Homework Assigned By: Cindy Hicks
June 12, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students are completing the review sheet on Transformations. This includes Translations, Reflections and Rotations. The assessment for this is on Friday, June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students are continuing to work on the assessment for LG#15.3: Line and Rotational Symmetry. They are creating a Mandala and completing a worksheet.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students are completing the review sheet on Transformations. This includes Translations, Reflections and Rotations. The assessment for this is on Friday, June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students are continuing to work on the assessment for LG#15.3: Line and Rotational Symmetry. They are creating a Mandala and completing a worksheet.
June 11, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students were given back their 10.1 assessment today and we went over it in class. Any student wanting to improve their letter grade can do so tomorrow during class. The assessment on LG10.2:Translations-Reflections and Rotations is on Friday, June 14th. Students were working on a review today in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given back their 10.1 assessment today and we went over it in class. Any student wanting to improve their letter grade can do so tomorrow during class. The assessment on LG10.2:Translations-Reflections and Rotations is on Friday, June 14th. Students were working on a review today in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students completed the rewrite today on LG#5.1-5.2. We are now working on our LG#5.3 assessment, Creating a Mandala.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students completed the rewrite today on LG#5.1-5.2. We are now working on our LG#5.3 assessment, Creating a Mandala.
June 10, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the assessment today on LG10.1 will write it when they return to class. The assessment on learning goal 10.2:Translations, Reflections and Rotations is on Friday, June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
The rewrite on LG#5.1-4.3:Circle Properties is tomorrow. Students have started work on their assessment for LG#5.3:Line and Rotational Symmetry by completing a Mandala and the write up explaining what they did.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the assessment today on LG10.1 will write it when they return to class. The assessment on learning goal 10.2:Translations, Reflections and Rotations is on Friday, June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
The rewrite on LG#5.1-4.3:Circle Properties is tomorrow. Students have started work on their assessment for LG#5.3:Line and Rotational Symmetry by completing a Mandala and the write up explaining what they did.
June 7, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be reviewing for the small assessment on Monday, June 10th. It covers pages 1 - 15 int he booklet. It is on Parallel and perpendicular lines and perpendicular and angle bisectors. We went over to practice sheets today in class. The answers are on google classroom. The assessment on graphing-Transformations will be on Friday, June 14th. It covers that last part of the booklet. Students completed a worksheet on plotting points today in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the small assessment on Monday, June 10th. It covers pages 1 - 15 int he booklet. It is on Parallel and perpendicular lines and perpendicular and angle bisectors. We went over to practice sheets today in class. The answers are on google classroom. The assessment on graphing-Transformations will be on Friday, June 14th. It covers that last part of the booklet. Students completed a worksheet on plotting points today in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students completed any missed or unfinished work today in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We completed the booklet today in class. The students should complete the worksheet they started yesterday in class for homework. We started our assessment on creating a Mandala today in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for the small assessment on Monday, June 10th. It covers pages 1 - 15 int he booklet. It is on Parallel and perpendicular lines and perpendicular and angle bisectors. We went over to practice sheets today in class. The answers are on google classroom. The assessment on graphing-Transformations will be on Friday, June 14th. It covers that last part of the booklet. Students completed a worksheet on plotting points today in class.
June 6, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should have the booklet completed. We started our review sheet today. The rewrite on LG#5.1 - 5.2 is on Tuesday. Students can use their notes and worksheets to help them.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should have the booklet completed. We started our review sheet today. The rewrite on LG#5.1 - 5.2 is on Tuesday. Students can use their notes and worksheets to help them.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete pages 16 - 23 in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. The assessment on pages 1 - 15 is on Monday. This will cover parallel lines and perpendicular and angle bisectors.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete pages 16 - 23 in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. The assessment on pages 1 - 15 is on Monday. This will cover parallel lines and perpendicular and angle bisectors.
June 5, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete the review sheet on parallel, perpendicular and angle bisectors for homework if they did not complete it in lass. There will be an assessment on Monday, June 10th on these outcomes. We will state graphing tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 7 - 10 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete pages 1 - 2 on the review sheet on parallel, perpendicular and angle bisectors for homework if they did not complete it in lass. There will be an assessment on Monday, June 10th on these outcomes. We will state graphing tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 7 - 10 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
June 4, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
WE are continuing with our discussions and worksheets on Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the review for rewrite sheets if they are writing the rewrite tomorrow. The answer keys for both review sheets are on google classroom (June 3rd in the stream). We completed pages 12 - 14 today in the booklet. Students will have a small assessment on Monday, June 10th on constructing perpendicular and angle bisectors.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We stated learning goal 5.3 today. Students should complete pages 2 - 7 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We completed pages 12 - 14 today in the booklet. Students will have a small assessment on Monday, June 10th on constructing perpendicular and angle bisectors.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We stated learning goal 5.3 today. Students should complete pages 2 - 7 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
June 3, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Student should complete pages 10 - 12 in the booklet for homework if they did not complete them in class. The rewrite on LG#9.2 Probability is on Wednesday June 5th. Students have to hand in the review for the rewrite sheet before they complete the rewrite. The answer keys to both rewrite sheets have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment on LG#5: Circles will compete it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Student should complete pages 10 - 12 in the booklet for homework if they did not complete them in class. The rewrite on LG#9.2 Probability is on Tuesday June 4th. Students have to hand in the review for the rewrite sheet before they complete the rewrite. The answer keys to both rewrite sheets have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that missed the assessment on LG#5: Circles will compete it when they return to class.
May 31, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students were given back the assessment on probability today. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will complete it on Tuesday, June 4th. Students were given a review for rewrite sheet that should be handed in on Monday, June 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given back the assessment on probability today. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will complete it on Tuesday, June 4th. Students were given a review for rewrite sheet that should be handed in on Monday, June 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing for LG#5 assessment on Monday, June 3rd. The answer keys and work/review sheets can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for LG#5 assessment on Monday, June 3rd. The answer keys and work/review sheets can be found on google classroom.
May 30, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We completed the section on parallel and perpendicular lines. Please complete pages 5 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students worked on worksheet #1. Students will be given back their LG9.2:Probability assessment tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed the section on parallel and perpendicular lines. Please complete pages 5 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students worked on worksheet #1. Students will be given back their LG9.2:Probability assessment tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We continued correcting review #1. Students should be reviewing in the evenings. The assessment on LG#5 is on Monday, June 3rd.
May 29, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We started LG#10: Geometry today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started LG#10: Geometry today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be completing the review sheet and studying for the assessment on Monday, June 3rd. The review sheet and worksheets and answer keys can be found in the stream in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be completing the review sheet and studying for the assessment on Monday, June 3rd. The review sheet and worksheets and answer keys can be found in the stream in google classroom.
May 28, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing in the evening for the assessment on LG#5 - Circles which is on Monday, June 3rd. There are 4 worksheets and a review sheet uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment on LG#9.2-Probability will write it when they return to class. We will start our last learning goal, LG#10 - Geometry, tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the assessment on LG#9.2-Probability will write it when they return to class. We will start our last learning goal, LG#10 - Geometry, tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the assessment on LG#9.2-Probability will write it when they return to class. We will start our last learning goal, LG#10 - Geometry, tomorrow.
May 27, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
The assessment on LG#9.2:Probability is tomorrow, May 28th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should have worksheets #1-3 completed. We started working on worksheet #4 today in class. The worksheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. The assessment on LG#5: Circles is on Monday, June 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment on LG#9.2:Probability is tomorrow, May 28th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should have worksheets #1-3 completed. We started working on worksheet #4 today in class. The worksheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. The assessment on LG#5: Circles is on Monday, June 3rd.
May 24, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students had a catch-up class to complete any missed or in complete work.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment on LG#9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, May 28th. Students worked on Review #1 today in class. The sheet and answer key to both worksheets and the review sheet can be found on google classroom. Students should be reviewing over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
The assessment on LG#5: Circles is on Monday, June 3rd. The worksheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 110A
The assessment on LG#9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, May 28th. Students worked on Review #1 today in class. The sheet and answer key to both worksheets and the review sheet can be found on google classroom. Students should be reviewing over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
The assessment on LG#5: Circles is on Monday, June 3rd. The worksheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
May 23, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The rewrite for LG#9.1-Statastics is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before they write the assessment. Students should complete pages 39 - 42 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The assessment on the new material, LG#9.2-Probability is on Tuesday, May 28th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete the review on pages 19 - 22 in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. The assessment on LG5-Circle Geometry is tentatively scheduled for June 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
The rewrite for LG#9.1-Statastics is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before they write the assessment. Students should complete pages 39 - 42 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The assessment on the new material, LG#9.2-Probability is on Tuesday, May 28th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete the review on pages 19 - 22 in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. The assessment on LG5-Circle Geometry is tentatively scheduled for June 3rd.
May 22, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
The rewrite on learning goal #9.1 - Statistics is Friday. Please hand in the review for rewrite sheet before the assessment. We completed the booklet today for learning goal #9.2 Students can work on the review section (pages 37 - 40) for homework. The assessment on learning goal #9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, May 28th
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The rewrite on learning goal #9.1 - Statistics is Friday. Please hand in the review for rewrite sheet before the assessment. We completed the booklet today for learning goal #9.2 Students can work on the review section (pages 37 - 38) for homework. The assessment on learning goal #9.2 - Probability Tuesday, May 28th
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
The rewrite on learning goal #3.4 - Inequalities is tomorrow. Please hand in the review for rewrite sheet before the assessment. We completed The property on Chords of a circle today. Students should complete pages 13 - 14 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
The rewrite on learning goal #3.4 - Inequalities is tomorrow. Please hand in the review for rewrite sheet before the assessment. We completed The property on Chords of a circle today. Students should complete pages 13 - 14 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
May 21, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Pleas complete pages 33 - 34 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back the assessment on LG#9.1 Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, May 24th. The assessment on the new material (Probability) is tentatively set for Tuesday, May 28th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Pleas complete pages 11 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student wanting to do the rewrite on LG#3.4 - Inequalities will write it on Thursday, May 23th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Pleas complete pages 33 - 34 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back the assessment on LG#9.1 Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, May 24th. The assessment on the new material (Probability) is tentatively set for Tuesday, May 28th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Pleas complete pages 11 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student wanting to do the rewrite on LG#3.4 - Inequalities will write it on Thursday, May 23th.
May 17, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students were part of the clean-up activity today so we missed math class. Students should make sure they have pages 29 - 32 completed from yesterday's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should make sure they have pages 29 - 32 completed for Tuesday's class if they did not get them completed in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will be finishing our section on Stress next class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students were given back their assessment on LG#3.4 - Inequalities today. The rewrite on this learning goal will be on Thursday, May 23rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students were given back their assessment on LG#3.4 - Inequalities today. The rewrite on this learning goal will be on Thursday, May 23rd.
May 16, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 9 - 10 in the booklet and worksheet #1 - Tangent Properties (#3 - 6) for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 9 - 10 in the booklet and worksheet #1 - Tangent Properties (#3 - 6) for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 29 - 32 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
May 15, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete pages 23 - 27 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete pages 4 - 8 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that did not complete the assessment on learning goal #9.1 will write it when they return to class. We will start LG#9.1 tomorrow - probability.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete pages 4 - 8 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
May 14, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our section on stress.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal#9.1 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that missed the assessment will write it when they return to class. We started LG#5 today - Circle Geometry
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the assessment will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment will write it when they return to class. We started LG#5 today - Circle Geometry
May 13, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment on learning goal#9.1 has been moved to Wednesday, May 15tt. Students should be completing the review sheets at home if they are not getting them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment today on learning goal #3.3 will write it when they return to class. We will start new material tomorrow (Circle Geometry).
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
The assessment on learning goal#9.1 has been moved to Wednesday, May 15tt. Students should be completing the review sheets at home if they are not getting them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment today on learning goal #3.3 will write it when they return to class. We will start new material tomorrow (Circle Geometry).
May 10, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be reviewing over the weekend for the assessment on Tuesday on Statistics (LG#9.1).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing over the weekend for the assessment on Tuesday on Statistics (LG#9.1).
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing over the weekend for the assessment on Monday on inequalities (LG#3.4).
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing over the weekend for the assessment on Monday on inequalities (LG#3.4).
May 9, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG#9.1 - Statistics which is on Tuesday, May 14th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG#3.4-Inequalities which is on Monday May 13th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG#9.1 - Statistics which is on Tuesday, May 14th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG#3.4-Inequalities which is on Monday May 13th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
May 8, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
The rewrite on LG8.2 - 8.3 is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in today (or before they write the assessment tomorrow). If students do not complete this sheet they will write the rewrite when thy do complete the review sheet. The assessment on the new material LG9.1 - Statistics is on Tuesday, May 14th. Students should complete #14 - 19 on the review sheet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Please make sure you are reviewing the application questions (Booklet pages 13 - 16) and several questions on the review sheet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The rewrite on LG8.2 - 8.3 is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in today (or before they write the assessment tomorrow). If students do not complete this sheet they will write the rewrite when thy do complete the review sheet. The assessment on the new material LG9.1 - Statistics is on Tuesday, May 14th. Students should complete #1 - 12 on the review sheet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Please make sure you are reviewing the application questions (Booklet pages 13 - 16) and several questions on the review sheet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our section on Stress. We also had a catch up class today for any student that has missing work.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
The rewrite on LG#3.3. is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in today (or before they write the assessment tomorrow). If students do not complete this sheet they will write the rewrite when thy do complete the review sheet. The assessment on the new material LG3.4 -inequalities is on Monday, May 13th. Students should be completing the review/worksheets that have been uploaded to gallery. The answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
The rewrite on LG#3.3. is tomorrow. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in today (or before they write the assessment tomorrow). If students do not complete this sheet they will write the rewrite when thy do complete the review sheet. The assessment on the new material LG3.4 -inequalities is on Monday, May 13th. Students should be completing the review/worksheets that have been uploaded to gallery. The answer keys are on google classroom.
May 7, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be working on the two worksheets uploaded to google classroom. The answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom. Students who are doing the rewrite on Thursday should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before they write the rewrite. The assessment on inequalities is on Monday, May 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be working on the two worksheets uploaded to google classroom. The answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom. Students who are doing the rewrite on Thursday should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before they write the rewrite. The assessment on inequalities is on Monday, May 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be working on the review sheet (called R1 MMMRO) questions 1 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The answer key is attached to the review sheet. Students who are completing the rewrite on Thursday should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before Thursday. The assessment on the new material, LG9.1-Statatistics is on Tuesday, May 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be working on the review sheet (called R1 MMMRO) questions 1 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The answer key is attached to the review sheet. Students who are completing the rewrite on Thursday should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in before Thursday. The assessment on the new material, LG9.1-Statatistics is on Tuesday, May 14th.
May 6, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 9 - 13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG8.2 - 8.3 is on Thursday. Any student wanting to write the rewrite should complete the review sheet and hand it in before Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 95 - 96 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG3.3 is on Thursday. Any student wanting to write the rewrite should complete the review sheet and hand it in before Thursday. The assessment on the new material - Inequalities is on Monday, May 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 9 - 12 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG8.2 - 8.3 is on Thursday. Any student wanting to write the rewrite should complete the review sheet and hand it in before Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 95 - 96 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG3.3 is on Thursday. Any student wanting to write the rewrite should complete the review sheet and hand it in before Thursday. The assessment on the new material - Inequalities is on Monday, May 13th.
May 3, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our worksheets on Stress.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 21 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given back their assessment on LG #8.2 - 8.3. Any students wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Thursday, May 9th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 92 - 96 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back their assessment on LG #3.3. Any students wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Thursday, May 9th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 21 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given back their assessment on LG #8.2 - 8.3. Any students wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Thursday, May 9th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 92 - 96 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back their assessment on LG #3.3. Any students wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Thursday, May 9th.
May 2, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 8, 20 (#23 - 28) and 21 if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 88 - 90 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The assessment on inequalities is tentatively set for Monday May 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 8, 20 and 21 if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 88 - 90 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The assessment on inequalities is tentatively set for Monday May 13th.
May 1, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 7, 8 and 17m, 18 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 7, 8 and 17m, 18 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 86 in the booklet and worksheet#1 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 86 in the booklet and worksheet#1 for homework.
April 30, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We started LG9 today. Students should complete page 6 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We started inequalities today. Students should complete page 86 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started LG9 today. Students should complete page 86 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We started LG9 today. Students should complete page 86 for homework.
April 29, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that did not complete the assessment will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #9 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that did not complete the assessment will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #9 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our section on Stress.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that did not complete the assessment will write it when they return to class. We will start the learning goal on inequalities tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that did not complete the assessment will write it when they return to class. We will start the learning goal on inequalities tomorrow.
April 26, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Your assessment on learning goal 3.3-3.4 is on Monday, April 29th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. For extra practice you should complete the following questions in the booklet if you have not already completed them. The equations on Page 79 h, j, k, l, Page 80 m, r. The word problems on Pages 81 - 83.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Your assessment on learning goal 3.3-3.4 is on Monday, April 29th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. For extra practice you should complete the following questions in the booklet if you have not already completed them. The equations on Page 79 h, j, k, l, Page 80 m, r. The word problems on Pages 81 - 83.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Your assessment on learning goal 8.2 - 8.3 is on Monday, April 29th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. For extra practice you should complete the new 'Rev#3-Graphing' sheet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment on learning goal 8.2 - 8.3 is on Monday, April 29th. The review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. For extra practice you should complete the new 'Rev#3-Graphing' sheet.
April 25, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should work on any of the review sheets handed out in class. Today we worked on REV1 Word Problems. Students can continue to work on this sheet or work on REV2 Graphing - Equations. The assessment for learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 is on Monday, April 29th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should work on any of the review sheets handed out in class. Today we worked on a Word Problems review sheet and an error questions review sheet. Students can continue to work on these sheets. The assessment for learning goal #3.2 - 3.3 is on Monday, April 29th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should work on any of the review sheets handed out in class. Today we worked on REV1 Word Problems. Students can continue to work on this sheet or work on REV2 Graphing - Equations. The assessment for learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 is on Monday, April 29th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should work on any of the review sheets handed out in class. Today we worked on a Word Problems review sheet and an error questions review sheet. Students can continue to work on these sheets. The assessment for learning goal #3.2 - 3.3 is on Monday, April 29th.
April 24, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing to complete our section on Stress.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet on Word explanation problems. Your assessment on learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 has been moved to Monday April 29th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please work on either of the review sheets handed out in class as part of your review for your assessment on learning goal #3.3 - 3.4. The answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #3.3 - 3.4 has been moved to Monday April 29th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete #1 - 3 on the new review sheet 'Rev1-Word-Pro'. Your assessment on learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 has been moved to Monday April 29th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please work on either of the review sheets handed out in class as part of your review for your assessment on learning goal #3.3 - 3.4. The answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #3.3 - 3.4 is on Friday April 26th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
April 23, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete practice questions 1 - 3 on worksheet Word Problem Explanation'. The assessment on learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 is on Friday, April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete Review sheet #1: Equations for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #3.3- 3.4 is on Friday April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete practice questions 1 - 3 on worksheet Word Problem Explanation'. The assessment on learning goal #8.2 - 8.3 is on Friday, April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete Review sheet #1: Equations for homework if you did not get it completed in class. he assessment on learning goal #3.3- 3.4 is on Monday April 29th.
April 22, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We reviewed using algebra today. Tomorrow we will review word problems. The assessment on learning goal 8.2 - 8.3 is on Friday, April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We reviewed using algebra today. Tomorrow we will review word problems. The assessment on learning goal 8.2 - 8.3 is on Friday, April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We started reviewing today for the assessment on Friday, April 26th. Students should be completing the review section of the booklet (pages 77 - 83) for homework. Specific questions are Page 79 h , j, k, l and page 80 m, r. The word problems on pages 81 - 83.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We started reviewing today for the assessment on Friday, April 26th. Students should be completing the review section of the booklet (pages 77 - 83) for homework. Specific questions are Page 79 h , j, k, l and page 80 m, r. The word problems on pages 81 - 83.
April 19, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We have completed the outcomes for learning goal 8.2-8.3. Students were working on the review pages today at the end of the booklet, pages 37 - 40. These pages should be completed if they were not completed in class. The assessment on this learning goal will be Friday, April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete questions on pages 70 - 72 in the booklet for homework. We will start word problems on Monday. This will complete the outcomes for learning goal 3.2-3.3. The assessment for this learning goal will be Friday, April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed the outcomes for learning goal 8.2-8.3. Student should complete page 36 in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. We will complete the review section on Monday, pages 37 - 40 in the booklet and continue to practice for the rest of the week as the assessment for this learning goal will be Friday, April 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete questions on pages 70 - 72 in the booklet for homework. We will start word problems on Monday. This will complete the outcomes for learning goal 3.2-3.3. The assessment for this learning goal will be Friday, April 26th.
April 18, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 34 - 35 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working through the unit on Stress.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 69 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 69 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
April 17, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 69 1a) for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 69 1b) for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 32 - 33 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 29 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
April 16, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 29 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete some questions on pages 63 - 65 in the booklet for homework if you do not have these pages completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 25 - 28 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete some questions on pages 63 - 65 in the booklet for homework if you do not have these pages completed.
April 15, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on Stress Management today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete question #2a - b on page 229 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The textbook has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that missed the rewrite today will write it when thy return to class. Complete at least two of the questions on pages 62 - 64 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete question #3a on page 229 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The textbook has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the rewrite today will write it when thy return to class. Complete at least two of the questions on pages 62 - 64 for homework.
April 12, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete pages 23 - 24 in the booklet for Monday's class. Any student writing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for the rewrite sheet so they can hand it in on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete pages 60-62 in the booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student writing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for the rewrite sheet so they can hand it in on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete pages 23 - 24 in the booklet and in the textbook page 229 #1 - 3 for Monday's class. Any student writing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for the rewrite sheet so they can hand it in on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete pages 60-62 in the booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student writing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for the rewrite sheet so they can hand it in on Monday.
April 11, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite is on Monday, April 15th for LG 8.1.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 19 (a and b) in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite is on Monday, April 15th for LG 8.1.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 58 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite is on Monday, April 15th for LG 3.1 - 3.2.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 58 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite is on Monday, April 15th for LG 3.1 - 3.2.
April 10, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete questions 3 and 4 on the describing worksheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for rewrite worksheet. This worksheet is to be completed and handed in no later than Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete questions 3 and 4 on the describing worksheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for rewrite worksheet. This worksheet is to be completed and handed in no later than Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete the two-step worksheet (questions #1-24, using the distributive property)for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for rewrite worksheet. This worksheet is to be completed and handed in no later than Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete the two-step worksheet (questions #1-24, using the distributive property)for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on Monday should be completing the review for rewrite worksheet. This worksheet is to be completed and handed in no later than Monday.
April 9, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete questions #1 -2 on Worksheet for Describing patterns. The rewrite for LG#8.1 is on Monday April 15th. Any student wanting to write the rewrite will pass in their completed review for rewrite sheet before Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete questions #1 -2 on Worksheet for Describing patterns. The rewrite for LG#8.1 is on Monday April 15th. Any student wanting to write the rewrite will pass in their completed review for rewrite sheet before Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing with A Healthy You - Self Concept.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete questions #1 -33 on the Two Step Worksheet for solving equations. The rewrite for LG#8.1 is on Monday April 15th. Any student wanting to write the rewrite will pass in their completed review for rewrite sheet before Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete questions #1 -33 on the Two Step Worksheet for solving equations. The rewrite for LG#8.1 is on Monday April 15th. Any student wanting to write the rewrite will pass in their completed review for rewrite sheet before Monday.
April 8, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students were given back the assessment from before the Easter break. We went over it in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on this learning goal will have the opportunity on Monday, April 15th. They will be given a copy of the review for rewrite sheet tomorrow in class. This has to be completed and handed in before Monday in order to complete the rewrite. We started solving equations today. Students were given a one-step worksheet that should be completed for homework if they did not get it completed in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students were given back the assessment from before the Easter break. We went over it in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on this learning goal will have the opportunity on Monday, April 15th. They will be given a copy of the review for rewrite sheet tomorrow in class. This has to be completed and handed in before Monday in order to complete the rewrite. Students were given a one-step worksheet that should be completed for homework if they did not get it completed in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students were given back the assessment from before the Easter break. We went over it in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on this learning goal will have the opportunity on Monday, April 15th. They will be given a copy of the review for rewrite sheet tomorrow in class. This has to be completed and handed in before Monday in order to complete the rewrite. We started graphing relations today in class. Students should complete pages 13 - 14 in LG #8 booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given back the assessment from before the Easter break. We went over it in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on this learning goal will have the opportunity on Monday, April 15th. They will be given a copy of the review for rewrite sheet tomorrow in class. This has to be completed and handed in before Monday in order to complete the rewrite. Students should complete page 13 in LG #8 booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
March 27, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We finished a worksheet on Self concept.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student not completing LG#8.1 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) assessment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student not completing LG#3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) assessment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student not completing LG#8.1 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet)assessment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student not completing LG#3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) assessment today will write it when they return to class.
March 26, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) for homework as the assessment is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) for homework as the assessment is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) for homework as the assessment is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) for homework as the assessment is tomorrow.
March 25, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete review #1 (pages 1 - 12) if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) will be on Wednesday, March 27.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete review #1 (pages 1 - 12) if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) will be on Wednesday, March 27.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete The full review sheet (#1 and #8 - 17) if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 39 - 55 excluding pages 50 and 51 in the booklet) will be on Wednesday, March 27.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete The full review sheet (#1 and #8 - 17) if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 39 - 55 excluding pages 50 and 51 in the booklet) will be on Wednesday, March 27.
March 21, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should have completed the questions from the textbook. I have uploaded both set of questions to google classroom. The textbook has been uploaded as well for any extra practice if needed. Students can work on review sheet #1 that has been uploaded to gallery. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) is on Wednesday March 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should have completed the questions from the textbook. I have uploaded both set of questions to google classroom. The textbook has been uploaded as well for any extra practice if needed. Students can work on review sheet #1 that has been uploaded to gallery. The assessment on learning goal #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet) is on Wednesday March 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started the section on a healthy self - concept today.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should have completed the questions in the booklet up to page 55. The completed notes have been uploaded to google classroom. Students should be completing any of the worksheets from class as practice for LG#3 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) assessment. The assessment is on Wednesday March 27th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should have completed the questions in the booklet up to page 55. The completed notes have been uploaded to google classroom. Students should be completing any of the worksheets from class as practice for LG#3 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) assessment. The assessment is on Wednesday March 27th.
March 20, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG #3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet). The assessment is on Wednesday March 27th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG #3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet). The assessment is on Wednesday March 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete page 29 #6 and 8 in the textbook for homework if they did not get them completed in class. If completed students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet). The assessment is on Wednesday March 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete page 28 #2, 3, 4 in the textbook for homework if they did not get them completed in class. If completed students should be reviewing for the assessment on LG #8 (pages 1 - 12 in the booklet). The assessment is on Wednesday March 27th.
March 19, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that is writing the rewrite on LG#7 tomorrow should be completing the review for review sheet. This sheet needs to be handed in before the student can write the rewrite. Students should complete at least the following questions from the textbook if you did not get them completed in class. Page 23 #1, page 27#1, page 28 #2, 3, 4.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that is writing the rewrite on LG#3.2 tomorrow should be completing the review for review sheet. This sheet needs to be handed in before the student can write the rewrite. Students should be working on the following pages from the booklet pages 44 - 48 and 50 - 55. The assessment on learning goal 3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) is on Wednesday, March 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that is writing the rewrite on LG#7 tomorrow should be completing the review for review sheet. This sheet needs to be handed in before the student can write the rewrite. Students should complete at least the following questions from the textbook if you did not get them completed in class. Page 23 #1, page 27#1, page 28 #2, 3, 4.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that is writing the rewrite on LG#3.2 tomorrow should be completing the review for review sheet. This sheet needs to be handed in before the student can write the rewrite. Students should be working on the following pages from the booklet pages 44 - 48 and 50 - 55. The assessment on learning goal 3.1 (pages 39 - 55 in the booklet) is on Wednesday, March 27th.
March 18, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed a worksheet on good and bad habits and how to improve them.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 8 - 10 in the booklet if you did not complete them in class. The rewrite on learning goal #7 is on Wednesday, March 20th. Students must complete the review for rewrite worksheet before they can complete the rewrite. Math help is available on Tuesday at lunch with Miss White in Rm 226.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 39 - 44 and 48 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal 3.2 is on Wednesday, March 20th. Students must complete the review for rewrite worksheet before they can complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 8 - 10 in the booklet if you did not complete them in class. The rewrite on learning goal #7 is on Wednesday, March 20th. Students must complete the review for rewrite worksheet before they can complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 39 - 43 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal 3.2 is on Wednesday, March 20th. Students must complete the review for rewrite worksheet before they can complete the rewrite. Math help is available on Tuesday at lunch with Miss White in Rm 226.
March 15, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on LG#7 can do so on Wednesday, March 20th. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite as homework. There is no homework for LG#8.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on LG#3.2 can do so on Wednesday, March 20th. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite by completing the practice sheet as homework. This sheet is due on Tuesday or the latest Wednesday before the rewrite. Students should also be completing worksheet #3 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on LG#7 can do so on Wednesday, March 20th. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite as homework. There is no homework for LG#8.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on LG#3.2 can do so on Wednesday, March 20th. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite by completing the practice sheet as homework. This sheet is due on Tuesday or the latest Wednesday before the rewrite. Students should also be completing worksheet #3 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
March 14, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page #1 on the worksheet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page #1 on the worksheet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Continue to complete worksheet #3 from class today. The rewrite for LG#3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) will be Tuesday, March 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Continue to complete worksheet #3 from class today. The rewrite for LG#3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) will be Tuesday, March 19th.
March 13, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 3 - 6 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Continue to complete questions on worksheet#2: Rearranging equations for homework. We will start worksheet #3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 3 - 6 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Continue to complete questions on worksheet#2: Rearranging equations for homework. We will start worksheet #3 tomorrow.
March 12, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We started learning goal #8 today. There is no homework. Any student returning to class today will have tonight to review for learning goal #7 assessment and they can write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started learning goal #8 today. There is no homework. Any student returning to class today will have tonight to review for learning goal #7 assessment and they can write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We finished a worksheet on nutrition today. We will continue with nutrition next class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We started the next section in LG#3. learning goal #3 today. Students should complete page 30 for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student not in class today will complete LG#3 (pages 1 - 38) when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We started the next section in LG#3. learning goal #3 today. Students should complete page 30 for homework if they did not get it completed in class. Any student not in class today will complete LG#3 (pages 1 - 38) when they return to class.
March 11, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that missed the learning goal #3 assessment today will write it when they return to class. We will continue with booklet #3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the learning goal #3 assessment today will write it when they return to class. We will continue with booklet #3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the learning goal #7 assessment from Thursday will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #8 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the learning goal #7 assessment today will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #8 Tomorrow.
March 7, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on A Healthy You. We will be working thought worksheets in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #7 which is scheduled for tomorrow. In the event school is closed tomorrow the assessment will be on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) which is scheduled for tomorrow. In the event school is closed tomorrow the assessment will be on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
An student that did not write the assessment on learning goal #7 today will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #8 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) which is scheduled for tomorrow. In the event school is closed tomorrow the assessment will be on Monday.
March 5, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be working on their review sheets as the assessment on learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be working on their review sheets as the assessment on learning goal#7 is on Friday, March 8th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be working on their review sheets as the assessment on learning goal#3 is on Friday, March 8th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. The assessment will cover pages 1 - 38 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be working on their review sheets as the assessment on learning goal#3 is on Friday, March 8th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. The assessment will cover pages 1 - 38 in the booklet.
March 4, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete review#2: word problems if you did not get it completed in class. You assessment on learning goal #7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete review #3: Linear Relations for homework if you did not get it completed in class. If completed you can work on pages 32 - 38 in the booklet. Your assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) is on Friday, March 8th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete review#2: word problems if you did not get it completed in class. You assessment on learning goal #7 is on Friday, March 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 32 - 38 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. You assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) is on Friday, March 8th.
March 1, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #7 which is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #7 which is on Friday, March 8th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should have completed both the male and female worksheets on puberty.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
The rewrite on learning goal #4: Polynomials is on Monday, March 4th. The assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) is on Friday, March 8th. The 3 review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
The rewrite on learning goal #4: Polynomials is on Monday, March 4th. The assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38 in the booklet) is on Friday, March 8th. The 3 review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
February 29, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
The rewrite on learning goal#4 is on Monday. The review for rewrite sheet and the answer key have been uploaded to google classroom. The assessment for learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38) in the booklet is on Friday, March 8th. I have uploaded 3 review sheets and 2 answer keys.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
The rewrite on learning goal#4 is on Monday. The review for rewrite sheet and the answer key have been uploaded to google classroom. The assessment for learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 38) in the booklet is on Friday, March 8th. I have uploaded 3 review sheets and 2 answer keys.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete the review sheet handed out in class today for homework if you did not get it completed. The assessment on learning goal #7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment on learning goal #7 is on Thursday, March 7th. Students should review their notes this evening. You will be given a review tomorrow.
February 28, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We completed the booklet for learning goal#7. We will start reviewing tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We completed the booklet for learning goal#7. We will start reviewing tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 24 - 28 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will finish up to page 30 tomorrow. Your assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 30) will be on Friday, March 8. Remember, your rewrite for learning goal #4:Polynomials is on Monday, March 4th. Students should be completing the review for rewrite sheet to behanded in on Friday if they are doing the rewrite on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 24 - 28 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will finish up to page 30 tomorrow. Your assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 30) will be on Friday, March 8. Remember, your rewrite for learning goal #4:Polynomials is on Monday, March 4th. Students should be completing the review for rewrite sheet to behanded in on Friday if they are doing the rewrite on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed the booklet for learning goal#7. We will start reviewing tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed the booklet for learning goal#7. We will start reviewing tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal#7 is on Thursday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 24 - 28 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will finish up to page 30 tomorrow. Your assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 30) will be on Friday, March 8. Remember, your rewrite for learning goal #4:Polynomials is on Monday, March 4th. Students should be completing the review for rewrite sheet to behanded in on Friday if they are doing the rewrite on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We completed up to page 30 in the booklet. Your assessment on learning goal #3 (pages 1 - 30) will be on Friday, March 8. Remember, your rewrite for learning goal #4:Polynomials is on Monday, March 4th. Students should be completing the review for rewrite sheet to behanded in on Friday if they are doing the rewrite on Monday.
February 27, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started the Puberty worksheet for Girls today in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 22 - 23 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 23 - 28 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal #4 is on Monday. Students are to complete the 'Review for Rewrite' Sheet handed out in class today before they can write the rewrite. This sheet is due on Friday or before the rewrite on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 21 - 23 in the booklet for homework if you do not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 20 - 23 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal #4 is on Monday. Students are to complete the 'Review for Rewrite' Sheet handed out in class today before they can write the rewrite. This sheet is due on Friday or before the rewrite on Monday.
February 26, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 21 for homework is you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We went over LG#4 assessment in class today. The rewrite for this learning goal is on Monday, March 4th. Complete pages 20 - 21 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We completed a worksheet today in class. We will start page 22 in the booklet tomorrow. Students should make sure they have pages 1 - 21 completed in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We went over LG#4 assessment in class today. The rewrite for this learning goal is on Monday, March 4th. We started a new section today, page 22 in the booklet.
February 23, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student who is doing the rewrite on Monday on LG#6: Circumference and Area, should be reviewing on the weekend. Students need to hand in the completed 'Review for Rewrite' worksheet before writing the rewrite. This sheet and the answer key have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student who is doing the rewrite on Monday on LG#6: Circumference and Area, should be reviewing on the weekend. Students need to hand in the completed 'Review for Rewrite' worksheet before writing the rewrite. This sheet and the answer key have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 15 - 21 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 14 - 18 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
February 22, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 18 - 19 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite has been changed until Monday, Feb 26th. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in to be tomorrow, Friday or before you complete the rewrite on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 12 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 13 - 15 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite has been changed until Monday, Feb 26th. Students should complete the review for rewrite sheet and hand it in to be tomorrow, Friday or before you complete the rewrite on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 10 - 13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
February 21, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 13 - 15 in the booklet if you did not get them completed for homework. Students should be working on the 'review for rewrite' worksheet if they are completing the rewrite on Friday, Feb. 23rd. The worksheet is due on Thursday or on Friday before the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 10 - 11 in the booklet if you did not get them completed for homework. Students should be working on the 'review for rewrite' worksheet if they are completing the rewrite on Friday, Feb. 23rd. The worksheet is due on Thursday or on Friday before the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We continued to work on the Puberty for Boys worksheet in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We corrected pages 10 - 11 in class. Students started worksheet#1: Tables and word problems. Students should complete page one of this worksheet if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete the practice pages 10 - 11 for homework.
February 20, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We completed pages 7 - 9 in class. Students should work on pages 10-11 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 7 - 9 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 184, #2, 4, 5, 8 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite will have the opportunity to write it on Friday, Feb. 23rd. The Review for the Rewrite sheet has to be completed before you can complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 9 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite will have the opportunity to write it on Friday, Feb. 23rd. The Review for the Rewrite sheet has to be completed before you can complete the rewrite.
February 19, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 10 - 11 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back learning goal #6 today and we went over it in class. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, Feb. 23rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We started learning goal #3 today. Complete pages 1 - 5 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 4 - 5 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students were given back learning goal #6 today and we went over it in class. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, Feb. 23rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We started learning goal #3 today. Complete pages 1 - 5 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
February 16, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on Puberty today in Health class. We will be working on completing those worksheets for a few classes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started learning goal #7 today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student having missed the assessment on learning goal #4 will write it when they return to class. We will start our new learning goal on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 3 - 9 in the booklet for homework if you do not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student having missed the assessment on learning goal #4 will write it when they return to class. We will start our new learning goal on Monday.
February 13, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We started learning goal #7 today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Learning goal #4 assessment on Polynomials is tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 14th. In the even of a snow day the assessment will be on the day we return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed learning goal #6 assessment will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Learning goal #4 assessment on Polynomials is tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 14th. In the even of a snow day the assessment will be on the day we return to school.
February 8, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student missing LG$6 assessment from today will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #7 on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete the review at the end of the booklet (pages 55 - 62) if they did not get them completed in class. The assessment on learning goal#4 is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th. I have uploaded an extra review sheet to google classroom for students who requested an extra sheet. Any student having trouble with polynomials should also complete the review sheet. The completed booklet and the answer key to the review sheet have also been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We corrected review sheet #3 today in class. The assessment on learning goal #3 has been changed from today, Thursday to Tuesday, Feb. 13th. Students should be reviewing the formulas and the review sheets to help prepare for this assessment.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete the review at the end of the booklet if they did not get it completed in class (pages 55 - 62). I have uploaded an extra review sheet to google classroom for students who requested an extra sheet. Any student having trouble with polynomials should also complete the review sheet. The assessment on learning goal#4 is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.
February 7, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed our letters to our future self (to be opened in grade 9).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page #1 on worksheet #3 if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #6 has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Feb. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We Completed pages 50 - 55 in the booklet today in class. For homework students should work on the review sheets, pages 56 - 62 in the booklet. Your assessment on learning goal #4 is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete review #3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The answer keys for all three review sheets have been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is tomorrow, Feb, 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We Completed pages 48 - 51 in the booklet today in class. For homework students should work on pages 51 - 55 in the booklet. Your assessment on learning goal #4 is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.
February 5, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be working on review #2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be working on review #2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #6 has been changed to Thursday. Feb. 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 47 - 51 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG#4: Polynomials is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 45 - 47 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG#4: Polynomials is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.
February 2, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be working on the last couple of pages of worksheet#1. If this worksheet is completed students should be working on Worksheet #2. This sheet has been uploaded to gallery. The answer keys and the worksheets can be found in google classroom. The assessment on LG#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 43 - 46 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG#4:Polynomials is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be working on the last couple of pages of worksheet#1. If this worksheet is completed students should be working on Worksheet #2. This sheet has been uploaded to gallery. The answer keys and the worksheets can be found in google classroom. The assessment on LG#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 42 - 44 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG#4:Polynomials is on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.
February 1, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should have questions #1 - 14 completed on worksheet #1 (page 1 - 2). If completed students should be working on page 3.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should have questions #1 - 14 completed on worksheet #1 (page 1 - 2). If completed students should be working on page 3. Your assessment on learning goal#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Because of a missed Religion class, students were given some time today during health to finish there religion worksheets. Your assessment on learning goal#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We corrected pages 37 - 39 in the booklet. Complete pages 40 - 43 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We corrected pages 36 - 39 in the booklet. Complete pages 40 - 41 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
January 31, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 32 - 36 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. I have uploaded the link to the videos on the NLSchools website to google classroom if any student would like to use them as a reference for review.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 32 - 36 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. I have uploaded the link to the videos on the NLSchools website to google classroom if any student would like to use them as a reference for review.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete questions 1 - 5 on review sheet #1 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The answer key to worksheet #6: Composite diagrams has been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. Please review your formulas in the evenings as you will need to remember them for the assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete worksheet#6:Composite Diagrams for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The answer key to worksheet #6: Composite diagrams has been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th.Please review your formulas in the evenings as you will need to remember them for the assessment.
January 30, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We completed the booklet. Complete questions 1 and 2 on worksheet #6:Composite diagrams for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The partial answer key has been uploaded to google classroom. The formula sheet has also been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on LG#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. Remember!! You cannot use the formula sheet on the assessment. You have to understand when to use what formula depending on what the question is asking.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We starting working on Review#1. Students should complete page 1 and 2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The answer key has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed the booklet. Complete question 1a, b, c on worksheet #6:Composite diagrams for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. The partial answer key has been uploaded to google classroom. The formula sheet has also been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on LG#6 is on Wednesday, Feb. 7th. Remember!! You cannot use the formula sheet on the assessment. You have to understand when to use what formula depending on what the question is asking.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be working on completing review #1 for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The answer key has been uploaded to google classroom.
January 29, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We had a catch-up day today for religion. Any student that does not have work completed will need to complete this work by Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student not having worksheet #4 on circles completed should complete it for homework. The answer key has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete Review#1: Characteristics of Polynomials-Addition-Subtraction for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student having missed the rewrite from Friday will write it when they return to class. Please remember the review sheet has to be completed and handed in to me before you can complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Because of early dismissal we missed math class. Any student not having worksheet #4 on circles completed should complete it for homework. The answer key has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Because of the early dismissal we missed math class. Students should complete pages 28 - 31 in the booklet as we will be reviewing tomorrow. Any student having missed the rewrite from Friday will write it when they return to class. Please remember the review sheet has to be completed and handed in to me before you can complete the rewrite.
January 26, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 23 - 24 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will start worksheet #4:Find the area of the Circle on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 27-31 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student that missed the rewrite can complete it on Monday. Please bring the review sheet as well as this sheet has to be completed before you do the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 23 - 24 in the booklet and questions 1 - 16 on worksheet #4, area of circles worksheet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete review sheet#1:characteristics of polynomials-addition-subtraction if you did not get them completed in class. Any student that missed the rewrite can complete it on Monday. Please bring the review sheet as well as this sheet has to be completed before you do the rewrite.
January 25, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete worksheet#3: Find the area of Triangles if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on LG6 has been set for Feb. 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 1 and questions 1 - 4 on page 2 on worksheet#3:Find the area of Triangles , if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on LG6 has been set for Feb. 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 27 - 31 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 25 - 27 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
January 24, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We had Bell Let's talk today. So there is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We had Bell Let's talk today. So there is no homework. Any student completing the rewrite on Friday should hand in the review sheet tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 19 - 20 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 19 - 23 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on Friday should hand in the review sheet tomorrow during class.
January 23, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the word problems (#10 - 12) on worksheet #2 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are nearing the end of term one. Any work not completed in class by next week will be completed at home.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 25 - 27 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete pages 15 - 18 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
January 22, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 19 - 22 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite for LG2.3:Similar triangles is on Friday. Any student wanting to write the rewrite should hand in the practice sheet by Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 10-15 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite for LG2.3:Similar Triangles is on Friday. Any student wanting to write the rewrite should hand in the practice sheet by Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 1 -2 on worksheet #2 (Find the circumference of a circle and the area of a parallelogram) if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 1 on worksheet #2 (Find the circumference of a circle and the area of a parallelogram) if you did not get it completed in class.
January 19, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 19 - 21 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We went over the LG 2.3: Similar Triangles assessment in class today. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, Jan 26th. Please let me know if you are writing it asap. I uploaded the answers to the textbook questions covered in today's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 17 - 19 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We went over the LG 2.3: Similar Triangles assessment in class today. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will write it on Friday, Jan 26th. Please let me know if you are writing it asap. Complete pages 15 - 17 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
January 18, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are completing our Champions of Faith section. The worksheets will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 12-13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are competing the rewrite on LG5.1:Constructing Circle Graphs should review this evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 13- 14 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 12-13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are competing the rewrite on LG5.1:Constructing Circle Graphs should review this evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 7 - 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
January 17, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete worksheet #1, question #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We started LG#4:Polynomials. Complete page 4 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We finished correcting worksheet#1, so this sheet should be completed. We will start the next section tomorrow: Finding Area.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 7-9 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
January 16, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete worksheet #1 Questions #1 and 2 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on LG5.1: Circle Graphs will be on Friday for any student who would like to do the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete example #1 on page 20 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your rewrite on LG5.1: Circle Graphs will be on Friday for any student who would like to do the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We started LG#4 today. Complete page 7 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment on LG2.3: Similar Triangles today can write it when they return to class. We will start LG#4 tomorrow.
January 15, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete example #1 on page 10 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student missing the assessment on LG#2.3:Similar Triangles can write is when they return to class. We will start LG#4:Polynomials tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete example #1 on page 7 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Your assessment on LG#2.3:Similar Triangles is tomorrow. You should be reviewing the worksheets from class. The worksheets and answer keys are uploaded to google classroom.
January 12, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We investigated the relationship between circumference and diameter. Any student that missed class should fill in the table on page 5 so it is completed for Monday's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete page 4 in the booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. We started our investigation on the relationship between circumference and diameter. We will complete it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our section on Champions of Faith.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing the worksheets from class as their assessment on LG#2.3: Proving Similar Triangles is on Monday, Jan 15th. The worksheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing the worksheets from class as their assessment on LG#2.3:Proving Similar Triangles is now on Tuesday, Jan 16th. The worksheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
January 11, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete questions on the two worksheets uploaded to gallery. Your assessment on learning goal 2.3: Similar Polygons is on Monday, Jan 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete questions on the two worksheets uploaded to gallery. Your assessment on learning goal 2.3: Similar Polygons is on Monday, Jan 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We started LG#6.1 today. Please complete pages 1 - 4 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started LG#6.1 today. Please complete pages 1 - 3 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
January 10, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students completed the assessment on LG 5.1 today. We will start LG#6 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We have completed the booklet. Students should be completing some of the questions on the worksheet from class for homework. The assessment on LG2.3:Similar Triangles, is on Monday, Jan 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students completed the assessment on LG 5.1 today. Any student having missed the assessment will write it when they return to class. We will start LG#6 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We have completed the booklet. Students should be completing some of the questions on worksheet from class for homework. The assessment on LG2.3:Similar Triangles, is on Monday, Jan 15th.
January 9, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our section on Champions of Faith.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should have worksheet #1 completed. This is a good review for the assessment tomorrow on LG5.1: Constructing Circle Graphs.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 39 - 40 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG 2.3 is on Monday, Jan 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should have worksheet #1 and the puzzle worksheet completed. This is a good review for the assessment tomorrow on LG5.1: Constructing Circle Graphs.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 37 - 38 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG 2.3 is on Monday, Jan 15th.
January 8, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete #1-2 on the worksheet handed out in class. If you do not have a protractor at home you can complete the tables for #1 - 3 and draw your circle graph when you return to class. The assessment on LG5.1: Creating Circle Graphs is on Wednesday, Jan. 10. There is math help available today after school from 2:15 to 3:15 in the library.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete pages 35 - 36 in the booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete #3 4 on worksheet#1 and page 1 of the puzzle sheet handed out in class today. If you do not have a protractor at home you can complete the tables for #1 - 3 and draw your circle graph when you return to class. The assessment on LG5.1: Creating Circle Graphs is on Wednesday, Jan. 10. There is math help available today after school from 2:15 to 3:15 in the library.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete pages 35 - 36 in the booklet for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
January 4, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We have completed the booklet for learning goal 5.1. Students should complete numbers 1 and 2 on worksheet #1 handed out in class today. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on Interpreting Circle Graphs can write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
If you did not complete worksheet #1 in class today please complete it for homework. Your rewrite on learning goal 2.2 is on Monday, Jan. 8th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed the booklet for learning goal 5.1. We will begin a worksheet tomorrow on constructing circle graphs. Any student wanting to complete the rewrite on LG#5.2:Interpreting Circle Graphs can write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
If you did not complete worksheet #1 in class today please complete it for homework. Your rewrite on learning goal 2.2 is on Monday, Jan. 8th.
January 3, 2024
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete the table on page 10 in the booklet for homework. The rewrite for learning goal#5.1: Interpreting Circle Graphs is on Friday, Jan 5th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 8 - 9 in the booklet for homework. The rewrite for learning goal#5.1: Interpreting Circle Graphs is on Friday, Jan 5th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started a section on Champions of Faith today. All work will be completed in class
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 32-33 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#2.2 is on Monday, Jan. 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 32-33 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#2.2 is on Monday, Jan. 8th.
January 2, 2024
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
The rewrite on learning goal 2.2:Scale Factor will be on Monday, Jan. 8th. We are continuing with booklet #2. Please complete pages 30 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
The rewrite on learning goal 2.2:Scale Factor will be on Monday, Jan. 8th. We are continuing with booklet #2. Please complete pages 30 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
The rewrite on learning goal 5.1:Interpreting circle graphs will be on Friday, Jan. 5th. We are continuing with booklet #5. Please complete pages 6-8 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you have a compass set and a calculator at home please bring it to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The rewrite on learning goal 5.1:Interpreting circle graphs will be on Friday, Jan. 5th. We are continuing with booklet #5. Please complete page 6 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. If you have a compass set and a calculator at home please bring it to class tomorrow.
December 18, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the rewrite will have an opportunity to write it when they return to class. The assessment on learning goal#5.1: Interpreting Graphs is tomorrow. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment on learning goal #2.1:Scale Factors and Scale Diagrams will have an opportunity to write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the assessment on learning goal #5.1:Interpreting Graphs will have an opportunity to write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing this evening for the assessment on learning goal 2.1: Scale Factor and Scale Diagrams.
December 15, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the rewrite today on learning goal 4.2-4.3 can complete it when they return to class. Please have some of the review for rewrite sheet completed and handed in to me before the rewrite. The assessment on learning goal 5.1: Interpreting Circle Graphs is on Monday, Dec. 18th. Students should be working on the worksheets handed out in class or in their classroom folder.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student writing the rewrite on Monday, Dec. 18th should have the review for rewrite sheet completed and ready to hand in on Monday before I give out the rewrite. The assessment on learning goal 5.1: Interpreting Circle Graphs is on Tuesday, Dec. 19th. Students should be working on the worksheets handed out in class or in their classroom folder.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student wanted to improve the letter grade on learning goal 2.1: Composite Diagrams should have their work ready to hand in on Monday before the field trip. Students will miss math class on Monday because of an outing. Students should be reviewing for an assessment on Tuesday, Dec. 19th. It covers pages 21 - 29 in the booklet. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom or students can find them in their classroom folder.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student wanted to improve the letter grade on learning goal 2.1: Composite Diagrams should have their work ready to hand in on Monday. The assessment on learning goal 2.2: Scale factor and scale diagrams is on Monday, Dec. 18th It covers pages 21 - 29 in the booklet. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom or students can find them in their classroom folder.
December 14, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students will get an opportunity to complete the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3. Please bring in the review for the rewrite sheet you have been working on at home so I have it before you complete the rewrite tomorrow. Students should also be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal 5.1 (pages 2 - 5 in the booklet) which is on Monday, Dec. 18th. There are 2 worksheets in gallery that students should be working on in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student wanting to better their letter grade on assessment 2.1: Composite Diagrams should complete the errors in their assessment that was handed back on Wednesday. The due date for this is Monday, Dec. 18th. In the new section of the booklet, students should have completed pages 28 - 29 in the booklet. The assessment on Tuesday will cover pages 21 - 29 in the booklet. There is also a worksheet in the students classroom that students should be working on for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given back their assessment on learning goal #4.2 - 4.3 today. We went over it in class. Students will get an opportunity to complete the rewrite on Monday, Dec. 18th. Please bring in the review for the rewrite sheet you have been working on at home so I have it before you complete the rewrite tomorrow. Students should also be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal 5.1 (pages 2 - 5 in the booklet) which is on Tuesday, Dec. 19th. There are 2 worksheets in gallery (uploaded to the students classroom). Students should be working on worksheet #1 (pages 1-2) for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should have completed pages 28 - 29 in the booklet. The assessment on Tuesday will cover pages 21 - 29 in the booklet. There is also a worksheet in the students classroom that students should be working on for homework.
December 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We reviewed the LG 4.2-4.3 assessment. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will complete it on Friday, Dec. 15th. Students were given a worksheet today in class that they should be working on at home and handed in on Friday before they complete the rewrite on Friday. The assessment on Interpreting Graphs is on Monday, Dec. 18th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the LG 4.2-4.3 assessment will write it when they return to class. Any student wanting to do the rewrite on this assessment will complete it on Monday, Dec. 18th.We will complete pages 2 - 5 in the booklet tomorrow and the assessment on Interpreting Graphs (Pages 2 - 5 in the booklet is on Tuesday, Dec. 19th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework for Religion.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students were given back their 4.2 - 4.2 assessment. If any student would like to increase their letter grade they can do so by correcting the errors on the assessment and handing it in by Monday. There is an assessment on learning goal 2.2: scale diagrams and scale factors (pages 21 29 in the booklet) on Monday, Dec. 18th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students were given back their 4.2 - 4.2 assessment. If any student would like to increase their letter grade they can do so by correcting the errors on the assessment and handing it in by Monday. There is an assessment on learning goal 2.2: scale diagrams and scale factors (pages 21 29 in the booklet) on Monday, Dec. 18th.
December 12, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We are continuing to work on the next section in the booklet. The assessment for this section will be on Monday, Dec. 18th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We are continuing to work on the next section in the booklet. The assessment for this section will be on Monday, Dec. 18th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Updated notes from booklet #5: Circle Graphs have been uploaded to google classroom. There will be an assessment on Monday: Dec 18th on the first section Interpreting Graphs (Pages 1 - 5 in the booklet). We will go over the assessment on learning goal#4.2 - 4.3 tomorrow. The rewrite will be on Friday, Dec. 16th.
Students should review the worksheets, reviews sheets, and notes from class in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on Wednesday on learning goal#4.2-4.3. The rewrite for this will be on Monday. Students should be completing review #2-Word problems at home this evening in preparation for the assessment on Wednesday. We will start the unit learning goal#5.1 on Thursday. We will cover the first section (pages 2 - 5 in the booklet) and students will complete a short assessment on Tuesday, Dec. 19th.
December 11, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student missing the assessment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student who missed the assessment on Friday will write it when they return to class. We started the next section on booklet #2: Scale factor today. We completed pages 21 and 23 today in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the rewrite today will write it when they return to class. The assessment on learning goal 4.2-4.3 is on Wednesday, Dec. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student who missed the assessment on Friday will write it when they return to class. We are continuing on with booklet#2: Scale factor. We completed pages 21 and 23 today in class.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please continue to bring in donations for our Adopt-A-Senior Program. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
December 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students reviewed today for the rewrite on learning goal #4.1 which is on Monday, Dec. 11th. Students should also be reviewing for the new assessment on learning goal #4.2 - 4.3 which is on Wednesday, Dec. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student missing learning goal#2.1 assessment will write it on Monday, Dec. 11th. We will start the next section in learning goal#2 booklet on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the rewrite will have the opportunity to write it next week. Students should be reviewing for the new assessment on learning goal #4.2 - 4.3 which is Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student missing learning goal#2.1 assessment will write it on Monday, Dec. 11th. We will start the next section in learning goal#2 booklet on Monday.
December 7, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student wanting to write the rewrite on Monday for learning goal 4.1 should complete the review sheet and hand it in on Monday before they complete the rewrite. The assessment on Learning goal#4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Practice finding the surface area of the diagrams you picked in class as these will be the ones you will have on your assessment tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student wanting to write the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 4.1 should complete the review sheet and hand it in tomorrow before they complete the rewrite. The review sheet and answer key are on google classroom. The assessment on Learning goal#4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Practice finding the surface area of the diagrams you picked in class as these will be the ones you will have on your assessment tomorrow.
December 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Continue to complete the worksheet from class. Your rewrite on learning goal#4.1 is on Friday. Students were given a review sheet to work on and hand in on Friday before the rewrite. The assessment on learning goal#4.2-4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Continue to complete the worksheet from class. Your rewrite on learning goal#4.1 is now on Monday, Dec. 11th. I will post a review sheet for the rewrite to google classroom for students to complete and hand in on Monday before the rewrite. The assessment on learning goal#4.2-4.3 is now on Wednesday, Dec. 13th.Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Continue to work on both review sheets on composite diagrams. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal#2.1 is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Continue to work on both review sheets on composite diagrams. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal#2.1 is on Friday, Dec. 8th.
December 5, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 30 - 32 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on learning goal#4.1 is on Friday. Students should be reviewing in the evenings. Your assessment on learning goal #4.2-4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Continue to work on review #1 questions #1 - 12. If you are finished you can work on review #2, questions #13 - 22. Your assessment on learning goal #2 is on Friday, Dec. 8th. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 32 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on learning goal#4.1 is on Friday. Students should be reviewing in the evenings. Your assessment on learning goal #4.2-4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Continue to work on review #1 questions #1 - 12. If you are finished you can work on review #2, questions #13 - 22. Your assessment on learning goal #2 is on Friday, Dec. 8th. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please continue to bring in donations for the Adopt a Seniors Project. All donations are greatly appreciated. Also, any student that has not yet returned the tickets they took to sell please return them when you get them sold or if you are have trouble selling them please return them to me and I will return them to the office.
December 4, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete W2: Find percentages up to #10. Your rewrite on learning goal #4.1 is on Friday, Dec. 8th. The assessment on learning goal #4.2 - 4.3: discount -tax is on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete W2: Find percentages up to #10. Your rewrite on learning goal #4.1 is on Friday, Dec. 8th. The assessment on learning goal #4.2 - 4.3: discount -tax is on Monday, Dec. 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started worksheets on What Commandments mean to me.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete #1 - 8 on Review #1 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete #1 - 6 on Review #1 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
December 1, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete questions 1 - 4 on the worksheet#2: composite diagrams. It was uploaded to gallery (or you can download it from google classroom). Your assessment on learning goal#2.1: Surface area and composite diagrams is on Friday, Dec. 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete questions 1 - 4 on the worksheet#2: composite diagrams. It was uploaded to gallery (or you can download it from google classroom). Your assessment on learning goal#2.1: Surface area and composite diagrams is on Friday, Dec. 8th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Review #1:Table:F-D-P and answer key have been uploaded to google classroom. If completed students should complete questions 1 - 10 on review#2: Discount-Sale price. It was uploaded to gallery (or you can download it from google classroom). Your assessment on learning goal#4.2 - 4.3:F-D-Percentages, discounts, sale price, taxes, and final price is on Friday, Dec. 8th.The rewrite for learning goal#4.1:Fractions - Decimals will be on Monday, Dec.11th. We will go over your assessment on Monday when I hand it back.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review #1:Table:F-D-P and answer key have been uploaded to google classroom. If completed students should complete questions 1 - 10 on review#2: Discount-Sale price. It was uploaded to gallery (or you can download it from google classroom). Your assessment on learning goal#4.2 - 4.3:F-D-Percentages, discounts, sale price, taxes, and final price is on Monday, Dec. 11th.The rewrite for learning goal#4.1:Fractions - Decimals will be on Friday, Dec. 8th. We will go over your assessment on Monday when I hand it back.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please remember we are collecting for our Seniors Christmas Project. You can donate money or any item(s) listed on the webpage. Thank you all for your continuous support.
November 30, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 28 - 30 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 17 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 28 - 29 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 17 - 20 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are asking the students to help us support our Seniors Christmas Program. There is a list of items that are needed on the school's webpage. Any donation (money or item) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continuous support to our school and our community.
November 29, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We area still completing our section on Inspiration.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 23 - 26 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 17 for homework if you did not get it completed class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 27 - 28 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should review for the rewrite on learning goal#1.5: BEDMAS. We will start surface area of a cylinder tomorrow in class.
November 28, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed learning goal#4 assessment today will write it when they return to class. We will start percentages tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 15 and 16 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#1.5:BEDMAS is tomorrow. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed learning goal#4 assessment today will write it when they return to class. We will start percentages tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#1.5:BEDMAS is tomorrow. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite.
November 27, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be reviewing for learning goal #4.1 assessment tomorrow. It covers pages 1 - 22 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for learning goal #4.1 assessment tomorrow. It covers pages 1 - 22 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete question #2 on worksheet #2. Your rewrite on learning goal #1.5:BEDMAS is on Wednesday, Nov. 29th. Students should be reviewing for this rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 15, example 3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your rewrite on learning goal #1.5:BEDMAS is on Wednesday, Nov. 29th. Students should be reviewing for this rewrite.
November 23, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete review sheets #2 and #3 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment is on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Students should be reviewing over the long week-end. They should also practice their multiplication chart.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete review sheets #2 and #3 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment is on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Students should be reviewing over the long week-end. They should also practice their multiplication chart.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
All students should have completed the worksheet on Aspirations. Please check with your child as some students took the sheet home to complete over the long weekend and hand in on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 13 - 16 in the booklet for homework over the long week-end if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 10 - 11 in the booklet for homework over the long week-end if you did not get them completed in class.
November 22, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete page 13 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 11 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 2 on review #2 for homework. Your assessment is on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Students should be reviewing their notes and any work handed out in class in the evenings. Students should also be reviewing their multiplication tables as well.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 2 on review #2 for homework. Some students will complete page 3. Please check with your child to see what page they are working on. Your assessment is on Tuesday, Nov. 28th. Students should be reviewing their notes and any work handed out in class in the evenings. Students should also be reviewing their multiplication tables as well.
November 21, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 1 of review sheet #2 in gallery. Your assessment on learning goal#4.1 (pages 1 - 22 in the booklet) will be on Tuesday, Nov 28th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings. And students should also reviewing their multiplication tables.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 7 - 9 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 1 of review sheet #2 in gallery. Your assessment on learning goal#4.1 (pages 1 - 22 in the booklet) will be on Tuesday, Nov 28th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings. And students should also reviewing their multiplication tables.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 10 - 11 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
November 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working on Spirituality. Worksheets will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 21 questions b and c for homework. Your assessment on Learning 4 (4.1) will be next week. Date to be determined. Students should be practicing these concepts in the evening. They should also be practicing their multiplication tables.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 8 - 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 21 -22 for homework. Your assessment on Learning 4 (4.1) will be next week. Date to be determined. Students should be practicing these concepts in the evening. They should also be practicing their multiplication tables.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete page 5 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
November 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 18 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students should be reviewing their notes in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 5 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 20 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students should be reviewing their notes in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 5 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
November 16, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete page 17 question example b) for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 1 on worksheet#3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 2 - 5 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student missing the quiz or the rewrite will complete it when they return to class. We will start learning goa #2 tomorrow.
November 15, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the rewrite will write it when they return to school. Students should have pages 4 - 5 completed on worksheet #2 for homework. Any student that completed the rewrite should have page 4 completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that missed the assessment on learning goal #1.5 and the rewrite on learning goal #1.3 will write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal #2 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the rewrite will write it when they return to school. Students should have pages 4 - 5 completed on worksheet #2 for homework. Any student that completed the rewrite should have page 1 completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for the assessments tomorrow which are on learning goal#1.5 (BEDMAS) and the rewrite on learning goal #1.3 (for any student that has signed up to write it).
November 14, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be reviewing for the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal #3.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal #3. Students should complete pages 1 - 3 on worksheet #2 if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are starting our section on Inspirations and Self-worth.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students who signed up for the rewrite should be reviewing in the evenings. The rewrite is tomorrow on learning goal#1.2-1.3.Also, Students will write the assessment on learning goal #1.5:BEDMAS tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students who have signed up for the rewrite should be reviewing in the evenings. The rewrite is on Thursday on learning goal#1.2-1.3. Also, students will write the assessment on learning goal #1.5:BEDMAS on Thursday as well.
November 10, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete questions on worksheet#2 over the weekend. The rewrite (LG#1.3 - 1.4) and the assessment for learning goal#1.5 BEDMAS will be on Wednesday, Nov 15th. Students should review the assessment on LG#1.3 - 1.5 handed back today over the next few days so they are ready for the rewrite. I will post review #3 on the weekend so you should work on some of those questions.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete questions on worksheet#2-BEDMAS over the weekend. The rewrite (LG#1.3 - 1.4) and the assessment for learning goal#1.5 BEDMAS will be on Wednesday, Nov 15th. Students should review the assessment on LG#1.3 - 1.5 handed back today over the next few days so they are ready for the rewrite. I will post review #3 on the weekend so you should work on some of those questions.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 14 - 15 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal#3 is on Wednesday, Nov 15th. Students should review the assessment on LG#3 handed back today over the next few days so they are ready for the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 9-10 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal#3 is on Wednesday, Nov 15th. Students should review the assessment on LG#3 handed back today over the next few days so they are ready for the rewrite.
November 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should have pages 8 - 9 completed in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. Worksheet #1 should also be completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We missed today's class because of the Remembrance Day Assembly. Students should work on review sheet #1: BEDMAS uploaded to galley for homework. Your assessment on BEDMAS is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should work on pages pages 3 and 5 on Worksheet #1 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should work on review sheet #1: BEDMAS uploaded to galley for homework. Your assessment on BEDMAS is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 15th.
November 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be finished their World Religion Project.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete pages 1 - 2 on worksheet #1 uploaded to their gallery for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 85- 89 in the booklet for homework if you did not complete them in class. Your BEDMAS assessment is on Wednesday, Nov. 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete pages 1 - 3 on worksheet #1 uploaded to their gallery for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 85- 89 in the booklet for homework if you did not complete them in class. Your BEDMAS assessment is on Wednesday, Nov. 15th.
November 7, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete pages 6 - 7 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete pages 85 - 86 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete pages 6 - 7 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete pages 85 - 86 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
November 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We started learning goal #4 today. Students should have pages 1 - 3 completed in their notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started learning goal #4 today. Students should have pages 1 - 3 completed in their notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student not having completed the assessment on learning goal #1.2 - 1-5 (the in-class assignment) will write it when they return to class. We will start Order of Operations tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student not having completed the assessment on learning goal #1.2 - 1-5 (the in-class assignment) will write it when they return to class. We will start Order of Operations tomorrow.
November 2, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Review for assessment on learning goal #3. Review sheets #1, 2, and 3 would be good to review for tomorrow. The review sheets and answer keys can be found in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review for assessment on learning goal #3. Review sheets #1, 2, and 3 would be good to review for tomorrow. The review sheets and answer keys can be found in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing with our World Religion Project. Students will have one more class to complete their project.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that missed the in-class assignment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Review for your assessment on learning goal #1.3-1.5 as it is tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets, review sheets and answer keys can be found in google classroom.
November 1, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete Review sheet #1 for homework. If completed work on review sheet #2. Your assessment on learning goal #1.3 - 1.5 (part 3 of learning goal #1) is tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 2nd. Completed notes on A-S-M-D are on google classroom as well as any of the worksheets completed in class. Both review sheets and answer keys as there as well.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete Review sheet #1 for homework. If completed work on review sheet #2. Your assessment on learning goal #1.3 - 1.5 (part 3 of learning goal #1) is on Friday, Nov 3rd.Completed notes on A-S-M-D are on google classroom as well as any of the worksheets completed in class. Both review sheets and answer keys as there as well.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete work on review sheet #3 for homework. If completed work on review sheet #4.Your assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete work on review sheet #2 for homework. If completed work on review sheet #3.Your assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
October 31, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should be have completed Review sheet #2, questions #17- 20 in class today. The assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete pages 90 - 92 for homework if they did not get them completed in class. Once completed, those pages will cover the assessment on Thursday, Nov. 2nd. Students should be working on the review sheet for homework or completing any of the pages not yet completed in the booklet. The most recent pages are 77 - 79, 82 - 84, 90 - 92 (not #6).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should have completed questions #17 - 20 on review sheet #2 in class today. The assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We have completed the required pages in the booklet that will cover the assessment on Thursday, Nov. 2nd. Students should be working on the review sheet for homework or completing any of the pages not yet completed in the booklet. The most recent pages are 77 - 79, 82 - 84, 90 - 92 (not #6).
October 30, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our World Religion Project. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Continue to work on Review sheet #2, numbers 17 - 20. Your assessment on LG #3 is on Friday, Nov 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Continue to work on pages 82 - 84 in the booklet. Your assessment on LG1.3-1.4 is on Thursday, Nov 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Continue to work on Review sheet #2, numbers 1 - 20. Your assessment on LG #3 is on Friday, Nov 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Continue to work on pages 82 - 84 in the booklet. Your assessment on LG1.3-1.4 is on Thursday, Nov 2nd.
October 26, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
You have a few options for homework. You can complete pages 17 - 18 in the booklet for homework or you can continue working on review sheet #1. Your assessment on learning goal#3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You have a few options for homework. You can complete pages 17 - 18 in the booklet for homework or you can continue working on review sheet #1. Your assessment on learning goal#3 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 78 - 79 and 81 - 82 in the booklet for homework. Your assessment on learning goal #1.2 is on Thursday, Nov 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 78 - 79 in the booklet for homework. Your assessment on learning goal #1.2 is on Friday, Nov. 3rd.
October 25, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete pages 12 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are writing the rewrite tomorrow should be reviewing learning goal#2.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 74 - 76 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are writing the rewrite tomorrow should be reviewing learning goal#1.2.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 13 - 14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are writing the rewrite tomorrow should be reviewing learning goal#2.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete pages 73 - 75 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students who are writing the rewrite tomorrow should be reviewing learning goal#1.2.
October 24, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete #13-20 on worksheet #4:Division for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #9-16 on worksheet #4:Division for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on Ethics and Morals today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 73 - 75 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete pages 70 - 72 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
October 23, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 70- 72 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#1.2 is on Thursday, Oct. 26th
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 65 - 67 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#1.2 is on Thursday, Oct. 26th
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 12 - 13 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#2 is on Thursday, Oct. 26th
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete numbers 6, 7 , 8 on worksheet #4 (Division) for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on learning goal#2 is on Thursday, Oct. 26th
October 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete the first 8 questions on worksheet #3:Division, for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal 2: Integers will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should complete pages 61 - 62 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal 1.2: Powers and Exponents will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the first 8 questions on worksheet #3:Division, for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal #2:Integers will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should complete pages 66 - 67 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The rewrite for learning goal 1.2: Powers and Exponents will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
October 19, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have finished the 6 Pillars. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page one of worksheet #2 (multiplication) if you did not finish it in class. The rewrite on learning goal #2 will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th. If you did not get your assessment back today you will get it back tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 63 - 65 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You will be given back your assessment on learning goal #1.2 tomorrow. Any student wanting to do the rewrite, can do so on Thursday, Oct. 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete page 2 on worksheet #2: Multiplication if you did not get it finished in class. The rewrite on learning goal #2 will be on Thursday, Oct. 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete pages 57 - 59 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You will be given back your assessment on learning goal #1.2 tomorrow. Any student wanting to do the rewrite, can do so on Thursday, Oct. 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Tomorrow is pajama day. We will be collecting money tomorrow for the Janeway.
October 18, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first 10 questions on worksheet #2: Multiplication of decimals for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Please review your multiplication tables in the evening. Knowing the multiplication tables will help us with multiplication and division of decimals.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete page 56 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete page one on worksheet #2: Multiplication of decimals for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Please review your multiplication tables in the evening. Knowing the multiplication tables will help us with multiplication and division of decimals.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 59 - 62 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
October 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #1 questions a - h for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 56 - 59 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 52- 55 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
October 16, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete page 9 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We started part 3 of learning goal 1.3 - 1.5 today. Students should complete pages 53 - 55 for homework if they did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete page 9 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that did not write the assessment will write it when they return to class. We will start part 3 (LG1.3 - 1.5) tomorrow.
October 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete pages 5 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Remember to bring your chrome book and charger to class from now on.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 5 - 6 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Remember to bring your chrome book and charger to class from now on.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed our last pillar (citizenship) today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student missing the assessment on learning goal 1.2 today, will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Your assessment on learning goal #1.2 is on Monday. You should be reviewing over the weekend.
October 12, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #1.2 as it is tomorrow. I have attached the two review sheets and answer keys to google classroom. Please note, the review sheet called 2R-M9 1.2 BEDMAS did have a few errors on it. So I have uploaded the new updated review sheet and answer key. There were mistakes in questions 1, 3, 4, and 6 which have now been fixed.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #1.2 as it is on Monday, Oct. 16th. I have attached the two review sheets and answer keys to google classroom. Please note, the review sheet called 2R-M9 1.2 BEDMAS did have a few errors on it. So I have uploaded the new updated review sheet and answer key. There were mistakes in questions 1, 3, 4, and 6 which have now been fixed.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
We started learning goal #3 today. Students are remined to bring their chrome book and charger to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the learning goal #2 assessment today will write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal#3 tomorrow. If you have a chrome book please bring it to class (and your charger as well).
October 11, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that did not write learning goal#2 today will have an opportunity to write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal#3: Decimal Operations tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We completed the booklet. Students should work on the review sheets uploaded to your classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #1.2 is on Monday, Oct. 16th. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should work on the review sheet handed out today in class. Your assessment in learning goal #2 tomorrow, Oct. 12.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should work on the review sheets uploaded to your classroom. And any other worksheets that are not completed. Your assessment on learning goal #1.2 is on Friday, Oct. 13th. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
October 10, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed Pillar #5: Caring today in class. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment that was scheduled for tomorrow on learning goal#2 has been changed to Thursday, Oct. 12th. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We have completed the booklet. Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal#1.2 on Friday, Oct. 13th. Students should have completed worksheets 1, 2, and 3. The review will be uploaded for tomorrow's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Your assessment on learning goal#2 is tomorrow, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing the 2 review sheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 46 - 48 for homework. Students should be reviewing for the assessment on learning goal#1.2. It is on Monday, Oct. 16th.
October 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete review sheet#2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
We have completed the exponent laws. Complete pages 38 - 42 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal#1.2 is on Friday, Oct. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete review sheet#2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We have completed the exponent laws. Complete pages 44 - 50 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal#1.2 is on Friday, Oct. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
I hope you and your family have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend.
October 5, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should complete the review sheet for homework if it is not yet completed. The assessment for learning goal#2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the review sheet for homework if it is not yet completed. The assessment for learning goal#2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 40 - 44 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If completed students should be working on the 3 worksheets uploaded to gallery. The assessment on learning goal#1.2 is on Friday, Oct. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 36 - 40 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If completed students should be working on the 3 worksheets uploaded to gallery. The assessment on learning goal#1.2 is on Friday, Oct. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Tomorrow, Friday is the last day to bring in non-perishable food items for our food drive.
October 4, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students were given review sheet#1 today in class. Students should work on this review sheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal#2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should be completing the 3 worksheets uploaded to google classroom. The answer key and worksheet#3 are uploaded to google classroom. The assessment on learning goal#1.2 will be on Friday, Oct. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given review sheet#1 today in class. Students should complete the first 4 pages of this review sheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal#2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should be completing the 3 worksheets uploaded to google classroom. We completed worksheet#3 in class today. The answer key and the worksheet are uploaded to google classroom. The assessment on learning goal#1.2 will be on Friday, Oct. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
October 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should now have the booklet for learning goal #2 completed. Students should complete #1-22 on worksheet#2 handed out in todays in class. The assessment for learning goal #2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Any student completing the rewrite on learning goal #1: Divisibility Rules should review this evening as the rewrite is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should now have the booklet for learning goal #2 completed. Students should complete #1-22 on worksheet#2 handed out in todays in class. The assessment for learning goal #2 is on Wednesday, Oct. 11th. Any student completing the rewrite on learning goal #1: Divisibility Rules should review this evening as the rewrite is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started Pillar #4: Fairness today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 37 - 39 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on learning goal #1.2: Squares and Square roots should review this evening as the rewrite is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete pages 34-36 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student completing the rewrite on learning goal #1.2: Squares and Square roots should review this evening as the rewrite is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please continue to bring in any non-perishable food items. A list of items needed can be found on the MDJH website. Thank you for your continuing support.
September 29, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Students should work on pages 26 - 27 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite on Oct. 4 should be reviewing their notes, worksheets and the review sheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Students should work on pages 32 - 33 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite on Oct. 4 should be reviewing their notes, worksheets and the review sheets handed out in class. I have uploaded two review sheets and the answer keys to google classroom to help you prepare for the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should work on pages 26 - 27 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite on Oct. 4 should be reviewing their notes, worksheets and the review sheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Students should work on pages 33 - 34 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite on Oct. 4 should be reviewing their notes, worksheets and the review sheets handed out in class. I have uploaded two review sheets and the answer keys to google classroom to help you prepare for the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
Monday is a holiday as it is being recognized as Truth and Reconciliation Day. Please continue to bring in non-perishable food items next week.
September 28, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed Pillar #3 Responsibility in class today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 21-22 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given a review sheet to help them study for the rewrite on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. This sheet is to be completed at home. I will be available for extra help on Tuesday second half of lunch.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Complete pages 32 - 33 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given a review sheet to help them study for the rewrite on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. This sheet is to be completed at home. I will be available for extra help on Tuesday second half of lunch.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Complete pages 25 - 26 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given a review sheet to help them study for the rewrite on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. This sheet is to be completed at home. I will be available for extra help on Tuesday second half of lunch.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Complete pages 26 - 28 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students were given a review sheet to help them study for the rewrite on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. This sheet is to be completed at home. I will be available for extra help on Tuesday second half of lunch.
September 27, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are asking students to bring in non-perishable food items for our food drive. A list of items can be found on the school website. Thank you for your continuing support.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student writing the rewrite on Oct 4th should be reviewing the notes, worksheets and review sheets handed out in class and their assessment that we went over in class. Help is available at lunch Thursday and Tuesday during second half of lunch in our math classroom 208.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete pages 21-22 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student writing the rewrite on Oct 4th should be completing the review sheets handed out in class in the evenings. Help is available at lunch Thursday and Tuesday during second half of lunch in our math classroom 208.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete pages 21-22 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student writing the rewrite on Oct 4th should be reviewing the notes, worksheets and review sheets handed out in class and their assessment that we went over in class. Help is available at lunch Thursday and Tuesday during second half of lunch in our math classroom 208.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 27-28 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student writing the rewrite on Oct 4th should be completing the review sheets handed out in class in the evenings. Help is available at lunch Thursday and Tuesday during second half of lunch in our math classroom 208.
September 26, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
You were given back your learning goal #1 assessment today and we went over it in class. The rewrite on this learning goal will be on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. We will continue with out notes on learning goal#2 tomorrow. We will correct pages 14 - 17 tomorrow in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You were given back your learning goal #1 assessment today and we went over it in class. The rewrite on this learning goal will be on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. We will continue with out notes on learning goal#2 tomorrow. We will correct pages 14 - 17 tomorrow in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
You were given back your learning goal #1 (part 1) assessment today and we went over it in class. The rewrite on this learning goal will be on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. We will continue with out notes on part 2 of learning goal #1 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
You were given back your learning goal #1 (part 1) assessment today and we went over it in class. The rewrite on this learning goal will be on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. We will continue with out notes on part 2 of learning goal #1 tomorrow.
September 25, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete pages 14-15 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete pages 20-21 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 14 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete pages 20-21 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
September 21, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Any student that missed the assessment today on learning goal #1 part 1 ill write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal #1 part 2 tomorrow. The booklet is uploaded below.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Any student that missed the assessment today on learning goal #1 part 1 ill write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal#1 part 2 tomorrow. The booklet is uploaded below.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Any student that missed the assessment today on learning goal #1 part 1 ill write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal#2 tomorrow. The booklet is uploaded below.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the assessment today on learning goal #1 part 1 ill write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal#2 tomorrow. The booklet is uploaded below.
September 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please review for your learning goal #1 assessment tomorrow. You should review the notes and any worksheet/review sheets handed out in class. The completed notes and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Pease review for your learning goal #1 assessment tomorrow. You should review the notes and any worksheet/review sheets handed out in class. The completed notes and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. We will start learning goal #1 Part 2 on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your learning goal #1 assessment tomorrow. You should review the notes and any worksheet/review sheets handed out in class. The completed notes and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please review for your learning goal #1 assessment tomorrow. You should review the notes and any worksheet/review sheets handed out in class. The completed notes and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. We will start learning goal #1 Part 2 on Friday.
September 19, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed worksheet #2 on Pillar #2: Respect. The work was completed in class. Their is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1 is on Thursday, Sept. 21st. Students should be reviewing in the evening. Students can review the booklet and any worksheets handed out in class to aid them in their understanding of learning goal #1.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
Please complete review #1 for homework if you did not et it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1, part 1 is on Thursday, Sept. 21th. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets and review sheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete worksheet #3 if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1 is on Thursday, Sept. 21st. Students should be reviewing in the evening. Students can review the booklet and any worksheets handed out in class to aid them in their understanding of learning goal #1.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please complete worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1, part 1 is on Thursday, Sept. 21th. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets and review sheets handed out in class.
September 14, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(217)
Please complete Question#1 on worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1 has been tentatively set for Thursday, Sept 18. The completed booklet and worksheet #1 have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(110B)
We have completed the booklet for learning goal #1. We started worksheet #2. Please complete questions #1-4 on the worksheet if you did not get them completed in class. The completed notes from today's class and the worksheet have been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #1 has been tentatively set for Thursday, Sept 18.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 13 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #1 has been tentatively set for Thursday, Sept 18. The completed booklet and worksheet #1 have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(108A)
Please make sure you have completed pages 8 to 10 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will finish the booklet in tomorrow's class. The completed notes from today's class and the worksheet have been uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #1 has been tentatively set for Thursday, Sept 18.
September 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
Please complete pages 15 and 16 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 9 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working on the 6 Pillars of Character. Today we discussed Trustworthiness and completed a worksheet.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(212)
Please make sure you have completed worksheet #1. We started section 1.2 today.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure you have completed worksheet #1. We started section 1.2 today.
September 12, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-9(212)
Students should have worksheet #1 completed. We have completed it and corrected it in class. The answer key is on google classroom. We have started section 1.2. Please complete page 7 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The answer key is on google classroom. We will start section 1.2 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
We have started our divisibility rules for 3 and 9. Please complete the table on page 12 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. We will discuss the rule for divisibility by 9 in class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 8 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
September 11, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-7(221)
We completed page 6, example 2 in class. Please complete example 3 on page 6 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete questions 1 - 2 on worksheet #1 for homework if you did not complete them in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed practice pages 8 and 9 in class. Please complete #8 on page 10 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-9(212)
Please complete questions 1 - 4 on worksheet #1 for homework if you did not complete them in class.
June 15, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment for learning goal 10.2 is tomorrow. You should review translations, reflections and rotations. The comments and letter grade will be in power school over the weekend so students can see how they did and what they may have completed incorrectly. I will go over the assessment in class on Monday morning. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will have the opportunity to write on Monday, June 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should be completing the unit 9 booklet. I will collect the booklets on Monday to see how much has been completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be completing the unit 9 booklet. I will collect the booklets on Monday to see how much has been completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment for learning goal 10.2 is tomorrow. You should review translations, reflections and rotations. The comments and letter grade will be in power school over the weekend so students can see how they did and what they may have completed incorrectly. I will go over the assessment in class on Monday morning. Any student wanting to do the rewrite will have the opportunity to write on Monday, June 19th.
June 14, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment for learning goal 10.2 is on Friday. Please review your notes and worksheets to help prepare you for this assessment.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that would like to do the rewrite for unit 8 will have an opportunity on Friday, June 16th. We will continue with the notes on unit 9 today in class. Students are to submit the unit 9 booklet when completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that would like to do the rewrite for unit 8 will have an opportunity on Friday, June 16th. We will continue with the notes on unit 9 today in class. Students are to submit the unit 9 booklet when completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment for learning goal 10.2 is on Friday. Please review your notes and worksheets to help prepare you for this assessment.
June 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have started unit 9. The booklet and the completed notes will be uploaded to google classroom. Your rewrite on unit 8 will be on Friday, June 16th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We have started unit 9. The booklet and the completed notes will be uploaded to google classroom. Your rewrite on unit 8 will be on Friday, June 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The rewrite on learning goal #10.1 is tomorrow, June 14th. The assessment on learning goal #10.2 is on Friday, June 16th. You were given review sheet #1 today in class. Any student writing the rewrite tomorrow should be reviewing the notes and worksheets for 10.1.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The rewrite on learning goal #10.1 is tomorrow, June 14th. The assessment on learning goal #10.2 is on Friday, June 16th. You were given review sheet #1 today in class. Any student writing the rewrite tomorrow should be reviewing the notes and worksheets for 10.1.
Assigned to Class: 7-2 (215)
Some students are missing worksheets for health. You should check power school and see which ones are missing. These should be completed and submitted to me as soon as possible.
June 12, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that missed the unit 8 math test will write it when they return to class. We will start unit 9 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The assessment on learning goal #10.2 is on Friday, June 16th. Your rewrite on learning goal #10.1 (parallel and perpendicular lines and bisectors) is on Wednesday, June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment on learning goal #10.2 is on Friday, June 16th. Your rewrite on learning goal #10.1 (parallel and perpendicular lines and bisectors) is on Wednesday, June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that missed the unit 8 math test will write it when they return to class. We will start unit 9 tomorrow.
June 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that did not write learning goal 10.1 assessment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student that did not write learning goal 10.1 assessment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We went over the assignment today in class. Your unit 8 test is on Monday, June 12th. You should review the notes and any of the worksheets and review sheets from class. We will start unit 9 - Probability and Statistics on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We went over the assignment today in class. Your unit 8 test is on Monday, June 12th. You should review the notes and any of the worksheets and review sheets from class. We will start unit 9 - Probability and Statistics on Tuesday.
June 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the review sheet from class to help you study for assessment on learning goal 10.2 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Your unit 8 test is on Monday. We will go over the in class assignment tomorrow. You should be reviewing your notes, worksheets, and review sheets.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your unit 8 test is on Monday. We will go over the in class assignment tomorrow. You should be reviewing your notes, worksheets, and review sheets.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the review sheet from class to help you study for assessment on learning goal 10.2 tomorrow.
June 7, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on Self-Concept.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment on learning goal #10.1 is on Friday, June 9th. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets and review sheets.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student having missed the in class assignment will write it when they return to class. We will review Thursday and Friday for your unit 8 test on Monday, June 12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
The assessment on learning goal #10.1 is on Friday, June 9th. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets and review sheets.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student having missed the in class assignment will write it when they return to class. We will review Thursday and Friday for your unit 8 test on Monday, June 12th.
June 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment on learning goal 10.1 is on Friday. Students should complete the worksheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Your in class assignment is tomorrow on Unit 8. You can review the notes, any worksheets/review sheets to help you prepare for your assessment. The unit 8 test has been scheduled for Monday, June 12th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your in class assignment is tomorrow on Unit 8. You can review the notes, any worksheets/review sheets to help you prepare for your assessment. The unit 8 test has been scheduled for Monday, June 12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
The assessment on learning goal 10.1 is on Friday. Students should complete the worksheet for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
June 5, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete page 15 in the booklet for homework. Your assessment on learning goal #10.1 is on Friday, It will cover pages 1 - 15 in the booklet. Your rewrite on learning goal #9.2 - Probability is tomorrow, Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Your in class assignment is on Wednesday, June 7th. It will cover the unit 8 booklet. You should be completing any of the worksheets/review sheets from class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your in class assignment is on Wednesday, June 7th. It will cover the unit 8 booklet. You should be completing any of the worksheets/review sheets from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 15 in the booklet for homework. Your assessment on learning goal #10.1 is on Friday, It will cover pages 1 - 15 in the booklet. Your rewrite on learning goal #9.2 - Probability is tomorrow, Tuesday.
June 2, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete any of the worksheets posted to your gallery. Your ICA on unit 8 is on Wednesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete any of the worksheets posted to your gallery. Your ICA on unit 8 is on Wednesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete any of the worksheets posted to your gallery. Your ICA on unit 8 is on Wednesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete any of the worksheets posted to your gallery. Your ICA on unit 8 is on Wednesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete any of the worksheets posted to your gallery. Your ICA on unit 8 is on Wednesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete any of the worksheets posted to your gallery. Your ICA on unit 8 is on Wednesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the first page (double sided) on WK#2 handed out in today's class. Your rewrite on LG9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, June 6. Your assessment on LG#10.1 is on Friday, June 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the first page (double sided) on WK#2 handed out in today's class. Your rewrite on LG9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, June 6. Your assessment on LG#10.1 is on Friday, June 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the first page (double sided) on WK#2 handed out in today's class. Your rewrite on LG9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, June 6. Your assessment on LG#10.1 is on Friday, June 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the rest of the worksheet from Thursday's class if you do not have it completed (WK#1). Your rewrite on LG9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, June 6. Your assessment on LG#10.1 is on Friday, June 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the rest of the worksheet from Thursday's class if you do not have it completed (WK#1). Your rewrite on LG9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, June 6. Your assessment on LG#10.1 is on Friday, June 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the rest of the worksheet from Thursday's class if you do not have it completed (WK#1). Your rewrite on LG9.2 - Probability is on Tuesday, June 6. Your assessment on LG#10.1 is on Friday, June 11th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
We will finish our Alcohol and Drugs section next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
We will finish our Alcohol and Drugs section next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
We will finish our Alcohol and Drugs section next class.
June 1, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We have completed the booklet. You should be working on the worksheets, review sheets that are in your gallery. Your in class assignment is on Wednesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the worksheet (parallel and perpendicular lines) on LG#10.1 if you did not get it completed in class. Your rewrite on LG#9.2 is on Monday June 5th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the worksheet (First page double sided - parallel and perpendicular lines) on LG#10.1 if you did not get it completed in class. Your rewrite on LG#9.2 is on Monday June 5th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have completed the booklet. You should be working on the worksheets, review sheets that are in your gallery. Your in class assignment is on Wednesday, June 7th.
May 30, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should complete pages 6 and 7 for homework. If a student has a compass set they can bring it to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We have completed the unit 8 booklet. Students should be working on worksheet #3 or #4 for homework. Your ICA is on Wednesday, June 7th. The answer keys to the notes and all worksheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have completed the unit 8 booklet. Students should be working on worksheet #3 or #4 for homework. Your ICA is on Wednesday, June 7th. The answer keys the notes and all worksheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 2-5 for homework if you did not get them finished in class. If a student has a compass set they can bring it to class.
May 26, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start learning goal #10 on Tuesday. Please bring a compass set to class if you have one. Any student that missed writing the LG9.2 assessment today, Friday, will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should complete worksheets 1 and 2 on sections 8.1 and 8.2. Students should be finishing up the mandala project and submitting it as soon as possible as it is overdue. I introduced section 8.3 today and the worksheet has been uploaded to your gallery. Your ICA on the full unit is June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should complete worksheets 1 and 2 on sections 8.1 and 8.2. Students should be finishing up the mandala project and submitting it as soon as possible as it is overdue. We completed section 8.3 today and the worksheet has been uploaded to your gallery. Your ICA on the full unit is June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start learning goal #10 on Tuesday. Please bring a compass set to class if you have one. Ant student that missed writing the LG9.2 assessment today, Friday, will write it when they return to school.
May 25, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment for learning goal #9.2 - Probability is tomorrow, Friday, May 26th. You should be reviewing your notes, worksheets, review sheets. We will start learning goal #10 on Tuesday. Please bring a geometry set (compass set) to class as we will be using it to help us draw angles and circles.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment for learning goal #9.2 - Probability is tomorrow, Friday, May 26th. You should be reviewing your notes, worksheets, review sheets. We will start learning goal #10 on Tuesday. Please bring a geometry set (compass set) to class as we will be using it to help us draw angles and circles.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete the worksheet on section 8.2 for homework. We will start section 8.3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete the worksheet on section 8.2 for homework. We will start section 8.3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete the worksheet on section 8.2 for homework. We will start section 8.3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete the worksheet on section 8.2 for homework. We will start section 8.3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment for learning goal #9.2 - Probability is tomorrow, Friday, May 26th. You should be reviewing your notes, worksheets, review sheets. We will start learning goal #10 on Tuesday. Please bring a geometry set (compass set) to class as we will be using it to help us draw angles and circles.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment for learning goal #9.2 - Probability is tomorrow, Friday, May 26th. You should be reviewing your notes, worksheets, review sheets. We will start learning goal #10 on Tuesday. Please bring a geometry set (compass set) to class as we will be using it to help us draw angles and circles.
May 24, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 14 - 15 in the booklet for homework. Some students have not yet submitted their mandala. Please hand it in as it is overdue.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 14 - 16 in the booklet for homework. Some students have not yet submitted their mandala. Please hand it in as it is overdue.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please work on any of the worksheets from class. Your assessment on probability is on Friday, May 26th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are finishing our last worksheet on Smoking.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on any of the worksheets from class. Your assessment on probability is on Friday, May 26th.
May 23, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete worksheet 8.1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students should be finishing up their mandalas and submitting them as they are now due.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the Theoretical Probability for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite on LG9.21 - MMMRO tomorrow should review this evening. The assessment on LG9.2 is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the Theoretical Probability for homework if you did not get it completed in class (at least the first 6 pages). Any student doing the rewrite on LG9.21 - MMMRO tomorrow should review this evening. The assessment on LG9.2 is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 11 and 12 in the booklet for homework. Students should be finishing up their mandalas and submitting them as they are now due.
May 19, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. Have a great May 24th weekend!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework. Have a great May 24th weekend!
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete your mandala project if you do not already have it completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete your mandala project if you do not already have it completed.
May 18, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete page 24 in the booklet for homework. The date of the rewrite on LG9.1 has been changed to Wednesday, May 24th. The assessment on LG9.2 is on Friday, May 26th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We started unit 8 today. Any student that has not completed the Mandala Project can complete it at home or at lunch. Both parts are due on Tuesday, May 25th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We finished discussing the write up for the mandala today. We will start unit 8 tomorrow. Any student that has not completed the Mandala Project can complete it at home or at lunch with me. Both parts are due on Tuesday, May 25th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete worksheet #1 on probability for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The date of the rewrite on LG9.1 has been changed to Wednesday, May 24th. The assessment on LG9.2 is on Friday, May 26th.
May 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed a worksheet on Smoking and Drugs.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete pages 20 - 21 in the booklet for homework. Your rewrite on LG#9.1 is on Wednesday, May 24th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Today was the last day for the Mandala Project. Students need to make arrangements with the teacher to work on finishing the project in the classroom during lunch. We will start unit 8 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should complete pages 20 - 21 in the booklet for homework. Your rewrite on LG#9.1 is on Friday. The assessment for LG#9.2 is on Thursday, May 25th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Today was the last day for the Mandala Project. Students need to make arrangements with the teacher to work on finishing the project in the classroom during lunch. We will start unit 8 tomorrow.
May 16, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 16 - 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them competed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We are continuing with the Mandala Project. We will start unit 8 on Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We are continuing with the Mandala Project. We will start unit 8 on Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 16 - 21 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them competed in class.
May 15, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start LG#9.2 tomorrow. Any student that missed the LG#9.1 today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We worked on completing the mandala project today and will do the write up component tomorrow. We should be ready to start unit 8 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We worked on completing the mandala project today and will do the write up component tomorrow. We should be ready to start unit 8 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start LG#9.2 tomorrow. Any student that missed the LG#9.1 today will write it when they return to class.
May 12, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We continued with our Mandala Project. We will finish it on Tuesday. Any student that missed the rewrite today will write it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We continued with our Mandala Project. We will finish it on Tuesday. Any student that missed the rewrite today will write it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Review for your LG#9.1 assessment on Monday. You should go over your notes, worksheets, and review sheets. All of these can be found in the stream in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review for your LG#9.1 assessment on Monday. You should go over your notes, worksheets, and review sheets. All of these can be found in the stream in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our section on Alcohol and Drugs. If any student does not get their work completed in class they will bring it home to finish.
May 11, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We are continuing with the Mandala Project in class. We will finish this project on Tuesday. We will start unit 8 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete #1 - 19 on pages 1 - 3 (REV#2) for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on LG#8-Algebra is on Friday (tomorrow) May 12th. Your assessment on LG#9.1 (MMMRO) is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 1 (Rev#2) for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on LG#8-Algebra is on Friday (tomorrow) May 12th. Your assessment on LG#9.1 (MMMRO) is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We are continuing with the Mandala Project in class. We will finish this project on Tuesday. We will start unit 8 on Wednesday.
May 10, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 13 - 15 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite for LG#8 - Algebra is on Friday. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc. that we completed in class. The assessment on the new material, LG#9.1 (pages 1 - 15 in the booklet) is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete page 1-2 on review sheet #2. The rewrite for LG#8 - Algebra is on Friday. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc. that we completed in class. The assessment on the new material, LG#9.1 (pages 1 - 15 in the booklet) is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students are completing the Mandala project during class. This project will be graded and covers sections 7.5-7.7 in the booklet. The rewrite for unit 7.1 - 7.4 will be on Friday. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students are completing the Mandala project during class. This project will be graded and covers sections 7.5-7.7 in the booklet. The rewrite for unit 7.1 - 7.4 will be on Friday. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc.
May 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete Rev#2 (pages 1-2) if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on learning goal #8-Algebra is on Friday, May 12th. The assessment on LG#9.1 (pages 1 - 15 in the booklet) is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We started the Mandala Project today. The rewrite for unit 7 (sections 7.1 - 7.4) is on Friday, May 12th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started the Mandala Project today. The rewrite for unit 7 (sections 7.1 - 7.4) is on Friday, May 12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete Rev#2 (page 1) if you did not get it completed in class. Your rewrite on learning goal #8-Algebra is on Friday, May 12th. The assessment on LG#9.1 (pages 1 - 15 in the booklet) is on Monday, May 15th.
May 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on Alcohol-Drugs. The worksheets will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our section on Alcohol-Drugs. The worksheets will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 8-10 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG#8 is on Friday. The assessment on LG#9 pages 1 - 15 in the booklet is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 8-10 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG#8 is on Friday. The assessment on LG#9 pages 1 - 15 in the booklet is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 27 - 29 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on unit 7.1 - 7.4 will be on Friday, May 12th. Please review the questions you answered incorrectly on your quiz as these will be the concepts you will be tested on when you complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 27 - 29 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on unit 7.1 - 7.4 will be on Friday, May 12th. Please review the questions you answered incorrectly on your quiz as these will be the concepts you will be tested on when you complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 27 - 29 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on unit 7.1 - 7.4 will be on Friday, May 12th. Please review the questions you answered incorrectly on your quiz as these will be the concepts you will be tested on when you complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 27 - 29 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on unit 7.1 - 7.4 will be on Friday, May 12th. Please review the questions you answered incorrectly on your quiz as these will be the concepts you will be tested on when you complete the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 11 - 13 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG#8 is on Friday. The assessment on LG#9 pages 1 - 15 in the booklet is on Monday, May 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 11 - 13 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. The rewrite on LG#8 is on Friday. The assessment on LG#9 pages 1 - 15 in the booklet is on Monday, May 15th.
May 5, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should finish worksheet#1 for homework. We will continue with the booklet on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete page 27 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete page 27 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should finish worksheet#1 for homework. We will continue with the booklet on Monday.
May 4, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 1 - 4 on worksheet #1 if you did not get it completed in class. Any student that missed the LG#8 - Algebra assessment will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 24 - 25 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 24 - 25 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 1 -2 on worksheet #1 if you did not get it completed in class. Any student that missed the LG#8 - Algebra assessment will write it when they return to school.
May 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that missed the quiz (sections 7.1 - 7.4) will write it when they return to class. We will start section 7.5 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that missed the quiz (sections 7.1 - 7.4) will write it when they return to class. We will start section 7.5 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We started LG#9 today. Complete page 6-7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student that missed the LG#8 - Algebra assessment will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started LG#9 today. Complete page 6-7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student that missed the LG#8 - Algebra assessment will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should now have the Puberty - Girls worksheet completed and submitted to me. We will start a new section on Monday.
May 2, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Review for your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4. The answer keys to the worksheets, review sheets and notes are uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start LG#9 tomorrow. Any student that missed their learning goal #8 - Algebra assessment today can write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start LG#9 tomorrow. Any student that missed their learning goal #8 - Algebra assessment today can write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Review for your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4. The answer keys to the worksheets, review sheets and notes are uploaded to google classroom.
May 1, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra is tomorrow. You should review any of the worksheets, review sheets or notes from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra is tomorrow. You should review any of the worksheets, review sheets or notes from class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete Worksheet#1-Textbook questions from class. If you already have it completed you should be reviewing any of the worksheets you do not yet have completed. I have uploaded review #3 to your gallery folder in case you have everything completed. The answer key is uploaded to google classroom. Your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 is on Wednesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete Worksheet#1-Textbook questions from class. If you already have it completed you should be reviewing any of the worksheets you do not yet have completed. I have uploaded review #3 to your gallery folder in case you have everything completed. The answer key is uploaded to google classroom. Your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 is on Wednesday, May 3rd.
April 28, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to work on the review sheets in your gallery folder. If you need more practice I have uploaded questions from the textbook in google classroom. Your assessment on LG#8-Algebra is on Tuesday, May 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Continue to review for your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4. You have 4 review sheets in your gallery folder. The answers are on google classroom. Your quiz is on Wednesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Continue to review for your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4. You have 4 review sheets in your gallery folder. The answers are on google classroom. Your quiz is on Wednesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Continue to work on the review sheets in your gallery folder. If you need more practice I have uploaded questions from the textbook in google classroom. Your assessment on LG#8-Algebra is on Tuesday, May 2nd.
April 27, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are finishing our Puberty worksheet - Girls.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Continue working on the review sheets from class (#15 - 17 on the word problems review sheet) They are posted in your gallery folder. The answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra is on Tuesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We have finished sections 7.1 - 7.4 (pages 1 - 20) in the booklet. There are 2 review sheets uploaded to your gallery file. The answer keys are on google classroom. Work on these tonight for homework. Your quiz is on Wednesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue working on the review sheets from class. They are posted in your gallery folder. The answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom. Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra is on Tuesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have finished sections 7.1 - 7.4 (pages 1 - 20) in the booklet. There are 2 review sheets uploaded to your gallery file. The answer keys are on google classroom. Work on these tonight for homework. Your quiz is on Wednesday, May 3rd.
April 26, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Continue to work on the word problems review sheet. The answer key to this sheet and the equations work sheet can be found on google classroom. Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra is on Tuesday, May 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete page 18 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. I uploaded 2 review sheets on similar triangles to your gallery folder. The answer keys are on google classroom. Your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 is on Tuesday, May 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete page 18 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. I uploaded 2 review sheets on similar triangles to your gallery folder. The answer keys are on google classroom. Your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 is on Wednesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue to work on the word problems review sheet. The answer key to this sheet and the equations work sheet can be found on google classroom. Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra is on Tuesday, May 2nd.
April 25, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Continue working on the worksheet of word problems. You should complete #1- 8 if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on LG#8 - Using Algebra will be on Monday, May 1st.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete the review sheets on sections 7.1 - 7.3 if you did not get them completed in class. Your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 will be next week. Date to be determined.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete the review sheets on sections 7.1 - 7.3 if you did not get them completed in class. Your quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 will be next week. Date to be determined.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Continue to work on the equations worksheet (using algebra). You should complete #1 -4 if you did not get them completed. Your assessment on LG#8 - Using Algebra will be on Monday, May 1st.
April 24, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete page 12 - 14 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. I have uploaded a review sheet to your gallery. It is a review on sections 7.1 - 7.3. You should work on page 1 for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete page 39 - 40 in the booklet for homework. We will work on the worksheet #1 Word problems tomorrow in class. Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra will be on Monday, May 1st.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete page 12 - 14 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. I have uploaded a review sheet to your gallery. It is a review on sections 7.1 - 7.3. You should work on page 1 for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 35 in the booklet for homework. Your assessment on LG#8 - Algebra will be on Monday, May 1st.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started Puberty - Girls worksheet today in class.
April 21, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 10 - 12 for homework if you did not get them finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 10 - 12 for homework if you did not get them finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will continue with solving equations using algebra Next week. Any student that missed the opportunity for the rewrite on LG#8 will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will continue with solving equations using algebra Next week. Any student that missed the opportunity for the rewrite on LG#8 will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will continue with solving equations using algebra Next week. Any student that missed the opportunity for the rewrite on LG#8 will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will continue with solving equations using algebra Next week. Any student that missed the opportunity for the rewrite on LG#8 will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 10 - 12 for homework if you did not get them finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 10 - 12 for homework if you did not get them finished in class.
April 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the LG8 Rewrite tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be reviewing for the LG8 Rewrite tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete page 9 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete page 9 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
April 19, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We completed pages 33 - 34 in the booklet today in class. We have started to develop out last method for solving equations (algebra). Please complete page 35 g) for homework. You should be reviewing for your rewrite on Friday. I have uploaded a new review sheet to google classroom. Students access this review sheet through their gallery folder.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 4 - 6 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 4 - 6 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed pages 33 - 34 in the booklet today in class. Complete page 35 g) for homework. We have started to develop out last method for solving equations (algebra). Please complete page 35 for homework. You should be reviewing for your rewrite on Friday. I have uploaded a new review sheet to google classroom. Students access this review sheet through their gallery folder.
April 18, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please check with your child to see if they have the puberty worksheet for Boys completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We reviewed for the rewrite for LG#8- Using Models to solve equations. I have uploaded two worksheets to the students classroom. They know how to get in and assess them so they can work on them. The rewrite for the assessment we completed before Easter is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
Please complete pages 1 - 3 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We reviewed for the rewrite for LG#8- Using Models to solve equations. I have uploaded two worksheets to the students classroom. They know how to get in and assess them so they can work on them. The rewrite for the assessment we completed before Easter is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 1 - 4 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
April 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We went over the assessment we completed before Easter today in class. The rewrite will be on Friday, April 21th. There is math help today after school in the library from 2:15 to 3:15 (Homework Haven - offered every Monday after school). We will start the last part of the booklet tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We started unit 7 today in class. The notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started unit 7 today in class. The notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We went over the assessment we completed before Easter today in class. The rewrite will be on Friday, April 21th. There is math help today after school in the library from 2:15 to 3:15 (Homework Haven - offered every Monday after school). We will start the last part of the booklet tomorrow.
April 4, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student missing the Recovery tests will write them when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Review for your LG#8 assessment. It is tomorrow. The answers to Rev#3 is uploaded to google classroom. You should also be reviewing the other review sheets, worksheets and completed notes as well. These can be found if you scroll down to previous posts.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review for your LG#8 assessment. It is tomorrow. The answers to Rev#3 is uploaded to google classroom. You should also be reviewing the other review sheets, worksheets and completed notes as well. These can be found if you scroll down to previous posts.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Review for the long answer part of your recovery test which is tomorrow. Answer keys to the review sheets are uploaded to google classroom. You should also be reviewing the other review sheets, worksheets and completed notes as well. These can be found if you scroll down to previous posts.
April 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your LG#8 assessment has been changed to Wednesday, April 5th. Please review for this assessment. All review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your LG#8 assessment has been changed to Wednesday, April 5th. Please review for this assessment. All review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
The long answer part of your recovery has been changed to Wednesday, April 5th. Please review for this assessment. All review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
The long answer part of your recovery tomorrow, April 4th. Please review for this assessment. All review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
March 31, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Review for your assessment on Tuesday. The review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
The multiple choice section of your recovery test is on Monday. The long answer part is on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
The multiple choice section of your recovery test is on Monday. The long answer part is on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review for your assessment on Tuesday. The review sheets are on google classroom.
March 30, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
I will upload the answers to the worksheet for Puberty - Boys to the google classroom. Some of the students did not get their worksheets completed. Please complete the worksheet in google docs and turn it in or share it with me when you are finished. We will start Puberty - Girls next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 30 for homework. Your assessment on part of LG#8 (pages 1 - 32) is on Tuesday, April 4th. Please review for LG#7 rewrite tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Review for your recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. Students should now know which units they have to review.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete page 31 for homework. Your assessment on part of LG#8 (pages 1 - 32) is on Tuesday, April 4th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Review for your recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. Students should now know which units they have to review.
March 29, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students can complete page 27 in the booklet for homework. There will be a rewrite on LG#7 on Friday for those students who did not get a chance to write it last week. Students who are writing this assessment were given a review sheet and answer key today in class. The assessment for LG#8 will be early next week. The date will be finalized tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should know what units they have to review for the recovery tests next week. They should be working on the review sheets posted to google classroom. Students should also refer back to their notes and any worksheets covered in class on the unit they are doing. All the work on these units can be found on google classroom. You have to scroll down to the unit you are looking for. Everything we covered in class at that time can still be found in the stream on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should know what units they have to review for the recovery tests next week. They should be working on the review sheets posted to google classroom. Students should also refer back to their notes and any worksheets covered in class on the unit they are doing. All the work on these units can be found on google classroom. You have to scroll down to the unit you are looking for. Everything we covered in class at that time can still be found in the stream on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students can complete page 27 in the booklet for homework. There will be a rewrite on LG#7 on Friday for those students who did not get a chance to write it last week. Students who are writing this assessment were given a review sheet and answer key today in class. The assessment for LG#8 will be early next week. The date will be finalized tomorrow.
March 28, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete the worksheet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. There will be an assessment on April 3rd, Monday or April 4th, Tuesday on Learning goal #8 up to and including algebra tiles.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that missed the ICA will write it when they return to class. Recovery review will start tomorrow. You should go to power school and look at your marks. You should review for the unit that has the lowest marks. The recovery will take in units 4, 5, and 6. The multiple choice section is on April 3rd, Monday. The long answer part if on April 4th, Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that missed the ICA will write it when they return to class. Recovery review will start tomorrow. You should go to power school and look at your marks. You should review for the unit that has the lowest marks. The recovery will take in units 4, 5, and 6. The multiple choice section is on April 3rd, Monday. The long answer part if on April 4th, Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the worksheet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. There will be an assessment on April 3rd, Monday or April 4th, Tuesday on Learning goal #8 up to and including algebra tiles.
March 27, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Review for your in-class assignment tomorrow. It overs the inequality section in the booklet. Your recovery tests are on Monday, April 3 and Tuesday, April 4. We will do some review in class on units 4, 5, and 6. But you should start to review in the evenings yourself. This is a good opportunity for a student to bring up a mark.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Review for your in-class assignment tomorrow. It overs the inequality section in the booklet. Your recovery tests are on Monday, April 3 and Tuesday, April 4. We will do some review in class on units 4, 5, and 6. But you should start to review in the evenings yourself. This is a good opportunity for a student to bring up a mark.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
You should complete some questions on pages 14 - 16 for homework. We will work on worksheet #5 in class tomorrow. This is a review of topics covered up to page 19.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You should complete some questions on pages 14 - 16 for homework. We will work on worksheet #5 in class tomorrow. This is a review of topics covered up to page 19.
March 23, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete worksheet #3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete worksheet #3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. There is an extra worksheet #4 posted to google classroom for review.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
You should be reviewing for your in class assignment on Tuesday, March 28th. It will cover the inequalities sections in the booklet. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
You should be reviewing for your in class assignment on Tuesday, March 28th. It will cover the inequalities sections in the booklet. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no school tomorrow, March 24th as it is a PD day.
March 22, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete worksheet #3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete the worksheets on inequalities that are posted to google classroom. Your ICA on inequalities is on Tuesday, March 28th. Your recovery tests on units 4 - 6 will take place on April 3rd, Monday and April 4th, Tuesday. Students should be reviewing for these assessments in an effort to increase their grades.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete the worksheets on inequalities that are posted to google classroom. Your ICA on inequalities is on Tuesday, March 28th. Your recovery tests on units 4 - 6 will take place on April 3rd, Monday and April 4th, Tuesday. Students should be reviewing for these assessments in an effort to increase their grades.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete worksheet #3 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Due to parent teacher interviews on Thursday, March 23rd, students will be dismissed at 11:21 am. There is a PD day on Friday, March 24th so students have no school that day.
March 21, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started our Puberty section in health. All worksheets will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 12 and 13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete worksheet #2 (Word problems) for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your ICA on the Inequalities sections of the booklet is on Tuesday, March 28th. The recovery tests are scheduled for April 3rd (M/C). and 4th (L/A)
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 13 and 14 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete worksheet #2 (Word problems) for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your ICA on the Inequalities sections of the booklet is on Tuesday, March 28th. The recovery tests are scheduled for April 3rd (M/C).
March 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete #2f on worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students should be reviewing their work from class each evening if they are having trouble with what we are doing in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student missing the quiz will write it when they return to class. Complete page 19 in the booklet for homework. Some important dates to remember. The ICA on inequalities, sections 6.6 - 6.8 and word problems will be on Tuesday, March 28th. The recovery tests will take place the first week of April, Monday and Tuesday. It will cover units 4, 5, and 6. Students should look through their grades on google classroom and review the units with the lowest scores so that they can try and improve those grades.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the quiz will write it when they return to class. Complete page 19 in the booklet for homework. Some important dates to remember. The ICA on inequalities, sections 6.6 - 6.8 and word problems will be on Tuesday, March 28th. The recovery tests will take place the first week of April, Monday and Tuesday. Students should look through their grades on google classroom and review the units with the lowest scores so that they can try and improve those grades.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Students should be reviewing their work from class each evening if they are having trouble with what we are doing in class. The rewrite that was supposed to take place today on LG#7 will be written tomorrow.
March 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete worksheet #1 (page 1) for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that missed the Quiz will write it when they return to class. We will start the Inequalities section on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that missed the Quiz will write it when they return to class. We will start the Inequalities section on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete worksheet #1 (page 1) for homework.
March 15, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Your quiz is tomorrow. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5 and the word problems on pages 24 - 25.You should go over the review sheets from class, the notes and any worksheets that were handed out. The completed solutions to the notes and review sheets can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 7-9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 7-9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your quiz is tomorrow. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5 and the word problems on pages 24 - 25.You should go over the review sheets from class, the notes and any worksheets that were handed out. The completed solutions to the notes and review sheets can be found on google classroom.
March 14, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Today we did Pi-Day activities. Tomorrow we will start on page 6 in the booklet. Please bring your chrome book and charger to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Today we did Pi-Day activities. Tomorrow we will start on page 6 in the booklet. Please bring your chrome book and charger to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Today we did Pi-Day activities. Tomorrow we will continue with our review for the quiz which is on Thursday, March 16th. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5 and word problems. The review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom. Please bring your chrome book and charger to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Today we did Pi-Day activities. Tomorrow we will continue with our review for the quiz which is on Thursday, March 16th. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5 and word problems. The review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom. Please bring your chrome book and charger to class.
March 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 4 - 5 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Remember to bring your chrome book and charger with you to class everyday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete review sheet #1 for homework if you did not complete it during class. Your quiz on sections 6.1 - 6.5 and word problems is on Thursday, March 16th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete review sheet #1 for homework if you did not complete it during class. Your quiz on sections 6.1 - 6.5 and word problems is on Thursday, March 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 4 - 5 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Remember to bring your chrome book and charger with you to class everyday.
March 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 3 - 4(ex. 3) in the booklet if they did not get them completed in class. Students are using their chrome books to write out their notes. They should practice writing on the chrome book over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 23 - 25 for homework if you did not complete them in class. The review sheet for the quiz has been posted to google classroom. When you go to google classroom, go to the top of the page and click on classwork. When it opens you will see rev#1 for quiz. You should practice some this these questions over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 23 - 25 for homework if you did not complete them in class. The review sheet for the quiz has been posted to google classroom. When you go to google classroom, go to the top of the page and click on classwork. When it opens you will see rev#1 for quiz. You should practice some of these questions over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 3 - 4(ex. 3) in the booklet if they did not get them completed in class. Students are using their chrome books to write out their notes. They should practice writing on the chrome book over the weekend.
March 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We started learning goal #8 today. We also started using technology to complete our notes. Students should bring their chrome books and charges to class everyday. Any student that did not complete learning goal #7 assessment will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should complete pages 14 - 15 in the booklet for homework. This work should now be completed on the chrome book. Students should be bringing their chrome book and charger to class everyday. Your quiz will be on Wednesday, March 15th. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5 (pages 1 - 17) in the booklet and word problems involving equations (pages 24 - 25).
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should complete pages 14 - 15 in the booklet for homework. This work should now be completed on the chrome book. Students should be bringing their chrome book and charger to class everyday. Your quiz will be on Wednesday, March 15th. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5 (pages 1 - 17) in the booklet and word problems involving equations (pages 24 - 25).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started learning goal #8 today. We also started using technology to complete our notes. Students should bring their chrome books and charges to class everyday. Any student that did not complete learning goal #7 assessment will write it when they return to class.
March 7, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 9 - 10 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You will have a quiz on Wednesday on the equations part of the booklet. This will cover Pages 1 - 17, 24 and 25.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 9 - 10 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You will have a quiz on Wednesday on the equations part of the booklet. This will cover Pages 1 - 17, 24 and 25.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student that did not complete learning goal #7 assessment will write it when they return to class. Please bring your chrome book and chord with you to class tomorrow. We will begin learning goal # 8. The notes for this learning goal will be completed on the chrome book so it will be important to bring your chrome book to class everyday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that did not complete learning goal #7 assessment will write it when they return to class. Please bring your chrome book and chord with you to class tomorrow. We will begin learning goal # 8. The notes for this learning goal will be completed on the chrome book so it will be important to bring your chrome book to class everyday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed a worksheet on Stress today in class.
March 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should be working on pages 7 - 10 in the booklet. Students are now using their chrome books to complete their notes and homework. Please remember to bring your chrome books and your chargers to class everyday. You will have a quiz on sections 6.1 - 6.5 plus word problems (solving equations) on Monday, March 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment on learning goal #7 is tomorrow. The completed booklet, review sheets and answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment on learning goal #7 is tomorrow. The completed booklet, review sheets and answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
Students should be working on pages 7 - 10 in the booklet. Students are now using their chrome books to complete their notes and homework. Please remember to bring your chrome books and your chargers to class everyday. You will have a quiz on sections 6.1 - 6.5 plus word problems (solving equations) on Monday, March 14th.
March 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the review sheet handed out in class today if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th. Just a reminder that there is help every Monday after school if students need extra help. I will be available on Monday second half of lunch if any student has questions.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should complete the review sheet handed out in class today if they did not get it completed in class. The assessment on learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th. Just a reminder that there is help every Monday after school if students need extra help. I will be available on Monday second half of lunch if any student has questions.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 5 - 6 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 5 - 7 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
March 2, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please finish worksheet #1 if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 1 - 6 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Please continue to bring your chrome book to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 1 - 4 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Please continue to bring your chrome book to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the Coloring activity handed out in class today for homework if you did not get it completed. Your assessment on learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th. Students should be reviewing every evening if they are having trouble understanding what we are doing in class.
March 1, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are finishing up our worksheet on 'A Healthy You'
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed the booklet. Please make sure you have all pages completed. Complete questions #1 -4 for homework on the coloring activity sheet handed out in class. Your assessment on learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We started using our chrome books today to write out our notes for unit 6: Equations and Inequalities. Please bring your chrome book to class everyday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment on learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th. Complete #1-4 on Worksheet #1(Missing Fractions worksheet) from class for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that did not write their test today on unit 5 will write it when they return to school. Please bring your chrome book to class tomorrow. We will be starting unit 6 tomorrow and we will be writing our notes on the chrome books.
February 28, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 22-24 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that did not write their unit 5 test today will write it when they return to class. Please bring your chrome books with you to class tomorrow. We will be starting unit 6.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your unit 5 test is tomorrow. The review sheet from today's class (section 5.5 - 5.6 and the answer key) have been uploaded to google classroom. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom. Scroll down to yesterday's date, Feb. 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment for learning goal #7 is on Tuesday, March 7th. Please review your notes and worksheets. You will be given more review sheets tomorrow.
February 27, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
On review sheet #2, we corrected #1 - 7 in class. These should now be completed. Please complete #8 - 13 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #7 will be on Monday, March 6th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please review for your unit 5 test. It is tomorrow and will cover all of unit 5. Your completed notes, review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your unit 5 test. It has been changed to Wednesday, March 1.Your completed notes, review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 23 g, h, i for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #7 will be on Monday, March 6th.
February 24, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete some of the review sheets for homework. Your test on unit 5 is on Tuesday, Feb 28th. The review sheet and answer key are on google classroom. Your test will cover the in class assignment and the review sheet. You should review both of these and the notes,
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete some of the review sheets for homework. Your test on unit 5 is on Tuesday, Feb 28th.The review sheet and answer key are on google classroom. Your test will cover the in class assignment and the review sheet. You should review both of these and the notes,
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete pages 26-27 for homework if you did not get them completed on class. Your assessment on learning goal #7 is tentatively set for Thursday March 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 15 - 19 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started a worksheet on wellness today. We will complete it in class.
February 23, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please work on review#1 handed out in today's class. The answer key will be on google classroom. You test on Unit 5 is on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student missing the rewrite will write it tomorrow or when they return to class. Some students didn't finish page 23 - 24. If you are not finished please complete them for homework. Your assessment on learning goal #7 will be Thursday, March 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the rewrite will write it tomorrow or when they return to school.
Please make sure your notes are completed up to and including page 14.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please work on review #2 handed out in today's class. The answer key will be on google classroom. You test on Unit 5 is on Tuesday.
February 22, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the rewrite for learning goal #6 tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets, review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom. You can scroll down until you find the uploads for learning goal #6.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be reviewing for the rewrite for learning goal #6 tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets, review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom. You can scroll down until you find the uploads for learning goal #6.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be reviewing for the unit 5 test which is on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should be reviewing for the unit 5 test which is on Monday.
February 21, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete page 23 in the booklet for homework. Students writing the rewrite for learning goal #6 will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete pages 46, 51, 57 - 60 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your test on unit 5 is on Monday, Feb. 27th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete pages 46, 51, 57 - 60 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your test on unit 5 is on Monday, Feb. 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 11 in the booklet for homework. Students wanting to do the rewrite on learning goal #6 can write it on Thursday, Feb. 23rd.
February 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We finished our worksheet on nutrition.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 11 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Complete page 50 in the booklet for homework. Your test on unit 5 is on Monday, Feb 27th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete page 15 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete page 46 in the booklet for homework. Your test on unit 5 is on Tuesday, Feb 28th.
February 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 9 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 40 - 42 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 40 - 42 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 11-12 in the booklet for homework.
February 16, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 11, example #1a in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete page 34 in the booklet for homework. Your unit 5 test has been scheduled for Feb. 28 (Tuesday).
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 34 in the booklet for homework. Your unit 5 test has been scheduled for Feb. 28 (Tuesday).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 4 - 6 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
February 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start learning goal #7 (Fractions) tomorrow. Any student missing assessment LG#5 will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We started learning goal #7 today. Please complete pages 1 - 5 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We will start section 5.5 tomorrow. Any student missing the in class assignment today will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We will start section 5.5 tomorrow. Any student missing the in class assignment today will write it when they return to class.
February 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Working through our handout on nutrition.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete questions 10 - 11 on the review sheet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is on Monday, Feb 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please review your notes, worksheets, review sheets. Your ICA is on Monday, Feb 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment on learning goal #6 is tomorrow. Please review your notes, worksheets and review sheets.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review your notes, worksheets, review sheets. Your ICA is on Monday, Feb 13th.
February 8, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete question #3 on worksheet #5 (House Activity) for homework. Your assessment on learning goal 6 is on Monday, Feb. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please continue to work on pages 20 - 22, 24 - 29, 53 - 54 and 57 - 58 for homework. Your in-class assignment is on Monday, Feb 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please continue to work on pages 20 - 22, 24 - 29, 53 - 54 and 57 - 58 for homework. Your in-class assignment is on Monday, Feb 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the review sheet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal 6 is on Friday, Feb. 10th.
February 7, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete questions 1- 4 on worksheet #6 (Composite Diagrams) for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You assessment on Learning goal #6 has been moved to Friday, Feb 10th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please review for your in-class assignment which is on Monday, Feb 13th. Pages 20 - 22 and 24 - 29 in the booklet. Please bring your chrome book to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your in-class assignment which is on Monday, Feb 13th. Pages 20 - 22 and 24 - 29 in the booklet. Please bring your chrome book to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete questions 1- 3 on worksheet #6 (Composite Diagrams) for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You assessment on Learning goal #6 is on Monday Feb 13th.
February 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Completed page 19 and page 24 for homework (19 is adding and 24 is subtracting).
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 19 - 22 and 25- 29 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #5 (House activity) numbers 1-4 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is still set for Thursday, Feb 9th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 25 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is set for Monday, Feb 9th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have started term II so we are now doing Health. We started Nutrition today.
February 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We worked on addition and subtraction of polynomials. Please complete pages 18 and 19 (addition) and bottom of page 24 (subtraction) for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 26 for homework. We have finished the booklet. The assessment for learning goal #6 is tentatively set for Thursday, Feb 9th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 24 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 10 -12 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
February 2, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 23 and example 2 on the top of page 24 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #4, 1 - 16 for homework. Find the Circumference and area of a circle.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 6-8 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 14 - 16 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
February 1, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 23 in the booklet for homework. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is tentatively set for Thursday, Feb 9th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 8 - 12 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started unit 5: Polynomials. Please complete pages 1 - 5 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The new booklet and completed notes from todays class have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #3 for homework (Area of a Triangle).
January 31, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework in health.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 20 in the booklet for homework. Students should also review this page as some students were having trouble with these questions.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
We started unit 5 today (Polynomials). Please complete pages 1 - 6 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. A copy of the new booklet has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
Please complete worksheet #3 (Area of a Triangle) for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We will start unit 5:Polynomials tomorrow. Any student who missed the test today will write it when they return to school.
January 30, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started area of triangles today. Please complete/review pages 17 - 19 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We will start unit 5 tomorrow. Any student absent for their test today will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your test tomorrow. It is on unit 4 (the complete booklet). The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom. Scroll down to Jan 27th and you should see the sheets.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete/review pages 17-20 in the booklet for homework.
January 27, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should have both worksheet #1 and #2 completed for Monday's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should review for the test on Monday. It will cover the full booklet, Unit 4: Linear Relations. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should review for the test on Tuesday. It will cover the full booklet, Unit 4: Linear Relations. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the first page worksheet #2 for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
January 26, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please continue to work on the reviews from class. Your test on unit 4 is on Tuesday, Jan. 31th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please continue to work on the reviews from class. Your test on unit 4 is on Monday. Jan 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete #6-9 on worksheet #2 if you did not get them completed in class. Students should be reviewing in the evening if they are having trouble with any concepts from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 15 and 16 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Students should have worksheet #1 (Circumference) completed as well. You should be reviewing in the evening if you are having trouble with any concepts from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed our World Religions Project. If you did not submit your final copy to me today please complete it this evening and share it with me.
January 25, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should be working on their review sheets. The unit 4 test is on Monday, Jan 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete word problems #6 - 8 on worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #1 (Circumference) for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be working on their review sheets. The unit 4 test is on Tuesday, Jan 31th.
January 24, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete questions 1 - 2 on worksheet #1 handed out in today's class for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete questions 1 - 3 on worksheet #2 handed out in today's class for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the review at the end of the booklet if you have not yet completed these questions. If you have completed the booklet please work on review sheet#1 handed out in class. Your test on unit 4 (the complete booklet) is on Tuesday, Jan 31.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete the review at the end of the booklet if you have not yet completed these questions. If you have completed the booklet please work on review sheet#1 handed out in class. Your test on unit 4 (the complete booklet) is on Monday, Jan 30.
January 23, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 1 of worksheet #2 handed out in class today. Your rewrite on learning goal #5 is tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan. 24th).
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete the review at the end of the booklet. You will be given review sheets tomorrow. Your unit 4 test is on Monday, Jan. 30th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the review at the end of the booklet. Your unit 4 test is on Tuesday, Jan 31st.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 9-11 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your rewrite on learning goal #5 is tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan. 24th).
January 20, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students are working on their last projects/worksheets for Religion. If a student has any outstanding work they will bring it home on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should do a little experiment over the weekend. They will need a circle (something found at home), some string and a ruler. They can use the same table from class in case they forget what they have to do (Circumference/diameter). They should show me their workings on Monday. Any student wanting to do a rewrite on learning goal #5 will have the opportunity to write it on Tuesday, January 24th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We have completed the concepts in the booklet. We are now working on the review (pages 46 - 50) at the end of the booklet.
The unit 4 test will be on Monday, January 20th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #1 (Circumference) for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student wanting to do a rewrite on learning goal #5 will have the opportunity to write it on Tuesday, January 24th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have completed section 4.4 in the booklet. We are now working on the review (pages 40-43). We will finish the last concept on Monday, section 4.5. We will than work through the review pages.
The unit 4 test will be on Wednesday, February 1st (tentatively).
January 19, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 4 - 5 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 40 - 42 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your test on unit 4 will be on Monday, Jan. 30th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 36-39 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your test on unit 4 will be on Monday, Jan. 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 11 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
January 18, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete example #1 on page 10 if you did not get it completed in class. Also, find a circle in your home and use it to investigate what happens when you find the circumference and the diameter. When you use division (C/d) what value do you get. Remember, accuracy matters.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 36 - 39 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We will start section 4.4 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 3-4 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
January 17, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students will finish the assignment tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We will start section 4.4 tomorrow. We will be finished unit 4 early next week. You will have a unit 4 test late next week. Any student that missed the assignment will complete it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will continue with the booklet for learning goal #6 tomorrow. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start learning goal #6 tomorrow. Any student missing the assessment on learning goal #5 will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students are working on a World Religions Project. It will be completed in class.
January 16, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students will finish their assignment tomorrow. Any student that missed the assignment today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We started learning goal #6 today. Please complete pages 1-4 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment tomorrow on learning goal #5. You should review the notes and any worksheets handed out in class. We will start learning goal #6 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your assignment on section 4.3 is tomorrow. Please review your notes and worksheets from class.
January 13, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should review the worksheets from class and the notes to help prepare for the learning goal 5 assessment on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student that missed the learning goal #5 assessment will write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal #6 on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be reviewing for their assignment on Tuesday, Jan 17th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should be reviewing for their assignment on Monday. I uploaded an extra practice sheet to google classroom in case you have finished your worksheets from class and would like some extra practice.
January 12, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your assessment on learning goal #5: Circle Graphs. It is tomorrow, January 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please practice some of the questions on any of the worksheets handed out in class. Your assignment is on Monday, January 16th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please practice some of the questions on any of the worksheets handed out in class. Your assignment is on Monday, January 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment on learning goal #5: Circle Graphs. It has been moved to Tuesday, January 17th.
January 11, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student not getting the 10 Commandments worksheet completed in class can go to google classroom and look at what was completed in class. If you do not have the sheet you can complete the worksheet on a sheet of paper and hand it in tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed the booklet. Students will be given a worksheet tomorrow to help with the review. The assessment for learning goal #5 has been changed from Friday to Monday, Jan 16th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 1 - 2 on worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assignment has been changed from Friday to Monday, January 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #5 is on Friday, Jan 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 1 - 2 on worksheet #2 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assignment has been changed from Friday to Monday, January 16th.
January 9, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 9 - 10 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed. The information you need to answer #10 has been uploaded to google classroom. Open the notes from today's class and go to page 10. Your assessment for learning goal #5 is on Friday, Jan 13th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 29 - 34 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assignment on graphing equations is on Thursday, Jan. 12th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 29 - 34 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assignment on graphing equations is on Friday, Jan. 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 9 - 10 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed. The information you need to answer #10 has been uploaded to google classroom. Open the notes from today's class and go to page 10. Your assessment for learning goal #5 is on Friday, Jan 13th.
January 6, 2023
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please work on pages 29 - 34 in the booklet. You will have some class time to finish them on Monday. You will receive worksheet #2 on Monday. An assessment on 4.3 is on Thursday, Jan 12th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. We will start rearranging of equations on Monday. An assessment on 4.3 is tentatively set for Friday, Jan 13th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment for learning goal #5 is tentatively set for Friday, Jan. 13th. Any student doing the rewrite on learning goal 4.2-4.3 will write it on Monday, Jan 9th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment for learning goal #5 is tentatively set for Friday, Jan. 13th. Any student doing the rewrite on learning goal 4.2-4.3 will write it on Monday, Jan 9th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are completing an activity on the 10 Commandments in class.
January 4, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 6 and 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete #1 - 9 on worksheet #1 handed out in class today for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 23 - 25 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 23 - 26 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
January 3, 2023
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Happy New Year and welcome back! We started a new learning goal today. LG#5-Circle Graphs. I will hand back the assessment on LG#4.2 - 4.3 tomorrow. Any student wishing to do the rewrite on this learning goal can write it on Monday, Jan 9th. If your child has a geometry set could they please bring it to class. There is no homework this evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Happy New Year and welcome back! We started section 4.3 in the booklet. Students should have pages 19 - 23 completed for tomorrow if they did not get them completed in today's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Happy New Year and welcome back! We started section 4.3 in the booklet. Students should have pages 19 - 23 completed for tomorrow if they did not get them completed in today's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Happy New Year and welcome back! We started a new learning goal today. LG#5-Circle Graphs. I will hand back the assessment on LG#4.2 - 4.3 tomorrow. Any student wishing to do the rewrite on this learning goal can write it on Monday, Jan 9th. If your child has a geometry set could they please bring it to class. There is no homework this evening.
December 19, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student that missed the assessment on learning goal 4.2-4.3 will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student missing the assessment on unit 4, sections 4.1 - 4.2 write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the assessment on unit 4, sections 4.1 - 4.2 write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the assessment on learning goal 4.2-4.3 will write it tomorrow.
December 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.2 on Monday. You can use your notes and worksheets.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please review for your assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.2 on Monday. You can use your notes and worksheets.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 on Monday, Dec 19th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 on Monday, Dec 19th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed our worksheets on 'Who Inspires Us', 'Future Aspirations' And 'Our Values'
December 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 14-15 in the booklet for homework. You assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.2 is on Monday, Dec. 19th. This covers pages 1 - 18 in the booklet. Students writing the recovery tomorrow should be reviewing for the unit they are redoing.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students who are doing the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 4.1 should be reviewing. Your assessment on learning goal 4.2-4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 19th. Students should practice the questions on the review sheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students who are doing the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 4.1 should be reviewing. Your assessment on learning goal 4.2-4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 19th. Students should practice the questions on the worksheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-6(222)
Please complete pages 8-9 in the booklet for homework. You assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.2 is on Monday, Dec. 19th. This covers pages 1 - 18 in the booklet.
December 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Due to the fact that the concert is this evening your rewrite on learning goal 4.1 will be moved to Friday, Dec. 16th. Your assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 is on Monday, Dec 19th. Please complete #5-6 on the ITEMS worksheet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Due to the fact that the concert is this evening your rewrite on learning goal 4.1 will be moved to Friday, Dec. 16th. Your assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 is on Monday, Dec 19th. Please complete #5-6 on the ITEMS worksheet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the recovery tests please come see me when you return to class. Please complete pages 1 - 5 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.2 of the booklet is on Monday, Dec 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student missing the recovery tests please come see me when you return to class. Please complete pages 8-9 in the booklet for homework. Your assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.2 of the booklet is on Monday, Dec 19th.
December 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first 2 questions on the 'Items worksheet' handed out in class today for homework. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite on learning goal 4.1 if they are writing it on Thursday. We have now completed the booklet. The assessment for learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday Dec 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student missing the recovery will write it on Wednesday. We will start unit 4 on Wednesday. There will be an assessment on pages 1 - 17 in the booklet on Monday, Dec. 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the recovery will write it on Wednesday. We will start unit 4 on Wednesday. There will be an assessment on pages 1 - 17 in the booklet on Monday, Dec. 19th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first two questions on the ITEMS worksheet handed out in class today for homework. Students should be reviewing for the rewrite on learning goal 4.1 if they are writing it on Thursday. We have now completed the booklet. The assessment for learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday Dec 19th.
December 12, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students are working through the section on Aspirations and Future self. If the worksheet does not get completed in class this week I will upload the worksheet to google classroom. Students should know if they are finished or not. If not finished they can create a google doc and email me the completed worksheet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on worksheet #1 for homework. We will start taxes tomorrow. The assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 19th. The rewrite for learning goal 4.1 which the students received back today is on Thursday, Dec 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students will write the second part of the recovery tomorrow, the long answer part. Any student missing any part of this assessment will write it when they return to class. WE will start unit 4 tomorrow. There will be a short assessment on section 4.1 on Monday, Dec. 19th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 30 - 32 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 is on Monday, Dec. 19th. The rewrite for learning goal 4.1 which the students received back today is on Thursday, Dec 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students will write the second part of the recovery tomorrow, the long answer part. Any student missing any part of this assessment will write it when they return to class. WE will start unit 4 tomorrow. There will be a short assessment on section 4.1 on Monday, Dec. 19th.
December 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete 4 questions on page one and 4 questions on page 2 on worksheet #2 (percents-discounts-sale price) handed out in today's class for Monday. We will start the last outcome on Monday-Taxes and final price. We will finish the booklet on Monday. The assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday, Dec. 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please review for your recovery tests on Monday and Tuesday. The answer keys and review sheets can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your recovery tests on Monday and Tuesday. The answer keys and review sheets can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #2 (percentages-discounts-sale price) for Monday. We will start the last outcome on Monday (taxes and final price). We will finish the booklet on Monday. The assessment on learning goal 4.2 - 4.3 will be on Monday, Dec. 19th. The rewrite for learning goal 4.1 is on Thursday, Dec. 15th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please return any ticket money you have as soon as possible. Also, you can still bring in any donations you have for our 'Adapt a Seniors' program.
December 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete at least 4 questions on pages 1 and 2 of worksheet #2 handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
You should be reviewing for your recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. These tests will cover your notes, worksheets, review sheets and assessments. It is not enough to just complete the review sheet handed out in class. You should review everything you were given for each unit to ensure you have covered all the concepts. The review sheets and answer keys can be found on the stream in google classroom. Also, if you scroll down you will see all the postings since September for units 1 - 3.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
You should be reviewing for your recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. These tests will cover your notes, worksheets, review sheets and assessments. It is not enough to just complete the review sheet handed out in class. You should review everything you were given for each unit to ensure you have covered all the concepts. The review sheets and answer keys can be found on the stream in google classroom. Also, if you scroll down you will see all the postings since September for units 1 - 3.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet from class. Numbers 37 - 66. We will correct them in class tomorrow and begin learning goal 4.2.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
Please return your ticket money to the school as soon as possible. Also, we are still collecting for our 'Adopt a Seniors' program.
December 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Recovery tests are on Monday and Tuesday, December 12th and 13th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Please review your notes and assessments as well.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Recovery tests are on Monday and Tuesday, December 12th and 13th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Please review your notes and assessments as well.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 27 - 29 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the last page of the worksheet from class (#37 - 66) if you do not have it completed. We will correct these questions on Friday and start section 4.3.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our discussions on who inspires us. The worksheets are to be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring in your ticket money. Also, We are still collecting for our 'Adapt a Seniors' Program. all donations are very much appreciated.
December 6, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students were given review sheets for the recovery tests. The multiple choice section is on Monday and the long answer part is on Tuesday. The review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #1 (#37 - 66). We will correct the worksheet tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #1 (#36-66). We will correct the worksheet tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students were given review sheets for the recovery tests. The multiple choice section is on Monday and the long answer part is on Tuesday. The review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring in your ticket money as soon as possible. Also, Thank you all for continuing to donate to our 'Adopt a Senior' program.
December 5, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete numbers 1 - 16 on the worksheet handed out today for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete numbers 1 - 36 on the worksheet handed out today for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the quiz well write it when they return to class. Your recovery tests on units 1 - 3 are on Monday Dec 12th (Multiple choice) and Tuesday Dec 13th (Long answer). Students have to write at least one recovery test. You can write all three if you want.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
Any student missing the quiz well write it when they return to class. Your recovery tests on units 1 - 3 are on Monday Dec 12th (Multiple choice) and Tuesday Dec 13th (Long answer). Students have to write at least one recovery test. You can write all three if you want.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring in your ticket money as soon as possible. Also, please keep bringing in your donations for our 'Adapt a Seniors' program. Thank you so much for those of you who continue to support MDJH! It is greatly appreciated.
December 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 23 - 26 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Your quiz on BEDMAS and word problems is on Monday, Dec. 5th. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your quiz on BEDMAS and word problems is on Monday, Dec. 5th. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the assessment on Friday will write it when they return to class. We will start learning goal #4.2 on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please return your ticket money on Monday. Also, please bring in donations for our 'Adopt a Senior's' program. Thank you.
November 30, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on page 3 of the review sheet. We completed pages 1 - 2 today in class. Your assessment on learning goal 4.1 is on Friday, Dec. 2nd. The completed notes, review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please work on the question from the board as well as questions on pages 43 - 45 in the booklet. tomorrow you will complete questions from the textbook and hand them in when you are finished. Your quiz on BEDMAS is on Monday, Dec. 5th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please work on the question from the board as well as questions on pages 43 - 45 in the booklet. tomorrow you will complete questions from the textbook and hand them in when you are finished. Your quiz on BEDMAS is on Monday, Dec. 5th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student that missed he assessment will write it on Friday or when they return to class. We will have a review sheet tomorrow on adding, subtracting and multiplying decimals before we start learning goal #4.2
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please return the money and any unsold tickets as soon as possible. Please don't forget to bring in your donations for the 'Adopt a Senior' program.
November 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 36 for homework. Your quiz on BEDMAS is on Monday, Dec. 5th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 40- 41 for homework. Your quiz on BEDMAS is on Monday, Dec. 5th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment on learning goal #4.1 is on Wednesday, Nov 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page (double sided) of the review sheet handed out in class today. Your assessment on learning goal #4.1 is on Friday, Dec. 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working on an 'Inspirations' worksheet in class this week. The worksheet will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please return the ticket money or any unsold tickets as soon as possible. Also, we are collecting for our 'Adopt a Seniors' project.
November 24, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 22 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. You should now have pages 2 - 22 completed in the booklet. Your assessment on learning goal #4.1 is on Thursday, Dec. 1st. You were given your review sheet today in class. Please complete at least the first 4 questions on the worksheet.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Complete rev #2 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. You should now have pages 2 - 22 completed in the booklet. Your assessment on learning goal #4.1 is on Wednesday, Nov. 30th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that missed the assignment can write it when they return to class. We will start BEDMAS on Monday. Your quiz on BEDMAS is the following Monday, Dec. 5th. It includes pages 35 - 45 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 36 and 37 for homework. Your quiz on BEDMAS is on Monday, Dec. 5th. It includes pages 35 - 45 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We are not collecting items for our 'Adopt a Senior.' Personal items such as body wash, shampoo, etc. (all unscented products). The complete list can be found on our website. Students can start bring in these items on Monday.
Also, the tickets for our fundraiser were given out today as well. Please ask your child for the tickets. Return the tickets and the money as soon as they are sold. Thank you for your continuous support. Enjoy the long week-end.
November 23, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should have page one (double sided) completed on the review sheet for class tomorrow. Your assessment on learning goal 4.1 is on Nov 30th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that missed the in class assignment will write it when they return to school. We will start BEDMAS tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that missed the in class assignment will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 20 in the booklet for homework.
November 22, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Some students need to finish up worksheets from class. Please complete them this evening and pass them in tomorrow. Or if you are completing them on your chrome book you can share it with me this evening when it is completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review the sheets we are completing in class. We are writing our the fractions that repeat or terminate with denominators of 1 to 11. Your assessment on learning goal #4.1 is on Wednesday, Nov 30th. It will cover pages 2 - 22 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student that missed the in class assignment will write it when they return to school. Please bring your chrome book with you to math class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page (double sided) of the review sheet handed out in class today. Your assessment on learning goal #4.1 is on Wednesday, Nov 30th. It will cover pages 2 - 22 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your in class assignment on rational numbers (pages 1 - 34) is tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov 22. You can use your notes so please bring them to class with you.
November 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have pages 16 and the top of page 17 completed for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please review for your in class assignment tomorrow. It covers pages 1 - 34 in the booklet. You can use your notes so remember to bring them to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your in class assignment on Wednesday. It covers pages 1 - 34 in the booklet. You can use your notes so remember to bring them to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 22 in the booklet for homework.
November 18, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 16 - 18 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please work on the review sheet from class. We will correct it on Monday. Your in class assignment on the four operations with fractions is on Tuesday, Nov 22nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 32-34 if you did not get them completed in class. If completed you can work on the review sheet. We will correct it on Monday and Tuesday. Your in class assignment on the four operations with fractions is on Wednesday, Nov 23nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 14 - 15 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
November 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 30 - 31 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your in class assignment is on Tuesday, Nov 22nd. It will cover pages 1 - 34 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 32-34 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your in class assignment is on Tuesday, Nov 22nd. It will cover pages 1 - 34 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 13 - 15 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal 4.1 will be on Nov. 30. (pages 2 - 23 in the booklet).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 13 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal 4.1 will be on Nov. 30. (pages 2 - 23 in the booklet).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working on a case study about 'What would you do' in certain situations.
November 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 30- 31 for homework if you do not get them completed in class. Your in class assignment on pages 1 - 41 in the booklet (the four operations) is on Tuesday, Nov 22nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the example on top of page 12 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 8 - 10 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 27 for homework if you do not get them completed in class. Your in class assignment on pages 1 - 41 in the booklet (the four operations) is on Tuesday, Nov 22nd.
November 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #4 on the review sheet handed out in class for homework if you did not get it finished. Any student that missed the rewrite today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete #4 on the review sheet handed out in class for homework if you did not get it finished. Any student that missed the rewrite today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 25-26 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You assignment on pages 1 - 41 in the booklet is on Tuesday, Nov 22nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 25-26 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You assignment on pages 1 - 41 in the booklet is on Monday, Nov 21nd.
November 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student wanting to rewrite learning goal #3 will write it tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 21 - 22 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 17-19 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student wanting to rewrite learning goal #3 will write it tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov 15th.
November 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete questions 1 - 26 on worksheet #1 handed out in class today. Any student wanting to rewrite learning goral #3: Decimal Operations can write it on Tuesday, Nov 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should have pages 16-18 completed for Monday's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete all the questions on worksheet #1 handed out in class today if you did not get them finished. Any student wanting to rewrite learning goral #3: Decimal Operations can write it on Tuesday, Nov 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should have pages 16-18 completed for Monday's class.
November 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will work on reducing fractions tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 16 - 18 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 15 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
November 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete #1-26 on worksheet#1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. The worksheet and updated notes can be found on google classroom. Any student wanting to do the rewrite for learning goal #3: Decimal Operations can write it on Tuesday, Nov 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete the practice pages 13 - 15 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the practice pages 13 - 15 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 7-8 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The updated notes can be found on google classroom. Any student wanting to do the rewrite for learning goal #3: Decimal Operations can write it on Tuesday, Nov 15th.
November 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started a new booklet. Please make sure you have pages 1 - 9 completed. We will start addition of fractions tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We started a new booklet. Please make sure you complete page 12, example 7 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 8 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 5 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working on the last 3 Pillars: Caring, Fairness and Citizenship.
November 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student who missed the test will write it when they return to class. We have started a new booklet. Unit 3: Rational numbers. A copy of the booklet and the notes from class have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student that missed writing the assessment on LG#3 will write it when they return to class. We started LG#4 today, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. The new booklet and the notes from class have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed writing the assessment today will write it when they return to class. We started LG#4 today, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. The new booklet and the notes from class have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student who missed the test will write it when they return to class. We have started a new booklet. Unit 3: Rational numbers. A copy of the booklet and the notes from class have been uploaded to google classroom.
November 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should review this evening for their learning goal #3 assessment tomorrow. The notes, worksheets, review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student that missed their assessment today will write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal #4 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student who has not yet written the test will write it when they return to school. Some students have not yet handed in the foldable on the exponent laws. This is now overdue. We started unit 3 today. The new booklet and the notes form class will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student who has not yet written the test will write it when they return to school. Some students have not yet handed in the foldable on the exponent laws. This is now overdue. We started unit 3 today. The new booklet and the notes form class will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
If you are ordering MDJH clothes the deadline is Nov 4th. If you are ordering pictures the deadline is Nov 10th.
November 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your learning goal #3 assessment tomorrow. All notes, worksheets, review sheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student missing the unit 2 test will write it when they return to school. We will start unit 3: Rational numbers tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the unit 2 test will write it when they return to school. We will start unit 3: Rational numbers tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the word problems review sheet handed out in class today. You have to complete #9- 12 for homework. Your assessment for your learning goal #3 is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student wishing to purchase MDJH clothing can go to the MDJH website and look for the link. The deadline for orders is Friday, Nov. 4th
Students were given their school pictures. Any student wanting to order pictures should follow the instructions on the front of the picture. The deadline to order school pictures is Thursday, Nov. 10th.
November 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (214)
We will finish the 6 Pillars in our next class. There is no homework. If a student has missed any work I will contact home.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed the booklet today. The assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov 4th. Students should be reviewing the worksheets and notes. They will be given a review sheet in tomorrow's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
The unit 2 test is tomorrow. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets, etc.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We completed the booklet today. The assessment on learning goal #3 is on Thursday, Nov 3rd. Students should be reviewing any notes, worksheets and review sheets from class. Please complete any 4 questions from the sheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We completed the booklet today. Students were given a review sheet on BEDMAS. The assessment on learning goal #3 is on Friday, Nov 4th. Students should be reviewing the worksheets and notes.
The unit 2 test is tomorrow. Students should be reviewing the notes, worksheets, etc.
October 31, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 18#1 a, b in the booklet for homework. Please start reviewing for the assessment on learning goal #3: Decimal Operations which is on Friday, Nov. 4th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please work on the review sheets handed out in class. Your test on U2: Exponents is on Wednesday, Nov 2nd. All worksheets, review sheets, notes and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please work on the review sheets handed out in class. Your test on U2: Exponents is on Wednesday, Nov 2nd. All worksheets, review sheets, notes and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 18 #1a,b in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Please review for the assessment on learning goal #3: Decimal Operations, the assessment is on Thursday, Nov. 3rd.
October 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the last 2 pages in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 12 - 13 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete the last 2 pages in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 12 - 13 in the booklet
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework
October 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete the last pages in the booklet(31-33) for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The foldable should be completed by Thursday during class. Your test is on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet on division for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet on division for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the pages 30 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. The foldable should be completed by Thursday during class. Your test is on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd.
October 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please practice multiplying decimals tonight. Some students are not finished the worksheet. We will continue with division of fractions tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete #1-10 on the division worksheet handed out in class today for homework if you did not get them finished.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 29 - 30 for homework. We will correct these pages tomorrow. We will work on the foldable during the last part of class. The foldable is due on Thursday, Oct 27th and the test is on Wednesday, Nov 2nd. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 29 - 30 for homework. We will correct these pages tomorrow. We will work on the foldable during the last part of class. The foldable is due on Thursday, Oct 27th and the test is on Wednesday, Nov 2nd. Students should be reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are still accepting coats for the Coats for Kids program. Students can now order MDJH school wear. The link can be found on google classroom.
October 24, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please go over page 11 in the booklet for homework if you had trouble with division.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 29 - 30 in the booklet for homework. We are working on the review in class and completing the foldable on the exponent laws. The foldable is due on Thursday, Oct. 27th. The test is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov.2nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 28 -29 in the booklet for homework. We are working on the review in class and completing the foldable on the exponent laws. The foldable is due on Thursday, Oct. 27th. The test is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov.2nd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 (d, e, f, and g)on the multiplication of decimals worksheet handed out in class. Students should be reviewing the multiplication tables at home in the evening to help them with their multiplication and division skills.
October 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Some students have not finished their story on one of the Character Counts assignment. Please complete the story on you chrome book and share it with me when you are finished.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student wanting to do the rewrite on learning goal #2 will write it on Monday, Oct 24th. Students should practice subtraction of decimals.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 27 and 28 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will start the foldable on Monday. It is due on Thursday, Oct 27th. Your test is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov 1.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student wanting to do the rewrite on learning goal #2 will write it on Monday, Oct 24th. Students should practice subtraction of decimals.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 21 to 24 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will start the foldable on Monday. It is due on Thursday, Oct 27th. Your test is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov 1.
October 20, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 5-6 in the booklet for homework if you did not get your work completed in class. There will be a rewrite of learning goal #2 on Monday. Students should go over their notes and assessment and let me know tomorrow if they are doing the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We have finished the Exponent Laws. You will start your foldable tomorrow in class. It is due on Thursday, Oct.27. Your test is Scheduled for Tuesday, Nov.1
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure pages 19 - 20 are completed in your booklet. We will finish the exponent laws on Monday. You will start your foldable on Tuesday. It is due on Thursday, Oct.27 Your test is Scheduled for Tuesday, Nov.1
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 5-6 in the booklet and the first page of worksheet #1 (subtraction) for homework if you did not get your work completed in class. There will be a rewrite of learning goal #2 on Monday. Students should go over their notes and assessment and let me know tomorrow if they are doing the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Tomorrow is the last day to bring in gently used coats for the Coats for Kids program. You can wear your PJ's tomorrow! please bring in a donation for the Janeway.
October 19, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #2 (adding and Subtracting decimal) for homework if you did not get it completed in class
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 21 completed in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 16 and 17 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 5 in the notes if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are accepting gently used coats for the Coats for kids program. Friday is Jamarama Day. You can wear your pajama's. Please bring in a donation for the Janeway.
October 18, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 13 - 14 in the booklet if you did not get them finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 19 - 20 in the booklet if you did not get them finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page of worksheet #1 (subtract) handed out today in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start learning goal #3: Decimal Operations tomorrow. Any student missing their assessment today on learning goal #2 will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started writing our story for the 3 'Character Counts' topics we have discussed in class (Respect, Responsibility and Trustworthiness). Students were given their google classroom code. They can now log in and see the Story booklet from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are still collecting for the coats for kids program.
October 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 17 completed in your notes for tomorrow's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We have started a new booklet. Learning goal#3: Decimal Operations. Please complete page 5, #1 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment on learning goal #2 is tomorrow. You should review what we went over in class today (review sheet).
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 11 completed in your notes for tomorrow's class.
October 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should work on the review sheets handed out in class. If these are completed they can work on the practice section in their booklets, pages 25-27. The assessment on learning goal #2:Integers is on Tuesday, October 18th. It will cover the full booklet. The review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student missing the assessment today for learning goal #2 will write it when they return to school. We will start learning goal #3:Decimal operations on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should complete pages 1 - 10 completed in the booklet for homework if they did not get them completed in class. Any student that has still not written the in class assignment will complete it when they return to school.
Copy of updated notes can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should complete worksheet #1 handed out in class today for homework if they did not get it completed in class.
October 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
You should be reviewing this evening for your learning goal #2 assessment tomorrow. I have uploaded the review sheet from class and the answer key.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 1 - 14 in the booklet if you did not get them finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 1 - 4 in the booklet if you did not get them finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You should be reviewing this evening for your assessment which is on Tuesday, October 18th. The review sheet and answer key have been uploaded to google classroom.
October 12, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
In class today we started our discussions on Fairness. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class. You should have questions 1 - 8 completed for Friday's class. Your assessment on learning goal #2 has been moved to Tuesday, October 18th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete page 10 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please work on the review sheets handed out in today's class. You should have review sheet #1 completed for tomorrow's class. WE will work on review sheet #2 tomorrow. Your assessment on learning goal #2 is on Friday, October 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing their assignment today will write it when they return to school. We will begin unit 2: Exponents tomorrow.
October 11, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete part 4 and 5 of Pete's Pet activity if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #2 is on Friday, October 14th. Students should be reviewing in the evening for this assessment. The answer key to Pete's Pet activity and the review sheet have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We started unit 2: Exponents today in class. A copy of the booklet and completed notes from class have been uploaded to google classroom. Anyone missing Friday's in class assignment will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your in class assignment. It is tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets and answer keys have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Your assessment on learning goal #2 is on Friday, October 14th. Students should be reviewing in the evening for this assessment. Please complete numbers 1-4 on the review sheet handed out in class today.
October 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete part 1 and 2 in the activity (Pete's Pet) handed out today in class for Tuesday's class. Your assessment on learning goal #2: Integers is on Friday, Oct 14th. Students should have pages 2 - 24 completed in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Any student who missed the in class assignment will write it on Tuesday when they return to school. The answer keys to the worksheets and the notes can be found on google classroom. We will start Unit 2 on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be working the worksheet 2 and 3 handed out in class. The answer keys to these worksheets and the completed notes can be found on google classroom. Your in class assignment on section 1.3 is on Wednesday, Oct 12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete part 1 and 2 in the activity (Pete's Pet) handed out today in class for Tuesday's class. Your assessment on learning goal #2: Integers is on Friday, Oct 14th. Students should have pages 2 - 24 completed in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
I hope you and your family have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend.
October 6, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please work on worksheet #2. Your in class assignment is on Wednesday, Oct. 12th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please work on completing the worksheets handed out in class. Your in class assignment is Tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page of the addition/subtraction worksheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page of the addition/subtraction worksheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We discussing the meaning of responsibility today in class. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are collecting for the food drive. Any non-perishable food items you could donate would be greatly appreciated. Tomorrow is the last day to bring in these items.
October 5, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Students should be completing worksheet #2. It covers the concepts needed for the in class assignment on Friday, Oct 7th. I am available second half of lunch Thursday and Friday if students have any questions. Worksheet #3 is available if you need some extra practice.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should complete page 22 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal#1 divisibility should be reviewing this evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete page 22 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Any student doing the rewrite tomorrow on learning goal#1 divisibility should be reviewing this evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be completing worksheet #2 for homework. It covers the concepts needed for the in class assignment on Wednesday, Oct 12th. I am available second half of lunch Thursday, Friday and Tuesday if students have any questions. Worksheet #3 is available if you need some extra practice.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have extended our donation collection for Fiona until tomorrow, Thursday.
Please bring in any non-perishable food items for the Thanksgiving food drive. We are still accepting items tomorrow and Friday.
October 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the activity sheet handed out in class today. Try and complete the first two columns. Remember: Anyone writing the rewrite for LG#1:Divisibility, can do so on Thursday. You should be reviewing the concepts you had trouble with at home in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please work on the activity sheet handed out in class today. Try and complete the first two columns. Remember: Anyone writing the rewrite for LG#1:Divisibility, can do so on Thursday. You should be reviewing the concepts you had trouble with at home in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 26 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. We will finish the booklet tomorrow and you will be given a review sheet. Your in class assignment is on Wednesday, Oct 12th. Students should be reviewing at home.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 26 - 27 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. We have now finished the booklet and will work on the review sheet tomorrow. Your in class assignment is on Friday, Oct 7th. Students should be reviewing at home.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring in non-perishable food items for our food drive. We will be collecting food items all week, until Friday.
Also, We are accepting donations for Ukraine. The deadline for these donations is Wednesday.
October 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 20 in the booklet if you did not get it finished in class. Any student wanting to do a rewrite on learning goal #1: divisibility rules please let me know by tomorrow. The rewrite is on Thursday, Oct 6th. The addition worksheet and answer key as well as the updated notes can be found in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete page 26 Practice question #2 for homework. Your in class assignment will be on Friday, Oct 7th. It will cover section 1.3 in the booklet. Worksheet#1 (cubes and composite diagrams and the answer key) as well as the updated notes can be found in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 26 Practice question #1b for homework. Your in class assignment will be on Wednesday, Oct 12th. It will cover section 1.3 in the booklet. Worksheet#1 (cubes and composite diagrams and the answer key) as well as the updated notes can be found in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 19 in the booklet if you did not get it finished in class. Any student wanting to do a rewrite on learning goal #1: divisibility rules please let me know by tomorrow. The rewrite is on Thursday, Oct 6th.The addition worksheet and answer key as well as the updated notes can be found in google classroom.
September 29, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #1(the first page double sided)for Monday's class if you did not get it completed in class today. Updated notes and worksheet #1 can be found on google classroom. Any student wanting to do the rewrite on Learning goal #1 can do so on Thursday, Oct. 6th. Please review the questions you had trouble with on your assessment. We will go over it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 23-26 for Monday's class if you did not get it completed in class today. Your in-class assignment on section 1.3 in the booklet is on Friday, Oct 7th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 23-26 for Monday's class if you did not get it completed in class today. Your in-class assignment on section 1.3 in the booklet is on Wednesday, Oct 12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #1(the first page double sided)for Monday's class if you did not get it completed in class today. Updated notes and worksheet #1 can be found on google classroom. Any student wanting to do the rewrite on Learning goal #1 can do so on Thursday, Oct. 6th. Please review the questions you had trouble with on your assessment. We will go over it on Monday.
September 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 11 -14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student missing notes should go to google classroom and complete the missed notes before returning to class. Completed notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 20-21 for homework. Any student missing notes should go to google classroom and complete the missed notes before returning to class.
Completed notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 20-21 for homework. Any student missing notes should go to google classroom and complete the missed notes before returning to class.
Completed notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 11 -14 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Any student missing notes should go to google classroom and complete the missed notes before returning to class. Completed notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Remember tomorrow is picture day!
September 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 19 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. The completed notes to page 19 are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete page 19 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. The completed notes to page 19 are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 2 - 10 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Any student missing class, please go to google classroom and complete the notes for class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 2 - 8 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. Any student missing class, please go to google classroom and complete the notes for class tomorrow. Any student writing the divisibility assessment tomorrow please review your divisibility rules.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We discussed the importance of Truth and Reciliation Day and will continue that discussion on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are asking students to wear orange tomorrow as Friday is Truth and Reconciliation day.
September 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We have completed, up to and including, page 18 in the booklet. Make sure your notes are completed for tomorrow's class. Please complete the worksheet handed out in todays class if you did not get a chance to complete it in class. Any student who missed the quiz will write it when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We started learning goal#2:Integers today in class. I have entered the comments in power school for the learning goal #1 assessment. Please go over the comments in power school. Any student who missed the assessment on Friday will write it when they return to school. Practice your multiplication tables tonight.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started learning goal#2:Integers today in class. I have entered the comments in power school for the learning goal #1 assessment. Please go over the comments in power school. Any student who missed the assessment on Friday will write it when they return to school. Practice your multiplication tables tonight.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have completed, up to and including, page 18 in the booklet. Make sure your notes are completed for tomorrow's class. Please complete the worksheet handed out in todays class if you did not get a chance to complete it in class. Any student who missed the quiz will write it when they return to school.
September 23, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start learning goal #2: Integers, on Monday. Any student who missed the assessment today on learning goal #1 will write it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start learning goal #2: Integers, on Monday. Any student who missed the assessment today on learning goal #1 will write it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 1 - 18 in the booklet if you do not already have them completed. Any student absent from class should make sure the notes are completed before returning to class. Any student who missed the quiz on Thursday will complete it when they return to class next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 1 - 18 in the booklet if you do not already have them completed. Any student absent from class should make sure the notes are completed before returning to class. Any student who missed the quiz on Thursday will complete it when they return to class next week.
September 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework in religion. Within the next couple of weeks I will create a google classroom page and post things as needed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We worked on the review sheet in class. We will finish correcting it tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal #1 is on Friday, Sept 23rd. Please check google classroom for notes, worksheets, answer keys, etc.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
We had a quiz today on sections 1.1 and 1.2 in the booklet. Any student missing the quiz will write it tomorrow. We will start section 1.3 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We worked on the review sheet in class. We will finish correcting it tomorrow. The assessment for learning goal #1 is on Friday, Sept 23rd. Please check google classroom for notes, worksheets, answer keys, etc.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We had a quiz today on sections 1.1 and 1.2 in the booklet. Any student missing the quiz will write it tomorrow. We will start section 1.3 tomorrow.
September 20, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have the booklet completed. We will have an assessment on Friday, Sept. 23 on the full booklet. The completed notes and worksheets can be found in the stream in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please review for tomorrow's quiz. It covers the first 2 sections in the booklet. Sections 1.1 and 1.2. You cannot use your notes for the quiz. The notes and review sheets can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for tomorrow's quiz. It covers the first 2 sections in the booklet. Sections 1.1 and 1.2. You cannot use your notes for the quiz. The notes and review sheets can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have the booklet completed. We will have an assessment on Friday, Sept. 23 on the full booklet. The completed notes and worksheets can be found in the stream in google classroom.
September 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the booklet pages 1 - 11 if you do not already have them completed. I have uploaded the notes, worksheets and review sheets to google classroom. Your quiz is on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Enjoy the long weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete the booklet pages 1 - 11 if you do not already have them completed. I have uploaded the notes, worksheets and review sheets to google classroom. Your quiz is on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Enjoy the long weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 2 - 11 in the booklet if you do not already have them completed. We will finish the booklet on Tuesday. There will be an assessment on Learning Goal 1: Divisibility Rules on Friday, Sept 23rd. We will begin reviewing for this assessment after we complete the booklet on Tuesday. Enjoy the long weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 2 - 11 in the booklet if you do not already have them completed. We will finish the booklet on Tuesday. There will be an assessment on Learning Goal 1: Divisibility Rules on Friday, Sept 23rd. We will begin reviewing for this assessment after we complete the booklet on Tuesday. Enjoy the long weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working through the 6 Pillars, Character Counts, in Religion. All work will be completed in class so there is no homework. Enjoy the long weekend.
September 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 11 in the booklet for tomorrows class. I have uploaded to google classroom the completed notes pages 1 - 11, the answer key for worksheet 1.2 from Wednesday's class and the review sheet from today's class.
The quiz has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Sept 21.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have pages 2 - 10 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have pages 2 - 10 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 11 in the booklet for tomorrows class. I have uploaded to google classroom the completed notes pages 1 - 11, the answer key for worksheet 1.2 from Wednesday's class and the review sheet from today's class.
The quiz has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Sept 21.
September 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page of the worksheet handed out in class today for homework. You should also have completed pages 2 - 10 in your notes. The worksheet and notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page of the worksheet handed out in class today for homework. You should also have completed pages 2 - 10 in your notes. The worksheet and notes have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete questions #1 and 2 on worksheet 1.2 handed out today in class for homework. You should have pages 1 - 10 completed in your notes. The worksheet and notes have been uploaded to google classroom. As Monday is a holiday, your quiz on the first 2 sections will now be on Wednesday, Sept. 21th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete questions #1 and 2 on worksheet 1.2 handed out today in class for homework. You should have pages 1 - 10 completed in your notes. The worksheet and notes have been uploaded to google classroom. As Monday is a holiday, your quiz on the first 2 sections will now be on Wednesday, Sept. 21th.
September 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 8 - 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you missed a class please go to google classroom, open up the completed notes file and complete the notes you missed.
Assigned to Class: 9-8(224)
Please complete pages 8 - 9(top of page 9) in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you missed a class please go to google classroom, open up the completed notes file and complete the notes you missed. You will have a quiz on section 1.1 and 1.2 in the booklet on Tuesday, Sept. 20th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 8 - 9(top of page 9) in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you missed a class please go to google classroom, open up the completed notes file and complete the notes you missed. You will have a quiz on section 1.1 and 1.2 in the booklet on Tuesday, Sept. 20th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 8 - 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you missed a class please go to google classroom, open up the completed notes file and complete the notes you missed.
June 20, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
The completed booklet has been uploaded to google classroom. Please ensure you are keeping up with the notes as this is the only assessment mark for unit 9.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the assessment today will write it tomorrow. Some students are still doing rewrites. Please let me know what you are writing so I can have the assessment ready for you.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student missing the assessment today will write it tomorrow. Some students are still doing rewrites. Please let me know what you are writing so I can have the assessment ready for you.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
The completed booklet has been uploaded to google classroom. Please ensure you are keeping up with the notes as this is the only assessment mark for unit 9.
June 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Worksheets are completed! Health is finished for the year!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your learning goal 10.2 assessment on Monday. All review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your learning goal 10.2 assessment on Monday. All review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We have completed sections 9.1 - 9.3 in the booklet (pages 1 - 15). Please complete these pages for homework if you missed class or did not get them completed during class. I will be collecting these booklets and marking them. This grade will be entered in power school as your unit 9 evaluation.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have completed sections 9.1 - 9.3 in the booklet (pages 1 - 15). Please complete these pages for homework if you missed class or did not get them completed during class. I will be collecting these booklets and marking them. This grade will be entered in power school as your unit 9 evaluation.
June 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students have been given review sheets for the assessment on Monday. Please review learning goal 10.2. Students writing rewrites should let me know.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students missing the recovery will write it when they return to class. We are working through the unit 9 probability booklet. Students will be evaluated on the completion of this booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students missing the recovery will write it when they return to class. We are working through the unit 9 probability booklet. Students will be evaluated on the completion of this booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students have been given review sheets for the assessment on Monday. Please review learning goal 10.2. Students writing rewrites should let me know.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are finishing up Health for the year. Students are completing any missed or unfinished work this week.
June 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your assessment for learning goal 10.2 on Monday. Please work on the rotations worksheet handed out today in class. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Any student doing a rewrite please let me know and please review at home.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student who missed the recovery test will write it when they return to school. We started unit 9 today and completed the first section. If you were not in class today you need to go to google classroom and complete the notes. The booklet will be collected on Tuesday-Wednesday of next week and a mark will be given for the completion of the booklet and placed in power school as an assessment mark for unit 9.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student who missed the recovery test will write it when they return to school. We started unit 9 today and completed the first section. If you were not in class today you need to go to google classroom and complete the notes. The booklet will be collected on Tuesday-Wednesday of next week and a mark will be given for the completion of the booklet and placed in power school as an assessment mark for unit 9.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment for learning goal 10.2 on Monday. Please work on the rotations worksheet handed out today in class. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Any student doing a rewrite please let me know and please review at home.
June 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 22 - 23 in the booklet if you were absent from class today. Please complete page one (just the front page) of the worksheet on Reflections handed out in todays class.
The updated notes, Worksheet #2 (Translations) and Worksheet #3 (Reflections) and answer keys are uploaded to google classroom. The assessment for learning goal 10.2 will be on Monday, June 20th. Just a reminder for students to let me know if they want to do a rewrite. The rewrites will be on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 22 - 23 in the booklet if you were absent from class today. Please complete page one (just the front page) of the worksheet on Reflections handed out in todays class.
The updated notes, Worksheet #2 (Translations) and Worksheet #3 (Reflections) and answer keys are uploaded below. The assessment for learning goal 10.2 will be on Monday, June 20th. Just a reminder for students to let me know if they want to do a rewrite. The rewrites will be on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student who missed the recovery will write it when they return to school. We will start unit 9:Probability tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student who missed the recovery will write it when they return to school. We will start unit 9:Probability tomorrow.
June 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for part II of the recovery test. The long answer section is tomorrow. The answer keys to the review sheets are on google classroom in the stream. You will need to scroll down to the unit you are reviewing.-
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please work on the sheet handed out in class (translations #2). You should have the first 2 pages (double sides) completed for homework if you did not get a chance to finish them in class. Any student wanting to do a rewrite should let me know as soon as possible.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the sheet handed out in class (translations #2). You should have the first 2 pages (double sides) completed for homework if you did not get a chance to finish them in class. Any student wanting to do a rewrite should let me know as soon as possible.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for part II of the recovery test. The long answer section is tomorrow. The answer keys to the review sheets are on google classroom in the stream. You will need to scroll down to the unit you are reviewing.
June 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first 4 pages in the worksheet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
The recovery tests (unit 7 and unit 8) are on Monday and Tuesday. The multiple choice section is on Monday and the long answer section is on Tuesday. Please review for whichever unit you are rewriting. The answer keys to the review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first 4 pages in the worksheet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
The recovery tests (unit 7 and unit 8) are on Monday and Tuesday. The multiple choice section is on Monday and the long answer section is on Tuesday. Please review for whichever unit you are rewriting. The answer keys to the review sheets are on google classroom.
June 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students should be reviewing for the recovery tests on Monday and Tuesday. Students can do both unit 7 and unit 8 or just one of the units. The review sheets and answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started LG#10.2 today in class. Please complete pages 16 - 18 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be reviewing for the recovery tests on Monday and Tuesday. Students can do both unit 7 and unit 8 or just one of the units. The review sheets and answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started LG#10.2 today in class. Please complete pages 16 - 18 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
June 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed our worksheet on Emotional and Social Well-being.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start learning goal #10.2, section 8.5 tomorrow. Any student who missed the assessment today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start learning goal #10.2, section 8.5 tomorrow. Any student who missed the assessment today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We have started reviewing for the recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. Students should know which unit they should be reviewing. If not, they have to log into power school and see which unit has the lowest grade. The units we are covering are units 7 and 8.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have started reviewing for the recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. Students should know which unit they should be reviewing. If not, they have to log into power school and see which unit has the lowest grade. The units we are covering are units 7 and 8.
June 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your assessment tomorrow. It covers sections 8.1 - 8.4 in the booklet. The review sheet and answer key are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student who missed the unit 8 test today will write it tomorrow. Please bring your notes, tests, etc. for unit 7 as we will start review tomorrow for the recovery tests (June 13th and 14th).
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student who missed the unit 8 test today will write it tomorrow. Please bring your notes, tests, etc. for unit 7 as we will start review tomorrow for the recovery tests (June 13th and 14th).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment tomorrow. It covers sections 8.1 - 8.4 in the booklet. The review sheet and answer key are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are completing a worksheet on healthy Relationships and Communication.
June 6, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We have completed sections 8.1 - 8.4 in the booklet. The assessment on these sections is on Wednesday, June 8th. Please complete the first 3 pages of the worksheet handed out in today's class for homework if you did not get it finished.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your unit 8 test as it is tomorrow. You have lots of worksheets, review sheets, the booklet and an ICA that you can go over this evening. These have been uploaded to google classroom. You may have to scroll down and look through the review sheets to see which ones you need to review.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your unit 8 test as it is tomorrow. You have lots of worksheets, review sheets, the booklet and an ICA that you can go over this evening. These have been uploaded to google classroom. You may have to scroll down and look through the review sheets to see which ones you need to review.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed sections 8.1 - 8.4 in the booklet. The assessment on these sections is on Wednesday, June 8th. Please complete the first 3 pages of the worksheet handed out in today's class for homework if you did not get it finished.
June 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 1 - 12 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on sections 8.1 - 8.4 in the booklet will be on Wednesday, June 8th. Any student wanting to do a rewrite for LG#9.1 or 9.2 can do so on Monday June 6th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 1 - 12 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your assessment on sections 8.1 - 8.4 in the booklet will be on Wednesday, June 8th. Any student wanting to do a rewrite for LG#9.1 or 9.2 can do so on Monday June 6th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your test on Tuesday. June 7th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. If you have not yet completed the Mandala Project from unit 7 I will be emailing home. It is now 2 weeks over due.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your test on Tuesday. June 7th. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. If you have not yet completed the Mandala Project from unit 7 I will be emailing home. It is now 2 weeks over due.
June 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We are reviewing for the test on Tuesday, June 7th. Please complete the review sheet handed out in class. The review sheet and answer key will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We have completed the worksheet in class. We will start section 8.3, perpendicular bisectors tomorrow. You assessment on sections 8.1 - 8.4 will be on Wednesday, June 8th or Thursday, June 9th..
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed the worksheet in class. We will start section 8.3, perpendicular bisectors tomorrow. You assessment on sections 8.1 - 8.4 will be on Wednesday, June 8th or Thursday, June 9th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We are reviewing for the test on Tuesday, June 7th. Please complete the review sheet handed out in class. The review sheet and answer key will be uploaded to google classroom.
June 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete first 3 pages in the worksheet given out today in class for homework if you did not get it completed. If you did not get your notes completed you will find them on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the ICA today will write it tomorrow. You will be given a review sheet tomorrow to help you prepare for the test on Tuesday, June 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We completed pages1 - 6 in class. If you did not get your notes completed you will find them on google classroom. Please complete them for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student missing the ICA today will write it tomorrow. You will be given a review sheet tomorrow to help you prepare for the test on Tuesday, June 7th.
May 31, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please study for your ICA tomorrow. It covers the full booklet, unit 8. Other important dates.
Unit 8 test: June 7th
Recovery tests: June 13th(multiple choice)
June 14th (long answer)
Unit 9: June 20-21: Graded on questions completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 5 completed in the booklet. The completed notes are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 5 completed in the booklet. The completed notes are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please study for your ICA tomorrow. It covers the full booklet, unit 8. Other important dates.
Unit 8 test: June 7th
Recovery tests: June 13th(multiple choice)
June 14th (long answer)
Unit 9: June 20-21: Graded on questions completed.
May 30, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working through the section on Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs. The worksheets will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start LG#10 tomorrow. There is no homework unless you are completing a rewrite on LG#9.1 or #9.2 that was missed on Friday. It will be completed tomorrow so you should be reviewing tonight.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started learning goal #10 today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your ICA on Wednesday. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Because Circle Geometry is a new concept for grade 9 students, they will need to put in the extra time needed to understand the properties and rules.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your ICA on Wednesday. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom. Because Circle Geometry is a new concept for grade 9 students, they will need to put in the extra time needed to understand the properties and rules.
May 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students will do a rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 9.1 and 9.2. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the questions in the booklet up to page 14 if you did not get them completed in class. You should also be working on the sheet handed out in class. Dates for the assessments have changed.
U8 ICA June 1
U8 Test June 7
Recovery U7 and U8 June 13 and 14
U9 Assessment on the booklet June 21
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete the questions in the booklet up to page 14 if you did not get them completed in class. You should also be working on the sheet handed out in class. Dates for the assessments have changed.
U8 ICA June 1
U8 Test June 7
Recovery U7 and U8 June 13 and 14
U9 Assessment on the booklet June 21
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students will do a rewrite tomorrow on learning goal 9.1 and 9.2. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Tomorrow is the last day to bring in non-perishable food items. Thank you to those who donated. It is greatly appreciated.
Students should be bringing in the money and stubs from the 50-50 tickets as soon as possible so they can get their name in for a prize draw.
May 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students will have the opportunity to do a rewrite on Friday, May 27th for learning goal 9.1 (Mean, Median, Mode, Rang, Outlier) and learning goal 9.2 (Probability). The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. When you log in you will need to scroll down to the dates we covered 9.1 and 9.2.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students will have the opportunity to do a rewrite on Friday, May 27th for learning goal 9.1 (Mean, Median, Mode, Rang, Outlier) and learning goal 9.2 (Probability). The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. When you log in you will need to scroll down to the dates we covered 9.1 and 9.2.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Circle Geometry is a new concept so it is is important for students to go over their notes in the evenings and keep reviewing. Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 2 or 3
Recovery tests: Unit 7 or Unit 8 or both
Multiple choice: June 7
Long answer: June 8
U9 Assessment booklet June 20 or 21
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Circle Geometry is a new concept so it is is important for students to go over their notes in the evenings and keep reviewing. Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 2 or 3
Recovery tests: Unit 7 or Unit 8 or both
Multiple choice: June 7
Long answer: June 8
U9 Assessment booklet June 20 or 21
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring in non-perishable food items for our food drive.
Students have been given their 50-50 tickets. Please return the money and stubs or any unsold tickets as soon as possible.
May 24, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 10 in the booklet for homework. The completed notes and a blank copy of the booklet can be found by logging into google classroom.
Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 3
Recovery Tests U7 and/or U8
U9 Booklet June 20 or 21
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will work on the probability activity tomorrow in class. Any student missing the 9.2 assessment from Thursday of last week, will write on Thursday. Please review for this assessment. The review sheets are on google classroom. You will find them if you scroll down to where they have been uploaded.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will work on the probability activity tomorrow in class. Any student missing the 9.2 assessment from Thursday of last week, will write on Thursday. Please review for this assessment. The review sheets are on google classroom. You will find them if you scroll down to where they have been uploaded.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 10 in the booklet for homework. If it is completed please practice some of the questions on the worksheet that was handed out on Thursday, May 19th. The completed notes and a blank copy of the booklet can be found by logging into google classroom.
Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 3
Recovery Tests U7 and/or U8
U9 Booklet June 20 or 21
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are asking the students to bring non-perishable food items this week to help with our food drive. Items can be dropped off on the tables next to the office.
The 50-50 tickets went home on Thursday. Please return the money and any unsold tickets to school this week.
May 19, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
You were given a worksheet. Please complete page 1 (double sided) for Tuesday. The Mandalas were supposed to be completed today. They are now late for students who have not handed them in. Please complete them for Tuesday.
Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 3
Recovery June 7 and 8
U9 Booklet questions June 20 or 21
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the LG#9.2 assessment today will write it on Tuesday or when you return to class. We will start LG#10 next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student missing the LG#9.2 assessment today will write it on Tuesday or when you return to class. We will start LG#10 next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
You were given a worksheet. Please complete page 1 (double sided) for Tuesday. The Mandalas were supposed to be completed today. They are now late for students who have not handed them in. Please complete them for Tuesday.
Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 3
Recovery June 7 and 8
U9 Booklet questions June 20 or 21
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given 50/50 tickets today. Please ask your child if they brought them home. They are to be sold and the money returned next week. Also, next week we are having a food drive. Please bring in non-perishable food items.
May 18, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are continuing our work on the puberty section.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your assessment tomorrow on learning goal #9.2: Probability (pages 14 - 22 in the booklet).
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment tomorrow on learning goal #9.2: Probability (pages 14 - 22 in the booklet).
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We started unit 8 today. Please make sure you are completing the notes if you missed class. Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 3
Unit 7 and 8 June 7 (M/C) June 8 (L/A)
Unit 9 Booklet completion June 20 or 21
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started unit 8 today. Please make sure you are completing the notes if you missed class.Important dates:
U8 ICA May 30 or 31
U8 Test June 3
Unit 7 and 8 June 7 (M/C) June 8 (L/A)
Unit 9 Booklet completion June 20 or 21
May 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your assessment on learning goal #9.2 on Thursday. You have two review sheets. These sheets and the answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
If you took your Mandala home please make sure you complete it and return it to class tomorrow with the write-up. We will start unit 8 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
If you took your Mandala home please make sure you complete it and return it to class tomorrow with the write-up. We will start unit 8 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment on learning goal #9.2 on Thursday. You have two review sheets. These sheets and the answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
We are completing worksheets on the puberty unit in class.
May 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class today. Your assessment on LG 9.2 (Probability) is on Thursday, May 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We worked on the Mandala's today in class. Tomorrow will be our last class. We will start unit 8 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We worked on the Mandala's today in class. Tomorrow will be our last class. We will start unit 8 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class today. Your assessment on LG 9.2 (Probability) is on Thursday, May 19th.
May 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first 3 pages of the worksheet handed out in class today. The worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal 9.2 will be on Thursday, May 19th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first 3 pages of the worksheet handed out in class today. The worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal 9.2 will be on Thursday, May 19th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We worked on the Mandala Project in class. Students should finish on Monday. We will start unit 8 on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We worked on the Mandala Project in class. Students should finish on Monday. We will start unit 8 on Tuesday.
May 12, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We will continue to work on the Mandala Project in class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We will continue to work on the Mandala Project in class tomorrow.
May 11, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the assessment on learning goal #9.1 will write it tomorrow or when they return to school. We will continue with the booklet for learning goal 9.2.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have started the project on creating Mandala's. Most of the work for the project will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student missing the assessment on learning goal #9.1 will write it tomorrow or when they return to school. We will continue with the booklet for learning goal 9.2.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We have started the project on creating Mandala's. Most of the work for the project will be completed in class.
May 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please make sure the booklet is completed. We finished section 7.7 today. We will start the project tomorrow: Drawing a Mandala.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for you assessment tomorrow on the first part of learning goal #9 (9.1). It covers pages 1 - 12 in the booklet. You should also review the worksheet from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for you assessment tomorrow on the first part of learning goal #9 (9.1). It covers pages 1 - 12 in the booklet. You should also review the worksheet from class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure the booklet is completed. We finished section 7.7 today. We will start the project tomorrow: Drawing a Mandala.
May 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are completing the puberty section. The worksheets will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please go over the worksheet handed out in class. We will finish correcting it tomorrow. Your assessment on learning goal 9.1 is on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please go over the worksheet handed out in class. We will finish correcting it tomorrow. Your assessment on learning goal 9.1 is on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please make sure you are completing your notes. We have finished sections 7.5 and 7.6. We will start section 7.7 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure you are completing your notes. We have finished sections 7.5 and 7.6. We will start section 7.7 tomorrow.
May 6, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please practice the questions on the worksheet. It will be corrected in class on Monday and Tuesday. There will be an assessment on the first 12 pages in the booklet on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please make sure you have your notes completed that were covered in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure you have your notes completed that were covered in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please practice the questions on the worksheet. It will be corrected in class on Monday and Tuesday. There will be an assessment on the first 12 pages in the booklet on Wednesday.
May 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student who missed the exit card today will write it tomorrow. We started section 7.5 today. Students are still coming to class unprepared. Please ensure you have pencils and calculators when you come to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We completed pages 8 - 11 in the booklet today in class. Any student that was absent from class should login to google classroom and complete the notes for these pages. Students are still coming to class unprepared. Please ensure you have pencils and calculators when you come to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed pages 8 - 10 in the booklet today in class. Any student that was absent from class should login to google classroom and complete the notes for these pages. Students are still coming to class unprepared. Please ensure you have pencils and calculators when you come to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student who missed the exit card today will write it tomorrow. We started section 7.5 today. Students are still coming to class unprepared. Please ensure you have pencils and calculators when you come to class.
May 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student who missed the rewrite today will write it tomorrow. Please bring a calculator and pencil to class. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your exit card on section 7.4 is tomorrow. Please bring your notes with you to class as we will be starting section 7.5 after you complete your exit card.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student who missed the rewrite today will write it tomorrow. Please bring a calculator and pencil to class. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Your exit card on section 7.4 is tomorrow. Please bring your notes with you to class as we will be starting section 7.5 after you complete your exit card.
April 29, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Your exit card on section 7.4 is on Tuesday, May 3rd. You should be reviewing the booklet (section 7.4) and the worksheets given to you in class. The answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The rewrite for learning goal #8 is on Monday. Students were given a sheet to help in their review. They should also be reviewing the booklet, worksheets, the assessment they were given back and any other sheet completed in class for learning goal #8 (Expressions and Equations). I have uploaded the completed booklet, some review sheets, worksheets and answer keys to google classroom as well.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The rewrite for learning goal #8 is on Monday. Students were given a sheet to help in their review. They should also be reviewing the booklet, worksheets, the assessment they were given back and any other sheet completed in class for learning goal #8 (Expressions and Equations). I have uploaded the completed booklet, some review sheets, worksheets and answer keys to google classroom as well.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your exit card on section 7.4 is on Tuesday, May 3rd. You should be reviewing the booklet (section 7.4) and the worksheets given to you in class. The answer keys are on google classroom.
April 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will complete our friendship worksheet next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first 2 pages (double sided) on the mean, median, mode and range worksheet if you did not get it completed in class. You should be reviewing for your rewrite of LG#8 which is on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first 2 pages (double sided) on the mean, median, mode and range worksheet if you did not get it completed in class. You should be reviewing for your rewrite of LG#8 which is on Monday. You were given a worksheet today which can help you with your review.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please practice the questions on the worksheet from today's class. Your exit card on Tuesday, May 3rd. will cover section 7.4 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please practice the questions on the worksheet from today's class. Your exit card on Tuesday, May 3rd. will cover section 7.4 in the booklet.
April 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the second page of the worksheet handed out in yesterday's class. It asks for the median of the data set. Any student rewriting learning goal #8 will write it on Monday. Students should come to class prepared (calculator, paper and pencils)
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete section 7.4 questions in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your exit card on this section is on Tuesday, May 3rd. Students should come to class prepared (calculator, paper and pencils)
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete section 7.4 questions in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your exit card on this section is on Tuesday, May 3rd. Students should come to class prepared (calculator, paper and pencils)
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 7 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student rewriting learning goal #8 will write it on Monday. Students should come to class prepared (calculator, paper and pencils)
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are still working on completing our friendship booklet.
April 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page, find the mean, (double sided) on the worksheet handed out in class today for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Please bring a calculator to class if you have one at home. Could you also remember to bring pencils and erasers. Some students are coming to class unprepared.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Pleas make sure you are completing the questions in the booklet if you do not get them completed in class. Your exit card on section 7.4 is on Tuesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Pleas make sure you are completing the questions in the booklet if you do not get them completed in class. Your exit card on section 7.4 is on Tuesday, May 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page, find the mean, (double sided) on the worksheet handed out in class today for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Please bring a calculator to class if you have one at home. Could you also remember to bring pencils and erasers. Some students are coming to class unprepared.
April 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students were given back their learning goal 8 assessments today. For those students doing a rewrite, it will be on Monday, May 2nd. Students should be reviewing this week. Math help is available today after school from 2:15 to 3:15 in the library.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given back their learning goal 8 assessments today. For those students doing a rewrite, it will be on Monday, May 2nd. Students should be reviewing this week. Math help is available today after school from 2:15 to 3:15 in the library.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started new material today, section 7.4. There will be an assessment on this section on Tuesday, May 3rd. Please complete example #4b on page 16 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We started new material today, section 7.4. There will be an assessment on this section on Tuesday, May 3rd. Please complete example #4b on page 16 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
April 12, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student missing the assessment today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the assessment today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student missing the assessment today will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the assessment today will write it tomorrow.
April 11, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working on a friendship booklet. It will be completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be reviewing their notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc. The assessment on LG#8 is tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets, Review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. When you open google classroom scroll down to find the work you are looking for.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing their notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc. The assessment on LG#8 is tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets, Review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. When you open google classroom scroll down to find the work you are looking for.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students should be reviewing their notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc. The quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.3 is tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets, Review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. When you open google classroom scroll down to find the work you are looking for.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be reviewing their notes, worksheets, review sheets, etc. The quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.3 is tomorrow. The completed notes, worksheets, Review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. When you open google classroom scroll down to find the work you are looking for.
April 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be working on the review sheet handed out in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 is on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students should be working on the review sheet handed out in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 is on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be working on the review sheet handed out in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 is on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be working on the review sheet handed out in class. The assessment on learning goal #8 is on Tuesday.
April 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The assessment for LG8 is on Tuesday, April 12th. Students were given a review sheet today in class. Students should be reviewing the booklet as well as any worksheet handed out in class. There is math help every Monday in the library if students need extra help.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
The quiz for unit 7 sections 7.1 - 7.3 is on Tuesday, April 12th. Students were given a review sheet today in class. Students should be reviewing the booklet as well as any worksheet handed out in class. There is math help every Monday in the library if students need
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
The quiz for unit 7 sections 7.1 - 7.3 is on Tuesday, April 12th. Students were given a review sheet today in class. Students should be reviewing the booklet as well as any worksheet handed out in class. There is math help every Monday in the library if students need
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The assessment for LG8 is on Tuesday, April 12th. Students were given a review sheet today in class. Students should be reviewing the booklet as well as any worksheet handed out in class. There is math help every Monday in the library if students need
April 5, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 8 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your quiz on Tuesday, April 12th will cover pages 1 - 13 in the booklet, the first 3 sections.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page (#1 - 10) of the worksheet handed out today in class. Please be careful with your workings. You have to complete these questions with one of the methods discussed in class. By now, most students are using algebra to solve questions. Your assessment on learning goal #8 will be on Tuesday, April 12th. It will cover the full booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 27 - 29 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on learning goal #8 will be on Tuesday, April 12th. It will cover the full booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 8 and 9 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Your quiz on Tuesday, April 12th will cover pages 1 - 13 in the booklet, the first 3 sections.
April 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 26 and the top of page 27 if you did not get them completed in class today. You will have a quiz on LG#8 on Tuesday, April 12th. It will cover the entire booklet. You were given back your checkpoint sheet today in class. Some students are sill have difficulty with the topics covered so far in LG#8. Please review what you had trouble with as you will see it again on your quiz.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 1 - 4 in the booklet if you have not already completed them. You will have a quiz on Tuesday, April 12th. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.3 in the booklet (pages 1 - 13).
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 33 and 34 if you did not get them completed in class today. You will have a quiz on LG#8 on Tuesday, April 12th. It will cover the entire booklet. You were given back your checkpoint sheet on Friday. Some students are sill have difficulty with the topics covered so far in LG#8. Please review what you had trouble with as you will see it again on your quiz.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 1 - 7 in the booklet if you have not already completed them. You will have a quiz on Tuesday, April 12th. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.3 in the booklet (pages 1 - 13).
April 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students who have missed the recovery, will write it when they return to class. You will have a quiz on the first three sections of unit 7 on Tuesday, April 12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please continue to review your booklet and your worksheets if you are having trouble with this learning goal. You will have an assessment on the full booklet for LG8 on Tuesday, April 12th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please continue to review your booklet and your worksheets if you are having trouble with this learning goal. You will have an assessment on the full booklet for LG8 on Tuesday, April 12th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students who have missed the recovery, will write it when they return to class. You will have a quiz on the first three sections of unit 7 on Tuesday, April 12th.
March 31, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students will complete worksheets on stress during their next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please try and complete worksheet #8 (marked 7 on your sheet) for homework. You should only have to complete the last page. Your assessment on learning goal #8 will be on Tuesday April 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your checkpoint tomorrow. It will cover pages 1 - 18 in the booklet. We will have the booklet completed next week. Your assessment on learning goal #8 will be on Tuesday April 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student missing the recovery will write it when they return to class. We will start unit 7 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the recovery will write it when they return to class. We will start unit 7 tomorrow.
March 30, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework unless you did not get the worksheet completed from yesterday's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We will start unit 7 tomorrow. Any student missing the recovery will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
We will start unit 7 tomorrow. Any student missing the recovery will write it when they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review the worksheet we completed today in class. You will have a checkpoint on Friday. It will cover pages 1 - 18 in the booklet plus the worksheet from today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are completing a unit on stress. If work does not get completed in class students will have to complete it for homework. For now, there is no homework in health.
March 29, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your check point tomorrow on LG#8. It will cover pages 1 - 18 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing part of the recovery will write it when they return to school. We will start unit 7:Scale Diagrams and Enlargements this week.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student missing part of the recovery will write it when there return to school. We will start unit 7:Scale Diagrams and Enlargements this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your check point on LG#8 on Friday. I will cover pages 1 - 18 in the booklet. The worksheet (#2A) we are completing in class will be a good source of review for the checkpoint as well as the notes.
March 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the top of page 27 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. I will be giving a checkpoint on Wednesday to see how things are going. It will cover pages 1 - 16 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page (double sided) of the worksheet handed out today for homework if you did not get it completed in class. I will be giving a checkpoint on Friday to see how things are going. It will cover pages 1 - 16 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for the long answer part of the recovery. It will be tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for the long answer part of the recovery. It will be tomorrow during class.
March 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your recovery tests. The M/C section is on Monday and the Constructed response section is on Tuesday. All the review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. You have to scroll down to the dates, March 22 to today to see them.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure your booklet is completed up to and including page 22. If you did not get Worksheet #7 completed in class please complete it for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure your booklet is completed up to and including page 18. Worksheet #7 and the answer key are uploaded to google classroom. We finished #1 and 2 in class. Please make sure you have these completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your recovery tests. The M/C section is on Monday and the Constructed response section is on Tuesday. All the review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. You have to scroll down to the dates, March 22 to today to see them.
March 24, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete question #1 and 2 on the worksheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for the recovery tests on Monday and Tuesday. You will find the review sheets and answer keys on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete question #1 and 2 on the worksheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for the recovery tests on Monday and Tuesday. You will find the review sheets and answer keys on google classroom.
March 23, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for the recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. Students should be reviewing at home. If you go to google classroom and scroll down to March 21 and 22 you will see the review sheets and answer keys.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the notes in the booklet, pages 1 - 14 for homework if you do not have them corrected.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet handed out in class today if you did not get a chance to complete it in class. The worksheet and answer key are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for the recovery tests which are on Monday and Tuesday. Students should be reviewing at home. If you go to google classroom and scroll down to March 21 and 22 you will see the review sheets and answer keys.
March 22, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Some students did not get their worksheets completed during class. We will finish them next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 22 in the booklet. If any pages are incomplete please complete them for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 13 in the booklet. If any pages are incomplete please complete them for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students should be reviewing for the recovery test. Students should know by now which units they will be writing next week and should be reviewing those units. Multiple choice section is on Monday, March 28th and constructed response is on Tuesday, March 29th. I am available for help this week if any student has questions.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be reviewing for the recovery test. Students should know by now which units they will be writing next week and should be reviewing those units. Multiple choice section is on Monday, March 28th and constructed response is on Tuesday, March 29th. I am available for help this week if any student has questions.
March 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page one of the worksheet handed out in class today. The worksheet and answer key are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We are reviewing for the recovery tests which will be on Monday and Tuesday, March 28th and 29th. The multiple section will be on Monday and the constructed response section will be on Tuesday. Students know which units they should be reviewing. They were given review sheets on unit 4 and unit 5. Any student needing to redo unit 6 should already have review sheets for that unit. I will be available afterschool this week if any student has questions.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We are reviewing for the recovery tests which will be on Monday and Tuesday, March 28th and 29th. The multiple section will be on Monday and the constructed response section will be on Tuesday. Students know which units they should be reviewing. They were given review sheets on unit 4 and unit 5. Any student needing to redo unit 6 should already have review sheets for that unit. I will be available afterschool this week if any student has questions.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student that missed the rewrite today for learning goal #7: Fraction Operations, will have the opportunity to write it tomorrow. Please complete page 10 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Completed booklet pages 1 - 10 are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students will finish a project on Stress tomorrow in class. If they do not get it completed they can finish it at home tomorrow evening.
March 18, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 18 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. The completed notes to page 17 will be on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started review for the recoveries today. It will cover units 4, 5 and 6. Students have to do at least one of these units. If any assessment has been missed, students will have to write the recovery for those units. The multiple choice section will now be on Monday March 28th instead of Friday, the 25th as mentioned earlier. The constructed response section will be written on Tuesday, March 29th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings to ensure they have success with these assessments. It is a great opportunity for students to improve their grade. I will be available next week for extra help if needed. There is also math help after school on Monday and homework help after school on Tuesday. Both of these are in the library from 2:15 - 3:15.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We started review for the recoveries today. It will cover units 4, 5 and 6. Students have to do at least one of these units. If any assessment has been missed, students will have to write the recovery for those units. The multiple choice section will now be on Monday March 28th instead of Friday, the 25th as mentioned earlier. The constructed response section will be written on Tuesday, March 29th. Students should be reviewing in the evenings to ensure they have success with these assessments. It is a great opportunity for students to improve their grade. I will be available next week for extra help if needed. There is also math help after school on Monday and homework help after school on Tuesday. Both of these are in the library from 2:15 - 3:15.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any Student doing the rewrite on LG#7 will write it Monday. Students should be reviewing on the weekend. They should go over the notes and worksheets completed in class. They can be found on google classroom. When you open google classroom scroll down until you find LG7 completed notes and worksheets.
March 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure your notes are completed up to page 14.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You should be reviewing LG#7 as the rewrite in on Monday. We will be practicing fractions tomorrow to help with the rewrite on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student missing the quiz today can have the opportunity to write it tomorrow. We will start our review tomorrow for the recovery tests. These tests will cover units 4, 5, and 6. They will be on Friday, March 25th and Monday, March 28th. Students should login to power school and check to see which units they will need to write.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
student missing the quiz today can have the opportunity to write it tomorrow. We will start our review tomorrow for the recovery tests. These tests will cover units 4, 5, and 6. They will be on Friday, March 25th and Monday, March 28th. Students should login to power school and check to see which units they will need to write.
March 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your quiz tomorrow. It will cover the inequalities sections of the booklet. The answer keys to some of the worksheets and the booklet can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student wanting to do the rewrite for LG#7 can do it tomorrow. Please review your notes and any sheets covered in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 6 in the booklet if you did not get a chance to complete it during class. The completed notes from class can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your quiz tomorrow. It will cover the inequalities sections of the booklet. The answer keys to some of the worksheets and the booklet can be found on google classroom.
March 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review the learning goal #7 sheet that was given back today in class. You will have the opportunity to rewrite it on Monday, March 21th. We will start LG#8 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review the worksheets given out in class. Your quiz on Inequalities is on Thursday, March 17th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student who was absent from class should go on google classroom and look at the notes from today's class. We have completed pages 1 -1 5 in the booklet. You can also look at the worksheet from today's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review the worksheets given out in class. Your quiz on Inequalities is on Thursday, March 17th.
March 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Your quiz on sections 6.6-6.7 is on is now on Thursday. The worksheets and answer key and completed booklet are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start the new learning goal tomorrow. Learning goal #8:Expressions and equations. Any student who did not get to write LG#7 assessment will write it tomorrow or when they return to school.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework. We will continue with LG#8 tomorrow, page 15 in the booklet. Any student who did not write the assessment for LG#7 will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your quiz on sections 6.6-6.7 is on Thursday. The worksheets and answer keys and completed booklet are on google classroom.
March 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 14 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please practice some of the questions on the worksheet handed out in today's class. Your quiz on sections 6.6-6.7, inequalities and word problems will be on Wednesday, March 16th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please practice some of the questions on pages 29 and 30 in the booklet. Your quiz on sections 6.6-6.7, inequalities and word problems will be on Wednesday, March 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student missing the assessment for learning goal #7 will write it tomorrow.
Any student wishing to do a rewrite on a particular learning goal should review the material and let me know when you will be ready to write it.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed a worksheet on nutrition today in class. If any student does not get their work completed during health class I will let the student take them home to be completed.
March 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure your notes are completed up to and including page 9.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure your notes are completed up to and including page 9.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that did not get to finish/start the ICA will do it tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that did not get to finish/start the ICA will do it tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 1-2 on worksheet #1 handed out in today's class if you did not get a chance to finish it during class. Your quiz on inequalities and word problems will be on Wednesday, March 16th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 29 - 30 in the booklet for homework. We will correct them tomorrow. Your quiz on inequalities and word problems will be on Wednesday March 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment on LG#7 is tomorrow. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment on LG#7 is tomorrow. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
March 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #1 handed out in class today if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We corrected review sheet #2 in class today. You were given review sheet #3 in class. Please work on review #3 for homework. We will correct it in class tomorrow. Your assessment for learning goal #7 is on Thursday, March 10th. Both review sheets and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your in class assignment tomorrow. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5 and 6.8, Equations and Word problems. The completed booklet and review sheet and answer key can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We have started inequalities. This is a very short section so your quiz on this section will be next week, March 16th.
March 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will work on ore review sheet on Tuesday. The assessment for learning goal #7 will now be on Thursday instead of Wednesday because we missed today's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please work on the review sheet given out in class today. We will correct in on Tuesday and your ICA will be on Wednesday, March 9th. The review sheet and answer key can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The new booklet was given out today for learning goal #8: Expressions and Equations. Any student that did not write the assessment for LG#7 will write it on Tuesday. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student that did not write the ICA on unit 6: Equations and Inequalities (sections 6.1 - 6.6, 6.8) will write it on Tuesday.
March 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your ICA tomorrow. It will cover sections 6.1 - 6.6 and 6.8. Please go over the review sheet handed out in class today. The answer key will be on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We completed the booklet today. Your assessment on learning goal #7 will be on Wednesday, March 9th. If you have some questions that are not completed, please complete them for homework. Some students were given a review sheet in class today. We will be working on that sheet tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student missing there assessment today for LG#7 will write it tomorrow during class. We will start LG#8 tomorrow, Expressions and Equations.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have completed the sections that will be covered on the ICA on Wednesday, March 9. Students should make sure these sections are completed in their booklets. These sections are 6.1 - 6.5 and 6.8.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Tomorrow, please bring in a monetary donation and wear yellow and blue in support of Ukraine.
March 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will finish our worksheet on Nutrition next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your assessment tomorrow on learning goal #7. The review sheets, answer keys and completed notes can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will complete the booklet tomorrow. Please make sure you are completing your notes in the evening if you did not get a chance to complete them during class. The completed booklet can be found on google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #7 is on Wednesday, March 9th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your ICA on Friday. IT will cover sections 6.1 - 6.5, Equations and section 6.8 Word Problems. The completed booklet can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please continue to complete the questions in the booklet. Your ICA is on Wednesday March 9th on sections 6.1 - 6.5, Equations and Word Problems. The completed booklet can be found on google classroom.
March 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete review sheet #2 for homework. The answer keys are on google classroom. We will work on review sheet #3 tomorrow in class. Your assessment for LG#7 is on Thursday. You should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete questions on pages 15 - 16 for homework. We will start word problems tomorrow. This will be the last section covered before your ICA on Friday. You need to be reviewing/completing the practice questions in the booklet in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete questions on pages 14 - 16 for homework. We will go over these questions tomorrow. Your ICA on sections 6.1 - 6.5 will be on Wednesday, March 9th. You need to be reviewing/completing the practice questions in the booklet in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the top of page 23 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. I have uploaded 2 review sheets and the answer keys to google classroom. Your assessment for LG#7 will be on Wednesday, March 9th. You should be reviewing in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. We will complete our nutrition worksheet in class tomorrow.
February 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure your booklet is completed. Your assessment on LG6 is on Thursday, March 3rd. Any student wanting to do the rewrite on LG 4.2 - 4.3 will have the opportunity to do so tomorrow, Tuesday, March 1.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete questions g and h on page 14 for homework. Your ICA will be on Wednesday, March 9th. It will cover the sections on Equations only. You should be completing/reviewing your math in the evenings. You have homework most every night and you should come to class with it completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 14 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your ICA on the Equations part of your booklet will be on Friday, March 4th. You should be completing/reviewing your math in the evenings. You have homework most every night and you should come to class with it completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please completed page one on worksheet #1 handed out in class today. Your assessment on LG#7 will be next Wednesday, March 9th.
February 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We have completed the booklet. The assessment for LG#7 is on Thursday, March 3rd. Any student who would like to do the rewrite for LG#4.2 - 4.3 (Discount and tax) will have the opportunity to do so on Monday Feb 28th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you are completing the notes in the booklet if you have been away from class. We have completed pages 1 - 18 in the booklet. The assessment for LG#7 is on Friday, March 4th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete some of the questions not completed in class on pages 6 - 7 and 9 - 10. We will start section 6.4 on Monday. Your ICA will be next week (Tentatively on Friday, March 4th).
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete some of the questions not completed in class on pages 6 - 7 and 9 - 10. We will complete section 6.4 on Monday. Your ICA will be next week, Friday, March 4th.
February 24, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 6 - 7 in your booklet if you did not get them completed in class. Your ICA will be next week on sections 6.1 to 6.4 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 26 - 27 in the booklet for homework. We have now completed the booklet. Your assessment on LG#7 will be next Thursday, March 3rd. Any student wanting to do a rewrite on LG#4.2 - 4.3 will have the opportunity to do so on Monday, Feb. 28th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 15, Example 1. b), d), and f) in the booklet for homework. Any student wanting to do a rewrite on LG#4.2 - 4.3 (Discounts and taxes) will have the opportunity to do so on Monday, Feb. 28th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 1 - 10 in your booklet if you did not get them completed in class. We have started section 6.4. Your ICA will be next week on sections 6.1 to 6.4 in the booklet.
February 23, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 10 completed in your booklet. Complete a) on page 11 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please finish the worksheet handed out in class yesterday for homework if it is not already completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first 3 pages of worksheet #5 handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete questions on pages 6 - 7 and 9 - 10 for homework. We will start section 6.4 tomorrow. You will have an ICA next week, tentatively on Wednesday, March 2nd. The ICA will cover the sections on equations, pages 1 - 16 in the booklet.
February 22, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 4 and 5 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 6 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 22 and 23 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete Worksheet#2 Two Step equations for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
This is Spirit Week! Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day. Please wear something pink. Thursday is Tourist day and Friday is Pajama day!
February 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 21 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the activity sheet handed out in class if you did not get it completed during class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 4 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the worksheet (one-step equations) handed out in class today if you did not get it completed during class.
February 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please finish page 13 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. If anyone would like to rewrite Learning goal #6: Circles and Area you will have the opportunity to do so tomorrow or Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your unit 5: Polynomial test tomorrow. It covers the full booklet. You can use the 3 review sheets from class to review as well as the ICA and the completed notes. The review sheets and answer keys and the completed booklet can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Anyone who missed the unit 5 Test on Polynomials today will have the opportunity to write it tomorrow or when they return to school. We will start unit 6 tomorrow: Equations and Inequalities.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment on Learning goal #6 tomorrow. It will cover the full booklet. You should review the review sheets from class and the notes. The completed notes and answers to the review sheets can be found on google classroom.
February 16, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 1 - 3 (there are 6 pages) on the worksheet handed out in class today if you did not get a chance to finish it.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class today. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is on Friday. It will cover the complete booklet. You should be reviewing your notes and the worksheets we completed in class. The completed notes and worksheets with answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your test which is on Friday. You have a couple of worksheets that you should be completing at home if you did not get a chance to complete them in class. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your test which is Tomorrow. You have a couple of worksheets that you should be completing at home if you did not get a chance to complete them in class. The worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
February 15, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
You should be working on the practice and review section of your booklet. You have a test (unit 5: Polynomials) on the full booklet on Friday. The completed notes and answer keys to some review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the notes in the booklet if you have missed any class time.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #6 if you have not already completed it. If you are just getting the worksheet please complete the first 2 questions on each page. Your assessment on learning goal #6 will be Friday, Feb 18th. The completed notes, worksheets and answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please keep reviewing for your test. It has been postponed from Wednesday to Thursday, Feb 17th. It will cover the full booklet (unit 5: Polynomials)
February 11, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 53 for homework. You should be working on the practice pages in the booklet. Your test on the full booklet is next week. You have a holiday on Monday so it would be a good day to catch up on missed work.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete all of worksheet #7 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Some of you have moved on to worksheet #6. Please try and complete a few questions from each page for homework. Your assessment learning goal#6 is on the full booklet and it will be next week. You have a holiday on Monday so it would be a good day to catch up on missed work.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. You have a holiday on Monday so it would be a good day to catch up on missed work.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 41 - 47 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You should be working on the practice pages in the booklet if you have finished up to page 47. Your test on the full booklet is next week. You have a holiday on Monday so it would be a good day to catch up on missed work.
February 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet handed out in todays class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 of worksheet #7. Find the area of the circle. Your assessment on learning goal #6 is on Wednesday, Feb 16th. You should be reviewing your notes and worksheets in the evenings to help prepare for your assessment. Please bring pencils and a calculator to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 50 in the booklet for homework. If this page is completed you can continue to complete the practice questions in the booklet. You were also given a review sheet today in class that you can use to help prepare for the test. Your test on unit 5: Polynomials is on Wednesday, Feb 16th. You should be reviewing your notes and worksheets in the evenings to help prepare for your assessment. Please bring pencils and a calculator to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 42 in the booklet for homework. If this page is completed you can continue to complete the practice questions in the booklet. Your test on unit 5: Polynomials is next week (Thursday or Friday). You should be reviewing your notes and worksheets in the evenings to help prepare for your assessment. Please bring pencils and a calculator to class.
February 9, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 1 - 6 in the booklet if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 46 - 48 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 35 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #7 for homework if you did not get it finished in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework.
February 8, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework this evening. Please bring calculators and pencils with you to class
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
There is no homework this evening. We will start multiplication tomorrow. Please bring calculators and pencils with you to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Complete pages 42 and 45 in the booklet for homework. We will finish the unit tomorrow and then we will practice Thursday, Friday and Tuesday. Your test on this unit will be Wednesday, Feb 16th.Please bring calculators and pencils with you to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete question 1 a and b for homework.
We are finished this learning goal and will be reviewing this week and Monday. The assessment for LG#6 will be on Wednesday Feb 16th. Students should be reviewing in the evening so they are prepared for this assessment on Wednesday. Please bring calculators and pencils with you to class.
February 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review your notes and handouts. Your assessment for learning goal #6:Circles and Area is tomorrow, Tuesday. The review sheets and answer keys are posted in google classroom. Good luck with your studies. Could you please bring pencils and a calculator to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have completed the booklet for learning goal #6:Circles and Area. Students should be filling out their notes if they have missed any classes. You were given review sheet #7 today in class. You have to complete c) on the last page of the worksheet for homework. Your assessment on this learning goal will be next Wednesday, Feb 16th. You should be reviewing your notes and worksheets every evening t help prepare you for your assessment. Could you please bring pencils and a calculator to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Could you please bring pencils and a calculator to class. Your ICA on sections 5.1 - 5.4 is tomorrow. Please review your notes and your review sheet from class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Could you please bring pencils and a calculator to class. Please complete page 38 for homework. Any student that misses class should go to google classroom and complete the notes they missed.
February 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your in-class assignment has been rescheduled to Tuesday. Please complete the review sheet this weekend and we will correct it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the review sheet handed out in class today. Your assessment on learning goal #6:Circles and Area is on Tuesday, Feb 8th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet on circles handed out in class yesterday. The worksheet and answer key are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
There is no homework.
February 3, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete questions #5- 8 and #15 - 18 for homework on the circle worksheet handed out today in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your in-class assignment on Monday. You have a review sheet and your notes to study.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please practice any of the worksheets handed out in class. Your assessment on learning goal #6 will be on Tuesday, Feb 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
If you missed your in-class assignment today you will have the opportunity to do it tomorrow. We will start multiplication of polynomials tomorrow.
February 2, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review your notes, reviews, etc. for your in-class assignment tomorrow. We will start multiplying polynomials on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page and the top of the second page from the triangle worksheet handed out in class if you did not get a chance to finish it.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 25 in the booklet if you did not get a chance to complete it during class. Your assessment on learning goal #6 will be on Tuesday, Feb 8th. You should be reviewing your notes and/or worksheets every evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review your notes, review sheets, etc. for your in-class assignment on Friday.
February 1, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. We will complete our worksheet during our next class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Learning goal #6: Circles and Areas: Completed notes pages 1 - 24
Any student wanting to redo learning goal #5: Circle graphs and learning goal #4.2-4.3:Discounts, Sale Price and taxes will have the opportunity to do so tomorrow during class. If you are not ready to redo these assessments tomorrow, please let me know when you would like to do them.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Learning goal #6: Circles and Areas: Completed notes pages 1 - 24
Please complete page 19 for homework. You should be completing your notes in the evening if you did not get a chance to complete them in class.
Any student wanting to redo learning goal #5: Circle graphs will have the opportunity to do so on Friday. If you are not ready to redo this assessment on Friday, please let me know when you would like to do it.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Unit 5: Polynomials: Completed notes pages 1 - 27
If you do not have these pages completed please make sure you are completing them in the evening.
Please complete pages 28 - 30 for homework if you did not get a chance to complete them in class
You have an ICA on Thursday. We will complete your review sheet tomorrow during class.
You should be reviewing your notes in the evenings.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Unit 5: Polynomials: Completed notes pages 1 - 27
If you do not have these pages completed please make sure you are completing them in the evening.
Please complete pages 28 - 30 for homework if you did not get a chance to complete them in class
You have an ICA on Friday. We will complete your review sheet tomorrow during class.
You should be reviewing your notes in the evenings.
January 31, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 23 in the booklet for homework. Any student wanting to redo learning goal #5: Circle graphs will get the opportunity to do so on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 25 for homework if you didn't get it completed in class. Your ICA on sections 5.1 - 5.4 will be on Thursday, Feb 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 20 for homework if you didn't get it completed in class. Your ICA on sections 5.1 - 5.4 will be on Thursday, Feb 3rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You should make sure you have completed your notes up to page 15. Please complete page 16 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Today was the first day of Term II. We started Health today. Some students are missing Religion assessments. I sent each student their missed assessments on google classroom last week. Could you please check with your child to make sure they have everything turned in.
January 28, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet #3 and 4 handed out in today's class. You will have the opportunity to redo learning goal #5: Circle graphs on Tuesday if you would like to improve your letter grade.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 16 for homework. We will start addition of polynomials on Monday. Your in-class assignment will be on Friday, Feb. 4. IT will cover sections 5.1 - 5.4.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 21 - 23 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will start subtraction of polynomials on Monday. Your in-class assignment will be on Thursday, Feb. 3. It will cover sections 5.1 - 5.4.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. We will start area of a parallelogram on Monday. Students should have pages 2 - 12 completed in the booklet. Please make sure you are following along and keeping up with the notes.
January 27, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review the notes from today's class. We will finish page 19 in class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review the circle graph worksheets we completed in class this week for learning goal #5: Circle graphs. You will have the opportunity to redo it tomorrow in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 13 in your booklet if you did not get it completed in class. You should have pages 1 - 13 completed. The notes are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 18 completed in your booklet. The notes are on google classroom.
January 26, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 12 in the booklet for homework. If you are at home please make sure you are completing the notes and any assigned work. The updated notes/worksheets will be uploaded to google classroom at the end of the day. You will have an in-class assignment towards the end of next week on sections 5.1 - 5.4. Please make sure you are reviewing every evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 3 on worksheet #2 if you did not get it completed in class. Any student who wishes to redo learning goal #5 Circle graphs, will have the opportunity to do so on Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 on worksheet #1 if you did not complete it in class. Any student who wishes to redo Learning goal #5 Circle Graphs will have an opportunity to do so on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 15 and 16 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will be working on section 5.3: Addition of polynomials tomorrow. You will have an in-class assignment towards the end of next week on sections 5.1 - 5.4. Please make sure you are reviewing every evening.
January 25, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review the circle chart review sheet from class today. You will have the opportunity to redo it tomorrow. There was also a worksheet handed out in class on Circumference, Diameter and Radius. Please complete the first page of this worksheet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review the sheet covered in today's class. You will have an opportunity to redo it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 1 on worksheet #2 handed out in today's class. You can bring your calculator to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please go to google classroom and fill in the notes you may have missed on the new material. Unit 5, pages 1 - 8.
January 21, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the Religion assignments I posted to google classroom yesterday. Some of you still haven't completed the assigned work. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 15 in the booklet for homework. Please bring your completed notes with you to class on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 10 in the booklet for homework. Please bring your completed notes with you to class on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please bring your completed notes with you to class on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please bring your completed notes with you to class on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
January 20, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 10 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 14 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 8 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 8 in the booklet for homework. You should have pages 2 - 8 completed in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students are to work on assignments that are incomplete. Students know which assignments they need to work on so they should be working on them this evening.
January 19, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 8 and example 1 on page 10 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete worksheet #1 for homework. It is on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 12 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the table on page 4 for homework.
January 18, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you are keeping up with the notes. You should have completed pages 1 - 5 in the notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you are keeping up with the notes. You should have completed pages 1 - 3 in the notes. For homework you need to find at least 3 objects that are circles in your house. You will also, need string and a ruler for tomorrow's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started our new unit today. Unit 5. Please make sure you are completing the notes in the booklet or on paper. Complete the top of page 3 for homework. You will need to bring your notes with you when we return to school.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We have started our new unit. Unit 5. Please make sure you are completing the notes in the booklet or on paper. Complete page 7 for homework. You will need to bring your notes with you when we return to school.
January 17, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
There is no homework. We will start Unit 5 tomorrow. I uploaded the booklet to google classroom on Friday in case any student wanted to print it.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the circumference part of the chart on page 5 for homework. You need string, a ruler and at least 3 circles.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
For homework make sure you go to google classroom and fill in pages 1 - 2 in your notes if you missed today's class. The new booklet for learning goal #6 - Circles and area has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We started unit 5 today. Please make sure you have pages 1 - 2 completed in the booklet. And the top of page 3 and example 3 (page 3) are to be completed for homework if you did not complete them in class.
January 14, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. We will start learning goal #6 on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please go over your notes on section 4.5 for Monday's assessment. You will have a question on this section.
PLEASE NOTE: We will start unit 5 on Tuesday. I did hand out this booklet before Christmas to students who were in school on Monday, Dec. 20. I will post the booklet to google classroom in case any student would like to print the booklet before Tuesday's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please look for 6 different size circles from around your house and some string for Monday's class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
There is no homework. We will start unit 5 on Monday. I did hand out this booklet before Christmas to students who were in school on Monday, Dec. 20. I will post the booklet to google classroom in case any student would like to print the booklet before Monday's class.
January 13, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Part II of your assessment is tomorrow. Please review your notes and worksheets.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment on learning goal #5 is tomorrow. Please review your worksheets and notes from this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start Learning goal #6 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review how to graph lines and how to find an equation from a graph. We have been working with Kami so please make sure you are practicing with it at home. You can go over the worksheet from today's class to help with tomorrow's assessment. Part II of the assessment is on Monday. It will cover section 4.5 of the booklet.
January 12, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-2(215)
Some students have not completed their World Religion project. If you did not get it completed during today's class please complete it and submit it by Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you are reviewing your notes and worksheets. Your assessment is tomorrow on learning goal 5.1 - circle graphs.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the worksheet from today's class if you did not get it finished. Your assessment on learning goal 5.1 is Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Make sure you have both exit cards completed and submitted. Practice using Kami. You should be reviewing yours notes and worksheets. Your assessment (part 1-Graphs and equations) is tomorrow and part II (Graphs - Interpolation and extrapolations) is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Complete the House activity posted in google classroom. Please open it in Kami and practice using that program. We will correct it tomorrow in class. Your assessment (part 1-Graphs and equations) is on Friday and part II (Graphs - Interpolation and extrapolations) is on Monday.
January 11, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should be reviewing for an assessment on learning goal #5 later this week.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students should be reviewing for an assessment on unit 4 later this week. If you have not yet submitted your exit card from today's class please do so this evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students should be reviewing for an assessment on unit 4 later this week. If you have not yet submitted your exit card from today's class please do so this evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for an assessment on learning goal #5 later this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students are working on a World Religion project. They will finish it in class.
January 10, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet uploaded to google classroom for homework if you did not get it completed during class today. You will have an assessment on learning goal #5 on Thursday. You should be reviewing how to complete the tables for circle graphs by finding the percentages and the degrees.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review your notes, worksheets and review sheets. Your assessment will be on Thursday.
You should work on pages 48 - 51 for homework if you do not already have them completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review your notes, worksheets and review sheets. Your assessment will be on Thursday.
You should work on pages 48 - 51 for homework if you do not already have them completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the table on paged 10 of your notes for homework if you did not get it completed during class today. You will have an assessment on learning goal #5 on Thursday. You should be reviewing how to complete the tables for circle graphs by finding the percentages and the degrees.
January 7, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
For homework please make sure you have been completing the notes. If you don't have your booklet you can still open up the file in google classroom and copy the notes you missed on a piece of loose leaf, plain paper or in an exercise book. It is very important that you continue to complete your notes in all you courses. I have uploaded the notes from today's class to google classroom. We will be finished learning goal #5 next week. You will have some type of assessment later next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
For homework please make sure you have been completing the notes. If you don't have your booklet you can still open up the file in google classroom and copy the notes you missed on a piece of loose leaf, plain paper or in an exercise book. It is very important that you continue to complete your notes in all you courses. I have uploaded the notes from today's class to google classroom. We will be finished learning goal #5 next week. You will have some type of assessment later next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We will finish unit 4 on Monday. Then it is review and some type of assessment next week. You should be reviewing at home as well. You should not wait until next week. For homework please make sure you have been completing the notes. If you don't have your booklet you can still open up the file in google classroom and copy the notes you missed on a piece f loose leaf, plain paper or in an exercise book. It is very important that you continue to complete your notes in all you courses. I have uploaded the notes from today's class to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We will finish unit 4 on Monday. Then it is review and some type of assessment next week. You should be reviewing at home as well. You should not wait until next week. For homework please make sure you have been completing the notes. If you don't have your booklet you can still open up the file in google classroom and copy the notes you missed on a piece f loose leaf, plain paper or in an exercise book. It is very important that you continue to complete your notes in all you courses. I have uploaded the notes from today's class to google classroom.
January 6, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete 40 - 43 for homework. You should be checking google classroom for updated notes if you have missed any classes. We will be finished the unit on Monday and then review so you will have an assessment next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet uploaded to google classroom for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 8 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete 40 - 43 for homework. You should be checking google classroom for updated notes if you have missed any classes. We will be finished the unit on Monday and then review so you will have an assessment next week.
January 5, 2022
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 on worksheet #4. We started it in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 39, 40 and 41 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please practice the questions on pages E-15 and E-46 on worksheet #4.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 39, 40, 41 in the booklet.
January 4, 2022
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We reviewed sections 4.1 - 4.3. Any student who missed the quiz before Christmas break will get a chance to write it when they write the recovery (this will be sometime in March). For homework please make sure your notes are completed fr0m page 1 up to and including page 34. You will be assigned work tomorrow on section 4.4.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 on worksheet #4 that was handed out on Dec 20th. If you do not have it, it has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 1 on worksheet #4 that was handed out on Dec 20th. If you do not have it, it has been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We reviewed sections 4.1 - 4.3. Any student who missed the quiz before Christmas break will get a chance to write it when they write the recovery (this will be sometime in March). For homework please complete example 5 on page 39.
December 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your rewrites. You will have the opportunity to do a rewrite for learning goal 4.1 Monday. The rewrite for learning goal 4.2 and 4.3 will be on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your rewrites. You will have the opportunity to do a rewrite for learning goal 4.1 Monday. The rewrite for learning goal 4.2 and 4.3 will be on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your quiz on Monday. It will covers sections 4.1 - 4.3 in the booklet. Some of the worksheets and the review sheet and the answer keys are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your quiz on Monday. It will covers sections 4.1 - 4.3 in the booklet. Some of the worksheets and the review sheet and the answer keys are on google classroom.
December 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the worksheet handed out in today's class. You should be reviewing your notes every evening. You were given your review sheet today as well. Your assessment on 4.1 - 4.3 is on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Tomorrow we will work on drawing angles using a protractor. Please bring in a protractor if you have one.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Tomorrow we will review for the rewrite on learning goal #4.1. Students will write it on Monday. And any student who wishes to rewrite learning goal #4.2-4.3 can write it on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete the first worksheet handed out in today's class. You should be reviewing your notes every evening. You were given your review sheet today as well. Your assessment on 4.1 - 4.3 is on Monday.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are collecting non-perishable food items for the food drive. Please bring in your items as soon as you can. Thank you for always supporting MDJH.
December 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your quiz tomorrow on LG#4.2 - 4.3. The two worksheets from class are on google classroom. You should review those for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete the first page of the matching worksheet handed out in class today. The worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. Your assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.3 is on Monday, Dec 20th.You should be reviewing in the evening for any upcoming assessments.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your rewrite on LG#4.1 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Please complete the first page of the matching worksheet handed out in class today. The worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. Your assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.3 is on Monday, Dec 20th.You should be reviewing in the evening for any upcoming assessments.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are collecting non-perishable food items for the food drive. Thank you for your continuous support.
December 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please make sure your notes are completed in your booklet as we have finished the booklet. You should be completing pages 29 - 34 if you did not get them completed in class. We will be going over these pages in class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students who want to rewrite LG#4.1 can do so on Thursday. Please review the assessment that was handed back to you and the notes and worksheets to help prepare for the rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students will write their quiz on LG#4.2 and 4.3 on Thursday. Please review the notes and worksheets to help prepare for the quiz.
Students who want to rewrite LG#4.1 can do so on at any time. Please review the assessment on LG#4.1 handed back to you and the notes and worksheets to help prepare for the rewrite.
The rewrite for LG#4.2 and 4.3 will be on Tuesday, Dec 21th. I will try and have the quiz back to you on Friday so you can review over the weekend in you intend to do a rewrite on LG#4.2 and 4.3
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure your notes are completed in your booklet as we have finished the booklet. You should be completing pages 29 - 34 if you did not get them completed in class. We will be going over these pages in class tomorrow.
December 9, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please bring in your 4 items from your flyers for your assessment tomorrow. I will have some here if you forget. It will cover LG4.1 and 4.3, Discounts, sale price, Taxes and final price.
December 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 15 for homework. There will be an assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.3 next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete worksheet #3 (Bob's Ski Question) for homework if you did not get it completed in class. You will have an assessment on LG#4.2-4.3 on Friday, Dec. 10th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #2 for homework (#17 and 2). You will have an assessment on LG#4.2-4.3 on Wednesday, Dec. 15th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 15 -18 for homework if you did not get them completed in class for homework. There will be an assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.3 next week.
December 6, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #15 and 16 on the first page of worksheet #2 handed out in class today. You will have a quiz on LG#4.2 and 4.3 on Tuesday, Dec 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete Example 3 on page 13 in the booklet for homework. You will have an assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.3 next week. Please make sure you are reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the chart worksheet for homework that handed out in class today. You will have a quiz on LG#4.2 and 4.3 on Wednesday, Dec 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete Example 4 and 5 on page 14 in the booklet for homework. You will have an assessment on sections 4.1 - 4.3 next week. Please make sure you are reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
A couple of reminders.

Students are asked to bring in some supplies to decorate the classroom door as part of Christmas Days!

Any student who has not returned the 50-50 tickets please get them in ASAP. The deadline is Wednesday morning.

We are still collecting for the Seniors at St. Pat's Project. Please bring in either a money donation or personal items donation (soap, toothbrushes, etc.)

Thank you all for your continuous support.
December 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete questions 4 and 5 on page 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You should have pages 1 - 9 completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have your booklet completed up to and including page 30. We will finish the booklet on Monday and will review from Tuesday to Thursday. Your quiz on LG4.2 and 4.3 will be late next week or early the following week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have your booklet completed. Your quiz on LG4.2 and 4.3 will be on Wednesday, Dec 8th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete questions 4 and 5 on page 9 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. You should have pages 1 - 9 completed.
December 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 31 and 32 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student that did not finish the recovery test today will finish it tomorrow. We will be starting unit 4 tomorrow, Linear relations.
Assigned to Class: 9-3(219)
Any student that did not finish the recovery test today will finish it tomorrow. We will be starting unit 4 tomorrow, Linear relations.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 -18 on the practice sheet handed out in today's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework.
November 30, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete up to #44 on the worksheet from yesterdays class if you did not get them completed today. The worksheet and answers are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for the unit(s) you will be writing tomorrow for the recovery tests. There are 10 multiple choice and several long answer questions.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for the unit(s) you will be writing tomorrow for the recovery tests. There are 10 multiple choice and several long answer questions.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework.
November 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first 2 sections of the worksheet handed out in class today, #1 - 32.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment tomorrow on LG#4.1.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review the units you will be rewriting on Wednesday for your recovery. Your recovery is on Wednesday, Dec. 1
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review the units you will be rewriting on Wednesday for your recovery. Your recovery is on Wednesday, Dec. 1
November 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your recovery test. IT will cover units 1,2 and 3. You can write all 3 tests or pick the chapters you would like to improve on.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 28 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review section 4.1. Your assessment on this learning goal is on Tuesday, Nov. 30th. The answers for this section of the booklet are on google classroom. The answers to the review sheets are there as well. You were given worksheet #2 and a fun worksheet today. If you have finished the review sheets you can work on the sheets from today's class over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your recovery test. IT will cover units 1,2 and 3. You can write all 3 tests or pick the chapters you would like to improve on.
November 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 3, #8 a,b,c,d on review sheet #3 for homework. It is long division. Your quiz on LG#4.1 is on Tuesday, Nov 30th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review your notes and review sheets handed out in class for whichever chapter you will be doing the rewrite on for the recovery test on Wednesday, Dec. 1. You have the option of rewriting all 3.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework. We will continue with LG#4.2 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review your notes and review sheets handed out in class for whichever chapter you will be doing the rewrite on for the recovery test on Wednesday, Dec. 1. You have the option of rewriting all 3.
November 24, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student who did not get their Rational activity completed will finish it on Thursday. Recovery tests will be on Dec 1. Students can do all three rewrites or just focus on the unit with the lowest grade. You should look on power school to see which units you want to redo. You were given review sheets today in class so you should be reviewing the units you will be rewriting.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page one (only one side) of the review sheet handed out in today's class for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment for 4.1 is on Tuesday, Nov 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Please review your notes, worksheets, etc. for you assessment on 4.1 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student who did not get their Rational activity completed will finish it on Thursday. Recovery tests will be on Dec 1. Students can do all three rewrites or just focus on the unit with the lowest grade. You should look on power school to see which units you want to redo. You were given review sheets today in class so you should be reviewing the units you will be rewriting.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are once again helping St. Pat's Mercy Home with treats for their seniors. Students are asked to bring in either a monetary donation toward the purchase of clothing items as requested by St. Pat's Mercy Home or personal care items. The description for these items should be on the MDJH webpage. Donations should be in by December 10th. Thank you for your continuous support.
November 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page (double sided) on review sheet #3 tonight if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on Learning Goal #4.1 has been postponed until Thursday, Nov 25th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the last 3 questions on review sheet #2 tonight if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment on Learning Goal #4.1 has been postponed until Tuesday, Nov 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Any student who did not get their Rational activity completed will finish it on Wednesday. Those who are finished will begin review for the recovery test. Recovery tests will be on December 1. Students can do all three rewrites or just focus on the unit with the lowest grade.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Please review for your quiz tomorrow. Section 3.6 BEDMAS. Any student who did not get their Rational activity completed will finish it on Friday. Recovery tests will be on Dec 1. Students can do all three rewrites or just focus on the unit with the lowest grade. You should look on power school to see which units you want to redo.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are once again helping St. Pat's Mercy Home with treats for their seniors. Students are asked to bring in either a monetary donation toward the purchase of clothing items as requested by St. Pat's Mercy Home or personal care items. The description for these items should be on the MDJH webpage. Donations should be in by December 10th. Thank you for your continuous support.
November 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first 2 pages of the worksheet handed out in class on Friday if you did not get it completed. Your quiz on LG#4.1 is on Thursday, Nov 25th. Please review your notes and any worksheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Your quiz on section 3.6, BEDMAS is tomorrow Tuesday, Nov. 23rd. Please review your notes and any worksheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Your quiz on section 3.6, BEDMAS is on Wednesday, Nov. 24th. Please review your notes and any worksheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first 2 pages of the worksheet handed out in class on Friday if you did not get it completed. Your quiz on LG#4.1 is on Tuesday, Nov 30th. Please review your notes and any worksheets handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework in Religion.
November 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 1 of review sheet #2 for homework. Your Quiz on LG#4.1 is postponed until Thursday, Nov 25th. Any student wanting to do a rewrite for LG#3, Decimals will have the opportunity to write it on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
You have a quiz on section 3.6 in the booklet, BEDMAS, on Wednesday, Nov 24th. Please review your notes and worksheets.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
You have a quiz on section 3.6 in the booklet, BEDMAS, on Tuesday, Nov 23th. Please review your notes and worksheets.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 of review sheet #2 for homework. Your Quiz on LG#4.1 is postponed until Tuesday, Nov 29th. Any student wanting to do a rewrite for LG#3, Decimals will have the opportunity to write it on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd.
November 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page of the review sheet handed out in class today for homework if you did not get it completed. Any student wishing to rewrite Learning Goal #4 Decimals will have the opportunity to write it tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page of the review sheet handed out in class today for homework if you did not get it completed. Any student wishing to rewrite Learning Goal #4 Decimals will have the opportunity to write it tomorrow during class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
For homework you should be reviewing as you have a quiz on Tuesday, Nov 23rd on section 3.5 in the booklet. It covers Order of Operations.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
For homework you should be reviewing as you have a quiz on Tuesday, Nov 23rd on section 3.5 in the booklet. It covers Order of Operations.
November 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your quiz on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page of the worksheet handed out in class if you did not get it finished. For those students who want to rewrite the Integers Learning Goal #2 you will have the opportunity to write it at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 - 10 on the first page of the worksheet handed out in class if you did not get it finished. For those students who want to rewrite the Integers Learning Goal #2 you will have the opportunity to write it at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your quiz on Tuesday.
November 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 20 and 21 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student who did not rewrite Learning Goal #2 on Integers should be reviewing at home in the evening. Please let me know when you are ready to redo it. We will be discussing a rewrite for Learning Goal #3 on Decimals this week and hopefully have the rewrite for it next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your assignment tomorrow. It will cover pages 1 - 34 in the booklet. You can use your notes tomorrow so you should make sure these pages are completed. Your quiz on section 3.6 Order of Operations (BEDMAS) is on Tuesday, Nov 23rd.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 1 of the worksheet(just the front page) for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student who did not rewrite Learning Goal #2 on Integers should be reviewing at home in the evening. Please let me know when you are ready to redo it. We will be discussing a rewrite for Learning Goal #3 on Decimals this week and hopefully have the rewrite for it next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your assignment tomorrow. It will cover pages 1 - 34 in the booklet. You can use your notes tomorrow so you should make sure these pages are completed. Your quiz on section 3.6 Order of Operations (BEDMAS) is on Tuesday, Nov 23rd.
November 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete any page in the booklet that you may have missed from page 1 - 34.
You will have an assessment on Wednesday on these pages and a quiz on Tuesday, Nov 23rd, on the last section of the booklet, BEDMAS.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 18 completed in the booklet. Any student wishing to rewrite a learning goal please let me know during class. You should be reviewing at home if you intend to do a rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 19 completed in the booklet. Any student wishing to rewrite a learning goal please let me know during class. You should be reviewing at home if you intend to do a rewrite.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete any page in the booklet that you may have missed from page 1 - 34.
You will have an assessment on Wednesday on these pages and a quiz on Tuesday, Nov 23rd, on the last section of the booklet, BEDMAS.
November 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
No assigned homework.
However, if you have not completed all pages up to and including page 15 because you missed some class time please complete it for homework. Also, students should review over the weekend if they want to rewrite Learning Goal #2 on Integers next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 15 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
And if you have not completed all pages up to and including page 15 because you missed some class time please complete it for homework. Also, students should review over the weekend if they want to rewrite Learning Goal #2 on Integers next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 32 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. We have finished the unit and will use next week as review for your assessment which will be the end of the week.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 25 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
We will finish the unit on Monday and will use the rest of the week as review for your assessment which will be the end of the week.
November 10, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet from class for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student who did not do the rewrite for Learning Goal #2, Integers today should prepare over the next few days and complete it next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 26 - 29 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will be finished this unit on Monday so there will be an assessment at the end of next week. Please make sure you are reviewing your notes in the evening so you are better prepared for your assessments.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 26 - 29 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. We will be finished this unit on Monday so there will be an assessment at the end of next week. Please make sure you are reviewing your notes in the evening so you are better prepared for your assessments.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet from class for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Any student who did not do the rewrite for Learning Goal #2, Integers today should prepare over the next few days and complete it next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework in Religion. Our worksheets and projects are completed in class. If a student is missing any work I will post it here and on google classroom so that it can be completed at home.
November 9, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
The only homework you have is reviewing for your integer rewrite tomorrow for learning goal #2.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 20 - 21 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 25 example 4 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
The only homework you have is reviewing for your integer rewrite tomorrow for learning goal #2.
November 8, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 14 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. You should be reviewing for the rewrite for learning goal #2: Integers. The rewrite is on Wednesday, Nov 10th. All the notes for this goal are still on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 12 in the booklet if you did not get it completed in class. You should be reviewing for the rewrite for learning goal #2: Integers. The rewrite is on Wednesday, Nov 10th. All the notes for this goal are still on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 17 for homework if you did not get it finished in class. Please hand in your foldable tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 18 - 19 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
November 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 13 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework. However, any student wanting to improve their letter grade for Learning Goal #2 Integers should be reviewing for Wednesday's redo.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. However, any student wanting to improve their letter grade for Learning Goal #2 Integers should be reviewing for Wednesday's redo.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 17 for homework if you did not get it completed in class.
November 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. Students should be reviewing Learning Goal #2:Integers as the redo is Wednesday, Nov 10th. We will start
Learning Goal #4: Fractions tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
If you have missed some class time please go to google classroom and look at the completed notes. You should have pages 1 - 11 completed. Please complete page 11 for homework if you did not get it completed in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework. Students should be reviewing Learning Goal #2:Integers as the redo is Wednesday, Nov 10th. We will start
Learning Goal #4: Fractions tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
If you have missed some class time please go to google classroom and look at the completed notes. You should have pages 1 - 12 completed. Please complete page 13 for homework.
November 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 11 for homework if you did not complete it in class. Some students have not handed in their foldable. Please hand it in tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework. We will be starting learning goal #4 tomorrow: Fractions. Any student that who missed the assessment today for learning goal #3: Decimals, will write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
There is no homework. We will be starting learning goal #4 tomorrow: Fractions.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 8 and 9 for homework if you did not complete it in class. Some students have not handed in their foldable. Please hand it in tomorrow.
November 2, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
No homework. Any one who did not write the learning goal #3 today will write it tomorrow. The redo for learning goal #2: Integers will be next Wednesday, Nov 10th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for learning goal #3 assessment tomorrow. You have 2 review sheets and lots of worksheets. The answer s are on google classroom. Good luck with your studies. The redo for learning goal #2: Integers will be next Wednesday, Nov 10th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 6 - 7 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete #1 on page 6 for homework.
November 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class on Friday and the review sheet from class today. You should pick and choose whichever questions you feel you need to practice. The answer key is on google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #3 is tomorrow, Nov 2nd.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Any student that did not write the test on Friday, will write it tomorrow. Any student who did not pass in the foldable it was due today. Please hand it in tomorrow. We just started the Unit 3: Rational numbers.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Any student that did not write the test on Friday, will write it tomorrow. Any student who did not pass in the foldable it was due today. Please hand it in tomorrow. We just started the Unit 3: Rational numbers.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class on Friday. The first 2 pages should be completed. And you should be working on questions on the last 2 pages this evening. You can pick and choose whichever questions you feel you need to practice. The answer key is on google classroom. Your assessment on learning goal #3 is Wednesday, Nov 3rd.
October 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class today over the weekend. The answer key will be posted on google classroom. Your assessment for Learning Goal #3 is on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd. Anyone wishing to redo Learning Goal #2, Integers it will be on Friday, Nov 5th. You should review your booklet, worksheets and assessment for this redo.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We will begin unit 3 on Monday. Your Foldable was due today. If you did not hand it in, it is now overdue. Please hand it in on Monday. Any one who missed their test today will do it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We will begin unit 3 on Monday. Your Foldable was due today. If you did not hand it in, it is now overdue. Please hand it in on Monday. Any one who missed their test today will do it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class today over the weekend. The answer key will be posted on google classroom. Your assessment for Learning Goal #3 is on Wednesday, Nov. 3nd. Anyone wishing to redo Learning Goal #2, Integers it will be on Friday, Nov 5th. You should review your booklet, worksheets and assessment for this redo.
October 28, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 13 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. We will finish the booklet tomorrow. Your assessment for Learning Goal#3 is on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd. You should be reviewing your notes and worksheets every evening to help you prepare for the assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 19 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. We will finish the booklet tomorrow. Your assessment for Learning Goal#3 is on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. You should be reviewing your notes and worksheets every evening to help you prepare for the assessment.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your test tomorrow. It will cover the complete booklet for unit 2:Powers and Exponents. The answer key to the review sheet can be found in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your test tomorrow. It will cover the complete booklet for unit 2:Powers and Exponents. The answer key to the review sheet can be found in google classroom.
October 27, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class today for homework. We will have a review class tomorrow and your test is on Friday on the complete booklet. Students should be reviewing every evening not just the night before an assessment. You should also be working on your foldable at home.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 17 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment for Learning Goal #3 is Tuesday, Nov 2nd. Students should be reviewing every evening and not just the night before an assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 18 for homework if you did not get it completed in class. Your assessment for learning goal #3 is Wednesday, Nov 3rd. Students should be reviewing every evening and not just the night before an assessment.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please work on the review sheet handed out in class today for homework. We will have a review class tomorrow and your test is on Friday on the complete booklet. Students should be reviewing every evening not just the night before an assessment. You should also be working on your foldable at home.
October 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete letters e, n, p on worksheet #2 handed out in today's class. If you miss class, you have to login to google classroom and complete the notes and work that you missed.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 32 and 33 in the booklet if you have not already done so. You will have 20 minutes tomorrow to finish your foldable. If it is not completed you will have to work on it at home. It is due on Friday. Your test is also Friday. It will cover the complete booklet. You should be reviewing your notes every evening to help you prepare for the test. If you miss class, you have to login to google classroom and complete the notes and work that you missed.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete letters a, f, g, n, p on worksheet #2 handed out in today's class.
If you miss class, you have to login to google classroom and complete the notes and work that you missed.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 32 and 33 in the booklet if you have not already done so. You will have 20 minutes tomorrow to finish your foldable. If it is not completed you will have to work on it at home. It is due on Friday. Your test is also Friday. It will cover the complete booklet. You should be reviewing your notes every evening to help you prepare for the test. If you miss class, you have to login to google classroom and complete the notes and work that you missed.
October 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 29 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Please make sure you are reviewing for your test on Friday. You will get some time to work on your foldable in class, however, we will be reviewing for the test. You should also be working on your foldable at home as it is due on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete letters a) - d) on the worksheet handed out in class today. It is on division.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the first page of the worksheet handed out in class today. It is on division (the first question is 2.4/0.3). You do not have to do the back of the sheet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 29 - 31 in the booklet for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Please make sure you are reviewing for your test on Friday. You will get some time to work on your foldable in class, however, we will be reviewing for the test. You should also be working on your foldable at home as it is due on Friday.
October 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student who did not write the rewrite on divisibility today can write it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student who did not write the rewrite on divisibility today can write it on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Completed notes pages 1 - 27 can be found on google classroom.
Your test is Oct 29th. You should be reviewing for your test
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Completed notes pages 1 - 27 can be found on google classroom.
Your test is Oct 29th. You should be reviewing for your test
October 21, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Any student redoing learning goal #1 for divisibility tomorrow should review the rules for homework. You should only review the rules for the numbers you will be redoing.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 27 in the booklet for homework. Your test is on Friday, Oct 29th.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 22 in the booklet for homework. Your test is on Friday, Oct 29th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student redoing learning goal #1 for divisibility tomorrow should review the rules for homework. You should only review the rules for the numbers you will be redoing.
October 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 1 of the word problem worksheet handed out in class today(page starting with Mandy). Any student wishing to redo learning goal #1: Divisibility can do so on Friday. Please review the divisibility rules you had trouble with on the first assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 1 of the word problem worksheet handed out in class today(page starting with Mandy). Any student wishing to redo learning goal #1: Divisibility can do so on Friday. Please review the divisibility rules you had trouble with on the first assessment.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure your notes are completed up to and including page 20. Your test is Friday, Oct 29.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 of the word problem worksheet handed out in class today(page starting with Mandy). Any student wishing to redo learning goal #1: Divisibility can do so on Friday. Please review the divisibility rules you had trouble with on the first assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 of the word problem worksheet handed out in class today(page starting with Mandy). Any student wishing to redo learning goal #1: Divisibility can do so on Friday. Please review the divisibility rules you had trouble with on the first assessment.
October 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the top 2 sections on the second page of the puzzle handed out in class today (Why did the Greenhouse Call a Doctor?) for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the top 2 sections on the second page of the puzzle handed out in class today (Why did the Greenhouse Call a Doctor?) for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 18 - 20 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you finished these pages please make sure you have worksheets #1-3 completed as well. The answers are on google classroom. You will receive your information sheet for your foldable this week so I will let you know when you have to bring your pencil leads, markers, etc. Your test on the full unit will be Friday, Oct 29th. Your foldable will be due on the same day as your test, Oct 29th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 18 - 20 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. If you finished these pages please make sure you have worksheets #1-3 completed as well. The answers are on google classroom. You will receive your information sheet for your foldable this week so I will let you know when you have to bring your pencil leads, markers, etc. Your test on the full unit will be Friday, Oct 29th. Your foldable will be due on the same day as your test, Oct 29th.
October 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please finish worksheet #1 handed out in class today. If it is finished please make sure you have worksheet #1 finished from Friday's class. Both worksheets and answers keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete #1 on page 12 for homework. Please make sure you have completed your notes up to and including page 9, multiplication. Practice your multiplication tables as well.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 on page 12 for homework. Please make sure you have completed your notes up to and including page 6, and pages 8 and 9, multiplication.
Practice your multiplication tables as well.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please finish worksheet #1 handed out in class today. If it is finished please make sure you have worksheet #1 finished from Friday's class. Both worksheets and answers keys will be uploaded to google classroom.
October 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 6 completed in your booklet. If you don't please complete it for homework. Any student who wished to bring up their letter grade from learning goal #1 on Divisibility can do so on Wednesday, Oct 20th. So you may want to review your rules for divisibility over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete #1 -10 on Worksheet #1 for homework if you did not get them completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 6 completed in your booklet. If you don't please complete it for homework. Any student who wished to bring up their letter grade from learning goal #1 on Divisibility can do so on Wednesday, Oct 20th. So you may want to review your rules for divisibility over the weekend.
October 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 13 in your booklet for homework. We have now finished pages 1 - 12. Please complete these pages if they are not completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 5 in your booklet for homework. We have now finished pages 1 - 4. Please complete these pages if they are not completed
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete page 5 in your booklet for homework. We have now finished pages 1 - 4. Please complete these pages if they are not completed
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 13 in your booklet for homework. We have now finished pages 1 - 12. Please complete these pages if they are not completed
October 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
No homework
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We have completed pages 1 - 9 in the booklet. Please complete pages 5 and 6 if you have not already completed them for homework from last night. Homework for this evening is page 10 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We have completed pages 1 - 9 in the booklet. Please complete pages 5 and 6 if you have not already completed them for homework from last night. Homework for this evening is page 9 in the booklet.
October 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
No homework
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students were given a new booklet today. Unit 2:Powers and Exponent Laws. Please complete page 5 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students were given a new booklet today. Unit 2:Powers and Exponent Laws. Please complete page 5 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your assessment on learning goal #2 tomorrow. You have the option to use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework
October 8, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 1 and 2 on review sheet #4. I have uploaded the review sheet and answer key to google classroom. Enjoy your long weekend.
October 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review for your in class assessment tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 on review sheet #3 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please review for your in class assessment tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please review for your in class assessment tomorrow.
October 6, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete questions #5-8 on the worksheet for homework. You can complete which questions you want on the worksheet as long as you are working. The answers will be on google classroom. Your in-class is on Friday. You can use your notes so please make sure they are completed. it will cover 1.3 - 1.4. The completed notes are also on google classroom. Please remember to bring a calculator.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete review sheet #2 for tomorrow's class. You also have review sheet #3 which you can work on tomorrow in class. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classrooms. We will correct the review sheets in class tomorrow. Good luck with your review!
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete review sheet #2 for tomorrow's class. The review sheets and answer keys are on google classrooms. the date for your learning goal #2 assessment has been changed. It is now on Wednesday, Oct. 13th. Good luck with your review!
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete questions #5-8 on the worksheet for homework. You can complete which questions you want on the worksheet as long as you are working. The answers will be on google classroom. Your in-class is on Friday. You can use your notes so please make sure they are completed. it will cover 1.3 - 1.4. The completed notes are also on google classroom. Please remember to bring a calculator.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Tomorrow is the last day to bring in food items for the food drive. Also, every Friday is ice-cream day. You can buy an ice-cream for one dollar. The money will be collected during homeroom and you will receive your ice-cream at recess.
October 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please ensure your booklet is completed.
Please work on review sheet #1 handed out today.
We will work on review sheets #2 and 3 tomorrow
Your assessment for learning goal #2: Integers, is on Friday. You can use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
If you have a calculator at home could you please bring it to class. Please make sure your booklet is complete.
Please work on questions #1 -5 for homework on the worksheet handed out in class
Your in-class assignment is on Friday, Oct 8th. You can use your notes or any sheet handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please ensure your booklet is completed.
Please work on review sheet #1 handed out today.
We will work on review sheets #2 and 3 tomorrow
Your assessment for learning goal #2: Integers, is on Friday. You can use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
If you have a calculator at home could you please bring it to class. Please make sure your booklet is complete.
Please work on questions #1 -5 for homework on the worksheet handed out in class
Your in-class assignment is on Friday, Oct 8th. You can use your notes or any sheet handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring in your food items for the food drive. We only have two days left!
October 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete pages 26 #1b, 2 and 27 #3 in the booklet for homework. We have finished the booklet and will spend the rest of this week reviewing for the in-class assignment on Friday. Students can use their notes for this assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 24-25 in the booklet for homework. We have finishing learning goal #2 for integers and will spend the rest of this week reviewing for the assessment on Friday. Students can use their notes for this assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 24-25 in the booklet for homework. We have finishing learning goal #2 for integers and will spend the rest of this week reviewing for the assessment on Friday. Students can use their notes for this assessment.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete pages 26 #1b, 2 and 27 #3 in the booklet for homework. We have finished the booklet and will spend the rest of this week reviewing for the in-class assignment on Friday. Students can use their notes for this assessment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are collecting non-perishable food items this week. Please send in your items and I will collect them during homeroom. Thank you for your continuous support.
October 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 20-21 in the booklet for homework. Your in class assignment will be Friday Oct 8th on learning goal #2 Integers (the completed booklet).
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 20-21 in the booklet for homework. Your in class assignment will be Friday Oct 8th on learning goal #2 Integers (the completed booklet).
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete #3 on page 27 in the booklet for homework. Your in-class assignment is on Friday, Oct 8th. It will cover sections 1.3 - 1.4 in the booklet. Students should be keeping up with their notes in class and when they are absent from class. The completed notes are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete #3b on page 24 in the booklet for homework. Your in-class assignment is on Friday, Oct 8th. It will cover sections 1.3 - 1.4 in the booklet. Students should be keeping up with their notes in class and when they are absent from class. The completed notes are on google classroom.
September 28, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure pages #2 - 13 are completed in your booklet. These pages were completed in class. Also, complete pages 14-16 in the booklet as practice if you have not already done so. The practice worksheet that was given out in class today can also be completed if you are finished all pages up to and including page 16 in the booklet. There will be an in-class assignment next week on sections 2.1 - 2.2. Date to be determined on Friday. You can use your notes so it is very important that you keep up with your work both in class and if you miss some class time.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure pages #2 - 13 are completed in your booklet. These pages were completed in class. Also, complete pages 14-16 in the booklet as practice if you have not already done so. The practice worksheet that was given out in class yesterday (Adding integers both sides) can also be completed if you are finished all pages up to and including page 16 in the booklet. There will be an in-class assignment next week on sections 2.1 - 2.2. Date to be determined on Friday. You can use your notes so it is very important that you keep up with your work both in class and if you miss some class time.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure pages 12 - 19 are completed in your booklet. Pages 20 - 24 should have been completed in class today. IF you did not complete them please make sure you complete them before class on Friday. There will an in-class assignment on pages 12 - 27 (sections 1.3 - 1.4) next week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday but we can confirm the date on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please make sure pages 12 - 19 are completed in your booklet. Pages 20 - 24 should have been completed in class today. IF you did not complete them please make sure you complete them before class on Friday. There will an in-class assignment on pages 12 - 27 (sections 1.3 - 1.4) next week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday but we can confirm the date on Friday.
September 27, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please make sure your booklets are completed up to and including page 19. I will be giving a 2 question worksheet in class tomorrow (that I will be collecting) to see see how you are doing so far with finding the surface area of composite diagrams involving rectangular prisms. There will be an in class assignment towards the end of next week, around Oct. 7th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure pages 2 - 9 are completed in your booklet. And please finish #1-16 on the worksheet handed out in today's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure pages 2 - 9 are completed in your booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please make sure your booklets are completed up to and including page 19. I will be giving back the 2 question worksheet in class tomorrow that I collected today. I will be looking over them this evening to see how you are doing so far with finding the surface area of composite diagrams involving rectangular prisms. There will be an in class assignment towards the end of next week, around Oct. 7th.
September 24, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 2 - 5 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get a chance to finish it in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete pages 2 - 5 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 19 in the booklet for homework if you did not get a chance to finish it in class.
September 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete page 18 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so. Also, please bring a calculator to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start SBG#2 tomorrow. No homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
We will start SBG#2 tomorrow. No homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete page 18 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so. Also, please bring a calculator to class.
September 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Completed a worksheet on Respect
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please review your notes and worksheets for your assessment tomorrow. You will not be able to use your notes for the assessment so make sure you know your rules for divisibility. The answer keys to your booklet and review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review your notes and worksheets for your assessment tomorrow. You will not be able to use your notes for the assessment so make sure you know your rules for divisibility. The answer keys to your booklet and review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
We started section 1.3 today. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
We started section 1.3 today. There is no homework.
September 21, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure you have your booklet completed. Review sheet #1 should now be completed as well. Review sheet #2 from today's class should have # 1, 2, and 3 completed for homework. Your assessment is on Thursday. It will cover the full booklet. You should be keeping up with your notes and class work at night if you do not get it finished during class. Several students have not yet logged into google classroom. Could you please log in and let me know if you are having trouble. All your notes, worksheets and answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom. This is where you would go to complete the work you missed if you were absent from school.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
For those who missed today's quiz, you can write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
For those who missed today's quiz, you can write it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have your booklet completed. Review sheet #1 should now be completed as well. Review sheet #2 from today's class should have # 1, 2, and 3 completed for homework. Your assessment is on Thursday. It will cover the full booklet. You should be keeping up with your notes and class work at night if you do not get it finished during class. Several students have not yet logged into google classroom. Could you please log in and let me know if you are having trouble. All your notes, worksheets and answer keys will be uploaded to google classroom. This is where you would go to complete the work you missed if you were absent from school.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework. We will continue discussing the second pillar, Respect, in tomorrow's class.
September 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Students should have the booklet completed. The answer key is attached
Any student missing class time should, if possible, log into google classroom and complete the notes that were missed during the day.
Students were given a review sheet in class. Please have the first page (double sided) completed for tomorrow's class.
There will be an assessment on Thursday, Sept. 23. covering the entire booklet.
Math help starts today after school in the LRC. It is from 2:15 to 3:15.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Students have a quiz tomorrow on sections 1.1 and 1.2 Students cannot use their notes.
Completed notes attached below
Students should have these sections completed in their booklets.
Students were given several worksheets which should also be completed.
A couple of answer keys attached below.
Math help starts this afternoon in the LRC from 2:15 - 3:15.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Students have a quiz tomorrow on sections 1.1 and 1.2 Students cannot use their notes.
Completed notes attached below
Students should have these sections completed in their booklets.
Students were given several worksheets which should also be completed.
A couple of answer keys attached below.
Math help starts this afternoon in the LRC from 2:15 - 3:15.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should have the booklet completed. The answer key is attached
Any student missing class time should, if possible, log into google classroom and complete the notes that were missed during the day.
Students were given a review sheet in class. Please have the first page (double sided) completed for tomorrow's class.
There will be an assessment on Thursday, Sept. 23. covering the entire booklet.
Math help starts today after school in the LRC. It is from 2:15 to 3:15.
September 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please make sure your notes are completed in your booklet up to and including page 16. If you missed class this week you are responsible to log in to google classroom and look at the work that you missed. The answers to the booklet are in google classroom. You also have an assessment on Thursday, Sept. 24th. It will cover the entire booklet. Make sure you are keeping up with the notes and you are reviewing your multiplication tables. MATH help starts on Monday after school.
Assigned to Class: 7-1 (110A)
Please make sure your notes are completed in your booklet up to and including page 16. If you missed class this week you are responsible to log in to google classroom and look at the work that you missed. The answers to the booklet are in google classroom. You also have an assessment on Thursday, Sept. 24th. It will cover the entire booklet. Make sure you are keeping up with the notes and you are reviewing your multiplication tables. MATH help starts on Monday after school.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please bring a calculator to school if you have one.
Please make sure your notes are completed in your booklet up to and including section 1.2. If you missed class this week you are responsible to log in to google classroom and look at the work that you missed. The answers to the booklet are in google classroom. You also have an assessment on Tuesday, Sept. 22nd It will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2. Make sure you are keeping up with the notes and doing the necessary review. MATH help starts on Monday after school.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please bring a calculator to school if you have one.
Please make sure your notes are completed in your booklet up to and including section 1.2. If you missed class this week you are responsible to log in to google classroom and look at the work that you missed. The answers to the booklet are in google classroom. You also have an assessment on Tuesday, Sept. 22nd It will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2. Make sure you are keeping up with the notes and doing the necessary review. MATH help starts on Monday after school.
September 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete #1 - 5 on the worksheet that was handed out in yesterdays class if you did not get it finished in today's class. Your quiz is Tuesday, September 21st. It will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2 in your notes. If you are having trouble with your multiplication tables you should practice them.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete #1 on page 15 in your booklet for homework. Students who have not completed all pages up to page 14 should make sure they are completed. You will have an assessment on the full booklet on Thursday, September 23rd. It will cover the divisibility rules and the Venn/Carroll Diagrams.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 on page 15 in your booklet for homework. Students who have not completed all pages up to page 14 should make sure they are completed. You will have an assessment on the full booklet on Thursday, September 23rd. It will cover the divisibility rules and the Venn/Carroll Diagrams.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete #1 - 5 on the worksheet that was handed out in yesterdays class if you did not get it finished in today's class. Your quiz is Tuesday, September 21st. It will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2 in your notes. If you are having trouble with your multiplication tables you should practice them.
September 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet section 1.1 handed out in class today for homework. You should have the first 10 pages of your booklet completed. If any student is missing class they should log into google classroom and review the notes from that days class.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please have pages 1 - 8 completed in your notes. Your quiz, on Tuesday, Sept. 21st, will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2. If any student is missing class they should log into google classroom and review the notes from that days class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
Please complete the worksheet section 1.1 handed out in class today for homework. You should have the first 10 pages of your booklet completed. If any student is missing class they should log into google classroom and review the notes from that days class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete #1, 2, 3 on the worksheet 1.2 from today's class for homework. Your quiz, on Tuesday, Sept. 21st, will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2. If any student is missing class they should log into google classroom and review the notes from that days class.
September 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (220)
Please complete example 2 b, c, d on page 7 in the booklet for homework. Your quiz will be on Tuesday, Sept. 21. It will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2 (pages 1 - 11) in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
please complete pages 9 and 10 for homework if you have not already done so.
A student who is absent from class should log into google classroom and fill in any notes they missed.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
please complete pages 9 and 10 for homework if you have not already done so.
A student who is absent from class should log into google classroom and fill in any notes they missed.
Assigned to Class: 9-4(124)
Please complete example 2 b, c, d on page 7 in the booklet for homework. Your quiz will be on Tuesday, Sept. 21. It will cover sections 1.1 and 1.2 (pages 1 - 11) in the booklet.
September 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(217)
If you have not already done so, please complete #1 -4 on page 8 in the booklet for homework. You should have pages 1 - 7 completed. If not please go to google classroom and fill in any notes you have missed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1-4 on page 8 in the booklet for homework. You should have pages 1 - 7 completed. If not please go to google classroom and fill in any notes you have missed.
June 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please email me your booklet with pages 1 - 18 completed if you will not be in school in the morning. I will be collecting them in the morning during period 1.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please email me your booklet with pages 1 - 18 completed if you will not be in school in the morning. I will be collecting them in the morning during period 1.
June 21, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
There will be regular math classes tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will continue to work on unit 9 booklet. The answer key will be up loaded to google classroom daily. The booklets will be graded.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will continue to work on unit 9 booklet. The answer key will be up loaded to google classroom daily. The booklets will be graded.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There will be regular math classes tomorrow.
June 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your quiz on Monday. The answer keys to the review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review for your quiz on Monday. The answer keys to the review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete the booklet up to page 6 if you did not get it completed in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete the booklet up to page 6 if you did not get it completed in class.
June 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you are completing the notes in the booklet. I will be collecting the booklets as an assessment. The notes will uploaded to google classroom so that students who were absent can complete the work before they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
A review sheet was handed out today in class. Please work on the first 2 pages (double sided) for homework. We will continue to work on the review sheet tomorrow in class. Your quiz is on Monday. It will cover sections 8.5-8.7.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you are completing the notes in the booklet. I will be collecting the booklets as an assessment. The notes will uploaded to google classroom so that students who were absent can complete the work before they return to class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
A review sheet was handed out today in class. Please work on the first 2 pages (double sided) for homework. We will continue to work on the review sheet tomorrow in class. Your quiz is on Monday. It will cover sections 8.5-8.7.
June 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review section 8.5 for your exit card tomorrow. Your quiz on Monday and it will cover 8.5 - 8.7.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will start unit 9 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will start unit 9 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Review section 8.5 for your exit card tomorrow. Your quiz on Monday and it will cover 8.5 - 8.7.
June 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Answers keys to the review sheets handed out in class today are on google classroom. Please study the unit you will be writing on your recovery tomorrow. We will start unit 9:Probability on Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please practice some of the questions on the translations worksheet handed out in class today. You will have an exit card on section 8.5 on Thursday. And your quiz on Monday will cover sections 8.5 - 8.7
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please practice some of the questions on the translations worksheet handed out in class today. You will have an exit card on section 8.5 on Thursday. And your quiz on Monday will cover sections 8.5 - 8.7
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please finish the worksheets from health class and hand them in tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Answers keys to the review sheets handed out in class today are on google classroom. Please study the unit you will be writing on your recovery tomorrow. We will start unit 9:Probability on Thursday.
June 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please review the unit you are doing for your recovery on Wednesday, either unit 7 or 8.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There will be no quiz on Wednesday. You will have an exit card on Thursday on section 8.5. Your quiz has been changed to Monday, June 21st. It will cover sections 8.5-8.7. Students should be reviewing in the evening for the quiz.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please review the unit you are doing for your recovery on Wednesday, either unit 7 or 8.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
There will be no quiz on Wednesday. You will have an exit card on Thursday on section 8.5. Your quiz has been changed to Monday, June 21st. It will cover sections 8.5-8.7. Students should be reviewing in the evening for the quiz.
June 11, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should be logging into google classroom and completing the notes if they did not get a chance to complete them during class. As of now there will be a quiz on Wednesday on unit 8. Details to follow on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should be reviewing whichever unit they will do on the recovery test on Wednesday. We will start the Probability unit on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should be reviewing whichever unit they will do on the recovery test on Wednesday. We will start the Probability unit on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be logging into google classroom and completing the notes if they did not get a chance to complete them during class. As of now there will be a quiz on Wednesday on unit 8. Details to follow on Monday.
June 10, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the worksheet from class for homework. You will have a small assessment tomorrow in class, an exit card.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please review for your test (open book) tomorrow. The recovery will be Wednesday of next week. We will start a new chapter on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please review for your test (open book) tomorrow. The recovery will be Wednesday of next week. We will start a new chapter on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet from class for homework. You will have a small assessment tomorrow in class, an exit card.
June 9, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 11-12 in the booklet if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please make sure the worksheet from class to completed. I will be collecting it tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your test (open book) is on Friday. Make sure you have your booklet completed. Your recovery is on Wednesday, June 16th. We will be starting unit 9 on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your test (open book) is on Friday. Make sure you have your booklet completed. Your recovery is on Wednesday, June 16th. We will be starting unit 9 on Monday.
June 8, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please review for your test.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete your booklet up to page 10. I will be collecting them tomorrow. The completed booklet is on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please review for your test.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete your booklet up to page 10. I will be collecting them tomorrow. The completed booklet is on google classroom.
June 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 6 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will have a scavenger hunt tomorrow. Only one cell phone will be needed per group. There will be 4 people in a group. You will need a QR code reader on your phone as you will have to scan the questions in order to answer them. As of now your test is on Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will have a scavenger hunt tomorrow. Only one cell phone will be needed per group. There will be four people in a group. You will need a QR code reader on your phone as you will have to scan the questions in order to answer them. As of now your test is on Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete pages 6 - 7 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so.
June 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
The in class assignment will now be on Tuesday. Your test is still scheduled for Wednesday. We will confirm on Monday if the test will be postponed until Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
The in class assignment will now be on Tuesday. Your test is still scheduled for Wednesday. We will confirm on Monday if the test will be postponed until Thursday.
June 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should be completing the review sheet at the end of the booklet in unit 8. If this is completed there are 3 worksheets that have been handed out so you should be working on those as well. Your in class assignment and test will be next week and the recovery test will be the week after.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should review the unit they have chosen to write on the recovery test tomorrow. There are 10 multiple choice and 2 - 3 questions.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should be completing the review sheet at the end of the booklet in unit 8. If this is completed there are 3 worksheets that have been handed out so you should be working on those as well. Your in class assignment and test will be next week and the recovery test will be the week after.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should review the unit they have chosen to write on the recovery test tomorrow. There are 10 multiple choice and 2 - 3 questions.
June 2, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should complete unit 6 review sheet. We will correct it tomorrow. The recovery test will be on Friday. Students should decide which unit they will be writing and let me know tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should complete the review at the end of the unit 8 booklet. The in-class assignment is on Monday and the test is on Wednesday. Both of these assessments will cover the full unit. The recovery test will cover unit 7 or 8. As of now the recovery test will be on Monday June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should complete the review at the end of the unit 8 booklet. The in-class assignment is on Monday and the test is on Wednesday. Both of these assessments will cover the full unit. The recovery test will cover unit 7 or 8. As of now the recovery test will be on Monday June 14th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete unit 6 review sheet. We will correct it tomorrow. The recovery test will be on Friday. Students should decide which unit they will be writing and let me know tomorrow.
June 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should complete the review sheet for unit 7 handed out in class today for homework. They will get a review on unit 6 tomorrow. The recovery test will cover these units. Students only have to write one of the two units. The students will have to let me know on Thursday which unit they will be completing for the recovery.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should complete the worksheet on section 8.2 handed out in class today. They will have an in-class assignment on Monday June 7th and the test is scheduled for Wednesday June 9th. The recovery test will cover units 7 and 8. The tentative dates for the recovery will be June 14th and 15th. These dates will change if they are affected by the outing dates for that week.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should complete the worksheet on section 8.2 handed out in class today. They will have an in-class assignment on Monday June 7th and the test is scheduled for Wednesday June 9th. The recovery test will cover units 7 and 8. The tentative dates for the recovery will be June 14th and 15th. These dates will change if they are affected by the outing dates for that week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the review sheet for unit 7 handed out in class today for homework. They will get a review on unit 6 tomorrow. The recovery test will cover these units. Students only have to write one of the two units. The students will have to let me know on Thursday which unit they will be completing for the recovery.
May 28, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Completed notes pages 1-14, Sections 8.1 and 8.2 are on google classroom. You have two worksheets covering these sections. Please take some time over the weekend to complete some of the questions on these sheets.
Important tentative dates:
In class assignment unit 8 June 4th
Test unit 8 June 9th
Recovery unit 7 or 8 or both (if you choose to write both) June 14th and 15th
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students had two classes to complete the probability activity. Some students are not finished so they will have 10 - 15 minutes on Tuesdays class to complete the activity.
Important tentative dates:
Recovery test on unit 6 or unit 7 or both (students can do both) June 3rd and 4th
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Completed notes pages 1-14, Sections 8.1 and 8.2 are on google classroom. You have two worksheets covering these sections. Please take some time over the weekend to complete some of the questions on these sheets.
Important tentative dates:
In class assignment unit 8 June 4th
Test unit 8 June 9th
Recovery unit 7 or 8 or both (if you choose to write both) June 14th and 15th
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students had two classes to complete the probability activity. Some students are not finished so they will have 10 - 15 minutes on Tuesdays class to complete the activity.
Important tentative dates:
Recovery test on unit 6 or unit 7 or both (students can do both) June 3rd and 4th
May 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you have your notes completed up to and including page 8.
Your recovery test will be either June 10-11 or June 14-15. We will confirm by next week. It will cover units 7 and 8. You should be reviewing these units in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the worksheet handed out in yesterdays class. the worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. The recovery on units 6 and 7 will be on June 3 and 4. you should be reviewing these units in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet handed out in yesterdays class. the worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. The recovery on units 6 and 7 will be on June 3 and 4. you should be reviewing these units in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you have your notes completed up to and including page 8.
Your recovery test will be either June 10-11 or June 14-15. We will confirm by next week. It will cover units 7 and 8. You should be reviewing these units in the evening.
May 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Some students need to finish their Mandala project. Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 4 in the booklet for unit 8.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete examples 1 - 3 from the worksheet handed out in today's class for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Some students need to finish their Mandala project. Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 4 in the booklet for unit 8.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete examples 1 - 3 from the worksheet handed out in today's class for homework.
May 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the worksheet from class if you did not get it completed. Please make sure you have pages 14 - 19 completed in the booklet. We will complete the booklet tomorrow. Your recovery test will be June 3rd and 4th as of now. IT will cover units 6 and 7.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete the written part of your Mandala Project if it is not yet completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete the written part of your Mandala Project if it is not yet completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have pages 14 - 19 completed in the booklet. We will complete the booklet tomorrow. Your recovery test will be June 3rd and 4th as of now. IT will cover units 6 and 7.
May 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure pages 14 - 17 are completed in your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please make sure pages 14 - 17 are completed in your notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Some students have taken their Mandala project home to finish. Please make sure these projects are brought back to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Some students have taken their Mandala project home to finish. Please make sure these projects are brought back to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring in a non-perishable food item for the food drive. Thank you for your continuous support!
May 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review for your quiz this evening. It will cover pages 1 - 13 in your booklet, sections 7.1 - 7.4. The notes, review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. If you have a calculator please bring it to class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please bring colored leads tomorrow if you have any.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please bring colored leads tomorrow if you have any.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review for your quiz this evening. It will cover pages 1 - 13 in your booklet, sections 7.1 - 7.4. The notes, review sheets and answer keys are on google classroom. If you have a calculator please bring it to class.
May 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please bring your geometry set and any colored leads or markers to school on Monday. You will need these items for your project.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Worksheets #4 and 5 and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Worksheet #4: Complete #4 page 3, #8 page 4, #5 page 6
Worksheet #5: Please complete as this is a review sheet for your quiz on Tuesday, May 18th. Please bring a calculator to school on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 120
Worksheets #4 and 5 and answer keys can be found on google classroom.
Worksheet #4: Complete #4 page 3, #8 page 4, #5 page 6
Worksheet #5: Please complete as this is a review sheet for your quiz on Tuesday, May 18th. Please bring a calculator to school on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please bring your geometry set and any colored leads or markers to school on Monday. You will need these items for your project.
May 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please bring colored leads or markers and a geometry set to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your quiz is on Tuesday, May 18th. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.4 in the booklet. Please make sure you are completing your notes every evening if you did not get them completed during class. The notes are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please bring colored leads or markers and a geometry set to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Your quiz is on Tuesday, May 18th. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.4 in the booklet. Please make sure you are completing your notes every evening if you did not get them completed during class. The notes are on google classroom.
May 11, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
There will be a quiz on Tuesday on sections 7.1 - 7.4, pages 1 - 13 in the booklet. Please bring a calculator to class if you have one.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please bring a compass set and colored leads or markers to class on Thursday. You will need these items for your project.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please bring a compass set and colored leads or markers to class on Thursday. You will need these items for your project.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please finish the last two questions on the worksheet from class. The questions on Range and mode. There will be a quiz on Tuesday on sections 7.1 - 7.4, pages 1 - 13 in the booklet. Please bring a calculator to class if you have one.
May 10, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-8(223)
Please complete the question on finding the median on the worksheet from class. It is on google classroom if you forgot to bring it home. Also, just a reminder to bring a calculator to class if you have one.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the questions on finding the median, range and mode on the worksheet from class. It is on google classroom if you forgot to bring it home. Also, just a reminder to bring a calculator to class if you have one.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you have section 7.7 notes completed in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you have section 7.7 notes completed in the booklet.
May 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you have your notes for class. We have started the second part of the booklet, section 7.5.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review your notes and worksheets for tomorrow's in-class assignment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review your notes and worksheets for tomorrow's in-class assignment.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you have your notes for class. We have started the second part of the booklet, section 7.5.
May 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will start the second part of unit 7 tomorrow, section 7.5.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #6 for homework if you did not finish it during class. Your ICA is on Thursday and it will cover the full unit 6 booklet. Make sure you are reviewing every evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will start the second part of unit 7 tomorrow, section 7.5.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete worksheet #6 for homework if you did not finish it during class. Your ICA is on Thursday and it will cover the full unit 6 booklet. Make sure you are reviewing every evening.
May 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1-3,the practice section on worksheet #6. This worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. The in-class assignment is on Thursday. It will cover the full booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please review the 2 review sheets handed out in class. Both answer keys are in google classroom as well as the completed notes. Your quiz is tomorrow and you cannot use your notes. It will cover the first part of the unit, sections 7.1 to 7.4
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please review the 2 review sheets handed out in class. Both answer keys are in google classroom as well as the completed notes. Your quiz is tomorrow and you cannot use your notes. It will cover the first part of the unit, sections 7.1 to 7.4
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1-3,the practice section on worksheet #6. This worksheet and answer key are on google classroom. The in-class assignment is on Thursday. It will cover the full booklet.
April 30, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete example 4 and 5 on page 19 for homework. The in class assignment will be on Thursday, May 6th. It will cover the full unit 6 booklet. Students have been given many worksheets this week and if these sheets are not completed students can certainly complete them for extra practice.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your quiz is on Tuesday, May 4th. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.4 in the booklet. You cannot use your notes. The completed notes are on google classroom. You should be completing the review sheet from class as homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your quiz is on Tuesday, May 4th. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.4 in the booklet. You cannot use your notes. The completed notes are on google classroom. You should be completing the review sheet from class as homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete example 4 and 5 on page 19 for homework. The in class assignment will be on Thursday, May 6th. It will cover the full unit 6 booklet. Students have been given many worksheets this week and if these sheets are not completed students can certainly complete them for extra practice.
April 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1-6 on worksheet #5. There will be an in-class assignment on unit 6 next week, Thursday or Friday. Please make sure your notes are up to date. You should be reviewing every evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1-9 on worksheet #5. There will be an in-class assignment on unit 6 next week, Thursday or Friday. Please make sure your notes are up to date. You should be reviewing every evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please work on the review sheet from class. Your quiz will be on Tuesday, May 4. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.4. You will not be able to use your notes. So you should be reviewing in the evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please work on the review sheet from class. Your quiz will be on Tuesday, May 4. It will cover sections 7.1 - 7.4. You will not be able to use your notes. So you should be reviewing in the evening.
April 28, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 18 in your booklet. These pages will be covered in your quiz next week. Please complete #4 on the worksheet handed out today in class for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1 -12 on worksheet #4 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you have completed pages 1 - 18 in your booklet. These pages will be covered in your quiz next week. Please complete #4 on the worksheet handed out today in class for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 -12 on worksheet #4 for homework.
April 27, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 - 12 on worksheet #3 handed out in today's class. There will be an assessment next week so students should be reviewing their notes every evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you are completing your notes from class. Please complete example 4 on page 16 for homework. There is a quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 on Monday or Tuesday of next week. You cannot use your notes so you should be reviewing every night. We will confirm by Wednesday as to when it will be.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you are completing your notes from class. Please complete example 4 on page 16 for homework. There is a quiz on sections 7.1 - 7.4 on Monday or Tuesday of next week. You cannot use your notes so you should be reviewing every night. We will confirm by Wednesday as to when it will be.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1 - 12 on worksheet #3 handed out in today's class. There will be an assessment next week so students should be reviewing their notes every evening.
April 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure your notes are completed up to and including page 13. There will be a quiz on Monday or Tuesday of next week. We will confirm which day by Wednesday of this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1 - 6 on worksheet #2A handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 - 4 on worksheet #2A handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure your notes are completed up to and including page 13. Please complete page 1 on Worksheet#3 handed out in class today. There will be a quiz on Monday or Tuesday of next week. We will confirm which day by Wednesday of this week.
April 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you have completed your notes up to and including page 12.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you complete #6, 7, 8, and 9 on worksheet #2.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you have completed your notes up to and including page 12.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please make sure you complete #6, 7, 8, and 9 on worksheet #2.
April 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please continue with worksheet #2 from last night. You should have page 1 completed and at least 3 on page 2 for tomorrow's class. This worksheet can be found on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure pages 1 - 9 are completed in your notes. Some students are leaving class without completing their work. The completed notes for these pages are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure pages 1 - 9 are completed in your notes. Some students are leaving class without completing their work. The completed notes for these pages are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please continue with worksheet #2 from last night. You should complete #2, 4, 5 and 6 for homework. This worksheet can be found on google classroom.
April 21, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1 and #3 for homework on the sheet that was handed out in class today. The sheet is in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete #1-10 for homework on the sheet that was handed out in class today. The sheet is in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete #1 -10 for homework on the sheet that was handed out in class today. The sheet is in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 and #3 for homework on the sheet that was handed out in class today. The sheet is in google classroom.
April 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students have a worksheet to complete for homework and return tomorrow. It can be found in google classroom if it was left in school. I will be collecting them. Students only have to do the first part: turn the sentence into an algebraic equation. They do not have to solve the equation.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students have a worksheet to complete for homework and return tomorrow. It can be found in google classroom if it was left in school. I will be collecting them. Students only have to do the first part: turn the sentence into an algebraic equation. They do not have to solve the equation.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete the worksheet on conversions that was given to you today in class. The worksheet and answers are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete the worksheet on conversions that was given to you today in class. The worksheet and answers are on google classroom.
April 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We started a new unit today in Math, unit 7: Similarity and Scale
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
We started a new unit today in Math, unit 6: Equations
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We started a new unit today in Math, unit 7: Similarity and Scale
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started a new unit today in Math, unit 6: Equations
April 14, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Multiple choice section tomorrow. Please review your review sheets, assignments and tests in preparation for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Multiple choice section tomorrow. Please review your review sheets, assignments and tests in preparation for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Multiple choice section tomorrow. Please review your review sheets, assignments and tests in preparation for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Multiple choice section tomorrow. Please review your review sheets, assignments and tests in preparation for tomorrow.
April 13, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please continue to work on the review sheets that have been handed out in class. The answer key to the circle graph is on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please continue to work on the review sheets that have been handed out in class. The answer key to the review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please continue to work on the review sheets that have been handed out in class. The answer key to the review sheets are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please continue to work on the review sheets that have been handed out in class. The answer key to the circle graph is on google classroom.
April 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the numbers assigned in class on the review sheet for unit 4. Remember the Multiple choice section of the Recovery test is on Thursday and the long answer part is on Friday. You should be reviewing units 4 and 5 for the recovery tests. Please go over your unit 5 test that was given back today as your review for chapter 5.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete the review sheet for unit 4 from class. Remember that the recovery Multiple choice section is on Thursday and the long answer part is on Friday. You should be reviewing units 4 and 5 for the Recovery tests. Please go over your unit 5 test that was given back today as your review for chapter 5.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete the review sheet for unit 4 from class. Remember that the Recovery Multiple choice section is on Thursday and the long answer part is on Friday. You should be reviewing units 4 and 5 for the recovery tests. Please go over your unit 5 test that was given back today as your review for chapter 5.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the numbers assigned in class on the review sheet for unit 4. Remember the Multiple choice section of the Recovery test is on Thursday and the long answer part is on Friday. You should be reviewing units 4 and 5 for the recovery tests. Please go over your unit 5 test that was given back today as your review for chapter 5.
April 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There will review sheets posted for review for the recovery test. The recovery test will be April 15th, Thursday (multiple choice) and April 16th, Friday (long answer). This test will cover units 4 and 5. Have a safe and enjoyable break.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
There will review sheets posted for review for the recovery test. The recovery test will be April 15th, Thursday (multiple choice) and April 16th, Friday (long answer). This test will cover units 4 and 5. Have a safe and enjoyable break.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
There will review sheets posted for review for the recovery test. The recovery test will be April 15th, Thursday (multiple choice) and April 16th, Friday (long answer). This test will cover units 4 and 5. Have a safe and enjoyable break.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
There will review sheets posted for review for the recovery test. The recovery test will be April 15th, Thursday (multiple choice) and April 16th, Friday (long answer). This test will cover units 4 and 5. Have a safe and enjoyable break.
March 31, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will be starting review tomorrow for the recovery test which will be the week we get back from Easter Break. It will cover units 4 and 5. I will post review sheets as well if students want to have a look at the material they will be responsible for in those units.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
We will be starting review tomorrow for the recovery test which will be the week we get back from Easter Break. It will cover units 4 and 5. I will post review sheets as well if students want to have a look at the material they will be responsible for in those units.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will be starting review tomorrow for the recovery test which will be the week we get back from Easter Break. It will cover units 4 and 5. I will post review sheets as well if students want to have a look at the material they will be responsible for in those units.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Any student who missed their test today will write it tomorrow. We will be starting review tomorrow for the recovery test which will be the week we get back from Easter Break. It will cover units 4 and 5. I will post review sheets as well if students want to have a look at the material they will be responsible for in those units.
March 30, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should review for their unit 5 test tomorrow. Good luck with your studies.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should review for their unit 5 test tomorrow. Good luck with your studies.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should review for their unit 5 test tomorrow. Good luck with your studies.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should review for their unit 5 test tomorrow. Good luck with your studies.
March 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete pages 58-62 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so. Your unit 5 test is on Wednesday, March 31st.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete worksheet #4 for homework if you did not get it finished in class today. The worksheet and answer key have been uploaded to google classroom. Your unit 5 test is on Wednesday. You should be reviewing every night.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete worksheet #4 for homework if you did not get it finished in class today. The worksheet and answer key have been uploaded to google classroom. Your unit 5 test is on Wednesday. You should be reviewing every night.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please check at home to see if your nutrition worksheet is there. It is due tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 58-62 in the booklet for homework if you have not already done so. Your unit 5 test is on Wednesday, March 31st.
March 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete practice pages 54 - 56 in the booklet for homework. Your test in Wednesday, Mar 31.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the review sheet handed out in class for homework if you did not get a chance to finish it during class. Your test in Wednesday, Mar 31.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete practice pages 54 - 56 in the booklet for homework. Your test in Wednesday, Mar 31.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the first 2 pages of review sheet #3 handed out in class for homework if you did not get a chance to finish it during class. Your test in Wednesday, Mar 31.
March 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should complete the first side of the review sheet handed out in class today. Their test in on Wednesday, Mar 31.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should complete pages 47 - 52 in the booklet for Friday's class. If these are completed students can continue to complete the rest of the practice questions in the booklet or complete the worksheets handed out in class. Their test in on Wednesday, Mar 31.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should complete pages 47 - 52 in the booklet for Friday's class. If these are completed students can continue to complete the rest of the practice questions in the booklet or complete the worksheets handed out in class. Their test in on Wednesday, Mar 31.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should complete the first side of the review sheet handed out in class today. Their test in on Wednesday, Mar 31.
March 24, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should be reviewing for Wednesday's test. They can go over the notes and worksheets.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should complete pages 46-48 for homework. Students should be reviewing every night for the unit test which is on Wednesday, March 31st.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should complete pages 46-48 for homework. Students should be reviewing every night for the unit test which is on Wednesday, March 31st.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for Wednesday's test. They can go over the notes and worksheets.
March 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review your notes and the worksheets from class. Your in-class assignment is tomorrow on the full unit. You can use your notes so bring them with you to class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review your notes and the worksheets from class. Your in-class assignment is tomorrow on the full unit. You can use your notes so bring them with you to class tomorrow.
March 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete page 42 in the notes if you have not yet done so. There will be a unit test on Wednesday, Mar 31. Please review your notes, worksheets, etc.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the second page of worksheet #2 if you did not get it completed in class. Your in-class assignment is on Wednesday. Please review your notes from unit 5 and any work that was handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete page 42 in the notes if you have not yet done so. There will be a unit test on Wednesday, Mar 31. Please review your notes, worksheets, etc.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the second page of worksheet #2 if you did not get it completed in class. Your in-class assignment is on Wednesday. Please review your notes from unit 5 and any work that was handed out in class.
March 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page of worksheet #2 handed out in today's class. Your in-class assignment is now on Wednesday, March 24th. It will cover the entire booklet for unit 5.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will continue with unit 5 on Monday. We will have the unit completed next week so there will be an assessment next week on the entire unit. And a test the following week. Please make sure all the work you did at home for the last month is now in school.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will continue with unit 5 on Monday. We will have the unit completed next week so there will be an assessment next week on the entire unit. And a test the following week. Please make sure all the work you did at home for the last month is now in school.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the first page of worksheet #2 handed out in today's class. Your in-class assignment is now on Wednesday, March 24th. It will cover the entire booklet for unit 5.
March 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
The in-class assignment tomorrow will cover pages 1 - 39 in the booklet. You can use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 1 and 2 of the review sheet handed out today in class. As of now you will have an in-class assignment next week, Tuesday or Wednesday on the full chapter and a test the following week on the full chapter.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 and 2 of the review sheet handed out today in class. AS of now you will have an in-class assignment next week, Tuesday or Wednesday on the full chapter and a test the following week on the full chapter.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
The in-class assignment tomorrow will cover pages 1 - 39 in the booklet. You can use your notes.
March 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please work on the review sheet from class. You will have time in class tomorrow to finish it. Your in-class assignment is on Friday. It will cover pages 1 - 38 in the booklet. You can use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please bring all your math sheets that you have been working on at home to school tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
lease work on the review sheet from class. You will have time in class tomorrow to finish it. Your in-class assignment is on Friday. It will cover pages 1 - 38 in the booklet. You can use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please bring all your math sheets that you have been working on at home to school tomorrow.
March 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please make sure your notes are completed to page 23 if you have not already due so. The answer key is on google classroom. Please complete worksheets #4 - 6 for tomorrow's class if you did not get them completed today.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure your notes are completed to page 43 if you have not already due so. The answer key is on google classroom. We will work on a review sheet tomorrow that will be finished in class on Thursday. There will be an in-class assignment on Friday on pages 1 - 38.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure your notes are completed to page 43 if you have not already due so. The answer key is on google classroom. We will work on a review sheet tomorrow that will be finished in class on Thursday. There will be an in-class assignment on Friday on pages 1 - 38.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure your notes are completed to page 23 if you have not already due so. The answer key is on google classroom. Please complete worksheets #4 - 6 for tomorrow's class if you did not get them completed today.
March 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete Example #1 g to l on the top of page 22 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it finished during class. You will have an assessment on Friday, March 19. I will be so excited to see you all on Thursday. Have a great long weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete Example #1 g to l on the top of page 22 in the booklet for homework if you did not get it finished during class. You will have an assessment on Friday, March 19. I will be so excited to see you all on Thursday. Have a great long weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please ensure pages 1 - 38 are completed in your notes. We will finish page 42 on Tuesday. You will have an in-class assessment on Friday, march 19th. You will be able to use your notes. And the assessment will cover everything we will have covered in unit 5 up to and including Wednesday March 17th.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please ensure pages 1 - 38 are completed in your notes. We will finish page 42 on Tuesday. You will have an in-class assessment on Friday, march 19th. You will be able to use your notes. And the assessment will cover everything we will have covered in unit 5 up to and including Wednesday March 17th.
March 11, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete pages 35 - 36 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 35 - 36 in the booklet for homework.
March 10, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your assessment is tomorrow during class. It is 12 multiple choice and it covers pages 1 - 20 in the notes and the 3 worksheets we have completed. Students can use their notes. The completed notes and answers to the worksheets are all on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will start section 5.5 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will start section 5.5 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Your assessment is tomorrow during class. It is 12 multiple choice and it covers pages 1 - 20 in the notes and the 3 worksheets we have completed. Students can use their notes. The completed notes and answers to the worksheets are all on google classroom.

March 9, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
You will have an assessment tomorrow during class on the first 30 pages in the booklet. You can use your notes so you should have your notes completed. You will have to complete the assessment during class and submit it at the end.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1 - 7 on worksheet #2 which can be found on google classroom.
There will be an assessment on Thursday, 12 multiple choice questions. You can use your notes so make sure pages 1 - 20 are completed.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1 - 7 on worksheet #2 which can be found on google classroom.
There will be an assessment on Thursday, 12 multiple choice questions. You can use your notes so make sure pages 1 - 20 are completed.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
You will have an assessment tomorrow during class on the first 30 pages in the booklet. You can use your notes so you should have your notes completed. You will have to complete the assessment during class and submit it at the end.
March 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please make sure you have your notes completed from pages 1 - 20. I will post a practice sheet in google docs on Monday morning for you to have a look at. We will have a review class on Tuesday and Wednesday and you will have an assessment on Thursday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you are keeping up with your notes. You will have an assessment on pages 1 - 30 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you are keeping up with your notes. You will have an assessment on pages 1 - 30 on Wednesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure you have your notes completed from pages 1 - 20. I will post a practice sheet in google docs on Monday morning for you to have a look at. We will have a review class on Tuesday and Wednesday and you will have an assessment on Thursday.
March 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 18 and 20a in your notes for homework. You will have an assessment on pages 1 - 20 next week so please make sure you are filling in your notes. The completed pages are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete #1 and 2a-d on page 28 for homework. You will have an assessment on pages 1 - 30 next week so please make sure you are filling in your notes. The completed pages are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete #1 and 2a-d on page 28 for homework. You will have an assessment on pages 1 - 30 next week so please make sure you are filling in your notes. The completed pages are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please finish completing page 14 and also page 18b in your notes for homework. You will have an assessment on pages 1 - 20 next week so please make sure you are filling in your notes. The completed pages are on google classroom.
March 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 12 in your notes for homework. There will be a google form on Tuesday, 12 multiple choice. It will be completed during class. It will cover sections 5.1 to 5.4 in your notes, pages 1 - 20.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 12 and 14 in your notes for homework. There will be a google form on Tuesday, 12 multiple choice. It will be completed during class. It will cover sections 5.1 to 5.4 in your notes, pages 1 - 20.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 20 and 21 in your notes for homework. There will be a google form on Tuesday. It will cover pages 1 - 30 in the booklet. Please make sure you are keeping up to date with your notes. The notes from class will be uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete pages 20 and 21 in your notes for homework. There will be a google form on Tuesday. It will cover pages 1 - 30 in the booklet. Please make sure you are keeping up to date with your notes. The notes from class will be uploaded to google classroom.
March 2, 2021
Assigned to Class: 120
Please complete pages 14 - 15 for homework. Also, there are a few students who have not submitted an assignment. Please check your email to see if you have received an email from me.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 10b, c, d for homework. Also, there are a few students who have not submitted an assignment. Please check your email to see if you have received an email from me.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete page 10b, c, d for homework. Also, there are a few students who have not submitted an assignment. Please check your email to see if you have received an email from me.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 10 b, c, d for homework. Also, there are a few students who have not submitted an assignment. Please check your email to see if you have received an email from me.
March 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
For homework please finish page 8 in your notes. Please submit your assignment if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 12 in your notes for homework. Please submit your assignment(s) if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete the bottom of page 9 and the top of page 10 for homework. Please submit your assignment(s) if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
For homework please finish page 8 in your notes. Please submit your assignment if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please submit Worksheet #1 and Worksheet #2.
February 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete pages 6 - 8 for homework. The worksheet I sent you in google docs will be completed at the beginning of class tomorrow. Please submit your Stained Glass assignment as it is due today.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1b, c, d on page 5 in your notes for homework. Please submit your Candy Count Assignment as soon as you can as it was due this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1b, c, d on page 5 in your notes for homework. Please submit your Candy Count Assignment as soon as you can as it was due this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You should have worksheet #1 completed as we finished it together today in class. Please take pictures and email it or you can submit a google doc.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 6 - 8 for homework if you did not get them completed in class. Please submit your Stained Glass assignment as it is due today.
February 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 6 and 7 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete your Candy Count Assignment. You can email it to me or submit it as a google doc when completed.
We will start a new unit tomorrow. I will upload the notes to google classroom. If you have a printer please print at least the first couple of sections. If you do not have a printer please get an exercise or some loose leaf and place it in a binder and mark Unit 5 on the front. That way you will have all your notes together in one place.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete worksheet #1 that is uploaded to google classroom. We will correct it tomorrow during class if you have any questions.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete your Candy Count Assignment. You can email it to me or submit it as a google doc when completed.
We will start a new unit tomorrow. I will upload the notes to google classroom. If you have a printer please print at least the first couple of sections. If you do not have a printer please get an exercise or some loose leaf and place it in a binder and mark Unit 5 on the front. That way you will have all your notes together in one place.
February 23, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Just a reminder tomorrow is Pink Shirt day.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Just a reminder tomorrow is Pink Shirt day.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Just a reminder tomorrow is Pink Shirt day.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Just a reminder tomorrow is Pink Shirt day.
February 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the chart on page 32 in the booklet. If you have a protractor you can also complete the circle graph. Try and have your 50 items in 5 colors by tomorrow. Don't worry if you cannot get these items, I will have the information you need. I am still missing assignments from Feb. 12. We will be starting a new assignment this week so please try your best to complete the first assignment and email it to me. Remember Wednesday is PINK shirt day so please wear your pick shirt. Stay safe!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the chart on page 32 in the booklet. If you have a protractor you can also complete the circle graph. Try and have your 50 items in 5 colors by tomorrow. Don't worry if you cannot get these items, I will have the information you need. I am still missing assignments from Feb. 12. We will be starting a new assignment this week so please try your best to complete the first assignment and email it to me. Remember Wednesday is PINK shirt day so please wear your pick shirt. Stay safe!
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
I am still missing assignments from last week. We will be starting a new assignment this week so please try your best to complete the first assignment and email it to me. Remember Wednesday is PINK shirt day so please wear your pick shirt. Stay safe!
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
I am still missing assignments from last week. We will be starting a new assignment this week so please try your best to complete the first assignment and email it to me. Remember Wednesday is PINK shirt day so please wear your pick shirt. Stay safe!
February 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the last question on page 30 in the booklet. Some students have not yet submitted the assignment that was due on Monday. Please submit it as soon as possible. As mentioned in class today, please find 50 items around your house that we can use to create a circle graph. It can be candy, lego blocks, colored fish crackers, etc. The 50 items should be able to be easily divided into 5 randomly selected colors. You do not need these items until Monday. We will discuss this again in class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 45 - 47 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete pages 45 - 47 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the last question on page 30 in the booklet. Some students have not yet submitted the assignment that was due on Monday. Please submit it as soon as possible. As mentioned in class today, please find 50 items around your house that we can use to create a circle graph. It can be candy, lego blocks, colored fish crackers, etc. The 50 items should be able to be easily divided into 5 randomly selected colors. You do not need these items until Monday. We will discuss this again in class tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We continued with worksheet #1 in Health. Please so not lose this worksheet as you will have to scan it and email it to me when it is completed.
February 17, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should complete pages 41-43 in the booklets.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should practice drawing angles. They can create their own or they can download the worksheet on google classroom and complete it.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should practice drawing angles. They can create their own or they can download and complete the worksheet on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will finish the worksheet we started in class today tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should complete pages 41-43 in the booklets.
February 16, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 39 - 40 in your booklet. Please submit your assignment if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet that is on google classroom. Please submit your assignment if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 39 - 40 in your booklet. Please submit your assignment if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the worksheet that is on google classroom. Please submit your assignment if you have not already done so.
February 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
We introduced circle graphs today. Please see if you have a protractor as you will need it for the section on circle graphs. If you have not submitted your assignment please try and complete it and email it to me as soon as possible.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will have a working class tomorrow. We will be starting on page 39 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will have a working class tomorrow. We will be starting on page 39 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We introduced circle graphs today. Please see if you have a protractor as you will need it for the section on circle graphs. If you have not submitted your assignment please try and complete it and email it to me as soon as possible.
February 11, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will work on the assignment tomorrow during our google meet class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
We will work on the assignment tomorrow during our google meet class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will work on the in-class assignment tomorrow during our google meet class.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will work on the in-class assignment tomorrow during our google meet class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
I have sent out an information email. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Take care.
February 10, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Due to the announcement that online learning will start on Friday, your in-class assignment will be postponed until Friday. I will post information tomorrow so please check back throughout the afternoon to see what will happen on Friday.
Take care and stay safe! Hopefully we will be together again soon!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Feb 10: Please continue to work on your take home assignments. You will have to scan it or take pictures and email it to me when it is finished.
Due to the announcement that online learning will start on Friday, I will post information tomorrow so please check back throughout the afternoon to see what will happen on Friday.
Take care and stay safe! Hopefully we will be together again soon!
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Due to the announcement that online learning will start on Friday, your in-class assignment will be postponed until Friday. I will post information tomorrow so please check back throughout the afternoon to see what will happen on Friday.
Take care and stay safe! Hopefully we will be together again soon!
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please continue to work on your take home assignments. You will have to scan it or take pictures and email it to me when it is finished.
Due to the announcement that online learning will start on Friday, I will post information tomorrow so please check back throughout the afternoon to see what will happen on Friday.
Take care and stay safe! Hopefully we will be together again soon!
February 9, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students worked on the assignment during class. Please make sure all workings and formulas are included as part of your answer.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
The quiz has been changed to an in-class assignment. This assignment will be completed during class on Thursday. Please make sure you have your notes completed from pages 1 - 34. If you will be absent on Thursday please email me and let me know.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
The quiz has been changed to an in-class assignment. This assignment will be completed during class on Thursday. Please make sure you have your notes completed from pages 1 - 34. If you will be absent on Thursday please email me and let me know.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students worked on the assignment during class. Please make sure all workings and formulas are included as part of your answer.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have now started the grade 7 Health course. Most of the work will be completed in class. Any work that has to be completed at home will be posted on the homework page.
February 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your quiz in on Wednesday, Feb. 10th.
Some students are not keeping up with the notes in class. You should have pages 1 - 34 completed in you booklet. The completed notes are on google classroom. Please login to google classroom and fill in the notes you are missing. You also have 2 review sheets that you can work on over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given the take home assignment today. It is due on Friday, Feb. 12th. They can start it on the weekend but students will be given some class time next week to complete the assignment.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your quiz in on Wednesday, Feb. 10th.
Some students are not keeping up with the notes in class. You should have pages 1 - 34 completed in you booklet. The completed notes are on google classroom. Please login to google classroom and fill in the notes you are missing. You also have 2 review sheets that you can work on over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students were given the take home assignment today. It is due on Friday, Feb. 12th. They can start it on the weekend but students will be given some class time next week to complete the assignment.
February 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete at least 3 questions on worksheet#3 which was handed out in today's class. Students will be getting their take home assignment tomorrow. It is due next Friday, Feb.12th.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Complete example #7 on page 26 in the booklet. Your quiz is on Wednesday, Feb.10th. It will cover sections 4.1 - 4.3 (pages 1 - 33) in the notes.
Assigned to Class: 120
Complete example #7 on page 26 in the booklet. Your quiz is on Wednesday, Feb.10th. It will cover sections 4.1 - 4.3 (pages 1 - 33) in the notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete at least 3 questions on worksheet#3 which was handed out in today's class. Students will be getting their take home assignment tomorrow. It is due next Friday, Feb.12th.
February 3, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete the worksheet handed out in class if you have not already done so. Complete 5c on page 25 if you have not already completed it.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should be completing the notes as we complete them in class. There will be a quiz on Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Date will be decided this week.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should be completing the notes as we complete them in class. There will be a quiz on Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Date will be decided this week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete questions 1 - 4 on the worksheet handed out in class if you have not already done so.
February 2, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 23 in the booklet if you have not already done so.
Please make sure all your notes are completed from pages 1 - 23.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 23 in the booklet if you have not already done so.
Please make sure all your notes are completed from pages 1 - 23.
February 1, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We are working through unit 4 notes. Please make sure your notes are up to date.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1c, d on page 22 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We are working through unit 4 notes. Please make sure your notes are up to date.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete #1c, d on page 22 for homework.
January 29, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review your notes over the weekend, pages 1 - 20. I will be giving an exit card on Monday (very short, maybe 15 minutes).
January 27, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We have started unit 4. For any student who missed today's class please go to google classroom and look over the notes that were covered.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 19b and c for homework. The in-class assessment has been postponed until next week.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We have started unit 4. For any student who missed today's class please go to google classroom and look over the notes that were covered.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 20 in the booklet if you have not already done so. The in-class assessment has been postponed until next week.
January 26, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete page 18 for homework if it is not already completed.
Students should look through their booklet and make sure pages 1 - 18 are completed. We will have an assessment in class on Friday up to and including the area of a triangle.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We will be starting unit 4 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We will be starting unit 4 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 14 for homework if it is not already completed.
Students should look through their booklet and make sure pages 1 - 14 are completed. We will have an assessment in class on Friday up to and including the area of a triangle.
January 25, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 14 in the booklet if you have not already done so for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Recovery part II, long answer section is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Recovery part II, long answer section is tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page (double sided) of the worksheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please remember to hand in the Chromebook permission forms.
Please remember to bring in your order forms for your Pink t-shirt. You can complete it on line or print it and hand it in with your $8.00.
January 22, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the first page (double sided - so just the front page only) of the worksheet that has been uploaded to google classroom for class on Monday
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students are to continue working on the worksheet from class. Please complete the first two pages (double sided so 4 pages) for class on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Recovery assessment - multiple choice on Monday and long answer on Tuesday. Good luck with your studies.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Recovery assessment - multiple choice on Monday and long answer on Tuesday. Good luck with your studies.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
National Pink shirt day is Wednesday, Feb. 24th. Any student wishing to order a pink shirt through the school can complete an order form available on our school website. The cost is $8 and orders are due on Monday, January 25th. This is the deadline of the company to ensure shirts will be ready and delivered to the school on time. Orders cannot be accepted after Monday.
Also, Chromebook loan agreement forms are due next week as well. Please complete the form online or the paper copy that was given to your child in homeroom and return it on Monday.
January 21, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
The multiple choice section of the recovery assessment has been postponed.
If we have a full day tomorrow, the multiple choice section will go ahead tomorrow. And the long answer part will be on Monday.
If we have a delayed opening tomorrow meaning it will not a full day the multiple choice section will again be postponed, so it will be on Monday. The long answer part will be on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should complete the first page 3 pages (double sided so one full page and the next page).
The worksheet and the answer key have been uploaded to google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
The multiple choice section of the recovery assessment has been postponed.
If we have a full day tomorrow, the multiple choice section will go ahead tomorrow. And the long answer part will be on Monday.
If we have a delayed opening tomorrow meaning it will not a full day the multiple choice section will again be postponed, so it will be on Monday. The long answer part will be on Tuesday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete the first page 3 pages (double sided so one full page and the next page).
The worksheet and the answer key have been uploaded to google classroom.
January 20, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure pages 1 - 10 are completed in your booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students will write the multiple choice part of the recovery assessment tomorrow. Good luck with your studies.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students will write the multiple choice part of the recovery assessment tomorrow. Good luck with your studies.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete #1-6 on the worksheet handed out in class today.
January 19, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should be reviewing for the recovery assessments on Thursday and Friday. Please study the units you will be writing.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should complete d, e, f, on page 9 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should complete d, e, f, on page 9 in the booklet for homework.
Assigned to Class: 120
Students should be reviewing for the recovery assessments on Thursday and Friday. Please study the units you will be writing.
January 18, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students now have all review sheets for the recovery assessments on Friday. Students should login to Powerschool and look at the unit with the lowest marks or a missed assessment. They have to decide which units they will be writing and let me know by tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have started unit 4, circles and Area. The notes will be on google classroom this afternoon.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students now have all review sheets for the recovery assessments on Friday. Students should login to Powerschool and look at the unit with the lowest marks or a missed assessment. They have to let me know which units they will be writing by tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
We have started unit 4, circles and Area. The notes will be on google classroom this afternoon.
January 15, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students were given review sheets for the recovery assessments next week.
Thursday, Jan. 21st, Multiple choice
Friday, Jan. 22nd, Long answer
These review sheets will be posted on google classroom.
Students should spend some time this weekend studying for these tests.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students were given review sheets for the recovery assessments next week.
Thursday, Jan. 21st, Multiple choice
Friday, Jan. 22nd, Long answer
These review sheets will be posted on google classroom.
Students should spend some time this weekend studying for these tests.
January 12, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should be reviewing for the unit 6 test this week and the recovery assessments next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should be reviewing for the recovery assessment part II tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should be reviewing for the unit 6 test this week and the recovery assessments next week.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for the recovery assessment part II tomorrow.
January 11, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students have the multiple choice part of their recovery assessment tomorrow and the long answer part on Wednesday. They should be reviewing the chapters they are writing on these assessments. Good luck with your studies!
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
The in-class assignment was today on inequalities. There is a full unit 6 test on Thursday. Please go over your review sheets, notes, assignments and any other worksheet on unit 6 to help prepare you for the test.
Remember: Recovery tests are Thursday, Jan. 21st and Friday Jan.22nd. Good luck with your studies!
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
The in-class assignment was today on inequalities. There is a full unit 6 test on Thursday. Please go over your review sheets, notes, assignments and any other worksheet on unit 6 to help prepare you for the test.
Remember: Recovery tests are Thursday, Jan. 21st and Friday Jan.22nd. Good luck with your studies!
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students have the multiple choice part of their recovery assessment tomorrow and the long answer part on Wednesday. They should be reviewing the chapters they are writing on these assessments. Good luck with your studies!
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We started worksheet #2 today on inspiration. Please make sure you have completed worksheet number 1 as these sheets will be graded.
January 8, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students should be reviewing for their assessments.
Remember important dates:
Jan 11th - ICA Section 6.6 (Inequalities only!)
Jan 14th - Test - complete unit 6 booklet
Jan 21st - Recovery assessment - Multiple Choice section (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6)
Jan 22nd - Recovery assessment - Long Answer section (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6)
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should be reviewing the chapters they will be writing on their recovery assessments.
The worksheets plus the answer keys are on google classroom. You will have to look through this weeks posts to see all of the practice sheets.
Good luck with your studies!
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing the chapters they will be writing on their recovery assessments.
The worksheets plus the answer keys are on google classroom. You will have to look through this weeks posts to see all of the practice sheets.
Good luck with your studies!
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should be reviewing for their assessments.
Remember important dates:
Jan 11th - ICA Section 6.6 (Inequalities only!)
Jan 14th - Test - complete unit 6 booklet
Jan 21st - Recovery assessment - Multiple Choice section (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6)
Jan 22nd - Recovery assessment - Long Answer section (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6)
January 7, 2021
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please review your notes and worksheets for your in class assignment on Monday.
You should also be reviewing for your your test on Thursday.
Your recovery assessments are on Jan. 21st and 22nd. Please go to power school and decide which chapters you are doing for the recovery. You can do all 4 (Units 1,2,3 6) or you can do any 2 or any 3.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
You should be completing the review sheets handed out in class this week each night to help you prepare for the recovery assessments next week. You should also review any notes, quizzes, tests, etc. for extra practice. All review sheets and answer keys will be posted to google classroom. If you have not yet decided which units you are doing on the recovery assessments, please look over your grades in power school this evening and let me know tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please review your notes and worksheets for your in class assignment on Monday.
You should also be reviewing for your your test on Thursday.
Your recovery assessments are on Jan. 21st and 22nd. Please go to power school and decide which chapters you are doing for the recovery. You can do all 4 (Units 1,2,3 6) or you can do any 2 or any 3.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
You should be completing the review sheets handed out in class this week each night to help you prepare for the recovery assessments next week. You should also review any notes, quizzes, tests, etc. for extra practice. All review sheets and answer keys will be posted to google classroom. If you have not yet decided which units you are doing on the recovery assessments, please look over your grades in power school this evening and let me know tomorrow.
January 6, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should be reviewing for their recovery assessments next week. Students have the option to complete 2 or 3 of the chapters on the recovery assessment to help improve their mark. I went over their marks with them today individually and we discussed which of the units would be best for them to do.
Assigned to Class: 9-6(222)
Students should be reviewing for their assessments. I have uploaded the answer key for section 6.6 in the booklet to google classroom.
I have also uploaded the review sheet for chapter 6 as they can begin review for their test and recovery
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should be reviewing for their assessments. I have uploaded the answer key for section 6.6 in the booklet to google classroom.
I have also uploaded the review sheet for chapter 6 as they can begin review for their test and recovery
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing for their recovery assessments next week. Students have the option to complete 2 or 3 of the chapters on the recovery assessment to help improve their mark. I went over their marks with them today individually and we discussed which of the units would be best for them to do.
January 5, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students were given the second review sheet for chapter 3. Tomorrow we will begin review on chapter 2.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students should be reviewing every night for the following assessments:
Jan. 11th - in-class assignment (inequalities)
Jan. 14th - Test Unit 6
Recovery test: Units 1, 2, 3, 6
Jan. 21st - Multiple choice
Jan 22nd - Long answer
Assigned to Class: 120
Students should be reviewing every night for the following assessments:
Jan. 11th - in-class assignment (inequalities)
Jan. 14th - Test Unit 6
Recovery test: Units 1, 2, 3, 6
Jan. 21st - Multiple choice
Jan 22nd - Long answer
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given the second review sheet for chapter 3. Tomorrow we will begin review on chapter 2.
January 4, 2021
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Welcome back! Happy New year to you and your Family!
The Recovery assessment will be on Tuesday, January 12th (Multiple choice)
Wednesday, 13th (Long answer). It will cover units 1 - 3 (included in unit 2 is section 8.5)
The students were given a review sheet
The students were given a review sheet today on the first sections of unit 3. This sheet is for homework. They will be given other sheets tomorrow and for the rest of this week on the other sections that will be covered in the assessment.
Students should go over their notes, worksheets, any assignments and tests they have completed as part of their review. Any review sheets given out in class will be posted in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Welcome back! Happy New year to you and your Family!
The Recovery assessment for grade 7 will be on Tuesday, January 12th (Multiple choice)
Wednesday, 13th (Long answer). It will cover units 1 - 3 (included in unit 2 is section 8.5)
The students were given a review sheet today on the first sections of unit 3. This sheet is for homework. They will be given other sheets tomorrow and for the rest of this week on the other sections that will be covered in the assessment.
Students should go over their notes, worksheets, any assignments and tests they have completed as part of their review. Any review sheets given out in class will be posted in google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Welcome back! Happy New year to you and your Family!
There will be an in-class assignment on Monday, January 11th (section 6.6: Inequalities) and a test on unit 6 (full booklet)on Thursday, January 14th. Students should begin reviewing their notes, worksheets, assignments, etc. for the test.

Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Welcome back! Happy New year to you and your Family!
There will be an in-class assignment on Monday, January 11th (section 6.6: Inequalities) and a test on unit 6 (full booklet)on Thursday, January 14th.Students should begin reviewing their notes, worksheets, assignments, etc. for the test.
December 17, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
If you haven't already handed in your Holiday Shopping assignment please make sure it is completed for tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
If you haven't already handed in your Holiday Shopping assignment please make sure it is completed for tomorrow.
December 16, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students will be working on the take home assignment during class. Please make sure they have their gift items picked out.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students will be working on the take home assignment during class. Please make sure they have their gift items picked out.
December 15, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should be working on the take home assignment. Please bring it to school tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your in class assignment is tomorrow. Please make sure your booklet is completed as you are allowed to use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your in class assignment is tomorrow. Please make sure your booklet is completed as you are allowed to use your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be working on the take home assignment. Please bring it to school tomorrow.
December 14, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the first page of the worksheet handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete b and c on the top of page 42.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
please complete the review sheet on pages 27 and 28.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
please complete the review sheet on pages 27 and 28.
December 11, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please practice your questions on section 6.4. Your in class assignment is on Wednesday Dec. 16th, 2020.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Your take home assignment was given out today. Over the weekend you only have to find the items needed by looking in flyers and online. Bring the information from the gifts you will buy to school on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please practice your questions on section 6.4. Your in class assignment is on Wednesday Dec. 16th, 2020.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your take home assignment was given out today. Over the weekend you only have to find the items needed by looking in flyers and online. Bring the information from the gifts you will buy to school on Monday.
December 10, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Quiz is tomorrow. The answer key to your review sheet is on google classroom. You should review your notes for sections 3.1 and 3.2. You were also given a fractions remember sheet that you should be reviewing as well.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please keep working on the examples in your booklet. You should have pages 1 - 10 completed. Remember you can use your notes for your in class assignment next week so it is important to keep working on completing your notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please keep working on the examples in your booklet. You should have pages 1 - 10 completed. Remember you can use your notes for your in class assignment next week so it is important to keep working on completing your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Quiz is tomorrow. The answer key to your review sheet is on google classroom. You should review your notes for sections 3.1 and 3.2. You were also given a fractions remember sheet that you should be reviewing as well.
December 9, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please practice questions in your booklet on sections 6.1 to 6.3.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Quiz is Friday. Please complete your review sheet and go over your notes.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Quiz is Friday. Please complete your review sheet and go over your notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please practice questions in your booklet on sections 6.1 to 6.3.
Homeroom Announcements
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please remember to bring in non-perishable food items for the food hamper. And please remember as well to bring in a small donation for the Adopt a Senior's program. Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
December 8, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please practice the three methods for solving equations. There are lots of examples on pages 11 - 16. Remember your in class assignment is on Wednesday Dec 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given a review sheet today in class for them to work on as they have a quiz on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please practice section 6.3: Solving Equations with Variables on both sides. There are lots of examples on pages 9-10. Remember your in class assignment is on Wednesday Dec 16th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students were given a review sheet today in class for them to work on as they have a quiz on Friday.
December 7, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should be reviewing each night for their quiz on Friday. It will cover pages 1 - 21 in the booklet. Please review your fractions and the rules for them as well. Complete question 'b' at the top of page 16 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Complete questions on pages 6 and 7 in your booklet for homework. You will have an in class assignment on Wednesday, Dec 16th. It will only include the sections on equations in your booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Complete questions on pages 6 and 7 in your booklet for homework. You will have an in class assignment on Wednesday, Dec 16th. It will only include the sections on equations in your booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be reviewing each night for their quiz on Friday. It will cover pages 1 - 21 in the booklet. Please review your fractions and the rules for them as well. Complete question 'b' at the top of page 16 for homework.
December 3, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students were given a fraction to decimals sheet in class. There were a couple of mistakes with the answers in the denominator of 8 section. It has been fixed and the corrected version will be posted to google classroom. They should spend some time every evening and on the weekend becoming familiar with these common decimals. They will have a short assessment on Monday converting fractions to decimals and decimals back to fractions.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students were given a fraction to decimals sheet in class. There were a couple of mistakes with the answers in the denominator of 8 section. It has been fixed and the corrected version will be posted to google classroom. They should spend some time every evening and on the weekend becoming familiar with these common decimals. They will have a short assessment on Monday converting fractions to decimals and decimals back to fractions.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Students were given many worksheets in class this week and it would be a good idea if these worksheets are completed before the new booklets are handed out.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Students were given many worksheets in class this week it would be a good idea if these worksheets are completed before the new booklets are handed out.
December 1, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete page 1 on the worksheet on equivalent fractions given out today in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete the first 10 questions on the distributive property worksheet given out in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete the last page on the distributive property worksheet given out in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete page 1 on the worksheet on equivalent fractions given out today in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should be finished their World Religions project today.
November 30, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete the first page of the worksheet handed out in class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete the 6 questions (d - i) on the top of page 14 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete #10 on the worksheet handed out in today's class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We are working through the assignment on World religions.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete the first page of the worksheet handed out in class.
November 27, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete page 18 in the handout from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please make sure all pages from 1 - 9 are completed in your booklet.
Please review your notes. There are a lot of concepts covered in section 3.1 and if you are having trouble with these concepts you will need to practice them over the weekend.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete page 18 in the handout from class.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please make sure all pages from 1 - 9 are completed in your booklet.
Please review your notes. There are a lot of concepts covered in section 3.1 and if you are having trouble with these concepts you will need to practice them over the weekend.
November 26, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students should review their notes each night. Students should have pages 1 - 9 completed in their notes. If they do not they need to complete these pages for homework. The completed notes are on google classroom.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students should review their notes each night. Students should have pages 1 - 9 completed in their notes. If they do not they need to complete these pages for homework. The completed notes are on google classroom.
November 24, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete example 1 on the bottom of page 4 in your booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete example 1 on the bottom of page 4 in your booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your in-class assignment is tomorrow. Please review your notes.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your in-class assignment is tomorrow. Please review your notes.
November 23, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your take home assignment was due today. Some students did not hand in their assignment. Please hand it in tomorrow. Your in-class assignment is on Wednesday. Please review your notes and make sure you have a completed set.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Your quiz was today. If you missed it you will write it the day your return to class. We will start section 3.1 tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your take home assignment was due today. Some students did not hand in their assignment. Please hand it in tomorrow. Your in-class assignment is on Wednesday. Please review your notes and make sure you have a completed set.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Your quiz was today. If you missed it you will write it the day your return to class. We will start section 3.1 tomorrow.
If you did not hand in your in-class assignment that was due on Friday please hand it in tomorrow.
November 21, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review section 3.6, order of operations, for your quiz on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your take home assignment is due on Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Review your notes. Your in-class assignment is on Wednesday, Nov. 25th.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your take home assignment is due on Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Review your notes. Your in-class assignment is on Wednesday, Nov. 25th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Review section 3.6, order of operations, for your quiz on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We have started our World Religions project. This is something we will finish in school during class.
November 19, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please work on your assignment as it is due on Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Your in class assignment is Wednesday, Nov. 25th.
Please make sure you are working through your notes so they are completed. We have completed all pages up to 34.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please work on your assignment as it is due on Friday, Nov. 20rd.
Your in class assignment is Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Please practice the worksheets from class and the notes from the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please work on your assignment as it is due on Friday, Nov. 20rd.
Your in class assignment is Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Please practice the worksheets from class and the notes from the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We will start a world religions project in Religion tomorrow. This project will be completed in class over the next few weeks.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please work on your assignment as it is due on Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Your in class assignment is Wednesday, Nov. 25th.
Please make sure you are working through your notes so they are completed. We have completed all pages up to 37.
November 18, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your MENU assignment is due on Monday, Nov 23. It is on google classroom.
Your in-class assignment will be next Wednesday or Thursday, date to be determined tomorrow. Please make sure your booklets are completed as you can use your notes for your assignment.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 37 in the booklet.
Your assignment is due on Friday, Nov. 20th.
Your quiz has been postponed until Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Please practice your multiplication tables and division with decimals.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your MENU assignment is due on Monday, Nov 23. It is on google classroom.
Your in-class assignment will be next Wednesday or Thursday, date to be determined tomorrow. Please make sure your booklets are completed as you can use your notes for your assignment.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete the first 6 questions on the Order of Operations worksheet from today.
Your assignment is due on Friday, Nov. 20th.
Your quiz has been postponed until Monday, Nov. 23rd.
Please practice your multiplication tables and division with decimals.
November 17, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete page 36 in the booklet. Students should be working on the assignment that is due on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Complete page 24 in the booklet. Students should be working on the assignment that is due on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Complete page 32 in the booklet. Students should be working on the assignment that is due on Monday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete division worksheet handed out in class. Worksheet is on google classroom. Students should be working on the assignment that is due on Friday.
November 13, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
All students should be practicing their multiplication tables.
An assignment was given out today that is due Nov. 20th.
Quiz Nov. 20th sections 3.3 - 3.6 in the booklet. Students cannot use their notes for a quiz.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
All students should be practicing their multiplication tables.
An assignment was given out today that is due Nov. 20th.
Quiz Nov. 20th sections 3.3 - 3.6 in the booklet. Students cannot use their notes for a quiz.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
There is a take home assignment you should be working through. It is due Nov. 23rd. Please make sure you are completing the extra practice sheets in your booklet (pages 18 -22).
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
There is a take home assignment you should be working through. It is due Nov. 23rd. Please make sure you are completing the extra practice sheets in your booklet (pages 18 -22).
November 9, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Complete the questions from the handout if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete the questions from the handout if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the questions from the handout if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete the questions from the handout if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Complete the questions from the handout if you have not already done so.
November 6, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete page one of worksheet#1 if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Students need to have pages 22 - 25 completed in their booklet if they have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 120
Please complete page one of worksheet#1 if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Students need to have pages 22 - 25 completed in their booklet if they have not already done so.
November 5, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please finish page 25 in your booklet if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please finish the first page of the worksheet that was handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please finish the first page of the worksheet that was handed out in class today.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please finish the Halloween activity at home if you did not finish it in class today.
November 4, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please finish the activity sheet at home if you did not finish it in class.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete page 6 in your booklet if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete page 6 in your booklet if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
We worked on an activity sheet in class today and if not completed in the time given during tomorrow's class the student can bring it home to be completed for homework tomorrow evening, November 5th.
November 3, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
No homework this evening.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
No homework this evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
No homework this evening.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
No homework this evening.
November 2, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
We have started a new chapter. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
We have started a new chapter. There is no homework.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
There is no homework.
October 29, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please review your notes, worksheets and assignments for your test tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review your notes, worksheets and assignments for your test tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review your notes, worksheets and assignments for your test tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please review your notes, worksheets and assignments for your test tomorrow.
October 28, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your digital assignment is due today. Review for your test on Friday. It will cover the entire booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review for your test on Friday. It will cover the entire booklet except section 8.5, graphing.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your digital assignment is due today. Review for your test on Friday. It will cover the entire booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Review for your test on Friday. It will cover the entire booklet except section 8.5, graphing.
October 27, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review your notes for your test on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please review your notes for your test on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please review your notes for your test on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review your notes for your test on Friday.
October 26, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Review your notes (pages 16 - 23) for your in-class assignment tomorrow.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Your take home assignment is due tomorrow. Please make sure you bring it to class. Your digital assignment is due on Wednesday and your test is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Your take home assignment is due tomorrow. Please make sure you bring it to class. Your digital assignment is due on Wednesday and your test is on Friday.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Review your notes (pages 16 - 23) for your in-class assignment tomorrow.
October 23, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-2(215)
Completed notes. All pages are completed in your booklet except pages 24-27.
Complete the worksheet handed out in class today for extra practice.
Important dates:
Tuesday, Oct. 27 In-class assignment on subtraction pages 16 - 23.
Friday, Oct. 30 Text on the full chapter. You cannot use your notes.
You should be reviewing the full booklet each night so you will be better prepared for your test.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Completed notes. All pages are completed in your booklet except pages 24-27.
Complete the worksheet handed out in class today for extra practice.
Important dates:
Tuesday, Oct. 27 In-class assignment on subtraction pages 16 - 23.
Friday, Oct. 30 Text on the full chapter. You cannot use your notes.
You should be reviewing the full booklet each night so you will be better prepared for your test.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete your two assignments as they are due Oct. 27th and 28th. Your test in Friday, Oct. 30.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete your two assignments as they are due Oct. 27th and 28th. Your test in Friday, Oct. 30.
October 22, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Dates to remember:
Digital assignment Oct 28th
Take home assignment Oct 27th
Test, chapter 2, October 30th
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete pages 20 and 23 from your notes for homework. You have an in-class assignment on Tuesday on subtracting integers and a test on October 30th on chapter 2.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Dates to remember:
Digital assignment Oct 28th
Take home assignment Oct 27th
Test, chapter 2, October 30th
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete pages 20 and 23 from your notes for homework. You have an in-class assignment on Tuesday on subtracting integers and a test on October 30th on chapter 2.
October 21, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete page 19 in your booklet for homework. Please review pages 16 - 18 as well.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Assignment due Oct 27th.
Digital poster due oct 28th.
Test Oct 30th.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Assignment due Oct 27th.
Digital poster due oct 28th.
Test Oct 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete page 19 in your booklet for homework. Please review pages 16 - 18 as well.
October 20, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete pages 29 - 30 in your booklet if you have not already done so.
Remember you have a take home assignment due on Oct 27th, a digital poster due on Oct. 28th, and a test on Oct. 30th.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete pages 29 - 30 in your booklet if you have not already done so.
Remember you have a take home assignment due on Oct 27th, a digital poster due on Oct. 28th, and a test on Oct. 30th.
October 19, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Take home assignment due Oct 27th.
Digital Poster assignment due Oct 28th.
Test on full chapter Oct 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review notes from pages 1 - 15 and any worksheets you completed in class for your in-class assignment tomorrow. The notes are on google classroom if you do not have them at home.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Take home assignment due Oct 27th.
Digital Poster assignment due Oct 28th.
Test on full chapter Oct 30th.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review notes from pages 1 - 15 and any worksheets you completed in class for your in-class assignment tomorrow. The notes are on google classroom if you do not have them at home.
October 16, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please complete the worksheet handed out in class on Friday if you did not get it finished in class. It was titled: 'Adding Integers Practice'
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 15 completed in your booklet. Please review these pages over the weekend. We will review on Monday because you have an in-class assignment on Tuesday.
Other dates to remember:
In-class assignment #2 Oct 27
Test Oct. 30
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please make sure you complete up to page 24 in your booklet if you have not already done so.
Important dates:
Poster assignment Oct 28
Take home assignment Oct 27
Test Oct 30
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please make sure you complete up to page 24 in your booklet if you have not already done so.
Important dates:
Poster assignment Oct 28
Take home assignment Oct 27
Test Oct 30
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please complete the worksheet handed out in class on Friday if you did not get it finished in class. It was titled: 'Adding Integers Practice'
Please make sure you have pages 1 - 15 completed in your booklet. Please review these pages over the weekend. We will review on Monday because you have an in-class assignment on Tuesday.
Other dates to remember:
In-class assignment #2 Oct 27
Test Oct. 30
October 15, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Homework is page 11 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
Please complete page 20 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
Please complete page 20 in the booklet.
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Homework is page 11 in the booklet.
October 14, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
I have uploaded the new notes for the next chapter in google classroom as well as the completed notes for pages 1 - 6. Please complete page 6 for homework if you have not already done so.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
I have uploaded the new notes for the next chapter in google classroom as well as the completed notes for pages 1 - 6. Please complete page 6 for homework if you have not already done so.
October 13, 2020
Assigned to Class: 9-7 (220)
I have uploaded the booklet for unit 2 on google classroom. Please complete pages 13 and 14 for homework.
Assigned to Class: 9-8 (217)
I have uploaded the booklet for unit 2 on google classroom. Please complete pages 13 and 14 for homework.
October 8, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review your booklet for tomorrows in class assignment. The completed booklet is uploaded to google classroom. Good luck with your studies!
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review your booklet for tomorrows in class assignment. The completed booklet is uploaded to google classroom. Good luck with your studies!
October 7, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Please review your notes from section 1.3 - 1.7 for your in-class assignment on Friday. The final copy of the completed booklet will be uploaded to google classroom today. Remember to bring in a non-perishable food item for the food drive. Tomorrow is the last day.
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Please review your notes from section 1.3 - 1.7 for your in-class assignment on Friday. The final copy of the completed booklet will be uploaded to google classroom today. Remember to bring in a non-perishable food item for the food drive. Tomorrow is the last day.
October 6, 2020
Assigned to Class: 7-6(225)
Complete pages 35 - 37 in the booklet for homework. For completed notes please go to google classroom. Please study your notes. Remember you have an in-class assignment on Friday. You can use your notes!
Assigned to Class: 7-3 (208)
Complete pages 32 - 33 in the booklet for homework. For completed notes please go to google classroom. Please study your notes. Remember you have an in-class assignment on Friday. You can use your notes!
