring in the supplies for your mysteries photo essay:
-1 article on your topic
-3 or 4 pictures
-Any materials you may need (glue, paper, scissors etc)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
On Monday you have to bring in the supplies for your mysteries photo essay:
-1 article on your topic
-3 or 4 pictures
-Any materials you may need (glue, paper, scissors etc)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
On Monday you have to bring in the supplies for your mysteries photo essay:
-1 article on your topic
-3 or 4 pictures
-Any materials you may need (glue, paper, scissors etc)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
If you have not returned your Outsiders novel please do so by Monday.
March 23, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Students have selected an inspirational person for their research bios. By now students should have read the two articles & made jot notes.
March 12, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
In-class evaluation tomorrow on character development in Among the Hidden. The evaluation will consist of one multi-paragraph answer.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
In-class evaluation tomorrow on character development in Among the Hidden. The evaluation will consist of one multi-paragraph answer.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
In-class evaluation tomorrow on character development in Among the Hidden. The evaluation will consist of one multi-paragraph answer.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
In-class evaluation tomorrow on theme in The Outsiders. The evaluation will consist of one multi-paragraph answer.
March 9, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
In-class written assessment on Friday. Novel question- focus on character development.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
In-class written assessment on Friday. Novel question- focus on character development.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
In-class written assessment on Friday. Novel question- focus on character development.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
In-class written assessment on Friday. Novel question- focus on supporting a theme statement.
March 5, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel: the in-class essay will be rescheduled. Ensure you complete the poster for the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Novel: the in-class essay will be rescheduled. Ensure you complete the poster for the novel.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Novel: the in-class essay will be rescheduled. Ensure you complete the poster for the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Novel- quiz next Friday. Please make some notes on theme discussed today: 'Things are rough all over'. Be prepared to discuss on Monday- two examples for the Socs and two for the Greasers.We will be writing sample answers next week.
March 3, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
March 10 - in-class evaluation on 'Among the Hidden'. One constructed response question based on class notes- e.g. character development/ conflict etc....
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
March 10 - in-class evaluation on 'Among the Hidden'. One constructed response question based on class notes- e.g. character development/ conflict etc....
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
March 10 - in-class evaluation on 'Among the Hidden'. One constructed response question based on class notes- e.g. character development/ conflict etc....
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
In-class evaluation for 'The Outsiders' scheduled for March 13th. One constructed responsequestion based on in-class notes.
February 25, 2015
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Activity day is tomorrow. Remember helmet and skates if you are skating, and sneakers if you are going to the field house.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Complete journal entry that was assigned in class on Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Complete journal entry that was assigned in class on Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Complete comic strip journal entry that was assigned in class on Tuesday.
February 23, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Journal entry was assigned today & time provided. Please finish it up over the next 3 days if not yet completed. Chapter 6 - main plot points, approximately 6-8, repesented in comic strip format. Include text boxes & speech bubbles. Add color & tape in journal.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Read chp. 17 for next class.
February 20, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chapter 17 of Among the Hidden.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read chapter 17 of Among the Hidden.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring in permission form and $10 for activity day on Thursday (bowling, skating, or field house)

Monday is Retro Day! All students who dress up are entered into a draw for a Starbucks gift card.
February 10, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
book reports were due in Monday past. Students should read chp. 4 of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book reports were due in Monday past.
Students were assigned chp. 5 tonight in novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Book reports should be handed in by now- due Monday past.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Please finish up journal entry. Tests were given back today. Currently reading 'The Outsiders'.
February 9, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Please complete the journal entry ( time provided in class) by Wednesday. Select one or two statements from the list and share your thoughts- 1/2 - 3/4 page will be fine.
Book reports should have been submitted today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
All book reports should have been submitted today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
All book reports should have been submitted today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
All book reports should have been submitted today.
February 5, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book report is due on Monday, February 9.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Book report is due on Monday, February 9.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Book report is due on Monday, February 9.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Book report is due on Monday, February 9.
February 3, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Test: tomorrow on unseen text. Be prepared to discuss character traits with support from text.
February 2, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Test on Wednesday - unseen text. Be prepared to discuss character & character traits.
Book report (theme spread) is due on the 9th.
January 29, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Reading Friday: Bring book or work on book report.

Test on Wednesday: Unseen text
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Reading Tuesday next week.

Book report due on February 9th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Reading Friday: bring book or work on book report

Book report due on February 9th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Reading Friday: bring book or work on book report

Book report due on February 9th
January 22, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Reading Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Reading Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Reading Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Reading Friday
January 21, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Test tomorrow - prepare for conflict/ theme/ Pov/ 5 parts of narrative text pattern p.94 text and study guide from last week: How to construct long answer response.
Continue to read novel
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home. Reading Friday!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read novel at home. Reading Friday!
January 19, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel this month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Continue to read novel this month.
Test tomorrow - be prepared to focus on conflict. Ensure you know the 5 parts of narrative test pattern also.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Continue to read novel this month.

Test Thursday - be prepared to focus on conflict. Ensure you know the 5 parts of narrative test pattern also
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read novel this month.

I will be available tomorrow at 2:30 for students who are redoing the newspaper article(originally scheduled for today).
January 14, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Quiz on Monday - unseen short story. Guide provided last week- be prepared to discuss conflict/ setting/theme in a story. Be able to identify the five sections of a narrative text pattern ( i.e. Climax, Rising action etc...).

Continue to read novel at home - book report due in Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Quiz on Tuesday - unseen short story. Guide provided last week- be prepared to discuss conflict/ setting/theme in a story. Be able to identify the five sections of a narrative text pattern ( i.e. Climax, Rising action etc...).

Continue to read novel at home - book report due in Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Quiz on Thursday - unseen short story. Guide provided last week- be prepared to discuss conflict/ setting/theme in a story. Be able to identify the five sections of a narrative text pattern ( i.e. Climax, Rising action etc...).

Continue to read novel at home - book report due in Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read novel at home - book report due in Feb.
Currently working on short stories.
January 12, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Short story test early next week. Unseen text. Know terms on sheet & apply with examples.
Read novel each evening- report will be due in February.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Read novel each evening - report will be due On Feb 9th. Distributed next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read novel each evening- report will be due in February.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Read novel each evening- report will be due in February.
January 7, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring a novel of choice for Friday - next book report
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Bring a novel of choice for Friday - next book report
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Bring a novel of choice for Friday - next book report
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Starting book circles on Fridays
January 6, 2015
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Bring a novel for Friday. You will have about 3 weeks to read it on Fridays & for homework.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring a novel for Friday - you will have about 3 weeks to read it (including the next 3 Fridays)& at home each evening.
December 16, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Ensure the FREEDOM acrostic poem is completed in journal and returned to journal box.
December 8, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test on Wed.- character sketch on a major character ( e.g. Julilly). Be able to apply literary terms to novel ( multiple choice format) e.g. similes, metaphors, climax, theme, conflict, personification etc....
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Test on Wed.- character sketch on a major character ( e.g. Julilly). Be able to apply literary terms to novel ( multiple choice format) e.g. similes, metaphors, climax, theme, conflict, personification etc....
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Test on Wed.- character sketch on a major character ( e.g. Julilly). Be able to apply literary terms to novel ( multiple choice format) e.g. similes, metaphors, climax, theme, conflict, personification etc....
December 3, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
test on 10th- be prepared to write a mini- character sketch. Focus on Julilly. Be able to apply literary terms to novel eg. (simile, metaphor, theme, conflict,etc...).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
test on 10th- be prepared to write a mini- character sketch. Focus on Julilly. Be able to apply literary terms to novel eg. (simile, metaphor, theme, conflict,etc...).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
test on 10th- be prepared to write a mini- character sketch. Focus on Julilly. Be able to apply literary terms to novel eg. (simile, metaphor, theme, conflict,etc...).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Constructed response to novel scheduled for Monday- be prepared to discuss ev's character development and theme. Class notes have been provided.
December 1, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure notes re/ Liza's traits & examples are completed (chart) by tomorrow.
Test on the 10th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Ensure notes re/ Liza's traits & examples are completed (chart) by tomorrow.
Test on the 10th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Ensure notes re/ Liza's traits & examples are completed (chart) by tomorrow.
Test on the 10th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Constructed response part of test scheduled for Monday ( theme/ character).
November 28, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Quiz on Monday- multiple choice only. Know literary terms from sheet also: simile,metaphor,conflict,climax,
suspense, theme etc....
November 27, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Read chp. 16 tonight.
Quiz on Monday - know how to apply literary terms (e.g. symbol, theme, conflict, simile, metaphor etc) to examples from the novel. Constructed response section of quiz (long answer) will follow next week.
November 26, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Read the next chapter tonight - If you are not completed the novel. Quiz on Monday, Dec 1.
November 24, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Read chp. 12 tonight. Journal entry was due today. Test on Dec. 1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Read chp. 12 tonight. Journal entry was due today. Test on Dec. 1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finished the novel today. If you missed any questions be sure to catch up.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finished the novel today. If you missed any questions be sure to catch up.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
All students should have submitted the summary of 'The Legend of the Laughing Buddha' last week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
All students should have submitted the summary of 'The Legend of the Laughing Buddha' last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Starting chp. 18 of novel tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Starting chp. 18 of novel tomorrow.
November 19, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Journal entry- chapter 7 Peter's perspective on Signal Hill due Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Finish the last few pages of chapter 13. 14 begins tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Ensure you have read chp. 13 of novel.
November 17, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
read Chp. 6 tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chp 12 tonight
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Read chp. 12 tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Starting chp. 10 tomorrow.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
PD Day 21st.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure your summary of'The Legend of the Laughing Buddha' is complete & submitted.
November 13, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chapter 11 tonight
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Students were given chapter questions to finish in class today: #4,5,7,9 only. Please ensure these are complete. Please come to class with novel, paper & pencil each day.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Some people are missing recent journal entry from l last week.

Currently finishing paragraph- in-class assignment.

Ensure you are up to date with novel reading.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Ensure you are up to date with novel chapters.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please ensure you complete the summary started today on 'The Legend of the Laughing Buddha'. 1/2 page maximum.
November 7, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Read chapter 2 of novel by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read up to chapter 9 by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Started novel today. Covered one in class.
November 6, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Finish journal on 'SKIN'- outline provided.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Starting chapter 7 of novel tomorrow if you missed class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read chp. 5 tonight.

Most are finished the descriptive paragraph - in-class assignment.
November 4, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Please finish the journal entry on the play: 'SKIN', by Dennis Foon, by Friday latest. Place journals back in box.
October 29, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Ensure the senses chart is finished for topic. If you forgot it, just create your own. Jot note style.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Ensure the senses chart is finished for topic. If you forgot it, just create your own. Jot note style.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
We will be completing oral presentations over the next few days.
October 27, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Test on Wednesday- guide was distributed last week.
October 20, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Finish journal entry over the next two days & return to box.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Oral book reports continue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Oral book reports continue.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Oral book reports continue.
October 16, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Oral Presentations begin tomorrow- continue on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Oral Presentations begin tomorrow- continue on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Oral Presentations begin tomorrow- continue on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Ensure the Global Citizen Poem is completed in journal exercise. Book reports were submitted last week.
Test scheduled for the end of the month.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
School Pics sent home today - due back OCT.20th if ordering.
October 15, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish the journal on 'New Canadian Kid' by Friday and place back in journal box.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Finish 'I am a Global Citizenship' poem in journal Box by Friday. Test later in the month.
October 8, 2014
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring back data sheet with any corrections. If the info. is correct, return the sheet as is.

Food drive !
October 6, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Unit test Wednesday - be prepared to write a summary & make a connection using the text (in well-dev. paragraphs). Be able to recognize a transitional word or phrase.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Unit test Wednesday - be prepared to write a summary & make a connection using the text (in well-dev. paragraphs). Be able to recognize a transitional word or phrase.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Unit test Wednesday - be prepared to write a summary & make a connection using the text (in well-dev. paragraphs). Be able to recognize a transitional word or phrase.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Book reports were due in Friday past.
Last class for in-class essays.
October 4, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
'Step Up' Unit test on Wednesday. Focus on writing a summary & making a text connection. Guide distributed on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
'Step Up' unit test on Wednesday. Focus on writing a summary & making a text connection. Guide distributed on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
'Step Up Unit test this Wednesday. Focus on writing a summary & making a text connection. Guide distributed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Book report oral presentations begin this week. Currently working on in-class process letters as well.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
October 2, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Summary & visual due tomorrow.Ensure you include your name & title.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Summary & visual due tomorrow.Ensure you include your name & title.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Summary & visual due tomorrow.Ensure you include your name & title.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Book report was due in today. Please complete.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Food Drive continues.
October 1, 2014
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Food Drive!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Book report due tomorrow. Bring text books to class & journal exercise.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Report due Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Report due Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Report due Friday.
September 30, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Report due Friday.
Unit test on the 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Report due Friday.
Unit test on the 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Report due Friday.
Unit test on the 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Report due Thursday. Five opened- ended questions to main character & answers in well-dev. paragraphs. See instructions for details.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ongoing food drive!
September 29, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish novel- summary (one section) & visual due Friday. See instructions for more detail.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Finish novel- summary (one section) & visual due Friday. See instructions for more detail.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Finish novel- summary (one section) & visual due Friday. See instructions for more detail.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Finish novel- five questions (open ended) & answers due Thursday. See instructions for more detail.
September 26, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel- report due on 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Continue to read novel- report due on 3rd. Students may work on this Monday- bring novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Continue to read novel- report due on 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read novel- report due on 2nd. Ensure your questions are open- ended to allow paragraph answers (i.e. well developed).
September 23, 2014
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Dress for Terry Fox walk tomorrow. Bring funds if you collected!
Thursday night is Curriculum Night at MDJH- day 1 of schedule.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read novel- report due later next week!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Read novel- report due later next week!

Finish summary of today's article 'Resisting Hitler'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Read novel- report due later next week!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Read novel- report due later next week!
September 22, 2014
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Terry Fox walk scheduled for Wednesday.
Curric. Night on Thursday- Day 1 of schedule
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish reading novel- report due 3rd.

Finish #2 question from today's class: What is the main idea of article? 2-3 sentences will be fine.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Finish reading novel- report due 3rd.
Read article 'Resisting Hitler' in text.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Finish reading novel- report due 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Finish reading novel- report due 2rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure you have completed the journal entry on 'Trust' & placed journal in box.
September 18, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
bring novel tomorrow for reading- report due 3rd!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
bring novel tomorrow for reading- report due 3rd!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
bring novel tomorrow for reading- report due 3rd!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
bring novel tomorrow for reading- report due 2nd of October! Instructions distributed tomorrow.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Don't forget Terry Fox collection for next week.
September 17, 2014
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
School pics tomorrow!
Curriculum night has been rescheduled to next Thursday p.m. due to feeder school conflict.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read novel - bring for Friday. Book report instructions distributed today. Due Oct. 3rd.

Ensure your bulletin bd. picture/body is complete & submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
H.R.- novel for the month of September. Book report will be distributed tomorrow & due on Oct. 3.

Finish up bulletin bd. visual over the next 2 days and submit please.

Unit test scheduled for Oct. 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
H.R.- novel for the month of September. Book report will be distributed tomorrow & due on Oct. 3.

Finish up bulletin bd. visual over the next 2 days and submit please.

All students should now have a journal class exercise for your entries.

Unit test scheduled for Oct. 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Ensure you read at home each evening (HR). There will be a book report due in early October. Details to follow.
September 15, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should be reading independent novel each evening. Book report instructions will be distributed soon and due on Oct. 3.

Unit test is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 7th or 8th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(220)
Char. Education/ Language Arts: Students completed a ' Get to Know You' bulletin board - picture and info. If you did not complete it in class time today, ensure you have complete it and submit it to me by Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Students should be reading independent novel each evening. Book report instructions will be distributed soon and due on Oct. 3.

Unit test is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 7th or 8th. More info to follow later in the month.

Students completed a 'Get to Know You' bulletin board - picture and info. If you did not complete it in class time today, ensure you have complete and submit to me by Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Bring markers, scissors & a magazine for the bulletin bd. display tomorrow.I will have some extra magazines as well.

Students should be reading independent novel each evening. Book report instructions will be distributed soon and due on Oct. 3.

Unit test is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 7th or 8th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Continue to read independent novel at home each evening. A reading period will also be provided on this Friday. The report will be due in on Oct. 2nd. details to follow.
September 11, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring novel tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Reading Friday tomorrow!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Reading Friday tomorrow!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-3(209)
Reading Friday tomorrow!
September 10, 2014
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Terry Fox forms sent out today.
School Pics advertisement- Sept. 18th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
All students should now have the journal entry completed and submitted in an exercise book or duotang.

Students should now have selected a novel for nightly home reading. Please bring it to class on Friday for a reading period.There will be a report to follow later in the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
All students should have the journal entry completed by tomorrow and submitted in a regular exercise book or duotang.

Students should now have selected a novel for nightly home reading. Please bring it to class on Friday for a reading period.There will be a report to follow later in the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students should now have selected a novel for nightly home reading. Please bring it to class on Friday for a reading period.There will be a report to follow later in the month.

All students should have the journal entry completed by tomorrow and submit it in a regular exercise book or duotang.
Assigned to Class: 7-2(208)
Please bring an exercise book (or a binder with paper to class) regularly.
September 8, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Remember to complete the journal from last week: 'Get to Know You'. Place it back in the journal box.

All students should have a novel selected for this month. Report to follow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
All students should have a novel selected for this month. Reading perid this Friday and allow a few minutes each night for home reading.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
All students should have a novel selected for reading Fridays this month. Read a few minutes each night- report will be due in October.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: (7-5)118A
All students should have a novel selected for reading Fridays this month. Read a few minutes each night- report will be due in October.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
School pics- Sept. 18th.
September 5, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
1. Students will need a journal exercise e.g.(32 pg. Hilroy style or a duotang with paper). Also, students will need an exercise or binder for class notes. Text book will be provided next week.

2. Students will need a fictional novel (of their choice) for reading Fridays this month. We will visit the library early next week should they like to sign one out. Next reading period: Friday. They will have 3-4 weeks to read the novel at home, as well as the next three Friday reading periods.

3. Students completed a journal entry today. Please ensure it is completed by Wednesday and placed in the journal box.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: (7-5)118A
1. Students will need a journal exercise e.g.(32 pg. Hilroy style or a duotang with paper). Also, students will need an exercise or binder for class notes. Text book will be provided next week.

2. Students will need a fictional novel (of their choice) for reading Fridays this month. Our library is opened every lunch time should they like to sign one out. Next reading period: Friday. They will have 3-4 weeks to read the novel at home, as well as the next three Friday reading periods.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
1. Students will need a journal exercise e.g.(32 pg. Hilroy style or a duotang with paper). Also, students will need an exercise or binder for class notes. Text book will be provided next week.

2. Students will need a fictional novel (of their choice) for reading Fridays this month. Our library is opened daily at 12:05 should they like to sign one out. Next reading period: Friday. They will have 3-4 weeks to read the novel at home, as well as the next three Friday reading periods.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-2(214)
1. Students will need a journal exercise (32 pg. Hilroy style or a duotang with paper). Also, students will need an exercise or binder for class notes. Text book will be provided next week.

2. Students will need a fictional novel (of their choice) for reading Fridays this month. Our library is opened daily should like to sign one out. Next reading period: Friday. They will have 3-4 weeks to read the novel at home, as well as the next three Friday reading periods.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students need one exercise book for notes.
June 12, 2014
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Remember to send in an email or note/form re/ staying home during exam week when an exam is not scheduled.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
All booklets & products should be submitted. Process essays were submitted last week as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
All booklets & products should be submitted. Process essays were submitted last week as well. The essays were returned today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Exam review focused on theme (in a poem.
Today's poem:'Waiting for Justina in West Edmonston Mall'.
June 10, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Several people have not yet submitted the research booklet. The summary (from text)& jot notes (research article)can be submitted on a regular sheet should a student have lost the booklet.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Please submit your booklet & final product tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Please submit your booklet & final product tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Currently working on exam review - poetry & prose for the 18th.Today's poem 'Mother to Son'. Focus tomorrow - writing a theme statement.
June 5, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Tomorrow is the last day to finish your in-class photo essay. Ensure you have everything required for that- pics etc.... Booklet should also be complete by now.

Demand writing section of exam is Monday a.m. Bring two pens ( blue or black) and a book to read ( in case you finish early).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Tuesday is the last day to finish your in-class photo essay. Ensure you have everything required for that- pics etc.... Booklet should also be complete by now.

Demand writing section of exam is Monday a.m. Bring two pens ( blue or black) and a book to read (in case you finish early).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Everyone should now be trying to finish your in-class photo essay. Ensure you have everything required for that- pics etc.... Booklet should also be complete by now.

Demand writing section of exam is Monday a.m. Bring two pens ( blue or black) and a book to read (in case you finish early). We will do a practice exam tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Today we reviewed the poem 'Out,out' by Frost. We discussed literal meaning as well as sound devices and figurative language.
Tomorrow we will complete a practice demand writing question in preparation for Monday's exam (writing section only). Monday is a regular day - period 1&2 is set aside for the demand writing.
Students will need two pens for this as well as a book to read (should they finish early).
June 3, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure the booklet is up to date- 2 pages- summary from text book article & jot notes from your own article. Bring in 3-4 pics of your topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure the booklet is up to date- 2 pages- summary from text book article & jot notes from your own article. Bring in 3-4 pics of your topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Ensure the booklet is up to date- 2 pages- summary from text book article & jot notes from your own article. Bring in 3-4 pics of your topic.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Today we continued with poetry- reviewed literal meaning of ' The Shark' by E.J. Pratt. ....con't tomorrow with section b.Students passed in class work from last week: 'Land Called Labrador' poem - worksheet.
June 2, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Ensure you have an article & pics for your topic. Essays from last week should be submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Ensure you have an article & pics for your topic. Essays from last week should be submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure you have an article & pics for your topic. Essays from last week should be submitted.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students should ensure they have the poetry 'menu' class work finished over the next day or so.
May 21, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students are working on an in-class process essay. They may wish to discuss ideas with you as they work on draft #1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Students are working on an in-class process essay. They may wish to discuss ideas with you as they work on draft #1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students are working on an in-class process essay. They may wish to discuss ideas with you as they work on draft #1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students are developing a scene on our recent novel today & tomorrow. Speeches have been completed as well. Grammar unit continues.
May 8, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Speeches begin next week. Please print off another copy tomorrow for practice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Please pass on booklets & novel by tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Please ensure you have returned the novel and the completed booklet by tomorrow. Today we did an intro to poetry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Please ensure you pass in your completed novel booklet and your novel 'Who is Frances Rain?'
Today we covered an introduction to poetry.
May 6, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
We have now concluded the booklet on our novel. If it is incomplete, please finish at home and submit by Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
The journal on the anti-smoking poster should now be complete. Please ensure your journal is placed in the journal box.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Please return your novels.
Students are now completing the in-class process essays (on a hero or someone you admire). These essays will be presented orally (beginning Monday).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Please ensure your booklet (on the novel study)is completed by Friday at the latest. Please bring your text book to class now and return your novel.
May 1, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Novel test tomorrow.
April 30, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Novel test on Friday. Focus on a possible theme- see class notes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel - we will be working on a booklet this week during class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel- is now complete. We will be working on a booklet to cover related concepts.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Novel is now complete - we will be working on a novel to cover related concepts.
April 28, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test on Friday - focus on theme for contructed response question & multiple choice as well.

Ensure assigned questions from booklet are completed by Wednesday. This is class work assigned before the holidays.
April 15, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test will take place Friday, May 2: 'The Outsiders'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read the next chapter.
March 26, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)

Today students had a session on creating a reference list electronically. Tomorrow please have the two research articles on your topic. You will be completing the outline/ jot notes in the library.
Novel: we will be beginning chapter 5 on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish chapter 2 of novel tonight.
March 20, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students should now be up to chapter 4 in novel. Some questions have been assigned from booklet. Tonight, please complete chapter 3: #1 only. We will have some class time to work on #2-5 on Monday.

Research:please have your articles in class. This week we covered how to write an outline. This is an in-class essay.

It will be presented to the class orally at a later date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test on Tuesday. Unseen story - focus on main conflict in a story ( Define/ provide the type/be prepared to use examples from the story and explain. Give the resolution.Conclude paragraph.)Know the parts of a narrative test pattern.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test on Tuesday. Unseen story - focus on main conflict in a story (Define/ provide the type/be prepared to use examples from the story and explain. Give the resolution.Conclude paragraph.)
Also, know the parts of a narrative test pattern ( e.g. Exposition/ Rising action etc...)..
March 19, 2014
Assigned to Class: (7-5)118A
Bring the research articles to class regularly - it is an in-class assignment from this point on. You must now have a total of 2 articles.
March 18, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Unit test tomorrow - unseen story: focus on types of conflict.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test on Tuesday- unseen story. Focus on conflict.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Test on Tuesday- unseen story. Focus on conflict.
March 11, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Over the next few days select a hero for your research topic. Find & print off at least two articles for Friday. Ensure you have teacher's approval first. Must be a person - who meets the hero definition discussed in class. Today we discussed some possibilities for females- tomorrow we will discuss males.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Will be a unit test - possibly Wednesday at the earliest. I will confirm the date- unseen story or article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Will be a unit test around the 3rd week of March- around the 24th or 25th.Unseen story or article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Will be a unit test around the 3rd week of March- around the 24th or 25th.Unseen story or article.
March 4, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test is rescheduled to Thursday - guide & review questions provided.
March 3, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test has been rescheduled to Thursday. Guide distributed today.
February 28, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Unit Test originally scheduled for Wednesday has been moved to this Thursday.
February 25, 2014
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
ensure you have sent in the form for Friday's trip & 8$. Thanks. Helmet required for skating. Tomorrow is pink Day- wear pink or a pink item of clothing.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Some story maps are still outstanding.
Unit test - tentative date march 5th.
February 24, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Comic strip on novel due tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report was due today. Several students have not yet submitted.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Twin day!
Don't forget $ for Friday's trip: $8 & form.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish #1 question - summary of story pg. 188 'Fear'.
February 19, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Today we worked on summarizing the article in text as well as main message.
Book report story map due 24th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book report due 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Book report comic strip due 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Book report comic strip due 25th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Don't forget yellow slip & fee for trip next week. Note error- should be grade 7 not 9. Helmets required for skating.
February 18, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Article - Embracing the Unknown- text book. Ensure you completed class work up to # 2- main message of text. #1- summary should also be complete.

Book report due 24th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Comic Strip due 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Comic strip - due 21
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Comic Strip due 25th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
permission form went home Friday for outing. Yellow sheet- please note the error- grade 9 should read grade 7. Skating requires a helmet!
February 14, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report due 24 Feb - distributed today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book report due 21
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Book report due 21
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Book report due 25
February 13, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring novel - either to finish reading or to begin novel report.
February 12, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Read your novel at home regularly. You should be finishing up now. I will distribute the book report tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
I will be distributing book report tomorrow. Novel should be complete or almost complete by now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
I will be distributing book report tomorrow. Novel should be complete or almost complete by now.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
I will be distributing book report tomorrow. Novel should be complete or almost complete by now.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring any art supplies- Markers etc... for door decorating contest - 'The Netherlands'.
February 11, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish novel at home - report passed out tomorroe.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish novel at home.Report will be passed out tomorrow & due 25th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish novel at home.Report will be passed out tomorrow and due 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure you complete the novel over the next week. There will be a report distributed soon.

On Friday, students can read the novel during class. For those who are completed, please bring the novel so you may begin the report.
February 10, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Should be reading novel again this week. I will be handing out the report/comic assignment soon- due 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Should be reading novel again this week. I will be handing out the report /comic strip assignment soon- due 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Should be reading novel again this week. I will be handing out the report/comic assignment soon- due 21st.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel at home. I will be distributing the assignment soon.
Everyone should now have submitted the in-class work:
- Acceptance Poster
- Mick Harte Book Report
- Journal Entries on Sad Song & hockey/or-Olympics
February 5, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read your novel at home. The comic strip assignment will be passed out soon.
The essay is in-class work.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read your novel at home. The comic strip assignment will be passed out soon.
The essay is in-class work.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read your novel at home. The comic strip assignment will be passed out soon.
The essay is in-class work.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure yesterday's poster on 'Acceptance' re/ I Have Down's Syndrome Poster' is complete is complete. Add colour & slogan etc...
Today we covered the article on Jim Carrey.
February 4, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read novel at home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Today we worked on a ' Acceptance' poster as a follow-up to the text book article: 'I Have Down's Syndrome'. Please finish the poster over the next within the next two days. Ensure you have a creative & attractive poster. Color/font/logo/visual etc....
January 29, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel.

Ensure today's journal (hockey or olympics) is completed by Monday.

Spelling bee winner should start studying!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Jot notes on 'Turning Points' idea chart due Friday.If you are stuck on an idea- discuss with me ASAP.

Continue to bring novel to class as well.
Spelling Bee winner should start preparing for the event next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Jot notes on 'Turning Points' idea chart due Friday.If you are stuck on an idea- discuss with me ASAP.

Continue to bring novel to class as well.
Spelling Bee winner should keep preparing for upcoming event!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Jot notes on 'Turning Points' idea chart due Friday.If you are stuck on an idea- discuss with me ASAP.

Continue to bring novel to class as well.
Spelling Bee winner should keep preparing for the upcoming event!
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
if you would like a pink T- shirt- pink day...cost is 5$. Please send ASAP.
January 28, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
'Mick Harte Was Here' book report/assignment due in tomorrow.

Students should be reading a novel of their choice since last week. I will provide a book report later.

Continue to bring text to class regularly. Today we finished three questions on ' Breaking Free'. Sample answers on the first two were provided (summary/ main message).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home. Comic strip report will be provided later.

Think about 'Turning Points' essay idea. Will provide a chart to fill out at home. The narrative essay should explain a turning point in your life or a time when you learned a lesson. You may want to discuss ideas with your parent(s)/guardians. The essay, however, will be written in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read novel at home. Comic strip report will be provided later.

Think about 'Turning Points' essay idea. Will provide a chart to fill out at home. The narrative essay should explain a turning point in your life or a time when you learned a lesson. You may want to discuss ideas with your parent(s)/guardians. The essay, however, will be written in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read novel at home. Comic strip report will be provided later.

Think about 'Turning Points' essay idea. Will provide a chart to fill out at home. The narrative essay should explain a turning point in your life or a time when you learned a lesson. You may want to discuss ideas with your parent(s)/guardians. The essay, however, will be written in class.
January 23, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish acrostic FREEDOM poem by Tuesday. Be sure to add colour.

Bring a fictional novel for Friday- next report.

Upcoming spelling bee is optional.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish acrostic FREEDOM poem by Tuesday. Be sure to add colour.

Bring a fictional novel for Friday- next report.

Upcoming spelling bee is optional.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish acrostic FREEDOM poem. Be sure to add colour.

Bring a fictional novel for Friday- next report.

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read own novel. Will have a few minutes tomorrow. By next week, It will be home reading.

Book report due 29th.
January 22, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish FREEDOM acrostic poem by Monday - ensure the product has colour and looks attractive.

Have a novel by Friday - fiction narrative
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Starting FREEDOM tomorrow. Bring leads.

Have a novel by Friday - fiction narrative.

Upcoming spelling bee if you would like to participate.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Working on FREEDOM poem - bring leads.

Have a novel by Friday - fiction narrative.
Upcoming spelling bee if you would like to participate.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Currently reading independent novel. Students will have another 2 weeks or so to read it.

Students completed a journal entry this week on 'Mick Harte...' novel. Ensure your completed entry is placed
in the journal box.

Bring text book to class regularly starting tomorrow for the next unit.

January 21, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring novel tomorrow for reading.
Book report due Jan. 29th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Have a novel by Friday. Lots available in LRC - fiction/narrative.

Bring leads for poem.

Spelling quiz play-offs this month. More to come.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Have a novel by Friday. Lots available in LRC - fiction/narrative.

Spelling quiz play-offs this month. More to come.

Bring leads for next project,
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Have a novel by Friday. Lots available in LRC - fiction/narrative. Some reading time provided in class.

Spelling quiz play-offs this month. More to come.
Bring leads for next project.
January 20, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Tomorrow we will finish the journal entry on 'Mick Harte...' & song lyrics. Please bring your lyrics. You should also bring your novel this week for some in-class reading.
Book report on Mick Harte due 29th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Will need a novel( fiction) of your choice by later this week. Graphic novels will not work for this report.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Need a fiction novel (your choice exception- graphic novel)for later in the week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Need a fiction novel (your choice exception- graphic novel)for later in the week.
January 16, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
1. Bring a novel of your choice for tomorrow's reading period. Will be reading this over the next few weeks.

2.Find song lyrics similar to songs discussed today(grief caused by death - not suicide)- by Monday for journal entry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Test tomorrow - multiple choice & mini-character sketch.
January 15, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring a novel for Friday- we will continue to have some reading time next week as well. You will have about 3 weeks to read it.
Book report for read-aloud due on the 29th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test tomorrow- multiple choice will be mainly content. Mini-character sketch will be on a main character other than JULILLY. Be prepared to discuss 2 traits & examples.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test tomorrow- multiple choice will be mainly content. Mini-character sketch will be on a main character other than JULILLY. Be prepared to discuss 2 traits & examples.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Test Friday - multiple choice will be mainly content. Mini-character sketch will be on a main character other than Liza. Be prepared to discuss 2 traits & examples.
January 14, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Completed read-aloud novel today. Assigned book report for home - due two weeks from tomorrow - 29th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel test on Thursday - be prepared to write a mini- character sketch of a main character (other than Julilly - the character completed in class). Be able to explain examples for 2 traits.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Novel test Thursday - be prepared to write a mini-character sketch of a main character other than Julilly. Aim for 2 traits & examples.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel test Friday - be prepared to write a mini-character sketch for a main character other than Liza (2 traits & examples).
January 13, 2014
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel test on Thursday- multiple choice ( content mainly) and mini- character sketch on a main character.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel test on Friday - mini char. sketch on a main character and multiple choice ( content mainly).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Novel test Thursday - mini char. sketch and mutiple choice.
December 17, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Plan to finish novel this week - test scheduled for Jan. 14th (tentative).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
read a chapter of novel (chp 14) if behind- plan to be finished by Friday of this week.Test scheduled for Jan. 14th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Read a chapter if behind. Plan to be finished by Friday. Test scheduled for Jan. 14th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Working on in-class process article.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Return 50-50 tickets sold or not sold.
Wish to donate? Toy drive is ongoing- do not wrap but put your name on a slip when submitting.(suggested price - 10- 30 $).
Friday dismissal- 12:30 Pancake breakfast at 8:30.
December 11, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Starting chapter 12 tomorrow
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Starting chp 11 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Read chp 11 tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure 3rd page of booklet is complete. Students started jot notes on topic today for news article. You may add to jot notes if you like - 5 w's otherwise the remainder ot the process article should be completed in class.
December 10, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Some students did not finish pg. 2 of booklet re/ Feature Article. Be ready to start pg. 3 tomorrow. Think about your topic for newpaper article - beginning jot notes soon.

A few people have outstanding journal entries.

Return novel - CMO- if you have it in your locker or home.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure you are up to date re/assigned chapters of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Ensure you are up to date re/ novel reading.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure you are up to date re/ novel reading.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: (7-5)118A
Looking for a Christmas cause:Toy collection ongoing for charity- $20 value or so....for children up to 11 yrs. old. Please leave unwrapped.

Please send in any remaining 50/50 draw asap.
December 9, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
read chp. 7 tonight.
December 3, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
test tomorrow - focus on Ev's character development re/ class notes. Also, multiple choice.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring $2 for tomorrow.
Early dismissal for parent interviews Thursday.
PD day Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Read up to Chp. 4 tomorrow.
November 28, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finsihed novel. Test is set for Wednesday. Multiple choice (content) & one constructed response E.G character dev./conflict or theme). Notes will be provided in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Beginning Underground to Canada tomorrow. Process paragraph is complete.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Report cards home tomorrow.
November 25, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-10(123)
No reading assigned tonight. We hope to finish the novel by Friday.
November 21, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Novel study: Starting chp. 11 tomorrow.
November 20, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Chapter 9 tonight
November 19, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Read chp. 7 tonight.
November 5, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finishing up racism poster- bring leads/markers. Beginning novel 'Catch Me Once, Catch Me Twice' next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Short grammar review quiz Thursday- fill in blanks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Short Grammar review quiz Thursday - fill in blanks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Short grammar review quiz Thursday - fill in blanks.
November 4, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish journal entry from last class by Wednesday. Imagine you are a refugee from a war torn country. Describe how ' Dr.s Without Borders' provides help re/article in text covered last week. Must be in journal exercise or taped in journal.Bring markers for Wed. poster.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Quiz on grammar rules covered in class. Scheduled for Thursday earliest. ( ajectives/adverbs/plural forms etc...).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Quiz- grammar rules Thursday earliest.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Quiz - grammar rules Thurs. earliest.
October 24, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Pronoun review sheet - fill in the blanks 1-10.
October 23, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Language Arts Test on the 29th - (Global Citizens Unit). Study guide & practice questions given out today. Review tonight: Read article pg. 42
'Global Kitchen' & answer #1 on review sheet (main idea - support with details from text).
October 3, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book report due tomorrow - one scene summary & visual. Approx. 1/2 page.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Book report due tomorrow - one scene summary & visual. Approx. 1/2 page.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Book report due tomorrow - one scene summary & visual. Approx. 1/2 page.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report due tomorrow - 5 questions & answers (well dev. paragraphs). Will be presented orally next week.
September 30, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Should have novel completed now. Report due in October 4th- visual and written description of one major incident.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Book report due Oct. 4th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Book report due Oct. 4th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report due October 4th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Terry Fox funds if applicable.
Info. forms now due.
September 23, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish novel- book report due Oct. 4
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish novel- book report due Oct. 4
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish novel- book report due Oct. 4
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish novel- book report due Oct. 4
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 118A
Please return info. sheet update sent home Friday.

Don't forget Terry Fox donation sheet.

P.D. Day scheduled for the 30th September.
September 19, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Bring your novel for tomorrow's reading period.Needs to be finished by the end of the month. Book report will be distributed tomorrow. Today we started text- unit 1 - Global Citizens.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home- complete by the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read novel- complete by the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read novel each evening. Finish by the end of the month.
September 10, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home. There will be some reading periods in school this week as well. Aim to finish by Sept. 27th. Book report directions will be provided next week.
Your journal entry on ' All Summer in a Day' should now be complete and placed in journal box.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read novel at home. There will be some reading periods in school this week as well. Aim to finish by Sept. 26th. Book report directions will be provided next week.
Your journal entry on ' All Summer in a Day' should be completed by tomorrow (and placed in journal box).
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read novel at home. There will be some reading periods in school this week as well. Aim to finish by Sept. 27th. Book report directions will be provided next week.
Your journal entry on ' All Summer in a Day' should be completed by tomorrow (and placed in journal box).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students should now be reading their own novel nightly. Some reading periods will be provided this week in class as well. Aim to finish by the end of the month. A book report will be assigned later next week.
June 3, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
The written component of the exam will be written on Wed, June 5th - period 1 & 2 as previously indicated. We are currently practicing this component in class. Please finish today's topic at home (in your journal) if it wasn't finished. On Wednesday, please come prepared with pens and a book to read ( should you finish early).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Please have pens for the written component of the exam ( Wed. June 5th). Also, bring a book in case you finish early. We have been practicing the written section in class - please finish today's topic at home if you did not complete in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Please have pens for the written component of this Wednesday's exam. We have been practicing this in class. Students should have completed the essay in class today ( journal entry). Also- bring a novel should you finish early on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book reports - book mark was due in today. Written component of exam is scheduled for this Wednesday- please have pens and a book to read (should you finish early).We have been practicing in class.
May 27, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
read novel every night for homework - Book report due June 3rd. Students should bring novel to class tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Exam guide was reviewed today. Currently reviewing poetry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Currently reviewing poetry. Will complete photo essay tomorrow. Ensure you have all the materials required.
May 23, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Exam Guide was distributed today. Schedule is on the webpage. Please bring materials needed for photo essay (pics/ paper/markers/etc...)
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
reading period tomorrow - bring your novel for book report - due June 1. Several people need to bring writing utensils to class. Please return 'The Outsiders' novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Study Guide was distributed today.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Study guide was distributed today.
May 21, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Photo Essay - Have an article on your topic (and three visuals) in class tomorrow. You can print it off in class if you do not have a printer at home. Read your article tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure you have novel for reading tomorrow.
May 17, 2013
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to bring novel to class next week. Book report due June 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Research Photo Essay: Find and read an article & three pictures/visuals(online or in a magazine/book) on your topic by Wednesday.Ensure it is not the same article that the others have. You can print it off on Tuesday if you do not have a printer or computer at home. LRC is open at lunch times.Keep the url address for the reference page.You need to have the actual & visuals article in class on Wednesday.The group will work to create a photo essay next week so glue,construction paper,scissors will also be required on Thusday & Friday.
May 16, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-10(216)
have novel- your choice- in class tomorrow.
May 13, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
test on novel tomorrow. 15 Multiple Choice ( mainly content based) and one constructed response (long answer question). Be prepared to discuss the main conflict and give examples from the novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
All should have oral speech (Hero)completed by now. Tomorrow is the conclusion.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Jot notes of your own article should be complete by now.Bring at least three visuals. If you need a printer- you may use the one here.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Jot notes of your own article should now be compelte. Ensure you have at least three visuals by tomorrow. You may use our printer if you have problems with that.
May 6, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Read up to chapter 20
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
test tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
test tomorrow.
May 1, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test on Monday - be able to write an answer re/ theme of novel & explain a quote. Also be prepared for multiple choice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test on Tuesday. Ensure you finish the book by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Test on Tuesday. Ensure you are finished the book by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Lit. Circles - complete your next role for the chapter on Johnny's letter. Chapter 14.
April 30, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-10(216)
Test on Monday 'The Outsiders' - finish one more quote tonight. Explain the quote in a fully developed paragraph.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Novel test on Tuesday. Students should finish the novel by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students should finish the novel by Friday. Test on Tuesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Lit. Circle work assigned for chapter 13. Move to the next role in booklet
April 24, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel- read up to 12 by tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Novel - read up to chapter 14 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Far North - Finish the last few pages of today's chapter (p.69-73).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Ensure you have read all chapters of novel. The booklet should be passed in by Friday.
April 22, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel- Read up to Chapter 7 by tomorrow.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Be ready to start chapter 5 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Starting chapter 9 in the novel tomorrow - ensure you are completing assigned questions in class.
April 16, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
All students have submitted the book report as well as the hero essay by now. Any outstanding work should be completed tomorrow after school.
April 15, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book reports were due in last week - following an extension. Several were outstanding and students were asked to ensure they had it complete by tomorrow.I will stay after school tomorrow for anyone not completed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Everyone should be finished up three gifts presentation by tomorrow. Was due in Thursday past. Bring in three representations of gifts. I will stay after school tomorrow to finish up outstanding work.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Three gift presentations ends tomorrow. I will stay after school for any unstanding work.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Three gifts oral report ends tomorrow. I will stay after school for anyone with outstanding work.
April 10, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring items to present for gifts
(Thursday & Friday - an oral mark ).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Remember to bring items/gifts to share with class for oral mark on Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Remember to bring three presents (or representations) from essay to share orally.
April 9, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report due date has been extented until Friday.May submit tomorrow if you like.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Oral presentations begin Thursday- bring in your gifts/items to explain.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Oral presentations begin Thursday. Bring in your three gifts/items to share.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Oral presentations begin Thursday. Bring in your three items/gifts to share.
April 8, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report should be passed in by Friday 12th. This allows students two extra days from hte original date.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Oral Presentations: Students will be sharing recent book report essays
('Three Gifts') in class beginning Thursday. Please bring in the three objects discussed in your essay. The presentation will allow students to explain the items rather than read the essay aloud.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Oral Presentations on Thursday: Students will be asked to share the three items (or pictures) discussed in their recent book report essays.
Students should also bring in some coins for a special reward project tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Oral presentations begin Thursday:
(bring in three objects /pics discussed in your recent essay.
March 26, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report for the read-aloud( Mick Hart Was Here) due April 10th. Several options provided. Instructions were provided a few days ago.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
All Anti-Smoking brochures should now be handed in - ensure you add colour and some visuals.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
All Smoking brochures should be completed by now.
March 25, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students should read over essays for oral mark later in the week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students are finishing in-class essays: Three presents book report. Students will present orally after the break.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finishing up in-class essays & will present orally after the break.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finishing up in-class essays and will present orally following the break.
March 13, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel should now be finished. Students started an in-class essay today. It is a process writing activity.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Students have started an in-class essay on their novels today. All students should now be finished their novels.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students have started an in-class process essay based on their novel. All should have the reading completed by now.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Should complete the brochure by day 5.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Caking decorating & cake auction Friday - participants bake & decorate at home- St. Patrick's theme. Must be registered by Friday 8:45. See me for rules. $100 prize. Classses can bid on cakes as well as a group.
March 11, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Decide on topic for hero speech by tomorrow. Have research in class on Wed. to begin outline & jot notes.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Should be finishing up novel - aiming for Wednesday to begin in-class Wednesday.Reading time will be provided tomorrow as well. Bring novel to class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Bring novel to finish reading and/or begin essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Bring novel to finish reading and/ or begin essay.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Don't forget leads and images/pics/ clip art to complete brochure on day 7.
March 7, 2013
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Due to the number of students absent during the last class- I will provide one final class for the brochure.Please bring leads.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring novel - next two classes. Finish by 13th so read each night.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
bring novel tomorrow & Monday - finish by 13th for in-class essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
bring novel tomorrow & Monday. Aim to finish by 13th so read nightly.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-10(216)
Decide on a famous hero for essay & speech. Have research in class for 13th (two sources of info) e.g. book or website article copied etc... Will begin essay in class.
March 6, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring a novel for reading periods - Thursday & FridAY. SHOULD HAVE NOVEL COMPLETED BY 13TH. READ FOR HOMEWORK AS WELL.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Bring a novel for the rest of this week. Should aim to have novel read by 13th. Please read this novel for homework as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Bring a novel for the rest of the week. read this novel for homework as well. Aim to have complete by 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Finishm the brochure- most finished in class & only need to add colour or 3 visuals. If you misssed part of the last class - I will provide some time for you to finish on Friday. Bring leads or markers.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Should be almost finished brochure - ensure you have leads or markers for next class. We will be moving on to the next topic.
March 4, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test on Wednesday - guide sent home previously.
Continue to read next novel for book report - reading periods Thursday & Friday this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test - Wednesday. Guide sent home previously. Unseen story or article.
Continue to read novel at home. Reading periods this week in class - Thursday & Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Test Wednesday on unseen story or article - Guide sent home previously.
Continue to read nove at home. Reading period Thursday and Friday this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Bring markers or leads to next class for brochure.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
bring markers or leads for next class.
February 28, 2013
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure you have returned permission slips for trip & $8.
Wear your retro costume & dance in the p.m.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Test on Wednesday. Guide given out for review. Will be doing a practice test next week.

Ensure you are reading a novel for the next report. Finish by the 11th.Will be given some reading time later next week but should be reading at home nightly.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Test on the 6th - guide given out in advance.
Ensure you are reading nightly for next book report. Finish by the 11th for essay. Some time will be provided later next week as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test on the 6th.
Read novel nightly - should be completed by the 11th for essay. Two periods will be provided for reading later next week.
February 26, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Ensure today's summary of story is complete. Have your novel for Friday - complete by March 11th.
Unit test on March 6th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure class work is completed - summary.
Have your novel for Friday - complete by March 11th.
Unit test on March 6th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Quiz on tobacco will be 'open-book'.Bring leads or markers.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Quiz will be open-book. Bring leads or markers.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Have a novel for Friday. Should be appropriate for a book report. Complete by March 11th.
unit test March 6th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Test tomorrow - unseen text. Review sheet provided.
February 25, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Should have a (fiction) book for reading Friday- next report will be an essay.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Students will write a short open-book quiz on 'The Truth About Tobacco'. Please bring leads/markers to the next few classes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students will write a short open-book quiz on the tobacco chapter. Please bring leads/markers as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Test on Wednesday. Questions on the
'unseen' article or story will be very similar to those covered in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Have a (fiction) novel for reading Fridays.Should be appropriate for the next report- essay format.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Have a (fiction) novel for reading Fridy. The next report will be an essay. Unit test in March.
February 20, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Bring a novel for reading period- appropriate for book report (fiction).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring a novel for reading Friday appropriate for book report essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Bring a novel for reading Friday - appropriate for book report essay.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring leads for brochure.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Bring leads for Friday.
February 18, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish journal - time was given in class.
Bring a novel for reading Friday - your choice...should be fiction and appropriate for a book report essay.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish journal- class time was provided.
Bring a novel for reading period on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish journal- class time was provided. Bring a novel on Friday.
February 13, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring a novel for Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring markers for Health Brochure on Day 5.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Bring markers or leads for health brochure on day 4.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Find a novel for Friday- LRC is open at lunch usually.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Find a novel for Friday - LRC is open at lunch usually.
January 31, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book report due- story map - Feb 1
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Comic strip due- Feb 4th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Comic strip due Feb.4
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Comic strip due Feb 4
January 29, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
poster map due Feb 1.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Comic due on the 4th Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Comic due on the 4th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Comic due on the 4th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Brochure sent home re/ Thursday
'Diversity Day'. Please send $3 for the T-shirt.
January 28, 2013
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
$3 for t-shirts - see brochure for details.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Reminder- story map poster ( book report)due Feb 1.
January 21, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-10(216)
Finish novel- story map poster due Feb. 1
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish novel- comic strip due Feb 4th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Comic strip due Feb.4th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Comic Strip book report due Feb 4th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Ensure you finished today's work- your section of group poster due on day 7.
January 17, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish novel by next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish novel by next week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish novel by next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Finish novel by next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Bring markers, glue etc... to complete group poster.
January 16, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish the novel by next week. The book report date has been set for feb 4th (comic strip).Will be distributed tomorrow.
Journal was assigned during class yesterday - please ensure it is complete and passsed in.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish novel by next week. Assignment will be distributed tomorrow - due Feb. 4.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish novel - book report due Feb 4th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-10(216)
Finish novel by next week - book report distribited soon.
January 15, 2013
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish journal assigned today. Your biography - 200 years from now.
Continue to read novel. Should be trying to finish it up by next week. Book report will be distributed soon- due early Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish journal assigned today. Your biography - 200 years from now.
Continue to read novel. Should be trying to finish it up by next week. Book report will be distributed soon- due early Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read novel- finish by next week. Book report (comic strip) directions will be distributed soon - will be due in early Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read novel- finish by next week. Book report (comic strip) directions will be distributed soon - will be due in early Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read novel- report distrbuted soon- will be due early Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read novel- report distrbuted soon- will be due early Feb.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel- finish by next week. Book report will be distributed soon.
Newspaper article is an in-class assignment.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel- finish by next week. Book report will be distributed soon.
Newspaper article is an in-class assignment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring markers/glue/scissors etc... for next class - day 5.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring markers/glue/scissors etc... for next class - day 5.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
P.D. - Jan. 28th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
P.D. - Jan. 28th
December 17, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Be prepared to write a character sketch tomorrow. Focus on characters such as Liza, Lester, and Julilly. You will be given a choice and asked to support two traits with examples).Follow the outline provided in class.
December 16, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Test on Monday will cover content only (multiple choice). Character Sketch will be given later.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel test on Monday.One long answer and short answers ( multiple choice etc...).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Remeber test on Monday- one long answer *& multiple choice.
December 13, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel test Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Novel test Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel test Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Novel test on Dec. 19th. Finish chapter questions assigned to date.Should be completed the novel by now.
December 12, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel test on December 17th. Multiple choice and one constructed response.We will be working on character sketch essays this week.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Novel test on Dec. 17th. Multiple choice & one constructed respinse questions. Currently working on character sketch essays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel test on Dec 17th. Multiple choice & one constructed response qusstion. Currently working on character sketch essays.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Novel Test next week - December 19th. All should be finishing up in the next day or so.
November 28, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
starting chp. 11 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Starting 12 tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ensure you are up to date on reading re/ novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Read the next chapter in novel.
November 27, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
finish today's chapter of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Next chapter of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Read the next chapter.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Read the next chapter of novel.
November 19, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Finish journal by Wenesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish journal By Wed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish journal by Wed.
October 24, 2012
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
tomorrow is Healthy Commotions day and Terry Fox Walk. Dress for exercise & weather.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Bring markers for next week.
Bring 'Reading Friday book' on Friday-LRC has lots of books if you have returned overdue books.Opened daily 12:05.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Should have journal submittedtoday 'Audience & Purpose' - topic- Using the Bus.
Test - Nov 6th.
October 22, 2012
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Terry Fox walk on Thursday - dress for the weather.

Dance in the pm. -
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students worked on a journal today 'Writing for Audience & Purpose'. If you need a little more time - you can finish it by Wednesday.
Most have the business letter finished now.
October 16, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
memo re/ student acheive was passed out to students on Monday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Students are doing oral presentations of book reports this week.

The business letter continues- this is an in-class essay and will be completed during class time only.

Reading Friday - bring your choice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Oral book reports begin tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Oral book reports begin tomorrow.
October 10, 2012
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Picture money was due in yesterday.
Please return any student info. sheets.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Five Interview Questions - book report due in yesterday. Some people have not yet submitted.

In-class process business letter continues - this letter must be completed in class and is not a take -home assignment. People should be finishing up drafts tomorrow.
Reading day on Friday - your choice.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Book report was due in yesterday. Some people have not yet submitted.

Test on Friday - study guide had some two sample questions on a text book article. The sample answers will be discussed in class tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Book reports should now be submitted.
Study guide for test was sent out last Friday. There are two questions for practice - answers will be discussed in class tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Book report should now be submitted.

Study guide - sent home Friday past. Will discuss answers to sample questions tomorrow.
October 7, 2012
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
school pictures- proofs went home Friday should you like to order.
Please return info. sheets for updated info.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Remember to finish Book Report - summary of scene & coloured visual. Include title.
Test on Friday the 12th- guide and practice questions given out Friday. Need text book for review. Questions from guide will be corrected in class on Thursday.....as review- not as an official assignment.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Book reports begin Tuesday. Be prepared to read your five answers.Business letter (process essay) work continues in lab on Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Should be working on book reports- summary of scene & coloured visual.
Test on Frida 12th- guide handed out w. practice questions. Questions will be corrected during Thursday's review. Text is required for the practice test.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Should be finishing up book reports. Scene summary and coloured visual.
Test on Friday 12th- guide given out last class. Practice questions( sumary & connections) will be corrected on Thursday as review .
October 2, 2012
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Food bank items now being accepted- Thanks in advance!
All students were asked to bring home INFO. sheets for parent review - i.e. to see if there have been changes to phone #/address etc... Please return A.S.A.P.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Novel should be completed. Begin work on book report due next week - a. summary of a scene/incident. b. Visual w. title & colour ( may be hand drawn/computer generated/collage etc...but should reflect creativity and effort - 8.5 by 11 - see hand- out.
Test on Oct. 12 - guide given out in advance.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Should be completed novel. Report due in next week - five question interview. Will be presented orally as well.
In-class process assignment begins tomorrow - business letter.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Should be finishing up novel - report due in next week. Summary of a scene & visual (8.5 by 11). See hand-out. Will be presented orally as well.
Test on Oct. 12th - guide provided in advance - unseen text.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Should be finishing up novel. Report due in next week - summary of scene & visual.Visual should include title & colour. See hand out for details.Will be presented orally also.
Test on Oct. 12th - unseen text/review guide will go home in advance.
September 26, 2012
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Curriculum night on Thursday @ 7 pm
Food items now being accepted for food drive.
Terry Fox funds are now due in if you are collecting.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Finish summary of 'Resisting Hitler' if not completed in class. Should be in journal exercise - about 1/2 page. Return by Friday.
Contiue to read novel each night. Aim to complete by the weekend. You will then have a week to work on the book report.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
read novel nightly- aim to finish by the weekend. This will allow you one week to do the book report.
In-class process essay starts tomorrow - business letter on global issue or bullying.To be completed in class and typed in the lab next week.
September 24, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Continue to read novel at home - should be finished by the end of the month. There will be an at-home assignment distributed later this week.
Test on Oct. 12th - review guide distributed a week prior.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continue to read novel each night this week. There will be a follow-up book report distributed later.Tesst scheduled for Oct. 12. A review sheet will be provided in advance.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Continue to read novel each night this week. A follow-up book report will be distrubted later.
Test scheduled for Oct. 12 - review guide will be distributed in advance.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel each night - a follow-up book report will be distributed soon.
In-class essay given out today - more discussion to follow on Wednesday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Terry Fox money due Wednesday if collecting. Walk is scheduled for October.
Thanksgiving food collection begins soon.
Don't forget Curriculeum Night this Thursday.
Note to Parents: Any novel donations welcome - our class could use some more (used) books/novels for girls.... or any current novels your child might be finished reading.Magazines
(kid-friendly) or information texts would also be useful.
September 19, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
In-class: Working on how to write a summary of the story, 'The Nest'. We will continue to write summaries over the next few weeks.
Home reading - continue to read novel at home. Should be finished by the end of the month. Friday's class will be a reading period. Book report assignment will be handed out next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Terry Fox money due Sept. 27th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
Continue to read novel at home. Report will be distributed next week. Please finish reading by the end of the month. Friday will be a reading period as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Please ensure you have a novel ( your choice) for Friday's reading period. Read this novel at home as well this month.Should be completed by Oct. 3. The LRC has lots available - usually open at 12:05. Let me know if you are having trouble finding one. There will be a book report to follow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Please ensure you have your novel in class on Friday for reading period. Lots of books are available here at school. We will try to visit the LRC tomorrow for sign-out.Finish novel by Oct 3 - home reading will be the homework focus over the next few weeks. Book report to follow.
September 17, 2012
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
School pictures - Wed., Sept. 18. Do not send money on this day. Proofs will be sent home later.
Terry Fox pledge sheets were sent home last week. The walk will take place - as a school- on our Healthy Living Day in October ( date TBA).
Curriculum night takes place on Thursday the 27th of September.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3(217)
Students should now be reading a novel of their own choice. Homework for this week is at-home reading. The next two Fridays will be 'Reading Fridays' as well. Please have your novel in class on those days.Novels should be read by the end of the month.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-1(211)
At - home novel reading this week for homework. Finish your novel by the end of the month. Friday will also be a reading period.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Homework this week: at-home reading. Finish your novel by the end of the month
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Homework - read your novel this week for homework . Should be finished it by the end of this month.
June 6, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book mark due in today.
Please return any library /class novels.
Need blue/black pens for Tueday exams.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Need blue/or black pens for Tuesday's exam.

Practice demand writingfor exam review - in your journal (or notebook) describe either your ideal vacation or ideal bedroom. One well dev. paragraph. Use some rich vocab words and figurative language.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Need blue/or black pens for Tuesday's exam.

Practice demand writingfor exam review - in your journal (or notebook) describe either your ideal vacation or ideal bedroom. One well dev. paragraph. Use some rich vocab words and figurative language.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Need blue/or black pens for Tuesday's exam.

Practice demand writingfor exam review - in your journal (or notebook) describe either your ideal vacation or ideal bedroom. One well dev. paragraph. Use some rich vocab words and figurative language.
June 4, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish book report ( book mark) - due Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
All research summary & jot notes (from two weeks ago) should be submitted by group leader ASAP.

In-class journal entry - Lizzie character sketch should be finished.

Exam practice - write a descriptive paragraph on 'My Ideal Vacation' or 'My Ideal Bedroom'. Place in journal by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
All research summary & jot notes (from two weeks ago) should be submitted by group leader ASAP.

Finish in-class character sketch by Wednesday - journal entry.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
All research summaries & jot notes should be passed into leaders - then submitted as a group ASAP.

Finish in-class character sketch of Lizzie for journal by Wednesday.
May 31, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Quiz tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Quiz tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Quiz tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish novel - book report due Wednesday. Ensure today's journal is complete.
May 30, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
novel quiz on Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
novel quiz on Friday

Bring back permission forms re/ exam week
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
novel quiz on Friday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish own novel. Book mark due in Wednesday next week.
May 24, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Continue to read novel. Finish by Friday next in advance for anyone already completed his/her book.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Should be cluing up novel now.Quiz later next week.

All should have visuals in for group project - due in last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Should be cluing up novel now.Quiz later next week.

All should have visuals in for group project - due in last week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Should be cluing up novel now.Quiz later next week.

All should have visuals in for group project - due in last week.
May 23, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Home reading: Finish Frances Rain novel by end of the week.

All research & visuals due in last week for group research project.

Some people have not yet submitted the in-class 'Gift Essay - book report'. Was due in two weeks ago. Must be completed during class time.
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Home reading: Finish Frances Rain novel by end of the week.

All research & visuals due in last week for group research project.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
All research & visuals due in last week for group research project.

Home reading: Finish Frances Rain novel by end of the week.

Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Continue to read novel at home. Finish by Friday next week.
May 17, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
group work tomorrow. Ensure you have your jot notes/pics 4-5 each and anything else required for project.
Will work on this project Friday & Wednesday. Continue to read novel at home. Plan to be finished by the 25th. Should be up to 19 or so by now.Reading period on Tuesday as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Continue to read novel. Finish by the 25th.
Bring group project visuals & notes to class. have any other materials your group needs as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Continue to read novel- finish by 25th.

Group project jot notes & visuals ( 4-6) due in yesterday. Bring whatever material you need to class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Read novel.
Continue to bring novel to class.
Will complete poetry chart during class time tomorrow.
May 15, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Jot notes & visuals due tomorrow.
Should be about 1/2 through novel by now - around 13-16.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Ensure class work from today is complete- 1-9 poetry anaylsis
Keep reading novel over the next two weeks.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Jot notes & visuals ( 4-6) for Friday. Keep reading novel at home as well.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Jot notes and visuals ( 4-6) for topic. Know the website address.
Keep reading novel - should be about 1/2 through.
May 14, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Jot notes will now be due in on Friday instead of tomorrow (- no class today).
Keep reading novel!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Jot notes fo& visuals Wednesday.
Keep reading novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Jot notes extension & visuals- wednesday.
Up to Chp. 13 by tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Bring novel this week.
May 10, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Need a novel for tomorrow. LRC is open in the a.m. Some time was provided there yesterday for that purpose. All in-class essays should not be completed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Finish summary of article if not completed in class. Begin finding one source for your research topic/pictures and do joy notes by Wednesday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3

Bring novel tomorrow for silent reading.
Research: Do jot notes of one article by Tuesday - also bring in some pictures of topic (12-16 total for group)by Tuesday. Anybody with a problem printing or finding a computer- let me know.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Ensure you are up to date re/ novel. Find a source of research for your topic & make jot notes by Tuesday. Also search for some visuals to print off. Bring novel for silent reading by tomorrow.
May 8, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Need a novel for Friday- lrc has several available- a.m. & lunch.
Essays are now passed in for evaluation.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
In-class essays should now be complete.
Starting chapter nine tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Read the next chapter in novel.In-class esays should now be completed.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Ensure you are up to date re/novel reading. In-class essays/book reports should now be completed.
May 7, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Read chapter 8 of novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Read chapter three ( for fun w. ice cream.............).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Ensure you are caught up in reading - novel. Book reports are now complete.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Need a novel for Friday - your choice of narrative. Lots available in LRC- open a.m. and at lunch. Newspaper articles (in-class essay) should be almost completed.
April 19, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Bring novel to class for essay. Should now be completed. Beginning in-class essays tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Should be completed novel. Beginning in-class essays tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Should now be completed novel. Beginning in-class essays tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Beginning in-class essays tomorrow.
April 5, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Ensure novel is finished and question booklet is complete. Starting test review (long answer & mul. choice) & will be followed by a test on April 20th).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Extension on the novel- Finish by the 18th.
Poetry test on the 19th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Extension on the novel- Finish by the 18th.
Poetry test on the 19th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Extension on the novel- Finish by the 18th.
Poetry test on the 19th.
April 2, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
poem pg. 199 text- questions 1-5 finish.

Novel should be read by April 15th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
poem pg. 199
questions #1,2, & 4
finish novel by April 15th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finish novel by April 15th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
ensure you caught up on assigned questions re/ novel. Most people are up to chapter 13 or so. Will try to finish reading novel by Thurday.
March 28, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
book report - Mick Harte Was Here due tomorrow.
Speeches begin Thursday- ongoing.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Need a novel for Friday - will have until April 15th to finish.Lots available in LRC - a.m. & lunch time.
All group posters should now be handed in.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Need a novel for Friday reading period. Lots available in LRC a.m. & lunch- second half. Please complete your part of group assignment. Will complete on Friday - will need one bristol bd. sheet per group. Bd. should be available at office
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Finish your section of group poster to be completed in class Thurday - Friday. Will need one sheet bristol bd. per group. Available at office ususally. Need a novel for Friday - have until April 15th to complete.
March 27, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book report due Thursday. Speeches this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Need a book for Friday
March 22, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Speeches (research paper) begin next week: Tuesday-Friday.

Janet McNaughton author visit (VAP) - Wednesday.

Book report (Mick Harte was Here)extension - now due Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
PIGBOY- Monday is last class to compile group poster. Work on your own indivual section and have supplies to finish in school on Monday. Should not require outside time as a group.You will be mainly graded on your own section.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Group poster - PIGBOY- Work on your own indivual section and have supplies to finish in school for Tuesday. Should not require outside time as a group.You will be mainly graded on your own section.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Group poster - PIGBOY- Work on your own indivual section and have supplies to finish in school for Thursday. Should not require outside time as a group.You will be mainly graded on your own section.

Lynn Panting: Text-to- Movement workshop tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Review test prepartion for smoking quiz on Tuesday.
February 16, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Test tomorrow- research - two sources for Monday.
February 14, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Test on Friday - read article on pg. 219 tonight to prepare for practice test tomorrow.Study guide went home today.

research paper - find two sources of information for your topic by Monday. Some time was provided in lab today.
February 13, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Test on 17th. Unseen text - study guide and practice test go home tomorrow.
Select a topic for research - two articles due Monday: Hero
February 8, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Story test tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Story test tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Story test tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Think about a person for research.
February 7, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Test on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Test on Thursday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
test on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish up book report display - now due in.
Test on Feb 17th.

Think about topic for research biography - will give out hand out tomorrow.
February 6, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Test on Thursday - unseen story/essay
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Test on Thursday - unseen story/essay
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Test on Thursday - unseen story.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
No questions tonight- consider topic for speech- ' A Hero'. Test on Feb. 17th.
February 1, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book reports due date on Feb 3rd. Some stduents have asked for an extension:
(will accept assignments up to the 8th in that case).
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Comic strip due on the 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Comic strip due on the 3rd.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Comic strip due on the 3rd.
January 26, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-3
poster due tomorrow.
January 25, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Poster due this Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Ensure monologue journal entry (class work) is finished.

Finish novel - story map due on the 3rd February.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Finish novel - comic strip due on the 3rd - by hand or using 'bitstrip.com'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finish reading novel- comic strip due the 3rd. Bitstrip.com or by hand: 6-12 frames.

Ensure recent journal entry is complete 'My Scary Pet'.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
finish novel -comic strip due the 3rd.
By hand or using bitstrip.com ( free for a month).
January 24, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
finish two questions' Brother Leon'. Comic strip - Feb. 3rd
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Comic strip - Feb. 3rd
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Comic strip - Feb. 3rd
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish novel - assignment instructions go out tomorrow.
Journal should be completed this week.
January 23, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
finish class work- journal entry: 'My Scary Pet'over the next two days.
Finish novel by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish class work: monologue - by Wednesday, if incomplete.
Finish up novel by Friday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Finish novel by Friday - comic due Feb. 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Finish novel by Friday - comic due Feb. 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Poster due Friday.
January 19, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
finish novel - comic strip due Feb. 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
finish novel - comic strip due Feb. 3rd.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
finish novel - comic strip due Feb. 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Poster due Friday - next week....day 2.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish class work - questions 2 & 3 on monologues.
Novel should be read at home - finish by the 27th January.
January 18, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finish novel by Jan. 27. Comic strip due Feb 3rd. Instructions provided on sheet( major events of novel).By hand or using internet - bitstrip.com.
6-12 frames. Include title aslo.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Continue to read novel.Comic strip due Feb. 3rd - by hand or using bitsrip.com. I will show examples in class.
Please return Underground to Canada novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Continue to read novel at home. Comic strip due Feb 3rd - by hand or using bitstrip.com - free internet program. Instructions for assignment provided in class this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Please finish novel by 27th January.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Last research class for assignment - tomorrow. Poster is due Friday next week. Bristol board available @ office $1.
January 17, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
sheet # 3 & 4 - 'King on Fear'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
sheet # 3 & 4 - 'King on Fear'
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Continue reading novel. Ensure questions are finished - from article.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Continue reading novel.
January 10, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finish Stephen King 'Fear' sheet #4, 9&10.
Continue to read own novel at home and in class.Have about two weeks.
Return 'Underground to Canada' a.s.a.p.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7

Continue to read own novel at home and in class.
Return 'Underground to Canada' a.s.a.p.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Continue to read own novel at home and in class.
Return 'Underground to Canada' a.s.a.p.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish sheet on TV show for tomorrow's discussion.Continue to read own novel at home and in class.Have about two weeks for reading time.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Search for images/visuals for your topic by Wed. next week. Find on-line info. if required. Two more classes to work on poster display.
January 5, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Bring novel tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Bring novel tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Bring novel regularly.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Bring novel to class for daily reading.
January 4, 2012
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Need a novel for Friday- library time was provided today. Lots of books area available. Return 'Underground to Canada' if you still have it.Ensure you have enough paper and pencils for class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Need a novel for Friday- library time was provided today. Lots of books area available. Return 'Underground to Canada' if you still have it.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Need a novel for Friday- library time was provided today. Lots of books area available. Return 'Underground to Canada' if you still have it.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Need a novel for Friday - library time was provided today. Lots of books area available. New unit from text begins today. Please bring text to class daily.
December 13, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-6
read review sheets from class. Also focus on quotes from questions assigned this week. Ensure assigned questions are finished.Test on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Finish character sketch started in class on Liza. Imp. practice for test on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Finish character sketch started in class on Liza. Imp. practice for test on Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finish character sketch started in class on Liza. Imp. practice for test on Thursday.
December 12, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Review study question- three quotes on pg. 2ex.- Who said it? Context? Why it is significant- use paragraphs.Test on Thursday.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
jot notes for character sketch - First two columns only of chart - Liza.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Test on Thursday. Review content overall for mul. choice questions. Character sketch begins tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Test on Thursday. Review content overall for mul. choice questions. Character sketch begins tomorrow.
December 9, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish review questions assigned in class - first page only. Test on the 15th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Test on the 15th. Multiple choice and one long answer question.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Test on the 15th. Multiple choice and one long answer question.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Test on the 15th. Multiple choice and one long answer question.
December 7, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish the post reading questions from booklet by Monday #2,4,5.Test on the 15th. Multiple Choice and one long answer.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finished reading novel today. Test on the 15th.Multiple choice & one long answer. Will review the constructed response answers in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Finished reading novel today. Test on the 15th.Multiple choice & one long answer. Will review the constructed response answers in class.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Finished reading novel today. Test on the 15th.Multiple choice & one long answer. Will review the constructed response answers in class as well.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 110A
no p.m. classes tomorrow due to parent interviews
December 6, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finish 'Freedom' acrostic poem on blank paper- Add colour.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Finish 'Freedom' acrostic poem on blank paper- Add colour.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Finish 'Freedom' acrostic poem on blank paper- Add colour.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Test on novel - Dec. 15th. Ensure you are up to date on reading. Book fair is available until Thursday.
December 5, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Acrostic 'Freedom' poem due Wednesday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Acrostic 'Freedom' poem due Wednesday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Acrostic 'Freedom' poem due Wednesday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Read chapter 8
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Book Fair goes tomorrow as well.
December 1, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Read chapter 14 tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Read 10 more pages in novel.
November 29, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Starting chapter 14 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Picture money due tomorrow for retakes.
November 28, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Ensure chapter 10 in finished tonight.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Starting chp. 5 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Retake picturess given back today. Please return by NOv. 30th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Enure you are up to date re/reading novel.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
If you have finished the novel ahead of others, please bring alternate reading.
November 23, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Starting Chp. 9 tomorrow in novel. Catch up if required.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Read chp 7
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Read chp 7
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Chapter three tomorrow.No class today.
November 22, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-4
Novel- starting chp. 8 tomorrow.Catch up if required.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Starting chp. 3 tomorrow. Catch up if required. Tests given back today.
November 17, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Read chp. 6 of novel for tomorrow.
November 10, 2011
Assigned to Class: 8-7
practise test distributed. Number #1 assigned in class - finish at home if behind.#2&3 will be completed Monday.
November 9, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Test - Nov. 15th. Guide distributed today. Practice test tomorrow. Homework:
pronoun review sheet
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3
School pictures distributed today.
Treat at recess! Goodbye to one of our classmates.
p.m. assembly.
November 2, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
play form & money for tomorrow a.m.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
coats for kids this week.
November 1, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-play on Nov. 3 - form and money.
October 27, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
finish adjective/adverb sheets if not completed during class.
October 26, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish questions ( 1-5) started in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
coats for kids - ongoing
return any library books
school close - out p.d.- Nov. 1
October 25, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
read article in text pg.24-27
bring permission slip & fee for play
'The Outsiders' - Nov. 3
Assigned to Class: 7-3
collecting pennies for cancer
October 20, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Do the chart assigned in class re/making connections pg. 3-7 text
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Currently collecting pennies for cancer research
October 17, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Book report oral presentations continue
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Book report oral presentations continue
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Book report oral presentations continue
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book reports due in tomorrow. Be prepared to present q & a.
October 12, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Book reports due tomorrow - be prepared to read out your report and present the visual.

Test on Friday ( unseen text). Focus on summary and making text connections. The practice test
'Taking Up Tools' will be given back tomorrow and reviewed. If you took it home to finish - please bring completed answers to class tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Book reports due tomorrow - be prepared to read out your report and present the visual.

Test on Friday ( unseen text). Focus on summary and making text connections. The practice test
'Taking Up Tools' will be given back tomorrow and reviewed. If you took it home to finish - please bring completed answers to class tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Book reports due tomorrow - be prepared to read out your report and present the visual.

Test on Friday ( unseen text). Focus on summary and making text connections. The practice test
'Taking Up Tools' will be given back tomorrow and reviewed. If you took it home to finish - please bring completed answers to class tomorrow.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book report - due 18th. Oral presentation: Five interview questions & answers. Be creative and be 'in-role'!
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Great walk today- thanks for the Terry Fox support!
Picture money returned on The 14th, if applicable.
October 11, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Book report due Thursday
Test (unseen text)on Friday.Focus on how to write a summary.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Book report due Thursday
Test (unseen text)on Friday.Focus on how to write a summary.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Book report due Thursday
Test (unseen text)on Friday.Focus on how to write a summary.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book report due on the 18th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Remember picture orders, if applicable.

Healthy Commotions tomorrow- dress for exercise and outside walk. Bring a coat etc....could be chilly.
October 7, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
test ( unseen text) Oct. 14th
book report - October 13th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
test (unseen text) Oct. 14th
book report - October 13th
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
test (unseen text) Oct. 14th
book report - October 13th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Picture orders returned by Oct. 14
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book report interview due October 18th
October 5, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
book report new date: due October 13th
test - October 14th - ( unseen text e.g./article, story etc...study guide distributed. Focus on writing a summary & making text connections.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Book report due October 13th (new date).

Test (unseen text e.g. article/story)- October 14th - study guide distributed. Focus on writing a summary & making text connections.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Book report - new date due October 13th.
Test - October 14th. Study guide distributed. Unseen text e.g./ article or story. Focus on writing a summary and making text connections.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Book report due October 18th- five question character interview.
Process essay is an in-class assignment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Remember food drive items.
Check to see if you have enough pencils.
School pics sent home today for ordering.
September 29, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Bring reading material for silent reading. Book report is due in on Oct. 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Bring reading material for silent reading. Book report is due in on Oct. 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Bring reading material for silent reading. Book report is due in on Oct. 13th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Bring reading material for silent reading. Book report will be distributed - due date t.b.a.
Process essay is in-class assignment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Return any Terry Fox funds.
Donations for food bank.
September 28, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Book report due Oct. 13th - home project. Distributed yesterday. Ensure novel is finished a.s.a.p.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Book report due Oct. 13th - home project. Distributed yesterday. Ensure novel is finished a.s.a.p.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Book report due Oct. 13th - home project. Distributed yesterday. Ensure novel is finished a.s.a.p.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Ensure novel is finished this week.

Process essay will be an in-class activity.
Assigned to Class: 110A
Food bank items.
We are still collecting Terry Fox money. Thanks!
September 23, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-3
food drive reminder

Terry Fox pledges - due Sept. 28th

bring any dress up stuff for celebrity pics on Monday
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Keep Reading! Book reports assigned next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Keep reading your novel- assignment will be passed out next week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Keep reading - assignment will be distributed next week!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Keep reading novel- assignment will be distributed soon!
September 21, 2011
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-3
Finish own novel by end of the month. Book report due in Oct. 4th.

Homeroom concerns: bring any food items for drive - so far, we are one of the top classes. Also,remember Terry Fox donations please (due Sept. 28th)!
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Finish novel by the end of Sept. Book report due in: Oct. 4th - will be distributed later this week.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 7-9
Finish novel by the end of month.Book report will be distributed later this week - due October 4th.
Language Arts
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Finish journal entry started in class (re/anger experience). Ensure novel is finished by end of this month. Book report will be due in October and distributed later this week.
