Homework Assigned By: Colette Quann
May 30, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- All booklets should be passed in
- We will be working on creating our own books in Book Creator for the next week or so. For anyone who has been absent, the code to join the library and create your own book is posted in an announcemnt in Google Classroom. Chapter summaries to help are available in Google Classroom.

Be sure to bring your Chromebooks (charged) to class for the next several classes.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- All booklets should be passed in
- We will be working on creating our own books in Book Creator for the next week or so. For anyone who has been absent, the code to join the library and create your own book is posted in an announcemnt in Google Classroom. Chapter summaries to help are available in Google Classroom.

Be sure to bring your Chromebooks (charged) to class for the next several classes.
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- read the first 2 chapters of Zorro and started questions on those chapters in the booklet
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed reading the novel Aller Retour
- students started questions on chapters 15-17
- novel test Monday, June 5th
- review classes the rest of the week. I have posted the review to Google Classroom in advance of the review classes
May 26, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- corrected questions on chapters 13 & 14
- read chapter 15 today
- went over vocab on chapters 15-17
- worked on expressions in Partie B
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- booklets will be collected Tuesday as students came to class without them due to assembly
- I introduced a project on Book Creator to create our own books
- we will work on this over the next several classes so students will need to bring their chromebooks to class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- booklets were collected today
- we started a project on Book Creator to create our own books
- we will work on this over the next several classes so students will need to bring their chromebooks to class
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- we are starting the unit Zorro
- completed vocab section of booklet today
May 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- completed presentations/ critiques
- anyone absent is expected to complete on their own time and will present next week
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 11
- students were given time to complete the journal intime from chapter 10 and questions 1-3 on chapter 11
- carnets will be collected Tuesday for assessment
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- read chapter 11
- students were given time to complete the journal intime from chapter 10 and questions 1-3 on chapter 11
- carnets will be collected Tuesday for assessment
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 12 of Aller Retour
-Assigned the following activities: Partie B, Q.5-8 & Partie C, Q.5-8
Assigned to Class: 8-010
- Currently covering the topic STBBI
- presentation posted in Google Classroom
- will conclude project posted in Classroom next Day 4 class
- Anyone absent should review the presentation and do some of the porject at home
May 16, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- corrected all questions on chapters 9 & 10
- read chapter 11
- students should have completed part b expressions 1-4 and part c questions 1-4
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- students presented their critiques
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 10 of Intrigue a St. Johns
- worked on questions in the carnet
- Journal Intime will be their activity assessed for their written production and conjugating verbs, spelling and punctuation will be stressed in this question.
- booklets will be taken in next Tuesday so all students are encouraged to completed any work missed
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
worked on questions in the carnet
- Journal Intime will be their activity assessed for their written production and conjugating verbs, spelling and punctuation will be stressed in this question.
- booklets will be taken in next Tuesday so all students are encouraged to completed any work missed
May 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- did vocab for chapters 7 and 8 (quizlet posted in Google Classroom)
-read chapter 7
- questions 1-3 were assigned
- students presented their partner (last question in ch. 6 to me as I circulated the class)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did vocab for chapters 7 and 8 (quizlet posted in Google Classroom)
-read chapter 7
- questions 1-3 were assigned
- students presented their partner (last question in ch. 6 to me as I circulated the class)
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- did a couple of listening activities
- will evaluate a listening tomorrow
- link will be posted in Google Classroom for students to review
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed chapters 7 & 8 of Aller Retour
- questions on these chapters should be done
May 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 4 of novel Intrigue a St. John's
- students were assigned questions 5, 6 & 7
- went over vocab for chapters 5 & 6
- booklets will be collected on Friday
so students shouls ensure all work is done
- all material posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- read chapter 4 of novel Intrigue a St. John's
- students were assigned questions 5, 6 & 7
- went over vocab for chapters 5 & 6
- booklets will be collected on Friday so students shouls ensure all work is done
- all material posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- Practice reading 'La television-a-t-elle une influence sur le ...'(page 150 du texte)
- reading assessment Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 4 of Aller Retour
-Partie B: Questions 7-10
-Partie C: Questions 6-9
- do the vocab for chapters 5 & 6
May 2, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Read chapter 3 of Aller Retour
- went over vocab together
- students were assigned questions1-6 in partie B and 1-5 in partie c
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- started reading opinion texts
- completed the one in carnet 'Information trouvee ...'
- this was a guided reading that we read together and wrote out answers.
- we will continue practice readings the rest of the week with reading evaluation on Monday
- questions will be the same for all practice and the assessment
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- read chapter 3 and assigned questions 1-4
- I will take booklets in on Friday so students should ensure all assigned work is completed
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 3 and assigned questions 1-4
- I will take booklets in on Friday so students should ensure all assigned work is completed
April 26, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- we are currently doing the novel study 'Aller Retour'
- read chapters 1 & 2 and completed vocab, expressions and short answer questions in booklet
- bring Chromebooks to class tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- doing a unit on texte d'opinion
- listening activities completed today in Ecoute section of booklet
-Bring Chromebooks to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started reading the novel Intrigue a St Johns
- went over vocab
- read chapter 1
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- started reading the novel Intrigue a St Johns
- went over vocab
- read chapter 1
March 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- listened to and followed along in novel to chapter 5. Completed listening and written activities
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- reading assessment on La Publicite
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- reading assessment on La Publicite
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- Read chapter 5 of novel
- worked on questions (Q7b is question being assessed this chapter)
March 14, 2023
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- read chapter 3 today and completed questions
- question 8 will be evaluated for written production
- please complete any questions on chapter 3 not finished in class for homework
- we will read chapter 4 tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- reviewed reading strategies and began our first practice reading
- This was a guided reading with practice reading comps the rest of the week
- reading comprehension assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- Continued with practice reading comprehension activities. Completed reading Ecolo Mode in text today.
- will continue practice tomorrow and Thursday
- reading comprehension assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Read chapitre 2 of Tour du Monde
- Completed written comprehension activities for chapter 2
March 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- continued and completed la chasse aux techniques in the booklets looking at different ads and identifying techniques
- reviewed reading strategies and began our first practise reading
- This was a guided reading with practise reading comps the rest of the week
- reading comprehension assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- discussed les techniques publicitaires
- worked through la chasse aux techniques in their booklets where we looked at different ads and they identified what techniques were used
- will start reading comprehension tomorrow
- reading comprehension assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- read chapter 2 of novel and worked through questions
- students were asked to work together in French (assessed their oral production as they worked
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read through the first chapter of Tour du Monde and worked on questions in the booklet
March 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Continued work on the imperative
- worked on creating slogans
- please see Google Classroom for information posted on a speaking competition and writing contest. These are great opportunities for enrichment.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- discussed les techniques de la publicite
- analyzed ads in the text to identify techniques used
please see Google Classroom for information posted on a speaking competition and writing contest. These are great opportunities for enrichment.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued to practice the conditional tense (all material posted in Google Classroom)
please see Google Classroom for information posted on a speaking competition and writing contest. These are great opportunities for enrichment.
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- continued with questions on chapter 1 of Elvis Bozec
please see Google Classroom for information posted on a speaking competition and writing contest. These are great opportunities for enrichment.
March 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- corrected work on vocab, logos and slogans
-introduced imperatif and students worked on practice 1-25
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- corrected work on vocab, logos and slogans
-introduced imperatif and students worked on practice 1-25
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed & corrected work on vocab, logos and slogans
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed & corrected work on vocab, logos and slogans
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- large number absent today so listening moved to Monday
- completed prereading activities and vocab
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- large number absent today so listening moved to Monday
- completed prereading activities and vocab
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- started presentations today
- will continue Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- started presentations today
- will continue Monday
March 2, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-Started new unit La Publicite
- we went through slide presentation
- students should have completed vocab, logo and slogan worksheets in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Introduced new unit on La Publicite
- went through presentation on types of ads, where, why, and elements of a good ad
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- corrected prereading mini unit on les francophones de Terre Neuve et Labrador
-started a listening comprehension activity(Activity 4 in novel booklets), Today we went over questions and instructions and listened to it once. We will continue with this activity tomorrow.
- Any student absent can complete using link in booklet in Google Classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Presentation prepared by district about benefits of French Immersion
-Students will begin to present their projects on natural disasters tomorrow
February 10, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started projects today in Google CLassroom
-novel test next Thursday
-answer key to booklet posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- started projects today in Google CLassroom
-novel test next Thursday
-answer key to booklet posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- started presentations today
- some students were not prepared to present today after 5 classes to work on it
- presentations will continue Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued with listening practice activities
- reading evaluation Monday
-will continue listening practises next week with listening evaluation next Friday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please bring in a donation next week for victims of the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
February 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students should have finished all activities except the final project in the Alexa booklets
- test on novel Thursday, Feb. 16th
- we will be working on projects the next few classes.
- Bring Chromebooks to class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- students should have finished all activities except the final project in the Alexa booklets
- test on novel Thursday, Feb. 16th
- we will be working on projects the next few classes.
- Bring Chromebooks to class
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- this was the last class to work on planet projects
- presentations begin tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-unseen reading test Monday, Feb.13
- started practice listening and viewing today. Articles completed today are on google classroom
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Bring in a donation on Monday for victims of the Earthquake in Turkey
February 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students should have completed Operation Bebe and reflection questions
- test on novel Thursday, Feb. 16th
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- students should have completed Operation Bebe and reflection questions
- test on novel Thursday, Feb. 16th
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed final practice reading in text and booklet les inondations
- reading test Monday, Feb. 12th (unseen article but questions will be the exact same as in practice readings)
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- students worked on completing projects
- presentations begin tomorrow
February 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students have been working on the passe compose and imparfait (verb tenses they will have to use in their written production for the unit)
- started reading comprehension practise today with an evaluation late next week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- read chapter 7 of novel Alexa Gougougaga - completed all vocab work and questions as well as chapter summary
- students should be practicing quizlets in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 7 of novel Alexa Gougougaga
- students should be practicing quizlets in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- we have been working on listening comprehension practises all week
- listening evaluation Tuesday
January 31, 2023
Assigned to Class: 8-010
-This was the last Religion class before switching to Health next Day 4.
- The class was spent completing activity on Ethics and Morality in the Google Classroom.
-Any student absent is asked to complete this activity in the next couple of days and grades for the course will be finalized next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Viewing and listening focus: film Nicholas en vacances
- similar theme as in current novel
- students are completing a comprehension worksheet as they watch and listen to the film
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- Viewing and listening focus: film Nicholas en vacances
- similar theme as in current novel
- students are completing a comprehension worksheet as they watch and listen to the film
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- doing some listening practice on videos on space
-will do several in the next few days with ASSESSMENT Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students have been working on the Passe compose with avoir and etre
- Mr. Fitzpatrick introduced the imparfait today and students worked on conjugating activities
- presentation posted in Google Classroom
January 25, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
Bell Let's Talk Activity
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 2 of Alexa and did vocab for chapter 3
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Bell Let's Talk presentation
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- did 3rd practice reading
- bring chromebooks tomorrow for online article
- reading assessment Friday
January 23, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Completed chapter 1 of novel
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
Completed chapter 1 of novel
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
Completed practise reading Pluton in text. Reading assessment Friday.
January 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Bring chromebooks on Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
Bring chromebooks on Monday
January 19, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Worked on activities related to vocabulary on family members
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
Worked on activities related to vocabulary on family members
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Read articles Des catastrophes bien canadiennes on pages 34-27 yesterday
- worked on 2 pages of activities on this reading today
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- did practise writing activity on a trip to the moon in 2030.
- should have been done and completed through google classroom (no numerical grade will be given but focus placed on providing feedback)
January 16, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- we have started the next unit on le Texte explicatif. The theme of the unit is les catastrophes naturelles.
- we have looked at characteristiques of different textes
- students worked on reading on sixth sense capabilities of animals
- we will be working on reading text for the next week with a reading evaluation after many practise ones
- booklet posted to google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- we have started the next unit on le Texte explicatif. The theme of the unit is space
- we have looked at vocab, characteristics, and started practising reading comprehension actvities
- we will be working on reading text for the next week with a reading evaluation after many practise ones
- booklet posted to google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- EAD posters were due today
- Presentation by Mr. Fitzpatrick today followed by kahoot
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- EAD posters were due today
- Presentation by Mr. Fitzpatrick today followed by kahoot
January 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-listening assessment moved to Monday
- completed and corrected all activities in the booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-listening assessment moved to Monday
- completed and corrected all activities in the booklet
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- students completed test on Solo d'Andre
- if any student was absent, parents must send Madame Quann an email to arrange a time to do a make up
- presentations will continue Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students completed test on Nous Reviendrons en Acadie
- if any student was absent, parents must send Madame Quann an email to arrange a time to do a make up
- presentations will continue Monday
- applications are now available for French Summer Programs. Please see Google Classroom and note application deadline is Feb. 17
January 5, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-started missing persons poster
- listening assessment tomorrow
- will continue posters Monday
- reading test Wednesday on Eric a Disparu
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-started missing persons poster
- listening assessment tomorrow
- will continue posters Monday
- reading test Wednesday on Eric a Disparu
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- started presentations
- novel test tomorrow
- will continue presentations Monday
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- started presentations
- novel test tomorrow
- will continue presentations Monday
January 4, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- finished EAD Acte III, Scenes 1 & 2
- reading assessment Wednesday, January 11
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- finished EAD Acte III, Scenes 1 & 2
- reading assessment Wednesday, January 11
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- reviewed for novel assessment this Friday
- review material and answer keys have been posted to Google Classroom
- presentations will begin tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reviewed for novel assessment this Friday
- review material and answer keys have been posted to Google Classroom
- presentations will begin tomorrow
December 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-Listened to Acte 1, Scene 2 & 3 of EAD
- assigned activities 2 & 3 pages 6-8

Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Listened to Acte 1, Scene 2 & 3 of EAD
- assigned activities 2 & 3 pages 6-8
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- started projects on Solo today
- reading quiz postponed until the Friday after Christmas break
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued working on projects on Nous reviendrons en Acadie today
- reading quiz postponed until the Friday after Christmas break
December 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- presentations completed for all students present
]- looked at vocab for Act 1, Scene 1 of Eric a Disparu
- Quizlets for Acte 1 posted in Google Classroom. Students are encouraged to study vocab using quizlets
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- presentations completed for all students present
]- looked at vocab for Act 1, Scene 1 of Eric a Disparu
- Quizlets for Acte 1 posted in Google Classroom. Students are encouraged to study vocab using quizlets
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- read pages 60-65 of Solo d'Andre today & did questions
- test Friday, Dec.16th
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 11 of nous reviendrons
- will complete tomorrow and finish questions
- Test Friday, Dec. 16
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- A reminder to bring in donations for our Adopt a Senior project if you haven't already. Monetary donations are accepted and appreciated to purchase clothing items on our list. We have many items on our list but need wool, knitting needles, shampoo, hair elastics, dollarama and tims gift cards.

-tomorrow is a half day and is formal day- no sweats or jeans.
December 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-continued presentations
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-continued presentations
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
-read pages 35-47 of novel
- questions 18-20 were assigned
- tentative test date Dec. 15
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-read pages chapters 8-9 of novel
- questions on chapters 7-9 were assigned
- tentative test date Dec. 14
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Bring in a donation for our Adopt a Senior program
- Return sold tickets
November 22, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- bring chromebooks tomorrow
- students will be working on their projects un canadien influent in google classroom in all remaining classes this week and will present Monday, Nov. 28
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- bring chromebooks tomorrow
- students will be working on their projects un canadien influent in google classroom in all remaining classes this week and will present Monday, Nov. 28
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
-reading chapter 1 of Solo
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 5 and completed questions
November 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- completed listening assessment today
- will continue reading comprehension practice with reading evaluation Monday, Nov.21
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed listening assessment today
- will continue reading comprehension practice with reading evaluation Monday, Nov.21
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- completed listening assessment today
- will continue presenting interviews next class
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-read chapter 3 and completed questions in novel Nous reviendrons
November 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- continued with reading practice Les Armoiries du .... Students will continue with practice reading comprehensions with a reading comprehension evaluation Friday.
- listening assessment scheduled for last Monday will go ahead tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued with reading practice Les Armoiries du .... Students will continue with practice reading comprehensions with a reading comprehension evaluation Friday.
- listening assessment scheduled for last Monday will go ahead tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- students presented their interviews today
- listening assessment scheduled for the 2nd will go ahead tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- catch up class on novel (reread chapters 1-2 and reviewed answers to questions)
- answers will be posted to google classroom after chapter 5 for the fist few chapters
November 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-listening evaluation on canadian symbols is Monday, Nov.7th
- students will start presenting their flags tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-listening evaluation on canadian symbols is Monday, Nov.7th
- students will start presenting their flags tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
-listening evaluation on entrevue originally scheduled for last Friday is tomorrow
- there are sample listening activities in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-listening evaluation on Acadien unit originally scheduled for last Friday is tomorrow
- there are sample listening activities in google classroom
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
- school clothing orders due Friday
October 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- we discussed francophones in different regions of Canada
- did expressions venir de and habiter a
- activity in pairs on creating a new Canadian flag. We will continue to work on this for the next couple of classes. Students will present their flags next Tuesday Nov. 1
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
we discussed francophones in different regions of Canada
- did expressions venir de and habiter a
- activity in pairs on creating a new Canadian flag. We will continue to work on this for the next couple of classes. Students will present their flags next Tuesday Nov. 1
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- practised interview questions
- watched an interview with Ice Caps players
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reading practice Evangeline
- listening assessment moved to Monday
-students should review the chanson/ poem Evangeline on Google Classroom as this will be the focus on the evaluation
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- school clothing is now available to order on our website. Deadline next Friday the 4th
-proofs from Pegasus were given out today. Deadline to order is Nov.10
October 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-looked at les symboles du Canada and asked comprehension questions
- completed question sheet in the carnet
- listening quiz Wednesday, Nov.2 on symbols (students should review this section and can use their booklet during the listening assessment)
- completed vocab section of booklet as well
-booklet has been posted to Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-looked at les symboles du Canada and asked comprehension questions
- completed question sheet in the carnet
- listening quiz Wednesday, Nov.2 on symbols (students should review this section and can use their booklet during the listening assessment)
- completed vocab section of booklet as well
-booklet has been posted to Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- listened to interview practice (evaluation will be Monday on listening)
- continued to prepare introduction, questions and closing for interview
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- listening practice on Les acadiens
- listened to and analysed la chanson Evangeline
- listening assessment Friday on chanson Evangeline. The song and lyrics are posted in Google Classroom
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- School clothing now available to be ordered on our website. Deadline for orders is next Friday, Nov. 4th. All orders must be placed online through the webstore.
October 24, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started new unit 'Pleins feux sur le Canada'
- discussed Canadian symbols
- students are asked to bring Chromebooks to class tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
-- started new unit 'Pleins feux sur le Canada'
- discussed Canadian symbols
- students are asked to bring Chromebooks to class tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
-started focusing on listening- listened to interview with Ice Caps. Posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Acadie booklets should be completed and passed in
-started focusing on listening- practice listening on les Acadiens de IPE today
October 18, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
completed irregular verb aller today and did practise activities in verb booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
completed irregular verb aller today and did practise activities in verb booklet
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
doing unit on Acadie: we corrected section on sports and completed education section.
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- completed 1st practice reading today in textbook 'Rencontre avec un photogrpahe' page 58.
- began second reading Rencontre avec un metteur en scene page 60
- Will be doing practise readings all week with reading evaluation Friday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Coats for kids campaign ongoing- please send in any coats you may have outgrown or no longer wear

- Jamarama this Friday (bring in a donation to the Janeway and wear your pyjamas

- Homework Haven every Monday 2:10-3. Teachers from each department are available to help and offer extra support in all subjects.
October 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
In unit on Acadie, we corrected section on sports and completed education section.
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- did guided reading today in textbook 'Rencontre avec un photogrpahe' page 58. Did questions in carnet together.
- Will be doing practise readings all week with reading evaluation Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Last week we practised verb conjugation of regular er, ir and re verbs.
- Reviewed irregular verb etre today
- completed irregular verb avoir today and did practise activities in verb booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- Last week we practised verb conjugation of regular er, ir and re verbs.
- Reviewed irregular verb etre today
- completed irregular verb avoir today and did practise activities in verb booklet
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Coats for kids campaign ongoing- please send in any coats you may have outgrown or no longer wear

- Jamarama this Friday (bring in a donation to the Janeway and wear your pyjamas

- Homework Haven every Monday 2:10-3. Teachers from each department are available to help and offer extra support in all subjects.
October 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did practice activities with regular er, re, and ir verbs
- verb conjugation songs posted in Google Classroom for students to listen to and review
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- did practice activities with regular er, re, and ir verbs
- verb conjugation songs posted in Google Classroom for students to listen to and review
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- completed listening assessment today
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed listening assessment today
October 11, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed trousse d'activities guide des survie today
- 4 marks for unit 1 have been psoted in Powerschool. Any child absent will need to make up this week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- completed trousse d'activities guide des survie today
- 4 marks for unit 1 have been psoted in Powerschool. Any child absent will need to make up this week
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed presentations today
- listening assessment Thursday
- 3 marks posted in Powerschool
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- completed presentations today
- listening assessment Thursday
- 3 marks posted in Powerschool
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- walk for Breakfast tomorrow
October 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- presented Je suis poems today
- no homework
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- presented Je suis poems today
- listening assessment Wednesday, Oct. 12
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- had reading assessment today
- listening assessment Wednesday, Oct. 12
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a safe and fun long weekend.
October 6, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- began presentations today
- reading assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- began presentations today
- reading assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- review adjectives and personality traits
- began Acrostiche poems
-will present poems tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- review adjectives and personality traits
- began Acrostiche poems
-will present poems tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Please send in a food donation for our Thanksgiving Food Drive
- thanks to everyone for your donations so far
October 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- working on adjectives vocab
- no homework
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- working on adjectives
- completed 3 activity pages
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- did practice reading in preparation for assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- did practice reading in preparation for assessment Friday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
- bring in donation for Food Drive
- bring in a donation for our Hurricane Fiona fundraiser tomorrow
October 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed a reading and a listening assessment today on the classroom objects and expressions/ permissions
- in the event of an absence, parents should email to confirm excused absence and to arrange a time to complete
- completed activities (pages 49 & 50) on Quelle heure est-il?
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- completed a reading and a listening assessment today on the classroom objects and expressions/ permissions
- completed activities (pages 49 & 50) on Quelle heure est-il? and started the activities on les vetements
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- completed reading practice on La ferme de l'avenir (students should complete at home if not completed in class)
- reading assessment Friday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed reading practice on La paille ... (students should complete at home if not completed in class)
- did a reading practice on Le Journee du chandail orange
- reading assessment Friday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
1. Please bring in a non perishable food item for Food Drive
2. Bring in a $1 (or amount of your choosing) on Wednesday for Hurricane Fiona
3. Legion Lap- details on our website- registration forms are available from Madame Quann
4. Ice cream sales begin this Friday - all ice cream are $1
September 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
completed all sections on vocab for classroom expressions and objects.
- completed practice on numbers and worksheets la bonne route in activity booklets
- Quiz Monday, October 3rd. Students need to review classroom/ school vocab
- booklets are posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
completed all sections on vocab for classroom expressions and objects.
- completed practice on numbers and worksheets la bonne route in activity booklets. Worked on activities 'Quelle heure est-il?'
- Quiz Monday, October 3rd. Students need to review classroom/ school vocab
- booklets are posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- Practise reading activity ' La ferme de l'avenir
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Practise reading activity 'La paille qui fait deborder la vase'
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Orange Shirt Day Wednesday, September 28th
- Picture Day Thursday, September 29th
- No school Friday
- Homework Haven Mondays 2:10-3 (All subject areas)
September 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- completed all sections on vocab for classroom expressions and objects.
- completed practice on numbers and worksheets la bonne route in activity booklets
- Quiz Monday, October 3rd. Students need to review classroom/ school vocab and numbers
- booklets are posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed all sections on vocab for classroom expressions and objects.
- completed listening practice on numbers and worksheets la bonne route in activity booklets
- Quiz Monday, October 3rd. Students need to review classroom/ school vocab and numbers
- booklets are posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- complete all work in booklets up to les pronoms possessifs and negation if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-complete all work in booklets up to le passe compose if not completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Orange Shirt Day Wednesday, September 28th
- Picture Day Thursday, September 29th
- No school Friday
- Homework Haven Mondays 2:10-3 (All subject areas)
September 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students are conmpleting a selfie activity with their interest and goals
- they are practicing how to use the dictionary
- an email was sent home to all parents on Tuesday regarding curriculum, assessment and google classroom codes. Any parent who did not receive an email from me should email for this information
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
- students are conmpleting a selfie activity with their interest and goals
- they are practicing how to use the dictionary
- an email was sent home to all parents on Tuesday regarding curriculum, assessment and google classroom codes. Any parent who did not receive an email from me should email for this information
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- we are working through the review booklets
- we have been working on the present tense of regular and irregular verbs (these sections of the booklet should be completed by all)
an email was sent home to all parents on Tuesday regarding curriculum, assessment and google classroom codes. Any parent who did not receive an email from me should email for this information
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- we are working through the review booklets
- we have been working on les adjectifs, homophones, la negation et le present (these sections of the booklet should be completed by all)
an email was sent home to all parents on Tuesday regarding curriculum, assessment and google classroom codes. Any parent who did not receive an email from me should email for this information
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Connection (Meet and Greet) Thursday evening from 7-8
- wear Orange on Wednesday, Sept. 28 for Truth and Reconciliation
- picture day is Thursday, Sept. 29th
- Holiday for Truth and Reconciliation Friday Sept. 30
September 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started unit La Rentree
- looked at vocab for useful expressions
- completed c'est moi activity in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(220)
started unit La Rentree
- looked at vocab for useful expressions, salutations, seasons, months, days
- completed c'est moi activity in booklet
Assigned to Class: 8-7 (118)
- have started first unit La Rentree
- no homework assigned
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- started presentation of La Classe de mot
- completed indirect and direct objects, pronoms
- copy of presentation and booklet posted in google classroom
- students were given code to join today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Thank you to all for filling out the many forms sent home for media consent, technology use, and Chromebook.
- There are some student demographic forms that have not been passed in. If I do not have your child's form they were given a new one today. Please return ASAP.
June 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- presented activity Ma boite a lunch
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- presented activity Ma boite a lunch
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reread chapter 2 of Zorro and read chapter 3
- students worked on activities 3, 4, and 5
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 6 of tour du monde and completed activity 9
June 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
Did chapter 5 of Le tour du monde en 80 jours and completed activities 7 & 8
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- Listened to chapter 2 of Zorro
- students reread on their own
- completed activities 3 & 4
June 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- listened to reading of chapter 4 of Le tour du monde en 80 jours
- completed activities 5 & 6 in booklet
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- started listened Zorro- introduction and chapter 1 of
- completed activities 1 & 2 in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Lecture: les jeunes canadiens ...(pages 126-129 of text)
Completed page 12 of booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Lecture: les jeunes canadiens ...(pages 126-129 of text)
Completed page 12 of booklet
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Yearbook Order Deadline tomorrow.
June 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
Please bring Chromebooks tomorrow for Coding Session. Please ensure you charge your Chromebook overnight.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
Please bring Chromebooks tomorrow for Coding Session. Please ensure you charge your Chromebook overnight.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please bring Chromebooks tomorrow for Coding Session. Please ensure you charge your Chromebook overnight.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Please bring Chromebooks tomorrow for Coding Session. Please ensure you charge your Chromebook overnight.
June 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- we started our last unit Le corps humain
- students brainstormed vocabulary
-(textbooks will not be distributed but will be kept in the class for this unit)
- we have a guest coming in to our class next Wednesday, June 8th to do a coding session with our class. Students are asked to ensure their Chromebooks are properly charged and to bring them to class next Wednesday to participate in this session
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed survol du module et les signes de ponctuation (of booklet)
- students will need to bring charged chromebooks in Wednesday, June 8th for a coding session. We have a guest coming in to do this coding session in French.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we started our last unit Le corps humain
- students brainstormed vocabulary
- (textbooks will not be distributed but will be kept in the class for this unit)
- we have a guest coming in to our class next Wednesday, June 8th to do a coding session with our class. Students are asked to ensure their Chromebooks are properly charged and to bring them to class next Wednesday to participate in this session
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed survol du module et les signes de ponctuation (of booklet)
- students will need to bring charged chromebooks in Wednesday, June 8th for a coding session. We have a guest coming in to do this coding session in French.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- did reading assessment today
-- we have a guest coming in to our class next Wednesday, June 8th to do a coding session with our class. Students are asked to ensure their Chromebooks are properly charged and to bring them to class next Wednesday to participate in this session
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
-continued working on projects- texte d'opinion
- students will need to bring charged chromebooks in Wednesday, June 8th for a coding session. We have a guest coming in to do this coding session in French.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- listening assessment today
- we have a guest coming in to our class next Wednesday, June 8th to do a coding session with our class. Students are asked to ensure their Chromebooks are properly charged and to bring them to class next Wednesday to participate in this session
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- started last unit le tour du monde en 80 jours
students will need to bring charged chromebooks in Wednesday, June 8th for a coding session. We have a guest coming in to do this coding session in French.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- please ensure you come to class with needed supplies. Pencils are necessary
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Please ensure your child has a pencil for class.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Please ensure your child has a pencil for class.
May 31, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed independent reading journals today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed independent reading journals today
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- started final project
- posted in google classroom
- students picked subjects and filled out graph with ideas
- reading evaluation tomorrow
- will resume working on projects Thursday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- did another listening practise activity
- listening evaluation tomorrow
May 24, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- we are continuing our independent reading unit. Students read reader #4 today and completed reading journal.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we are continuing our independent reading unit. Students read reader #4 today and completed reading journal.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- practice reading 3 today on La television ....
- reading evaluation Friday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- listening practice today
- students listened to song/poem in booklet and filled in missing words
- will present calligrams tomorrow and continue listening practices with evaluation next Tuesday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students are asked to please stock up on supplies for the last month. Too many students are coming without a pencil
- bring in food for our community school food drive ( with Roncalli and Gonzaga)
May 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- This was the 4th class students had to work on their calligram projects. Most have handed them in so will present in class on Tuesday.
- Students not finished due to absence will be expected to work on this on their own
- this project is posted in Google Classroom along with examples
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- This was the 4th class students had to work on their calligram projects. Most have handed them in so will present in class on Tuesday.
- Students not finished due to absence will be expected to work on this on their own
- this project is posted in Google Classroom along with examples
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- working on reading comprehensions
- corrected 'L'info trouve...' that was completed in yesterday's class (this reading activity is in their unit booklets)
- Did a second reading practice today 'La musique'
- reading assessment late next week
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- working on reading comprehensions
- corrected 'L'info trouve...' that was completed in yesterday's class (this reading activity is in their unit booklets)
- Did a second reading practice today 'La musique'
- reading assessment late next week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-we are working on an independant reading study
- students completed reader 3 today
- students are working on different books but completing guided questions in mini booklet
- all work is completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-we are working on an independant reading study
- students completed reader 3 today
- students are working on different books but completing guided questions in mini booklet
- all work is completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-we are working on an independant reading study
- students completed reader 3 today
- students are working on different books but completing guided questions in mini booklet
- all work is completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-we are working on an independant reading study
- students completed reader 3 today
- students are working on different books but completing guided questions in mini booklet
- all work is completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
'Most students in the 7-7 homeroom have received 50/50 tickets. This is our last fundraiser for the year. Proceeds will aid in securing resources for both students and staff to enhance teaching and learning at MDJH. Please make effort to make this a success.
Thank you.'
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
'Most students in the 7-7 homeroom have received 50/50 tickets. This is our last fundraiser for the year. Proceeds will aid in securing resources for both students and staff to enhance teaching and learning at MDJH. Please make effort to make this a success.
Thank you.'
May 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- calligramme projects were distributed and explained. We looked at examples and students were given over half the class to brainstorm ideas and start jot notes for their project
- students will work on these in class all week with the expectation they be completed by the end of Thursday's class
- we will present next week
- plan, instruction sheet and samples have been posted to google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- we started a listening assessment focusing on learning goals, scale to prepare students to follow the self assessment process
- will complete tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- presentations concluded today
- played French board games as conclusion to our unit on games
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- presentations will resume tomorrow (have not been able to complete due to absences).
- played French board games as conclusion to our unit on games
May 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued with analysis of poems today
- completed analysis of Dejeuner du matin found in the booklet
- open book evaluation Friday (poem analysis) following examples completed in class
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- continued with listening activities
- will start listening assessment tomorrow using standards based evaluation (focus on feedbback and no mark will be assigned)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students began presenting their texte d'opinion today
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students began presenting their texte d'opinion today
May 6, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
-completed fait ou opinion activity
-began listening/viewing activities (links in booklet in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reviewed poetry terms looking at examples
- started reading in texts (Edith Bouget)page 130 in text and completed corresponding questions in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on projects all class
- these small texts should be nearly complete
- students will have another class Monday to complete and edit
- presentations Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on projects all class
- these small texts should be nearly complete
- students will have another class Monday to complete and edit
- presentations Tuesday
May 5, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-worked on rime riche and rime pauvre
- completed activity in carnet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- began end of unit projects
- students researched a game
- will begin writing their opinion texts in tomorrow's class
- they will have a class Monday to complete with presentations beginning Tuesday
- Project and rubric posted in Google Classroom
- Reminder to bring Chromebooks tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reviewed present tense of regular and irregular verbs
-completed activities in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- began end of unit projects
- students researched a game
- will begin writing their opinion texts in tomorrow's class
- they will have a class Monday to complete with presentations beginning Tuesday
- Project and rubric posted in Google Classroom
- Reminder to bring Chromebooks tomorrow.
May 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed a listening assessement on Fait ou opinion
- finished correcting all practise readings
- reading assessment originally schedule for Monday moved to tomorrow
- students are asked to bring chromebooks Thursday and Friday for Francais
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed a listening assessement on Fait ou opinion
- finished correcting all practise readings
- reading assessment originally schedule for Monday moved to tomorrow
students are asked to bring chromebooks Thursday and Friday for Francais
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-started poetry unit
-new booklets given out and reviewed vocab
- new booklet posted in google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- started next unit - Texte d'opinion.
- this unit will be assessed using standards based grading
- an information pamphlet will be sent to parents via email
April 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
Students are presenting their projects on Aller Retour.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
Students are presenting their projects on Solo d'Andre
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- we have been doing practice sentences fact or opinion (listening assessment Friday)
- students are doing readings on o[pinion texts. Reading assessment Monday with same questions as on practice ones we have done and will do for the remainder of the week.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we have been doing practice sentences fact or opinion (listening assessment Friday)
- students are doing readings on o[pinion texts. Reading assessment Monday with same questions as on practice ones we have done and will do for the remainder of the week.
April 12, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- working on spring/ Easter booklets
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- working on spring/ Easter booklets
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students are working on their end-of-unit projects. They will have 3 classes before the break to work on this and will finish the Monday we come back. Presentations will begin Tuesday, April 26. Students will not need to work on this at home unless they were absent and missed the 4 classes designated to work on this project.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students are working on their end-of-unit projects. They will have 3 classes before the break to work on this and will finish the Monday we come back. Presentations will begin Tuesday, April 26. Students will not need to work on this at home unless they were absent and missed the 4 classes designated to work on this project.
April 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- introduced jouer a and faire de with different sports and activities. A presentation has been posted in google classroom. The school had no internet yesterday so this was not shown in class.
- students worked on a single page of practice activities and today did one booklet working on translations.
- we will do the 2nd booklet in tomorrow's class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- introduced jouer a and faire de with different sports and activities. A presentation has been posted in google classroom. The school had no internet yesterday so this was not shown in class.
- students worked on a single page of practice activities and today did one booklet working on translations.
- we will do the 2nd booklet in tomorrow's class
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students are working on preparing answers to questions on conflict, theme and characters for the novel.
- time was given today to review vocab and kahoots in google classroom
- test moved to Monday as many will be absent for tournaments Friday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students are working on preparing answers to questions on conflict, theme and characters for the novel.
- time was given today to review vocab and kahoots in google classroom
- test is Monday
April 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started a new unit Texte d'opinion
- brainstormed games and sports
- started activity on opinion
- booklet posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started a new unit Texte d'opinion
- brainstormed games and sports
- started activity on opinion
- booklet posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- completed questions in booklet
- discussed character traits
- answer key to booklet is posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed questions in the booklet
- answer key to booklet is posted in Google Classroom
-posted chapter summaries in google classroom
March 30, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Students began presenting their trip projects
- reminder of novel test Friday ( study notes and vocab in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Students began presenting their trip projects
- reminder of novel test Friday ( study notes and vocab in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- listening assessment completed today
- read section 70-73 of novel and completed questions
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 14 of Aller Retour
-completed and corrected questions
March 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on projects. This was the last class to work on these.
- test on Alexa next Friday, April 1
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on projects. This was the last class to work on these.
- test on Alexa next Friday, April 1
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 11
- students worked on expressions for chapter 11 & 12 and started questions on ch.11
- answers posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- class participated in a virtual storytelling session with Anne Glover offered through Second Language council
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- sports jersey day on Monday
March 23, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapters 9 & 10 in today's class
- will work on questions on these chapters in class tomorrow
- answers to questions completed this week will be posted to Google Classroom Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students are working on their dream vacations as a final project for this novel unit. Presentations will begin Tuesday. (This was the 2nd class working with Chromebooks)
- novel test scheduled for Friday, April 1st
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-students are working on their dream vacations as a final project for this novel unit. Presentations will begin Tuesday. (This was the 2nd class working with Chromebooks)
- novel test scheduled for Friday, April 1st
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapters 9 & 10 (pages 59-64) today
- students worked on questions on this section
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Breakfast Blitz next week: Grade 7 students are asked to bring in granola bars, cereal bars and kashi bars on Monday. Help us fill our cupboards for our breakfast program.
March 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- watched Treasure Planet in french with french subtitles
- tomorrow marks the end of our french week activities and students are encouraged to complete and submit their bingo card of activities tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- answer key to Alexa booklet now posted in Google Classroom
- watched Encanto in french with french subtitles
- tomorrow marks the end of our french week activities and students are encouraged to complete and submit their bingo card of activities tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- answer key to Alexa booklet now posted in Google Classroom
- watched Encanto in french with french subtitles
- tomorrow marks the end of our french week activities and students are encouraged to complete and submit their bingo card of activities tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- watched Jungle Cruise in french with french subtitles
- tomorrow marks the end of our french week activities and students are encouraged to complete and submit their bingo card of activities tomorrow
March 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- finished reading the novel Alexa Gougougaga today
- completed questions and chapter summaries
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- finished reading the novel Alexa Gougougaga today
- completed questions and chapter summaries
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 7
- went over vocab on chapters 7 & 8
- assigned 1-6 in Part B questions
- assigned questions 1-4 on ch 7
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapter 7 (p.48-59) and completed ques5tions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- wear green tomorrow for St. Patricks Day
March 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 7
- did a listening activity on chapters 5 & 6
- did chapter summaries
- looked at vocab for chapter 7
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- finished chapters 5 & 6
- students worked on questions
- booklet now posted in google classroom along with quizlets on chapters 1-4 and 5-8 for practise
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
read chapter 7
- did a listening activity on chapters 5 & 6
- did chapter summaries
- read chapter 7
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
read chapter 5 and did questions
March 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reviewed chapters 1-4
- reread chapter 4
- corrected all questions for these chapters
- started reading chapter 5
- students are encouraged to do activities on the French bingo for la Semaine de la Francophonie and to play French wordle
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read chapter 5 & 6 of Alexa
- went over questions
- will do chapter summaries next class
- students are encouraged to do activities on the French bingo for la Semaine de la Francophonie and to play French wordle
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapters 5 & 6 of Solo and completed questions
- last 10 minutes of class were spent doing activities on the French Bingo cards and doing French wordle
- students are encouraged to do activities on the French bingo for la Semaine de la Francophonie and to play French wordle daily
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued Belle et la Bete
- students are encouraged to do activities on the French bingo for la Semaine de la Francophonie and to play French wordle
March 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- worked on pronoun booklets
- please see Google Classroom for information and extra opportunity for French practice offered through the Francophone Association
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- watched Belle et la Bete for french listening and comprehension practice
- please see Google Classroom for information and extra opportunity for French practice offered through the Francophone Association
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed activity Operation Bebe ( at end of novel booklets)
- please see Google Classroom for information and extra opportunity for French practice offered through the Francophone Association
March 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students read chapter 4
- worked on questions on chapters 3 & 4
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed activity Operation Bebe
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed vocab for chapter 5
- read chapter 5
- completed questions and chapter summary
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- worked on questions on chapters 3 & 4
March 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reviewed chapters 1 and 2 for those who were absent last week
- went through all vocab and corrected all questions
- read chapters 3 & 4 (pages 19-35)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went through a review of vocab and chapters 1-4 ( a catch up for students absent last week and a review for any present)
- students are encouraged to practice their vocab using the quizlets posted in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went through a review of vocab and chapters 1-4 ( a catch up for students absent last week and a review for any present)
- students are encouraged to practice their vocab using the quizlets posted in google classroom.
March 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapters 1 & 2 of Aller Retour
- will work on questions in class
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapter 2 of Solo d'Andre
- continued questions on chapter 1
- some may have started chapter 2 questions
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 4 of Alexa Gougougaga
- completed vocab activities and chapter summary
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read chapter 4 of Alexa Gougougaga
- completed vocab activities and chapter summary
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- wear blue and or yellow and bring in a donation to support the Ukraine
March 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 3 of novel
- completed vocab work and questions
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read chapter 3 of novel
- completed vocab work and questions
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapter 1 of novel
- completed vocab work and students should have completed questions 1-4
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed presentations (any student sick can send in audio or video or present upon their return)
- All marks updated in Powerschool
- organized portfolios
-students worked on first section of prereading activities
March 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- completed and corrected prereading activities
- went over vocab for first chapter (students should review quizlet in google classroom for practice)
- started reading novel (2 pages in)
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued presentations today
- anyone absent can submit an audio recording of their presentation to have counted in term 2 reports
- will complete tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 2
- completed vocab work and questions
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read chapter 2
- completed vocab work and questions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students and staff are asked to wear blue and or yellow on Friday and bring in a donation for Ukraine
February 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- started presentations today of catastrophes naturelles
- any student absent and who will be absent for this week are encouraged to do an audio of their presentation and email or add to their slide presentation
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went over vocab for chapter 1
- read chapter 1 of novel
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over vocab for chapter 1
- read chapter 1 of novel
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- distributed novels 'Solo d'Andre'
- assigned prereading activities 1-3
February 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- last class for students (class 4) having Chromebooks to work on projects
- listening evaluation tomorrow
- students will start presenting their projects Wednesday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started novel Alexa Gougougaga today (prereading activities)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started novel Alexa Gougougaga today (prereading activities)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- practise listening activity for ASSESSMENT TOMORROW
- students should have completed and presented presentations on planets (parents advised to check powerschool for missing work)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
This week is spirit week. Tuesday is Twin Tuesday. Students are encouraged to participate by dressing similar to a friend or friends
February 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- looked at passe compose today in preparation for next novel study
- students should review google slide presentation and video posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- looked at passe compose today in preparation for next novel study
- students should review google slide presentation and video posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- worked on projects
- reminder of listening assessment Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- continued presentation of planets
- reminder of listening assessment Tuesday
February 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- worked on family vocab booklets (used this vocab in next novel)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- worked on family vocab booklets (used this vocab in next novel)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- did a practice listening. Listening Assessment Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-introduced the end of unit projects
- students began to work on them
- students will have 3 classes with Chromebooks to complete this project.
- listening assessment moved to Tuesday. Presentations will begin Tuesday if time after listening assessment or Wednesday
February 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- listening assessment moved to Tuesday, Feb. 22
- Chromebooks are booked the next 3 classes for students to work on final projects for this unit.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students began presentations today of their projects
- we also did a listening practise with a listening evaluation scheduled for Tuesday, Feb.22
February 11, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reading practice today similar to one that will be on reading assessment
- practise readings posted to google classroom
-reading assessment on Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- last class to work on projects
- presentations will begin Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- organized portfolios
- returned all assessments for unit (project marks and reading test marks will be entered in Powerschool in the next few days)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- organized portfolios
- returned all assessments for unit (project marks and reading test marks will be entered in Powerschool in the next few days)
February 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued viewing tv reports of natural disasters and discussed
- listening assessment Tuesday
- links to videos posted in classroom for more practice at home.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
-worked on projects
- will begin presentations on Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- concluded speaking presentations today
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- concluded speaking presentations today
February 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students had chromebooks and worked on their final projects for the unit
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- practise listening
- the next few classes will be spent watching weather reports
-listening evaluation Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started presentations on an influential canadian
- students have to pass in textbooks tomorrow
February 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- did practice reading 'les ouragans'
- went over answers
- reading quiz Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed reading assessment today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed reading assessment today
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- did practice reading 'les debris spatiaux
- reading assessment moved to Tuesday
February 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reading Une planete en changement (pages 8-9 of text)
- went through reading and questions together as this was the first (posted as a guide for future readings in google classroom)
- we will continue with reading practises this week with a reading assessment on Monday Feb. 8th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did another practice reading:L'anse aux Meadows (answers to all questions on all readings posted to google classroom)
- reading assessment tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did another practice reading:L'anse aux Meadows (answers to all questions on all readings posted to google classroom)
- reading assessment tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- did another practice reading:Mars: la planete rouge (answers to all questions on all readings posted to google classroom)
- reading assessment Thursday
January 31, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- practise reading number 2 completed- la comete de Halley
- reading quiz Thursday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-reviewed prereading/previewing strategies
-viewing & listening comprehension on Flooding in France (completed comprehension activities in the booklet)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed reading practise on La Gendarmerie Royale du Canada
- reading assessment Wednesday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed listening assessment on les symboles canadiennes
- completed reading practise on La Gendarmerie Royale du Canada
- reading assessment Wednesday
January 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Focus on listening comprehension today (watched videos and discussed videos showing causes of some natural disasters)
- did previewing activity for viewing/listening activity Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did listening quiz- marks entered in Powerschool
- reviewed reading strategies
- students began reading on La Gendarmerie Royale du Canada (individual pracitce- reading evaluation Wednesday)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reviewed reading strategies
- read Pluton reading in text and did questions (modeled answers for students)
- Reading assessment Thursday, Feb. 3rd suing same questions as today's practice
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- listening assessment on Symboles postponed until Monday
- virtual guest speaker Les Rencontres Session with Storyteller Rob Malo (Tibert le Voyageur). Franco Manitoba Culture was focus
January 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read pages 124-128 (interviews with astronauts) and complete page in booklet comparing life on earth and in space. Fill in table with similarities and differences.
- complete question in booklet on the next trip to the moon in 2030
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- listening assessment tomorrow
- reading practice 2- les armoiries du Territoire (reading assessment Wednesday, February 2- questions the same as practice questions)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- listening assessment tomorrow
- reading practice 2- les armoiries du Territoire (reading assessment Wednesday, February 2- questions the same as practice questions)
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- les catastrophes canadiennes
- complete table in booklet comparing 2
January 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did our 3rd practice listening on Canadian symbols
- listening quiz Friday on same section (students should reread this in preparation)
- started reading comprehensions today- guided reading of l'hymne nationale du Canada
- reading quiz Wednesday February 2
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did our 3rd practice listening on Canadian symbols
- listening quiz Friday on same section (students should reread this in preparation)
- started reading comprehensions today- guided reading of l'hymne nationale du Canada
- reading quiz Wednesday February 2
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students worked on writing summaries of 'les catastrophes bien canadiennes' (pages 34-37 in text)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students worked on reading 40 ans deja on pages 112-115 and completed table in workbook on Space Missions
- started writing a paragraph on a trip to the moon in 2030 (also in booklet)
January 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed and answer key posted for reading Sichuan 2008
- students are reminded to return their novels 'Nous reviendrons en Acadie' Tuesday
- Bon weekend
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed presentations 'un nouveau drapeau canadien'
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed presentations 'un nouveau drapeau canadien'
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students should review their vocab for the present unit
January 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on projects un nouveau drapeau. We will complete these tomorrow and present on Thursday
- parents please check Powerschool to ensure your child has a mark for their Eric a disparu poster. If no mark it is missing
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on projects un nouveau drapeau. We will complete these tomorrow and present on Thursday
- parents please check Powerschool to ensure your child has a mark for their Eric a disparu poster. If no mark it is missing
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- breakout rooms to brainstorm vocab on les catastrophes naturels
- students played Stop Disasters game for development of vocab and understanding of factors influencing intensity of disasters and damages
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- went over vocab and definitions
- students are encouraged to review vocab on space
January 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over 3 pages in carnet on les symboles canadiens (students should review this section in their booklets in preparation for listening assessment at the end of next week
- introduced flag group or individual project that we will start Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went over 3 pages in carnet on les symboles canadiens (students should review this section in their booklets in preparation for listening assessment at the end of next week
- introduced flag group or individual project that we will start Monday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- completed speaking presentations of final novel project
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued practice of the imperfect tense or imparfait (any student who did not do well on the checkpoint should review material posted in Google Classroom and try it again)
- will begin unit next class
January 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over answers to study guide
-reading assessment Monday (students can use booklets, study guide and word reference or dictionary)
- worked on posters
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went over answers to study guide
-reading assessment Monday (students can use booklets, study guide and word reference or dictionary)
- worked on posters
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- went over answers to study guide
-reading assessment Tuesday (students can use booklets, study guide and word reference or dictionary)
- worked on projects
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reviewed passe compose with avoir
- introduced passe compose with etre (google slide presentation, videos and notes in Google classroom)
- assigned B & C of worksheet
January 5, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- gave students format for the reading assessment which will be Monday
- review sheet posted in google classroom for students to complete ( we will correct on Friday)
- Students worked on missing persons poster after I explained instructions and rubric
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- gave students format for the reading assessment which will be Monday
- review sheet posted in google classroom for students to complete ( we will correct on Friday)
- Students worked on missing persons poster after I explained instructions and rubric
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- introduced Passe Compose with avoir (slide presentation posted in Google Classroom)
- watched video on formation of passe compose with avoir
- assigned practise sheet
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- study guide for assessment posted to Google Classroom (assessment questions will come from this study guide)
- explained project mon tresor culturel
- reading assessment Tuesday. Projects should be completed by Monday in class with presentations starting next Wednesday.
January 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reviewed google meet and google classroom guidelines and expectations
- explained the organization of materials posted to google classroom
- Stop Disasters Game
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reviewed google meet and google classroom guidelines and expectations
- reread the last scene of the play Eric a disparu
- explained the assessments for this play and how they will be adjusted to online learning
- students will begin projects tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- reviewed google meet and google classroom guidelines and expectations
- reread the last scene of the play Eric a disparu
- explained the assessments for this play and how they will be adjusted to online learning
- students will begin projects tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reviewed google meet and google classroom guidelines and expectations
-explained the organization of materials posted to google classroom
- explained the assessments for this play and how they will be adjusted to online learning
- students will begin projects tomorrow
- study guide posted in google classroom for novel test next week
December 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read Act 3, scene 1 today
- review activities 1, 2, 4 & 6 in booklet for listening assessment tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read Act 3, scene 1 today
- review activities 1, 2, 4 & 6 in booklet for listening assessment tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapter 9 of novel and did questions
- went over chapter 10 vocab
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued with presentations
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Pyjama Day tomorrow
December 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- finished Acte 2 today, corrected Activity 4. Will correct Activity 5 tomorrow
- Listening Assessment Friday on Acts 1 & 2. Students should review their booklets.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- finished Acte 2 today, corrected Activity 4. Will correct Activity 5 tomorrow
- Listening Assessment Friday on Acts 1 & 2. Students should review their booklets.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued presentations today
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapter 8 today
- completed questions
- test Monday after Christmas break
December 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- presentations began today
- will continue tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- corrected Activity 3 questions
- read Acte 2, scenes 1 & 2
- will do questions tomorrow in class
- test will be the Monday after Christmas break
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read Acte 2, scenes 1 & 2
- will correct questions tomorrow in class
- test will be the Monday after Christmas break
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- corrected chapter 6 questions
- read and explained chapter 7
- corrected questions
- test will be the first Monday after Christmas break
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- candycane gram delivery tomorrow
- ugly christmas sweater day is Thursday
- Pyjama Day is Friday
December 8, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
finished Acte 1 today. Students should review vocabulary by doing the quizlets in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-finished questions on Acte 1 today. Students should review vocabulary by doing the quizlets in Google Classroom
- went over Acte 2, scene 1 vocab
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapter 5 and students worked on questions
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students worked on projects which are due Monday. Many are finished or nearly finished.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
- Adopt a Senior donations: items still needed are men's razor blades, deodorant, soft cheesies, knitting needles. Donations due Friday. Thanks to all who have donated.
December 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- review vocab for Acte 1 by doing the Quizlets in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- finished Acte 2 today. Students should review vocabulary by doing the quizlets in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- students worked on projects in LRC
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- read chapter 4 of novel
- please complete questions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- tomorrow for Christmas Chaos it is Character day
- please bring in a donation for our Adopt a Senior Project. Donations are due Friday.
December 6, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read Act 1, scene 1 of play
- students worked on Activity 1 in booklet
- booklet and quizlets for vocab practice posted to google classroom
- it is recommended that students review vocab regularly as we read the play
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read Act 1, scene 1 of play
- students worked on Activity 1 in booklet
- booklet and quizlets for vocab practice posted to google classroom
- it is recommended that students review vocab regularly as we read the play
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
- completed chapter 3
- questions should be completed
- quizlet posted in google classroom. Students are encouraged to review nightly
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- they wrote their comprehension test today on the novel
- students will work on their projects in all their classes this week
-they are due Monday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Christmas Chaos
- Decorate our door tomorrow
- christmas Character day Wednesday & sign our card for Seniors
- Christmas mask Thursday
- Plaid Friday
December 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed presentations
- any presentation missed due to absence will be done upon return to school
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed presentations
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reviewed for novel test Monday, Dec.6th
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- completed questions on Chapter 1 of novel
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Adopt a Senior Project: donate if you can
- Candy Cane Gram sales: support needy families in our school community
- Picture retake Friday
- 50/50 tickets
November 30, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued with presentations
- should complete presentations tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students continued to present their projects today
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- finished reading novel
- test Monday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- started novel Elvis Bozec novel
- read chapter 1
- started questions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
- Adopt a Senior Project: donate if you can
- Candy Cane Gram sales: support needy families in our school community
- Picture retake Friday
- 50/50 tickets
November 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started presentations today. Will continue tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started presentations today. Will continue tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- completed prereading activities of novel
- will begin the novel tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 11 today
- questions 6-10 assigned
- Novel test Monday, Dec. 6
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- return 50/50 tickets
- Please send in donation for our Adopt a Senior Project
- candy cane grams will be sold this week and next. This is a fundraiser to support needy families in our school community.
- Picture retakes Friday
November 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- this was the last class to work on projects
- complete projects for Monday if not complete
- presentations will begin Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- this was the last class to work on projects
- complete projects for Monday if not complete
- presentations will begin Monday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students began prereading activities of Elvis Bozec novel
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 10
- assgined questions 1-5
- test scheduled for Monday, Dec. 6th
November 24, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapters 8 & 9
- will go over questions tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students continued and should have completed Partie B of Fawncophone de Terre Neuve booklets ( corrected Partie A and up to number 10)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- worked on projects
- sample project shared in Google Classroom
- projects due Monday with two more classes to complete using chromebooks
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- worked on projects
- sample project shared in Google Classroom
- projects due Monday with two more classes to complete using chromebooks
November 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed listening assessment on chapters 1-6
- read chapter 7 aloud
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- explained final project for the unit (posted in google classroom)
- students began the planning stage and will have the next 3 classes to work on this project in school using the chromebooks.
- Projects are due and Oral presentations will begin Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- explained final project for the unit (posted in google classroom)
- students began the planning stage and will have the next 3 classes to work on this project in school using the chromebooks.
- Projects are due and Oral presentations will begin Monday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students should have Q 1-13 completed by tomorrow's class
- corrected video activity
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Students are reminded to bring in a donation for our Adopt a Senior project. See our school website for list of items
November 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did a 3rd reading practice today called Les chaussures Rapido
- corrected questions
- will do a 4th practice tomorrow with reading assessment Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did a 3rd reading practice today called Les chaussures Rapido
- corrected questions
- will do a 4th practice tomorrow with reading assessment Thursday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 6 of novel
- students worked on questions 1-9
- listening assessment Thursday on chapters 1-6. Students should review the novel
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students continued to work on interviews
- presentations will start tomorrow
November 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did 2nd practise reading today (Ecolo Mode page 54-55 of text
- corrected
- reading assessment Thursday (questions will be the same as practice ones)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- guided reading of `Le Festival des cerfs volants`
- did 2nd practise reading (Ecolo Mode page 54-55 of text
- reading assessment Thursday (questions will be the same as practice ones)
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- corrected questions 1-11 on chapters 3 & 4
- looked at vocab for chapters 5-6
- read aloud chapter 5
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students worked on final projects (les entrevues)
- will present in class later in the week
November 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 4 aloud
- students worked on questions 6-11
- questions 1-11 on chapters 3 & 4 should be completed for Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- listening assessment today
- Completed 'Le Festival des cerfs-volants'- a guided reading ( read aloud and demonstrated how to answer questions
(We will do 3 more practise ones in the next 3 classes followed by an assessment Thursday, Nov.18. Questions on readnig assessment will be the exact questions on the practise readings.)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Completed 'Le Festival des cerfs-volants'- a guided reading ( read aloud and demonstrated how to answer questions
(We will do 3 more practise ones in the next 3 classes followed by an assessment Thursday, Nov.18. Questions on readnig assessment will be the exact questions on the practise readings.)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- listening assessment
- worked on interviews for final project
November 9, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 3 of novel and assigned questions 1-5
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- listening assessment rescheduled for Friday
- introduced final project today and students worked on introductions and 3 interview questions
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued watching ads and worked as a class to identify les techniques publicitaires
- will do Friday as assessment
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- had listening assessment on ads today
- anyone absent should contact Ms. Quann
November 8, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- looked again at interviews posted in Google Classroom in preparation for tomorrow's listening assessment
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- read chapter 2 of novel
- students should have completed all questions in booklet on chapters 1 & 2
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- watched tv ads (posted in google classroom_
- analyzed ads for product/ company, but, and les techniques publicitaires
- will do listening and viewing activity for assessment on same ads next class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- watched tv ads (posted in google classroom_
- analyzed ads for product/ company, but, and les techniques publicitaires
- will do listening and viewing activity for assessment on same ads in upcoming class once all practises are complete
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
School Clothing Orders due Wednesday
November 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued to analyse some ads (poster type) identifying the techniques used
- regular review of vocab for these techniques is important for activities throughout the unit
- poster ads posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued to analyse some ads (television ads) identifying the techniques used
- regular review of vocab for these techniques is important for activities throughout the unit
- many are posted in google classroom for students to review (we will analyze the techniques during the next couple of classes with a listening assessment on Tuesday. Video used for assessment will be one of the ones covered in class and posted in classroom.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- listening assessment Tuesday, Nov. 9th (all interviews are posted in google classroom and students are encouraged to listen for practise)
- worked in groups on practice interviews
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- started novel
- read chapter 1
- students completed questions on les personnages, les lieux, and questions 1 and 2 in comprehension questions
November 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued to analyse some ads (poster type) identifying the techniques used
- regular review of vocab for these techniques is important for activities throughout the unit
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued to analyse some ads (poster type) identifying the techniques used
- regular review of vocab for these techniques is important for activities throughout the unit
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
-listening practise- watched interviews (all interviews are posted in google classroom and students are encouraged to listen for practise)
- listening assessment Tuesday, Nov. 9th
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- watched video on history of Acadie
November 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- went over all Prereading activity questions
- introduced Passe simple (historical past used in literary works). Students will be expected to recognize this as it is used in the book (did some practice exercises)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-distinguished between les moyens linguistiques and graphiques
- analysed some ads (poster type) identifying the techniques used
- regular review of vocab for these techniques is important for activities throughout the unit
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-distinguished between les moyens linguistiques and graphiques
- analysed some ads (poster type) identifying the techniques used
- regular review of vocab for these techniques is important for activities throughout the unit
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students started portfolios of their work (evaluations to this point have been added)
-listening practise- watched interviews (more posted in google classroom and students are encouraged to listen for practise)
- listening assessment will follow early next week
November 2, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- novels Nous reviendrons en Acadie
- students worked on prereading activities 1-3 of carnet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- worked on imperative activities in booklet (2nd table in booklet)
- demonstrated how to use bescherelle and students practised looking up verbs
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- worked on imperative activities in booklet (2nd table in booklet)
- demonstrated how to use bescherelle and students practised looking up verbs
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reading assessment today
November 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reviewed listening strategies and questions and stating answers
- reading assessment tomorrow with same questions as on practise onces done in class ( all on Google Classroom in booklet)
- videos of interviews are also posted in google classroom for listening practice. I encourage students to listen to one or 2 each night
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- listening assessment completed today
- novel booklets were given out and students were assigned question 1 & 2 of Activity 1
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Introduced the Imperative tense
- videos posted to google classroom (students are encouraged to watch the videos)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Introduced the Imperative tense
- videos posted to google classroom (students are encouraged to watch the videos)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- school clothing orders available on our website and at office. Deadline is Nov. 10th
- Picture retakes December 3
October 27, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-went over techniques de la publicite and vocab (posted in google classroom)
- reading assessment tomorrow. Students can use dictionaries and practice readings to assist in answering questions
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued with practice listening
- videos posted in google classroom
- listening assessment moved to Monday (review videos posted in Google Classroom)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
-Continued practise reading comp.
- reading assessment Tuesday
October 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over reading comprehension practice (gave back to students with mark. These will not be recorded on Powerschool but are meant to give students an indication of how they are doing. )
- students should review their reading comp. We will do another reading comp Thursday that I will take in and count as an evaluation. It will be very similar to the practise one
- began our next Unit La Publicite- brainstormed
- presentation and booklet posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
went over reading comprehension practice (gave back to students with mark. These will not be recorded on Powerschool but are meant to give students an indication of how they are doing. )
- students should review their reading comp. We will do another reading comp Thursday that I will take in and count as an evaluation. It will be very similar to the practise one
- began our next Unit La Publicite- brainstormed
- presentation and booklet posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- Practice Reading Comp #2 'Rencontre avec Une metteure en scene (page 60-61 of text)
- reading comp for evaluation Thursday (questions will be the exact same as in practice readings in class every day since last Friday. )
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continuing unit on Acadie with listening practice (videos in Google Classroom)
- students are encouraged to listen to and view these videos to prepare for listening assessment Thursday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
- Students can dress up in Halloween costumes Friday (no complete face coverings or weapons)
October 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Completed and corrected activities 1-4 Activites Langagieres
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- went over practise reading Rencontre avec une photgraphe
- reading evaluation Thursday (questions on evaluation will be the same as on the practise ones)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Reviewed Les expressions interrogatives (guide d'etude in google classroom)
- completed vocab review
- looked at reading strategies and structures for answering questions
- started reading comp and will continue with this tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Reviewed Les expressions interrogatives (guide d'etude in google classroom)
- completed vocab review
- looked at reading strategies and structures for answering questions
- started reading comp and will continue with this tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- School photos were handed out to students today
- Picture retakes are Dec. 3
October 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- continued unit on Acadie (La Gastronomie). Completed questions
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- corrected definitions of unit 2 (posted in Google Classroom)
- reviewed reading strategies
- did prereading questions of Rencontre avec un photographe
- we will do practise listening activities the next few classes with an evaluation the middle of next week
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did verb aller
- song posted in Google classroom
- completed practise activities
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did verb aller
- song posted in Google classroom
- completed practise activities
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Jamarama Friday - Bring in a donation for the Janeway ($1 or $2)
October 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- worked on irregulier verbs etre and avoir
- students should listen to songs posted in google classroom to review conjugation
- completed and corrected etre activites
- will continue with avoir activities tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- worked on irregulier verbs etre and avoir
- students should listen to songs posted in google classroom to review conjugation
- completed and corrected etre activites
- will continue with avoir activities tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Completed sections Les Sports and L'education in Acadia booklets
(students worked on preparing arguments for a debate)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- started unit 2 Interviews
- brainsstormed process and types
- began definitions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Friday is Jamarama. Bring a donation for the Janeway and wear your pyjamas
October 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- worked on present tense of er, re, and ir verbs
- students should listen to songs possted in google classroom to learn endings
- did practice activities (students can do extra practice section in booklets if they want more practice)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- worked on present tense of er, re, and ir verbs
- students should listen to songs possted in google classroom to learn endings
- did practice activities (students can do extra practice section in booklets if they want more practice)
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Continued webquest activity on Acadie and symboles Acadien using chromebooks
-links posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students had reading assessment that was scheduled for yesterday (missed due to their field trip)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Jamarama is next Friday. Students are encouraged to wear their pyjamas and bring in a donation to the Janeway.
October 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Worked on conjugating er verbs (worked on booklet activities as a group)
- Inroduced re verbs and listened to songs (posted in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Worked on conjugating er verbs (worked on booklet activities as a group)
- listened to ER song Mots d'action en ER song (posted in google classroom)
- students should review notes in booklet on conjugatig and listen to song to learn endings
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- webquest activity on L'Histoire de l'Acadie
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- class missed due to fluvarium field trip
- reading assessment will be tomorrow
October 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
Continued study on Acadie correcting Histoiire section
- students worked on monologues of 8 lines - worked on article on when completed sports
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued practice of er verbs in booklet
- students should review conjugation and song in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- corrected pronouns and prepositions
introduced conjugation of er verbs in booklet
- students should review conjugation and song in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
did another practice listening 'La Controverse Unis'
(key posted in google classroom)
October 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reviewed reading strategies
- read and corrected questions on practise reading Le Covid 19 au Canada (see Google Classroom)
- will continue practice reading tommorw La Controverse Uni
- reading evaluation moved to Thursday
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- organized portfolios ( returned all assessments for unit 1 and put in portfolio)
- started next unit: Novel study Nous Revinedrons en Acadie (starting with mini unit on L'acadie to give context to novel
- did Activity 1 La Situation Geographique
- students started reading L'Histoire and 6 questions in Activity 1 following this section. Will continue tomorrow (this booklet has been posted in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed trousee d'activite booklets on La Rentree
- started verb booklets on le present- regular ER verbs ( worked on verbs: acheter, aimer, arriver, chercher, dessiner
- verb booklets and ER verb song posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed trousee d'activite booklets on La Rentree
- looking at verbs and conjugation next class
October 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued in booklet; completed Mes Preferences section
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students presented their projects La Rentree
- Please see powerschool to ensure your child's project is not noted as missing. If it is noted as missing, please discuss if due to missed time due to sickness or if not prepared. All students will present Tuesday.
- The written part has not yet been corrected but I have noted on Powerschool if student has passed in
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Another listening practice
- Evaluation tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued in booklet; completed Mes Preferences section
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Many thanks for your generous donations of food this morning. Our final day of collecting food items is tomorrow morning- not too late to donate.
October 6, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started portfolios today for evaluation organisation
- check Powerschool for marks
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started portfolios today for evaluation organisation
- check Powerschool for marks
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reading practice: En quete d'un vaccin ...
- reading evaluation Friday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students completed final copies of La Rentree projects
- presentations tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Bring in items for Food Drive
October 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reading practice 'Penible verite concernant ...'
- will continue reading practices Wednesday and Thursday
- reading evaluation Friday Oct. 8th
- sac a dos project marks and listening evaluation marks have been entered in Powerschool
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed je suis poem presentations
- completed vocab activity on les vetements in booklet
- marks added to powerschool
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed je suis poem presentations
- completed vocab activity on les vetements in booklet
- marks added to powerschool
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students worked on La Rentree projects (rough drafts should be completed as it is only 7 sentences)
- students will do final copies tomorrow and present Thursday
- reading focus will follow with reading evaluation Wednesday, October 13
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please bring in a non perishable food item or items for our Food Drive
October 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- completed sac a dos presentations
- will work on reading comprehension for remainder of week with reading quiz Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- had a listening comprehension on numbers and letters
- students presented their Je suis poems
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- had a listening comprehension on numbers and letters
- students presented their Je suis poems. We will finish presentations tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- listening comprehension
- explained project which we will work on this the next couple of classes and present on Thursday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please bring in a nonperishable food item for the food bank.
September 28, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- did listening practice with song 'On court'
- continue to review conjugation of verbs in the present
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did listening practice with letters and numbers
- students continued to work on their poem projects. Will complete in Friday's class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did listening practice with letters and numbers
- students continued to work on their poem projects. Will complete in Friday's class
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Completed listening evaluation
- Worked on sac a dos projects- will begin these presentations Friday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Friday is picture day. Bring your biggest smile.
September 27, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did practice listening activity with letters and numbers ( will do them daily and listening evaluation will be Monday, October 4th)
- started in class project 'Je Suis'. Students will continue to work on this tomorrow and read out in class Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did practice listening activity with letters and numbers ( will do them daily and listening evaluation will be Monday, October 4th)
- started in class project 'Je Suis'. Students will continue to work on this tomorrow and read out in class Friday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- did practice listening activity present tense verbs
- practice verb sheets on present tense
- Listening evaluation moved to Monday (technical issues with class computer)
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Listening evaluation tomorrow
- students shouold review practice listening activities as well as verb tenses reviewed this unit
- worked on good copies of Sac a dos projects. Students will start presenting these on Friday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Wear Orange shirts tomorrow for Orange Shirt Day
- Picture Day is Friday. Bring you smile.
September 21, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
-Corrected work on les homophones, la negation
- did practice listening activity focusing on word classes
- listening comprehension Tuesday, Sept. 28th
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
-Corrected work on les adjectifs possessifs la negation
- listening comprehension Tuesday, Sept. 28th. We will be doing practice listening activities in classes prior
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed dictionary activity identifying word classes and translations- reviewed numbers and letters. We will be doing regular review of letters and numbers for listening comprehension coming up. Tentative date Oct. 4
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed dictionary activity identifying word classes and translations- reviewed numbers and letters. We will be doing regular review of letters and numbers for listening comprehension coming up. Tentative date Oct. 4
September 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- reviewed present tense of regular verbs, avoir and etre (handout separate from booklet)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- reviewed present tense of regular verbs, avoir and etre (handout separate from booklet)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did vocab sections in booklet of les materiaux de la salle de classe
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over how to use a french english dictionary and illustrated wordreference.com
- completed activity in booklet and reviewed months and days of the year
September 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over les Salutations
- looked at abbreviations for words as they appear in the dictionary
- practised using a dictionary
- will continue this activity as a class tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went over les Salutations
- looked at abbreviations for words as they appear in the dictionary
- practised using a dictionary
- will continue this activity as a class tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- Corrected work on les adjectifs
- google slide presentation and videos on La Classe de mots (posted in google classroom). Went as far as les adjectifs.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- correced work on les adjectifs
- reviewed etre with adjectifs and masculine and feminine adjectifs
- reviewed expressions with avoir
September 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Selfies have been collected for evaluation
- students were given a booklet of activities on La Rentree today and should have completed page 2 les expressions utiles (this activity booklet has been posted to the google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- corrected all work completed in unit ending at les pronoms possessifs
- will start section on Les adjectifs tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Selfies have been collected for evaluation
- students were given a booklet of activities on La Rentree today and should have completed page 2 les expressions utiles (this activity booklet has been posted to the google classroom)
- They have also been given a Guide de Survie to put in their binder as a reference throughout the year as we move through units (this is also available in Google Classroom)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- we corrected the chart on irregular verbs
- students should have completed the sentences on irregular verbs
September 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Students should have finished the selfie activity today.
- reminder to join google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Students should have finished the selfie activity today. Some may need to finish at home and pass in tomorrow
- reminder to join google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108A)
- students should complete the table on irregular verbs if not finished in class
- reminder to join Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (109B)
- we are working our way through the booklet (On adjectif section)
- no homework assigned
- reminder to join Google Classroom
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Forms were sent home today regarding Chromebooks. Please sign and return. This will enable your student to get a chromebook for their use at home.
September 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
- We have started a unit on review.
- Students should have completed activities on l'analyse des phrases and les adjectifs/pronoms personnels (A-D)
- the unit booklet has been posted in Google Classroom. Codes were given to students on Friday and an email was sent to all parents giving the code.
- Please ensure your child joins the classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students are working on a 'Selfie Activity'. This gives them practice using a dictionary. We will continue to work on this in class.
- a sample one has been posted in Google Classroom. Codes were given to students on Friday and an email was sent to all parents giving the code.
- Please ensure your child joins the classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
students are working on a 'Selfie Activity'. This gives them practice using a dictionary. We will continue to work on this in class.
- a sample one has been posted in Google Classroom. Codes were given to students on Friday and an email was sent to all parents giving the code.
- Please ensure your child joins the classroom.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- We have started a unit on review.
- Students should have completed activities on ER, IR, & RE verbs. We hae started reviewing the present tense of irregular verbs.
- the unit booklet has been posted in Google Classroom. Codes were given to students on Friday and an email was sent to all parents giving the code.
- Please ensure your child joins the classroom.
June 11, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did our fifth practise reading
- evaluation Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did our fifth practise reading
- evaluation Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-completed subject, direct and indirect object pronouns this week
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
-completed subject, direct and indirect object pronouns this week
June 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- continued with student presentations
- should finish presentations tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed unit on smoking, drugs and alcohol
- students who have not completed booklets will have to finish for Wednesday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- corrected questions on les jeux inuits
- did a second practice reading on les jeux videos (students worked on questions and showed breakdown of how they will be weighted on evaluation.
- reading evaluation Monday, June 14th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- corrected questions on les jeux inuits
- did a second practice reading on les jeux videos (students worked on questions and showed breakdown of how they will be weighted on evaluation.
- reading evaluation Monday, June 14t
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continued with student presentations
- hoping to finish presentations tomorrow
June 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students will start presenting their texte d'opinion tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students will present their Tour du monde tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went over fact versus opinion
- students did a partner activity in which they expressed their opinion on 2 games and compared the opinion of their partner
- some presented in class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over fact versus opinion
- students did a partner activity in which they expressed their opinion on 2 games and compared the opinion of their partner
- some presented in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- wear orange on Thursday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- do not forget to complete waiver forms for laser tag that were emailed to you. They are also available on our website
May 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
-practise reading 'Les devoirs...?'
- reading evaluation Thursday
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- read chapter 8 of Le tour du monde en 80 jours
- listening assessment tomorrow on chapter 8. Students can reread this chapter to prepare for evaluation
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- mini lesson on les pronoms objects directs et indirects
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- mini lesson on les pronoms objects directs et indirects
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please support our community food drive but sending in a nonperishable food item
May 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- practice reading Le sport est-il dangereux pour les jeunes?
- reading evaluation Thursday (same questions as practice eradings done in class)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- concluded Friend wanted poster using qualities in Healthy relationships booklet completed in class
- the poster will be the evaluation for this unit
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- practise listening comprehension Country Bears
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- practise listening comprehension Country Bears
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- chapter 7 of le tour du monde en 80 jours (listening assessment)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please bring in a non perishable food item to support our community food drive
May 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- practice reading 'Est-ce que la television a une influence sur les enfants?'
- reading test Thursday May 20th
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed chapter 6 of le tour du monde
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued presentations
- mini grammar lesson on subject and object pronouns
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued presentations
mini grammar lesson on subject and object pronouns
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- community food drive next week partnering with Roncalli and Gonzaga. Please send in a nonperishable food item.
May 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed survey on loisirs
- reading on reality tv and opinions
- will continue questions next class which is Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on the end of unit projects
- if done, students practiced quizlets in google classroom in preparation for Thursday's test
- test is all objective type questions: matching, vrai ou faux, fill in the blanks ( students should be reviewing vocab, characters, events)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on the end of unit projects
- if done, students practiced quizlets in google classroom in preparation for Thursday's test
- test is all objective type questions: matching, vrai ou faux, fill in the blanks ( students should be reviewing vocab, characters, events)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continuing with Le Tour de Monde en 80 jours: read chapter 4 and did activities in booklet
May 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on google classroom projects (this was the second class and students will be given 2 more)
- test on novel is Thursday and students will present their projects starting Friday (option to record at home and send audio was given instead of presenting to the class. If choosing this option audio must be sent by Friday)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on google classroom projects (this was the second class and students will be given 2 more)
- test on novel is Thursday and students will present their projects starting Friday (option to record at home and send audio was given instead of presenting to the class. If choosing this option audio must be sent by Friday)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continued with Le Tour du Monde en 80 jours (listened to and read along with chapter 3)
- completed chapter 3 activities
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed listening activity for evaluation
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students should be bringing an extra mask with them daily in case the straps break or they lose the one they are wearing
April 30, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- listening practise activities
- listening evaluation next class
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students prepared skits with language assistant and all students presented in class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- explained final projects (the trip of my dreams)
- students worked on their project plans(in their booklet but students are encouraged to complete as google doc attached in google classroom)
- plans should be complete and students will have the next 3 classes with chromebooks to work on creating a slide presentation from their slides (1 slide per question) so 6 slides in total
- Novel test is Thursday
- students will begin to present projects in class Friday, May 7th. Students are giving the option to record their presentation and include audio in google classroom as an alternative to presenting in class. This must be done by Friday, May 7th as well. Otherwise they will be expected to present in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- explained final projects (the trip of my dreams)
- students worked on their project plans(in their booklet but students are encouraged to complete as google doc attached in google classroom)
- plans should be complete and students will have the next 3 classes with Chromebooks to work on creating a slide presentation from their slides (1 slide per question) so 6 slides in total
- Novel test is Thursday
- students will begin to present projects in class Friday, May 7th. Students are giving the option to record their presentation and include audio in google classroom as an alternative to presenting in class. This must be done by Friday, May 7th as well. Otherwise, they will be expected to present in class.
April 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- activity with french language assistant on distinguishing between fact and opinion
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- activity with french language assistant on writing dialogues using French expressions introduced last day
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- chapter 2 of tour du monde
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- activity with french language assistant on writing dialogues using French expressions introduced last day
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- evaluation on the male and female reproductive systems
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- wear red and/or black tomorrow for Kindenss Day as we remember Ethan Paul
April 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students worked on a 100 word journal entry using the conditional tense. Complete and pass in tomorrow if not completed in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 7, went over vocab, corrected questions and wrote chapter summary
- will reread chapter 7 tomorrow for a listening evaluation
- novel test scheduled for next Thursday, May 6th
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read chapter 7, went over vocab, corrected questions and wrote chapter summary
- will reread chapter 7 tomorrow for a listening evaluation
- novel test scheduled for next Thursday, May 6th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- bring extra masks that are the correct fit (many reminders are being made to students about their masks being under their nose and mouth. Please discuss the importance of mask-wearing and the necessity to wear it correctly.
April 21, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students presented porjects today
- will conclude presentations tomorrow (students who left their projects home will be expected to have them tomorrow)
- introduced theme of next unit and handed out booklets
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continued work on prepositions differentiating between the use of many
- practise activities (many websites with notes and practise activities posted in google classroom)
- Grade 9 Virtual Summer Language Program posted in google classroom. Deadline to apply is April 28
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read chapter 5 of novel, completed questions and chapter summary
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read chapter 5 of novel, completed questions and chapter summary
April 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- activity on les virelangues (French tongue twisters) with the French Language Assistant
- presentations of planet activities continue tomorrow (1 presentation completed today)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- activity on les virelangues (French tongue twisters) with the French Language Assistant
- reading of novel Alexa completed up to chapter 4
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- corrected all work on the conditionnel
- lesson on les prepositions with countries and cities
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed activities in booklet on Male Reproductive System
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- activity on les virelangues (French tongue twisters) with the French Language Assistant
- reading of novel Alexa completed up to chapter 4
April 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- watched space buddies in French with French subtitles for practice listening comprehension
- time given to practice presentations which will begin tomorrow
- Some students have not passed in their SOLO D'Andre Novels. Any not passed in will be charged the replacement fee of $15
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed poem readings in class
- completed work on the conditional verb tense
- updated folders with recent evaluations
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over vocab for chapters 4 & 5
- read chapter 4
- completed questions on chapter 4 and chapter summary
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went over vocab for chapters 4 & 5
- read chapter 4
- completed questions on chapter 4 and chapter summary
April 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- did a listening activity filling in missing words of a song
-introduced the conditionel (notes and practice activity)
- calligrammes and recorded readings of poems due tomorrow (students have option to read out in class if audio is not put in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed reading chapter 1 along with questions on symbols, chapter 1 summary
- went over vocab for chapter 2 (quizlet in Google classroom)
- read chapter 2 and completed questions
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed reading chapter 1 along with questions on symbols, chapter 1 summary
- went over vocab for chapter 2 (quizlet in Google classroom)
- read chapter 2 and completed questions and chapter summary
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- chromebooks were distributed today to students who returned the forms in the fall
April 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students should finish prereading activities 1-3 for the novel Alexa Gougougaga
- we will begin reading tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students should finish prereading activities 1-3 for the novel Alexa Gougougaga
- we will begin reading tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students were given the class to work on calligramme projects
- they will be doing presentations on Friday of a poem of their choosing
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students were given the class to work on their planet projects
- presentations will begin Tuesday, April 20th
April 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- end of unit projects were distributed and explained and students started their outlines
- due Tuesday April 20
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- class with french language assistant
- students will work on calligramme poems the next couple of classes- due Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-students are to bring their Alexa Gougougaga booklets and novels to class tomorrow if they were taken home
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students are to bring their Alexa Gougougaga booklets and novels to class tomorrow if they were taken home
March 30, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued working on the petit carnets on Canada
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- reading evaluation today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- presentation on changes during puberty
- activity on changes and copying strategies
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued working on the petit carnets on Canada
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- practise analysis of poem
- reading evaluation tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Pink Day tomorrow
March 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued working in the petits carnets on Le Canada ending on page 7
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued working in the petits carnets on Le Canada ending on page 8
- all student presentations on an influential Canadian are now complete
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students worked on another poem analysis (will go over tomorrow in class)
- evaluation Wednesday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- there was no class today
- gentle reminder of reading evaluation tomorrow ( same as practice ones completed last week so review the questions as they are the same.)
March 24, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- Actvity with Balthazar- started analysis of poem 'Dejeuner du matin'
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued speaking presentations
- any student who has not presented will present tomorrow in class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued speaking presentations
- any student who has not presented will present tomorrow in class
March 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students did speaking activity with Balthazar
- started practise reading Pluton, ... (will conntinue and correct tomorrow
- reading quiz Tuesday, March 30th
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students did speaking activity with Balthazar
- started presentations today (will continue tomorrow)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- Reading practise: Des vers renversants
-Reading test Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-students did speaking activity with Balthazar
- started presentations today (will continue tomorrow)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- finished unit on self -esteem
- started unit on Puberty, Human Sexuality today (introduction video posted in google classroom)
March 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- corrected quided reading 'les debris spatiaux'
- read through a second practice reading: Pluton- la planete naine
- we will do a practice reading every class this week with a reading evaluation with same questions Tuesday, March 30th
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- started practise readings for the unhit
- we will have practise readings every class this week with reading evaluation next week
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- this was the last class to complete projects in google classroom
-presentations will begin tomorrow
- all students will be expected to be ready to present
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- this was the last class to complete projects in google classroom
-presentations will begin tomorrow
- all students will be expected to be ready to present
March 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed 3 practice activities on vocab (corrected together as a class)
- review vocab in presentations posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on final projects (research should be completed, outline complete and google slide presentation started)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on final projects (research should be completed, outline complete and google slide presentation started)
March 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- introduced final project 'un canadien/ne influent/e
-students chose their person and began the 11 research questions in project outline (posted in Google Classroom)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- introduced final project 'un canadien/ne influent/e
-students chose their person and began the 11 research questions in project outline (posted in Google Classroom)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- listened to song and filled in blanks with missing words
- corrected
- this was a listening practice
- worksheet, youtube link to song, and correction in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students were assigned writing practice: describe the next trip to the moon ( criteria listed in question)
March 10, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-MUN pharmacy student joined our meet this morning to give presentation on smoking and vaping
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- went over characteristics of a texte explicatif
-reviewed reading strategies
- read together 'une visite guidee'
- assigned 1 question in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- discussed reading quiz (marks are released in Google Classroom)
- went over symbols of Canada (new posting in Google Classroom)
-read through- will do listening activity tomorrow on this post
-pictures of provincial flags in post (assigned research for students to search which flags belonged to which province or territory)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- discussed reading quiz (marks are released in Google Classroom)
- went over symbols of Canada (new posting in Google Classroom)
-read through- will do listening activity tomorrow on this post
-pictures of provincial flags in post (assigned research for students to search which flags belonged to which province or territory)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-continued presentations on Les Catastrophes Naturelles
March 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- we did reading practice #4 on L'Anse aux Meadows (all practices and answer keys posted in google classroom)
- reading quiz Tuesday (unseen reading)
- students should review practice readings as questions are the same
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we did reading practice #4 on L'Anse aux Meadows (all practices and answer keys posted in google classroom)
- reading quiz Tuesday (unseen reading)
- students should review practice readings as questions are the same
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students continued presenting their projects on natural disasters (will continue this next class)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- continued to work on writing definitions for the vocab
- quizlets in google classroom for practice
- played a kahoot on space vocabulary
- kahoot challenge posted in google classroom (challenge yourself on the vocab knowledge until challenge closes on Monday)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- there will be no classes for students on Monday as teachers are involved in professional learning
- Happy Friday everyone!
March 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed presentations
- introduced new unit le texte explicatif with theme being space
- students were put in breakout rooms to brainstorm the theme
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed presentation on Mental Health and Self concept
- assigned activity for students to work on to submit next class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- reviewed reading strategies
- guided reading of l'hymne national du Canada (modeled answers)
- this week will be spent doing practice readings with reading quiz next Monday the 8th (questions on quiz will be the same as the questions in the practice readings)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reviewed reading strategies
- guided reading of l'hymne national du Canada (modeled answers)
- this week will be spent doing practice readings with reading quiz next Monday the 8th (questions on quiz will be the same as the questions in the practice readings)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students continued to work on projects which are due Wednesday
- watched video from Gonzaga on French Immersion in High School
February 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- continued presentations
- will complete Monday and begin next unit
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on projects
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed presentations of flags today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed presentations of flags today
February 24, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- 5 students presented their flag projects
- discussion on Pink Day and watched a video on how it started
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- virtual assembly on cyberbullying with discussion
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- explained project for the unit teste explicatif
- copy of project and rubric posted in google classroom
- students worked on their rough copies or outlines today
- they will have the next 4 classes to complete this project with presentations scheduled to begin March 3
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- continued presentation of projects
February 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students began presenting their solo d'andre projects
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- Balthazar the french language assistant did activity on French expressions (quebec) and differences in French in France
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students continued presenting their new Canadian flags
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
students continued presenting their new Canadian flags
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- tomorrow is National Pink Day
- students are asked to wear Pink
February 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- class with the french language assistant on Quebec expressions and pronunciations
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Carl English Presentation
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- listening quiz on Ouragan Michael
- marks are put in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Started Unit 2 on Mental Health and Self Concept (no work assigned this class)

Still waiting on a few students to complete work from Unit 1. Please check Powerschool
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- class with the french language assistant on Quebec expressions and pronunciations
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Wednesday is National Pink Day- please wear pink
February 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students were given the class to complete work missed due to absence (catch up class)
- please check Powerschool to check for missed or incomplete work
- students with incomplete work were not assigned a mark but messaged privately telling them their current mark and an opportunity to complete before entering a mark in powerschool
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- novel projects are due Tuesday
- novel google form assessment tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students continued work on creating their new canadian flags
- will present tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students continued work on creating their new canadian flags
- will present tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- practise listening assessment today on Ouragan Harvey (same format as listening evaluation Monday)
February 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- check in today answering questions and giving more guidance on end of unit projects
- projects are due Monday with presentations beginning during their class time
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students should be reviewing their vocabulary using the quizlet in google classroom
- we looked at the verbs venir and Habiter today ( students should rewatch the videos in google classroom)
- answer sheet to worksheet completed in class has been posted in google classroom as well in case anyone had difficulty following the answers given in chat
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students should be reviewing their vocabulary using the quizlet in google classroom
- we looked at the verbs venir and Habiter today ( students should rewatch the videos in google classroom)
- answer sheet to worksheet completed in class has been posted in google classroom as well in case anyone had difficulty following the answers given in chat
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- Listening assessment Monday, Feb.22
- Listening Practice Activity : Anak Krakatoa (went over questions and palyed video for the class)
- students were given a chance to listen individually and to pause as needed
- answers to questions were posted near the end of class
- students should listen to the many weather reports posted in google classroom to practise for the upcoming assessment
February 10, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- test scheduled for Friday, Feb. 19th
- students worked on questions on theme and conflict
- model answer form posted in google classroom along with digital text
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- listened to and watched several video clips on natural disasters
- links posted to google classroom (students should listen to them 3 times and write some jot notes on what they understood)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on prereading Activity questions 1-4, part 1 in the Alexa booklets
- these are situational questions and do not require the novel
- novels were given out
- booklets were given out and a copy is posted to google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on prereading Activity questions 1-4, part 1 in the Alexa booklets
- these are situational questions and do not require the novel
- novels were given out
- booklets were given out and a copy is posted to google classroom
February 9, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed powerpoint and sheet Introduction to Health and Wellness- collected to evaluate
- passed out second worksheet and students completed- collected this as well (text was used to complete this)
- all materials posted to Google Classroom for Health and Religion (students absent should complete and submit)
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- finished reading the novel Solo
- listening quiz #3 will be Thursday on chapters 13-18 (top 2 marks from quizzes will be counted)
- students worked on character descriptions at beginning of booklet
- completed questions in booklet and answer key posted to google classroom
- test will be next week Friday, Feb. 19
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continued with listening practice activites
- listening evaluation likely Monday of next week
- practise posted in google classroom
January 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- term 1 ends today. Student research projects on one of the major religions were due today. Any student who did not complete or does not have their project done must submit by Monday as Term 2 begins then. Students had 3 classes with Chromebooks to complete this.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- read chapter 12 today and students completed questions
- listening assessment on chapters 7-12 Tuesday
- students should review these chapters to prepare for assessment
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Novel test today
- carnets, posters, should be submitted
- complete 3 questions for oral production next class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Novel test today
- carnets, posters, should be submitted
- complete 3 questions for oral production next class
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- reading practice Les tremblements de terre
- reading assessment Wednesday, Feb.3
January 27, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- read chapter 10
-corrected questions for chapters 9-10
- did vocab for chapter 11
- second listening assessment will be Tuesday, Feb.2
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- collected Posters (anyone not finished should complete tonight and pass in tomorrow)
- students worked on their 3 questions for their oral presentation which will begin Monday
- novel test moved to Friday due to Bell Let's Talk breakfast tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- collected Posters (anyone not finished should complete tonight and pass in tomorrow)
- students worked on their 3 questions for their oral presentation which will begin Monday
- novel test moved to Friday due to Bell Let's Talk breakfast tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-complete reading and questions on Les Ouragons (p.10-11)
(students who were doing their science quiz they missed are expected to do the above at home)
January 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students have been working on a missing person poster for the novel and should be finishing this to pass in tomorrow
- they have 3 questions to do for a speaking productions that were passed out today. They will have time in class to do these tomorrow.
- test has been moved to Thursday to account for classes missed due to last week's school closures for snow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students have been working on a missing person poster for the novel and should be finishing this to pass in tomorrow
- they have 3 questions to do for a speaking productions that were passed out today. They will have time in class to do these tomorrow.
- test has been moved to Thursday to account for classes missed due to last week's school closures for snow
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed the first practice in le text explicatif ( all answers have been modeled for students)
- will continue to practice using the same questions with reading evaluation late next week
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- corrected chapter 8 questions
- went over chapter 9 vocab
- read chapter 9 and assigned questions
January 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Test on Eric a disparu moved to Thursday January 28
- students should be reviewing vocab through quizlets and vocab review in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Test on Eric a disparu moved to Thursday January 28
- students should be reviewing vocab through quizlets and vocab review in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students need to complete final projects in google classroom by Tuesday, january 26
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- pink tshirt orders are due Monday, Jan. 25th
- chromebook forms due Monday
January 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- read les catastrophes bien canadiennes
- students made jot notes on the texts and compared 2 of the catastrophes
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- finished reading Eric a disparu
- students should have completed all activities in booklet except for project at the end
- test on novel Monday Jan. 25th. Students should be reviewing 15-20 minutes a night. All materials posted to google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- finished reading Eric a disparu
- students should have completed all activities in booklet except for project at the end
- test on novel Monday Jan. 25th. Students should be reviewing 15-20 minutes a night. All materials posted to google classroom
January 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- we had a listening assessment on chapters 1-6 today
- read chapter 7 and assigned questions
- any student absent should read the chapter to remain caughtup and not fall behind as we will move on to chapter 8
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read Acte III, Scene 1
- assigned the 3 corresponding activities in booklets
- will conclude novel next class
- test scheduled for Monday, January 25
- students should be reviewing 15-20 minutes a night
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- had listening assessment on Acte II
- read Acte III, Scene 1
- will conclude novel next class
- test scheduled for Monday, January 25
- students should be reviewing 15-20 minutes a night
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- have started the unit le texte explicatif
- went over les catastrophes naturelles- answers on board
- began Des catastrophes biens canadiennes and did example of note taking on board
- assigned table in booklet- will continue with this next class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- chromebook forms are due Monday Jan. 25th

- pink shirt orders are due Monday Jan. 25th for anyone interested. They are $8 and forms are available on the website
January 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- read chapter 4 of novel Solo
- students completed questions and we corrected
- listening quiz on chapters 1-6 (tentatively Monday if chapters 5 & 6 are completed tomorrow in class)
- students should reread the chapters and review vocab and questions
- quizlets are in google classroom along with booklet
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- started le teste explicatif Les catastrophes naturelles
-looked at consequences of catastrophes naturelles
- intro reading: un systeme d'alerte naturel (pages 18-21 of text). All should have finished questions in booklet
- extra practice has been posted in google classroom for the passe compose and imparfait
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed activities in carnet on Acte II
- listening assessment tomorrow on Acte II (students should reread the Acte if necessary and review activities in carnet)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed activities in carnet on Acte II
- listening assessment tomorrow on Acte II (students should reread the Acte if necessary and review activities in carnet)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- please return chromebook agreement forms
- pink tshirt orders are due Jan. 25th (forms available on website)
January 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- read chapter 2 of solo and students completed questions
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed practice activities on passe the imparfait in booklets
- will finish correcting in tomorrows class and start unit le texte explicatif
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- read Acte 2, scenes 1 and 2
- complete the activities on these scenes if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read Acte 2, scenes 1 and 2
- complete the activities on these scenes if not completed in class
January 11, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed activity on science versus creation
- one unit left- will begin google slide project next class
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed and corrected ch 1 questions on pages 9-19
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- listening assessment on Acte I
- went over vocab for Acte 2, Scene 1
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- listening assessment on Acte I
- went over vocab for Acte 2, Scene 1
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- reviewed imparfait looking particularly at when you use passe compose and when we use imparfait
- assigned pages in booklet
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- please return Chromebook forms ASAP
- pink tshirts are available to order for $8- deadline to order is January 25th
January 8, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
continued work on passe compose correcting all activites in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed and corrected all activites on Act 1
- reminder there will be listening assessment on Act 1 Monday- review the activities and vocab for Act 1
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed and corrected all activites on Act 1
- reminder there will be listening assessment on Act 1 Monday- review the activities and vocab for Act 1
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- please return chromebook forms
- pink tshirts are available to order. Forms can be found on our website. Cost is $8 and deadline is January 25th
January 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- corrected Activity 3 of prereading activity
- did vocab for pages 9-19 (Quizlet in google classroom titled Vocab 10
-read chapter 1 pages 9-19
- assigned questions (will continue to work on questions next class)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continued working on passe compose and imparfait booklets
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- corrected questions on Acte 1, scene 1
- did vocab for scenes 2 & 3 (quizlet in google classroom to practice)
- read scenes 2 & 3, first activity was assigned. Will continue next class along with remaining activities
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- corrected questions on Acte 1, scene 1
- did vocab for scenes 2 & 3 (quizlet in google classroom to practice)
- read scenes 2 & 3, first activity was assigned. Will continue next class along with remaining activities
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please send in your chromebook agreement forms
January 6, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started first novel Eric a disparu
- students should be reviewing vocabulaire nightly (quizlets available on my website and in google classroom. Knowledge of vocab will aid their comprehension)
- at the end of each Act, there will be a listening assessment. With listening assessments, there is no preparation. It is merely an assessment of understanding what is heard. Knowledge of the content will assist though so students should review the scene read in class as well as the activity in the carnet daily. Carnet is also posted on my site and google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started first novel Eric a disparu
- students should be reviewing vocabulaire nightly (quizlets available on my website and in google classroom. Knowledge of vocab will aid their comprehension)
- at the end of each Act, there will be a listening assessment. With listening assessments, there is no preparation. It is merely an assessment of understanding what is heard. Knowledge of the content will assist though so students should review the scene read in class as well as the activity in the carnet daily. Carnet is also posted on my site and google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed worksheet on imparfait
- comparing imparfait and passe compose and when to use each tense
- practice work provided in booklet
- booklet posted in google classroom
January 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- introduced the imparfait
- crossword on conjugating the imparfait
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- distributed novels Solo d'Andre
- all texts must be returned before novel can be given out
- started prereading activity for novel answering questions on past times
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- corrected prereading activities 1 & 2 for novel study
- assigned and corrected Activity 3
- students were told to start vocab section if they finished activity 3
- quizlets for the novel are on my webpage and in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- corrected prereading activities 1 & 2 for novel study
- assigned and corrected Activity 3
- students were told to start vocab section if they finished activity 3
- quizlets for the novel are on my webpage and in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- please return forms that were emailed to you for chromebooks to me
January 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students should return texts sent home before the break as they must be passed back before novels can be given out tomorrow.
- starting novel study Solo d'Andre
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-reviewed questions for prereading activity 1 of Eric a disparu
- students should have completed prereading activities 1 & 2 of booklet
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- will review passe compose and introduce the imparfait looking at when to use each tense
- students need to know this tense for the unit we will begin this week 'le texte explicatif' (les catastrophes naturelles)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- presentation on science versus creation theories
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-reviewed questions for prereading activity 1 of Eric a disparu
- students should have completed prereading activities 1 & 2 of booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students are reminded to come to school with a mask of their own (we have a limited supply at the office and many are getting off the bus without a mask)
- students should return all school resources given out before the break as they are needed in class
December 8, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
-will continue final 4 presentations Thursday
- Test Friday and carnets are due Friday. Students are encouraged to study the quizlet in google classroom as review. Dictionaries and novels can be used for the test.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-presentations have concluded
-we are doing prereading activities for novel Eric a disparu that we will begin after the Christmas break
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-presentations have concluded
-we are doing prereading activities for novel Eric a disparu that we will begin after the Christmas break
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- working on passe compose to prepare for next unit le texte explicatif
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
please bring in donation for our Adopt a Senior project
December 3, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- Zorro test moved to Friday, Dec. 11th
- students have been working on projects in class all week and presentations will begin on Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students have been presenting projects this week on Aller Retour
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students have been presenting projects all week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students have been presenting projects all week
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- donations for our Adopt a Senior Project are due Friday, December 11th
November 27, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed the novel Zorro
- will begin project next class
- test Monday, Dec. 7th
- answer key to booklet posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on google classroom projects (due Monday as presentations will begin). Please be ready to present on Monday.
- any student who missed the reading test this week will do make up on Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students worked on google classroom projects (due Monday as presentations will begin). Please be ready to present on Monday.
- any student who missed the reading test this week will do make up on Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- today was the 4th class students had to work on novel projects and test review
- test is Monday and projects are due on Tuesday. All students should be ready to present on Tuesday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
A reminder to parents to make appointment for interview -
November 25, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- verb conjugation activity with French monitor today
- reminder of novel test Monday. Projects are due Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- read chapter 7 of Zorro and assigned activities for the chapter
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students had chromebooks to work on ad projects (they are due Monday)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students had chromebooks to work on ad projects (they are due Monday)
November 24, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students were given option of working on projects or reviewing for test on Monday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- verb activity with French Monitor
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Started projects for final task (google classroom project to be created and submitted in Google Classroom)
- students will have the chrome books every class this week to work on them but may have to complete at home
- absent students can keep up to date by logging into google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Started projects for final task (google classroom project to be created and submitted in Google Classroom)
- students will have the chrome books every class this week to work on them but may have to complete at home
- absent students can keep up to date by logging into google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- finished activity on Martin Luther King and submitted for evaluation
November 23, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- chapter 6 of Zorro completed today
- listening assessment #2 complete
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- went over end of unit projects for Aller Retour (copy posted in google classroom)
- students were able to get started on rough drafts
- posted chapter summaries in Google Classroom
-reminder of test on Monday, Nov. 30th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- reading test completed today
- will start end of unit projects tomorrow (in google classroom)
- they will be due Nov. 30th and presentations will begin
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reading test completed today
- will start end of unit projects tomorrow (in google classroom)
- they will be due Nov. 30th and presentations will begin
November 20, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- did group activity on Martin Luther King
- students started and will complete individual activity next class
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- corrected Activity 6 & 7 on Zorr0
- read chapter 5 and completed activity 8
- quizlet on vocab posted on website and google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- practice reading & questions Chatelaine
-answers to all practice readings are posted in Google Classroom
-reading assessment Monday (students should review questions and how to state their answers. Questions on the assessment will be the same as on practice readings.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- practice reading & questions Chatelaine
-answers to all practice readings are posted in Google Classroom
-reading assessment Monday (students should review questions and how to state their answers. Questions on the assessment will be the same as on practice readings.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continued working on themes of novel
- completed chart in booklets on character connections
- Novel test Monday November 30
-review quizlet posted in Google Classroom and on my website
- answers to booklet are also posted in Google Classroom
November 19, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- went over characters in the novel
- began question and notes on themes- completed theme 1 solitude
- project passed out today
_ reminder of test on Monday November 30th
-notes on conflict, characters and theme will all be posted in google classroom for students
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed practice reading Rapido
- completed practice reading handout and corrected
- all answers for practice readings are posted in Google Classroom and more will be posted tomorrow
- reminder of reading assessment Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed practice reading Rapido
- completed practice reading Des Vestes Branchees and corrected
- all answers for practice readings are posted in Google Classroom and more will be posted tomorrow
- reminder of reading assessment Monday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Tomorrow is National Children's Day- Wear Blue
November 18, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed questions in carnet on chapter 3
- read chapter 4 and assigned activites 6 & 7 ( will complete and correct next day)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- corrected questions on Practice reading 2 Ecolo Mode writing answers on the board
- students read and answered questions on practice 3 Rapido ( should have completed in class- will correct tomorrow)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- corrected questions on Practice reading 2 Ecolo Mode writing answers on the board
- students read and answered questions on practice 3 Rapido ( should have completed in class- will correct tomorrow)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-continued work in booklets on conflict
- students who had completed this were told to start the question on theme
- test Monday, Nov. 30th
November 17, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started reading activities on La Publicite (Guided reading)
-read the first one together and wrote model answers on the board for students to use
- students started one on their own (Ecolo Mode page 54 of text)
- reading test Monday Nov. 23rd using same questions
- students will continue to do practice reading activites in the next 3 classes
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started reading activities on La Publicite (Guided reading)
-read the first one together and wrote model answers on the board for students to use
- students started one on their own (Ecolo Mode page 54 of text)
- reading test Monday Nov. 23rd using same questions
- students will continue to do practice reading activites in the next 3 classes
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- Worked on character descriptions and questions on conflict
- answer key for vocab and chapter questions are posted in google classroom
- test on Aller Retour is Monday, november 30th
November 9, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- read chapter 14 and corrected questions
- discussed vocab for chapters 15-17
- tentative test date for novel November 27th
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued looking at techniques of ads and the effectiveness of certain techniques
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued looking at techniques of ads and the effectiveness of certain techniques
November 6, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed prereading questions and vocabulary for Zorro
- will start novel study on Tuesday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- looked at many ads identifying the product, target group, purpose and techniques
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- looked at many ads identifying the product, target group, purpose and techniques
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed reading chapter 13
- completed questions on chapter 13
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 120
- flu vaccination forms were due today. Please send in on Monday if you want.
- School Pictures November 13
November 3, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed speaking presentations today
- anyone absent will present next class
- marks for the written production and speaking are now posted in PowerSchool
- French Language Assistant did an activity using question words - Qui suis je
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- listening assessment on Chapter 12 of Aller Retour (marks have been posted on Power School)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- French Language Assistant presented some French ads to the class having students identify the products which were advertised
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- French Language Assistant presented some French ads to the class having students identify the products which were advertised
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- please return consent forms for flu immunization shots
October 30, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- activities on Halloween vocabulary
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- activities on Halloween vocabulary
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students worked on their final copies of presentations for interviews that will begin on Monday
- worked on Halloween reading as they completed
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- corrected questions on chapters 9 & 10
- halloween bingo
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- flu immunization consent forms were distributed today to students- they were told to put in their backpacks to bring home
October 29, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- read chapters 9 & 10
- started on questions but will finish next class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued work on imperative verb tense
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continue work on imperative verb tense
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students can dress in their Halloween costumes tomorrow. Non medical face masks must be worn and cannot be replaced with Halloween masks
October 28, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
-Students worked on completing their peer interviews
- final written copies are due Monday and presentations will begin
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-continued work in their booklets on the imperative
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-corrected questions on chapters 7 and 8 of Aller Retour
- gave vocab for chapters 9 and 10
- read chapter 9
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-continued work in their booklets on the imperative
October 27, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued work on imperatif verbs
-corrected table in booklet
-will post answer key in google classroom by the end of the week once the activities are completed
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued work on imperatif verbs
-corrected table in booklet
-will post answer key in google classroom by the end of the week once the activities are completed
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- finished watching video 'Au fils de Saint Laurent' (link to video is in google classroom if anyone was absent)
- completed questions on chapter 8 of novel
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- started final project for unit- students will be given a written mark on their written production and a speaking mark for their presentations
-students will have a few classes to work on this and presentations will begin next week.
- marks for yesterday's listening quiz were given back today and are now in Powerschool.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
students can wear their Halloween costumes to school on Friday
-non medical masks are still to be work and cannot be replaced by halloween masks
October 26, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- had listening assessment today
- will begin working on final project (interview) in tomorrow's class
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- Activities with French monitor today
- french song representing culture (history)
- Jacques a dit
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Reviewed imperative and did two pages in booklet. Will continue tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Introduced the imperative and did one page in booklet. Will continue tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students can wear their halloween costume on Friday. Non medical Face masks are still to be worn. Ho Halloween face masks are allowed meaning plastic or those belonging to a costume.
October 23, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- did another practise listening assessment (links posted on google classroom if anyone was absent or for further practice)
-listening evaluation Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- watched video on St. Laurent (allows students to visualize area mentioned in the novel). Watched first 30 minutes. Posted in Google classroom for anyone absent
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- activity Jacques a dit with the French Language Assistant today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- activity Jacques a dit with the French Language Assistant today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-a couple of students who were absent when last activities were completed are asked to complete for Monday. Check powerschool to see if your child is missing this work
- did timeline activity on Judaism, Christianity and Islam
October 22, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- did listening practice (entrevue avec Bradley Cooper)
- will do another practice listening tomorrow with evaluation Monday
- posted 3 new questions in Google Classroom for Question de la Semaine (all students are encouraged to participate for bonus points)
- continued with interview partner activity
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- posted 3 new questions in Google Classroom for Question de la Semaine (all students are encouraged to participate for bonus points)
- read chapter 8 and assigned questions
- responses for questions for ch 1-8 posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-identified logos and slogans of various products and companies
- introduced the imperative
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-identified logos and slogans of various products and companies
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Jamarama tomorrow- wear your pyjamas to school tomorrow and a donation to the Janeway
October 21, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- brainstormed publicity and techniques as well as looked at vocab for the unit
- answers to first 3 booklet pages posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- brainstormed publicity and techniques as well as looked at vocab for the unit
- answers to first 3 booklet pages posted in Google Classroom
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- students paired up to work on final task in the unit- an interview. Will be working on this for the next several days. Presentations to class will start next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-did vocab for chapters 7 & 8
- read chapter 7 of Aller Retour
- students worked on questions for chapter 7
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Jamarama Friday- wear your pyjamas and bring in a donation for the Janeway
October 19, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- had reading assessment this morning
- will work on interview preparation persentations beginning tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Completed work on regular er, ir and re verbs as well as irregular verbsetre, avoir, aller and faire
- students should have completed all work in the booklet
- answer key will be posted in google classroom this evening so students can complete their work
- taught students how to use the bescherelle
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Completed work on regular er, ir and re verbs as well as irregular verbsetre, avoir, aller and faire
- students should have completed all work in the booklet
- answer key will be posted in google classroom this evening so students can complete their work
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-read chapters 5 & 6. Started on questions. Will continue working on questions in class tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- wear blue and green Wednesday for waste reduction week
- Jamarama Friday- wear your pyjamas and bring in a $2
October 16, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- went over present tense of irregular verbs the last 2 days: avoir, etre, aller, & faire
- completed pages in workbook
- posted in google classroom and my website
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- went over present tense of irregular verbs the last 2 days: avoir, etre, aller, & faire
- completed pages in workbook
- posted in google classroom and my website
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- read chapters 3 & 4 of Aller Retour
- completed all questions on vocab in part A and B of booklet
-booklet on webpage and Google Classroom
- no assigned homework unless Part A and B questions were not completed
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- did practice reading number 3 today
- reading assessment Monday on unseen interview
- questions on assessment will be the same as on the 3 practice readings done in class
- students will be expected to know what the questions are asking
- dictionaries are permitted as long as a student brings their own as resources cannot be shared
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Next week is Waste Reduction week. Please wear blue or green on Wednesday to show support for this cause

-Jamarama Friday October 23. Bring a $2 and wear your pyjamas in support of the Janeway
October 14, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- did practice reading Rencontre avec un photographe (guidded reading done together) and wrote model answers to questions on the board. Will continue practise readings tomorrow. Reading assessment Monday with same questions.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continued working with regular verbs ending in -er in the present tense
- introduced regular verbsending in ir and re in the present
- students worked on activities in booklet
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- students worked on questions for chapters 1 & 2 of novel - corrected at end of class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed activity on spiritual roots for assessment
- students submitted activity on 10 commandments at home and at school
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continued working with regular verbs ending in -er in the present tense
- introduced regular verbsending in ir and re in the present
- students worked on activities in booklet
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Jamarama is Friday, Oct. 23rd. Staff and students are asked to bring a $1 or $2 and wear their pyjamas.
October 13, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- went over vocab for unit
- will do practice reading activities the next 3 days
- reading assessment will be Monday, Oct. 19th. Questions will be the same as in the practice readings.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- read chapters 1 & 2 of Aller Retour
- went over vocab in booklet
- students had 5 minutes to work on questions for the 2 chapters. Will work on questions next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Passed out verb booklets today and looked at conjugating regular verbs that end in er
- students completed the regular verbs only
- booklet available in Google classroom and on my website
- students should be joined up to Google Classroom by now
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Passed out verb booklets today and looked at conjugating regular verbs that end in er
- students completed the regular verbs only
- booklet available in Google
-classroom and on my website
students should be joined up to Google Classroom by now
October 9, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- passed back evaluations for unit 1
- started activity on rules for home and school. Will complete next class.
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- passed back evaluations for unit 1 and started portfolio.
- reviewed reading assessment
- question of the semaine posted in google classroom. Students are encouraged to participate for bonus points
- introduced vocab for unit 2- interviews
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed activities in the Trousse d'Activites
- will begin new booklet on verbs next week
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed activities in the Trousse d'Activites
- will begin new booklet on verbs next week
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- passed back reading assessments and went over ( Please see Powerschool to ensure your child has passed theirs in)
- completed prereading activities for novel Aller Retour
- will begin reading the novel next class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Many thanks to all who sent in items for our Food Drive. In total, 2045 items were collected for this worthwhile cause. As a homeroom, we collected 185 items.

Enjoy the long weekend.
October 8, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- Assigned prereading activities. Will continue next class. No homework assigned.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- corrected workbook pages on Le vocabulaire des vetements
- introduced pronoms and conjugation of present tense of er verbs
- completed and corrected worksheet on pronouns in booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- corrected workbook pages on Le vocabulaire des vetements
- introduced pronoms and conjugation of present tense of er verbs
- completed and corrected worksheet on pronouns in booklet
October 7, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students presented their Je suis poems today
- anyone absent can present next class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students presented their Je suis poems today
- anyone absent can present next class
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- started novel unit 'Aller Retour' - passed out novel and booklets
- assigned prereading activities 1 & 2
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- began unit 2- Les Entrevues
- looked at steps of interview and started on vocab
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Please remember to send food in for our food drive
October 1, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- working on practice reading articles and comprehension questions
- reading assessment Monday (unseen article)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- continued presentations on Mon sac a dos (should conclude presentations tomorrow)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-corrected all work on adjectives
-band students should complete 2 crosswords on clothing vocab in activity booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-corrected all work on adjectives
-students should complete 2 crosswords on clothing vocab in activity booklet if not completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Ice cream sales Friday recess
_$1 each and students must have correct change
September 24, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- practice listening quiz #3 today
- continue to review numbers and letters for listening quiz Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- practice listening quiz #3 today
- continue to review numbers and letters for listening quiz Monday
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- completed review of grammatical skills and the intro of new skills
- review booklet for listening assessment Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
- completed listening assessment today (could not prepare for it)
- project mon sac a dos was explained today and students given time to work on it. All work has been posted to google classroom
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Ice Cream will be sold tomorrow for recess. Orders will be taken in homeroom and they will be delivered to classrooms.
- students must have correct change ($1) as we are not to handle money and hand back change
September 23, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- We did practise listening quiz #2 with numbers and letters
- students should complete pages in activity workbook on numbers/quelle heure est- il if not completed in class-- review numbers and letters for listening assessment Monday Sept. 28th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- We did practise listening quiz #2 with numbers and letters
- students should complete pages in activity workbook on numbers/quelle heure est- il if not completed in class-- review numbers and letters for listening assessment Monday Sept. 28th
September 22, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- review numbers and letters for listening quiz Monday, Sept.28
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review numbers and letters for listening quiz Monday, Sept.28
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
-continuing through skills review and will complete in the next couple of classes
- completed past tenses and will do future tenses next class
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-continuing through skills review and will complete next couple of classes
- will do conditional tense next class
September 17, 2020
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- reviewed passe compose with avoir and went introduced when to use etre in the passe compose
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed in class: Les Expressions Utiles
- students completed activity 'C'est moi'
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Vocabulary covered in class (Guide de survie carnet): Les jours,les saisons, les mois, les expressions de la salle de class, les matieres, et les object
Activity completed (Carnet Trousse): Quelle est la reponse
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
-Worked on passe compose activity and introduced imparfait tense
September 16, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- We have completed Selfie activities
- review basic greeting vocab (les salutations/ les expressions utiles)
- reviewed how to use a dictionary and completed practice activity
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- We have completed Selfie activities
- review basic greeting vocab (les salutations/ les expressions utiles)
- reviewed how to use a dictionary and completed practice activity
Assigned to Class: 8-7(108B)
- we have reviewed regular er, re, ir verbs, les expressions avec avoir
- reviewed adjectifs masc. et fem.
June 1, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
1)Listen to readings of chapters 9 & 10 and complete comprehension questions. Do quizlets to help with learning vocab prior to reading the chapters.
2) Answers will be posted in google classroom
3) Google Meet Tuesday is cancelled
3) Google Meet Friday at 11am
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
1)Listen to readings of chapters 9 & 10 and complete comprehension questions. Do quizlets to help with learning vocab prior to reading the chapters.
2) Answers will be posted in google classroom
3) Google Meet Tuesday is cancelled
3) Google Meet Friday at 11am
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
1) read lesson 2 in booklet and read case study posted in google classroom
2) write a letter giving your reasons for enrolling in the war
3) read lesson 3 and corresponding text pages posted in google classroom on the 3 battles
4) complete table
5) Google Meet Monday at 12:30
6) final google meet Friday at 11
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
1) read lesson 2 in booklet and read case study posted in google classroom
2) write a letter giving your reasons for enrolling in the war
3) read lesson 3 and corresponding text pages posted in google classroom on the 3 battles
4) complete table
5) Google Meet Monday at 12:30
6) final google meet Friday at 11
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
1) read lesson 2 in booklet and read case study posted in google classroom
2) write a letter giving your reasons for enrolling in the war
3) read lesson 3 and corresponding text pages posted in google classroom on the 3 battles
4) complete table
5) Google Meet Monday at 12:30
6) final google meet Friday at 11
May 26, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- watch videos and follow along with reading of chapters 6, 7, & 8 this week
- do quizlets for each chapter prior to reading
-Google meet Tuesday at 12:30 to correct last week's assigned work
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- watch videos and follow along with reading of chapters 6, 7, & 8 this week
- do quizlets for each chapter prior to reading
-Google meet Tuesday 12:30 to correct last week's assigned work
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-started chapter 15 on WWI
- go through lesson 1 on events leading up to war and the countries that were aligned. Also look at reasons why Canada joined
-complete questions on lesson 1
- Google Meet Monday at 12:30
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-started chapter 15 on WWI
- go through lesson 1 on events leading up to war and the countries that were aligned. Also look at reasons why Canada joined
-complete questions on lesson 1
- Google Meet Monday at 12:30
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-started chapter 15 on WWI
- go through lesson 1 on events leading up to war and the countries that were aligned. Also look at reasons why Canada joined
-complete questions on lesson 1
- Google Meet Monday at 12:30
May 19, 2020
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- continue doing quizlets for vocab knowledge
- lesson 4 (read and notes and answer 5 short questions)
-Activity: Tableau d'independance (can be used for evaluation replacement)
- Google Meet Tuesday at 12:30 to go over work assigned for the week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- continue doing quizlets for vocab knowledge
- lesson 4 (read and notes and answer 5 short questions)
-Activity: Tableau d'independance (can be used for evaluation replacement)
- Google Meet Tuesday at 12:30 to go over work assigned for the week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- continue doing quizlets for vocab knowledge
- lesson 4 (read and notes and answer 5 short questions)
-Activity: Tableau d'independance (can be used for evaluation replacement)
- Google Meet Tuesday at 12:30 to go over work assigned for the week
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- do quizlets for each chapter before reading to build vocab
- listen to and watch video recordings for chapters 4 & 5 of novel Le Petit Nicholas and do short comprehension questions
- Google Meet Wednesday at 11am to correct questions from chapters 1-3 last week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- do quizlets for each chapter before reading to build vocab
- listen to and watch video recordings for chapters 4 & 5 of novel Le Petit Nicholas and do short comprehension questions
- Google Meet Wednesday at 11am to correct questions from chapters 1-3 last week
May 11, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- review vocab (quizlets posted on website and in google classroom)before listening to chapter readings
- View and listen to readings for chapters 1-3 (posted in Google Classroom) and do comprehension questions for each chapter
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review vocab (quizlets posted on website and in google classroom)before listening to chapter readings
- View and listen to readings for chapters 1-3 (posted in Google Classroom) and do comprehension questions for each chapter
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-read notes in booklet for lessons 2 and 3 and do questions that follow
-Google Meet Monday at 12:30 to go over lessons
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-read notes in booklet for lessons 2 and 3 and do questions that follow
-Google Meet Monday at 12:30 to go over lessons
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-read notes in booklet for lessons 2 and 3 and do questions that follow
-Google Meet Monday at 12:30 to go over lessons
May 4, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Beginning new novel study 'Le Petit Nicholas' (carnet posted)
- review notes on passe compose and do practice activities
- watch film 'Le Petit Nicholas'
- Quizlet on chapter 1 vocab
- passe compose materials,novel booklet and all links to quizlet and film posted on my website and in google classroom
- will add recordings of me reading the chapters before next week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Beginning new novel study 'Le Petit Nicholas' (carnet posted)
- review notes on passe compose and do practice activities
- watch film 'Le Petit Nicholas'
- Quizlet on chapter 1 vocab
- passe compose materials,novel booklet and all links to quizlet and film posted on my website and in google classroom
- will add recordings of me reading the chapters before next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- chapter 14 ( lesson 1- the role of the monarchy)
- poster activity (Le Jour de l'Empire)
- Google Meet Monday 12:30 to go over lesson and activity (code for meet will be posted in google classroom 10 minutes before)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- chapter 14 ( lesson 1- the role of the monarchy)
- poster activity (Le Jour de l'Empire)
- Google Meet Wednesday 12:30 to go over lesson and activity(code for meet will be posted in google classroom 10 minutes before)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 14 ( lesson 1- the role of the monarchy)
- poster activity (Le Jour de l'Empire)
- Google Meet Tuesday 12:30 to go over lesson and activity(code for meet will be posted in google classroom 10 minutes before)
April 29, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Students are encouraged to complete their final project on An influential Canadian in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students are encouraged to complete their final project on An influential Canadian in google classroom
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Students can complete Time Capsule Activity and post in google classroom
- Canadian trivia kahoot posted in google classroom
- Review ch 14 vocab (booklet and quizlet link posted on website and in google classroom)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- Students can complete Time Capsule Activity and post in google classroom
- Canadian trivia kahoot posted in google classroom
- Review ch 14 vocab (booklet and quizlet link posted on website and in google classroom)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Students can complete Time Capsule Activity and post in google classroom
- Canadian trivia kahoot posted in google classroom
- Review ch 14 vocab (booklet and quizlet link posted on website and in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- Quick Research Activity posted in google classroom on Activity Living
March 6, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed oral presentations today
- powerschool will be updated on or before Monday with evaluations completed this week on the novel.
- if you see M to indicate missed assessment, please email to arrange time for your child to make up the missed assessment if you haven`t already done so
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed oral presentations today
- powerschool will be updated on or before Monday with evaluations completed this week on the novel.
- if you see M to indicate missed assessment, please email to arrange time for your child to make up the missed assessment if you haven`t already done so
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- vocab quiz done yesterday
- powerschool will be updated on or before Monday with the brochure project and quiz
- if you see M to indicate missed assessment, please email to arrange time for your child to make up the missed assessment if you haven`t already done so (any assessments done after this week may not be included in the marks for the next report card)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- vocab quiz done today
- powerschool will be updated on or before Monday with the brochure project and quiz
- if you see M to indicate missed assessment, please email to arrange time for your child to make up the missed assessment if you haven`t already done so (any assessments done after this week may not be included in the marks for the next report card)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- vocab quiz done today
- powerschool will be updated on or before Monday with the brochure project and quiz
- if you see M to indicate missed assessment, please email to arrange time for your child to make up the missed assessment if you haven`t already done so (any assessments done after this week may not be included in the marks for the next report card)
- the brochures are not due until next class so students must complete for Wednesday class. No more class time will be given.
- students were given the option to pass in today if they wanted to have it included in this report card. If you do not see a mark entered on or before Monday it means students are completing for next class- it is not missing or late. That is why it is blank
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Pi day is next week. We have a cake auction next Friday with the homeroom bringing in the most money having first choice of cake and possibility of extra cakes. Of course, we want to be the top class so please send in money to add to our class`s total and help put us in top spot. Great prizes aer available to be won.
February 28, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- test on novel Alexa Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- test on novel Alexa Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Today was the last class to work on the British North America brochure. Students who are not finished were premitted to take home to pass in next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Today was the last class to work on the British North America brochure. Students who are not finished were premitted to take home to pass in next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
We missed class today due to delayed opening. Students will have one more class (Monday) to complete the work on the British North America brochure. Students who do not finish in Monday's class will be permitted to take home to pass in next class.
February 26, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Learned the passe compose today. Students should review the powerpoint presentation and videos at the bottom of my website for review
-quick assessment tomorrow putting sentences together (5 sentences)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Learned the passe compose today. Students should review the powerpoint presentation and videos at the bottom of my website for review
-quick assessment tomorrow putting sentences together (5 sentences)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
we will have another couple of classes to complete the brochures on British North America

chapter 5 vocab quiz Friday, March 6th- review vocab at beginning of booklet and practice quizlets on my webpage
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
we will have another couple of classes to complete the brochures on British North America

chapter 5 vocab quiz Friday, March 6th- review vocab at beginning of booklet and practice quizlets on my webpage
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
we will have another couple of classes to complete the brochures on British North America

chapter 5 vocab quiz Thursday, March 5th- review vocab at beginning of booklet and practice quizlets on my webpage
February 25, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- test on novel Alexa will be next Monday, March 2
- students were advised to bring home their booklets to ensure all work is completed
-today was the last class to work on the google slide presentations. Presentations will begin after the test on Monday.Students should finish at home.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- test on novel Alexa will be next Monday, March 2
- students were advised to bring home their booklets to ensure all work is completed
-today was the last class to work on the google slide presentations. Presentations will begin after the test on Monday.Students should finish at home.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- working on brochures as our major assessment for chapter 5
- vocab quiz Friday, March 6th - students should be studying vocab at the beginning of their booklets
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- working on brochures as our major assessment for chapter 5
- vocab quiz Friday, March 6th - students should be studying vocab at the beginning of their booklets
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- working on brochures as our major assessment for chapter 5
- vocab quiz Thursday, March 5th - students should be studying vocab at the beginning of their booklets
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Tomorrow is PINK day
February 24, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- test on novel Alexa will be next Monday, March 2
- students were advised to bring home their booklets to ensure all work is completed
-google slide presentations will be completed this week with presentations beginning after the test on Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- test on novel Alexa will be next Monday, March 2
- students were advised to bring home their booklets to ensure all work is completed
-google slide presentations will be completed this week with presentations beginning after the test on Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- we have had 2-3 classes to work on our brochures. We should finish in another 2 classes
-chapter 5 vocab quiz Friday, March 6
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- we have had 2-3 classes to work on our brochures. We should finish in another 2 classes
-chapter 5 vocab quiz Friday, March 6
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we have had 2-3 classes to work on our brochures. We should finish in another 2 classes
-chapter 5 vocab quiz Thursday, March 5
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- tomorrow is TWIN day
- teacher versus students dodgeball game at lunch
February 18, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-finished reading novel today
- novel test Monday, March 2
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-finished reading novel today
- novel test Monday, March 2
Assigned to Class: 120
-finished reading novel today
- novel test Monday, March 2
Assigned to Class: 120
-finished reading novel today
- novel test Monday, March 2
Assigned to Class: 120
- unit 1 completed today
- evaluation for this unit will be the 2 handouts done in portfolio. Anyone absent today should arrange to sign out a book and finish at home
Assigned to Class: 120
- unit 1 completed today
- evaluation for this unit will be the 2 handouts done in portfolio. Anyone absent today should arrange to sign out a book and finish at home
February 14, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-organized journals for independant reading
- text on novel Alexa will be Monday, Feb.24
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-organized journals for independant reading
- text on novel Alexa will be Monday, Feb.24
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed lecon 3 questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- completed map assessment activity of Canada 1867
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed lecon 3 questions
January 28, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- We started the novel Alexa Gougougaga (all work for Eric a disparu is now overdue)
- Students are to bring in a duotang as we will begin our mini readers and journals next week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
We started the novel Alexa Gougougaga (all work for Eric a disparu is now overdue)
- Students are to bring in a duotang as we will begin our mini readers and journals next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- students worked on their sector economic projects today
- some need time to finish at home- do not forget to complete
- we will not present them in class to make up for time missed
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- students completed a mini assignment today for the last unit as this was our last class
- project is in google classroom
- project condensed for students to do 1 holiday, one picture, and 2-3 sentences. Any student who did not complete in class must finish by Friday
January 16, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Students completed their missing persons poster project. Any student who asked to take them home to complete as they missed a class need to complete for tomorrow's class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students completed their missing persons poster project. Any student who asked to take them home to complete as they missed a class need to complete for tomorrow's class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Working on project Les Secteurs Economiques in Google Classroom.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Working on project Les Secteurs Economiques in Google Classroom.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Working on project Les Secteurs Economiques in Google Classroom.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Deadline for ordering PINK tshirts for Pink Day is Tuesday, Feb. 21. Cost is $7. Cash or check made out to MDJH. Order forms available on our website
January 13, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Eric a disparu test demain
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Eric a disparu test demain
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
working on a project in google classroom on Les Secteurs Economiques- due Jan. 20
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
working on a project in google classroom on Les Secteurs Economiques- due Jan. 20
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
working on a project in google classroom on Les Secteurs Economiques- due Jan. 20
January 10, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Eric a disparu test Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Eric a disparu test Tuesday.
December 6, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- completed activities on Acte I, scene 1
- went over scene 2 & 3 vocab
-read scenes 2 & 3
- will do questions Monday with reading check on Acte I on Tuesday
- students were able to take novels and booklets home to look over if they wanted
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed activities on Acte I, scene 1
- went over scene 2 & 3 vocab
-read scenes 2 & 3
- will do questions Monday with reading check on Acte I on Tuesday
- students were able to take novels and booklets home to look over if they wanted
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Deadline for Adopt a Senior project is Tuesday.
December 4, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
We read Act I, Scene I of Eric a disparu. Students should be reviewing the vocabulary nightly by using the quizlets on my website. Any student who missed class for band should read the scene, fill in vocabulary and do questions 1 & 2.

There will be a reading check after each Act so students are encouraged to bring the novel home to reread if they feel they need to.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
We read Act I, Scene I of Eric a disparu. Students should be reviewing the vocabulary nightly by using the quizlets on my website. Any student who missed class for band should read the scene, fill in vocabulary and do questions 1 & 2.

There will be a reading check after each Act so students are encouraged to bring the novel home to reread if they feel they need to.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Early dismissal tomorrow for parent teacher interviews.

Please remember to bring in your donation for our ADOPT A SENIOR program.
November 26, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Today was our 6th and final class to work on Publicity assignments. Students should be ready to present tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Today was our 6th and final class to work on Publicity assignments. Students should be ready to present tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
review chapter 3 vocab- quizlet for practice on colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
review chapter 3 vocab- quizlet for practice on colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
review chapter 3 vocab- quizlet for practice on colettequann.wordpress.com
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- Students are asked to bring in a donation for our 'Adopt a Senior' christmas project. Deadline for donations Dec. 10th.
November 25, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Students will have one more class to complete google classroom assignment. Oral presentations will begin on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students will have one more class to complete google classroom assignment. Oral presentations will begin on Wednesday.
November 5, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
reminder of ch 2 quiz tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
reminder of ch 2 quiz tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
reminder of ch 2 quiz tomorrow
October 31, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Picture retakes are Monday, November 4th.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
ch2 quiz Wednesday, Nov.6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
ch2 quiz Wednesday, Nov.6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
ch2 quiz Wednesday, Nov.6th
October 29, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- review vocab using quizlet on my website, review needs and wants for quiz Wednesday, Nov. 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- review vocab using quizlet on my website, review needs and wants for quiz Wednesday, Nov. 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review vocab using quizlet on my website, review needs and wants for quiz Wednesday, Nov. 6th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- bring in deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush or socks in support of our Toasty Toes campaign
October 28, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- chapter 2 quiz Wednesday, Nov.6
(students should study vocab, besoins (needs), desirs (wants), and a question highlighted in each lecon
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- chapter 2 quiz Wednesday, Nov.6
(students should study vocab, besoins (needs), desirs (wants), and a question highlighted in each lecon
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 2 quiz Wednesday, Nov.6
(students should study vocab, besoins (needs), desirs (wants), and a question highlighted in each lecon
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- started new unit on publicity today
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started new unit on publicity today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- please bring in donation of socks, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, or shampoo to support the homeless

-pizza party -Wednesday last period
October 25, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-We have completed unit 1 and mini grammar unit on conjugating verbs
- We will begin the unit on publicite on Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-We have completed unit 1 and mini grammar unit on conjugating verbs
- We will begin the unit on publicite on Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- looked at categories of besoins
- completed discussion of notes for Lecon 1, Chapter 2 up to the 3 origins of First Nations
- worked on questions 1-5 in class (not asssigned for homework)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
looked at categories of besoins
- completed discussion of notes for Lecon 1, Chapter 2 up to the 3 origins of First Nations
- worked on questions 1-5 in class (not asssigned for homework)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
looked at categories of besoins
- completed discussion of notes for Lecon 1, Chapter 2 up to the 3 origins of First Nations
- worked on questions 1-5 in class (not asssigned for homework)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
bring in a pair of socks, deodorant, shampoo, a toothbrush and/or toothpaste for the homeless in aid of Thrive
October 24, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- students are encouraged to finish work in booklets for extra practice
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students are encouraged to finish work in booklets for extra practice
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
- we have started unit 2- review of vocabulary is recommended
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- we have started unit 2- review of vocabulary is recommended
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we have started unit 2- review of vocabulary is recommended
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
-Jamarama tomorrow- Bring $2 and wear your pyjamas
October 3, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Pictures and ID cards were given out today. Deadline to order pictures is October 18th.

Please send in a non perishable item for our Thanksgiving Food Drive.
October 1, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
a reminder to review classroom objects and expressions/permissions for quiz tomorrow (email from parent is required in the event of missed evaluation)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
a reminder to review classroom objects and expressions/permissions for quiz tomorrow (email from parent is required in the event of missed evaluation)
September 20, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 120
Curriculum Night Thursday, Sept. 26th at 7pm
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Quiz: Oct. 2- school objects and classroom expressions
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Quiz: Oct. 2- school objects and classroom expressions
September 4, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Please complete forms and return ASAP
April 9, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We are reading our last novel for the year Intrigue a St. John's. We will have reading checks after every 3 chapters. Some important tentative dates:
Reading check ch 4-6 April 11
Reading check ch 7-9 April 17
Reading check ch 10-12 May 2
Novel test May 6
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
We are reading our last novel for the year Intrigue a St. John's. We will have reading checks after every 3 chapters. Some important tentative dates:
Reading check ch 4-6 April 11
Reading check ch 7-9 April 17
Reading check ch 10-12 May 2
Novel test May 6
April 1, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- doing a novel study of novel Intrigue a St. John's. Students should be rereading chapters if they do not understand when read in class.
- there will be reading checks after every 3rd chapter.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- doing a novel study of novel Intrigue a St. John's. Students should be rereading chapters if they do not understand when read in class.
- there will be reading checks after every 3rd chapter
-the first reading check will be Thursday April 4th
February 25, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
Chapter 6 test moved to Wednesday, march 6th. Study guide with questions posted no my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Complete the cartoon on 'Les Rebellions' if not finished in class.
February 20, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- chapter 6 quiz/test will be Friday, March 8. Students can start preparing. The study guide is at the end of the booklet and on my website.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- chapter 6 quiz/test will be Friday, March 8. Students can start preparing. The study guide is at the end of the booklet and on my website.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 6 quiz/test will be Friday, March 8. Students can start preparing. The study guide is at the end of the booklet and on my website.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- chapter 6 test moved to Monday, March 4. Students can start preparing. The study guide is at the end of the booklet and on my website.
- we will be working on a propaganda project the next 2 classes. Any student absent needs to complete at home. (Copy of project and posters on my website)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 225
- Please send $4 in ASAP to cover the cost for the hypntotist
February 13, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-Finished chapter 6 today. Students should be finished the last section of questions in their booklets. Test set for Monday, Feb.25th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- reminder for students to bring in $4 for the hypnotist
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
A reminder to students to come prepared for class. Many students are arriving late without a pencil or binder.
February 4, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
Permission forms and $5 for the field trip to the Rooms is due Friday, Feb. 8th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We have started a new unit on 'Le text informatif'

Students must bring a DUOTANG by Friday for independant reading and journal
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
We have started a new unit on 'Le text informatif'

Students must bring a DUOTANG by Friday for independant reading and journal
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We have been working on brochures as an assessment for chapter 5. If not finished in class time, students must complete at home and pass in on Friday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
We have been working on brochures as an assessment for chapter 5. If not finished in class time, students must complete at home and pass in on Friday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
We have been working on brochures as an assessment for chapter 5. If not finished in class time, students must complete at home and pass in on Friday.
February 1, 2019
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
students are reminded to bring in their $5 and permission form for our field trip to the Rooms on Feb. 12
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students need to bring in a duotang for their reading journal
- students will be doing independant reading once a week for the next few weeks
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students need to bring in a duotang for their reading journal
- students will be doing independant reading once a week for the next few weeks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
complete brochures if not finished in class
January 31, 2019
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students are asked to bring in a non perishable food item in an effort to help replenish the items lost in the fire yesterday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- reminder to students to bring in permission slip and $5 for field trip to the Rooms on Feb. 12th
January 21, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- completed the novel Alexa. Will begin project tomorrow in class. Test will be next Tuesday, Jan.21.
- Review quizlets on my website and review materials including practice tests posted in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed the novel Alexa. Will begin project tomorrow in class. Test will be next Tuesday, Jan.21.
- Review quizlets on my website and review materials including practice tests posted in google classroom
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- Introduced brochure assignment as major evaluation for chapter 5
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Introduced brochure assignment as major evaluation for chapter 5
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Introduced brochure assignment as major evaluation for chapter 5
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Any student wishing to order a pink tshirt for pink day must submit their order to their homeroom teacher by Thursday
January 18, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Test on novel Alexa will be Tuesday, Jan. 29
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Test on novel Alexa will be Tuesday, Jan. 29
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- A reminder to students to come to class on time and prepared with a pencil, binder and dictionary.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Deadline to order a 2019 PINK tshirt for Pink Day is Thursday, Jan. 24th. Any student wishing to order must have their size and payment of $7 submitted to Ms. Quann by Thursday. See our school webpage for this year's design.
January 16, 2019
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
we are currently reading the novel Alex Gougougaga. We will likely finish the novel this week. Students will work on google classroom project next week and present to the class with a test to follow the week of Jan.28 to Feb. 1. Students should be practicing the quizlets on my webpage for review.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
we are currently reading the novel Alex Gougougaga. We will likely finish the novel this week. Students will work on google classroom project next week and present to the class with a test to follow the week of Jan.28 to Feb. 1. Students should be practicing the quizlets on my webpage for review.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Introduced project for this chapter. There will not be a test on chapter 5
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- presentation of chapter 4 projects finished yesterday and have now been posted on Powerschool.

- Our field trip to the Rooms is Feb. 12. Please pass in signed permission forms and $5 to Ms. Quann
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- a gentle reminder to students to come to class prepared with pencils, dictionaries, binders, etc
December 13, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We have started our unit on digital citizenship. Code to Google Classroom is b102khk. Students should join the classroom to do the self assessment forms.
December 4, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- test on novel Eric a disparu Wednesday, Dec.12t
- test will be all objective type questions
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- test on novel Eric a disparu Wednesday, Dec.12th
- test will be all objective type questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-chapter 3 test Monday, Dec. 10
November 26, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
unit 2 test Wednesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
unit 2 test Wednesday
November 23, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Reminder to study for unit 2 test. Test is Wednesday, Nov.28th.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Reminder to study for unit 2 test. Test is Wednesday, Nov.28th.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Reminder to study for unit 2 test. Test is Wednesday, Nov.28th.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
Ch 3 test scheduled for Monday, Dec. 10th
November 19, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We have started reading the play. Students should be reviewing vocab nightly and reread the Scene read in class if they feel they do not understand. Reading checks will be done every 3-4 classes to check comprehension. They will be 5-10 minutes reading checks and will be listening or reading checks. Paying attention in class and regular review of vocab will lead to success in these reading checks.
Assigned to Class: 225
We have started reading the play. Students should be reviewing vocab nightly and reread the Scene read in class if they feel they do not understand. Reading checks will be done every 3-4 classes to check comprehension. They will be 5-10 minutes reading checks and will be listening or reading checks. Paying attention in class and regular review of vocab will lead to success in these reading checks.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Unit 2 test Nov. 28. Study guides were given out last week and is posted on my website. We will have review classes this week but students should be spending 20-30 minutes a night reviewing.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Unit 2 test Nov. 28. Study guides were given out last week and is posted on my website. We will have review classes this week but students should be spending 20-30 minutes a night reviewing.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Unit 2 test Nov. 28. Study guides were given out last week and is posted on my website. We will have review classes this week but students should be spending 20-30 minutes a night reviewing.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students are asked to bring in a $2 tomorrow for our WE are Silent Global compaign fundraising for education in Sierre Leone.

Let's help meet our goal of $1000.This will outfit an entire school for a year. As an added bonus, student council members will be silent all day on Nov. 21 if our goal of $1000 is met.
November 14, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Unit 2 test will be Wednesday, Nov. 28th
- students should start reviewing
-quizlets on my website colettequann.wordpress.com will aid in vocabulary and definitions
- study guide will be given out tomorrow Nov. 15th and is available on my website today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- Unit 2 test will be Wednesday, Nov. 28th
- students should start reviewing
-quizlets on my website colettequann.wordpress.com will aid in vocabulary and definitions
- study guide will be given out tomorrow Nov. 15th and is available on my website today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Unit 2 test will be Wednesday, Nov. 28th
- students should start reviewing
-quizlets on my website colettequann.wordpress.com will aid in vocabulary and definitions
- study guide will be given out tomorrow Nov. 15th and is available on my website today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-students have been presenting their google classroom projects
- we will start our first novel Eric a disparu tomorrow. Students need to return their Francais text before they can be given the novel
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students have been presenting their google classroom projects
- we will start our first novel Eric a disparu tomorrow. Students need to return their Francais text before they can be given the novel
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 225
- wear purple on Friday for pancreatic cancer awareness
- Bring in $2 for WE Are Silent Tuesday as MDJH goes silent for 20 minutes
November 8, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
This was the 6th and final class to work on the Publicity projects in Google Classroom. Students will bring presentations on Tuesday. If any student did not finish due to absence, they should finish before next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
This was the 6th and final class to work on the Publicity projects in Google Classroom. Students will bring presentations on Tuesday. If any student did not finish due to absence, they should finish before next class.
November 1, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- students should be studying for their chapter 2 test Tuesday, Nov.6th
- students have had three classes to work on their study guides found at the back of the booklet (on website)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students began final projects on La publicite (found and done in google classroom)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students began final projects on La publicite (found and done in google classroom)
October 23, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
quiz Monday, October 29: Ch 2 vocab and Besoins ou Desirs?

quizlet on my website for practice
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
quiz Monday, October 29: Ch 2 vocab and Besoins ou Desirs?

quizlet on my website for practice
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
quiz wednesday, October 31: Ch 2 vocab and Besoins ou Desirs?

quizlet on my website for practice
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- will be working on reading samples and ads every class this week. Will have unseen reading quiz Monday, October 29th. The questions will be the same as those as in all practice ones.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- will be working on reading samples and ads every class this week. Will have unseen reading quiz Monday, October 29th. The questions will be the same as those as in all practice ones.
October 16, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- we are currently working on 'La Publicite'
- students are reminded to bring texts to tomorrow's late. Anyone not bringing their text will be unable to complete their work and will be considered late.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
we are currently working on 'La Publicite'
- students are reminded to bring texts to tomorrow's late. Anyone not bringing their text will be unable to complete their work and will be considered late.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- parents are asked to look at powerschool and talk to your child about submitting outstanding work
- marks of 0% will be entered as placeholders until work is received
October 2, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
a reminder of the quiz tomorrow on school objects and classroom expressions
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
a reminder of the quiz tomorrow on school objects and classroom expressions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Please bring in non perishable food items for our Food Drive. Please make sure your name and homeroom number is on it
September 24, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
reminder of chapter 1 quiz Wednesday, September 26th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- study classroom objects and expressions for reading quiz WEDNESDAY< OCTOBER 3
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- study classroom objects and expressions for reading quiz WEDNESDAY< OCTOBER 3
September 18, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
review numbers and letters for listening quiz tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
review numbers and letters for listening quiz tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-chapter 1 quiz Wednesday, September 25th
- started Monument project today- due October 1
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-finished map booklets
- any student not finished should complete at home
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-finished map booklets
- any student not finished should complete at home
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-finished map booklets
- any student not finished should complete at home
September 17, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-completed chapter 1 (very short chapter)
- quiz on chapter 1 Wednesday, September 26th. Students should review powerpoint and revision sheet
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- review numbers and letters for listening quiz Wednesday
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (207)
- review numbers and letters for listening quiz Wednesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- collected Map booklets today. Any student who has not completed the booklet must finish at home and remember to pass in
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- collected Map booklets today. Any student who has not completed the booklet must finish at home and remember to pass in
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 19th
- Picture Day is Thursday, September 20th
- No school for students on Friday, September due to teacher pd
May 29, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- students will have 2 more classes to complete their google classroom assignments
-presentations begin Monday, June 4th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students will have listening assessment tomorrow (no preparation for this)
- explained final project today which we will start in google classroom Thursdays
- interviews will begin Thursday so all students should practice using the questions handed out 2-3 weeks ago and be ready to be interviewed when their turn comes
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students will have listening assessment tomorrow (no preparation for this)
- explained final project today which we will start in google classroom Thursdays
- interviews will begin Thursday so all students should practice using the questions handed out 2-3 weeks ago and be ready to be interviewed when their turn comes
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- test June 6
- study guide handed out yesterday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- test June 6
- study guide handed out yesterday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- test June 6
- study guide handed out yesterday
May 24, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- we have been doing practice reading activities this week using the same questions for all readings
- they will have a reading assessment using the same questions as practice activities Monday. It is unseen but based on theme of games and sports so students can perhaps review vocabulary. Students can use a dictionary if they remember to bring to class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we have been doing practice reading activities this week using the same questions for all readings
- they will have a reading assessment using the same questions as practice activities Monday. It is unseen but based on theme of games and sports so students can perhaps review vocabulary. Students can use a dictionary if they remember to bring to class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Ch 11 & 12 test June 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Ch 11 & 12 test June 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Ch 11 & 12 test June 6th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
PJ DAY TOMORROW FRIDAY, MAY 25TH- Bring in a donation of $2 or more to donate to the Children's Wish Foundation.

Recess Ice Cream Sales going to the Children's WIsh Foundation as well.
May 23, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-students are working through chapters 11 & 12
- test on both chapters June 6th
- students should begin reviewing nightly material covered focusing on vocabulary
- a study guide will be given out next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-students are working through chapters 11 & 12
- test on both chapters June 6th
- students should begin reviewing nightly material covered focusing on vocabulary
- a study guide will be given out next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students are working through chapters 11 & 12
- test on both chapters June 6th
- students should begin reviewing nightly material covered focusing on vocabulary
- a study guide will be given out next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- students are working on a google classroom project
- this is their final project for our final unit
-All students should be ready to present June 4th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- we are working on our final unit -Le texte d'opinion
- students should be preparing answers to the interview questions passed out last week
- the first week of June will be spent doing the interviews and preparing a texte d'opinion in google classroom
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we are working on our final unit -Le texte d'opinion
- students should be preparing answers to the interview questions passed out last week
- the first week of June will be spent doing the interviews and preparing a texte d'opinion in google classroom
May 14, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- reminder of novel test tomorrow. Be sure to bring your novel and dictionary to class

- students were given list of interview questions today to prepare for interview (worth 5% of final mark). Interviews will happen the first week of June but students will benefit from practicing ahead of time.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reminder of novel test tomorrow. Be sure to bring your novel and dictionary to class

- students were given list of interview questions today to prepare for interview (worth 5% of final mark). Interviews will happen the first week of June but students will benefit from practicing ahead of time.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Please check Powerschool for missing assignments/ activities. Any outstanding work should be submitted ASAP for correction.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Please check Powerschool for missing assignments/ activities. Any outstanding work should be submitted ASAP for correction.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Please check Powerschool for missing assignments/ activities. Any outstanding work should be submitted ASAP for correction.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- test marks now entered in Powerschool

Please check Powerschool for missing assignments/ activities. Any outstanding work should be submitted ASAP for correction.
May 11, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Novel test on Intrigue a St Johns Tuesday, May 15th
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Novel test on Intrigue a St Johns Tuesday, May 15th
May 2, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-students were given a review class today for chapter 8 quiz on Tuesday, May 8th
-quiz will cover the terms in their bookletsand 6 questions highlighted in their booklets
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-students should reread chapters 7-9 to prepare for reading check on Friday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students should reread chapters 7-9 to prepare for reading check on Friday
April 23, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students are encouraged to reread chapter 4 today and review questions and vocab completed in class
- reading check on chapters 4-6 Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students are encouraged to reread chapter 4 today and review questions and vocab completed in class
- reading check on chapters 4-6 Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students are encouraged to reread chapter 4 today and review questions and vocab completed in class
- reading check on chapters 4-6 Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students are encouraged to reread chapter 4 today and review questions and vocab completed in class
- reading check on chapters 4-6 Thursday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- review lecon 2 notes on the Creation of Manitoba
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- review lecon 2 notes on the Creation of Manitoba
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete questions 1-6 on the Creation of Manitoba lecon 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete questions 1-6 on the Creation of Manitoba lecon 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- review notes on les Activities guerrieres
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- review notes on les Activities guerrieres
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(206)
- students are asked to bring in $2 for our Walk for water tomorrow
April 18, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- reading check tomorrow on chapters 1-3 (students can use novel, booklet and dictionaries)
- reread these chapters to prepare for the reading check
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reading check tomorrow on chapters 1-3 (students can use novel, booklet and dictionaries)
- reread these chapters to prepare for the reading check
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students did worksheet today 'L'expansion du Canada' which was collected and evaluated
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- reviewed powerpoint notes 'les bases militaires'
- complete first set of questions if not completed in class
April 17, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students should reread chapters 1 and 2 of novel and complete the 6 questions if they were not completed in class. Reading check Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students should reread chapters 1 and 2 of novel and complete the 6 questions if they were not completed in class. Reading check Thursday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- review notes from lecon 1 and complete questions if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- review notes from lecon 1 and complete questions if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review notes from lecon 1 and complete questions if not completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Movie permission forms and $10 should now be returned
March 28, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Some students have outstanding work. Please complete chapter 7 questions and pass in if not passed in today.

Students will present skits tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Some students have outstanding work. Please complete chapter 7 questions and pass in if not passed in today.

Students will present skits tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)

Students will present skits tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students will do a short listening assessment tomorrow. We have done two practice listening activities last class. Please advise if your child will miss due to absence or illness and arrange for alternate time.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students will do a short listening assessment tomorrow. We have done two practice listening activities last class. Please advise if your child will miss due to absence or illness and arrange for alternate time.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(206)
Please return permission slips and $10 for film Rising Above. Cineplex needs us to confirm numbers for tomorrow.
March 26, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- we have finished chapter 7. Last sheet of booklet should be finished and passed in. Students are working on skits in groups and will present on Thursday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
we have finished chapter 7. Last sheet of booklet should be finished and passed in. Students are working on skits in groups and will present on Thursday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
we have finished chapter 7. Last sheet of booklet should be finished and passed in. Students are working on skits in groups and will present on Thursday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- we are working through booklets for chapter 7
March 12, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- reading assessment tomorrow. Questions are the same as those in 4 practice readings.
- come prepared with a pencil, eraser and dictionary
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reading assessment tomorrow. Questions are the same as those in 4 practice readings.
- come prepared with a pencil, eraser and dictionary.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- students are working on end of unit project in Google classroom. We have two more classes to complete
March 6, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-completed reading texte informatif 1
- reading test on Tuesday, March 13th (same question as samples in booklet)
- 12 students came to class today without their textbooks (Please remind your child to come to class prepared)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-completed reading texte informatif 1
- reading test on Tuesday, March 13th (same question as samples in booklet)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- reminder to bring in signed permission slips and $10 for film 'Rising Above' as soon as possible. Numbers have to be confirmed for cineplex as they are holding spots for all students in our school and have school waiting for more seats.
February 22, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- ch 6 test on Wednesday. Study guides have been reviewed in class and time will be given next class/ next classes to study
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
ch 6 test on Wednesday. Study guides have been reviewed in class and time will be given next class/ next classes to study
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
ch 6 test on Wednesday. Study guides have been reviewed in class and time will be given next class/ next classes to study
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- students are working on propaganda assignment which they should finish next class- Friday. If they do not finish in tomorrow's class they will be given opportunity to take home and finish for Monday's class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Students are asked to bring in $3 for the HYPNOTIST show next week during Spirit Week. This money should be passed in by MONDAY.
February 14, 2018
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- chapter 6 test scheduled for Feb. 28- students should start completing their study guides at end of booklet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- chapter 6 test scheduled for Feb. 28- students should start completing their study guides at end of booklet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 6 test scheduled for Feb. 28- students should start completing their study guides at end of booklet
February 5, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- novel test tomorrow- bring dictionaries

- students are asked to bring a duotang on Wednesday for reading journals
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- novel test tomorrow- bring dictionaries

- students are asked to bring a duotang on Wednesday for reading journals
January 31, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- we are currently working on our mid year assessments in google classroom. We will complete the slide presentation tomorrow and presentations will begin Friday.
- there will be a test on the novel Alexa Tuesday, Feb. 6th
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we are currently working on our mid year assessments in google classroom. We will complete the slide presentation tomorrow and presentations will begin Friday.
- there will be a test on the novel Alexa Tuesday, Feb. 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- we have been working on our only evaluation for chapter 5 (a pamphlet). Students should finish up at home if not finished and pass in next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- we have been working on our only evaluation for chapter 5 (a pamphlet). Students should finish up at home if not finished and pass in next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we have been working on our only evaluation for chapter 5 (a pamphlet). Students should finish up at home if not finished and pass in next class.
January 19, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Listening Activity on chapters 4 & 5 today
- Students were given permission slips for Field trip to Holy Heart theater for next Thursday. Forms with $4 must be submitted by Tuesday, Jan.23
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Listening Activity on chapters 4 & 5 today
- Students were given permission slips for Field trip to Holy Heart theater for next Thursday. Forms with $4 must be submitted by Tuesday, Jan.23
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students are working on brochures of British North America
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
students should have questions completed up to and including lesson 4
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
students should have questions completed up to and including lesson 4
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-we are working on google classroom presentations for chapter 4. We will have one more class before presentations. Students may need to work on at home
January 11, 2018
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We have started an indepth novel study of the novel Alexa Gougougaga. It is read aloud in class with time to complete work assigned. Students can review vocab on my website at home.

Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
We have started an indepth novel study of the novel Alexa Gougougaga. It is read aloud in class with time to complete work assigned. Students can review vocab on my website at home.

Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-We have started chapter 5. Students should review vocab. Questions 1-8 on Lecon 1 should be completed if not completed in class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-We have started chapter 5. Students should review vocab. Questions 1-8 on Lecon 1 should be completed if not completed in class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-We have started chapter 5. Students should review vocab. Questions 9-20 on Lecon 2 should be completed if not completed in class.
December 5, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students were given a permission slip today for a unit on digital citizenship that they will be doing before Christmas. Please sign and return .
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Students were given a permission slip today for a unit on digital citizenship that they will be doing before Christmas. Please sign and return .
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students were given a permission slip today for a unit on digital citizenship that they will be doing before Christmas. Please sign and return .
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
Students were given a permission slip today for a unit on digital citizenship that they will be doing before Christmas. Please sign and return .
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Objective Test on novel Eric a disparu Tuesday, Dec.12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Objective Test on novel Eric a disparu Tuesday, Dec.12th.
December 4, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
We will continue presentations tomorrow of Les Secteurs Economiques. All students should be prepared to present.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
We will conclude presentations tomorrow of Les Secteurs Economiques. All students should be prepared to present.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
We will conclude presentations tomorrow of Les Secteurs Economiques. All students should be prepared to present.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Students did a reading check today. We will finish the novel in a couple of days and a test will scheduled for next week. Students should review and bring their books home this weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Students did a reading check today. We will finish the novel in a couple of days and a test will scheduled for next week. Students should review and bring their books home this weekend.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(206)
Students are reminded to bring in $2 tomorrow for CBC Feed NL. This gives them an opportunity to shop with a cop on Friday. Three Students will drawn randomly and will get $500 to spend on family- not themselves.
November 16, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Test on chapters 3 & 4 scheduled for next Friday, November 24th
(Study Guide given out November 15th)
A copy is available on my website at colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-Test on chapters 3 & 4 scheduled for next Friday, November 24th
(Study Guide given out November 15th)
A copy is available on my website at colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Test on chapters 3 & 4 scheduled for next Friday, November 24th
(Study Guide given out November 15th)
- Google classroom project started today on Les Secteurs Economiques
A copy is available on my website at colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-Test on chapters 3 scheduled for next Tuesday, November 28th
(Study Guide will be given out tomorrow November 17th)
A copy is available on my website at colettequann.wordpress.com
October 27, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
-final review class before chapter 2 test on Monday, October 30
- field trip to The Rooms tomorrow in the AM
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reading test Monday (exactly like all of the practice ones covered in class)
- students can use a dictionary if they bring one to class as I do not have any to give out to
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- reading test Monday (exactly like all of the practice ones covered in class)
- students can use a dictionary if they bring one to class as I do not have any to give out to
October 16, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Began unit 2 on La Publicite. Looked at slogans and logos and elements of publicity.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Began unit 2 on La Publicite. Looked at slogans and logos and elements of publicity.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
completed 'en 20 ans' activity.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- completed notes and questions on 'Les Innus'
- test on chapter 2 scheduled for Monday, October 30th. Students should begin their study guides found in their carnets.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)

Students are encouraged to bring in any winter outerwear that you are no longer wearing or have outgrown.
October 2, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- completed questions in booklet
- reviewed for quiz Friday

- many students missed class due to band. Any student who has band MUST come to class first to find out what they will miss and then make their own decision as to whether they should miss class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-complete the Trousse d'activities if not completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-complete the Trousse d'activities if not completed in class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- completed questions in booklet
- reviewed for quiz Friday

Band or Choir
Any student who has band or choir during class time MUST come to class first to find out what they will miss and then make their own decision as to whether they should miss class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
Please bring in food for food drive
September 29, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-quiz Friday, Oct. 6th on 5 types of autonomisation. Students will be expected to write a definition with one or two examples of each type.
-L'autonomisation Personelle is a combination of all 5 types
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-quiz Friday, Oct. 6th on 5 types of autonomisation. Students will be expected to write a definition with one or two examples of each type.
-L'autonomisation Personelle is a combination of all 5 types
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-quiz Thursday, Oct. 5th on 5 types of autonomisation. Students will be expected to write a definition with one or two examples of each type.
-L'autonomisation Personelle is a combination of all 5 types
September 28, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- we will finish presentations of mon artifait familiale tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- review the types of autonomisation for quix Friday, Oct. 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review the types of autonomisation for quix Friday, Oct. 6th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-presented acrostic poems today
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-presented acrostic poems today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Bring in food items for Food Bank

- The Terry Fox Walk will be tomorrow- all students are asked to bring in a donation of $2
September 27, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- complete questions 1-7 lecon 1 if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-continued work with adjectifs and worked on acrostich poem which will be presented tomorrow. Most are handed in but students given the option to complete at home for tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Finish questions 1-9 of lecon 1 in booklets if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
continued work with adjectifs and worked on acrostich poem which will be presented tomorrow. Most are handed in but students given the option to complete at home for tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- bring in food for our Thanksgiving Food drive ( please put in bag and clearly mark it 7-7)
September 19, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- complete worksheets on les objets, les expressions et le matieres
- review the above for quiz on Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete worksheets on les objets, les expressions et le matieres
- review the above for quiz on Thursday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-5(118)
- Students are working on Mon Artifait Familial
- the code to present in Google classroom is 3syqa00
- chapter 1 quiz tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed map work
- will start chapter 1 tomorrow
September 18, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students should review classroom expressions, objects and subjects for quiz Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students should review classroom expressions, objects and subjects for quiz Thursday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- completed map work. Students completed map of Canada for evaluation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- completed map work. Students completed map of Canada for evaluation
September 12, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- Students are working on map booklets
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-students should bring their French/English dictionaries to class tomorrow. I will be showing them how to use the dictionary in terms of finding the word they want in the context they are looking for.

It is a good practice for Immersion students to bring their dictionaries to all classes they do in French.

We did start unit 1 today- la rentree. Students were given Un Guide de Survie and a Trousse d'activites. Any student who did not complete the page les expressions utiles should complete for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students should bring their French/English dictionaries to class tomorrow. I will be showing them how to use the dictionary in terms of finding the word they want in the context they are looking for.

It is a good practice for Immersion students to bring their dictionaries to all classes they do in French.

We did start unit 1 today- la rentree. Students were given Un Guide de Survie and a Trousse d'activites. Any student who did not complete the page les expressions utiles should complete for homework.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Students are currently working on a map booklet. There will be an evaluation on the map of Canada next week.
June 8, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
All interviews are completed. Students will pass in their redactions after tomorrow's class. Any student missing tomorrow's class due to tournament should complete tonight and submit. They are google classroom assignments and I will begin correcting them this weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
All interviews are completed. Students will pass in their redactions after tomorrow's class. Any student missing tomorrow's class due to tournament should complete tonight and submit. They are google classroom assignments and I will begin correcting them this weekend.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-ch 8 test tomorrow
- gave another day to study for test and to complete booklets. I will be correcting this weekend so please pass in tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)
Last class today. Any student who asked to take their booklet home tonight to complete must pass in tomorrow.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)

May 29, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Preparation for French Interviews began today.Students have 11 interview questions they can prepare answers for and practice.
French Interviews will be next week
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Preparation for French Interviews began today.Students have 11 interview questions they can prepare answers for and practice.
French Interviews will be next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Corrected definitions of study guide
- reviewed for test
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Corrected definitions of study guide
- reviewed for test
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
April 25, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Reading check on ch 4-6 tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Reading check on ch 4-6 tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Reading check on ch 4-6 tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Reading check on ch 4-6 tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Reading check on ch 4-6 tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Reading check on ch 4-6 tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 14 test Tuesday, May 2 (study guides at end of booklet)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- chapter 6 test Tuesday, May 2. Study guides given out last class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- chapter 6 test Tuesday, May 2. Study guides given out last class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- chapter 6 test Tuesday, May 2. Study guides given out last class
April 6, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Reading check on chapters 1-3 today (Any student who missed can do on Monday)
- students should complete vocab for chapters 3-4 for Monday as well as questions 1-4 on chapter 3
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Reading check on chapters 1-3 today (Any student who missed can do on Monday)
- students should complete vocab for chapters 3-4 for Monday as well as questions 1-4 on chapter 3
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- students completed posters on 'Le jour de l'empire'. Anyone who did not finish in class needs to finish for next day.
- Tentative date for ch 14 test is Tuesday, May 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- students completed posters on 'Le jour de l'empire'. Anyone who did not finish in class needs to finish for next day.
- Tentative date for ch 14 test is Tuesday, May 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students completed posters on 'Le jour de l'empire'. Anyone who did not finish in class needs to finish for next day.
- Tentative date for ch 14 test is Tuesday, May 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Next week we will finish chapter 6 looking at phase 3 & 4 with the Holocauste
- Tentative date of test is May 2 (powerpoint and booklet with answers posted on my website).
March 28, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-chapter 11 test Friday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
We are having a pizza party last period tomorrow as our reward for bringing in the most food for the breakfast program. Many thanks to the parents for your support. Students can bring in a drink for themselves. It is our going away party as well for Mr. O'Keefe as well. His last day is Friday but our schedule for Friday would have us eating pizza at 8 or 9 in the morning.
March 23, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- ch6 test on phases 1 & 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 31st.
- study guide, booklet and powerpoint available on my website
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- A reminder to students that we will have a reading class on Friday, Please bring in a duotang for your reading journal if you haven't already.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- A reminder to students that we will have a reading class on Friday, Please bring in a duotang for your reading journal if you haven't already.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)

March is Epilepsy Awareness month. Students are asked to wear purple in recognition of Epilepsy Awareness.
March 13, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- will continue and finish presentations tomorrow
-please bring duotang to class before Friday as we will be starting reading journals
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- will continue and finish presentations tomorrow
- please ensure you are done as many people were not ready to present today
- please bring duotang to class before Friday as we will be starting reading journals
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- ch 11 test wednesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- ch 11 test wednesday
March 9, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- working on final task for the unit
- presentations will begin Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- working on final task for the unit
- presentations will begin Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- reviewed vocab through quizlet live
- remember test on Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
ch 11 test Wednesday, March 15
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
ch 11 test Wednesday, March 15
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Bring in a donation for the breakfast program. Students have taken a picture of items. Homeroom reaching 314 points first wins a pizza party. Lets reach 314 points tomorrow.
March 6, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Listening evaluation today
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- listening evaluation today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- complete map and vocab in carnet for chapter 6
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
ch 11 test Wednesday, March 15
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
ch 11 test, Wednesday, March 15
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- tomorrow is multiple day
- bring in $3 for hypnotist show
March 2, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- did practice listening activity today. A text was read 3-4 times and students responded to questions. There will be another practice tomorrow with EVALUATION to follow Monday< March 6.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- did practice listening activity today. A text was read 3-4 times and students responded to questions. There will be another practice tomorrow with EVALUATION to follow Monday< March 6.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Completed lecon 4 today so chapter 11 is complete

Gave out study guide today- Test Monday, March 13th.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Complete questions 1-14 of lecon 3 if not finished in class.

Gave out study guide today for test Wednesday, March 15.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
completed presentations of Ancestor Projects today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Spirit Week is next week. Students must bring in $3 for hypnotist show. Money must be brought in by Monday.
March 1, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- chapter 11 test Monday, March 13th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
chapter 11 test Monday, March 13th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- chapter 11 test Monday, March 13th
- any student not having the last map completed for their map portfolio must pass in tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- complete les sept merveilles if not completed in class
- check powerschool for missing work and please ensure all work is submitted
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete les sept merveilles if not completed in class
January 30, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- worked on brochures. This was the last class to work on them. Students must finish for next class (Wednesday) if not completed today.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- worked on brochures. Will work on them again tomorrow in class and assigned for homework if not completed in tomorrow's class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- worked on brochures. Will work on them again tomorrow in class and assigned for homework if not completed in tomorrow's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- began in class project 'Le voyage de mes reves'
- students will have 4 classes in total to prepare with presentations beginning Thursday
- this project will count as 10% of their final grade: 5% for speaking and 5% for written production
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- began in class project 'Le voyage de mes reves'
- students will have 4 classes in total to prepare with presentations beginning Thursday
- this project will count as 10% of their final grade: 5% for speaking and 5% for written production
January 24, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete Post Lecture Activity 1- Mon Operation Bebe if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- complete Post Lecture Activity 1- Mon Operation Bebe if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed lecon 3 and questions
- students will begin working on brochures next class ( 3 classes to complete)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completd 5.4 today
- quiz on 1930s next Thursday, Feb. 2 day 6
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- two days left to order a pink t shirt for antibullying day- $6 per shirt. Deadline is Thursday.
January 23, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- complete questions in booklet pages 8 and 9
- quiz on 1930s Thursday, Feb. 2 (sections 5.3 and 5.4)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- began in class project on creating a brochure for British North America
- second class given to work on it
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Finished reading novel. Complete all vocab work and questions up to and including chapter 8
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Finished reading novel. Complete all vocab work and questions up to and including chapter 8
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- began in class project on creating a brochure for British North America
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)
- reminder that orders for pink tshirts are due by Thursday. Absolute deadline in order to ensure delivery for Pink Day
January 19, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- read and completed carnet activities on chapter 6. Any student who did not finish should finish for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read and completed carnet activities on chapter 6. Any student who did not finish should finish for homework.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- complete questions 1-10 on lecon 3 if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- complete questions 1-10 on lecon 3 if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete questions 9-20 on lecon 2 if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Ancestor projects due February 10th
January 18, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- due date for Ancestor Project is Feb. 10
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- practice quizlets on my website to assist vocab comprehension
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- practice quizlets on my website to assist vocab comprehension
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)
- complete questions 9-20 on Lecon 2 if not completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Pink tshirts for National Pink Day are available for order. Cost is $6 and orders are due by January 26 to ensure delivery for Jan. 22 Pink day
January 13, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- complete vocab tables on chapter 3 if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete vocab tables on chapter 3 if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
complete questions 1-8 on Lecon 1
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- due date for Ancestor Project given today. DUE DATE is Friday, FEBRUARY 10th.

- Several students did not submit their planning sheet of interview questions. Please check Powerschool. If your child passed in their questions you will see a check mark that it is collected. If not it was not passed in.
January 12, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Final reminder that planning sheet for Ancestor project available on my website and is due TOMORROW
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- complete questions 1-8 on Lecon 1 if not finished in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- complete questions 1-8 on Lecon 1 if not finished in class
January 10, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- review vocab for chapter 1 (use quizlet on chapter 1 vocab on my website)
- we will read chapter 1 tomorrow
- corrected activities 1-3 today. These activities should have been completed before today's class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review vocab for chapter 1 (use quizlet on chapter 1 vocab on my website)
- we will read chapter 1 tomorrow
- corrected activities 1-3 today. These activities should have been completed before today's class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- distributed chapter 5 carnets and went over vocab. Use quizlet on my website to assist with learning vocab and definitions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- completed google classroom project presentations
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed google classroom project presentations
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Reminder to students that interview pllanning sheet for ancestor project are due Friday.
January 9, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Students should have completed prereading activities 1-3 in carnet. If not completed in class, please complete for homework
- quizlets for all chapters of novel are now available on my website and are good for practice
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Students should have completed prereading activities 1-3 in carnet. If not completed in class, please complete for homework
- quizlets for all chapters of novel are now available on my website and are good for practice
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-Plans (list of questions) for ancestor project due on Friday
- students who did not complete the google classroom project in four classes need to complete at home for Thursday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- continued presenting assignments
January 6, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
Anyone who did not complete their google classroom assignment must finish at home before the next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Finish the first page of Alexis carnet. Numbers 1 to 4.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Finish the first page of Alexis carnet. Numbers 1 to 4.
January 4, 2017
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- presentations began today
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed story map class project. Complete for homework if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- completed story map class project. Complete for homework if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- third class working on google classroom assignments
- one more class will be given to complete - Friday
- reminder that outline (questions) for ancestor project due next Friday, Jan. 13th
January 3, 2017
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
-worked on story map activity for Eric a disparu. Will finish tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- students began presenting 'Les Secteurs Economiques' google classroom projects.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-worked on story map activity for Eric a disparu. Will finish tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- students began presenting 'Les Secteurs Economiques' google classroom projects.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- plan for Ancestor Project Assignment is due Friday, Jan. 13th

- worked on google classroom projects today
December 19, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- completed reading test on Eric a disparu
- please complete and pass in booklets if you didn't do so today
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed reading test on Eric a disparu
- please complete and pass in booklets if you didn't do so today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- worked on google classroom projects in LRC
- have one more class to work on the projects- tomorrow. Presentations will be after the break
December 16, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- complete carnets on Eric a disparu for Monday
- reading test on novel Monday- please bring novel, carnet and dictionary to class. You can use these resources if you bring to class. They will not be provided
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
complete carnets on Eric a disparu for Monday
- reading test on novel Monday- please bring novel, carnet and dictionary to class. You can use these resources if you bring to class. They will not be provided
December 15, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reading check on Act 2 will be tomorrow
- we finished reading the book today so anyone absent will have to read on their own (please use quizlets on my website to assist with vocab)
- READING TEST MONDAY on entire book
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- reading check on Act 2 will be tomorrow for those students who were absent today.
- we finished reading the book today so anyone absent will have to read on their own (please use quizlets on my website to assist with vocab)
- READING TEST MONDAY on entire book
December 14, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- completed Acte II
- students should review all vocab and activities completed on Acte II
- reading check on Acte II tomorrow (10 matching)
- Reading test on novel MONDAY
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- completed Acte II
- students should review all vocab and activities completed on Acte II
- reading check on Acte II tomorrow (10 matching)
- Reading test on novel MONDAY
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- last class to work on Google classroom projects- presentations tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Ancestor projects given out today (Due first week in February)
- students began google classroom project
- test Friday on 1920s
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- We are collecting donations of change for needy families in our school community.
December 12, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- worked on chapter 4 google classroom assignments
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- worked on chapter 4 google classroom assignments
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read Acte II, scenes 1 & 2
- complete pages 9-11 of carnet for homework
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- read Acte II, scenes 1 & 2
- complete pages 9-11 of carnet for homework
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- quizlet on website for chapter 5 vocab
- quiz on 1920's on Friday- reminder
December 6, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- class two in computer lab working on google classroom projects
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- started google classroom project on Les Secteurs Economiques in computer lab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completed note presentation on 1920's
- we will have test on the 1920's (sections 5.1 & 5.2) Friday December 16th
- students will work on review questions tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Completed Acte I, Scenes 1-3
- students should reread 3 scenes and go over activities in preparation for reading & listening check tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Completed Acte I, Scenes 1-3
- students should reread 3 scenes and go over activities in preparation for reading & listening check tomorrow.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1(218)
- Not too late to bring in a donation for our 'Adopt a Senior' project
- students are asked to donate change to needy families in our school community. Glass donation bottles are in the homeroom.
December 5, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Review vocab for scene 1- Quizlet on my website to help with vocab
- reread Act 1, Scene 1
- listening/ reading check on Wednesday
-complete all prereading activities if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-We started a google classroom assignment on 'Les Secteurs Economiques'
- we will be working on this the next several classes with presentations scheduled to begin Thursday, Dec. 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Review vocab for scene 1- Quizlet on my website to help with vocab
- reread Act 1, Scene 1
- listening/ reading check on Wednesday
- complete all prereading activities if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-Completed 5.1 and assigned questions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Bring in donation for gift for our senior: our senior would like a broach, a nightdress and a fleece blanket
- Return permission forms for VIsion survey
November 21, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- students will do in class project next class- no study required but students should come with chapter 3 carnet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- students will do in class project next class- no study required but students should come with chapter 3 carnet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students will do in class project next class- no study required but students should come with chapter 3 carnet
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- we are making progress on our google classroom projects. Students will have one more class to work on them. If one more class is not enough, students will have to put some time in at home
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- we are making progress on our google classroom projects. Students will have one more class to work on them. If one more class is not enough, students will have to put some time in at home
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- test on chapter 4 Friday. Students should check out my quizlet on my webpage
November 15, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Reading tests today. Marks on powerschool.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Reading tests today. Marks on powerschool.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- complete la cycle de la pauvrete activity if not finished in class. Those passed in today are corrected and on powerschool has been updated.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completed correction of booklets
- gave out study guide for questions
- CH 4 TEST: Friday, Nov. 25
November 8, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Continued with reading activities and completed example 2. We will continue with sample reading activities the next couple of classes. The reading test will be Tuesday, Nov. 15. The test questions will be the same questions as the practice activiites we have done and will continue to do the next several classes.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
Continued with reading activities and completed example 2. We will continue with sample reading activities the next couple of classes. The reading test will be Tuesday, Nov. 15. The test questions will be the same questions as the practice activiites we have done and will continue to do the next several classes.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- please check powerschool for any missing marks. If marks are missing your child has not submitted this work and it is now overdue. Please encourage them to submit to me ASAP.
October 25, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- Continuing En 20 ans presentations in class
- reminder of test on Thursday- study only what is on the study guide (copy of study guide on my website)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Continuing En 20 ans presentations in class
- chapter 1 test on Tuesday, Nov. 1- study only what is on the study guide (copy of study guide on my website)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Continuing En 20 ans presentations in class
- chapter 1 test on Tuesday, Nov. 1- study only what is on the study guide (copy of study guide on my website)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- please check powerschool for missing work
- if there is no mark or the code missing is entered for an assignment, please talk to your child about submitting this overdue work
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- have analysed many ads (magazine and tv)
- will have students complete worksheet tomorrow on analyzing 3 ads
- students will be able to use notes but should review vocab
-students should be bringing dictionaries to all classes
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- have analysed many ads (magazine and tv)
- will have students complete worksheet tomorrow on analyzing 3 ads
- students will be able to use notes but should review vocab
-students should be bringing dictionaries to all classes
October 12, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- a reminder to study vocab (including 5 types of autonomisation) for quiz tomorrow
- EN 20 ans projects: Due October 24th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- a reminder to study vocab (including 5 types of autonomisation) for quiz tomorrow
-EN 20 ans projects: Due October 24th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- a reminder to study vocab (including 5 types of autonomisation) for quiz Friday
EN 20 ans projects: Due October 25th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- a reminder to study terms for quiz tomorrow as well as be able to discuss how musicians, artists, and authors contribute to canadian identity citing examples we have looked at in the unit.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- review conjugation of regular er, ir, and re verbs
- review verb etre
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review conjugation of regular er, ir, and re verbs
- review verb etre
October 6, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- looked at how literature reflects canadian identity
- quiz on chapter 1- Thursday, October 13th (study vocab: be able to discuss how musicians, artists, and authors express canadian identity using examples of art, songs, and literature covered in class throughout the unit.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
-quiz de vocabulaire- Thursday, Oct. 13
October 5, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- distributed carnets for chapter 1 and did questions 1-6
- vocab quiz assigned for Friday, October 14th (students should be reviewing the 25 vocab items nightly- they will not have to write out definitions. The definitions will be there along with a word bank. Students will have to match up vocab with definition.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- distributed carnets for chapter 1 and did questions 1-6
- vocab quiz assigned for Thursday, October 13th (students should be reviewing the 25 vocab items nightly- they will not have to write out definitions. The definitions will be there along with a word bank. Students will have to match up vocab with definition.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- gave back evaluation on image analysis- any student wishing to redo must hand in by Tuesday.
- students should have completed assessment on music over last 2 classes. If not, finish and pass in tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- review notes on conjugating regular -er, ir, and re verbs.

vocab quiz assigned for Thursday, October 13th (students should be reviewing the 25 vocab items nightly- they will not have to write out definitions. The definitions will be there along with a word bank. Students will have to match up vocab with definition.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
review notes on conjugating regular -er, ir, and re verbs.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Bring in food for food drive
- coats for kids (coats and boots no longer used can be donated)
- pictures were given out (ORDERS MUST BE BACK IN BY OCTOBER 14TH)
September 16, 2016
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Distributed booklets and students completed first page
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- Finish the map booklets and study the map of Canada for quiz next Thursday
- study guide given out today
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- had listening evaluation on numbers and letters.
- review vocab for objects in school
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Finish the map booklets and study the map of Canada for quiz next Wednesday
- study guide given out today
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- had listening evaluation on numbers and letters.
- review vocab for objects in school
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Bring in Terry Fox pledges- we will walk period 5 Monday
-Curriculum Night Wednesday, September 21
- Picture Day, Thursday, September 22
September 15, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- working on the map activities of Canada
- Map of Canada Quiz Wednesday, September 21
Please note I am presently locked out of my blog due to changing email addresses but am attempting to regain access.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(223)
- working on the map activities of Canada
- Map of Canada Quiz Thursday, September 22
Please note I am presently locked out of my blog due to changing email addresses but am attempting to regain access.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completed world map activity
Please note I am presently locked out of my blog due to changing email addresses but am attempting to regain access.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review numbers and letters for listening evaluation tomorrow
-completed fiche biographique et 'c'est moi- complete if you did not finish in class
Please note I am presently locked out of my blog due to changing email addresses but am attempting to regain access.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- review numbers and letters for listening evaluation tomorrow
-completed fiche biographique et 'c'est moi- complete if you did not finish in class
Please note I am presently locked out of my blog due to changing email addresses but am attempting to regain access.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- We will be doing our Terry Fox Walk Monday, September 19th period 5- Students should bring in their pledge sheets on or before Monday.
- Curriculum night Wednesday, Sept. 21
-Picture Day Thursday September 22
Please note I am presently locked out of my blog due to changing email addresses but am attempting to regain access.
May 18, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
- Study guide given out today for quiz next Wednesday, May 25
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- read chapter 3 and discussed
- students are encouraged to reread chapters 1-3 tonight for reading comprehension check tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- read chapter 3 and discussed
- students are encouraged to reread chapters 1-3 tonight for reading comprehension check tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- Finished questions for Lecon 3
April 25, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-6(219)
- reviewed le gouvernement representative & le gouvernement responsable
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- started final project- creating a board game- will continue work on this tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(109A)
- le Canada dans le guerre ( distributed carnets and students worked on map of Europe. Should be finished)
April 18, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
- started chapter 4- the evolution of government (students should have finished termes 1-15)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on researching a game or sport (can be card game, board game, video game or sport_
- page 'Recherche d'un jeu' ( in carnets) should be completed at home if not done in class today as students will be writing opinion text next class using this sheet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- began presentations
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students worked on researching a game or sport (can be card game, board game, video game or sport_
- page 'Recherche d'un jeu' ( in carnets) should be completed at home if not done in class today as students will be writing opinion text next class using this sheet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- today was final class to conclude assignments. Presentations will begin next class
March 21, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
- discussed conscription
- students should have finished first 2 questions of sheet labelled D in carnet
- chapter 6 test on World War I scheduled for Tuesday, April 12.
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- review vocab for 'les jeux et les sports'
- differentiated between fait et opinion
- opinion activity on games
- carnets on ' les sept merveilles du Canada' past due (by 2 weeks)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-went over vocab on 'les jeux et les sports'
- opinion activity on games
- carnets 'les sept merveilles du Canada' were due today.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- looked at ' les economies mondiales' anmd started 4th map of portfolio project
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- completed chapter 4
- students should have completed questions 1-3
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Thursday is Epilepsy Awareness Day. Wear purple and bring a donation for epilepsy awareness.
March 3, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students have been working on 'texte informatif'. We have completed 4 practice texts.They will have a reading test Monday, March 7
- bring exercise book, dictionary and bescherelle tomorrow for reading class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- we have been working on 'textes informatifs'. We have completed 4 practice texts and will have a reading evaluation Monday, March 7th
- bring exercise book, dictionary and bescherelle tomorrow for reading class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- completed class activity on the cycle of poverty
- quiz Monday, March 7 on vocab, needs and wants and the circulation of money in the economy
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
- complete questions in booklet not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-completed cause/effect discussion on impact of industries on communities
-quiz Wednesday, March 9 on vocab, needs and wants and the diagram on the circulation of money in the economy
January 29, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
- Reminder that Heritage Fairs are due Monday, Feb. 8th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
- Reminder that Ancestor Projects are due Monday, Feb. 8th
January 20, 2016
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
Students will be given one more class in the lab to finish rough copies of their essays. This class is scheduled for tomorrow. Final product of heritage fair is due MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
We are finishing chapter 4 on immigration. Students should have submitted a letter and a time line for evaluation. However, I am missing a couple of letters and several time lines. This should be finished and passed in at the beginning of class on Friday. Please check PowerSchool. If your child is showing a Missing Assignment, please ensure they complete for Friday.
- students will finish carnets in Friday's class for evaluation
- unseen CASE STUDY: mercredi, le 27 janvier (NO FORMAL TEST THIS UNIT)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Quick lesson on the Passe Compose
- check my website for different videos
- students must bring dictionaries and Bescherelles to class tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Quick lesson on the Passe Compose
- students must bring dictionaries and Bescherelles to class tomorrow
January 5, 2016
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-reviewed Acts I & II
-students have many review activities
-students should have all activities up to page 12 of booklet completed
- will complete play tomorrow
-Reading test Monday (can use notes and completed booklets)
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-students have many review activities
-students should have all activities up to page 12 of booklet completed
- will complete play tomorrow
-Reading test Monday (can use notes and completed booklets)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- complete all questions for lecon 2
- started map #3 of portfolio
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(212)
- discussed Heritage Fair requirements
- TOPICS due Friday
- gave out study guide for chapter 3 (went though powerpoint pointing out all answers to the study guide questions)
TEST: mardi, le 12 janvier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- went over vocab for chapter 5 pointing out key words
December 14, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
Definitions for Vocabulary for ch 4 should be completed
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Listening evaluation today on Acte II- Eric a disparu
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- Listening evaluation today on Acte II- Eric a disparu
- students took their carnets and books home to complete Acte I & II activities for Wednesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- worked on map 2 of portfolio projects
- test marks were given to students today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
ch2 test tomorrow
November 23, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
- chapter 2 Tests were handed out today
- complete questions on la peche cotiere if not finished in class
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- students worked on their plans/ outlines of ads
- rough copies should be complete for tomorrow as we will begin final copies
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
students worked on their plans/ outlines of ads
- rough copies should be complete for tomorrow as we will begin final copies
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students completed ' le cercle de ma vie' activity and submitted for evaluation
- anyone absent today should pass in next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- marks on 'le cercle de ma vie' were returned
- complete questions 1 & 2 of Lecon 2 in carnet if not completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Please bring in any coats, boots and any winter items you no longer need and donate to COATS FOR KIDS
- Be the homeroom who once again, gives the most! Put any items in a bag with homeroom 7-7 on it.
November 12, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
-went over all definitions of study guide. Students should have copied the answers to any they did not have completed.
- went over questions of study guide with 2 left to do next class.
- TEST CHANGED TO TUESDAY< NOVEMBER 17th due to Science test being scheduled for same day
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-completed and corrected practise reading two
- students worked on practice reading 3
-Reading Test: lundi, le 16 November (exact questions as the 4 practice ones)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
completed and corrected practise reading one
- students worked on practice readings 2 & 3
-Reading Test: lundi, le 16 November (exact questions as the 4 practice ones)
November 5, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
-Study guide for chapitre 2 given out today and students worked on the vocab
November 2, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
Chapter 2 test scheduled for Monday, Nov. 16
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-completed sheet on 'Les Petits Immigres Anglais'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-completed sheet on 'Les Petits Immigres Anglais'
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- read 48-51 du text
- created slogans for 3 products
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
read 48-51 du text
- created slogans for 3 products
October 22, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
- completed notes and questions on 'le mi'kmaq'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-corrected study guide for test: posted to my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-corrected study guide for test: posted to my website
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-completed verb quiz today on irregular verbs
- introduced present tense of regular er, ir, and re verbs
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-don't forget to pass in tickets and money
October 21, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
-completed powerpoint
-definitions should be completed as well as 14.1
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-introduction to adjectives today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-students worked on study guides- complete for tomorrow as we will correct in class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- students studied independently or in pairs
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Please return tickets and money
October 20, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
-Finished section on Beothuks and corrected questions
-Began Mi'kmaq powerpoint
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
-Corrected all work on irregular verbs
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Corrected all work on irregular verbs
- Did listening activity on class objects
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
-complete vocab on chapitre 14
- check powerschool for outstanding work and submit ASAP
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
October 15, 2015
Assigned to Class: 7-9(210)
- reviewed verbs avoir & etre
- introduced 'faire'
- review above verbs
- Verb Quiz: Thursday: Oct.22
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- presented 'Je suis poems'
- Verb Quiz: Thursday: Oct.22 (verbs: avoir, etre, aller, faire)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- completed 'En 20 ans' presentations
- quiz: Friday, October 23 on types of Autonomisation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
completed 'En 20 ans' presentations
- quiz: Friday, October 23 on types of Autonomisation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
- gave back quiz and assignment marks today
- watched 'Stealing Mary'
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- Photo Orders are due Monday, October 19th.
October 5, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-Corrected questions 1-10 Lecon 1
-Project: En 20 ans DUE TUESDAY, OCT.14
(copy of this project is posted on my website in ch 1 notes)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-complete work on verb etre if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-review conjugation of verb etre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-began chapter 1 lecon 1- completed questions 1-4
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
-Quiz tomorrow on ch 1 and map of Terre Neuve
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- bring in non perishable food item for food bank
- return forms
October 2, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-Review notes p.1-4 of booklet
- complete questions 1-6 if not finished in class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Reading Evaluation today
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
-Reading Evaluation today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
-Please return Student Info Sheets ASAP
- Please bring in food items for Food Drive. COMPETITION with other grade 7 classes- we want to win the Pizza
October 1, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-9(222)
-Completed presenting Artifact projects
- went over study guide for chapter 1
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
- began work on adjectifs
- complete sheets 79,81, 83 & 85 if not completed
- review vocab on classroom - reading evaluation tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-Intro powerpoint on Authority
- Discussion of : who has authority & pourquoi
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
- began work on adjectifs
- complete sheets 79,81, 83 & 85 if not completed
- review vocab on classroom - reading evaluation tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
- continued notes and looked at how literature reflects regional/ national identity
- complete analysis if not completed in class
- review vocab and map of Canada for
September 29, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(221)
- completed Une Analyse d'une oeuvre musicale
- Quiz on vocab and Carte du Canada scheduled for Tuesday, October 6th.
- Students will analyze an image/ object/ painting on Wednesday, October 7th
September 18, 2015
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(220)
School picture day Thursday, Sept. 24th
May 19, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- students continued working on booklets of chapter 8
- study guide distributed today
- test next Wednesday, May 27th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
-corrected lecon 1 questions (CH.11)
- discussed lecon 2 notes and students worked on questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-review notes on 8.1 & 8.2
- students worked on booklet- should finish pages 1-3 for next class (tomorrow)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- students continued working on booklets of chapter 8
- study guide distributed today
- test next Wednesday, May 27th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
-review chapter 11 vocab
- looked at video on transportation of industrial revolution
April 14, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- worked on review sheet for chapter 6
- test scheduled for MONDAY, APRIL 27
- study guide will be given out next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- continued working on class project- les petits inventions
April 13, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- worked on class activities: les inventions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
Ch 6 test scheduled for Monday, April 27th. Study Guide will be given out next class
March 23, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
We concluded chapter 6 today. Study guide was handed out at end of class. A copy has been posted to my website as well.

Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
This was the second and final class to finish propaganda projects. All students should have finished the short answer questions/definitions and have started their posters. THEY WERE ALL GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO FINISH AT HOME AND SUBMIT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25TH.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
We concluded PHASE 4 of the war today. We have one more topic to cover: the Holocaust and this will be done next class. Study guide was handed out at end of class. A copy has been posted to my website as well.

Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
We concluded PHASE 4 of the war today. We have one more topic to cover: the Holocaust and this will be done next class. Study guide was handed out at end of class. A copy has been posted to my website as well.

March 17, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
-chapter 6 test has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st. Students absent will write the end of the first week back after Easter break.
- study guides will be given out next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-chapter 6 test has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st. Students absent will write the end of the first week back after Easter break.
- study guides will be given out next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
-chapter 6 test has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 1st. Students absent will write the end of the first week back after Easter break.
- study guides will be given out next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- quizzes were given back today
- chapter 3 test will be Tuesday, March 31.Students absent will write the end of the first week back after Easter break.
- study guides will be given out next week
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- chapter 3 test will be Tuesday, March 31. Students absent will write the end of the first week back after Easter break.
- study guides will be given out next week
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Hats for Haiti day tomorrow-
wear a hat and donate a loonie
March 3, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
-Completed lecon 1 of booklet of notes and started lecon 2
- QUIZ: TUESDAY, MARCH 10th on pages 1-7 of notes and some vocab (STUDY GUIDE WAS GIVEN OUT TODAY)
- Copy of study guide now posted to my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- Review intro lntro notes and notes on phase 1
- Quiz next week on intro notes, phase 1 and phase 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
-Completed lecon 1 of booklet of notes and started lecon 2
- QUIZ: TUESDAY, MARCH 10th on pages 1-7 of notes and some vocab (STUDY GUIDE WAS GIVEN OUT TODAY)
- Copy of study guide now posted to my website
February 2, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
Tomorrow's test has been moved to Wednesday period 3 during English.See website for more information.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
Test on Wednesday. See website for more information.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
Test on Wednesday. See website for more information.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- complete chapter 5 booklets for next class (Wednesday) if not submitted at the end of today's class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Started final evaluation for chapter 5. Students were put in groups and will work on preparing skits which portray the way of life for the different populations in British North America. They will work on these over 2-3 class periods before presenting.
January 26, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Chapter 5 test will be Tuesday, Feb.3rd
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Last class today. Some students have to finish their final projects. They will have to do this during lunch in the LRC and submit before Friday as this is when term 1 ends.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
-Completed chapter 5. Review notes and start study guides.
- Test is Wednesday, Feb. 4th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
-Completed chapter 5. Review notes and start study guides.
- Test is Wednesday, Feb. 4th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- Completed series 'Quest for the Sea' and collected evaluation sheet
- Rough drafts of Heritage Fair are due Wednesday, FJan.28th
January 22, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- corrected 5-7 of carnet
- review notes on stock market crash
- complete 5.3-5.4 in carnet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- corrected 5-7 of carnet
- review notes on stock market crash
- complete 5.3-5.4 in carnet
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- worked in LRC on final projects
- any student absent will have to work on this at home as we have only 1 class remaining in Religion (Term 1 ends Friday, January 30)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- Rough drafts of Heritage Fair due Wednesday, Jan.28
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
Rough drafts of Heritage Fair due Wednesday, Jan.28
January 12, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Completed Lecon 2 of chapter 5 booklets. Complete questions 10-20 if not completed in class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
-corrected pages 1 &2 of booklet
- continued working on pages 3 & 4
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
completed lecon 1 of chapter 5 booklet and completed questions 1 & 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- reminder to get permission slips and $5 in for field trip to Rooms
- students should have their topic for Heritage fair selected and submitted
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- reminder to get permission slips and $5 in for field trip to Rooms
- students should have their topic for Heritage fair selected and submitted
January 9, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Students are asked to have $5 and permission slips in to Madame Quann ASAP. Field trip to the Rooms will be from 9-11:30 Thursday, Jan. 15.
- Heritage Fair project was distributed on Wednesday. Please look over description and deadlines. Topic is to be submitted by Jan. 13th. I will have electronic version posted on my website by Sunday evening.
- chapter 3 tests were given back today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
-Students are asked to have $5 and permission slips in to Madame Quann ASAP. Field trip to the Rooms will be from 9-11:30 Wednesday, Jan. 21.
- Heritage Fair project was distributed on Wednesday. Please look over description and deadlines. Topic is to be submitted by Jan. 14th. I will have electronic version posted on my website by Sunday evening.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- introduced chapter 5 vocab. Review.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completed chapter 5 vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- completed and corrected page 1 of Carnet of notes
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- completed and corrected page 1 of Carnet of notes
January 6, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- completed chapter 5 vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- completed reflection essays giving opinion on immigratin
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- watched second episode of Quest for the Sea
- reminder to get permission forms and money in for field trip to the rooms on January 21st
January 5, 2015
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- Students were given permission forms for filed trip to the rooms. Please return signed form and $5 to Ms. Quann ASAP.
- Students were given chapter 3 test marks today.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- completed opinion essays on 'l'immigration'
- students were given their chapter 4 test marks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completed opinion essays on 'l'immigration'
- students were given their chapter 4 test marks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- went over vocab for chapter 5
December 11, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- working on second map for major project
-Tests returned yesterday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- watched video on Salt Cod and completed question sheet for evaluation
- In class assignment on chapter 3 Tuesday, December 16th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- watched video on Salt Cod and completed question sheet for evaluation
- In class assignment on chapter 3 Wednesday, December 17th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-worked on study guides
- test Wednesday, December 17th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
-worked on study guides
- test Wednesday, December 17th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- working on second map for major project
-Tests returned.
December 8, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- chapter 2 test tomorrow
- study guide with answers posted on website (colettequann.wordpress.com)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- chapter 2 test tomorrow
- study guide with answers posted on website (colettequann.wordpress.com)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
-chapter 4 test Wednesday, Dec. 17th
-study guides given out today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-chapter 4 test Wednesday, Dec. 17th
-study guides given out today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- completed notes for chapter 3 today
-review notes: in class assignment Wednesday, Dec. 17th.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
-last week to bring in donations for Ronald McDonald House
December 4, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Study for test on chapter 2- Test is Tuesday, December 9th.
- Study guide responses now posted to my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- Study for test on chapter 2- Test is Tuesday, December 9th.
- Study guide responses now posted to my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
-chapter 4 test December 17th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
-chapter 4 test December 17th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
-chapter 4 test December 17th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
One week left to donate to Ronald McDonald House. Check my website under student council for their wish list.
December 3, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- Chapter 4 Test December 17th
- All students should have passed in powerpoints on major cities or cartoon of regional stereotype
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- Chapter 4 Test December 17th
- All students should have passed in powerpoints on major cities or cartoon of regional stereotype
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Chapter 4 Test December 17th
- All students should have passed in powerpoints on major cities or cartoon of regional stereotype
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-1(220)
Completed study guide responses. Now posted on my website.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Bring in your donations for Ronald McDonald house if you haven't done so already.
November 27, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Chapter 2 test- Tuesday, December 9th. I have uploaded notes, vocab, and study guide to my new homework page: colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Chapter 2 test- Tuesday, December 9th. I have uploaded notes, vocab, and study guide to my new homework page: colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- dicussed the 3 types of fishing
- all notes for chapter 3 have been uploaded to my new homework page: colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- dicussed the 3 types of fishing
- all notes for chapter 3 have been uploaded to my new homework page: colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- review powerpoint notes and complete sections 4.1-4.3 of booklets
- all notes for chapter 4 have been uploaded to my new homework page: colettequann.wordpress.com
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- review powerpoint notes and complete sections 4.1-4.2 of booklets
- all notes for chapter 4 have been uploaded to my new homework page: colettequann.wordpress.com
November 26, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- complete sheets on 3 types of fishing
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
finished questions on second booklet and completed first section (paragraph)
- chapter 2 test scheduled for Tuesday, December 9th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- sections 4.1 & 4.2 of powerpoint and carnet complete
- took in stereotypes/ major cities assignment today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
finished questions on second booklet and completed first section (paragraph)
- chapter 2 test scheduled for Tuesday, December 9th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- complete sheets on 3 types of fishing
November 18, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- Students did a quiz on chapter 3 today. Any student absent today can do the quiz tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- completed biography on Michael Anthony Fleming (used ipads for research )
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- Students did a quiz on chapter 3 today. Any student absent today can do the quiz tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- Students did a quiz on chapter 3 today. Any student absent today can do the quiz tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
completed questions up to #10 in booklets
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- grade 7 homerooms are reminded to bring in an item or items for Ronald McDonald House. The wish list can be found in our newletter and students took pictures on their phones.
- Last week to sell calendars
November 17, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
-Finish ' Le cercle de ma vie' activity for next class. Will be evaluated.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- reviewed for test; did jeopardy review which can be found on my website
- TEST: Tuesday, NOV. 25
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- worked on research today using ipads (these little research projects due next Wednesday)
- don't forget quiz tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- went over all questions on study guide
- started review using jeopardy (this review is found on my webpage)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- started chapter 2 booklets
- complete questions 5-8 for tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Don't forget to bring in your calendar orders.
November 12, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- went over notes on immigrants
- distributed worksheet and study guide
- TEST: November 25
- Do Jeopardy activity on my website for review
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- went over notes on immigrants On Friday, Nov. 7 & distributed worksheet
- TEST: November 25
- Do Jeopardy activity on my website for review
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- completed 3.3 (Une Perspective Regionaux)
- quiz November 18- students were given a study guide for quiz
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completed 3.3 (Une Perspective Regionaux)
- quiz November 18- students were given a study guide for quiz
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- review vocab for chapter 2 regularly
- distributed booklets for chapter 2 today- review section covered in class today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Last week for calendar sales- please get out and sell calendars. This is our only school fundraiser
November 4, 2014
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- complete questions pages 26-33
- Chapter 2 test scheduled fro November 25th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)

- Chapter 2 test scheduled fro November 25th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
-review vocab for chapter 2
November 3, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- finished 'Filthy Cities' and completed worksheet on graph on population
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- corrected questions on Micmaq and Innu
- went over Inuit and what makes them unique
- no date set for test but students were told to expect one in a couple of weeks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- did questions on les Innu together
- went over Inuit and what makes them unique
- no date set for test but students were told to expect one in a couple of weeks
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Students are reminded to sell calendars to support our school fundraiser
October 23, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- En 20 ans projects have been presented by most students
- REMINDER OF CHAPTER 1 TEST- TUESDAY, OCT. 28 (study guides were given out on Monday, October 20th and one is posted on my website)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Half of the class has presented their 'En 20 ans' projects - REMINDER OF CHAPTER 1 TEST- TUESDAY, OCT. 28 (study guides were given out on Monday, October 20th and one is posted on my website)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
Be sure to submit any outstanding work.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
Be sure to submit any outstanding work.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
Be sure to submit any outstanding work.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
School fundraiser went out yesterday to homerooms. Sell some Ed Roche calendars. Makes a great gift and money goes back to our school.
October 17, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
-Complete questions in second and final booklet for chapitre 1
- En 20 ans projects should be finished for Monday
- Students were given their marks on their quizzes today- Will be entered in POWERSCHOOL in the next couple of days
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- Review chapter 3 vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
-Complete questions in second and final booklet for chapitre 1
- En 20 ans projects should be finished for Monday
- Students were given their marks on their quizzes today- Will be entered in POWERSCHOOL in the next couple of days
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Halloween Dance October 30th- a video dance and tickets will be sold for $5 Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
October 16, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- Chapter 1 projects were due today. Please confirm with your child whether this has been passed in as many students did not have this ready to submit.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
Review Mi'kmaq notes and finish continue
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
Chapter 1 projects were due today. Please confirm with your child whether this has been passed in as many students did not have this ready to submit.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
Chapter 1 projects were due today. Please confirm with your child whether this has been passed in as many students did not have this ready to submit.
- Complete chapter 3 definitions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- completed chapter 1 notes
- will work on questions tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Tomorrow is JAMARAMA. Please bring a donation for the Janeway and wear your pjs.
October 15, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
-Finished Beothuks sections
-Started discussion on 'Les Mik'maq'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
- did quiz on lecon 1 notes
- worked on 'En 20 ans' projects for the rest of the class. These projects are due Thursday, October 23rd
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- completed chapter 1
- choice board projects due tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Finished Beothuks section
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- did quiz on lecon 1 notes
- worked on 'En 20 ans' projects for the rest of the class. These projects are due Thursday, October 23rd
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
- Gave out school photo proofs today
- orders due OCTOBER 20th (return orders to homeroom teacher)
October 7, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Completed lecon 1 questions. Students will have a quiz on lecon 1 of booklets on Wednesday, October 16th. Students should know the 5 types of autonomisation, any definitions in bold, les libertés et les droits (be careful not to confuse them) as well as what young people their age can do to be empowered.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Completed lecon 1 questions. Students will have a quiz on lecon 1 of booklets on Wednesday, October 16th. Students should know the 5 types of autonomisation, any definitions in bold, les libertés et les droits (be careful not to confuse them) as well as what young people their age can do to be empowered.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Students are reminded to bring in food items for our food drive.
October 3, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-5(124)
Completed lecon 1 questions. Students will have a quiz on lecon 1 of booklets on Wednesday, October 16th. Students should know the 5 types of autonomisation, any definitions in bold, les libertés et les droits (be careful not to confuse them) as well as what young people their age can do to be empowered.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Completed lecon 1 questions. Students will have a quiz on lecon 1 of booklets on Wednesday, October 16th. Students should know the 5 types of autonomisation, any definitions in bold, les libertés et les droits (be careful not to confuse them) as well as what young people their age can do to be empowered.
September 22, 2014
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
Discussed Responsibility and Fairness
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(222)
- we have worked on analyzing art and music in terms of expressions of Canadian identity and completed many examples together
- students will be analyzing an image and a song over the next couple of classes for evaluation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- we have worked on analyzing art and music in terms of expressions of Canadian identity and completed many examples together
- students will be analyzing an image and a song over the next couple of classes for evaluation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-10(120)
- students will begin time line assignments and will work on and complete in class
- Artifact assignments due Oct. 1
- Chapter 1 Quiz Tuesday, September 30
September 18, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(118)
- We have completed an analysis of art and how it represents Canadian Identity. We are currently analyzing musical pieces in terms of Canadian identity. ( students will do an analysis of an image and of a song in class inclass next week for evaluation)
- Course Descriptor has changed. There will be no final exam this year in this course.
-All material for chapter 1 can be found on my website which you can access on the homework section of the MDJH webpage.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
-Concluding work on the map of Canada. Have introduced the theme of authority and empowerment.
- Major project for grade 7 will be a map portfolio. This will be ongoing throughout the year.Students will work on their first map in class next week.
-All material for chapter 1 can be found on my website which you can access on the homework section of the MDJH webpage.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(220)
We are currently doing a Character Education program discussing the Pillars of Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-6(227)
- We have completed an analysis of art and how it represents Canadian Identity. We are currently analyzing musical pieces in terms of Canadian identity. ( students will do an analysis of an image and of a song in class inclass next week for evaluation)
- Course Descriptor has changed. There will be no final exam this year in this course.
-All material for chapter 1 can be found on my website which you can access on the homework section of the MDJH webpage.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-We have finished chapter 1
- There will be a quiz on chapter 1, Monday, September 29th. Students highlighted definitions in their notes today. There are 2 questions to know: 1)the sources of information on history 2) the purpose and steps of the historical method

- Students were given a small assignment, the rubric and an example today. It is called 'Mon Artifait Familiale'. This project should include around 10 sentences. They will present this in class on Thursday, October 2.
-All material for chapter 1 can be found on my website which you can access on the homework section of the MDJH webpage.
June 6, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
Students have completed a number of inclass activities on chapters 6, 7 &8. They are completing their major project (maps)in the next couple of classes. This will be their final evaluation for the year.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Students have completed a number of inclass activities on chapters 6, 7 &8. They are completing their major project (maps)in the next couple of classes. This will be their final evaluation for the year.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
Students have completed a number of inclass activities on chapters 6, 7 &8. They are completing their major project (maps)in the next couple of classes. This will be their final evaluation for the year.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
We have been discussing chapter 4. Students will work on an inclass project next week. This will be their final evaluation in the course.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
We have been discussing chapter 4. Students will work on an inclass project next week. This will be their final evaluation in the course
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
Review Guide was passed out today to students. Students should review topics covered this year to refamiliarize themselves with various concepts. Final exam is a literacy exam and will be written on June 20.
April 4, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-In class assignment Friday, April 11
- booklets and vocab available on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-In class assignment Friday, April 11
- booklets and vocab available on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-In class assignment Friday, April 11
- booklets and vocab available on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-chapter 6 test Tuesday, April 15
- study guides given out today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-chapter 6 test Tuesday, April 15
- study guides given out today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Wear purple on Monday for presentation to Epilepsy
March 20, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- Career Projects due Monday, March 31st: PRESENTATIONS WILL BEGIN ON THIS DATE
- all students should finish the booklets 'Le Canada en guerre' and pass in next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
- Career Projects due Monday, March 24th: PRESENTATIONS WILL BEGIN ON THIS DATE
- any student who has not submitted the booklet 'Le Canada en guerre' should complete and pass in next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-completed vocab on chapter 4
March 11, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-completed study guides for tomorrow's quiz: corrected version now posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-completed study guides for Thursday's quiz: corrected version now posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- corrected version of study guide now posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-continued heritage fair presentations
- students who presented without using cue cards were given an option to make up the 10%: please discuss with your child
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- worked on career projects in computer lab
March 7, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-worked on study guides for upcoming quiz
- correction in date: quiz will be Thursday, March 13
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- continued to work on chapter 6 booklets
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-worked on study guides for upcoming quiz
- quiz Wednesday, March 12
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-worked on study guides for upcoming quiz
- quiz Wednesday, March 12
March 6, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-continued Heritage Fair Presentation
-chapter 5 independent study booklets are way past due: students can still pass them in but the mark will not be reflected in upcoming report card
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-chapter 3 QUIZ Wednesday, March 12th
- notes, vocab and study guide posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-chapter 3 QUIZ Wednesday, March 12th
- notes, vocab and study guide posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-chapter 3 QUIZ Wednesday, March 12th
- notes, vocab and study guide posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-continued Heritage Fair Presentations
-chapter 5 independent study booklets are way past due: students can still pass them in but the mark will not be reflected in upcoming report card
March 4, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-Chapter 3 Quiz will be Wednesday, March 12
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Chapter 3 Quiz will be Thursday, March 12
February 25, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-up to Des Personnages Historiques in chapter 6
- Students should be finishing Heritage Fair projects- due Monday
- do not forget essays and index cards
- any student who has not passed in their outline should do so as well as this is 5% of your mark
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-up to Des Personnages Historiques in chapter 6
- Students should be finishing Heritage Fair projects- due Monday
- do not forget essays and index cards
- any student who has not passed in their outline should do so as well as this is 5% of your mark
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- finishing chapter 3- students worked on review sheet today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-started chapter 3 booklets and went as far as besoins/ désirs
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- bring in pink accessories to dress up your teacher

- please bring in permission forms and $8 for outing on Friday morning
February 12, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- Students should be working on their Hertiage Fair Projects: Due March 3rd
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- Students should be working on their Hertiage Fair Projects: Due March 3rd
January 30, 2014
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- last Religion class. We begin Santé next.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- today students worked in LRC. They researched and worked on plans/outlines for Heritage Fair projects.
- Drafts of outlines should be submitted Monday, Feb.3 for feedback and suggestions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
today students worked in LRC. They researched and worked on plans/outlines for Heritage Fair projects.
- Drafts of outlines should be submitted Monday, Feb.3 for feedback and suggestions
- chapter 5 tests were given back today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-worked on vocab for chapter 3
- students passed in their 'dépliants sur l'ANB' please complete and submit next class if not completed
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-chapter 5 test tomorrow
- began watching 'Cinderella Man' for a depiction of life in the 1920s
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Anyone interested in purchasing a tshirt for Pink/ Antibullying Day have to have their order submitted by tomorrow. Cost of tshirt is $5 tax included
January 29, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-ch 5 test Friday
- major project distributed yesterday (will be due first week of March)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- working on brochures for ANB
- tests were given back today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
- working on brochures for ANB
- tests were given back today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- classe 2 to work on independent study for Chapter 5
- Heritage fair projects have been given out and topics are due Thursday, January 30
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- Heritage fair projects have been given out and topics are due Thursday, January 30
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-ch 5 test Friday
- major project distributed this week(will be due first week of March)
January 23, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- TEST today
- look over info on Heritage Fair and select a topic
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-class 2 of working on Brochures (will complete in tomorrow's class)
- remember to review for test on Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-completed 5.4 (corrected)
-worked on study guides
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- TEST today
- look over info on Heritage Fair and select a topic
- gave back Quest for the Sea in class assignments
January 22, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-complete 5.4 questions
-chapter test- Friday, Jan. 31
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- Discussion Heritage Fair: possible examples, expectations, evaluations
- Test tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-introduced inclass assignment; Un déplaint (brochure) sur L'Amérique du nord britannique. We will work on this the next couple of classes
-Ch5 Test- lundi, le 27 janvier
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-corrected 5.4
-distributed 'les guides d'étude'
-Test Friday, Jan. 31
January 21, 2014
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- discussed 'le buddhisme' et 'l'islam'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Completed le guide d'étude
- copy posted on my website along with chapter powerpoint
- chapter test Thursday
- handed out and explained Heritage Fair project (DUE MARCH 3)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-Completed le guide d'étude
- copy posted on my website along with chapter powerpoint
- chapter test Thursday
- handed out Heritage Fair project (DUE MARCH 3)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-test Monday (study guide completed and posted to website)

- worked on 'les dépliants' sur L'Amèrique de nord britannique (all students should be finished their rough copies- if not complete for next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
- completed section 5.3 'les causes de la crise des années 1930'
- Chapitre 5 Test: vendredi, le 31 janvier
January 20, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-complete section 5.4 activities
- chapter 5 test scheduled: vendredi, le 31 janvier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-cyberbullying presentation by Constable Foley
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-completed study guide and completed map for portfolio
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-worked on study guides
-test Thursday
January 17, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-complete activities on sections 5.3
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-complete activities on section 5.2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Chapter 5 test -lundi, le 27 janvier
- worked on study guide (key to be posted on my webpage)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Chapter 5 test -lundi, le 27 janvier
- worked on study guide (key to be posted on my webpage)
January 16, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Chapter 5 test is Monday, January 27th
-Study guide was given out today and we will work on these in tomorrow's class
-worked on map #2 (L'Amerique de nord britannique en 1853) for the major portfolio project
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-complète section 5.2 - 'les influences de la technologies sur les industries dans les années 1920'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Chapter 5 test is Monday, January 27th
-Study guide was given out today and we will work on these in tomorrow's class
-worked on map #2 (L'Amerique de nord britannique en 1853) for the major portfolio project
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-Chapter 5 test is Monday, January 27th
-Study guide was given out today and we worked on these as a class
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Une presentation sur l'hindouisme
January 15, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
Chapter 3 test will be Thursday, Jan.23-Study guides were given out today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
Chapter 3 test will be Thursday, Jan.23-Study guides were given out today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
completed map 2 of portfolio project (L'Amerique de nord britannique en 1853)
January 14, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-corrected questions on types of fisheries
- dicussed 'les marchands de poisons'
- finish questions on 'les marchands' if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-completed chapter 5 notes and discussion and corrected all questions
- students decorated portfolios and were given detailed instructions on major map project (THIS WILL REMAIN IN CLASS SO YOU WILL NOT SEE THIS UNLESS CLASSES ARE MISSED WHEN MAP IS COMPLETED)
- I will post a copy to my website in the next day or two
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-corrected activities on section 5.1
- distributed and discussed notes
-completed and corrected vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-corrected questions on types of fisheries
- dicussed 'les marchands de poisons'
- finish questions on 'les marchands' if not completed in class
January 13, 2014
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-complete booklet on section 5.1 if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-complete the 3 sets of questions on the 3 types of fishing
- Quest for the Sea inclass assignments done before the break were handed back today as many were incomplete (Time was given in class to complete)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-completed questions on Lecon 4 and did lecon 5
- tentative date of test Jan. 27th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-completed questions on 5.1
-review notes distributed
-complete 5.2 activities
January 10, 2014
Assigned to Class: (7-5)118A
- Activité Evaluation sur 'Les Harpes'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- Complete questions on the 3 types of Fishing if not completed in class
- anyone who did not submit in class assignment on 'Quest for the Sea' before Christmas break are asked to submit by Tuesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- Reviewed material covered in chapter 3 before the break. Review the 3 types of Fishing if not completed in class
- anyone who did not submit in class assignment on 'Quest for the Sea' before Christmas break are asked to submit by Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- completed Lecon 4 of chapter 5
- tentative date of chapter 5 test- Jan. 27th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
- started chapter 5: complete activities on section 5.1 if not completed in class
December 11, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-watched episode 3 of 'Quest for the Sea'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- review chapter 5 vocab
- test results were given back
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
- all chapter 4 evaluations should be complete. If not completed in class, please complete and pass in on Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-watched episode 2 of 'Quest for the Sea'
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- bring in donation for Toy Drive
December 2, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-gave back marks for chapter 2 test
-discussed 'la pêche côtière'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-worked on map 'Les Economies du Canada'
-this was the 2nd class to work on this: please finish at home tonight and pass in tomorrow if not complete
-REMINDER: Test (Chapter 2) - Wednesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(118)
-chapter 4 is complete
-worked on review questions
- no test this unit but students will work on a variety of inclass assessments
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-gave back marks for chapter 2 test
-stated chapter 3
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-students are asked to bring in $2 to cover the cost of a show 'the Ogre's Purse' that they will see on Wednesday
November 27, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Went over study guide and posted responses on my website (Test, Wed., Dec 4th)
- all students have completed or have nearly completed map #1 of map portfolio project (Les Economies du Canada)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Went over study guide and posted responses on my website (Test, Wed., Dec 4th)
- all students have completed or have nearly completed map #1 of map portfolio project (Les Economies du Canada)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-study for TEST TOMORROW
-have posted study guide and powerpoints on my website
- study the double sided handout on Immigration and Immigrants in addition (not available electronically)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-study for TEST TOMORROW
-have posted study guide and powerpoints on my website
- study the double sided handout on Immigration and Immigrants in addition (not available electronically)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-Will go over study guide next class but have posted responses on my website for any wanting to get a start on studying(Test, Wed., Dec 4th)
- are currently working on map #1 of map portfolio project (Les Economies du Canada)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Loonie Drive for Phillipines
November 22, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-continued working on study guides
-REMINDER: chapter 2 test Thursday, Nov.28th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-worked on map activity 'Les Economies du Canada'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-continued working on study guides
-REMINDER: chapter 2 test Thursday, Nov.28th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-cyberbullying presentation by Constable Foley
November 18, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-started notes on section 4.3
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-completed lecon 3 notes and questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-completed lecon 3 notes and questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: (7-5)118A
-Review notes on Les Immigrants
-Gave out study guides
CHAPTER 2 TEST- Thursday, NOV.28th
November 14, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
- distributed vocabulary 14-23 and highlighted key words
- vocab quiz- Monday,November 25th (Quiz will cover vocab 1-23)
- Date given for Chapter 2 test: Wednesday,Dec.4th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Essays were due today (Students were asked to write about their identities making reference to national, regional, family, cultural influences)
-ONLY 5 STUDENTS handed this in: Please ensure this is passed in tomorrow to allow for inclusion on the report card coming out in 2 weeks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
vocab quiz- Monday,November 25th (Quiz will cover vocab 1-23)
- Date given for Chapter 2 test: Wednesday,Dec.4th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
vocab quiz- Monday,November 25th (Quiz will cover vocab 1-23)
- Date given for Chapter 2 test: Wednesday,Dec.4th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-worked on group assignment- les Bandes Dessinés
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Wear a jersey and bring in a donation for the breakfast program
-Ice Cream will be sold at recess Thursday for $1
-SPCA donations
November 5, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- completed definitions for chapter 4
- complete essay for Thursay, Nov. 14th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-completed notes and questions 1-7 of booklet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-completed lecon 1 notes
-complete 3 questions on page 30 of text if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-review notes and complete questions on Innus
October 30, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-revise les notes sur 'les Innus' et finis les questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-identified key words in vocab 1-13 (handout)
- gave out first booklet for chapter 2- discussed chapter outcomes and introduced first topic
- complete questions 1-3 if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-field trip
-reminder of TEST monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- revise les notes sur 'Les Mi'kmaaq' et finis les questions
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
PIZZA PARTY- tomorrow. Our prize for bringing in food items for Halloween. Thanks to everyone who brought in a food item.
October 29, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
- Worked on study guide. Chapter 3 test on Monday, Nov. 4th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- Review notes and finish questions on 'Les Mi'kmaq'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Review pages 1 & 2 of notes distributed today for chapitre 2 and complete questions 1-3
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- Worked on study guide. Chapter 3 test on Monday, Nov. 4th
October 25, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- discussed 'les besoins' et 'les desirs'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
- discussed 'les besoins' et 'les desirs'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-finished notes on 'les beothuks'
-worked on questions
October 23, 2013
Social Studies
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
- completed test on chapter 1
- gave out marks for En 20 ans project
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- passed back case studies
- continued notes
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- completed test on chapter 1
- gave out marks for En 20 ans project
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- completed test on chapter 1
- gave out marks for En 20 ans project
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- worked on activity (Les commandements chez moi ...)FINISH FOR MONDAY if not completed in class- will be evaluated
October 11, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
- completed second and final booklet of chapter 1
-distributed study guides
- date of test has been changed to Wednesday, Oct. 23rd
- presentations of'En 20 ans' projects will begin next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-continued notes on urbaine et rurale
- discussed les facteurs d'emplacement et les facteurs de situation
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-thanksgiving assembly during this class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- students presented their projects 'En 20 ans'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- students presented their projects 'En 20 ans'
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Thanks for the donations of food. Our homeroom brought in most items overall so we do get a pizza party
October 10, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- worked on study guides
- gave evaluation for 'mon artifait' projects
- removed a couple of vocab and one question from study guide (hope to have revised guide posted on my website later today)
-date of test has been moved to Thursday, Oct. 17th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- completed second and final booklet of chapter 1
-distributed study guides
- date of test has been changed to Wednesday, Oct. 23rd
- don not forget 'En 20 ans' projects are due tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- removed a couple of vocab and one question from study guide (hope to have revised guide posted on my website later today)
-date of test has been moved to Thursday, Oct. 17th
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-worked on study guide for test
- don not forget 'EN 20 ans ' projects for tomorrow
- date of test has been changed to Wednesday, Oct. 23rd
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Please bring in food items for food drive
October 9, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
- completed presentations of 'mon artifait'
- distributed study guides and gave time to work on them
-Test : Tuesday, Oct.16th on Chapitre 1 & la carte de Terre-Neuve
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- distributed study guides and gave time to work on them
-Test :Tuesday, Oct.22nd on Chapitre 1 & la carte de Terre-Neuve
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-discussed 'Les communautés urbaines et les communautés rurales'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- distributed study guides to students yesterday as they were going to Brother Brennan
-Test : Tuesday, Oct.16th on Chapitre 1 & la carte de Terre-Neuve
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Picture Order forms are due Thursday, October 10th
- bring in non perishable food item (pizza party to grade 7 homeroom bringing in most items)
October 7, 2013
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- decorated portfolios
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Mon Artifait Presentations
- anyone not ready to present today should be prepared tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-Mon Artifait Presentations
-anyone not ready to present today should be prepared tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
- Gave out second booklet to chapter 1
- Assigned date for first chapter test- Oct. 22 (study guide will be given out next class)
- En 20 ans projects due Friday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-8(117)
-began chapter 3
-completed vocab
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Return data forms if not returned
- Bring in food for food drive- homeroom bringing in the most gets a pizza party
October 4, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-complete worksheet on 'densité de la population'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-passed out booklet 2 (final booklet for chapter 1)- no need to complete as we will continue this next class
- En 20 ans projects due Friday, Oct.11th (BRISTOL BOARD OR POWERPOINT)
-chapter 1 test scheduled for Oct. 22 (study guide will be given out next week)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
- En 20 ans projects distributed and discussed today. This project is due mardi, le 15 octobre). Students are to imagine their lives in 20 years and how they will be empowered thinking of the 5 types of empowerment. (BRISTOL BOARD OR POWERPOINT)
-chapter 1 test scheduled for Oct. 22 (study guide will be given out next week)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- 3rd and final class to work on timelines (please finish for next class if not completed in class)
- REMINDER: 'Mon Artifait' projects are due Monday, October 7th.
- chapter 1 test scheduled for October 16th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: (7-5)118A
- bring in food items for the food drive
October 2, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Completed lecon 1 booklets. Complete questions if not done in class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-complete chapter 3 definitions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Distributed project 'En 20 ans' and gave time to do written portion
-Due Friday, October 11th (bristol board or powerpoint)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-Distributed project 'En 20 ans' and gave time to do written portion
-Due Friday, October 11th (bristol board or powerpoint)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-completed character education component
October 1, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(216)
-Last class to work on time line assignments (complete at home for next class if not submitted today)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-completed 'carnet 1' for chapitre 1
-complete questions if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- worked on time line class activity
- will have one more class to work on this
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(124)
-completed 'carnet 1' for chapitre 1
-complete questions if not completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Please remember to bring in a food item for the food bank.
September 25, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- did an analysis of an image today for evaluation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-began chapter 1 ( distributed booklet 1- went over pages 1 and began wor on questions)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
complete sheet 'l'autorité'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
Projet: Mon artifait - lundi, le 7 octobre
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Terry Fox Walk scheduled for Friday pm (please return pledge sheets or bring in a small donation in lieu o pledges)

- return student data forms ASAP

-curriculum night tomorrow night at 7pm
May 27, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
Feuille de travail: La Commission du gouvernement

Chapter 7 test: le jeudi, 6 juin
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-completed puberty booklets today

Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-completed puberty booklets today

OPEN BOOK TEST: lundi, le 3 juin (VERY IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE BE PRESENT AS THAT COULD BE OUR LAST CLASS AND THERE WILL BE NO CHANCE FOR A MAKEUP)Our last class is actually June 5th but part of English exam will be written and may interfer with class.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
-Chapter 12 Lecon 1 notes (Finish table)
May 22, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Complete booklets up to page 5
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Chapter 11 test marks returned today
-complete table of key words for chapter 12 lecon 1
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Discussed 'la puberté chez les garçons'
-worked on booklets
- students who have not completed their tobacco assignments are reminded to do so as they are a major part of their overall mark
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-chapter 12 vocab
- gave back chapter 11 test marks
May 17, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-students did test on chapter 11 today. Anyone absent will be able to do the test on Tuesday, May 21
-some students have outstanding assignments- please ensure you have submitted all activities and assignments as this is not the time to fall behind
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-students did test on chapter 11 today. Anyone absent will be able to do the test on Tuesday, May 21
-some students have outstanding assignments- please ensure you have submitted all activities and assignments as this is not the time to fall behind
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-students did test on chapter 11 today. Anyone absent will be able to do the test on Wednesday, May 22
-some students have outstanding assignments- please ensure you have submitted all activities and assignments as this is not the time to fall behind
May 8, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Corrected lecon 3 questions
-discussed lecon 4 notes and assigned questions
-CHAPTER 11 TEST : vendredi, le 17 mai (Study Guide will be given out next class)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
La Lecture: pp. 160-161 du text
Ecrit: 2 questions sur la lecture

Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Corrected lecon 3 questions
-discussed lecon 4 notes and assigned questions
-CHAPTER 11 TEST : vendredi, le 17 mai (Study Guide will be given out next class)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- corrected all work in booklets
- passed out study guide for test on Friday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Corrected lecon 3 questions
-discussed lecon 4 notes and assigned questions
-CHAPTER 11 TEST : vendredi, le 17 mai (Study Guide will be given out next class)
April 22, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-finished section 5.2 of booklet
- paragraph should be completed for next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-brochures were due today (many students did finish in the 4 classes but others were permitted to pass in at home.) Please check with your child to ensure their brochure has been submitted.
-map activity of the economic regions of Canada
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-worked on tobacco projects
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-began vocab for chapter 11
-brochures were due today (many students did finish in the 4 classes but others were permitted to pass in at home.) Please check with your child to ensure their brochure has been submitted.
April 15, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
- worked on brochures (next class will be last class to work on them)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-chapter 6 test scheduled for Friday, April 26th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-chapter 6 test scheduled for Friday, April 26th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-started unit 3: La prosperite et la depression
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-gave out and explained in class assignment on tobacco
April 8, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Discussed reasons people joined the army
& causes of the war
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
*Began in class project. Students will work in class on this for the next 3 classes.They will only have to work on it at home if they do not finish the targeted work at the end of each class. First page of rough copy (3 regions) should be done for next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
*Began in class project. Students will work in class on this for the next 3 classes.They will only have to work on it at home if they do not finish the targeted work at the end of each class. First page of rough copy (3 regions) should be done for next class.

* Any student who went to band this class will have to complete the rough draft for 'La Province du Canada, Le Terre-Neuve, et le Nouveau Brunswick'.

* Chapter 5 Test marks were given out today.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Discussed reasons people joined the army
& causes of the war
March 21, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Chapter 5 Test Tuesday, March 26th- Study guide was given out Tuesday, March 19th. Answer key posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
Chapter 5 Test Tuesday, March 26th- Study guide was given out Monday, March 18th. Answer key posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
Chapter 5 Test Tuesday, March 26th- Study guide was given out Wednesday, March 20th. Answer key posted on my website
March 13, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Have finished presentations- 3 remaining students were not ready to present again today (PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR CHILD regarding the status of their project)
-Completed chapter 5 today- Date of TEST- TUESDAY, MARCH 26TH
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Review patriotisme and propagande
- in class activity introduced- will work on it all next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Discussed population of British North America in terms of reasons for immigrating, the challenges, and the effects.
-chapter 5 TEST will be before Easter Break- Date of TEST- TUESDAY, MARCH 26TH
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-completed most presentations on careers today
- began inclass activity- une lettre au gouvernement (will continue next class)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Decorate a cake for Friday- bring it in and register by 8:45 am
-Prizes for best decorated given by grade level
- students are asked to bring in donations so we can bid on the cakes during Friday afternoon (the more donations we have, the more we get to bid on the cake- we want to be able to bid on the best cakes)
March 11, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Complete sheet on 'Les Heros de la Guerre'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Complete sheet on 'Les Heros de la Guerre'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-With projects presented,we returned to ch 5
- gave date of test-Tuesday, March 26th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-With projects presented,we returned to ch 5
- gave date of test-Tuesday, March 26th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-continued presentations of inventions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-continued presentations of inventions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Review notes : Les Heros de la Guerre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Review notes : Les Heros de la Guerre
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Decorate and Donate a cake to win a prize! Prizes awarded per grade level. Bring in money for cake auction.
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
Decorate and Donate a cake to win a prize! Prizes awarded per grade level. Bring in money for cake auction.
February 26, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Posted bullying quotes and facts on locker for spirit week.
-Presentations of sector assignments will begin next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Worked on chapter 5 booklets. Last class to work on these. Pass in Monday, March 4th.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-STRIVE presentation by Constable Day
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Video: 'No Arms, No Legs, No Worries'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Discussion of motivational video watched in period 4. Wrote letters to Nick.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Permission slips for Friday's field trip must be returned ASAP.
February 19, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Students are currently working on an inclass assignment for Chapter 5. Today was the second full class they had to work on this. They will have one more class to complete. Anyone missing class can keep up by doing the next couple of pages in the booklet.
-Students were given their mark on the test today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Continued presentations of secteur assignments today.
-Will continue presentations tomorrow. All students should be ready to present tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Corrected all questions up to and including lecon 3
-Looked at Lecon 4: Les populations de L'ANB
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Students are currently working on an inclass assignment for Chapter 5. Today was the second full class they had to work on this. They will have one more class to complete. Anyone missing class can keep up by doing the next couple of pages in the booklet.
-Chapter 3 tests were handed back today
February 13, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-work on booklets up to section 4.4 (do not start section 4.4)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Finance section of invention journal was due today. Please check with your child to ensure this was submitted.
- Students should now be into inventing their product. Publicity and presentation boards or ppt are due on Wednesday, Feb. 27th. Journals are to be passed in with inventions.
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-completed case studies on healthy versus unhealthy behaviours
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Finished section 2 of chapter 5 notes and started questions.
_Secteur Economique projects due Wednesday, February 20
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Janeway Day tomorrow-Please bring donation for Janeway.
February 6, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-passed back ch 4 inclass assignments
-started chapter 5 vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-finished chapter 3
-gave out study guides and reviewed definitions
-TEST:Tuesday, Feb. 12th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-finished chapter 4
-TEST:Thursday, Feb. 14th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-complete questions in booklet on sections 4.1 and 4.2
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-discussed good and bad habits
February 5, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-notes on Les trappeurs
-Chapter 3 test-Thursday, Feb. 14th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Class in lab to work on sector assignments
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-gave Intro to Sante-evaluation breakdown and topics
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-continued intro unit on Physical, Mental, and Social well being
February 4, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Chapter 4 vocab today and briefly introduced project
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Chapter 4 vocab today and briefly introduced project
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-worked on chapter 5 vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-worked on chapter 5 vocab
-description section of invention journals were due today
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Introduction unit in Sante- discussing well being and good and bad habits
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Introduction unit in Sante- discussing well being and good and bad habits
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-did in class assignment today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-did in class assignment today
January 24, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-went over all questions on study guide
-test Friday, Feb. 1
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-completed and corrected chapter 4 booklets
-Inclass assignment Friday, Feb 1
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-final evaluation for Religion
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-complete map in booklet if not completed in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Students are reminded to bring in their $3 for the Making Connections day t shirt
January 23, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Completed chapter 4 booklets
-In class evaluation Friday, Feb 1.-Students should ensure they have all their notes and vocab for this
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- Complete sheets on 'Les Marchands' et 'La Chausse aux Phoques'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Worked on secteur economique projects in computer lab (ALL OTHER WORK MUST BE DONE AT HOME)
-Due: le 18 fevrier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Worked on study guides for test (will go over in tomorrow's class)
-Test is rescheduled for Friday, February 1st due to missed class yesterday afternoon
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Students are to bring in $3 for Making a Connection t shirts
- All students were given a handout on the Making Connections workshop sessions to be held on Thursday of next week (Some interesting information and invite for parents- this is also available on our website)
January 17, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Looked at other sample projects
-put sample on my website so students could see how to organize the ppt if they choose to do ppt-
-projects will be due Feb.17
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Worked on 'Quest for the Sea' letters- will continue and finish this activity next class
-Returned heritage fair projects today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Watched 'Quest for the Sea' letters- will continue and finish next class and begin inclass activity
-Returned heritage fair projects today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Went to LRC to complete research activity (Complete for next class if not passed in today.
-Start doing review sheet on chapter that was distributed Monday Past- chapter 3 test next Thursday the 24th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-We only have a couple of classes left. Anyone with outstanding work should complete ASAP.
January 15, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Passed out a small research assignment which we will finish next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Gave out major project. Students will have to invent a product or service.The due date will be determined as we progress. I will be checking work along the way giving feedback to students and set a due date when we have several steps complete.
-See my website for electronic copy of project
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-finished a couple of pieces of evaluation today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Gave out major project on the economic sectors.

-will give a month to complete this although no date was set today.

-See my website for electronic copy of
January 14, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
- Complete map activity (p. 68-69) of text

- Bring texts to class
- Major assignment will be given out next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Heritage fair presentations are complete
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Complete map activity (p. 68-69) of text

- Bring texts to class
- Major assignment will be given out next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
- Essays assigned in class Tuesday, Jan.8 are past due. Please complete for tomorrow's class.

-Review sheet distributed today and test scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 24th.
January 3, 2013
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Completed vocab for chapter 4 (begin to review them until you know them)
-Copy of vocab can be found on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Heritage fair presentations continued today (will conclude presentations next class)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Began working on vocab for chapter 4
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
Section 3.3 notes, discussion, and question
December 5, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Topic: Le Declin des zones rurales
-Group Activity (Debate)- will be ready to present next day.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Went over study guide and wrote out all answers to questions (Begin to review for test on Wednesday)
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Finished Prince of Egypt
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Went over study guide and wrote out all answers to questions (Begin to review for test on Wednesday)
December 4, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-corrected vocab review sheets
-worked on study guides
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-corrected sheets on 'la peche cotiere' and 'la peche au Labrador'

-discussed 'la peche au bancs'

-there will be a quiz on THE THREE TYPES OF FISHING Thursday, Dec. 13th

-Students should be working on their heritage fairs (DUE DECEMBER 17th- presentations will take place before the Christmas break)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-corrected vocab review sheets
-worked on study guides
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Continued notes and discussion for chapter 3
December 3, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Corrected review sheet
-Distributed another review sheet and study guide
-Chapter 3 test -Wednesday, DEC. 12
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Finissez les feuilles de travail 'La peche de Terre-Neuve et Labrador' & 'La peche au Labrador'
-On va avoir un petit quiz sur les 3 types de peche mercredi, le 12 decembre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Distributed review sheets and study guide
-Chapter 3 test -Wednesday, DEC. 12
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
Cas d'etude: La Croissance de Fredericton
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Corrected review sheet
-Distributed another review sheet and study guide
-Chapter 3 test -Wednesday, DEC. 12
November 30, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- Review notes on 'la peche cotiere' & 'la peche au Labrador'
- Complete 2 question sheets on above if not finished in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Review notes on the cycle of poverty and the steps to buying a home
-Chapter 3 test will be Wednesday, December 12th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Worked on group project on analyzing news articles
-Begin to review vocab and notes for chapter 3
-Chapter 3 test will be Wednesday, December 12th (study guide will be given out next week)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
- Review notes on 'la peche cotiere' & 'la peche au Labrador'
- Complete 2 question sheets on above if not finished in class
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Report cards distributed today.
November 20, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- HERITAGE FAIR EXPLANATION PACKAGES were distributed today. Due date for these projects is DECEMBER 17TH.
-Please see my website for electronic version of this package
-Gave back marks to chapter 2 tests today
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Continued work on bande dessinee group projects
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Continued work on bande dessinee group projects
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-students worked on worksheet reviewing concepts covered so far in chapter 3- collected for evaluation
November 15, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Returned climograph assignments and quiz marks to students (Student Achieve has been updated)
-Review class: Test Monday, Nov. 19th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Returned climograph assignments and quiz marks to students (Student Achieve has been updated)
-Review class: Test Monday, Nov. 19th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Returned worksheets
-Student Achieve has been updated (there will be no more evaluations before marks are submitted for report cards)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Returned worksheets
-Student Achieve has been updated (there will be no more evaluations before marks are submitted for report cards)
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Continued working on 'Les Bandes Dessinees'
-Will need one more class to complete
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Continued working on 'Les Bandes Dessinees'
-Will need one more class to complete
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Review lecon 1 notes
-discussion on notes today- will assign questions next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Review lecon 1 notes
-discussion on notes today- will assign questions next class
November 14, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Completed worksheets and collected for evaluation
-review vocab and lecon 1 notes
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Reviewed chapter 2
-Powerpoint review posted to website
-Test-Monday, Nov. 19th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Completed lecon 1-review notes and vocab
-Inclass assignment next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Completed quizzes on section 2.3
-Test-Monday, Nov. 19th
November 13, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Complete questions 1-6 on lecon 1 notes
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Discussed notes on 'Les immigrants'
-Reviewed for test -CHAPTER 1 TEST MONDAY, NOV.19TH
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Completed section 'Besoins/Desirs', 'Les emplyees et els employeurs'
-Worked on worksheet for evaluation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Climograph assignments were due today. Many students did not pass them in. Please check with your child to ensure it is completed for tomorrow.
-Quiz on section 2.3 tomorrow. Chapter test on MONDAY, NOV.19th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Review 'Besoins/Desirs'
November 9, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Compared groups 'Les Innu et Les Inuits'
-Review notes sur 'les immigrants'
-Passed out study guides for chapter 2 test
-Chapter 2 test-le 19 novembre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Reviewed besoins/Desirs
-Review categories of Besoins/Desirs
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Reviewed besoins/Desirs
-Review categories of Besoins/Desirs
-Complete questions 1-4 on lecon 1
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Compared groups 'Les Innu et Les Inuits'
-Review notes sur 'les immigrants'
-Passed out study guides for chapter 2 test
-Chapter 2 test-le 19 novembre
November 8, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-corrected question sheet 'Les gens qui sont venus' & 'les mi'kmaq'
-Complete question sheet 'Les Innu' pour demain.
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-Began 'Bande Dessinee' group projects
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Began 'Bande Dessinee' group assignments
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Completed going over vocab and highlighting key words
-Discussed 'les besoins' et 'les desirs'
November 7, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Completed vocab for chapter 3
-Returned chapter 1 tests (Marks are entered on Student Achieve)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Completed notes on 'les Innus'
-Complete worksheet'Les gens qui sont vecu ici' for tomorrow.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Completed notes on 'les Innus'
-Complete worksheets'Les mi'kmaq ' et 'les innus' for Firday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Returned chapter 1 tests (Marks are entered on Student Achieve)
November 5, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Finis 'Faire des climatogrammes' pour mardi, le 13 novembre
-Quiz-mercredi, le 14 novembre sur la section 2.3- Le meteo et le climat
-Chapitre 2 Test- lundi, le 19 novembre
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Returned 'les 10 commandements' activite de classe
-Histoire: Les 10 Plaies

Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
-Finished 'les 10 commandements' activity
-Next story; 'Les 10 Plaies'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
-Finished discussing chapter 3 vocab
-Introduced chapter 3: discussion of 'Besoins/Desirs' followed by smartboard activities
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Coats for kids campaign- bring in any coats you may have to donate

November 1, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Chapter 1 Test Tuesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
Half of class went to band
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Chapter 1 Test Tuesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Finish booklets 'Climat et la meteo' for Monday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Chapter 1 Test Tuesday
October 31, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Completed notes on 'Les Mik'maq'
-Began discussion on 'Les Innus'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Chapter 1 Test has been moved to Tuesday, November 6th
-Working on vocab for next chapter (chapter 3)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Chapter 1 Test has been moved to Tuesday, November 6th
-Working on vocab for next chapter (chapter 3)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Completed notes on 'Les Mik'maq'
-Began discussion on 'Les Innus'
October 29, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Finished going over study guide
-Chapter 1 Test has been moved to Tuesday, November 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Complete questions on Beothuks for tomorrow
-Returned chapter 1 quizzes today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Review notes on Beothuks
-Started Mikmaq notes
-Returned chapter 1 quizzes today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Working on booklets: 'Le climat et le meteo'
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Continued story 'Les 10 Commandements'
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Coats for Kids Campaign is now on going. Bring in any coats you may have to donate.
October 26, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Complete questions on Beothuks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Chapter 1 Test assigned for Monday, November 5th
-Study Guide given out
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Introductory sheet
- Started 'Les 10 Commandements'
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
-Secure school/ lockdown drills
October 24, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Went over all questions on study guide
-Chapter 1 Test- Wednesday, October 31
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Went over all questions on study guide
-Chapter 1 Test- Wednesday, October 31
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Chapter 1 quiz today
-went over introduction ppt to beothuks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Chapter 1 quiz today
-went over introduction ppt to beothuks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Went over all questions on study guide
-Chapter 1 Test- Wednesday, October 31
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Went over all questions on study guide
-Chapter 1 Test- Wednesday, October 31
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-completed notes on chapter 2, section 2.2
- review
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-completed notes on chapter 2, section 2.2
- review
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Terry Fox Walk tomorrow afternoon
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Terry Fox Walk tomorrow afternoon
October 18, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Chapter 1 quizzes today (anyone absent will be expected to do it next class)
-Worksheet on page 15 of text
-'En 20 ans' projects due Tuesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Chapter 1 quiz-Monday
-Did worksheet on chapter 2
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Career Cruising in tech lab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Missed class due to fluvarium field trip
-Chapter 1 quiz tomorrow
-'En 20 ans' projects due Monday
October 17, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Wathced video 'Vanished in the Mist'
-returned 'ligne de temps' projects
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-corrected questions for lecon 2
-quiz on lecon 1 notes and vocab 1-12 tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Discussed expectations
-decorated portfolios
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Introduction sheet completed
-Began powerpoint of 'Les Dix Commandements'
October 16, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Finish booklet for section 2.1
-watched video -How the earth was formed
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
-chapter 1 quiz today
-discussed notes & questions (handout labelled lecon 2)
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
-introduction sheet
-decorated portfolios
Social Studies
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-lecon 2 notes and questions
- vocab & lecon 1 quiz-Thursday
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- students can still submit pledges for Terry Fox (Our walk is October 25th)
October 12, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Worked on rough drafts for 'En 20 ans' projects.
-Chapter 1 Quiz Friday, October 19th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Finish 'les lignes de temps'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Chapter 1 quiz Tuesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Worked on Survol de l'unite up to page 3
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
-Worked on rough drafts for 'En 20 ans' projects.
-Chapter 1 Quiz Thursday, October 18th
October 11, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
- Did chapter 1 review sheet
- Chapter 1 quiz- Wednesday, October 24th.(10 definitions and 1 question)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Gave out 'En 20 ans' projects today
-Due Monday, le 22 octobre
-Electronic version posted on my website.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Gave out 'En 20 ans' projects today
-Due Monday, le 22 octobre
-Electronic version posted on my website.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Completed 'ligne de temps' activity
- Chapter 1 quiz- Wednesday, October 24th.(10 definitions and 1 question)
October 10, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Finis les 'lignes de temps' pour demain
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
Missed class due to Fluvarium field trip
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Decorated portfolios for Relgion and completed introductory sheet
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Finished lecon 1 notes & discussed questions
-Complete questions 1-10 for tomorrow
-Bring dictionaries to class tomorrow
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Terry Fox Walk is October 25th. Please return any pledge money if you haven't already done so.
October 9, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-Completed discussion of lecon 1 notes
-Complete questions on lecon 1 for Friday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Missed class due to field trip
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-Continued presentations of 'Mon Artifait Familial'
-Began class activity (Mon ligne de temps)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Last class to work on Tic Tac Toe activity (Due Friday)
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Finished up Character Education program (discussed Caring and Citizenship)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Deadline to order pictures is Thursday, October 11th
- Reminder to students to bring in notes when absent
October 3, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
- Completed discussion of Lesson 1 notes and assigned questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-Completed 'Mon Artifait Familial' presentations
- Worked on timelines
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Completed discussion of Lesson 1 notes and assigned questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-Gave out tic-tac-toe activity and gave class time to select activites and make jot notes
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Good job with food items this morning (More are needed to win the PIZZA Party)
October 1, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-'Mon Artifait Familial' Presentations were today. Those student who did not have your projects ready to present will be expected to present next class-WEDNESDAY.
- any student who has not returned their permission slip and money for the field trip to Ferryland should do so ASAP as this group is going Thursday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Handout: 'Lecon 1 Notes'- discussed- went through notes and asked them to underline key words
- Review notes
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Reviewed all vocab for chapter 1
-Any student who missed some of the vocab can go to my website found by clicking on my name on the MDJH webpage once you select Homework.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-'Mon Artifait Familial' projects due Friday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
- Students can still submit pledges for Terry Fox
-Please bring in items for the food bank- homeroom who brings in the most wins a PIZZA PARTY
September 28, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
'Mon Artifait'- due Monday

Anyone who hasn't passed in their money and permission slip for field trip to Ferryland are asked to do so by Monday. We will be going on Thursday, Oct. 4th.
Assigned to Class: 7-10(123)
- Watched video on Fairness
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
Had some discussion and watched video on caring

Sciences Humaines Map Quizzes were returned today
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Had some discussion and watched video on caring
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Homeroom Rep Elections were today: Our homeroom rep is Sidney Squires (Congrats Sidney!)

-Please bring in a non-perishable food item for the Thanksgiving Food Drive
September 24, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Worked on vocab for Chapter 1
-Quiz sur la carte du Canada-mercredi, le 26 septembre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
-continued ppt presentation on ch1
- distributed project 'Mon Artifait Familial' and did sample (DUE- lundi, le 1 octobre)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Worked on vocab for Chapter 1
-Quiz sur la carte du Canada-mercredi, le 26 septembre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 9-7(222)
-listened to 4 songs by different Canadian musiciens and answered questions on Canadian Identity
-ch 1 quiz moved to Thursday-LE 27 SEPTEMBRE
Assigned to Class: 7-1(208)
-Terry Fox Pledge Forms due SEPTEMBER 28TH
September 20, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-8(223)
Quiz on Newfoundland Map: Thursday, Sept. 27th

Study Guide was given out today.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
Quiz on 'La Carte du Canada': Wednesday, Sept. 26th

Study Guide was given out yesterday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
Quiz on 'La Carte du Canada': Wednesday, Sept. 26th

Study Guide was given out today.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
Quiz on Newfoundland Map: Thursday, Sept. 27th

Study Guide was given out today.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Terry Fox pledge forms are due Sept. 28th
September 17, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7(118A)
-On a fini le travail sur la carte de Terre Neuve et Labrador aujourd'hui
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8(218)
-We corrected the booklet 'S'Orienter sur la carte du Canada'
-Review activities
-Quiz: Mercredi, le 26 septembre
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-Character Education: Discussed 'Responsibility' pillar
Assigned to Class: 7-6(125)
-Character Education: Discussed 'Responsibility' pillar
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7(219)
-School Photos: September 19th
-Terry Fox Pledge Forms due September 28th
June 4, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Study Guides were distributed today
-Chapter 8 test Friday
-Chapter 8 Powerpoint and Study Guide have been posted on my webpage
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Finished chapter 11
-Inclass assignment will be Wednesday
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Did presentations. Anyone absent will do them next class after the listening and reading quiz.
-Study vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Finished chapter 11
-Inclass assignment will be Wednesday
Assigned to Class: 9-8
STI Discussion
May 29, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Corrected lesson 1 questions
- started questions on 'La revolution industrielle'

-Marks for chapter 5 tests were returned today
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-review puberty unit- test tomorrow
May 28, 2012
Assigned to Class: 9-3
Vocab and reading: Les tremblements de terre
-Students should start reviewing vocab for this unit and question words
- students need to return their texts June 6th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Chapter 5 test today: any students absent can write it tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-completed in class work on puberte: inclass assignment next class- Tuesday, June 5th
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Chapter 5 test today: any students absent can write it tomorrow
May 14, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Complete all questions for chapter 7 by Friday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Chapter 5 test: Wednesday, May 23rd
-Worked on review sheet today
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Listening Activity today for evaluation
- Reviewed pronoms: le, la, l', les, & en
-Returned Unit 3 tache finale
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Chapter 5 test: Thursday, May 4th
- Worked on review sheet today
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Finished watching 'Miracle of Life'
- Completed correction of worksheets on the male and female reproductive systems (quiz Friday)
May 7, 2012
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Finished unit 3 presentations
-Gave out texts and workbooks for unit 4
-Texts for Unit 3 must be returned
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Reviewed table of populations
- Lecon 4 notes
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Tabac Projets now past due! Please get them in ASAP.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Reviewed table of populations
- Lecon 4 notes
April 24, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Worked on study guide and chapter 6 review
-TEST-LUNDI, Le 30 avril
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Test on Chapter 2 today
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-We did some listening activities and written work on the FUTUR PROCHE, METEO vocab, and reading activities (review question words)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Test on Chapter 2 today
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Finish questions for evaluation on film 'Riding in Cars with boys'
-Male and female reproductive systems next
April 23, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Reviewed questions for chapter 2 test which is Wednesday
-Handout: Lecon 2 notes for Chapter 5 (Discussed)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Chapter 6 review- TEST: LUNDI, LE 30 AVRIL
- Handouts given: Chapter 6 Revision & Guide d'etude
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Listening & Reading QUIZ- Jeudi, le 26 avril
-REVIEW: le futur proche, question words, & meteo vocab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Reviewed questions for tomorrow's test
- Corrected questions for lecon 1 & 2, chapter 5
April 20, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Handout: Chapitre 5, Lecon 1
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Watched video on causes of WWI
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review question words, future proche and meteo vocab
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-started Puberty unit
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Last class to work on tobacco projects-please finish for next Health class if not finished in class
April 17, 2012
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Introduced 'FUTUR PROCHE'
- Review notes as needed (You will be expected to know the present conjugaision of teh verbw 'aller')
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Copied chapter 5 vocab
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-This was the last class to work on tobacco projects. Finish for next class if you did not finish in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-reviewed chapter 5 vocab
-lecon 1 notes handout
April 2, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Worked on TIC TAC TOE assignment on Le Tabac (Students will be given the first class after the Easter Break to finish this project. Anyone on vacation
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Worked on TIC TAC TOE assignment on Le Tabac (Students will be given the first class after the Easter Break to finish this project. Anyone on vacation
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-chapter 6 terms quiz
-returned chapter 5 projects
-looked at artifacts from a war veteran
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-chapter 6 terms quiz
-returned chapter 5 projects
-looked at artifacts from a war veteran
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Finished chapter 2 booklets
-Started movie' Riding in Cars with Boys'
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Finished chapter 2 booklets
-Started movie' Riding in Cars with Boys'
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Finished chapter 2 booklets
-Started movie' Riding in Cars with Boys'
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Finished chapter 2 booklets
-Started movie' Riding in Cars with Boys'
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Worked on TIC TAC TOE assignment on Le Tabac (Will continue with this after the Easter Break)
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Worked on TIC TAC TOE assignment on Le Tabac (Will continue with this after the Easter Break)
March 30, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Students worked on study guides and vocab review sheet
Assigned to Class: 7-7
worked on 'Le Tabac' projects; will have one more class to work on them
March 27, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Topics covered this class: Le suffrage feminin & la grippe espagnole

-chapter 6 quiz: lundi, le 2 avril
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-gave out study guide and review booklet for chapter 2

-TEST: le 24 avril
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviewed passe compose
-Handout and worksheets
March 26, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Complete questions on Lecon 3
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Question sheets C & D should be completed
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviiewed 'les questions interrogatifs' (question words)
-Completed pages 2 & 4 of cahier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Complete questions on Lecon 3
March 23, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Completed Lecon 2 questions
-Began lecon 3 notes (Les Consequences du contact'
- Assigned date for chapter 2 test- April 25th (will complete chapter next week but test assigned to accomodate students traveling early for Easter break)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Complete worksheets C and D
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviewed 'Les mots interrogatifs'
-Returned Unit 2 evaluations today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed lecon 3 notes (Les Consequences du contact'
- Assigned date for chapter 2 test- April 24th (will complete chapter next week but test assigned to accomodate students traveling early for Easter break)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed Lecon 2 questions
-Began lecon 3 notes (Les Consequences du contact'
- Assigned date for chapter 2 test- April 24th (will complete chapter next week but test assigned to accomodate students traveling early for Easter break)
March 20, 2012
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Started Unit 3 : Et Maintenant passons aux nouvelles
- Look over vocab sheet
-Return Studio Createur texts if you haven't already done so
(Some students have not returned their Mission Survie texts)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-did a review of chapter 2 as we are just getting back to it following invention presentations
-some students have not submitted their journals and 'plan de publicite'. Please ensure this is passed in- these 2 sections are both valued at 25% making up 50% of their mark.
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Currently doing a unit on 'Le tabac'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-did a review of chapter 2 as we are just getting back to it following invention presentations
-some students have not submitted their journals and 'plan de publicite'. Please ensure this is passed in- these 2 sections are both valued at 25% making up 50% of their mark.
March 16, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-We have started chapter 6- completed 2 worksheets (Questions A & Questions B)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Completed invention presentations
- Any student who has not submitted parts of this project are asked to do so ASAP (must have your 'Plan de publicite' and 'Journaux' in order to evaluate.
- Bring texts to next class
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-End of unit presentations are nearly complete except for those who have been absent the last couple of classes
-Anyone who has not yet presented will be expected to do so in Tuesday's class
-Students were given texts for the next unit- PLEASE RETURN TEXTS FOR STUDIO CREATEUR
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Invention presentations are nearly complete
- Any student who has not submitted parts of this project are asked to do so ASAP (must have your 'Plan de publicite' and 'Journaux' in order to evaluate.
- Bring texts to next class
Assigned to Class: 9-8
- Watched film ' Real People: Teens who choose abstinence' and had some discussion
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Report cards were distributed to students today
-Parent teacher interviews can be booked by using the optis online system
February 21, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Completed questions for lecon 1, Chapitre 2
-Invention Projects are due Monday, March 5th (ALL students should be ready to present at this time)
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed introduction unit
-Case studies and assessment
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Completed introduction unit
-Case studies and assessment
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Students are reminded to return permission slips and money for spirit day activity ASAP
- Parents are asked to send in cupcakes decorated with PINK icing for Bully Awareness Day (WEDNESDAY, Feb. 29th)
- Students are also asked to bring in any decorations for our DECORATE THE DOOR CONTEST for Wednesday, Feb. 29th
February 20, 2012
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Make up Passe compose quiz with 'etre' Thursday
- review irregular participe passe (avoir) P. 49 of Cahier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed lecon 1 notes for chapter 2
- Invention Projects due WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29th
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Discussed positive and negative personality traits
- Cas d'etude - will complete next day
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed lecon 1 notes for chapter 2
- Invention Projects due WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29th
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Permission slip and $8 for spirit day activities are to be returned ASAP
February 14, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Worked on chapter 2 vocabulary
-Invention projects due: Le 29 Fev
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Complete rough copies of 'pliable' if not done in class. This must be completed in order for you to proceed with final copy in computer lab.
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Study notes of passe compose with etre
-know forms of etre in present
-know past participles (and know rules of agreement)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Worked on chapter 2 vocabulary
-Invention projects due: Le 29 Fev
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Worked on chapter 2 vocabulary
-Invention projects due: Le 29 Fev
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Any student wishing to order a t-shirt for anti-bullying week are asked to bring in their $5 ASAP
February 13, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Discussed influences on health and positive and negative behaviour
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Video: Nation or Notion
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Worked on Chapter 1 Booklets: Should have completed Lesson 1
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Continued work on chapter 1 booklets: Lesson 2 was distributed in class today
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Discussed influences on health and positive and negative behaviour
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Students who are interested in ordering a pink T-shirt for anti-bullying week must bring $5 tomorrow. Sorry for the late notice but t'shirts must be ordered in order to get them for the great price of $5 and in order to get them for Anti-bullying day coming up later this month.
February 7, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Research Activity in computer lab
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-In class assignment on chapter 4
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review passe compose with avoir
-Continued activities and corrected sheets from last class (put all answers on the board)
-Quick quiz on passe compose with avoir next class (know forms of avoir and past participles of regular verbs)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Continued working on foldable activity:complete if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Completed 'Pay it Forward'
-Collected religion books/ Distributed Adolescence books
- discussed evaluation and themes to be covered
February 6, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Reviewed 4 economic secteurs- started foldable activity
- Inclass assignment on chapter 4 Friday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-research activity in computer lab
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-review notes on passe compose with avoir
-complete worksheets
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-reviewed chapter 4
-inclass assignment next class
January 31, 2012
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review 'Les connecteurs' (Les conjunctions et les adverbes)
- Finish pages 22, 24-25 of cahier
-I have posted some links to useful websites for practice. They can be accessed by clicking on my website on right hand side of homework page
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Continued working on foldables (Finish if not completed in class)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Foldable activity on economic secteurs
January 27, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Notes on COnfederation: reasons for and against
-Started publicity posters for or against (will continue next class)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Review 'les secteurs economiques'
- Foldable activity: will complete next class
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviewed vocab on texture (Smartboard activities)
- Make up quiz is Monday for those who were absent on Wednesday
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Case study: Jen Burnelle (p.63)
- Read, completed, and corrected questions
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Watched 'Pay it Forward'
January 26, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Finance section of Invention Journals due Friday, Feb. 3rd
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Review notes
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Review grammatical structure 'Pour + l'infinitif' (page 9 of text)
- Review vocab on textures
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Case Study: Jen Bernelle (completed and corrected)
January 25, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Last religion class (Completed symbole activity for evaluation)
- Anyone who was given extra time outside of class to complete the activity for 'Les Harpes Suspendus' must pass them in ASAP as Term One ends Friday.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Completed worksheets on Carson & Lawson, Le gouvernement responsable et representatif
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Listening and Reading Quiz today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Went over expectations for description part of project due Friday
- Question sheet on chapter 4
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Went over expectations for description part of project due Friday
- Question sheet on chapter 4
January 24, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Our last religion class was today. We will begin Sante next class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Review notes for chapter 4 so far
- Chapter 3 tests were returned today
Assigned to Class: 9-8
- Watched Pay it forward
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Watched Pay it Forward. Our last religion class was today. We will begin Sante next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Open book test. Our last religion class was today. We will begin Sante next class.
January 23, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Did Math quiz during this period to accomodate 'bullying presentation'
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Open book test today
Assigned to Class: 9-3
Listening and Reading Quiz originally scheduled for Friday past will now go ahead on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Open book test tomorrow
January 19, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Completed map activity
- Review lecon 3 notes
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Completed map activity
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Finish worksheet on 'Les Harpes Suspendus' and pass in next class
Assigned to Class: 110A
'Paie au Suivante'
January 18, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Notes on 'le gouvernement representatif'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed map activity
-Review lecon 3 notes
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Vocab review activities
-Quiz:Vendredi, le 20 janvier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Discussed les 'economies mondiales'
-Complete map activity if not completed in class
Assigned to Class: 9-8
- Open book test on chapters 1 & 2
- This course will end January 30th
January 16, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Review notes on 'les 4 secteurs economiques'
- DESCRIPTION section of Journaux d'invention due le 23 janvier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Chapter 3 test today
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review vocab (Lignes et formes) et les adjectives (masculin & feminin)
- Review notes on les adjectifs demonstratifs
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Enonce de conception deadline was today
-DESCRIPTION section of Journaux d'invention due le 27 janvier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Enonce de conception deadline was today
-DESCRIPTION section of Journaux d'invention due le 27 janvier
January 13, 2012
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed review sheet of '4 histoires'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Reviewed study guide
-Smartboard review activities
-Chapter 3 test Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Unit 1 review sheet
-Open book test next class
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Unit 1 test
-Started watching 'Pay It Forward' and gave out final project on movie
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed 'Histoire 4:Paques'
-Started review sheet of 4 histoires
-Open book test January 24th
January 12, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Returned Projet Selections with comments (DESCRIPTION section due Monday, January 23rd)
-Corrected chapter 4 vocab
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed Histoire 4:La Paques and began Review Sheet on all stories
-Open book test January 23rd
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed 'les symboles' activity
-Started notes for Histoire 4: Paques
January 10, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed vocab sheets for chapter 4
- Enonce de conception- due tomorrow
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Collected les 'enonces de conception'
(some were given back to students to redo- AS this is French Immersion, projects are expected to be completed in FRENCH)
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-watched 'Prince of Egypt'
- any missed work due to absences were given to students today (Please finish for tomorrow's class) It is important that students make up missed work as Term 1 will soon be over.
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Completed worksheet on Unit 1
- Open book test Friday
January 9, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Concluded last topic for chapter 3
-Reviewed vocab qand important topics
-Distributed study guides (TEST: MONDAY, JAN.16)
-some review and study guide is posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed chapter 4 vocab
-Lecon 1 Notes (review)
-Part 1 of project due WEDNESDAY, JAN.11
-Electronic version of project available on my website
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reading Activity: Student Text, p. 8-11
- Review vocab on lignes & formes
- Review adjectives
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Discussed invention projects
- watched dragon's den for ideas
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Missed class (With Ms. Stacey for homeroom activity)
January 5, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Worked on vocab sheets for chapter 4
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Finished notes on 'les trappeurs' et 'la construction navale'
- Complete worksheet
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviewed adjectives and vocab
-corrected several worksheets done before the break
-worked on pages 6, 7 & 8 of cahier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Major projects were given out and explained in class (Enonce de conception:3 ideas and choice of invention must be submitted Wednesday, January 11th.)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Major projects were given out and explained in class (Enonce de conception:3 ideas and choice of invention must be submitted Wednesday, January 11th.)
January 4, 2012
Assigned to Class: 110A
-Symbole activity
- Histoire: Paques
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Participants for school heritage fair were named in class today and marks returned
- We did a review of every topic covered so far in chapter 3
- Date of chapter 3 test- Monday, Jan.16th
Assigned to Class: 9-8
- Notes: La Justice Social
Assigned to Class: 9-7
- Completed notes on Chapter 2
- Inclass assignment staretd (will complete next class)
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Histoire: Le Sermon sur la montagne
- Sybole Activity
January 3, 2012
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Major projects were given out and explained in class (Enonce de conception:3 ideas and choice of invention must be submitted Tuesday, January 10th.)
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Completed activity on Histoire 3: Les harpes suspendus aux saules de Babylone

Started Histoire 4: Le Sermon sur la Montagne
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Histoire 3: Les harpes suspendus aux saules de Babylone

Reading Activity for evaluation
December 15, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Chapter 3 test today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Continued heritage fair presentations today
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviewed adjectives
-Returned final project marks
-Completed sheets on colors and adjectives associated with each color
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Chapter 3 test today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Chapter 3 test today
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Students are reminded to bring in $4 for pizza party tomorrow
- Popcorn sale at recess tomorrow
December 13, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Discussed all questions on study guide
-Chapter 3 test Thursday
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Finished watching 'Prince of Egypt'
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Spent first part of class going over Sciences Humaines study guide questions
-Started watching Prince of Egypt
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Bring in coin donations to decorate our tree in the foyer (all proceeds go to needy families)
-Bring in $4 for pizza party for Friday afternoon
December 6, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Review notes on 'la pauvrete'
-Study guide was given out in class. There is a copy posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Heritage Fair Essays were due today: Visual Part due DECEMBER 14th when presentations will begin
- Completed in class activity on 'Quest for the Sea' video.
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Completed les 'taches finales' for Mission Survie.
- Please return text ASAP. Texts for unit 1 must be returned before Unit 2 texts can be distributed to students.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Review notes on 'la pauvrete'
-Study guide was given out in class. There is a copy posted on my website
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Review notes on 'la pauvrete'
-Study guide was given out in class. There is a copy posted on my website
December 5, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Watched Prince of Egypt
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Completed Quest of the Sea videos
- Will do inclass activity based on videos next day

-HERITAGE FAIR essay section due tomorrow. Projects due Dec. 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Complete 'John Q' movie; movie is available to watch on Youtube in 10 clips if anyone missed a class
- will do an inclass assignment on the movie next class
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-In class activity on 'John Q'
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed group project 'les bandes dessines'
December 2, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Group Activity: News articles
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Completed bande dessinee project
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Worked on bande dessinee project
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Report cards were sent home today. Parents can use the optis system to book appointments to meet their child's teacher. Instructions are included in with the report card. Appointments can also be made by calling the school.
November 30, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed in class assignments
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Completed in class assignments
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Worked on group project
Assigned to Class: 9-7
- Completed John Q. Gave out assigments that we will work on next class.
(Any one who missed the movie can watvh it in video clips on youtube)
November 29, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Watched episode 3 of 'Quest for the Sea'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- In class assignment on first half of chapter 3 (will be evaluated)
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviewed conversations and worked together on dialoque activities
- Introduced tache finale and formed groups
- will continue next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- review schemas for effects of industries and enterprises closing
- started inclass assignment (will finish next class)
Assigned to Class: 9-8
- Watched John Q
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Please remember to bring in PENNIES or other change to donate to patients
November 28, 2011
Social Studies
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Activity on the 'Classification de Besoins'
- Review schemas 'Causes & effets'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Watched video Quest for the Sea.
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Reviewed passe compose
- Complete pages 25 & 32 of Cahier
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Review schemas 'Causes & effets'
November 23, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Discussed 3 types of enterprises giving examples
-Corrected worksheet from last day
-Review section 'La distribution des ressources'
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Worked on group 'bande dessinee' project
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Discussed story of 10 plagues
- Inroduced group 'bande dessinee' project (will work on it next day)
November 22, 2011
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- worked on dialogue activities (worksheet from last class and cahier pages 29,31, 34-35, & 36
- complete if not completed in class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Reviewed 'le capitalisme' & 'le socialisme' (compared them
- Corrected worksheet from last class
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Worked on group 'Bande Dessinee' projects
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Missed class due to fluvarium field trip
November 21, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Review notes (Lecon 1; pages 1-4) of handout.
- Finish questions for Lecon 1
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Review notes (Lecon 1; pages 1-4) of handout.
- Finish questions for Lecon 1
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Completed presentations of 5 commandements 'chez moi' & 'a l'ecole'.
Assigned to Class: 9-7
- Continued watching John Q
November 16, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Review vocab for chapter 3 (check webpage)
- Reviewed 'besoins' & 'desirs'
- Complete worksheet on categorizing needs and wants for next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- computer lab for Heritage Fair Projects (Written part due Dec. 6th)
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Reading Quiz
- Many students are coming to class unprepared. Please make an extra effort to come to class with all required materials. Students who come unprepared are permitted to go to their locker but must get a late slip to return to class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Review vocab for chapter 3 (check webpage)
- Reviewed 'besoins' & 'desirs'
- Complete worksheet on categorizing needs and wants for next class
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Review vocab for chapter 3 (check webpage)
- Reviewed 'besoins' & 'desirs'
- Complete worksheet on categorizing needs and wants for next class
November 15, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Worked on group activity 'Bande Dessinée des 10 Plaies'.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Research class in computer lab to work on heritage fair projects. Essays due December 6th. Students will start presenting in class December 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8
- Open Book Quiz
- Started watching 'John Q'
Assigned to Class: 9-7
- Started watching 'John Q.'
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Finished presentions
- Reading activity on 'Les 10 Commandements'
November 14, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- completed vocab for chapter 3 (Review)
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Finished presenting 'Les 10 commandements' activity.
- Reading activity on 10 commandments
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Finished presenting 'Les 10 commandements' activity.
- Reading activity on 10 commandments
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
AY (Allied Youth) has been started at MDJH and registration is ongoing. Anyone interested is asked to see Mme. Quann. There will be a Child Soldier presentation from 3-4:30 on Thursday for all Allied Youth members.
November 8, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Students selected topics for Heritage Fair
- Went over expectations and evaluation breakdown
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Marks for Chapter 1 test were returned (They have been entered on Student Achieve)
- Worked on vocab for chapter 3
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Review vocab for directions
- Computer lab activity (virtual tour of Montréal)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Marks for Chapter 1 test were returned (They have been entered on Student Achieve)
- Worked on vocab for chapter 3
Assigned to Class: 9-8
- Completed worksheets for chapter 1 notes (In class assignment next class (NOV. 15)/ Open book & notes.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Bring in a QUARTER for poppy contribution
November 7, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Complete sheet 1 (side 1) of vocab sheet for chapter 3

- Students were given their marks on chapter 1 test today (also on Student Achieve)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Chapter 2 Test today
- Heritage Fair Information Packages were given to students (copy of this package can also be accessed on my website)
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Listening quiz marks were returned to students today
- Review vocab for directions (complete worksheet one if not done in class)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Students were given their marks on chapter 1 test today (they can also be accessed through Student Achieve).
November 3, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Completed Commandement chez moi & a l'ecole activity
-Began presentations
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
Missed class due to field trip to 'The Outsiders'
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Notes: Quelques influences ...
- Feuille: l'ethique et les medias
Assigned to Class: 9-7
- Feuille: fabricants, medias, ...
- Teste: livre ouvert (& notes)- mercredi, le 9 novembre (C'est important d'avoir fini toutes les feuilles)
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Completed Commandement chez moi & a l'ecole activity
-Began presentations
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
PIZZA PARTY- Monday, November 7th (Period 5)
November 2, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8

-Completed study guide and went over answers to all questions
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Histoire et Activité: Dieu et les dix commandements
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Histoire et Activité: Dieu et les dix commandements
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
PIZZA PARTY will be Monday, Nov. 7th
October 31, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Distributed study guides for Friday's test. Worked on these all class.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Distributed study guides for Friday's test. Worked on these all class.
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Histoire 1: Dieu et les 10 commandements (Notes)
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Went over: Quelques influences sur la morale, l'ethique, ...
- Feuille: Finis les notes 'L'ethique et les medias
October 27, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Worked on case study: 'Les Petits Immigrés anglais'
-Chapter 1 Test Friday, Nov.4th (Study guides will be given out next class- now posted on my individual homework page)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Notes: a) comparer les mi'qmaq aux metis b) Les Immigrants
-Started review
-Chapter 2 Test Friday, Nov. 4th
-Study guides will be posted on my website by Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Listening Test Friday, nov. 4th
- Review the imperatif vs present, vouloir et pouvoir, 3 types de questions & les categories de défis (review vocab)
- Did sample test today
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Test on Chapter 1, Friday, Nov. 4th
- Study guides were given out today and students were given a chance to start review
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Any student who has not yet returned their information form is asked to do so ASAP.
October 26, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- All students are now finished 'En 20 ans' presentations
- Evaluations for the speaking and written component were passed back to students today
-Corrected worksheet from last day
-Started case study 'Les Petits Immigres'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Finished ppt on 'Les Inuits'
- Worked on worksheet comparing Les Innus/Les Inuits
Assigned to Class: 110A
-Reviewed 'imperatif'. 'vouloir & pouvoir', 'les 3 types de questions', et 'les défis'.
-QUIZ NEXT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 (did sample exercises today)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Evaluations for the speaking and written component of the 'en 20 ans' project were passed back to students today
-Corrected worksheets from last day
-Discussed case study 'Les Petits Immigres'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Evaluations for the speaking and written component of the 'en 20 ans' project were passed back to students today
-Corrected worksheets from last day
-Discussed case study 'Les Petits Immigres'
October 24, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 110A
-Completed presentations 'En 20 ans' today. Anyone absent who has not presented will present Wednesday.
- Chapter 1 TEST- Friday, Nov.4th (Start review of vocab and notes)
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Vocab work
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Vocab work
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Parent information packages for Student Achieve were distributed to students today.
October 20, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Students presented 'En 20 ans' projects today.
- Students are reminded to pass in their rough copies in on Monday if they did not do so today.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Students presented 'En 20 ans' projects today. Will finish on Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-1st class
-brainstorming introductory sheet
- started portfolios
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-completed introductory sheet to morality, ethics, and justice
- checked completion of character education activities
October 17, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Character Ed: Citizenship
- Will begin Religion next day
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Corrected sheet on 'Les Mi'qmaq'
- Review notes on 'Les Innus'
- Finish question sheet on 'Les Innus'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-En 20 ans projects due Thursday
-Distributed handout titled Chapitre 1, Lecon 2
- Wrote answer to question on 5 types of empowerment on board (Important to review for test)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-'En 20 ans' presentations (will complete next day)
October 14, 2011
Assigned to Class: 9-7
Character Education: Citizenship
-Will check all activities for completion next day
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Review notes on 'Les Mi'qmaq' & Finis les questions
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Review notes marked Chapter 1, Lecon 2: 5 types of autonomisation
- 'En 20 ans' projects due Monday
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review notes on 3 types of questions
-Reference page: text, p. 17 and cahier, p.51
- Pass in relay race activity if not passed in
-Completed pg. 19 of cahier (corrected this)
-Complete page 22
October 13, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Character Education: Citizenship
- Religion will begin next class
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Character Education: Last class
- Religion will begin next day
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
- Complete questions 1-5 on the different types of 'autonomisation'
_'En 20 ans' projet now due Thursday, October 20
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Deadline to order school phots is tomorrow October 14th. Envelopes with payment should be submitted to homeroom teacher.
October 11, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Watched film 'Stealing Mary' on beothuks
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Finished lecon 1 notes and questions for chapter
- Passed out 'En 20 ans' project: DUE Jeudi, le 20 octobre
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Character Education: Caring
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review imperative verb tense
- Did activity: Use imperative to develop a relay (Took in for evaluation)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Healthy Commotion Activities and Terry Fox Walk tomorrow- dress appropriately
October 6, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-8
Character Education: Caring
Assigned to Class: 9-8
Character Education: Citizenship
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Students were given this class to prepare rough copies for their 'En 20 ans' project which is due Monday, October 17th. Rough copies are a percentage of their mark and need to be passed in with their collage.
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Character Education: Fairness
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review all notes and work completed on the 'Imperatif'.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Last call for Food Items for the Food Drive. Thanks to all who have given so generously.
October 5, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Character Education: Fairness
- Watched video/ discussion
- Skit
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Quiz on map and chapter 1
- Finished presenting artifacts
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Gave out notes ofr chapter 1- Lecon 1
- Discussed
- Worked on questions 1-7
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Finished questions 1-10
- Introduced project 'En 20 ans'...
- Due Monday, le 17 octobre
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
A big THANK YOU to all who have brought in food. If you haven't already donated a food item, please do so. We can almost smell the pizza!!!!!!!!!
October 4, 2011
Assigned to Class: 9-7
-Caring (discussion)
- Essays
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- Quiz moved to tomorrow
- Presentation of artifacts (will conclude tomorrow after quiz)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-finished discussion of chapter 1, lecon 1 handout and questions
- gave back quiz marks today
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review all notes on 'imperative'
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-corrected questions 1-6.
- Finish questions 7-10
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Order deadline for school photos is October 14th. Anyone wishing to placwe an order are asked to please pass order forms into their Homeroom teacher on or before this date.
October 3, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Character Ed
- Watched video on Fairness
- Fairness Skit
Assigned to Class: 9-8
Character Education
-Caring Videos
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Gave back marks to map of canada quizzes
-Review notes given and discussed in class. Finish questions 1-6.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Thank you to those who have already sent in food items for the food drive. If you haven't already done so, please send in an item or 2. Homeroom with most items wins a pizza party.
September 30, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Had Map of Canada Quiz today. No homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Listening Quiz on regular verbs today
- Please speak with your student about coming prepared for class. Many students are coming late and unprepared.
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Character Ed: Fairness
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Had Map of Canada Quiz today. No homework.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Had Map of Canada Quiz today. No homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Please return money and pledge forms for Terry Fox
- Food Drive donations please
September 29, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Started chapter 2 (took notes on Beothuks)
- Quiz: Tuesday (Study review sheets given out last Friday and Monday)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Went over vocab for chapter 1
- Map of Canada quiz tomorrow
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Character Education
- Responsibility (Discusssion and Activity)
Assigned to Class: 9-3
- Listening quiz tomorrow on verbs and categories of 'defis'
September 28, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Corrected vocab for chapter 1
-Gave out Lecon 1 handout
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
- reviewed map of Newfoundland
- 2 worksheets from Friday and Monday past are actually the study guide for upcoming quiz
- QUIZ: Tuesday, Jour 6 (October 4)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
- Gave out vocab worksheet
- Students copied definition for vocab 1- 20
Assigned to Class: 9-7
Character Education
(Discussed Fairness)
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
* A big thank you to those who brought in food today. If you haven't done so already, please bring in a donation to the food bank.

* Pledge forms and money for Terry Fox can still be returned. Please try to get them in by Monday.
September 27, 2011
Assigned to Class: 7-8
Character Education
Discussed Pillar: Responsibility
Assigned to Class: 9-8
Character Education
Discussed Pillar: Fairness
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Corrected chapter 1 vocab
-Started chapter 1: handout- Lecon 1
- Carte du Canada Quiz- vendredi, le 30 sept
Assigned to Class: 7-7
Character Education
Discussed Pillar: Responsibility
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Review conjugation of regular verbs
-Quiz d'ecoute Vendredi, le 30 sept
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-1
- Terry Fox pledge forms and money due tomorrow
- Please bring in food for Thanksgiving Food Drive
September 21, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Map of Canada Activity
-Started vocab sheets for chapter one. We will continue this work next class.
- Map Quiz rescheduled for next Wednesday or first class after Wednesday depending upon new schedules
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Completed chapter 1 notes
-started time line activity (will finish next day)
-school pictures taken during this class
-There will be a quiz on chapter 1 and Newfoundland map at the end of next week. Specific date will depend on new schedules.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Started vocab sheets for chapter one. We will continue this work next class.
- Map Quiz rescheduled for next Wednesday or first class after Wednesday depending upon new schedules
Assigned to Class: 7-1
-Distributed unit 1 objectives and vocab.
- Discussed the theme 'La survie'
Listening Activity (pg. 1 of Cahier)
-assigned pages 2-4 of cahier
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Please return Terry Fox pledge sheets and money by Wednesday, Sept. 28th.
- Please bring in a food item to donate to the Thanksgiving Food Drive. The homeroom at each grade level who donates the most per student wins a pizza party.
September 19, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Review 's'orienter sur la carte'
- Quiz next Week (Wednesday or after depending on revised schedule)
Assigned to Class: 7-6
Character Education: Respect Discussion & Activity
Assigned to Class: 9-7
Character Education: Respect Discussion & Activity
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Completed review of verbs: Faire and Aller
-Will start unit 1 next day.
Assigned to Class: 9-8
Character Education: Respect Discussion & Activity
Assigned to Class: 7-1
_ Terry Fox Run: October 12th- PLEASE return pledge forms and money to homeroom teacher.
-School pictures Wednesday, Sept. 21
September 15, 2011
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Corrected booklets on Canadian Map
- Did several review smartboard activities
- Quiz: Vendredi, le 23 septembre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 8-7
-Completed map work on Newfoundland & Labrador communities and bays.
Assigned to Class: 9-8
-Character Education program (Introduced 6 pillars)
-Discussed Trustworthiness
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Character Education program (Introduced 6 pillars)
-Discussed Trustworthiness
-Completed crest activity
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-6
-Corrected booklets on Canadian Map
- Did several review smartboard activities
- Quiz:lundi, le 26 septembre
Social Studies
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Bring in Food items for Thanksgiving Assembly
-School Pictures taken Wednesday, Sept. 21
-Terry Fox Walk; October 12th-return pledge forms to Homeroom Teacher ASAP
September 14, 2011
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Completed review of regular verbs ending in ER, RE, & IR
- Reviewed ALLER & FAIRE
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Continued work on 'La Carte du Canada'.
-Corrected up to page 5.
-Map Quiz: vendredi, le 23 septembre
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-1
-Continued work on 'La Carte de Terre Neuve'.
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Continued work on 'La Carte du Canada'.
-Corrected up to page 5.
-Map Quiz: vendredi, le 23 septembre
September 13, 2011
Assigned to Class: 9-3
-Reviewed conjugation of regular verbs (ER, RE, & IR)
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-8
-Continued with work on the map of Canada (Completed pages 3, 4, & 5 today)
- Corrected pages 1 & 2
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Introduced Character Education
- Discussed six pillars
Science Humaines
Assigned to Class: 7-7
-Continued with work on the map of Canada (Completed pages 3, 4, & 5 today)
- Corrected pages 1 & 2
Assigned to Class: 7-7
- Terry Fox Walk/Run is October 12
